Thursday 23 April 2020

The Cambridge Family Clap for the NHS

As is becoming a very important tradition, every Thursday night the Cambridge family joined the nation by celebrating our NHS staff, volunteers and carers with a round of applause in gratitude for their extraordinary efforts.

Indeed those watching the BBC will know tonight's appearance was a little different with some much-needed comic relief. Prince William made his acting debut as he joined Stephen Fry for a delightful sketch in support of The Big Night In appeal. There were several royally tailored jokes, with William asking Stephen for television recommendations now his favourite soap Eastenders is on hiatus. Mr Fry asked if he had seen Tiger King to which William joked: "I tend to avoid shows about royalty."

The Telegraph reports on the sketch which saw Stephen Fry reprise his much-loved Blackadder role as Lord Melchett.

'Written by Richard Curtis, who penned the original television show and is the founder of Comic Relief, it opened with Stephen Fry as Lord Melchett.
Known to fans of the show as the Lord Chamberlain to Elizabeth I in the Tudor series of the show, the character had been updated for the modern Royal Family as “head of the royal household”.
Waiting for the Duke to join him on a call, as made fun of the royal heritage as he muttered: “I thought Germans were meant to be punctual." “I’m here Melchett,” said Prince William, in an acting debut that would have taken millions of viewers by surprise.
After a moment of tech failure, which saw him call video calls “complicated stuff”, he asked: “How are you Melchie, have you been self isolating?” In a short sketch filmed at Anmer Hall, Fry asked how his homeschooling was going.
“It’s a bit of a nightmare really,” said William, before Melchett offered to help with spelling or history. Fry said he was “not bad at kings and queens”, before reminding himself that it was likely the Duke’s own area of expertise. “You’d think so wouldn’t you,” William replied, looking sceptical. When Fry tried to address him in French, he admitted: “I literally have no idea what you’re talking about."'

After their chat, Stephen was filmed stepping out and applauding our carers, followed by William who was joined outside the door of Anmer Hall by his family to honour those on the front line.

It was followed by moving footage of people all over the country clapping, children's drawings and aerial scenes from a very quiet London. The music in the backdrop is McFly's 'All About You'. Fun fact: Giovanna Fletcher, who Kate spoke to about her early years work for her podcast Happy Mum Happy Baby is married to the one of the band, singer Tom Fletcher.

BBC's Children in Need and Comic Relief joined forces to bring viewers The Big Night In, hosted by Lenny Henry and Matt Baker. The night of comedy, music and entertainment featured comedy legends Peter Kay, Catherine Tate amongst others, along with performances by Gary Barlow. Below, a segment I particularly loved: Dawn French as Geraldine Granger, The Vicar of Dibley, offering us an update on life in the parish.

If you would like to donate in support of the appeal please click here.

We also saw the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall clapping for our carers from their Scottish home, Birkhall. A Palace aide said Charles and Camilla "wanted to show their continued appreciation for NHS staff and other key workers on the front line of the battle against coronavirus".

Earlier today, Clarence House shared a really wonderful photo of Charles with his grandson to mark Louis' birthday. It's thought the Duchess took this photo - I would say her very best yet.

And we were treated to the photo we all wanted to see from the birthday boy's finger painting session :) I hope Louis had a fabulous day!

The Duchess was summery in the very pretty Ghost Anouk Floral Satin Midi Dress (with thanks to emg collins).

The empire line dress is described: "The beautiful piece catches the eye in many ways - its smooth and fresh-hued fabric, dainty floral pattern and soft ruffle trim. The sleeves have wide cuffs that are retro-inspired and give a slightly puff finish. The deep V neck is smartened up with a shawl-style collar." The £129 piece is available at John Lewis and Asos.

A closer look at the print.

We saw the Duchess in Ghost London's Avery dress during the Pakistan tour last October. It's a great brand, especially for elegant midi and maxi dresses which can take you from day to night. The Avery is back in stock in pink at Asos and John Lewis.

