Friday 17 April 2020

The Cambridges Praise NHS Staff, Share Concerns Amid COVID-19 & Homeschooling

In keeping with their efforts to support mental health initiatives especially at this incredibly trying time, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge appeared on the BBC Breakfast Club this morning via Zoom from their Norfolk home, Anmer Hall. William and Kate encouraged people to communicate using online tools and praised the work of NHS Every Mind Matters.

William said: "Staying connected, staying positive and being able to talk to friends and family is so crucial." Kate praised those in the NHS and on the front lines: "The NHS and the frontline workers are doing the most extraordinary job and that’s really come to the forefront in the last few weeks and I think it’s going to dramatically change how we all value and see our frontline workers. While that's hugely important we mustn't forget our mental well-being as well and making sure you're reaching out to those people around you that you have access to - even if it's over the phone or online to really make sure you have those conversations." William added: "I really hope at the end of this we are a bigger global community than we've been before."

The couple laughed when asked about home schooling, with Kate revealing they've kept it going throughout the school holidays. Kate said: "It's been ups and downs probably like lots of families. George is much older than Louis but they are aware. You don't want to scare them and make it too overwhelming, I think it is important to acknowledge it in age appropriate ways. The children have got such stamina, I don't know how, honestly. You get to the end of the day, you write down a list of all the things you've done in the day. You sort of pitch a tent, you take the tent down again, cook, bake, you get to the end of the day - they've had a lovely time but it is amazing how much they can cram into one day."

More from the BBC:

'Prince William said there was a concern people might think they were "not worthy of support" because of the pressure on services during the coronavirus pandemic. "It's important that other people aren't forgotten and those who do need help, and do need support, and haven't necessarily ever had to think about their mental well-being, start to do that in this weird climate we're in," he said.
During the interview, the duke and duchess also praised NHS workers and said they were making the nation proud with their "stoicism and determination" to get through the pandemic.
But Prince William said some staff were understandably anxious and it was important not to alienate those who "worry" and "are scared going to work every single day".
He said NHS workers often have to absorb the pain and loneliness of coronavirus patients and "take it home to their families. We're not superhuman, any of us. So to be able to manage those emotions and that feeling is going to take some time after all this is over as well."'

William spoke about feeling worried for his father who contracted COVID-19 and his concerns for the Queen and Prince Philip:

“I was a little bit worried. But my father has had many chest infections, colds, things like that over the years, so I thought to myself that if anybody is going to be able to beat this, it is going to be him.
"And actually he was very lucky, he had mild symptoms. I had a lot of good reassurance from doctors and  friends of mine who said ‘Listen, the days he is on when we found out about it, he is probably past the worst of it.’
"And obviously speaking to him made me feel more reassured that he was OK. But again at that age you do worry a bit more. " One of the hardest things for Prince Charles, the Duke said, was not being able to go outside. "I think the hardest thing he found was having to stop and not be able to go and get a bit of fresh air and go for a walk," he said. "He's a mad walker. He loves his walking.
"So I think he found it quite difficult, especially also, I think, with his mental health, being stuck inside and not being able to go for walks." He added: “I think very carefully about my grandparents who are the age they are at. "We are doing everything we can to make sure that they are isolated away and protected from this.
"But it does worry me, you know, what's going to happen to a lot of the vulnerable people and the high risk people who are going to potentially have to isolate away for quite some time, and the impact that's going to have on them and on families up and down the country having to do that."

The conversation was also an opportunity to highlight an inspiring man who is fast becoming a national treasure in Britain. Captain Tom Moore, Second World War veteran, originally pledged to raise £1,000 for the fight against the virus by walking lengths of his family garden ahead of his 100th birthday at the end of this month. His efforts have touched the nation and donations have now surpassed over £18 million. There is talk of a much deserved knighthood for the man who has captured the hearts of so many. Indeed, he's already caught the eye of the royals. Both William and Camilla have written him congratulatory letters and William has made a private donation. Speaking today, the Prince described Captain Moore as "an absolute legend". He added: "It's incredible, I did see it on the news the other night and I thought, good on him. It's amazing and what I love also is that he's a 99-year-old war vet who's been around a long time, knows everything, and it's wonderful that everyone kind of has been inspired by his story and his determination." Touched by William's words, Mr Moore described him as "my super prince". If you would like to donate to Captain Moore's wonderful effort, please click here.

The Duchess wore her Arket Merino Marinière Jumper which she debuted for the launch of the King's Cup regatta last May. On the day, Kate completed the nautical look with L.K. Bennett Parker trousers, Emmy London Josie pumps, her red Emmy London clutch, and sapphire and diamond earrings.

