Sunday 12 November 2017

The Royal Family Gathers for Remembrance Sunday Ceremony

The Royal family gathered in Whitehall this morning for Remembrance Sunday ceremonies.

The Duchess of Cambridge watched the ceremony from the balcony of the Foreign Office in Whitehall with Princess Alexandra and The Countess of Wessex.

Today's Remembrance marked a significant moment for the royal family. For the first time in her reign (aside from a handful of occasions she was absent when pregnant or overseas), the Queen did not lay a wreath, instead leading the service from a balcony. Her Majesty asked Prince Charles to lay her wreath, a decision seen as an example of a shift in head of state duties from the Queen to the heir to the throne. Buckingham Palace said the decision reflected her wish to be next to Prince Philip on this poignant day. Prince Philip's wreath was laid by his equerry.

Due to the length of the service and the Queen's age, it seems a sensible decision, although it was with a tinge of sadness I saw Rebecca English's tweet, "We will never see HM lay a wreath at the Cenotaph again."

The Queen and Prince Philip were joined on the balcony by The Duchess of Cornwall. I thought Prince Philip looked incredibly frail today, in a number of photos he appeared to be leaning against the wall for support. It's easy to forget he's approaching his 97th birthday. His presence today is once again a testament to his unwavering sense of duty.

The Duchess sang a hymn.

The National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall is a unique expression of homage devoted to the memory of those who have given their lives in war.

It was originally conceived as a commemoration of the First World War's dead by King George V in 1919, but after the Second World War the scope of the ceremony was extended to focus on the dead of both wars. Remembrance Day or Memorial Day is observed in Commonwealth countries.

Remembrance Sunday is marked on the second Sunday in November.

As the clock struck eleven, a two minute silence was observed. The silence represents the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918, when the guns of Europe fell silent. The time is marked by the firing of a field gun on Horse Guards Parade.

From GOV.UK: 'Every year, the two minute silence for the remembrance service on Whitehall is conducted with military precision. On Horse Guards Parade the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery fire their First World War guns to mark the start of the silence, and a Corps of Army Music bugler from the Household Division marks its end at precisely the same time that the guns fire again, 120 seconds later.'

The chimes of Big Ben were heard for the first time in almost three months this weekend, for Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. Repair work is being carried out since August.

Prince Charles lays the Queen's wreath.

In this photo, you can see Her Majesty watching on as Charles lays the wreath on her behalf.

Other members of the Royal family, including Prince William, Prince Harry, The Duke of York, the Earl of Wessex, the Princess Royal and The Duke of Kent also laid wreaths.

The scene at the Cenotaph.

William wore his RAF Uniform and Harry his Household Cavalry Uniform.

A smile from the Duchess as she looks down.

The Duchess leaving the balcony after the service.

Th march past is always a special part of Remembrance Sunday.

It is a chance for veterans to remember and spend time with those they served with.

The smiles in this photo are simply wonderful.

RAF veterans march past the Cenotaph.
A video from the Army in London.

It is the seventh consecutive year Kate has attended.

The Duchess looked solemn in a black coat.

The always eagle-eyed Heaven identified it as the Dolce & Gabbana Crossover Button Coat. The black wool and silk-blend double breasted button-down coat features a collarless design, round neckline, buttonhole on the front, front flap pockets, long sleeves, pleated waist, mid-calf length and straight hem.

Dolce & Gabbana

Kate brought back her wide brimmed black Philip Treacy hat.

It has been in her possession for quite some time. Below, Kate wearing it at William's passing out parade at Sandhurst in 2006 and for Remembrance Sunday 2012.

The Duchess accessorised with her Oscar de la Renta Pearl Sun Star Button earrings. More from the product description "Make a subtle statement in our wear-with-everything button earrings. Crafted with striking gold-plated sun stars, this darling pair is set with lustrous Japanese resin pearls." They retail for $175 at Oscar de la Renta.

Oscar de la Renta

Kate wore three poppies on her lapel. Each poppy likely represents a relative who served in the forces. One of Kate's great uncle's was killed during the Battle of the Somme.

The team at Cornelia James believe Kate wore their Beatrice gloves.The merino wool bow gloves are available in an assortment of colours.

Kate's hair was styled in a faux bob today, Amal Clooney walked the red carpet with a similar style recently.

Last night, we discussed the Royal British Legion's work recreating lines of the renowned poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ in iconic locations, as part of their annual Poppy Appeal. It feels most appropriate to end the post with a look at one of the images from Dunkirk Beach in France.

Lest we forget.

The Duchess of Cambridge will visit the Hornsey Road Children's Centre in London on Tuesday.


  1. Solemn and proper and pretty, both the service and the ladies (and gentlemen!). An extra poignant day for us royal watchers with this change in the Queens role. A tangiable marker of time passing and changes happening. Both sad and comforting in it's ability to continue on.

    I like seeing Kate repeat this hat again, and am very fond of this "new to her" hairstyle. It's kind of an updo but not really. Very retro cool. She really is into buttons lately! I think I like it! And it really looks quite a bit like Prince Phillips coat buttons!

    Makes sense with new coat since she probably doesn't fit into the one that she wore when pregnant with Charlotte (she looks bigger this time and it was at "pulling point" when she wore it the first time).

