Monday 27 November 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are Engaged!

Today is a very special day for the royal family...Clarence House officially announced the engagement of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The couple became engaged in London earlier this month and will marry in Spring 2018. The Prince of Wales is "delighted" and Meghan's parents said "Our daughter has always been a kind and loving person. To see her union with Harry, who shares the same qualities, is a source of great joy for us as parents". The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge added 'We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together.' To follow all the events as they unfold, pop over to my other blog, Mad About Meghan.

Congratulations Harry and Meghan, wishing you a lifetime of happiness together :)


  1. Big congratulations to them! I wish them happiness and comfort in each other now and in the future!

  2. Hooray for Harry & Meghan!! ❤❤❤❤

  3. Hooray for Harry & Meghan!! ❤❤❤❤

  4. This is such wonderful news!

  5. Replies
    1. Surfer girl, I didn't even have to look at the news. I could hear you and Eve screaming all the way from CA and Germany, and I knew:)

      That's how to take everyone by surprise on a Monday morning! I hope they are happy together forever and that Meghan adapts to her new life well. My one bah humbug comment is just that this feels rushed. I'm surprised that it will be a spring wedding. That's the rushed part. Babies are unpredictable and Kate and/or William may not be able to attend. Perhaps, that's the non traditional part. A very small wedding with only witnesses. Anyway, excited to see the ring.

    2. LOL, LOL and we were even being on our best behavior, Erika. :)

    3. Erika, your comment made my day (other than the announcement!). I could just imagine surfer girl & Eve going wild with excitement :) Everything about this relationship has moved at lightning speed...I guess their ages play a part in it, but I truly hope they will be happy together forever, too.

    4. Im sure you were surfer girl:)

      Honestly, Kiwi Gal the minute I heard the news, I thought of SG and Eve screaming and jimping up and down:)

      I think H&M's age has everything to do with the speed of things. I expect baby news soon after the wedding. I think the RF learned their lessons about waiting too long with Sophie.

    5. Maggie - Minneapolis27 November 2017 at 16:48

      Erika - Zara Tindall's recent miscarriage probably doesn't help in terms of royals and their concern for age in regards to being pregnant and giving birth. Heck even Kate's HG, while not necessarily connected to age and not posing any threat to baby or mother if treated properly, must still add to that nervousness too. I get their rush, definitely. Although still, do think it would be safer to wait a bit first before even getting married, but now before having a baby at least. Yes older age increases the risks of complications, but science has progressed so much in allowing older women to have babies now too. And while it would obviously generate some controversy, there's always in vitro or surrogacy if needed. I'd love to see a royal adopt a child too, and Harry is far enough down in line to the throne to where it would be highly unlikely to matter in terms of succession. I know its probably not likely to happen for any royal anytime soon but it would be cool if it did :)

    6. I was surprised by The Spring factor, but then I thought of Prince Philip!? We of course don't know how his health currently is, but I wonder if "sooner than later" is about having his Grandfather in mind?

    7. I agree with you Maggie. In a perfect world, they should be able to take the time to be a couple before the babies arrive. I think rushing is never good. Everything will be stressful enough for them for a while without adding children to the mix.

      Interesting thoughts about surrogacy and adoption. I don't know how that would work with the RF. It would certainly be more complicated for them then the rest of us but it is the way of the future. While science has progressed and there are options out there for older woman, they don't always work. I know some pretty disappointed people.

      I commented about this on another thread but I was thinking that the speed of things might have more to do with Prince Philip's health. I imagine if something were to happen prior to the wedding, there would need to be a delay of a certain amount of time and then a more subdued ceremony.

    8. We had the same thought Becca.

    9. Becca and Erika, I thought that too. H+M's age plus, especially, health concerns related to PP both seem good reasons to speed things up.
      Btw, Erika, do you remember we wanted to tell each other within 6 months from April how our view of Meghan had developed? :) Well, October came and went and I wasn't able to come up with anything sensible - it was a bit of a roller-coaster for me. Now it all turned out faster than we would have thought, I suppose! 😉 I hope they will be very happy together.

