Wednesday 5 April 2017

William, Kate and Harry Join Families & Victims for Service of Hope

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry attended a Service of Hope at Westminster Abbey following the terror attacks which took place in Westminster on 22 March.

It's been two weeks since the senseless terror attack took place in Westminster. Around fifty people were injured and those who lost their lives were Aysha Frade, a British teacher on her way to collect her children from school. Kurt Cochran a tourist from the United States who was visiting to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary with his wife Melissa. 75 year-old Leslie Rhodes from Claphan in South-West London. An unarmed police officer, PC Keith Palmer who was on duty with the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection command also lost his life. A Romanian woman Adreea Cristea who was on holiday with her boyfriend was the fifth victim to lose her life.

Last week Prince William laid a wreath in memory of PC Palmer, his note read "For PC Keith Palmer and all those who have served our community so valiantly; your legacy is our way of life. William."

Westminster Abbey shared a photo of floral tributes.

William, Kate and Harry were received by the Dean of Westminster at the Great West Gate.

Prince William laid a wreath of spring flowers including red and white roses and gerbera at the Innocent Victims Memorial.

The card read "In memory of the innocent lives lost to us all on the 22nd March 2017".

In a press release Westminster Abbey noted "The major denominations and faiths in the United Kingdom will be represented at the service".

Attendees included The Home Secretary, the Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, with the Acting Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Craig Mackey. Families of those killed in the attack, together with other victims, witnesses and first responders from the police, fire, paramedics, RNLI, lifeboat and NHS hospital services were also in the congregation.

William, Kate and Harry take their seats.

The Order of Service can be viewed here.

The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster, said:

'The violent assault two weeks ago against Londoners and visitors to this city from around the world and the killing of a police constable on duty at the Palace of Westminster have shocked people everywhere. Today we remember in particular those who lost their lives: Aysha Frade, Kurt Cochran, Leslie Rhodes, Keith Palmer, their families and friends, and all those who were injured. We commend them to the care and keeping of almighty God.
We give thanks for the vigilance and dedication of the Police and Security Services and we pray for them in their vital work of keeping our communities and nations safe from terror and random violence. We pray today for the communities of our United Kingdom, so rich in their diversity, that we may all celebrate what each contributes and that we may live in harmony.
At a time of sorrow, a time when we are tempted to despair, may we find hope.'

Prince William gave a powerful reading from Luke 10: 29–37, the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

William read:

'Wanting to justify himself, a lawyer asked Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbour?’ Jesus replied, ‘A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
But a Samaritan while travelling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, “Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.” Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?’ He said, ‘The one who showed him mercy.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Go and do likewise.’ 

The royals listening to prayer readings.

Candles were lit throughout the Abbey church.

The congregation lighting candles as part of the Act of Commitment.

It was a poignant moment as the candles were lit and the choir sang.

Paramedics from London Ambulance Service who played such a vital role on the day. William paid an unannounced visit to them after the attack.

After the service, the royals went to the Jerusalem Chamber to meet families and victims.

Prince William meets with officials who were there on the day.

Prince Harry with first responders, who were on Westminster Bridge during the attack.

The BBC wrapped up their live coverage with this very apt quote from John 1:5:

'The light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it'.

The Duchess wore her M Missoni Long Snake Stitch Coat. Kate debuted the piece in France last year for events commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. It was a very appropriate choice for the service.

Made in Italy, the coat features front button closure and patch pockets. It is described: "Silver metallic threads shimmer within the monochromatic hues defining a textured A-line coat that's visually shaped with an angled zigzag pattern." The £2,900 piece has been sold out for some time.


Kate wore her black Sylvia Fletcher for Lock & Co. Salsa Fascinator and The Queen's diamond and pearl earrings.

Below, the Duchess wearing the fascinator when she christened Royal Princess in 2013 and again in 2014 for D- Day commemorations in Normandy.

The Duchess wore her hair up.

Kate carried a new clutch.

With thanks to the wonderful ladies on What Kate Wore's Facebook Page, the Duchess carried the £275 Beulah London Aspinal Blue Heart Clutch in black croc.

Beulah London

More from the product description:

'This limited edition ‘Blue Heart’ clutch in black croc is a beautiful collaboration between Aspinal of London and Beulah using Beulah’s iconic blue heart print on the interior lining. The Blue Heart clutch is a grown up classic with a timelessly elegant silhouette that works effortlessly and includes Aspinal of London’s distinctive signature shield lock clasp. The intricate metal chain is in a gold finish and adds to the functionality allowing the clutch to be held in the hand or elegantly draped over the shoulder.'

25% of the profits from the sale of each clutch will be donated to the United Nations Blue Heart Campaign. Below we see the clutch in Cobalt Blue. It retails for $485 here.

Beulah London

More on the campaign:

'The Blue Heart Campaign is an awareness raising initiative to fight human trafficking and its impact on society. The Blue Heart Logo represents the sadness of those who are trafficked while reminding us of the cold-heartedness of those who buy and sell human beings. The use of the blue UN colour also demonstrates the commitment of the United Nations to combating this crime against human dignity.' 

Kate completed the look with her black suede Gianvito Rossi pumps. They are available for $675 at Net-A-Porter.

Gianvito Rossi

For those who didn't see the service, there's a video available on YouTube (William's reading is about 12 minutes in).

An arrival video from the BBC.

In case you missed it, the Duchess attended the opening night of 42nd Street last night in aid of East Anglia's Children's Hospices. Kate was chic in a Marchesa Notte dress and Kate Spade Pretty Pom Tassel Earrings.

You can view the post here.


  1. Rebecca - Sweden5 April 2017 at 12:13

    I really like that it's a service of HOPE. Darkness is never beaten by hatered and more darkness. It's beaten by light, by hope!

    Very, very poignant event all around! Very happy to see the royals at this event (actually a bit surprised that not more were there)

    It was a beautiful way of remembering and a beautiful way off coming together in defience!

    A focus on the victims and the helpers! Just as it should be! For that one person doing harm, there were an immensely larger group doing good! THAT is what I choose to see humanity as.

    I always love how many religions are involved in these services. Espcially for an event like today. This is not an occation for separation, it's a time for inclusion! Just as was pointed out many times during the service!