    Very nice as always seeing them honor the fallen. Look forward to seeing her again soon :)

    1. A very moving and poignant event, Rebecca, especially today with the Queen on the balconey and Prince Philip looking all of his 96 years. Time is marching on and waiting for no one. What an incredible dense of duty emanates from this couple.

  2. What a beautiful event to honour those who have made such a sacrifice, to serve their country with such bravery and self-less service. Very moving indeed.

    I know that fashion really pales in comparison to the importance of such an event but I can't help but wonder what does Kate's hair style look like from the back because from the front they look like 2 pigtails that have been rounded. Kind of reminds me of 2 Cinnabon rolls.

    Love Avee in SA

    1. Hello Avee,

      I just found one showing the back and added it to the post :)

    2. Her hairstyle makes sense (to me anyway) after it’s seen from the back. I like it!

    3. It's a faux bob. She has it rolled up and pinned from underneath. It's a nice alternative to her updos as it has a softer less severe look but all of the polish. Very nice look with the hat which I'm happy to see again. Smart coat with lovely buttons.

    4. A very retro hairstyle to commemorate the past.

    5. Thank you Charlotte, you are very sweet and quick :) I really thought that she had 2 pigtails that were rounded :) Silly me! I agree with US reader, it does make sense to me now!

      Erika, after seeing the style from the back, I agree with you as it does look like a lovely alternative to her updo's, esp with the hat.

      My first post was rather early and after reading the updated post, I also feel sad that we may never see the queen lay a wreath again :( It's always very sad when you realise that people who have been apart of your life in some way or the other, will no longer be there in a few years or so. I have always admired HM and Prince Philip for their unfettered committment and service. They truly do lead by example. I'm not even British but I have the utmost respect for them both :)

      Love Avee in SA

    6. I think this shows that Kate would like fabulous in a shorter hairstyle. =)

    7. SG, I am very fond of Kate's retro looks. They really suit her IMO.

    8. they truly do, rf. respectful and especially thoughtful at times and just plain fun at others.

    9. Caroline in Montana14 November 2017 at 16:01

      Thank you all for the explanation of her hair, I, for the life of me, could not figure out how the heck she got it like that!! lol

  3. Julia from Leominster12 November 2017 at 12:19

    A most moving event as always.

    Of course, historic and moving to see the queen up there.

    Kate looks very nice - a very polished and interesting way of styling her hair. Nice to see her with Sophie and Alexandra.

  4. Great look for a somber event. I really like the coat. It's pretty and seems less fussy and buttoned up than some other coats in the past. I always like when she pulls out something from deep in her wardrobe, like she did with the hat. It's been a number of years, so it feels like a new look, but it's not. The earrings are a good match with the buttons on the coat. It's a good, pulled together look. Either she's bettter rested than last night or her makeup is better. She didn't look as tired today. Or maybe she is just a morning person.

    And her hair! I am sure I will be in the minority, but I love the length of the updo and would
    LOVE to see Kate get her hair cut to about that length. I think a cute bob would look amazing on her! I know she'll never do it but I think she would look terrific with a short cut.

    1. I agree Katie (just commented above to another comment). This shows she'd look great in a shorter cut. I agree, too, that she'd likely not go that short (she seems a creature of habit lol), but maybe this might tip the scale for her to give it a go one summer & try it out (queen of Spain had a bob for about a year & it looked terrific too). =)

  5. Rebecca—I really like this “new to her” hairstyle too.

    And Avee—it is a beautiful event, I agree.

  6. Very nice coat, and I love seeing this particular Phillip Treacy hat again. I've dubbed the the "Alice in Wonderland" hat. :)

    1. The loops on the top of the hat form a heart. I always think of it as the heart hat. :)

    2. "heart hat" ❤️ (not as in hard hat, lol)

    3. Lol I always think of it as the chocolate hat because the heart reminds me of a chocolate garnish one would find on fancy little cakes and pastries but I may just have a chocolate problem....

    4. What a lovely problem, Erika. lol 🍫🍩🍪 :)
      And that does resemble those delicate cake garnishes.

    5. But Heart Hat and Mad Hatter Hat sound so much better SG:)

    6. Oops, Alice in Wonderland Hat not Mad Hatter Hat but that works too.... or Queen of Hearts Hat.

    7. You had to mention chocolate didn't you Erika?
      (urrg, lol) the seed is planted and now I have thoughts of chocolate (many layered) cake with yummy chocolate frosting, and vanilla bean ice cream on the side (two scoops) and I won't stop until I find it. I dare not bake one myself as that would be a whole cake. Thanks, Erika. 😠 lol

    8. Welcome to my world SG. You're welcome:)

  7. Don't like the coat particularly. The earrings match the buttons of the coat but I would have chosen smaller and simplier ones. Neither like the hat nor the semi updo.

  8. I really, really like her hair today. It looks elegant, chic, and "grown-up" - in the very best sense of that expression!! The round collar, combined with the black colour is not the most "becoming" style for her neck as it emphasizes the wrinkles she has there (some have those even at a very young age) and make her look very pale... Apart from that I like that coat, stylish and elegant (just like the one she wore yesterday, btw).

    The older I get, the more I had the opportunity to witness what´s going on in this world of ours, the more I wish these Remembrance Days to be Days of prayer and endeavours to establish peace, to deal with conflicts in a peaceful way and to remember the two World Wars as a strong reminder that we are ALL - WITHOUT EXCEPTION!! - citizens of this planet, this world.
    Let us cherish our individual cultures, beliefs, languages, religions, skin tones or whatever - LET´S N O T FIGHT OVER IT AGAIN, LET´S NOT HATE EACH OTHER FOR IT AGAIN, LET`S NOT USE IT AS AN EXCUSE TO KILL EACH OTHER E V E R AGAIN.