Kate wore her Accessorize Polly Petal drop earrings. They are currently in stock for just £8.

It was great to see the Cambridges tonight. Wishing you all a lovely weekend!


  1. Thank you for your posts. What a delightful post. I am so disappointed the comments are slim I am registering myself to support you.

    1. I'm still checking this wonderful blog every day! In the past, my comments have almost always been about Kate's outfit du jour. Doesn't seem like the right time for that kind of public commentary, so I am sheltering my opinions in place right now. On a non fashion note, that picture of Charles and Louis is so sweet. Diana said Charles was a good father, and you can see the tenderness in him come through in that photo. Not sure he had the warmest upbringing, so good for him for figuring out how to be a warm dad and grandpa.

      Thanks to Charlotte for her consistency and hard work.

  2. Thanks Charlotte, another lovely post on the Cambridge family. They all look well and happy while showing support for the carers. Charles and Camilla look great too. Camilla is killing that jeans look! I love it.

    1. Camilla really is killing the jeans look, good on her!! Both look very casually smart! cc

    2. I agree too with your comments 🤗

    3. Wondering if you could open a blog for HRH Sophie Countess of Wessex please? Would be a great asset to compliment both Catherine & Meghan.

    4. What a lovely surprise - since I'm 'across the 'pond' I was unaware of BBC stephen fry/ Lord melchett - so at first wasn't sure what was going on. However William did a great job. Bravo to him. And to see the whole family come out to clap, very very nice. Such a beautiful pic of Charles hugging precious Louis just lovely. And have to say that Charles is looking quite dapper with Camilla who looks fantastic in jeans. Really enjoyed this post Charlotte-thank you!

    5. I completely agree, Camilla looks amazing, a very good figure.

    6. Kate's dress is beautiful. Very sporting of William to join in the self-deprecating sketch.

    7. Someone wrote on a recent post comment that they missed Julia's comments. Does she no longer post? Can anyone shed any light, please? I have been following this blog for years but not so much in recent months so don't know if she wrote something in the interim about this. I always read her well-considered and informed comments. Did she say that she wouldn't be posting any more or is just taking a break? I honestly felt I knew her through reading so many of her posts.

    8. I thought Charles and Camilla looked fantastic. Still swooning over the photo of Charles in grandfather mode with the young Prince.

    9. Hello Martha,

      I understand Julia decided to step back from commenting, if I hear anything I'll certainly update you all :)

    10. Caroline in Montana24 April 2020 at 17:56

      I was super stoked about Camilla in jeans, she looks great! they all do!!

    11. Thanks, Charlotte, I've just seen your post about Julia. Julia: if you are reading this: we miss hearing from you and hope all is well. x

  3. Brilliant post, thank you Charlotte. I didnt realise that the clapping was a regular occurrence - I'm a bit slow off the mark, it's a wonderful initiative. It was lovely to see the Vicar again too, I do miss that show.

    On a different note, tomorrow is Anzac Day here and it will be a very different day to the usual. We are being encouraged to stand on our driveways, patios, verandas or balconies, or anywhere in our homes, pre-dawn to remember the fallen and those currently serving. This year we will all have something else to think about as another fight is being fought. I hope you Charlotte, and all your followers,stay safe and well. Very best wishes, Bronwyn, Sydney

  4. How fun to see William on camera and the whole family out supporting in their "blue". Love the photos or Louis. Very sweet. What a great fundraiser and so happy to see how much it raised.

  5. Mary in Nebraska, USA23 April 2020 at 22:14

    Thank you for getting the posts up so quickly. I knew right where to look for the best pictures and info. Thanks, Charlotte!