    I must say, William did a great job with his reading. His voice was really powerful. He felt so... kingly! And the good samaritan is so important! This event is celebrating so many good samaritans, good neighbours!

    Fashion is soooo unimportant at a day like today but she looks very beautiful and a perfect combination of repeats. Subdued but not sad. Very regal! And how jarring to see William and Harry in black ties and dark suits. I see why they wear the blue suits more often, because these dark suits really show an impact at events like these in contaast to their regular "look".

    And lastly, I am thinking of all the people affected by these events. Both directly, hoping they can find peace and coping. But also all us indirectly affected. I hope and pray that hate and fear will not find a place into people in the wake of this event.

    (Random wondering. I noticed Harry was walking in front of William and Kate into this event. Seems highly unusual. Is there a reason why?)

    1. I noticed Harry leading in too Rebecca. I'm not sure whether it's just their natural informality between the three of them or just the order they were lined up outside so Harry was the first out of the line of them to lead in? It was very unusual, non the less. But maybe they decided that protocol wasn't such an important thing to follow today.

    2. It usually goes by seniority Rebecca, which is why the Queen is always last to arrive/enter. So obviously William is the most senior royal there he would be last to enter.

      And I agree, William did an excellent job with the reading, really superb, it was very well delivered.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden5 April 2017 at 14:12

      Ooooh, that's right Claudia. I got mixed up! Ofc it is. It probably just looked wierd because they were so few but now that you say it, ofc it gets more senior the later you come. Duuh! :P

  2. oh I love the solemn of the event such lovely duo we seen royal trio again

  3. My sincere thoughts are with the families of the victim's and those who were injured in this senseless act. Innocent people just going about their ordinary day and to be met with such tragedy, I can't even think about it without tears filling my eyes. Same story in Russia just the other day, senseless acts in St. Petersburg which affected so many communters going home from work and college. I would like to tell the people of Britain and all those around the world to please be strong. Be unified in this fight against terrorism and please don't blame an entire religion for the senseless acts of one individual. Spread love around like confetti :)

    On another note, I'm so pleased that Kate wore this coat again. It's far too lovely to have just been worn once. Not sure about the hat tho, I wish that she would stick to pillbox hats or wide brimmed hats but overall a very sophisticated look.

    William's reading was so apt, poignant and moving. I'm really touched by the service today.

    Love Avee from SA

    1. It was a very fitting service, very thoughtfully planned.

      I've added a video with a good portion of the service for those who didn't see it.

    2. Charlotte, thank you for including a video of the service. It was so beautifully moving.

    3. Avee, I like what you said,, spread love around like confetti :) We need more love than hate, in todays world where life is so fragile and the future so unpredictable.

    4. Thank you Siddhii :) You are right, the future is so unpredictable but hopefully with more love and unity, we can all stand together and create a better tomorrow for our children and the generations to come :)

      Love from Avee

  4. Montmarayroyal5 April 2017 at 12:37

    I though she looked lovely today! Her coat, while somber was not all black. Just right for a service of hope. Not a fan of the hat, but love the updo and the clutch.

  5. Prayers to the victims that lost their lives & those that were injured, & to their family members & loved ones. Can't believe it's been two weeks since it happened, so horrible. Melissa Cochran, Kurt's widow, has an amazing spirit & strength. She has made a lot of progress in her recovery. I hope the other survivors have had the support that she has had & are also on the road to recovery.
    William's piece that he read was touching, there were many good Samaritans that day, helping & comforting the victims.
    Kate looked nice & appropriate for today's service...the only thing I have an issue with is, why is she smiling in some of the photos with the Dean? I know he is smiling too & Harry is slightly, also, but it struck me as odd to see her smiling that way before such a solemn service. It seemed a bit disrespectful to me, maybe the photographer caught her at a bad moment.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden5 April 2017 at 12:50

      All the royals and important people were smiling and talking and exchnaging pleasantries etc. The whole service didn't seem sad in a way. It seemed... heavy, but not sad.

    2. Yes, it was a service of 'hope' after all, not sadness. I just thought it was strange to see her look like that. William & Harry seemed pleasant, yet solemn. I haven't seen other photos, so maybe I'm just singling Kate out unfairly.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden5 April 2017 at 13:13

      Yeah, they smiled about as much as she did :)

    4. She has a face that breaks into a lovely balanced smile easily. William would be better liked if his facial genetics were slightly more free. She smiled when greeting anyone as she always does. Wow, the only hope to survive and move on as a culture after these horrible events is to have honest emotions. I could wax poetic about the relief of a genuine smile in trying times, but the famous Brit literature has that covered, right? These photos are micro-seconds- lighten up on the meaning of their expressions.

    5. Kiwi Gal, If you watch the video of the service provided here and watch Kate, during the service Kate looked very solemn and very sad. I truly believe she was having a very, very hard time keeping from crying like a baby (like I was when I watched the service). I have never, to this date, ever seen her look so distraught. You have to watch the whole video to know what I mean, btw.

    6. Ellen, she does have a face that breaks easily into a smile. I know photos are representative of micro-seconds, I think I was feeling emotional myself & jumped on it a bit.
      surfer girl, I have now watched the video of the service & she did look very solemn & sincere. The service was very moving.

  6. My thoughts and prayers with the families. It is such dark times we live in, we could hold a service every week to memorate those who pass in senseless attacks. Aweful!!

    Totally unimportant note but how on earth these ladies are so fast to identify new items. Can't understand, sorry.

    1. I don't know how they do it, I imagine they are very familiar with various brands and quickly check Kate favourites first. They are amazing :)

    2. Rebecca - Sweden5 April 2017 at 13:05

      You kind of get to know the differnt brands. And have a list of her usual brands. This clasp is very much a signature of Aspinal and she has worn the brand before etc. I'm not fast enough to be able to ID stuff most of the time but you can kind of get a sense that something might be from one brand. And sometimes you are totally wrong. It's like all things, if you are interested enough and look at enough stuff you learn to see patterns :) It's really cool following them on twitter :)

    3. They must learn the catalogues by heart😁. Thanks anyway!

  7. Duchess fan from Downunder5 April 2017 at 13:13

    Very appropriate! I thought we might see this coat again today, and I was right!

