Wednesday 22 April 2020

UPDATED: Prince Louis' Darling Birthday Photos

So many of you have said to me in recent weeks royal news is a welcome respite from the current media cycle - and we certainly got the perfect distraction tonight in the form of darling photographs of Prince Louis, also known as Kate's mini-me, ahead of his second birthday tomorrow. The family will mark the day at Anmer Hall, where they are staying during this period of restrictions. I have no doubt a very special party with George and Charlotte filled with games, cake and presents is in store for the baby of the Cambridge family.

The photos were taken by Kate at Anmer Hall earlier this month. The little Prince, dressed in a check blue shirt, was rather busy finger painting. As you can see, Baby Cambridge has very much grown into a little boy and looks quite grown up for two.

Take a look at this rainbow of colours :)

Kensington Palace posted the following: "Sharing a sneak peek of Prince Louis’s handiwork ahead of his second birthday We are pleased to share images ahead of Prince Louis’s second birthday tomorrow." We've seen children all over the UK making rainbow and colourful drawings in support of the NHS, I expect these photos were chosen with that in mind. 

So many of you (especially parents) said "Where's the photo of Louis with his hands all over his face?". KP shared it with the caption "Instagram v Reality".

There was an additional treat in store in the form of a beautiful photo of Charles hugging his grandson. Several eagled-eyed royal watchers noted the photo is framed at Birkhall in Charles' office too.

Louis was born on a sunny St George's Day morning at St Mary's Hospital two years ago.

Several weeks later we saw him in big sister Charlotte's arms.

To mark his first birthday, we saw several photos of the delightful Prince taken by his mum at Kensington Palace.

It's been a joy watching him take on his first very royal events over the past year, such as Trooping the Colour...

...where he got a feel for the event with his siblings from the window of Buckingham Palace :)

Taking to the polo field over the summer.

And most recently joining George and Charlotte to clap for our carers.

Sending Louis the happiest wishes for a wonderful birthday tomorrow.


In other news, the Cambridges have announced a new mental health initiative - Our Frontline - which will see trained volunteers, available by call or text in addition to online resources to support the frontline community's mental health during the challenging weeks and months ahead. It is a partnership between the Royal Foundation, Shout, Mind, Hospice UK and Samaritans.

More from Victoria Murphy:

'William and Kate have long made raising awareness of the importance mental health a key focus of their work. Since the coronavirus pandemic hit the UK, they have backed the NHS and Public Health England’s mental health initiatives advising people how to look after themselves, including narrating a short film to highlight resources available.
Paul Farmer, the CEO of Mind, said that those working on the frontlines face “huge challenges to their physical and mental health,” adding: “That’s why it’s so important they can easily access information and contact trained advisors to help promote good mental health, any time of day or night.”
Victoria Hornby, the CEO of Mental Health Innovations, which runs Shout, also noted how the charity groups are collaborating right now. "Millions of people across the UK are pulling together to form our frontline and we've joined together as charities to support the mental health of all of these essential workers,” she said.'

The Duchess has been sending letters of support to her patronages including East Anglia's Children's Hospices. Kate wrote: "This must be a deeply worrying time for you all. Many staff and volunteers at EACH will no doubt be facing additional pressures as they try to juggle their personal and professional lives."

In a letter to Evelina London, the Duchess sent an uplifting message praising the "inspirational" staff and volunteers, adding it is "heartening" to see the children's hospital still "very much open for business".

 Hope you're all well and in good spirits.


  1. They’re so thoughtful! In times when pictures like these may seem frivolous they’ve managed to celebrate Louis birthday and also show their respect and support to NHS workers with the rainbows this cutie is painting for them!

    1. I have to agree. You have summarised the pictures and what they say and capture absolutely perfectly

  2. Louis looks so much like George! Thank you for your blog. I love reading your posts xx

  3. Rita in Florida22 April 2020 at 23:08

    How sweet!! Good Lord that boy looks like his mother spit him out! Just like Kate!! Absolutely darling - what a nice boost.

    I always think it's interesting to see who the children favor - to me Charlotte really favors William/Windsor and I think George is just a nice mix of both, maybe a bit heavier on the Middleton.

    1. Tammy from California23 April 2020 at 01:32

      Rita I agree with you. Charlotte looks identical to the queen when they were both about 2/3 and George looks just like Michael Middleton to me. Louis really is all Kate-thick hair and all!

    2. I agree about Charlotte. When she grinned in the clapping video, all I could see was William’s grin on her face.

  4. Lovely photographs from our Duchess! What a little cutie! He's not a baby anymore! I particularly love his rainbow hands- I bet his shirt became a rainbow too shortly thereafter! Love, Love Love! Hopefully, we'll get some cute Archie photos too!

  5. What a darling! His eyes and brows are all Kate but there’s something about his face and smile that remind me of William. I also find it interesting how all three little Cambridges look so distinct from one another.