    10. I do remember, Zora:) I can't say I have much more to say either. We don't really know her yet, I guess. I'm "cautiously optimistic" as Dee wrote. I hope it works out for them too but I don't think she will have an easy time of it.

    11. Come on. She's 36. That is young. So sick of this cultural paranoia that a woman goes off some fertility cliff once she hits 35.

    12. It's not cultural paranoia. Fertility declines sharply after 35. That's not to say plenty of women don't have children after that age but many have difficulty. A lot of the celebrities having children in their forties are using donor eggs. I think they are giving the general public a false sense of security about delaying childbearing.

    13. Erika, you are very correct, but I'm one out of the box. I met my husband 2 weeks before my 36 birthday after kissing many frogs. As we were older with life experience, we knew we were right together just like Prince Harry and Meghan I'm sure. After dating for 9 months including a six week European holiday (we are Australian, when we go to Europe it's not for two weeks) we were focused on marriage and children. Due to my advanced age in regards to having children, we decided to forego contraception thinking it would take years, with intervention. First month, we were pregnant. you never know!

  6. omg omg omg, I am dying with excitement!! I did not think it would come so soon. Imagine if the wedding and the Cambridge baby arrive simultaneously. But, I am thinking that the baby might be due in March, and the Wedding will be in May. It would give Kate time to slim down, get into her best dress and also get the sleep routine going.

    1. Goodness me, that would be royal watcher overload: a baby & a wedding at the same time! LOL :P

    2. I wonder if the timing was not discussed between the couples before-hand and maybe even calculated. The wedding hype will relieve Kate of much unwelcome scrutiny in the latter stages of her pregnancy …

  7. Woohoo! Finally! Congratulations Harry & Meghan xx

  8. So happy for Harry and Megan!💖

  9. Yaaay! Finally! So so so happy for them!! It's about time and I'm glad that they have taken this step forward :)

    Is it too early for me to start thinking about how I'm going to get the day off from work to watch their wedding? ;)

    Love Avee in SA

  10. So happy for them and for us!!! Next year will be so fun!

  11. Congratulations to the happy couple! Meghan is stunning, and I look forward to seeing what she wear at future royal engagements.

  12. Congratulations!
    Curious how she will adjust to royal life.

    Already love her coat and shoes 💕

    1. But thought the choice of shoes could’ve been better? They don’t fit very well...and certainly don’t look good in the photos! Just my observation 😉

  13. Thrilled thrilled thrilled for them! And for us - we have a whirlwind holiday ahead we get to watch, and a spring wedding (around the same time as the appearance of Baby Cambridge #3, yay) is going to be glorious! Wishing the beautiful couple all the happiness in the world!

  14. The news we've all been waiting for! Thanks for the coverage, Charlotte!

  15. They look so happy! What lovely pictures and look forward to more as we get closer to the wedding. And what a lovely tribute to Diana including her jewels and in her favorite garden too.

  16. I am a royalist, for many reasons that I don't need to go into here. The most important one is the fact that we have a monarchical constitution. So, whilst I wish the utmost happiness and fulfilment to the various members of the family, in my view, once we have an heir and a spare, the marriage arrangements of the rest of the family are of no more interest than those of any other young couple. I wish there was more discussion of constiturional questions on this blog. But perhaps that is because I am a lawyer.

    1. Cecilia. Claudia has a blog where things like that are discussed. You might enjoy that also. Do you know about Claudia's blog?

    2. No. Thank you for mentioning it. Where is it? (I should confess that the only reason I became interested in this blog is because both of the Cambridges were at the university where my husband taught - not that we ever saw them; in fact, most of the nice people in St Andrews tried very hard not to notice either of them.) Sadly, much of the comment that one sees online is fearsomely frivolous and thoughtless, and I am rather wary of it, as it makes one so testy.