    The service wasn't televised in Oz, but my thoughts are with all those the victims of senseless crimes.

    Ps. I'm loving the deviation from suede clutches!

  8. Sharyn from AUS5 April 2017 at 13:30

    Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Looked like a beautiful ceremony. I have liked the focus in hope, community and the heroic acts on many, rather than a focus on a negative individual. I have always felt a connection to London and that has not changed in the wake of this act.

    To speak of Kate, I like that this was a lovely repeat but at the same time, it was nothing spectacular. It allowed the focus to stay on the event.

    1. Lovely comments about the service, Sharyn. It seemed to be such an encouragement during these volatile time. Thinking about those who were directly affected and must cope going on.

      I thought Kate looked as if she could have been from another century from the waist up. Her hair is very pretty from the back.

  9. A very fitting outfit for a touching day. Interesting that she wore black stockings - I wonder if a new trend is about to start. I know black tights have been in for awhile now but I haven't really seen many people in black sheer stockings.

    1. Black sheer stockings are mourni g for summer, Queen Letizia wore them too , days ago to a funeral..


    2. I agree that this is a very fitting outfit for the occasion. I love that she wore the sheer stockings, I think it gives it a more elegant, formal look than the heavier stockings. I know stockings aren't worn much anymore, but when I have a special meeting and I am wearing black, I do black sheer stockings. The new purse is a nice touch as well. Very appropriate. Both Harry and William look very handsome in their dark suits. Beautiful ceremony and also like that it is one of hope! We need more of that! cc

    3. I'm wearing sheer black stockings today at work. I'm a physician, and I do not feel comfortable wearing skirts/dresses without stockings while in the clinic. I don't know if they are "on trend" or not, but I've worn them regularly for a few years now, sheer nude and sheer black (and jet black in the fall/winter). I wish to be comfortable without...but alas no.

    4. The Queen always wears sheer black stockings with mourning. So do the rest of the royal ladies. Laura Bush looked odd in flesh colored hosiery at the Queen Mother's funeral, or was it Princess Margaret's? Kate is adhering to the royal dress code.

  10. I watched the video of the service. I cried like a baby. The service was very intense, as most memorials are, but this was amplified by worldwide coverage and being housed in such a presence as Westminster Abbey. My heart went out to Kate, who to me, looked like it was so hard "keeping it together". She looked distraught and rightly so. I would have hugged her if I could. Such a contrast to last night, yet she had to adapt. She'll manage fine I know. I just felt empathy for her today because I had never seen her look so very sad. The Queen and Prince Phillip have been through many solemn services and have adapted. Kate will find the strength each time also. That is my prayer.

    1. Not to nitpick surfer girl, but really? You felt sympathy for Kate? You must really love her.
      My heart went out to the people who *actually* lost loved ones that day. Kate actually has it quite easy compared to the rest of us. Attending a service is not as hard as losing people, or knowing that people you love can be lost in a similar manner. Every time my husband goes to Europe I am anxious knowing that he is less safe than he is in the US, in this present climate. I worry for my children when they go to school - with the gun laws being as they are. I cried when my first grader told me that they were taught what they would have to do if there was a gunman in the building. That their teacher would have to shield them with their bodies. That I cry for. Not for Kate. I worry for myself every single time I fly, knowing how hard it will be for my children if something were to happen to me. Kate will never have to live with that cloud hanging over her. She has the best protection in the world for her children and loved ones.
      I feel no sympathy for her whatsoever because she has to attend memorials. I envy her for the amount of security that she has.

    2. I have already expressed my feelings regarding the victims and their families. And, just because you think someone "has it easy" so to speak, they are allowed empathy also. They are Royal duties and may seem easy, but, maybe not all of them are. I would rather err on the side of caring versus not caring, but that is just my take on life.
      No offense. It gets tricky when we start deciding who deserves caring and empathy and who doesn't.

    3. Surfer girl, You cried for Kate, because you have a big heart. I am sure you cried for the victims as well. And just because Kate has excellent protection, she or any member of her family could be lost in an plane accident, or shooting etc. Remember Diana? No one is guaranteed tomorrow.

    4. I was actually crying during the service for the victims and their families and the situation in general (not Kate) and in the process, I noticed the dismay and sorrow on Kate's face and felt compassion for her seeming struggle to hold her feelings in when they were probably as strong as mine were in experiencing the service. I had never seen her like that before. I guess I didn't make myself clear in explaining that prior to this. Hope that makes sense.

    5. Surfer girl, I don't think you need to defend your sympathy at all. Such events are hard on everyone and I think you're perfectly right and allowed to feel for Kate and those in attendance today.

      As Tedi said: security agents don't guarantee safety. In my opinion, brushing someone's feelings off because they're privileged is a rather cold point of view. Hardships come to everyone in life, royal or not.

    6. Europe is not that unsafe, Rosman. You yourself talk about the danger of shootings in the US due to lenient gun laws. I do not consider myself less safe in Europe than I would in the US.

      I agree with you, surfer girl, that Kate looked more sad and solemn than she usually does even at somber events. It's understandable and probably partly empathy for all those impacted by the attack and partly the knowledge that not only William and she but also their children are a potential targets.

    7. I am sure Catherine was moved in her compassion for the victims and felt the presence of the holy spirit, which is a powerful thing. What a special service.

    8. Just because William and Kate have protection officers, that doesn't mean that they don't worry about their children and families. Being royal should not exclude them from the compassion and empathy of others. Rosman, I certainly understand the fears and concerns you have for your family. Children in the US (or anywhere) should not have to worry about their safety at school or practice gunfire drills. All of our countries have particular challenges (some unique and some universal) that can cause all of us great concern and fear. The royal family is not exempt from that. Compassion and empathy are greatly needed in our world right now and picking and choosing who deserves them and who doesn't is just plain wrong.

    9. Zora from Prague5 April 2017 at 21:49

      Thank you, Sarah from US, for articulating it so well. I second every word of yours.

    10. Wait a minute. Before you jump down my throats and become all ultra-sanctimonious on me please do me the favor of reading what I wrote. And don't call me cold. I am not, nor is my perspective.