    1. Penny,
      I agree, Prince George and prince Louis have different facial features but their overall appearance is the same. They both have blonde hair, dark eyes and same physical structure. I kinda wish they would have another baby and it being a girl so we can see how much she will resemble princess Charlotte. But I no it’s not going to happen

  6. Susan in Florida22 April 2020 at 23:41

    What a nice surprise at the end of my day! DoC takes wonderful photos. Little Louis is so cute.

  7. What a handsome little boy! I love his little haircut. I hope we see 5th birthday photos of Charlotte soon!

  8. What a great way to end my evening!

  9. Tammy from California23 April 2020 at 01:30

    Well this is exactly the kind of cheering up one could use today! The rainbow colors are just wonderful!! I hope Kate has a wall in her home of all the fun pictures she takes of her kids. SO FUN and the rainbow just adds a wonderful addition of color to it.
    Louis is a beautiful little boy and I agree that he looks older than two but I think it is because of his thick beautiful eyebrows and full head of hair!! My little blondie hardly had any hair until he was about three and you still can't see any eyebrows on him!
    Happiest of birthdays prince Louis!

  10. What a handsome little boy. You just KNOW what he's going to look like as an adult (some children have their "grown up" face from the moment they're born). And he's the looker of the family, in a family of lookers. Definitely Kate and Michael M.'s "mini me." A Middleton through and through (I see zero Cambridge!). Happy B-Day, Prince Louis!

  11. Louie is dressed like a little man which is strange since George is usually dressed like a toddler in public places.

  12. Michael Middleton all over! Beautiful photos.

  13. Louis is adorable. Wonderful pictures!

  14. Patriciacanada198323 April 2020 at 04:15

    Such a wonderful thing to see before heading into work tomorrow, always brightens my heart seeing the Cambridge children. So happy they are supporting the first hand responders. I live in Canada and make sure to make noise with my children at the time the shift change is. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
    Thank you for this uplifting post, very much appreciated during these times

  15. What a joy to see the little happy prince Louis celebrate his 2nd birthday with all of us. Happy birthday!

  16. Happy birthday hrh prince louis of camrbidge

  17. What a tonic - gorgeous Louis 😀

  18. Zora from Prague23 April 2020 at 07:58

    What a treat, thank you so much, Charlotte! 😃 Louis is such a sweet boy, and looks much older than 2! What a difference between last year and this - he's neither a baby, not a toddler any more! I think it's lovely that all three of them are clearly "from one nest" - one can see they are siblings, but at the same time, each of them is very different and they clearly have their unique personalities. How nice of the Cambridges to share these photos with us. The rainbow hands are a thoughtful gesture and, at the same time, I'm sure their little owner had a lot of fun finger-painting! Happy Birthday, Prince Louis! 🌈
    I also like how supportive of their charities Kate and William are. Well done!

    1. This is a treat Zora, Kate certainly takes wonderful photos of her children. These are so bright and happy, and how very clever of Kate to give us a peek at Louis yesterday, only to put out a picture today with the paint on his face! If Kate took the photo of Prince Charles with Louis, she does know to capture a moment!! If this is a preview of what's to come, can't wait for Charlotte's pictures in May!! Love the rainbow hands and the tie in to their charity, and the letters, well done indeed. cc

    2. Zora from Prague23 April 2020 at 20:52

      I agree, CeCe, Kate is the best photographer of her own kids! The photo of Prince Charles and little Louis is so tender. Whoever took it captured something really special. One can imagine what warmth must have filled Charles' heart at that moment.
      I hadn't thought of Charlotte's upcoming birthday and I'm so glad you mentioned it! Now I have one more thing to look forward to 😃

    3. Catherine took that lovely photo of Charles and Louis. She is truly gifted. CaCe and Zora, I am not sure anyone has mentioned that It has been confirmed by a royal reporter.

    4. Thank you Anon for verifying that information, knowing that makes the photo all that more special!! You are right Kate is truly gifted! Thanks for sharing with us!! cc

  19. oh my what a little beauty! he has grown so much! he is so cute these pics made my day. God bless him.
    Thanks Charlotte ! Happy bday to the little prince!

  20. What a beautiful little boy he is, so much like Kate as a toddler. It was so lovely to see these photos at the top of my news feed this morning instead of coronavirus gloom.

  21. Wow. Gorgeous pictures. Kate definitely has a hand for family/children portraits.
    Louis is such a cutie. I find it fascinating how much he reminds me of George, yet looks completely different (similar to Michael Middleton) as well. It will be interesting to see how he changes over time (as it is with all children).
    It’s great that Wiliam and Kate still try to connect and support their charities. In this times their presence will make up for a lot and they can really remind people why they still have a monarchy to this day. Uniting the country and reminding everyone that we can do it is a big task.

