Monday 21 October 2019

The Duchess in Ghost London Dress for Private Pakistan Engagement

Just when we thought coverage had wrapped up on the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's tour, several images unexpectedly emerged.

You might recall after William and Kate carried out engagements in Islamabad, including a visit to Model School for girls and a visit to Margalla, they were scheduled to privately meet staff from the British High Commission.

The Palace didn't share more on it, however guests posted a few snaps on Instagram today. I imagine the reception was an opportunity to thank all those from the British High Commission, Ambassador Thomas Drew and his team for seamlessly organising the trip.

Kate's very pretty floral dress is the Ghost Avery style (with thanks to Emily for the ID). Ghost London is a very chic brand offering a range of stylish dresses and timeless occasion wear. I've been hoping to see Kate in their pieces for some time. The Georgette mix and match print is available and retails for £250.

I'm flying out the door, so this a brief one. Hope you're all having a great evening!


  1. This tour is like the gift that keeps on giving.
    A lovely dress Kate is wearing. It is like the Saturday at home version of the Ellie Saab she wore to Ascot earlier this year.

  2. I think it's very appropriate that Catherine wore a slightly lower-cut garment for this engagement. For the outside engagements, she dressed more in the Pakistani style, defering to her hosts, and doing so very stylishly. But here she chose to dress in a more Western style, in a deliberate way. It's healthy because it's a subtle, classy, elegant demonstration and reminder that women do not have to sport super high necklines, that the human body is a beautiful thing, not to be ashamed of, and importantly that the female form need not be covered. Beautifully, effortlessly stylish.

  3. This is not my favorite dress. But Dss. Kate can pull it off.

  4. Wow! My one complaint was that there was no day-time maxi dress for the tour and here it is! It's like they read my mind, haha. Kate looks like an angel, blue really is her color!

    While it's K&W's right to keep some of their engagements private, I'm so grateful for the kind person who snapped this pic and shared it with us. They must be the envy of all their friends!

    I'm glad to see K&W doing good work under the radar. It helps ease their security burden and gives them the freedom to connect with people in an organic level.

    1. Anon21, I love your comment. You read MY mind! Lol

  5. Theresa - Austin, TX21 October 2019 at 21:09

    How I love these surprises! :) The outstanding coverage you always do is truly appreciated!!

  6. Gosh Charlotte, you are truly working overtime! Thanks for your complete coverage and special attention you give to keep your readers informed. Enjoy both Duchess blogs.

  7. Zora from Prague21 October 2019 at 21:27

    Charlotte, you are incredible! :)

  8. She manages to make styles I would never like look gorgeous.

  9. Caroline in Montana21 October 2019 at 22:18

    I like this dress on her better than I like it on the model. Glad we got to see it. Hope you caught up on your rest Charlotte! Thanks for all your hard work on both your blogs!

  10. I really like this dress! Hoping for a rewear with better shots.

  11. Nice surprise to see K&W again. Unfortunately, the dress not so much.

  12. She looks relaxed and happy. Very pretty although I am not a fan of that style of dress, it appears great for the event.

  13. What a nice surprise! The dress is nice and easy, breezy for a summer evening! It looks like it might be the same earrings she wore the rest of the day. The Zeen brand earrings. These two are the best!

  14. Very nice! So pretty. It reminds me of her pre-engagement style I miss so much.

  15. Love her hair styled like this.She looks younger and fresher.

  16. This is a beautiful dress. Soft, feminine looking and gorgeous colour. Love the cuffs of the sleeves, the perfect finishing touch to this lovely outfit.

  17. im not a fan of this dress but kate pulls it off seems she can wear nearly anything and still look great

    thanks charlotte

  18. This is so Kate - beautiful!

  19. these pakistani tour as a lot of surprise i really love her to rewear that

  20. What a nice surprise!!! I love this dress. Does anyone know what earrings and shoes she wore?

  21. This looks too Western country cowgirl, and a bit juvenile, for my taste, but she looks well in it. She looks happy and relaxed.

  22. It keeps coming😁 and I’m delighted. Thanks, Charlotte


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