      I have not written that I am not sympathetic to Kate. I have written that I am not sympathetic that *she has to attend memorials*. I understand the constraints and stresses of her situation and as I have written in the past, I sympathize with that utterly. However, feeling sorry for her because she has to attend a memorial - sorry I must be missing something here. I am sure that we can find reasons to feel sorry for Kate, but attending the memorial for a mother who was going to pick up children from her school is not one of them. I feel a great deal sorrier for that mother and her family than I do for Kate. That is all I was saying.

      That being said, I find it utterly ridiculous to equate Kate or another royal life or hardships to anyone else's. Yes, they have stresses and hardships but they are simply not equal to anyone else's in any shape or form. Just like my missing a deadline or losing a client is not in any shape or form equal to that the mother whose children were gassed in Syria yesterday.
      So, yes, we all go through the arc of life with happiness and pain. The royals do too. BUT this world is better to some than others. And I definitely feel more sympathy for some than others. That is all I was saying.
      So were all of feeling as compassionate towards Syrian citizens as you were about our favorite Kate who had to attend a memorial? Is that what you are saying? Some people are just in worse situations than others and of course we feel differently towards people about that.. I was just acknowledging that.
      I would greatly appreciate it if you all would refrain from getting holier than thou on me.

    11. I wasn't feeling so for her that she had to attend a memorial.

    12. Rosman. We obviously are just not "getting" each other. I will definitely leave it at that. lol

    13. Of course the brutalized mothers of Syria, or the poor man there who lost his entire extended family in the attack, are worthy of our deepest concern and sympathy, and our wish to help found a better world. But I do not think it is in any way wrong to note Kate's quiet distress at the Service of Hope. Her concern and sympathy, and her fears for her own family, are natural to her position. And her knowledge of this world in which the Good Samaritan is more the norm than the terrorist, but the terrorist is not therefore the less terrifying, is equal to any of ours. Surely empathy is never misplaced. Kate's advantages do not erase her vulnerability, nor that of her husband and children. Nor should they be used to decry our understanding of her.

    14. Courtney from NC6 April 2017 at 02:52

      Compassion doesn't need to be measured according to how deserving someone thinks the party on the receiving end of said compassion is. Compassion isn't finite or fixed in that it depletes or that if you extend it to one then there is none for others. Why do we have to pick apart someone's kind heart or compassion? I don't think that Kate is less deserving of compassion or empathy because she has more enviable security or circumstances. She has more security because she is a bigger target so to me that makes it a wash or a draw. I can feel compassion for Kate trying to hold it together in the public eye because if she hadn't the media would have had a field day and still have compassion for those directly involved with the Westminster attack and also have empathy for an American with fears about the safety of her family. I don't know why it has to come down to deciding who is more deserving or worse off.

    15. I understand where you're coming from, SG. I just stated (elsewhere) that I wonder if people realize the gear switching that is required in her role. Living in a palace doesn't make her less human or diminish the emotional toll. Now add to this the fact that the attack took place mere steps away from where she got married AND her own husband's work as a first responder. Yes, I'd give her a hug too.

    16. Your response to "Surfer Girl's" post was , among other things , argumentative, and to my mind unfair. If you choose to make these kind of statements you have to expect strong reactions.

    17. Rosman +1

      You can all throw stones at me here as well because I felt no conpassion and sympathy towards Kate attending that service. I find it even disturbing that this is even a topic here.

    18. Zora from Prague6 April 2017 at 10:09

      I don't think anyone is becoming ultra-sanctimounious, Rosman. No doubt different people think and feel differently. The thing is you questioned surfer girl's feeling sympathy for Kate, you said "really?" as if it was something odd to feel. Of course we all find ourselves in all kinds of different situations. We don't read comments here of women from countries where there is war or extreme poverty as they don't use the internet. We are privileged to have the possibility of discussion and commenting on whatever we like, we have time to read, we don't struggle as people in some countries to feed our children, etc. I am sure we deeply sympathize with people who suffer and at least from time to time try to help them by contributing money, time etc. to various charities, however limited our help may be. Surfer girl and some other readers just felt sympathy with Kate's grief which was real, I believe. Somehow we were all affected by the attack as the Dean said, because we are all human. Of course our grief and Kate's grief is not the same as that of people directly involved but she, unlike me or you, was present there, talked to those directly affected people, felt their sorrow and to a certain extent shared it. That's all. And that's how their grief sort of "touched" her as well as it touched thousands of other people. There seems to be nothing wrong about that, nor about our feeling of sympathy. We are not sorry for her "because she attended a memorial" (on the contrary, I was happy she did) but we felt sympathetic because she felt pain and we felt pain too. At least that's how I feel about it.

    19. Thank you so much Zora. :) Your sweet explanation and summary was right on the mark with what I experienced and tried to share, as it was with many others as you said. :)

    20. Okay so I agree with that Zora if you put it like that. In that case I would have said empathy not sympathy. I do "get" you surfergirl - we see eye to eye on most things. I just didn't this one time !

    21. One thing to keep in mind is that it is Kate's duty to attend services like this for victims of a national tragedy. They may be gut wrenching, but that is part of her job.

    22. Of course it is part of her job. :)
      It was just sad to see her struggle so to maintain her composure. Like I said, I had never seen that from her before and my heart went out to her. I am sure the Queen had to learn how to somehow keep her heart from breaking at all the services she has had to attend also.

    23. Zora from Prague6 April 2017 at 22:18

      Yes, Rosman, empathy would probably be a better word here.

    24. I think the meaning of the word was clear from the context of the post. No need to change the original wording or apologize for the way it was written.

  11. Julia from Leominster5 April 2017 at 14:51

    Kate looks very nice and appropriate. I've always liked the coat.

    Best wishes for a full recovery to those injured and condolences to the families of those lost.

  12. Montmarayroyal5 April 2017 at 14:54

    When we're the other times that the hat was worn?

    1. Hello,

      Kate wore it when she christened Royal Princess in 2013 and again in 2014 for D- Day commemorations in Normandy. I've updated the post with photos from those days :)

    2. Montmarayroyal5 April 2017 at 15:03


  13. Glad to see William, Kate and Harry attend this service. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and officers who were involved.