    We cannot change the past, we cannot undo what has happened, BUT WE CAN CHANGE THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE. To cite a former US President: YES, W E C A N.
    Excessive nationalism has caused TWO World Wars - let us all work together that this what we remember today, WILL NEVER EVER HAPPEN AGAIN IN THE FUTURE!!!!
    For me, THAT´S the true spirit of Remembrance Day......

    1. Very sombre event, everyone looked appropriate. And present.

      Eve, what you wrote is what I was hinting at in my post on the previous thread--these ceremonies are MOURNING for dead who should never have died. And as you said, they should be a reminder that that kind of war--well, any kind of war--should never happen again. Like you, I see what is going on in the world today and I sigh and think "we haven't learned." There is such a fine line between protection and aggression. I believe that leaders have a solemn duty to emphasize the former without jingoism, without nationalism, and minimize the latter. They have a solemn duty to see, and support, their military as true "peacemakers and peacekeepers."

      On this day I also remember and pray for those who are still caught up in war, who are wrongfully imprisoned and who have been abandoned by their countries, who are poverty stricken because of war (and I include economic war) and those who profit from war. Who have no country and who live in refugee camps.

      Moina Michael, an American professor and humanitarian, who, according to Wikipedia, was inspired by McCrae's poem In Flanders Fields to use selling silk poppies to financially support disabled WWI vets wrote this response to In Flanders Fields:
      Oh! you who sleep in Flanders Fields,
      Sleep sweet - to rise anew!
      We caught the torch you threw
      And holding high, we keep the Faith
      With All who died.
      We cherish, too, the poppy red
      That grows on fields where valor led;
      It seems to signal to the skies
      That blood of heroes never dies,
      But lends a lustre to the red
      Of the flower that blooms above the dead
      In Flanders Fields.
      And now the Torch and Poppy Red
      We wear in honor of our dead.
      Fear not that ye have died for naught;
      We'll teach the lesson that ye wrought
      In Flanders Fields.
      By Moina Michael,1918

      May it be so in peace.

    2. All so very true - thank you, Eve.

    3. Eve, a Venus Ring is not a common wrinkle, it's a mark of feminine beauty!

    4. Wonderfully written Eve!

    5. Paola, I didn´t know the expression "the Venus Ring" - but I LOVE IT!! Especially as it is a mark of feminine beauty (wish us Germans would acknowledge it as such!!). Maybe it´s "just" another sign of Italians celebrating womanhood (I´ve always loved "you guys" for that!!) :-)))

    6. hi, paola. :) hope all is good with you. :)

    7. as a student of prophecy Eve, I don't know that there won't be another war. But there will be a day when all wars will be only history .......... ❤️

    8. Wow! Eve and Jo in Arizona, the both of you really took my breath away with those wonderful words.

      Eve, you could not be more right. There are too many conflicts in the world being fought on religious grounds, cultural differences, beliefs etc and there are too many lives being lost as a result. We really do need an international day of peace and prayer to remember those who have given their lives, to honour those who still serve thrir countries so selflessly and to vow that we will unite as a global community to ensure that we never have to lose so many lives again.

      Jo in Arizona, thank you for sharing those beautiful words. Such an apt and poignant poem befitting a moving event like this.

      "...blood of heroes never dies..." How true!

      Love Avee in SA

    9. once again, Paola, you are talking way over my head, lol. Again, surfer girl needs to get "sum culcher", lol.

    10. SG and Eve, I found the Venus Ring on the Parthenon. Reading a beautiful book, "The Parthenon Enigma" , I read that the child holding the peplum with the man is a female because of the Venus ring on the neck

    11. Eve and Jo—simply beautifully put, by both of you. It’s fun to talk about fashion and I even believe that dressing well can be an art in itself, augmenting the meaning behind certain events/ceremonies/days but you two really brought to light for me the deeper meaning of the day.

      I have never read that poem before Jo, but I think that it’s a beautiful response to “In Flander’s Field.” I hope that I HAVE “caught the torch they threw” and am doing enough in my own life to bring us closer to peace.

      I might be rambling...sorry! I just wanted you to know what you both said really resonated with me!

  9. A very poignant ceremony, made more so by the Queen’s decision to stand next to her husband. How frail DofE looked - probably a proud man that doesn’t want to be seen stumbling or hunched over - I think when they first appeared there was an chair placed behind him? Just in case. As someone who’s watched this for years it felt like a very sad day to see the change in state procedure - kind of echoing the last of the generation that will remember the horrific wars.

    Catherine looked very polished today - I loved the look. Probably one of her best. I think it has to do with the hair too. I thought at first she’d had a drastic chop. Not sure how it’s working - but the length shows just how good she suits a shorter length like this, tucked behind her ears and curled at the back. But it’s a sort of up do? It’s a wow moment for her hair which I haven’t had in ages.

    1. I agree. Charlotte the photos you selected were perfect as they are very comprehensive of the entire event. Kate looks so beautiful. The hat - one of my favorites - the coat with the double-breasted gold buttons, her hair style, and the earrings give her a very stately, polished look.