  6. William is nailing it, love his dry, wry wit and delivery! Really do adore this family! I very much like that W & K are including the children in these moments of appreciation. Also like that we are getting a peek into their life at Amner Hall. That door entrance is beautiful and provides a great backdrop for the family! Wishful thinking, but a virtual tour would be great!! I'm kind of liking this new form of support for their charities. Way to adapt!! cc

    1. Like with so many things it would be interesting how royalling from isolation will influence royal work post-covid. Video-conferencing offers interesting advantages for royal work. I love that we can actually sit in on part of the conversations and not just gets snippets reported.
      And it could also allow them, especially Kate, to do more engagements virtually without it cutting her time with the kids.
      Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Zoom will ever have the same value as a personal visit from royals, but it opens new avenues especially with less working royals.

    2. Zora from Prague24 April 2020 at 21:07

      I also loved the sketch, CeCe! Somehow I feel it is very British style: first a fun sketch including William, then the Cambridges clapping, followed by the footage from all over the country, offering a glimpse of how people appreciate the NHS - it was very touching. I find the mixture of the comic elements and the serious ones very appealing. They do it really well. Plus, Kate looked lovely!

  7. What a lovely post and a touching clip.
    William did really well in the show with its wonderful British humour.
    And the Cambridge family looks and behaves so sympathically. Absolutely likeable and a joyful sight in these strange times with so many bad news.
    I liked the dress on Kate much more than on the model - she is such a beauty AND seems to have a friendly, relaxed personality.
    Susanne, Vienna

  8. After a very challenging day of working from home, I was pleased to see this post!! I love seeing little pieces of their home, and, obviously, their family. I thought the pictures this morning were a treat!!

    Hope from USA

  9. Thank you for posting Charlotte!!! I always love to see sweet little treats of the Cambridge’s!!!

  10. Charlotte I commend you with the research & detail to support your narrative with accompanying images which sometimes reflect historically depending on engagement. Thank you. And thank you for Duchess Kate commentary. Wonder if you could explore supporting HRH Sophie Countess of Wessex?

    1. Hello, I have no plans at the moment to start a new blog as my schedule is quite literally all over the place and unpredictable at the moment. A blogger named Anna used to write a fantastic blog on Sophie, I would love to see her bring it back :)

  11. Susan in Florida23 April 2020 at 23:35

    It was great to see William’s fun side! The video was very moving. The photo of Prince Charles with Louis is heart melting. Everyone, keep up the good work: being at home, or helping others , or serving as Medical personnel or First Responders. I like the British word ‘carers’. better ! It covers everyone .

  12. Here I am! Thank you Charlotte! What a good sport William is ;)

  13. Sarah from Calif.23 April 2020 at 23:59

    Love it!!!!

  14. Thank you for keeping up the blog in these strange times. All the family look very well. An absolute credit to their family and the United kingdom. Both doing amazing work on mental health..

  15. Becca in Colorado24 April 2020 at 00:31

    It’s nice to see William branching out in a more relaxed way. And Louis is so cute!

    I think the song is actually Paradise by Coldplay, isn’t it?

  16. I enjoyed the post. Thank you, Charlotte.

  17. That is by far the most moving and best photo I've ever seen of Charles and I've seen tens of thousands as I collected well over 25 books of Diana over the years not counting magazines as well as online. I absolutely love that photo probably because it seems so genuine and warm and loving.

    1. Rita in Florida24 April 2020 at 19:50

      I was really touched by it as well Denise!! Just a lovely photo.

      I recall in an interview with Charles and Camilla a few years back Camilla was asked what people don't know about him. I found her answer interesting. She said "I don't think people realize how incredibly kind he is". This photo is that of a kind grandfather that is for sure!!

    2. Zora from Prague24 April 2020 at 21:10

      Wow, Denise, you are a true expert and it definitely means a lot to hear you say that! Thank you!

    3. Denise, I agree. I don't know that I ever saw an authentic picture of him with Wills or Harry. WOW! It really touched my heart.