    3. Claudia? Anyone? Can you help Cecilia with reaching Claudia's blogsite? :)

  17. Yay!!! Finally! Boy these last few days have been Tough! :) Phew! lol xoxo As soon as I woke this am, first thing I did was to check my iPhone to see if there was any news about Harry & Meghan & I was Definitely Rewarded! :) I Love The Location (The Sunken Garden @ KP) Love Meghan's Ensemble (Green Dress & White Coat Perfect for The Sunken Garden) Harry's Tie (Black in Remembrance & Respect of His Mother not being there!) The Ring (Beautiful Cushion Cut Stone from Harry's Beloved Africa & Side Stones from Diana's Collection) Perfection! Bravo! Yay!

    1. Totally agree - they nailed it all. And they were so open and forthcoming, but relaxed and obviously in love. I have a feeling theirs will be a slightly more relaxed public relationship than W & K, they both have a natural, outspoken charm. Can't wait for them to start appearing together, and the kids to come...omg! So much fun. No doubt Meghan and Kate and Sophie will all have so much fun together!

  18. Maggie - Minneapolis27 November 2017 at 17:05

    I like that the wedding seems likely to be before Kate gives birth. I think it's better for the Cambridges and even more importantly, for Harry and Meghan. I do wonder when Kate and William are going to do that rescheduled seems like it will have to be very close in time to the wedding, which actually doesn't worry me as much bc of any concerns about the Cambridges handling it so much as oof, their aides are going to be exhausted! I hope they've finished most of their hiring/expanding their staff that was inevitably necessary as the Cambridges (well, William) transition to full time royal duties. And man after the tour and wedding, the birth won't be far off. And perhaps planning an introductory tour for Harry and Meghan like the Cambridges in North America. And then going on that tour. All the while handling William's now full-time schedule. It makes me wonder if Catherine Quinn was hired as Kate's private secretary with the third pregnancy in mind - once maternity leave begins, esp after the birth, Quinn will not have much to do assuming Kate takes her usual maternity leave. She seems like the most qualified person working for the royals, so perhaps the plan always was to have her help with all the non-kate related craziness next year at least once Kate gives birth. Although it seems like it would have been better to have her as private secretary for William or Harry, or even Meghan, who are all in huge transition moments in there lives thus needing support and guidance of an older, experienced person with Quinn's qualifications much more than Kate will in the short and even medium term, unless she surprises us all and takes a short maternity leave and also doesn't prioritize spending time with her newest baby in the years before attending school, and then doing the school run for them too, like she has with the first two children. I know I've digressed from the topic at hand but just thinking about all of KP's next year really confuses me as to why Quinn was hired for the position she was,although don't get me wrong, I certainly think Kate (has always) needed someone older and more experienced than Rebecca.

  19. Congratulations to the couple. I just hope we do not have endless comparisons between Kate and Meghan. Their personalities and roles are so different that it would be unfair to both.

    1. I agree Lynn but I have to admit that I do find it hard at times not to compare the two. I'm trying my hardest to keep those comparisons inside though :)

    2. I agree, Lynn! I'm so scared of the comparisons. I love the Duchess, she's my role model and the main reason I started to follow with more interest the BRF.
      I also love Meghan, she's so different than Kate but she's lovely.
      But I'm so scared of the comparisons, the main reason I joined the fandom is the positive vibes it gives me. During the last months I have seen so many cruel comparisons (from the media, the average person the fandom), between Kate and Meghan that this news makes me happy but scares me at the same time. Which wedding was better? Which ring is more sparkling? Who got the most beautiful engagement photos? And so it begins, it makes me so sad.