  10. A beautiful, but sad day of remembrance. It’s always a solemn and moving tribute, but today I had a few tears seeing Prince Philip and HM on the balcony. God bless both of them. What an incredible picture of love, faithfulness, and dedication.

    Kate looked lovely today. On this engagement, fashion and hair are definitely not priority, but I love Kate’s coat and that she repeated the hat. It looked great with the new hairstyle.

    A beautiful post and day.

    1. I too had tears. It felt like the end of something and was very emotional

    2. Nice to hear from you, Kate. :)

  11. What a moving event. I'm very glad HM stayed on the balcony with PP and at the same time it really makes me sad. It is so, so understandable and sensible... yet it is a poignant change and also a moment when one realizes how important continuity is.
    Kate looked very good in my opinion, both yesterday and today.

  12. Kate looks absolutely stunning. I have always loved this hat, and the coat is very classy. Her hair is gorgeous. I agree this is a more grown-up look, respectful, chic, beautiful. I think this is her best look from years past. If she ever went shorter with her hair as she gets older, this length would be really pretty on her. Thank you Charlotte, as always, for an excellent post.

  13. I love this length on her!!

  14. Three cheers for Prince Phillip. 👑❤️ 🎉🎉🎉
    And three cheer for Her Majesty. 👑❤️ 🎉🎉🎉

    I had a feeling that once Prince Phillip retired he would lose a little vim and vigor. Of course he had no choice but to retire in consideration of other people's schedules but it is so sad to see him so frail.
    You can tell that that is having an impact on the Queen. Prayers to them both for strength and joy.

    1. Same thing happened to my father in law when he retired. Within a month of two of retirement, he was frail and truely looked elderly. I was so shocked when I saw him. I always thought that rapid decline after retirement was an old wives tale but I've seen it unfortunately.

    2. Thanks for sharing, Erika. I have seen it too. For my father, long after his retirement, it was incredibly important to have at least 1 or 2 pupils whom he tutored French at home. He told me it gave him strength and made him want to go on living. It does make sense: once you quit your job - it's as if you were no longer needed, as if your life lost purpose. As we all long to be meaningful, losing purpose may feel indeed as a deadly blow. And for someone who had retired after .. how many? 75 years of service?? it must be stronger still.

    3. It is indeed sad to mark how worn out Prince Phillip is. My grandmother told me if you stand up and work as long as possible, you have a better old age. I think the Queen and Phillip are proof of this saying. Once you have to sit down, then it really is close to the end. (That grandmother lived to the age of 99 and a half, busy until her final two weeks. My grandfather had lived to within a month of his 99th birthday, busy as well until very close to the end.) Wear yourselves out on one side and then turn yourselves over and wear yourselves out on the other side. Life will never be boring that way. It may be bittersweet to see the royal couple wearing out, but they are not done yet, and that's the sweet part.

    4. It's true. And it's sad. Regardless of anyone's thoughts on the monarchy, the Queen has truly lived up to her pledge from her 21st birthday. The transition from her to anyone else will be a sad one.

    5. This is a comment from the US! I never knew much about the royal family except they seem unapproachable. With the publicity surrounding Kate and William's marriage, children, etc, I have seen how extraordinary the family is and especially Queen Elizabeth. She seems to be so caring, loving, intelligent, and sensible! I cannot imagine her being gone and frankly it makes me cry to think of it. I hope she lives as long as her mother. But I don't know how the UK will bear her passing.

    6. The world will definitely be a different place without her. (not a good thing.)

  15. Kate truly looks like the Duchess of Cambidge, her responsibility visible in her bearing, her expression, her style. I love the coat buttons that echo Prince Philip's, the hat with its special memories, and the beautiful adult hair. Today she looks fully attuned to her coming role.

    The laying of the Queen's wreath brought tears to my eyes, and reminded me that she laid her father's wreath the year before his death. So sad to see Prince Philip looking so ill.

    1. I felt the same way about her look. Today was the first time she looked like an "older adult" with a very serious role. She almost always looks very appropriate in my opinion but today was different. I got a small glimpse of Queen Catherine today. :)

    2. I didn't realize that the HRH had laid her father's wreath the year before his death. Thank for sharing that bit of history Patricia. It makes this event even more poignant.

  16. Sarah Maryland USA12 November 2017 at 14:58

    I️ really don’t like the hair. It looks odd

    1. I'm sorry, I don't mean to pick on your or sound like I am "policeing" in any way. I just feel like I want to point out that this comment was very jarring. You ofc have every right to your view (I mean, it's just hair after all), and full right to express it. But to leave that line as the only comment, especially on an event like this felt... "wrong"? It really felt like one of those "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all". But I really, honestly don't want to tell someone that they shouldn't write. Just a tip next time to not make a comment sound too harsh is to comment with something around it. Not to "hide it", but to show a more nuanced message. (Sorry for the rambling, and again, please don't feel jumped upon. I just wanted to share my initial reaction to your comment since it might not be the feeling you intended to portray)

    2. Long time reader, first time commenter!
      Rebecca - you say everyone has a right to express their opinion and you are not policing. Yet you had done just that in your comment above. You always have an option to scroll right past and ignore a comment you dont link. Sorry I dont mean this in a rude way, but I have just seen this done so often that I felt I had to comment.

    3. I don't find Sarah's comment harsh, but I tend to agree maybe we could give a d... what her hair looked today (funny). But I very much agree with Anon 18.34. Scroll right past is always an option.