    On a fashion note, one is simply tired of coat dresses. I am so tired of seeing her wear them. It's nice she chooses repeats, like this one, but Kate stop buying coat dresses! You can do so much more with a pant suit or something along those lines. You would think she would try to change up her style and become a bit more professional.

    1. Westminster Abbey (a holy place correct?) at a terrorism memorial service is not the day to bust out a pants suit! Professional what? Her job is fairly secure and I'm sure she takes mental notes of the Queen's standards. She seems to know her job well. This was not a 'day at the office' for anyone there.

    2. Does a princess need to be professional?

    3. Beau


      About being professional.

      Yes, she does or should.
      I think Kate does not know the meaning of that. She has never had a proper job that required dressing up accordingly.

    4. Pant suit in Westminster Abbey!?!?!?!??

      I pray not!

    5. As far as I know the Queen, QM and Anne never held a job before taking on their roles. Have they ever been accused of not been professionally dressed for their roles? Is Catherine held to a higher standard because of her commoner status? Or do many of us not truly understand the BRF protocols when it comes to dressing. And yes the BRF is way more conservative than the European royals. Seems to me it is very seldom that Catherine is not appropriately dressed, skinny jeans aside for many.

    6. Julia from Leominster5 April 2017 at 23:23

      There is no job more professional than being a princess. You are representing your nations, conversing with everyone from kings to commoners, presidents and diplomats, making speeches and having every word attended to.
      The queen and Anne have been trained in this profession since childhood.

      Kate's clothes on occasions like this have always been excellent but some of her clothes on other engagements have not been as professional as they might be. But what has worried many of us more is how her lack of professional experience has affected her public speaking and her ease in her role. She is held to a higher standard than perhaps in the past for several reasons:
      1. Most of the royal women Kate is going to be compared to Maxima, Mary, Marie, Mathilde, Raina, Letizia and Charlene worked professionally (or were a professional athlete in the case of Charlene.) So their standards are what will be expected for Kate. Victoria of course was raised for her role from childhood. The only one with the level of experience of Kate was arguably Mette-Marit and she is a far better speaker than Kate - in English which isn't her native language.

      2. Royal women must adapt to their times. Today most women work and many women work professionally so expectations are going to be more along those lines than what happened in the past. A princess has to be for today or she will seem out of touch.
      3. Unlike Diana, Kate was almost thirty when she married with a uni degree. She had the time and opportunity to pursue a career (she has spoken of wanting to be a teacher which would have been ideal.) Since she was often photographed clubbing and shopping in London and since schools have protected grounds the idea she couldn't do it because of press attention has never sat well with many of us.

      Everything we do in life has consequences. Kate didn't do more because she was dating William and wanted to be at his disposal. But that has meant she has catching up to do. One of the kindest and best descriptions of what has troubled a lot of us about Kate came from the portrait painter Israel Zotar from a while back - I was looking at his interview for other reasons - he spoke of Kate's unease at the attention. I fully believe she will develop into her role with as much flair as her European counterparts, but she has started slowly, relying a lot on youthful beauty and charm. As time goes on, a lot more will be expected, so it would be good if she throws herself into her role whilst she still has those attributes as a buffer.

    7. Completely agree with your assessment Julia. I have a soft spot for Kate and think she comes off as sincere and sweet, but she is not a "modern" woman in any sense of the word. Her and William's relationship comes off as a throwback to the 1950s or something. I'm the same age as Kate and there's nothing that I feel that I can identify with her (other than being a mother, but still many of us are mothers). In fact, I have more admiration for her mother and even Pippa who seem to have drive and ambition. Carole built a successful business and Pippa seems to always be trying her hand at something - I give her props for that.

    8. Hmmm... Have you ever seen any other royal lady from the BRF wear pants to Westminster Abbey...and a MEMORIAL service? Please do tell...

    9. People have different gifts,and contribute in different ways. Is the queen an accomplished speaker? Not in my opinion. Catherine has many positive qualities which will serve her well.
      As a school employee I can assure you that the publicity surrounding dating William would have made it impossible for her to be effective as a teacher.

    10. Ryan from Texas6 April 2017 at 04:20

      Julia, as always, you are my favorite commenter here. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful, reasonable and logical posts. I wish I could read your thoughts daily!

    11. I love these reasonings that some of us do not understand how the royal family works and how conservative they dress.

      If it is true for Kate Middleton, why on earth she is wearing so many frilly, girlish mini skirts and why her biggest sophistication of trousers is figure hugging skinnies.

      I know the answer by the way. Because she likes wearing those. Good for her! But please don't tell me this is how conservative the royal family are and she blends in beautifully.

      And I am not saying she is unprofessional all the time but she keeps repeating fashion "faux pas" a lot.


      Worthy points to consider as usual.

    12. I thought that was a really fair analysis Julia. Who knows what Kate's reasoning was, or William's, for that matter, when they were dating. Who knows what they were advised. And first love is a powerful powerful thing. No matter what, here they are. I do believe that they have intentions to get good at what they do.

    13. Kate cannot build a business or try her hand at something. She made the choice of her calling while she was still at university. William sidetracked her momentarily, but she has never deviated from her adult course in life. That requires its own dedication. I never understand why Kate is compared to 'professional' women, as though her role is that of an amateur. And while I feel that the red outfit may be a 'faux pas' in fashion, I do not think that affects Kate's performance of her duties. The grey outfit is excellent, and there she was fulfilling her royal role.

    14. Queen of the Sun6 April 2017 at 18:32

      I find it strange when people talk about Kate is 'not a modern woman'. Yes she and William seem to have chosen to go the more traditional route when it comes to roles. You could say a throwback to the 50's.
      But isn't having the option to chose your role, exactly the point of a modern woman?
      In alot of ways Kate had less choices the average woman has, but she also have many more options than most of us. Just because I don't have the choice to be a stay at home mom and more traditional wife doesn't mean I begrudge Kate that choice.
      In a way going against the current narrative of what a successful woman should do, should be applauded.
      Just my five cents.

