Tuesday 22 October 2019

It's L.K. Bennett Gabrielle For Radio 1's Teen Heroes Reception

This morning, several images were released from a reception the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge hosted on 1 October, at Kensington Palace, to celebrate Radio 1's teen heroes of 2019.

Now marking its tenth year, the awards celebrate the selfless, brave and exceptional achievements of young people. It is the biggest annual teen event in the pop music calendar.

Celebrities and stars in the music, sporting and online industries are also honoured.

William and Kate met with the finalists and joined well-known faces including performer Camila Cabello and BBC Radio 1 DJs Clara Amfo and Greg James.

Ms Cabello said: “I was so honoured to be invited to Kensington Palace to meet and celebrate this year’s Teen Hero finalists with The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Hearing the incredible things these Teen Heroes have done is so inspirational! Their passion and dedication to help others is amazing and they really blew me away!”

More on the background of three of the finalists from BBC Radio 1:

'12 year-old Hazel lives with a rare genetic disorder called Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) which limits the body’s ability to repair damage caused by UV light. After being diagnosed at age 3 Hazel was advised by doctors to stay indoors indefinitely, but she has since learnt how to manage the condition safely in her daily life with support from charities and specialist clinics. Hazel has raised awareness of XP by making a film and giving talks to schools in her local area, and has raised £2000 for the charity that supported her by climbing the 900m high Ben Lomond mountain earlier this year in her protective clothing.
Rachel, aged 17, campaigns for change and better futures for young people in the UK. She is a volunteer for her local youth council and a member of the UK Youth Parliament, and has won a Diana Award for her work towards tackling cyber bullying. Rachel is also chair of the UK Youth Select Committee, which this year has been focussed on knife crime.
14 year-old Scarlett is a young carer to her mother, older sister and grandmother. Both Scarlett and her mum have an incurable nerve condition called HNPP, which can make everyday activities like carrying shopping bags extremely painful. As well as helping her mum, Scarlett cares for her sister, who has type 1 diabetes, and her grandmother, who has depression. A typical day for Scarlett, who also has autism, includes house chores, gardening, walking her grandmother to church and entertaining the other church goers.

It is the fourth consecutive year William and Kate hosted finalists at Kensington Palace. In 2016, they welcomed young people and representatives from the awards. Kate, who wore a bespoke McQueen dress told, Joe and Toby, who were both active fundraisers for Cancer Research UK. "I don't know how all of you find the time to do the volunteering," she told them. "It's such a great thing... Keep it up." William added, "Massive congratulations, it's seriously impressive," before them the group of winners as "shining lights".

Last year, they met teenager Siena who shared her experience of meeting the couple with Hello!: "The Duchess was especially interested in addressing autism stereotypes and was saddened to hear about the severity of the disability-related bullying I have experienced. She congratulated me for being a Diana Award holder and for currently serving on the National Youth Board, a role that has given me a national platform through which to share my disability-based bullying experience. They were both incredibly warm, supportive and encouraging. Meeting them was an awesome experience! They have inspired me continue to make a positive difference in my community."

The Duchess selected L.K. Bennett's Gabrielle Abstract Midi dress in toffee and black for the occasion (with thanks to Kate Middleton Style).

The £395 piece is described as: "Inspired by 30s style with exaggerated shoulders and ruching through the front, the Gabrielle midi dress from L.K.Bennett offers a soft, smooth feel thanks to the stretch silk fabric, printed with a vintage archive pattern that gives it a statement aesthetic." It's available in several sizes at John Lewis.

The winners will be presented with their awards on Sunday, 24 November.


  1. I love this blog! So nicely put together & such a teaching tool! I like to grow and learn!
    Thanks for the free adult education. XOXOXOXO

  2. Oh I had been hoping to see our Duchess in leopard print this fall! I know this isn't, but it's quite close and very satisfying! Such a great color scheme on her for fall.

  3. Wonderful,informative post on such a positive, inspiring event! Love thus event and programs. Kate & William seem so involved, warm, relaxed, and truly impressed, with these young, strong, accomplished people. Great programs! Kate & William are in their element and both look wonderful. I Love Kate's dress, it fits and flows, beautifully.
    Thank you, Charlotte. Such an enjoyable, enlightning post, as always!

    1. I agree Pg in NC, what a great event. In reading the background of some of the finalists, I am humbled by their initiative and dedication to be advocates for change and tackle the obstacles they are faced with daily. Very inspiring and love that William and Kate are involved with this program. As to the dress, while it is not the 'prettiest' dress Kate, the color, the cut, and style fits her very well and is a great work dress. It suits the occasion quite nicely. Great picture of everybody together. cc

  4. This dress will be one of my favorites! I just love it!

  5. Photos are great! Thanks for the look back at the pics form previous years too. Fun to see how Kate has chosen to dress for these awards over time. Very educational post, too. Loved hearing the back stories of the winners. Thanks, Charlotte!

  6. I am glad they released pictures! It must be very exciting to get invited to the Palace! I know I'd be excited. I love the checking out the furnishings and I think William and Kate are at their very best when they are with kids . . . . even teens!!

    Hope from USA

    1. Yes! I think this was held in one of the rooms of their "apartment," not in a reception room of the "public" part of the palace. I hope Charlotte knows for sure.