    4. I know I kind of did, hence why I said I don't want to. I honestly 99% of the time scroll by comments. It's not so much that I "Don't like" the comment. I have nothing against it per se. Just had some thoughts.

    5. Let's not call it "policing," even though Rebecca used that word. What she did was to express an opinion. Every opinion is worthwhile. I myself would be interested to know what Sarah Maryland does not like about this hairstyle. Does it strike you as too old-style for Kate? You simply prefer long hair?

      I happen to like Rebecca's habit of trying to balance negative criticism with positive criticism. It is not wrong to suggest that others try it. However, in Sarah Maryland's defense, she may not have had time to do more than express her opinion in a few words. Perhaps a bit of patience is called for, to wait for further details.

    6. Very true Marci. My intention was more that sometimes when you write something you have a certain "tone" in your mind that doesn't translate well over text (Happens to me all the time!) and I wanted to point out that such a tone might not have translated. Or the tone was perfectly translated. Or I added my own biased tone for some reason. All possibilities! I "know" Sarah from here by now so there's no issue there :)

    7. I don't like it either. Pardon my tone.

    8. Fair enough. My first thought when seeing it was also "Hmm, that's a bit odd". But now I really really love the hair :) It is an unusual style so it's bound to have fans and those who don't like it. Nothing wrong with that :)

    9. I think she was going for the WWI retro look.

    10. Surfer Girl, I wondered that myself but then thought, nah!

    11. The hairstyle is very reminiscent of the WWI era.

  17. 🇬🇧Kate had three uncles who died in France during WWI. They were Olive (Lupton) Middleton's brothers.
    Lt. Lionel Martineau Lupton attend Trinity College with Albert Spencer, 7th Earl Spencer and they signed up together to fight in the war. Earl, Diana's ancestor, made it through the war, Lionel died at Somme's.
    Lionel's brothers, Captain Maurice Lupton and Major Francis Ashton Lupton also did not make it through the war and they also died in France, at least one of them, if not both, not far from Sommes. Many of Kate's ancestors have helped in war efforts. Her grandfather, Peter Middleton, wrote a lot of the information about his three relatives and their fight and passing in the family journal, plus other family history.
    I don't know if Kate wore three poppies or four. It looks like one is doubled. I don't know yet who the fourth poppy would commemorate. Her grandfather, Peter Middleton, was a pilot and trained fighter pilots in Canada, and Peter's wife, Valerie, and Valerie's twin sister, Mary, worked as code breakers during the war. They all made it through the war. Olive Middleton and her female relatives also volunteered and contributed to war efforts and they all made it through the war. So it is no doubt an important and somber event for Kate. I think Michael Francis Middleton, Kate's father, may have gotten his middle name as a memorial to Major Francis Ashton Lupton. Since Michael has three brothers, they most likely might have each been given the name of one of the other Lupton men who died in WWI, but that is just a guess.
    And, I wonder if Michael Middleton has his pilot's license. His father, Peter Middleton was a pilot and flight instructor as noted above, and Michael did work as an air traffic controller. (And Carole worked as a stewardess). William, who we know loves flying, no doubt fit into that family like a glove. Plus I'm sure Carole's famous Sunday home cooked dinners didn't hurt either. :)

    The Express, "Kate's Hero Relative Died at Sommes....", Nick Gutteridge, 7/2/16.

    1. "Family of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge", wikipedia, is an excellent resource also. They have extended that richly and their facts correlate to what research I have done over the years (for whatever that endorsement is worth, lol).
      Lt. Lionel Martineau Lupton, one of Kate's fallen great uncles mentioned above, had Martineau in his name as a family gesture to recognize that branch of the family also. That branch was new information to me. I was trying to find out what the middle and first names are of Michael's three brothers so I can find out if they also have any of the names of the three fallen Lupton brothers included in their names as I believe Michael has (Michael Francis).
      The Martineau info and link is in the wikipedia article under "grandparents". The "Family of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge" is a very nice read.

    2. side note. Kate has mentioned that she grew up learning to sail. Her paternal grandfather, Peter Middleton, took up sailing after he couldn't fly anymore or he sailed all his life (mixed reports on that). But in his obituary, Daily Telegraph, 11/17/10, it says he was a transatlantic sailor. A little more than just a casual sailor then, apparently. :) Most likely where Kate learned to sail. From her grandfather. An adventurous fellow. A fighter pilot and flight instructor. Then a fighter pilot who flew up close and personal to enemy missle rockets to nudge their wings and send them off target. Sailing transatlantic no doubt seemed like child's play to him after that. :)

  18. James Whatling takes such amazing photos. Thank you James. 🌷 📷

    The Queen looked like she was shedding tear. 😔
    It must be very hard for her to see her powerhouse "strength and stay" looking so frail. It is so sad.
    Oh how I would love to give them both a big (but gentle) hug and words of gratitude. :)

  19. Lynn in SC - sniveling ;-(12 November 2017 at 16:59

    I think Kate look perfect for this event - I loved everything about her look, although I am having a very hard time accepting the Queen is stepping back.

    I know I will have to deal it and I admire her for standing with her husband, but I am just not ready for this.