  18. PS--I was referring to the photo of Charles with Louis. =)

  19. Thank you charlotte for the post are deligthful as the cambeidge joining the fun of clapping the Nhs my lil sister can see her she working at hospital so cannot see her for long time

  20. Thank you for this post. I miss the public events so much. It's a joy to see this. Catherine looks so well rested. The family looks fantastic. What a beautiful pic.

  21. Only Kate could make that dress look amazing

    1. Louis on her hip is a nice accessory 😉

  22. Was anyone else caught off guard by how beautiful she looked today? Maybe I’m it’s because we’ve had such a Royal dry spell or maybe it’s because I’m looking like a hotmess during quarantine... but I this she looks stunning!
    William was funny and the kids were as cute as ever! Loved this little treat today.

    1. Me too. Especially since the dress looks like a sack on the model. I would never have picked it from the photo.

    2. Zora from Prague24 April 2020 at 21:15

      I agree, Asia, Kate looked fantastic! I can understand the phrase "a sight for sore eyes" better than ever. There really is an element of joy and healing in beauty, especially if the beauty is so natural as in Kate.

    3. Truly lovely! :)

      Becca USA

    4. Zora from Prague25 April 2020 at 21:01

      How are you feeling, Becca? And is your husband OK? I do hope the overall situation is getting a bit better, gradually, at least in some places, though it will still take a long time before we get out of the tunnel.

  23. Gorgeous little Charlotte started the clapping first, what a star!

  24. I saw this on Instagram and just had to see if you'd posted about it... Of course you had!

    So lovely to see them in this video. And I loved how, on Instagram, they posted the caption "Instagram vs Reality" with the two pictures of Lois (rainbow perfectly on his hands vs all over his face in the next slide).

  25. Wonderful family in blue. I like the dress design but not viscose.

  26. I was so pleased to see them - what a treat. I wish this was over - missing my family and friends so tonight was a little ‘cheer me up’

  27. I've just recently discovered your blog and wish to thank you for your hard work.
    Duchess Kate and her family are wonderful representatives of the British Monarchy.
    It's fantastic that Prince William is able to participate in fundraising for your NHS
    and that his family so enthusiastically participate in the appreciation shown to the health workers. I look forward to your posts. All the best to you and your loved ones in this stressful time.

    1. Welcome! Charlotte does an outstanding job so you are (hopefully) going to enjoy the blog as much as many of us do.

  28. You can just see, even with everything that is going on, both Kate an William are in their happy place. At home with the kids. They might have become better at dealing with royal life and the press, but this is who they are at heart.

    And don’t you just love their front door, or kitchen door or whatever door it is?

    1. Yes, LOVE the door! That was my first thought. When I was in Norfolk two years ago visiting Sandringham, of course we drove past Anmer Hall. You could see the roof and some parts of the upper house from the road. How I longed to go inside and see how it's decorated! Now we get to see a glimpse of one of the rooms during their Zoom meetings (I'm studying the wall behind them, trying to figure out which Farrow and Ball paint color it is!).

      Also love Kate's hair these past couple of weeks. Less styled of course (unless her hairdresser is in lockdown with them, lol!) but that's why I like it.

      Also love the dress, how William is really coming into his role during these times, and the children of course!

    2. Nicely said RachelZA, the image of the family at the front door is the true William and Kate and who they are at heart. You are also right about the door, LOVE it, but then I think all the doors must be beautiful in that home. If you look at the door behind William at one point in the video, you will see this grand white arched door with great detail and moulding. It must be a beautiful house, but it also feels like Kate and William have worked together to make it a lovely home for their family. cc

  29. Love it! Also really enjoy reading all your commentary on both blogs.

    It's great to see the royals lending their support to the NHS and patronage from afar.

    What lovely and special pics of Prince Charles and little Prince Louis.
    Adorable one with all the paint. I'm surprised he kept it off his shirt! No way my two would do that!

  30. Wonderful. What a lovely way to say thanks. William and Catherine are doing an amazing job. They are a real beautiful family and are doing a great job. The children are adorable and happy. Charles and Camilla are doing a wonderful job as well.