    15. Julia from Leominster6 April 2017 at 21:30

      Kate had a choice and she made it. She married a man who came with a job and in doing so she turned her back on the possibility of being a stay-at-home mum, and embraced a job people would expect her to carry out with originality, enthusiasm and an enormous commitment to duty, because without that, there is no point of having a royal family with the huge unique benefits it provides. There is no such thing as a amateur princess - you are a professional when that rings goes on your finger or in the end, you will fail.
      Kate is not alone in marrying a job. All political and diplomatic spouses and most military spouses and many professional spouses also marry their partner's jobs. Ad countless women, I know many, marry for love men who don't earn sufficient income for them to be stay-at-home mums, even if they would like to be.
      The idea that a modern woman (or men) can do what she wants is a complete fallacy or huge numbers of us on this blog and elsewhere might be doing other things. All it means is that no profession should be barred for a qualified modern woman solely because of her sex. Yes, women can stay home if they can afford to do so and marry a man whose work doesn't require their involvement. Maybe that's what Pippa is doing although a wise woman will realise there may always be a chance where the burden of supporting her family suddenly falls on her through divorce or death. I've seen it happen and I've seen women who never worked suddenly having to take it up late. It doesn't become easier with time, rather incredibly harder.
      But Kate married a man who is expected to make her a queen-consort one day - if he - and she - are shown worthy of that. The nation is looking to her to represent the modern British woman. That's what the monarchy does. Many people would say the queen represents her generation's stoicism, sense of duty and honour, derived from coming through World War II. Anne with her hundreds of patronages represents the next generation of working women who also raised a family. Kate will be expected to represent the average woman of her time and yet be extraordinary too, a balance her European counterparts are also striving for. It can't be some retro role for which the public increasingly has no sympathy.
      I still believe Kate can do this but that she has gotten off to a slow start is apparent. No question she worked hard to win William, hopefully because she loved him, but somehow along that path, she seems to have perhaps underestimated exactly how much would be expected of her and how difficult that might be - she might have felt like a fairy princess but no godmother waves a wand and makes a good one without an appreciation of duty, responsibility and a passion for what she is doing, and a lot of hard slog - just like the rest of us.
      I'm sure many a person would like to use a company car for their own pleasure but we know it means the sack - likewise, Kate has great privileges but she is expected to earn them - they weren't handed to her as gifts. From the roof over her head to the clothes she wears paid for by the Duchy, they're there to support her in her job.
      Personally, I don't believe the rationale for this delay that William and Kate will work into their nineties. I believe in time they will abdicate their role to George and I even think this is a good idea, so he can take in his prime. Abdication may be a dirty word to the queen but there's no reason it must be to the next generation. William and Kate had little expected of them in their twenties. Now in their thirties, the time has come.

    16. Zora from Prague6 April 2017 at 22:30

      Thank you for your interesting comments, Julia. As I'm a foreigner they help me get the wider perspective.

    17. Additional perspective here...when William was born (35 years ago!) Charles was in exactly the same position he is in now...waiting to be king. Me thinks this makes the Windsor "stage" a bit crowded. ;-)

      Patricia and Queen of the Sun, good points all around. Thank you.

    18. Kate's role will be like First Lady of the US. There are no rigid rules. Each contributes according to their interests,personality, and skills. Like it or not, both William and Kate have their own personal wealth. Had she not married William , Kate could have joined the family business (traditionally an acceptable choice for sons), and lived a comfortable existence complete with a company car (if she wanted one),stately homes, privacy, andl little fear of being targeted by extremists. This is the economic system we live under.
      She does not have to accept someone elses definition of what a modern woman is.

    19. Just to be clear, Julia, I was *objecting* to the comments that make Kate out to be an amateur. My opinion is that she is dedicated to her role, but that it is different from that of the professional women who want her to be just like them. This is new. Someone like Princess Margaret was not judged by the same criteria, although eventually her life style was criticized. She was given credit for fulfilling her royal engagements, without the comparisons to working women. Kate is suffering, strangely, from the change in women's position in society.

  14. I am thankful that the Beulah brand is donating 25% of the purchase price of each of those purses, like Kate carried, to helping to free people from human trafficking. That is awesome.

    1. That is great, surfer girl, it's a very nice clutch.

  15. I thought she looked nice today and I like when her hair is pinned back.

  16. Great service. I am glad that they did this. Very important to acknowledge what happened.

  17. While this is one of my least favorite coats she wears, it is perfectly appropriate for this service. I do like the hat with it. I always feel like this coat has some sparkle to it(not sure why) and I think the hat picks it up. Bits of light in a dark, somber day.

    1. I just read about the coat and it does indeed have metallic threads of silver woven into it. It was a good choice for such a somber service.

    2. It looks like the hat may have some silver metallic
      in it also. The chignon looks better. Not like it was just wadded up, thrown up there and randomly pinned. This time there is a style to it and not a messy one. Good, Kate deserves a nice chignon. :)

    3. I agree. A " rightly done updo" :)

    4. Sarah Maryland USA5 April 2017 at 23:31

      Didn't anyone think the color was the wrong choice for a service of hope? She makes odd color choices sometimes like wearing hot pink to the 9/11 memorial or black to a children's center. Or grey to a commonwealth service
      A happier color would have been more appropriate here.. at least in my opinion

    5. Although it was a service of hope, the focus seems to have been very much on the people who died. I think a lighter color would have been inappropriate and callous.

    6. Kate wore summer mourning. The Queen perhaps would have worn all black, as did the princes with their black suits and ties. Their white shirts do relieve the darkness, however. Since this was a Service of Hope, Kate made the correct choice.

  18. Okay this post is not really about the service, but about her red Marchesa dress.
    I have been following some of the posts from time to time without commenting but couldn't let this one pass. This dress reminds me one my daughter was given to her aunt, as a five year old, and she wore over and over. Same embellished belt, embellishments over the body, cut, flare etc. Exact same color.
    This dress is quite childish and not at all high-fashion to me, at least. It reminds me of what you find in the girls' sections at Macys or Nordstrom for $50.
    The earrings are mystifying to me as well. I think that these kind of earrings are meant to be worn with casual clothes to dress them up. They would turn a jeans and shirt outfit into slightly dressier.