  20. Seeing Prince Phillip so frail looking breaks my heart. I admire him so much for coming out to honor veterans. I am amazed amd thankful he has been blessed with such health and vitality for almost 97 years but it is still very hard to be reminded the earth will soon lose a strong person. I hope he and the Queen are spending every moment they can together and he will be able to relax and soak up lots of love from family and friends for the rest of his time. God bless him. ❤

    1. Theresa. New York12 November 2017 at 19:23

      I was going to post a statement myself but you said what I wanted to say beautifully. We will never see the likes of both of them again.

    2. Tammy from California12 November 2017 at 20:06

      Ditto from me.

    3. Ditto, Theresa. Thank you, florida girl!

    4. Julia from Leominster13 November 2017 at 11:04

      Agree - he did look so frail - much more so in just a few months.

    5. Nicole from france13 November 2017 at 13:50

      ZI did notice it , too.... in the Saturday post, on one of the photos he seems to be coughing while Catherine watches him, and to day he seems out of breath, coughing again while he lets Camilla go first .... the Queen does not seem like herself too,she might be anxious about her husband .... time sometimes flies suddenly for elederly people , I do hope Prince Philip will be with his family for a good time !

    6. nicely said, florida girl. I wish there was some way DKB could send him an electronic card with all our "signatures" on it telling him how much we appreciate him. Is there a way? 💻

  21. A very beautiful and solemn ceremony. In Canada we have our Remembrance Day ceremonies on the 11th of November, no matter what day it falls on.

    I really liked Catherine’s choice of coat and hat. My only pause is that she had a new coat yesterday, and another new coat today...I’m not sure how I feel about that. As much as I love to see new pieces, I think it’s more appropriate when she repeats things, especially things that she has a lot of (black coats). I know she’s open to altering existing outfits to fit her pregnant shape, as she’s done that quite a bit in the past. Anyways, she looked perfectly put together and lovely, just don’t know how I feel about two new black coats in two days.

    1. Anglophile in Ohio12 November 2017 at 19:52

      Think about how many times she has to wear a black coat over the next 50 or 60 years.

    2. Anglophile in Ohio12 November 2017 at 20:05

      She wore the same coat three Remembrance Sundays already 2011, 2012 and 2016. And today's hat was a recycle from before her marriage.

    3. That is my thought as well Anglophile :P And we know she has nothing against repeating older things (case in point: the 11 year old hat she wore today), so I think coats might be pulled out here and there for events. Also, I'm not sure if she even fits into any of her other coats?

    4. Dayle, I had the same thought. When I saw her beautiful Catherine Walker coat last night, I thought, "she do a repeat on Sunday." But I also think that she probably has so many events throughout the holidays that both coats make sense. And they'll last years.

      They both looked impeccably tailored so not sure how much longer they'll fit. Both were beautiful coats.

    5. I totally understand the optics of two new coats in 24 hours, but I think there are a few events where it's completely acceptable to have a new outfit each time-Trooping the Color and today. I would guess what she wore last night, while new, will be recycled many times, either in public or in private. She has recycled previously, but some time always has to be the first time.

    6. Rebecca, you have always positive and kind words about the Duchess. Someone says something - not negative but perhaps just a different way of thinking - and you come saying in defense of the Duchess.
      I am impressed.
      I’m not criticizing you, I just want to point out that thinking about the Duchess and her actions and wondering if she has too much coats is not a way to say bad thing about her or judging her. One tries to be objective as much as possible.
      That’s just the reason I have stopped to read comments and post comments here, I have always the feeling no one can express even a doubt about the Duchess’ actions. I hope the very kind Charlotte will not delete my post.

    7. Julia from Leominster13 November 2017 at 11:04

      Black coats are always useful but since she is starting to show I wonder how often these will be repeated - the wool coat perhaps but velvet is hard to alter without marking. But both outfits were beautiful and I do think Kate gets more criticism for new clothes than other royal ladies - although in fairness, they do much more.

    8. Anon 07.48 I am sorry you feel that way. I was not "defending" really, just offering another view and having a conversation. I'm sorry if it sounds otherwise because it's not my intention. I as well wonder sometimes about her choices and often don't agree with them fully. But I try to look at things from different views. I didn't think anyone was judging her!

    9. Kate wore the same warm black coat to the Remembrance service for three of the seven years she has attended. I think she deserved a new one, especially one that fits now. She also needed something both warm and elegant for the evening performance. Both new coats are lovely.

  22. So like Kate with this length of hair - so wish she would cut it this length for a change. It's chic. She could still wear an up do from time to time with shorter hair by use of some faux hair pieces. I do that all the time.

  23. I love these photos every year. She always looks amazing. Thanks for doing the side by side of all the previous yars!

    1. Yes! I always enjoy the side by sides!

  24. Tammy from California12 November 2017 at 20:06

    This post made me teary eyed. How I so wish we did this for our military in the U.S.
    I really liked seeing the men of the Royal Family laying the wreaths. I think it is perfectly fitting to have them do it. Her Majesty is 92 and it is right to spend what she can with her husband after all of their years of service. I think it is good she hands it down while still supervising and ensuring the tradition. An interesting time to be alive in regards to the Royal Family and change that will be inevitable, since no one can live forever.

    The duchess looked wonderful, as usual, and I may be in the minority here, but I never want her to cut her hair like she wore it today. I love her long locks and think they are one of many parts of her beauty.