  31. lovely post Charlotte. what a beautiful family they are. I love kate's outfit and this is a great gesture. they really are doing so much right now and it really looks good to see they genuinely care.
    every night at 7pm im out there banging my pots for the healthcare workers.

    1. Zora from Prague24 April 2020 at 21:18

      That's great, Melissa! 🙂

  32. Lovely update, thanks Charlotte!

  33. Wonderful photos! Thank you for this post.

  34. What a fun post during these trying times! I loved William's comedy sketch! Also, I'm a huge fan of The Vicar of Dibley, so I enjoyed seeing "Geraldine" again. Lovely scenes across the UK of people cheering. Did anyone else notice the Cambridge kids walking out of their door with their hands folded? Ready to clap, or preparing for royal duties? William clasps his hands when out. Just a thought.

  35. A lovely post, thank you. Agree with Sheila US Charles and Camilla look very good, I like her in jeans. Bronwyn, Sydney

  36. Was delightful to see the Cambridges. L9ved her dress. Thanks for the info as I was wondering the brand

  37. Just writing to let you know that even though I very rarely comment I check in religiously! <3

  38. Just seen on Ghost Instagram that they’re donating all the proceeds from the sales of this dress (it’s sold out) to the NHS.

  39. Thank you for all your hard work on the blog.A beautiful picture of the Prince of Wales.He must be counting the days till he sees his grand children again, especially after being unwell himself. Future King's and Queens all doing a great job.

  40. Jean from Lancs24 April 2020 at 18:15

    What Lovely pictures.
    Thank you Charlotte for posting them and cheering ,not just us in the UK, but all over the world.

  41. Hope you and yours are keeping safe Charlotte. Thank you for the posts.

  42. Love this family. Thank you. Kai Kaha ( stay strong)

  43. I had to comment that Camilla looks just wonderful! I was reading that the system for workers appears to be different in the UK (and better) than in the US. I read that the unemployed will received 80% of their usual pay and perhaps their company will pay them 20%. All of this is wonderful; allows people to focus on treating patients and beating the virus spread. Here, there is a one-time payment of $1200 to many (most?) persons and it could take months to arrive. Many landlord are insisting on being paid rent although there are nearly 30 million who have managed to get through to the unemployment offices to register. Unemployment is a few hundred a month and there is supposed to be an extra $600 a week but many are not receiving it. At food lines, there are hundreds and hundreds of cars now. Naturally, towns and states are very eager to "open up" again, and it's just too early.

  44. Another wonderful post. What a beautiful family. Camilla and Charles look great too.

  45. Love this post. Thanks so much for your wonderful content Charlotte. Who knew William had acting chops, he and Stephen Fry were a great duo. Louis is such a cute little boy. No longer a baby. Kate did a great job on his birthday pics. I agree with the comment someone made above, Camilla looks phenomenal in jeans. She is 15 years younger and 30 pounds lighter than she looks in dresses. Charles looks great in his sort of casual look as well.

  46. My friend and I discussed today how we are sad that our favorite royal watching season is not going to happen. Trooping (with the balcony pictures), usually followed by a day of polo, Ascot, and Wimbledon. We always joke we are going to London for those couple of weeks. Damn virus!!
    I’m hoping that maybe this year the Cambridge’s will release a couple “new” pictures from their wedding to celebrate their anniversary.

    Hope from USA

  47. Looks like me next year's Christmas card for sure!

  48. Wonderful sketch with William and Stephen Fry! loved it!

  49. The pretty blue dress Late wore to honor the NHS is sold out-which means they will be receiving all the proceeds. Kate undoubtedly collaborated with Ghost in this project. Any other explanation would require too many coincidences.

  50. Angelina Bucket28 April 2020 at 16:51

    I adore the picture with Charles - there is so much love and kindness in his eyes ❤️


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