    Kate of course looks lovely but I can't say that I agree with all her choices. I will confess - I also sort of resent the fact that she has stopped wearing accessible clothes altogether. Part of my fun in following her fashion was to buy things she wears over the years I have bought quite a few things- like the Hope earrings, the Catherine Zoraida earrings, the Davina coat (which I wore a lot this winter), the numerous pumps she wears, Really wild boots, the Zara blazers, Burberry shirt etc. .. I don't have a ton of her stuff, but it was sort of fun to see what she would pull out and then see if it would enhance my wardrobe in any way. I would carefully consider whether one of her choices would work with my lifestyle and then add it, if it did.
    But what has happened to all of that? She has spent close to 80K USD in clothes in this year alone. Which is all of 14 weeks or so. When I stop to digest this fact I stop following her for a few days.
    Yes royalty should look outstanding, but golly. She *is* at the end of the day, supported by the public, one way or another. If she is only going to shop designer and clothes that look almost the same as each other, at that, then I am not really interested in following her anymore.

    1. Rosman, Our girl is not Kate Middleton any longer, she is a royal duchess and should dress accordingly and so she does. She looks beautiful and fresh most of the time and is a credit to the uk. She is not going to continue to nip into Zara like the rest of us. Her clothes are naturally expensive and I, for one, don't begrudge her that even one bit. I am glad she is trying new things and I hope she is enjoying it because for all the negativity and scrutiny she has to put up with a few new frocks is the least she deserves- go Kate, I say, you look great! Linda

    2. Well, good for you Linda. I am glad that you are able to enjoy her fashion without looking at the price tag. I do agree that she looks outstanding all the time.
      I am curious about how other people feel about this price tag business?

    3. The price tag is inconsequential as she in all likelihood does not pay retail price for her clothing. No other royal has a price tag put to their clothing. As her role increases her clothing budget will also increase and she is really not in the business of catering to fashion choices for others. She has to represent the BRF appropriately.

    4. I agree Rosman. She mostly looks great still, but I don't follow her as closely as I used to. Her pre-engagement years and especially the first two or so years after her wedding, she was a knock out - so stylish and chic. She wore designer a lot when the occasion called for it but also went high street at times. I used to enjoy trying to replicate her looks. But for the last few years, the style has just been a lot more staid. I know a lot here will disagree with me, but it's just how I feel. I still check in from time to time (and Charlotte does a fantastic job with this blog) but following her for fashion is not as fun as it used to be. I understand as the years go on and she grows in her role, she will have to adapt her style to fit that role. When she first became engaged to William, I along with my friends, were so fascinated by her style and grace (which she still has in spades of course). I think royal watchers will always find her to be fascinating and follow her every move, but I think with the general public, that interest is waning. (Interest in her fashion that is). I'm speaking from the American side of course and don't know what it's like on the UK side. She used to appear in a lot of American fashion magazines and such, but not as much anymore. In any case, I still think she's beautiful and doing a great job in her role. But fashion-wise, just not as interesting or fun anymore like it used to be.

    5. It's particularly annoying for us Brits because we're going through a tough time financially due to Brexit - there will be job cuts, tax rises, and already the disabled have had their benefits cuts. And yet the Royals haven't adjusted their spending. London is such a fashionable city - I wouldn't mind so much if the Duchess dazzled us with her fashion choices, but to spend so much money on clothes that age her seems like such a waste of money to me. Princess Diana always managed to look professional and fashionable, as does Queen Letizia. I'm not sure why the D of C can't manage it, especially living in such a fashionable city and having such a large budget.

    6. Bring, so are you saying that you wouldn't object to the cost if you were impressed with her choices???

    7. Brina. Spell check ugh.

    8. I do not know where the price tag came from but she buys a huge number of items at a discount. As far as fashion choices, like everyone, public figure or private, she has her good and bad choices.

    9. The price tags are not inconsequential. I think Kate used to do a much better job of being relatable and being royal. It is said she doesn't like to see people wearing what she wears, so I suppose wearing custom clothing pretty much scotches that. But her father in law pays for her clothing and he in turn gets a tax break as a business expense I suppose, so it actually is relevant if you are paying taxes in Britain, as Brina above says.

    10. Anon 21:22 - Kate managed to look very chic and elegant when she wore high-low clothing mixing brands of different price ranges. Letizia is a prime example of doing that. She is the epitome of professionalism and elegance but she probably spends a small fraction of what Kate does, on her clothes. She regularly mixes Zara and Hugo Boss.
      What I liked about Kate is that her wardrobe in the early days was actually similar to many women - a mix of high street and designer - as Anon1:09 says. All of us have some very nice things that we mix in with lower priced items. I think that part of her appeal to American women in her age group was that. And now she is just another royal with unlimited funds to spend on clothing. There is nothing very interesting about that to many of us.

    11. Courtney from NC9 April 2017 at 02:09

      I think Letizia as an example is flawed since she receivestarted a salary as well as money for clothing, etc. Kate doesn't get a salary. Also the the article listed items that had been worn previous years. I think the article has done what it intended to do though.

  19. I was deeply touched by the beautiful and poignant service led in Westminster Abbey. Thank you so much Charlotte!

    Monica, Carcassonne

  20. Just because a dress has a full skirt, doesn't mean only a five year old can wear it. Michelle Obama wore full skirted dresses numerous times while she was First Lady, one of which was for her visit with Kate and the Queen. And in my book, Michelle can do no wrong.

    1. Really? Michelle "do no wrong" in FASHION??? Oh my!

  21. I was speaking to a friend today who works at the House of Commons. I think she summed up the tragedy "They were just walking across the bridge, enjoying the day. We were going along, life as usual. And then we were bundled into rooms and told to stay put as no one knew what might happen next."

    Tragedy strikes like that. Sometimes, as in our twin Irish helicopter tragedies of the past three weeks, it is accidental. Tragic but not deliberate. But the truly awful is when it is deliberate but random. Out of the blue and into the dark. And then we who are left must make sense of it all when sometimes it is so senseless. And find the light again.

    Beautiful service. Thank you for posting Charlotte.

  22. A beautiful and moving service. I noticed how the Duke and Duchess are evolving, they both held themselves with much dignity. William's reading was wonderful.
    Kate was appropriately attired for the service.