    1. There is a annual wreath laying (usually by the President) at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Veterans Day here in the United States. For anyone who is ever near Washington, D.C. it is a very moving experience to watch the Marine guard pace back in front. Everyone (even children) is quite so you can hear the steps of the Marine. The monument is guarded 24/7. Prince Harry laid a wreath there during his last official trip to D.C. Prince Charles has been at least once. I'm sure William and Kate will get to experience it at some point when they make a future visit (and I will look forward to Charlotte's coverage)

    2. American Army Wife13 November 2017 at 03:35

      The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is guarded 24/7 in any weather, by the US Army, "Old Guard", the best of the elite 3rd Infantry Regiment. The US Army has been guarding the tomb since 1926. It is impressive, indeed. Just so you know, it is not a Marine. Marine's of course are wonderful, but they don't do everything!!

    3. since 1926. wow. ❤️🇺🇸

    4. Thanks American Army Wife! I saw the blue uniform and am sorry I made an assumption.

    5. American Army Wife - I almost posted the same thing yesterday. Lol. The Old Guard is pretty amazing. My husband's team visited Arlington when they were near there for training a couple years ago and said it is really something everyone should see.

  25. A sad event for me this year. Ah but time marches on for us all. A poignant tribute to all the veterans. Kate looked pretty, as she always does, and appropriately attired for the ceremony.

  26. Beautiful service! Honestly, my first thought when I saw the Duchess was, "This is proof she should cut her hair." She looked sophisticated and that length took years off her face.

    And the relationship between the Queen and Prince Phillip is breathtaking. We all should aspire to that.

  27. So true, Eve and Jo; never again should we be fighting the same old battles. To remember and never forget the sacrifices of soldiers and their families, in the cause of freedom, is a nation’s responsibility. Beautiful day of Remembrance. Thanks again, Charlotte.

  28. England, nobody honors their heroes better than you. The photos are beautiful and moving. I think it was appropriate the Queen delegated the wreath laying honor to Charles and stood by her frail husband, so they could share this special ceremony together.

    I liked Kate's fashion choices today. The hat is one of my all-time favorites, and I love the way she styled her hair. The coat is beautiful. Top marks for Princess Alexandra, too. She looked elegant. Camilla needs to burn that hat. Every time I look at it I want to get out my scissors and snip those "loose threads".

    Charlotte, thank you for the retrospective of Kate through the years. I think the first year was Kate's best look, closely followed by year two.

    I have a question for the fashionistas here. Are black pantyhose back in style? I don't mean tights, but black nylon stockings.

  29. we're black pantyhose ever out of style? lol. no, seriously.

    1. NOT in my book, SG. Lol.

      A *nice* (translation = expensive) pair of hose is classy and is the equivalent of foundation for the legs. I cannot understand bare legs combined with certain fabrics or seasons.

    2. me either, rf. they are just part of a finished look,
      in my opinion. :)

    3. I agree, SG and RF. Look at pictures of royal ladies at funerals, and elegant women in dressy black anytime. I switch to dark grey or black hosiery when I am wearing dark colors, especially in winter. I was very happy to see Kate in appropriate stockings with her velvet coat.

  30. It's late, but I have to say that I absolutely love this look on Kate. Every bit of it! The hat, hair, coat. Truly regal and elegant.

  31. I wonder if Prince Phillip was diagnosed with a fatal illness last spring. It would explain the emergency meeting and his retirement announcement shortly afterwards. It also might explain the really worried looks on The Queen's face and on Kate's when they looked at him this weekend - they may know he is suffering.

    All conjecture and overall meaningless and not our business. He is very elderly and "we all have to die of something" as the saying goes. It just pulls at my heart to think of how the Queen's heart might be breaking right now. God bless them both in any case.

    1. I have been wondering the same thing, FG, especially given his unexplained surgery and lengthy recovery from a few years ago. Yesterday I deleted a message in which I wondered about all of it, but I think we need to realize that it may be what is happening.

    2. I had the same thought way back then actually:(

    3. These last two appearances may cause the family to rethink his attendance at future engagements. As difficult as this may be to address, a proud man would not want to be seen in this condition.

    4. Lynn in SC - reaching for a tissue13 November 2017 at 21:17

      I've had these same thoughts! He has led a full, wonderful life, but it still is hard to think of England without him.

      And the Queen! The Queen without him is unthinkable.

    5. I agree, rf, although it will be hard to keep him away from remembrances like these I think. He would think more about honoring the fallen than himself or his image. But I agree. It doesn't represent him as it should. Not to sound mean or anything. People seemed to be concerned that he might not make it through the event. He wouldn't want to be an interruption even though it wouldn't be his fault.

    6. I would expect something of the sort. There was a story in the Daily Mail and that went worldwide about Philip's "new life" in retirement at Wood Farm on the Sandringham grounds. The story itself was very - odd. It created more questions than it answered and it really, really seemed like the infamous Palace doublespeak trying to say nothing yet also trying to confirm that he is suffering from a terminal illness. Why else stuff him away at Wood Farm, unless he needs round the clock care and the Palace doesn't want medical staff and/or hospice staff to be seen coming and going from Windsor or Buckingham Palace?
      The sudden and dramatic nature of the retirement announcement certainly raised a lot of red flags and questions about his health.
      While he IS in advancing years and nobody lives forever, his appearance and all of these developments certainly suggest that he's very, very ill.

    7. The Daily Mail story was, as usual, a nasty attempt to suggest,
      not that Philip is ill, but that he and the Queen are having problems. Given that he's been photographed today and last week carriage driving at Windsor, not Sandringham, I'd take the Daily Fail story with a very large pinch of salt.