    3. I think it's unfair to both of them to compare. They are different people with different roles to play.

    4. I feel exactly the same way Lynn L and Anon 17:32. Kate and Meghan each have their own unique sense of style and personality that I hope they each can be appreciated individually. While I am sure there will be some comparisons, it is not a competition and never should be. Congratulations to Harry and Meghan, they make a lovely couple and look very happy together. cc

  20. I'm so excited for the first joint engagement with the fab four. :)

  21. Congratulations!!!!!! to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

  22. Wow so so so happy for Harry!! It is so nice to see him happy he is Diana's son through and through it is so nice to see the first woman of colour in this high position in the royal family this is truly progress and about time! She is beautiful and looked very confident in the interview. Some people said she had too many strikes against her since she was divorced, black , American and an actress and Edward the 8th couldn't marry in a similar situation but people and the royal family realize that times have changed! What a beautiful day God bless them!! Diana is smiling down on them. I wish them all the happiness in the world she is stunning and they will have gorgeous children.

    1. So wonderfully put, I totally agree! The long history of forbidding divorced spouses has come to an end. It made more than a few lives miserable in the past, and had tragic consequences for some. Not only that but she is an American and a person of color - I am so thrilled and happy the Queen has given her blessing and Harry is so radiantly happy! The love between them warms my heart, as does the blessing of the crown. Finally the Firm has truly moved into the modern age, and gotten out of the way of true love. The genuine character and open hearts of Harry and Meghan as well as Will and Kate - will completely redefine the royal family, and make them more effective and relevant than ever. Blessings to them all! :) :) :)

  23. I agree, Penny! When I see William, Kate, and Harry now, I want Meghan to be added. And I also thought that Harry and Meghan could adopt and/or use a surrogate if necessary. I think they should hurry because of Harry's grandparents' ages.

    On another topic, as Meghan has stated, she has a "short waist" and cannot wear what Kate can wear necessarily. She's not as "perfect" as Kate, but I'm glad they are not clones of each other! And I'm so glad Harry waited form someone so special!!

    1. I think that Meghan is as perfect as Kate is. She has a beautiful face and going by how her mother looks at 60 something, she will age beautifully.

    2. Didn't mean to be derogatory! I think Meghan is actually prettier because she has the most amazing face and infectious smile! I think Kate is a wonderful person and looks incredible in anything she wears, but Meghan is a bit more interesting as far as fashion goes. And, yes, her mother is very pretty! Wish I looked like she does.

    3. I'm sorry but Allison in US.. why adopt and/or surrogate.. because of Meghan's age?

  24. I’m wondering what will become of the trio now with all their work on and around mental health?
    Will Meghan join, or will Harry opt out?

    1. I wondered that myself. Perhaps Harry and Meghan will have their own foundation.

    2. I think Meghan will join in. There is a demographic that isn't covered-preteens and teenagers. Meghan has already done some work with that age demographic overseas so I could see her plugging in there.

    3. @ Katie C.H. ...I really like that idea!!!!!!!

  25. I was so excited when I got up this morning. I was sick all of Thanksgiving break, so this really cheered me up. Just curious, now that its official, will you be combining both blogs together or continue to keep them separated?

    1. Hello,

      I'm sorry to hear you were unwell. I will keep the blogs separate :)

  26. We will have so exciting next year.I am looking forward with happiness.

  27. I'm very happy for them. I enjoyed their interview. Meghan seems so much more candid than Harry, William or Kate. Perhaps because she's American? I thought it was refreshing.

    As to whether they are rushing, I have two thoughts: 1) the older you get, the more quickly you know; no need to waste time with someone who isn't a good fit and no need to wait years to figure it out. 2) Some times it is possible to just KNOW very quickly. Sounds like they both knew, but were deliberate about talking through the details and the realities. I don't think it was rushed at all.

  28. Lynn and Anonymous 17:32, I understand what you're saying, I am sitting here experiencing that very thing having watched Harry & Meghan's interview. I tell myself that Meghan was bound to come off looking so much more professional because she has that background, those life experiences that Kate never had. It is something that has to be learned when you are young and before you get thrust into the glass jar that is Royal life. It doesn't mean that those two couples don't really love each other or won't be great at what they each do. They are just--different--and we are bound to find ourselves gravitating to one or the other depending on what our own interests and outlook are.