  23. I think it goes without saying that our hearts are with the victims, their families, and everyone affected. I haven't had time to watch the service (thanks, Charlotte, for posting!), but I'm sure it was very moving and special.

    I have never liked this coat or hat--or this color, in general, on Kate--but I think she was appropriately dressed for the service and I really liked her chignon.

  24. William did a wonderful with his reading and what an appropriate passage of scripture. The service was deeply moving and I hope it offered not only hope, but some comfort to those in attendance.

  25. Zora from Prague5 April 2017 at 21:46

    Thank you for the post, Charlotte, and for the video link. The service was very deep and moving, beautifully composed, the texts so vividly appropriate for the situation. I'm so glad William, Kate and Harry were there. Thank you, Londoners and all dear British people, for standing together.

  26. What a sad over a horrific event sadly we are all getting numb to terrorist attacks because they happen so often we cannot let this become the new norm

    The duchess looks elegant and refined for this somber occasion

    Thank you Charlotte for your work.

  27. Tammy from California5 April 2017 at 22:20

    My heart to all British friends and Americans for the lives forever touched by this violence.

  28. Thank you, Charlotte for posting the service. The Church of England truly knows how to create magnificent services which strike just the right chord for the occasion. I was deeply touched by the choices of readings, music and the homily.

    Catherine looked wonderful. I am among those who love this coat (I had one very like it in cut and fabric in 1972) and the hat. I noticed (again) that her hair seems to be secured in a net. On another occasion I wondered whether she was wearing a snood. The handbag is lovely.

    1. Looking closely, Philly, I think you are seeing small hairs crossing the chignon's sides, rather than a net. If you look at the center, they are not there. I do like this chignon, exceptionally well designed for Kate's outfit.

      Now that I have had time to watch the video, I agree that the Service of Hope was beautiful and deeply appropriate. I suspect there was considerable personal meaning for William in the parable of the Good Samaritan, and the Dean explained it so nicely. I also liked the Dean's enumeration of the many countries represented by the dead and injured, and his words about the clerics who gathered in an observance of the tragedy, and about the flowers. I have to say I did not recognize any of the music, but it was beautiful and somewhat eerie. I am glad the three attended the service, very appropriate.

  29. The Duchess Catherine continues to shine out her dignified, genuine, caring and professional personality. She likely wore something less showy, so as to not draw more attention to herself. One can only imagine how challenging it would be to attempt to fill the shoes of a Duchess, for even a few hours. Until one has done so, and succeeded, mercy triumphs over judgements. May the King on His throne protect and guard all the innocent terror victims from attacks and their families, and surely He is merciful to them all as they heal and cope.

  30. Ryan from Texas6 April 2017 at 04:19

    Kate looked highly appropriate and beautiful today. My "fangirling" of her has waned as of late -- as a previous commenter said, there are only so many coat dresses, court shoes and Kiki McDonough earrings one can wear -- but I thought she looked so lovely today. Now if she would only stop walking while holding onto her fingertips (her newest "tic")!

    1. I think the grey outfit is more coat than coat dress. It is still cool in London, and Kate wore it over a black dress or skirt. The pattern of the fabric, called a snake stitch by the designer, is similar to a low flame stitch. And it is highlighted in silver threads. That seems symbolic, like the lighted candles. I wonder whether that was a deliberate reference on Kate's part.

    2. another "Kate thing", perhaps?

  31. I saw the floral tributes laid out in Westminster Square for myself last weekend an came away very tearful it was so very sad to see, yet London was carrying on as normal.
    I think Kate dressed very appropriately for the service and it struck me - was this the first time she has worn sheer black tights? I do not recall her wearing them before and thought they looked great.

  32. A nice candid shot of the Duchess leaving Pippa's home.

  33. Thank you for another wonderful post. Wanted to post in case you missed that a young woman passed from her injuries during the attack, and if you wanted to add her name to the post. Andreea Cristea was a 31yr old from Romania visiting with her boyfriend who was also injured in the attack. Praying that the other victims continue to recover

    1. I believe she was the woman who was thrown into the Thames River by the attack, and who was in critical condition from the time she was pulled out of the water by the rescuers. So sad, her family said she was a wonderful, lively person.

  34. Today I saw a picture of Crown Princess Victoria in tears at the scene of the Stockholm attack. Since she was acting as regent while her father was out of the country, the atrocity happened on her watch, and she was obviously heart broken.The king cut his trip short and immediately returned tp Sweden. Victoria's tears reminded me of Kate putting her head down for a few minutes during the Abbey service. I thought then that she was probably hiding tears.

  35. "The Bentley of Blogs" has just expanded its fleet. :)

  36. Hopefully not much off topic. I was just thinking of Kate's comment that she is a mother "first". From what I've learned that might not be the best or most accurate perspective, no matter how strong those maternal instincts are. Kate married William before they became parents. The marriage is the "first" thing and should be kept that way. Children need that united front and need to know, in a loving and healthful way, that they don't rule your world or your marriage. They need the security of knowing that it isn't that way. No contradicting each other in discipline, no leaving one person to do it more than the other. A united front.
    Kate, prior to children, had it very easy. I think she got a lot of coddling when George was born (and I don't begrudge her a moment of it). And George and William developed a very special bond. Then came Charlotte. And I know that many may disagree with me, but I think Princess Charlotte has turned out to be quite the handful so far. She certainly could have the genetic pre-disposition for it. (Think Queen Elizabeth 1, or King George IV, etc.) And, since William said he doesn't have much of a clue as how to handle a little girl in the house, I think he has deferred that to Kate. The problem is, when you assume motherhood "first" and wife second, that automatically kind of displaces the husband. And William is used to pre-eminence and coddling from Kate, in my opinion. He certainly doesn't need the option of being "displaced". So, I hope it all evens out and rectifies itself as Charlotte leaves those twos and threes tantrum prone years and starts pre-school. (I believe it will.) And that William and Kate can have and present to the children that solid partnering front that children so need. It is one of the toughest aspects of parenting, in my opinion. I hope we get to see photos of the children for the Easter Service. They change so much so quickly at that age. (Hopefully, Charlotte won't be wearing a French twist and kitten heels, yet, lol).


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