    8. Philip may be suffering from back issues, arthritis,etc., which can make standing very painful.

    9. Ladies, I think the bottom line is that people will speculate no matter what happens going forward. Is he ill? How ill? Are they living apart for a reason? It comes with the territory, I suppose, and the RF is familiar with the need to come up with headlines.

      I just felt that aside from looking physically unwell, PP almost appeared to be disoriented during brief moments. Now, maybe that is simply age combined with his natural inclination to make his feeling known, but I thought there was more to it this time.

      And I am NOT suggesting that he should be forced to retire completely, but I think the rumors will be unkinder if we see appearances similar to the last two. It also fuels concerns where the Queen's age, etc. is discussed.

    10. I agree, rf. :) He has always appeared as so strong. I think he would want to have that image be foremost in people's minds. People might get nervous and filled with unrest to see him so precariously frail. He has already retired. Sadly, it might be best if he left it at that and focused on just being around his family and friends for family times and, hopefully writing (or dictating) his memoirs.

    11. I believe so too, SG. But he wouldn't be the first person to have a conflict between pride and ability......

  32. Florida Girl, sadly I thought exactly the same thing yesterday as I saw him on the balcony.

  33. Dear Charlotte,
    i have been reading your blog for five years but I have never posted a comment. I will try to do it more often now. I would like to tell you how wonderful is your blog. I admire the quality of your articles and your ethics.
    I like the fact that you publish candid pictures. it is always fun to see the Duchess in her daily routine. Unfortunately we get to see less of them. I understand the royal family who wants to draw a line between its private life and its public life, but it is always fun to see the Duchess dropping off her son or taking him to the museum.
    Thank you so much for your wonderful blog

    1. Hi Montaine, I also just started to join in instead of just reading. Welcome!

    2. Welcome to the comments Montaine and thank you for reading :)

  34. Charlotte, thank you for always going above and beyond to highlight the details of each event and provide some history and wonderful photos.
    It turns what sometimes seem like a very crass and superficial thing - the analysis of an English aristocrat's newest hairstyle and coat choice - into an interesting topic and it does appropriate honor to the substance, vs. just focusing on the style.
    I always enjoy the event information and background information you include and I LOVE the photos!
    It takes a lot of work to go beyond the moment of a new pair of earrings or a new dress to highlight these places and events and I appreciate your effort!

  35. Two items from the 7 November Court Circular that I thought were interesting:

    "The Duke of Edinburgh, Colonel, Grenadier Guards, this afternoon held a Regimental Council Meeting at Buckingham Palace." Prince Philip is evidently continuing some duties, perhaps this one because it is military.

    "The Duke of Cambridge this morning received Mr. Alastair Martin (Secretary of the Duchy of Cornwall) and Mr. Keith Willis (Finance Director)." Prince Charles was in Malaysia. This must indicate that Prince William is kept informed of the Duchy's business.

    1. Patricia I. Thanks for sharing. hmmm. very nice that Prince Phillip had been doing more sedentary work at the Palace AND that William is being directly involved apparently about Duchy business. He definitely should be while his dad is alive to mentor him in that.

  36. Hello Everyone, I’ve been trying to keep up with everyone’s comments but I haven’t had any time to write out my own thoughts.

    First, Charlotte, you do such a great job. You go above an beyond every blog post. I love how you include background knowledge or footage of ceremonies that don’t directly include Kate. It gives me such a well-rounded picture of what is really going on around her and I’m usually learning something I didn’t know too! So keep up the hard/great work!

    Second, someone commented that she looks like “Queen Kate” for the first time and I totally agree. She looks positively stunning.

    Her hair is amazing. However, not that my opinion matters in this at all, but I don’t think she should cut it that length. It is a common belief that long hair is more inconvenient around little kids, but it’s so easy to just put it in a pony tail. And when you have her hair texture and you cut it short, you have to take time to style it every day...the weight of her long hair helps it fall the way it does. If it were shorter, her curls might not fall down, but kind of go out to the side.

    Lastly, the Queen not laying her wreath was a surprise to me. I was not expecting that. I guess I look at the Queen as someone who will always be a part of Life. She will just always occasionally be on the news here, or on this blog, etc.

    PS. I saw some comments about the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetary. They also do a wreath-laying on all the graves there for the Christmas and it is possible to be a volunteer and lay the wreaths with others/witness the ceremonies where they lay the Christmas wreaths on special locations (Tomb of the Unlnown Soldier, etc). Part of it involves saying each persons name as you lay their wreath and it’s somber, but beautiful, volunteer opportunity.

  37. This was a beautiful ceremony and she looked lovely. God bless all those who served for us we will always remember them. Thank you Charlotte for a great post. God bless Her Majesty she looked lovely. I admit I was a bit sad to see Charles doing her duties because it reminds me she won't be here forever and I will miss her so.

  38. As I first mentioned it was an extremely poignant event this year. The Queen and Prince Philip have devoted their lives to service of country. When you look back over the past 70 years it is just magnificent to see them together.
    Kate really looked queenly, A+++.

    1. I share your sentiments Tedi and agree about Kate! A very touching and regal event. cc

  39. wow. thanks for sharing that, Natalie. :)
    Being able to volunteer for that and speak the names of the soldiers in rembrance at that time is very special. Who knew they did that. thank you.


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