    I have said before that as a 65-something, I am interested in older children, youth, teenagers, cyber challenges, homelessness. Issues that William has been addressing while Kate seems to be more concerned with smaller children, with mothers of small children, pregnancy, etc. Not that she doesn't care about the other but not to the extent that William appears to. As I am not very interested in fashion, what Kate wears interests me only insofar as she looks professional and happy and enhances her normal beauty. As Meghan becomes more visible I may find her causes, her speeches, interest me more. Not that she is "better" just that we could become more "simpatica." Certainly I thought her interview today was great, let's see what happens next. But I hope that I will in no way every be cruel about it.

  29. This is such great news!!!!!Congratulations Harry and Meghan!!

  30. I wanted to thank you for keeping this a kate blog (while linking your meghan blog) !!

  31. The timing of Harry's and Meghan's wedding will be interesting with regard to Kate's child's birth. If the wedding is before the birth, the earlier in the Spring the better for Kate, or she will be pretty uncomfortable by the time the ceremony is over. If it happens after the child comes, Kate seems to be a woman who recovers quickly, so she should not have too much trouble attending, providing she and her staff arrange feedings and so forth around her need to arrive in time and then depart at a reasonable time afterward. I wonder how definite her due date is at this point--then they need to take into account that she tends to deliver later than expected--and I'm sure they can come up with a safe date after the child comes. I think that would be the best thing on Kate's behalf, but of course she is not the chief concern here. Anyway, it will be most interesting to watch how this all plays out.

  32. Wow such exciting news. Congratulations to Prince Harry and Meghan.

  33. I agree CeCe, Lynn and Laurie; I dread to see all the comparisons between Meghan and Duchess of Cambridge. I hope their relationships are strong enough to not let it affect them. It is their individuality that will make an impact as they work together as a team, along with their husbands.

  34. Candi from Chicago28 November 2017 at 03:15

    First time commenter but long time lurker. Just couldn't resist commenting this time. I have so much to say!

    Meghan is ALWAYS going to be more relaxed in public and in front of the press. She's a successful American actress. Which means she has spent her career in front of cameras acting a part. You can't even begin to compare that to Kate.

    There is no comparison between Edward the eighth and Harry. Not only was it a different time, but Edward was going to be king. It is highly unlikely that Harry will ever be king given that Charles, 3 living Cambridges and 1 soon to be born Cambridge is ahead of him. I would bet my retirement account that if William had wanted to marry Meghan, HM would have said no. The rules are different for the spare especially when there are so many ahead of him. I would also bet that at some point, the Cambridges start flying on separate planes when they travel.

    I don't understand why people are saying the wedding is rushed. The engagement was rushed but the wedding is on a similar timetable as W&K - November engagement, spring wedding.

    I think the engagement was rushed. They really don't know each other very well. And I'm pretty sure Meghan has no idea what life is going to be like as a member of the BRF. Frankly, if I were a British citizen and a royalist, this match would alarm me. Look back on how badly things went for Diana and Sarah. And they sure knew what they were getting into.

    It seems that people are reacting to the romanticism and fairy tale romance and the chance for a real fashionista. I'm thinking that this match brings the BRF into the celebrity culture. And that is not a good thing.

    1. Totally agree with all you said


  35. I’m thrilled for them. I think when you are in your 30’s you do decide your relationships quicker, I sure did. Met my husband in February 1996, I was 36. We were engaged by Christmas and planned the wedding for Sept 1997. We didn’t have kids but, agreed that we would have to become parents real soon after if we did. I think the RF learned a lesson with previous brides, and Meghan is getting more guidance and attention that Diana or Sarah ever had.

    1. Susan, with all due respect, you were SLOW (ha ha). I met my husband in November; we were engaged by March and married in the summer. Now that was really too fast for most people and I don't recommend it; and yet, we knew it was right, we were both older, and we were committed to making it work. That was thirty-something years ago and we feel we have a rare kind of happiness. I hope the same for Harry and Meghan.


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