  22. I wondered how they were going to mark the occasion, given the current situation. But these photos are absolutely spot on. Diplomacy at its best. I think we can surmise that they have white marble work surfaces in the kitchen/pantry/utility room. Prince Louis looks wonderful. Wishing him a very happy birthday!

    1. I was also impressed with how perfectly they pitched these photos in a difficult time.
      The bright colourful photos just put a smile on your face.
      And choosing an indoor activity instead that lots of parents and toddlers are engaging in, instead of picturing him outdoors (when most are locked in) was also well done.

  23. I have never seen such a mature looking 2 year old! That thought jumped into my head the minute I saw the first picture. He looks about 14,and exactly like Kate. I really think he is going to be the heart breaker in the family.

    1. I agree that he looks like a very handsome young man in the making. Full of mischief too.

  24. Happy birthday to prince louie

  25. Nicole from France23 April 2020 at 12:25

    Catherine is definitely the best photographer of her children ! Louis so much takes after Michael Middleton !!! Charlotte is more and more a Windsor/Spencer mix , like her dad , George is more complex .... he sometimes looks frail , he is timid like his grand dad Charles at the same age .
    I love the way Louis looks at his brother and sister while clasping hands, it reminds me of Harry looking up at William on a photo !
    I hope you all are safe , take care , wéll get through !

  26. Louis is the cutest! Kate has an eye for beautiful pictures and the rainbow seems very thoughtful. I wonder if Louis has made several handprints like the one pictured and maybe these were sent out to grandparents or even some of Kate´s patronages?

    1. It took more than one try, if you look carfully you can see that the order/position of the colours in the pictures are all different.
      Must have been an interesting afternoon.

  27. What a joyful and gorgeous child Prince Louis is! Lovely pictures including the new ones posted today from both Kensington Royal and Clarence House. He looks a bit like George with darker hair along with the Middletons. George seems to be a mix of the Middletons and his great-uncle Spencer (Diana's brother) while Charlotte is very much William/Queen Elizabeth.

    The rainbow hand painting was a treat to see as well in these troubling times.

  28. Louis is full energy, he has Charlotte's extrovert personality. He is going to be full of energy, handsome and charming when he is older. Hope he doesn't lose it, to balance the Cambridge's clan.
    Happy birthday to the young Prince ��

  29. Thank you for sharing the photo of Louis with paint on his face! Loved the caption for it :P
    & the photo of Charles holding Louis is the sweetest 😍

  30. Prince Louis: Very handsome little boy and a wonderful idea for a picture. Everyone stay safe. Thank you, Charlotte for sharing.

  31. Caroline in Montana23 April 2020 at 15:10

    I feel like I have been waiting weeks for this since with the covid there are no more physical appearances out and about by the D&DofC. WOW is all I can say, these photos surpassed my expectations!! what a darling boy. I see everyone in him (as most children) but that last photo with the his head tipped up and the rainbow on his cheeks reminds me of George. he has that darker hair and eyes like charlotte. Im sure its an odd comment but I think its good they have three children, somehow with 2 the balance never seems fair/right (not sure what word I was looking for) and with 3 it seems like the burden of whats to come is more spread out and 1 more person to rely on. I know that some people thought having a third was not the thing to do. im sure that they are having a great day together and at 2 all you really need is your family to make a fuss. he looks like such an old soul. hopefully we get a great shot of charlotte in a few weeks to see us through. it really is such a treat and it does lift the spirit in these trying times. Thank you charlotte! hope everyone is doing well!!

    1. I completely understand and agree with you Caroline about having the three children, its ironic but it does give a balance of sorts! cc

  32. He's so handsome! I love that they share these candid photos and that Catherine takes such good ones. Beautiful children. Always a joy to see them!

  33. Those brows!! I strive and strive and never manage to get such a pretty shape. I can't make out his eyes! They seem more like dark blue?

  34. Louis is lovely. But the photo of him and Prince Charles is so heartwarming. Grandfather looks smitten!

  35. My goodness! Doesn't the photo of Louis pulling a face with paint all over his face look like it's a photo of George?

  36. Have you seen the video of Prince William talking to Stephen Fry, with the Cambridges all clapping on their doorstep at the end?

  37. Thank you Charlotte.

    This post, with is its photographs of dear, little Louis, his loving grandfather and kind family, is the perfect antidote to the overwhelming news of suffering and sadness in the world - a reminder that simple delights remain.

  38. I can’t help but think of how they put it in The Crown about there being two Windsors in every generation, one ”dull, dutiful, reliable, heroic” and one ”dazzling, brilliant, invidualistic and dangerous”, and so ”for every Victoria, you get an Edward VII, for every George V, a Prince Eddy, every George VI, an Edward VIII, every Elizabeth a Margaret.” And it would seem William and Harry fits these roles as well to some extent. Makes me wonder about George and Louis and their future roles.


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