    2. Zora from Prague22 October 2019 at 19:06

      Holly, I agree! The kids must be over the moon! 😇

    3. Except for the Obama’s they have never hosted anything in their actual apartment. It is hosted in the “office” part of KP, which is neither their private apartment nor the public reception rooms. It is also the rooms they use for video interviews and their private meetings.
      But it would still be exciting to see.

  7. I like the pattern of this dress for fall. Kate is wearing a fashion statement that could be in any professional woman's closet for work and transition for a dinner engagement later in the day.

  8. Totally un-related to Kate and fashion...but can I just say how cute Greg James is?! Wow!

    1. Agree! I love him. I used to listen to him on Radio 1 when he did the afternoon show and then evening show :)

  9. I really like the dress. Looks great on her. Would also love to see it with short boots, in the photos the boots really change the whole "expression" of the dress.

    1. I love the dress with short boots - looks very chic!

    2. Reminds me of the Orla Kiely dress(brown with bird motif) she wore in 2011/2012- she wore it with short boots then!

    3. HoosierLori, I was thinking of the Orla Kiely dress as well. I loved it on Kate, and I like this look too. She looks lovely in brown (and every other color :)

  10. I believe this is the same dress Pss Sofia and Q Letizia have only theirs is green. Maybe I am wrong.Very nice looking dress.

  11. Maria from Austria22 October 2019 at 17:46

    This dress really suits her.

  12. Gorgeous dress!! At first glance I thought it as leopard print. Does anyone know what earrings and shoes she wore?

  13. Although I generally don't like anything brown, I think this is a really nice dress. Kate looks professional but also very natural, and as USA Granny said, this is a look that would transition well from day to evening. Very pretty! I wish we could see some close-up shots.

  14. Looks very 'of the moment' for autumn, and picks up golden highlights in her hair that are very pretty. Refined and perfect. I'd like to see it with booties too. This is an inspiring event and glad they continue to support it.

  15. Thank you Charlotte for the as always interesting post. What inspiring teenagers and what great responsibilities they have shouldered often in very difficult circumstances. I am in awe of their achievements. To me this is one of the core responsibilities of Royalty to highlight acievements like this and the event from the post looked like such a happy enjoyable one. I like the vibe that Wliiliam and Kate bring to their events. They both seem comfortable in their official skins and confident with how they are planning to progress their public and prvate lives.
    On the fashion note I liked the midi dress, thought it was very appropriate for the event, stunning chic but not super expensive.

  16. It takes a really big guy to make William look small . . . !

  17. Great work, Charlotte and what an inspiring initiative for the Cambridges. Well done. And, as a bonus, the teens get to hang out with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Kensington Palace. Still learning and Charlotte, I appreciate your commitment to research.

  18. Happy to see pictures emerge, I was wondering if we were going to be treated to them this year. I think this is one of my favorite yearly engagements for the Cambs, they get to connect and bring recognition to very well-deserving young people. I hope they'll bring the kids along once they're in their teen years.

    I like how the dress highlights Kate's hair. It's one of those "Iooks better on" dresses that doesn't look that great on the hanger until the person with the right coloring (Kate!) pulls it off.

  19. This dress is great especially with her hair. In the pic her hair looks so autumnal like the dress! Lovely!

  20. Not my fave dress I don't like brown on her or most people but seems I'm in the minority

    1. I totally agree. I don't like brown on her either. When she wore the all brown outfit during their day outing in Pakistan, I thought it was her worst look on the tour. All brown and totally drab/dour.

    2. I agree with you. I don’t think brown is a very good colour for Kate. But it also feel like there is a slightly brown filter to the photos. Or maybe it is her new hair colour. Just a lot of brown overall.

  21. Maybe the dress works better than a solid brown because it's toffee and black.

  22. I don't generally like brown but I think she looks amazing here. Just love her.

  23. It's probably just me, but I wish Kate could wear the Pakistani looks all the time.
    I thought the craftmanship, colors, & fit complemented her perfectly.

    1. Southern Lady, you're not alone. I thought she looked absolutely lovely & yes so comfortable! I really thought her black & cream exit outfit would be perfect back in London. I wouldn't be surprised if she was able to use many of those pieces, even as separates in her regular wardrobe! :)

  24. Thanks once again for putting together this beautiful post. It’s a delight to read this one as always:)

  25. Kate looks fab as usual. It struck me that in the 2nd photo, the green dress worn by the attractive young lady standing next to her is something I would expect Kate to wear!

  26. It seems awfully quiet now -- aren't there usually lots of engagements before the Christmas holidays?

    1. George and Charlotte had fall break that started last Thursday which ends today so they will return to school on Monday. Festival of Remembrance and Remembrance Day Ceramony is next weekend. Today the palace just announced an engagement for Kate on Friday November 15th but I have a feeling she has an embargoed engagment next week.

    2. Omid Scobie reports there's three Remembrance week engagements for the young royals, so we could see something early in the week.

  27. It's half term for schools now and the family is taking the week of, as usual.

  28. I read, and I always assume that noncontroversial, non-negative reports are true, or why make them up, that Kate had a pub get-together with some mothers from the school. If so, I thought that was very nice and was happy for her that she was able to do that.

    1. That sounds lovely Allison. Thanks for sharing. :)


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