Kensington Palace shared a selection of tips via Twitter:

  • 1. Daily routines & set yourself goals – even small ones can help with structure
  • 2. Look after your body; try to eat healthy, drink water & exercise regularly
  • 3. Try maintain a regular sleeping pattern
  • 4. Do things you enjoy or try learning something new
  • 5. Stay connected with friends & family via telephone & video calls, or social media;
  • 6. Talk about your worries with someone you trust, or try a helpline
  • 7. Acknowledge difficult feelings and try and manage unhelpful thoughts
  • 8. Try and find time to relax, and try simple relaxation techniques
  • 9. Keep your mind active. Read, write, play games, do crossword puzzles, drawing, cooking and painting

  • Additionally, the Duke and Duchess have narrated a new video for NHS Every Mind Matters entitled 'Now, More Than Ever' against the backdrop of James Bay's much-loved song 'Hold Back the River'. It will be broadcast on all national television stations on Monday. The couple said: "All over the country people are staying at home to protect the NHS and save lives. It’s not always easy. We can feel frustrated, miss loved ones or get anxious. So now, more than ever, Every Mind Matters. There are things we can all do to look after our mental well-being at this time. Every Mind Matters can help get you started with your NHS online plan."


    Last week, William and Kate joined experts from mental health charities and Shout CEO Victoria Hornby for a round-table call to discuss the sector's response to the pandemic. Highlighting the importance of encouraging people to seek help, Victoria said: "I think it’s really important to put out messages saying that we do want to hear from those facing mental health challenges and that they deserve the support they would require at any other time." Action on Addiction's Graham Beech said: "The round-table was a crucial discussion. We are concerned by what we are hearing daily about the many adults, children and families whose lives are already severely affected by addiction and who are now struggling even more with the physical and social restrictions of the coronavirus lockdown."

    Kate also wrote a letter of support to her patronage Action on Addiction, saying: "I'm writing to tell you how much I am thinking of you all at Action on Addiction at this hugely difficult time."

    It's heartening to see so many ongoing efforts during these challenging times and fun to get an update on the Cambridges' homeschooling :) Wishing you all a lovely weekend.


    1. Zora from Prague17 April 2020 at 16:39

      Charlotte, thank you so much for this wonderful post! It was great to listen to William and Kate talking about NHS and to read all the other info. Yesterday, I read the incredible story of Captain Tom Moore in the Telegraph and I couldn't stop crying - it is absolutely amazing to see someone so dedicated, and at his age, too. I'm short of words, really. He is such an inspiration, such a dear and brave man. I still have in my head the image of him with his walking frame, determined to do his 100 laps and then even going on. The people's generosity is absolutely amazing too. This old man is my hero and I'm very glad he was praised and thanked by William. I do hope he will be knighted, it would be a great form of recognition and so well deserved.
      It's good to know the Cambridges try to do their best to encourage their charities, mental health care workers and people in general. It is very important and really appreciated.
      Take care, everyone!🌸

      1. Well said Zora, Captain Tom Moore's actions are incredibly inspirational. I too hope that he is knighted! Capt. Moore's response to Williams tribute is also touching...“That my super Prince would say something like that.” The mutual respect shown is very gracious and uplifting. cc

    2. Lovely post Charlotte, and well said; it is heartening to see the efforts of the Cambridges and other royals during this trying time. As always, Wiliam and Kate make quite a team, and I am impressed by William's presence and how well he articulates his thoughts. I really don't know how either of them hold it together like they do when they talk about such sensitive topics. I think I would be a bit of a 'weeper'!! :) I like that Kate shared her day with the children and homeschooling, and that its not unlike what many other parents are having to deal with each day. (We really are all in this together.) I love their 'Every Mind Matters' initiative and look forward to their seeing the video. Kate's heartfelt letter was lovely and think it is important to continue to appreciate and inspire everybody who is a part of these crucial programs. I really like that they are staying actively involved and in such a down to earth, relatable way. Good on them! Stay safe everybody! cc

    3. The picture shared by KP of William on the screen and all the people that helped build the temporary hospital in Birmingham standing listening to him is historic. One of the pictures that will for sure be remembered when his time as king comes.

      I suggest you all look for Captain Moore response to William’s words. He says “my super prince” and is so happy to hear his message. All I hope now is there is a video call next week in which William tells him he’s going to be knighted.

    4. Great to see them! I'm curious if homeschooling is expected right now of parents of school-aged children in the UK. If that were the case here, my kids would be screwed (lol!). Luckily for both them and me, they are doing their schooling via Zoom classes and Google Classroom. Kudos to all of their teachers who are also home and juggling young children, ageing parents, and other responsibilities due to the virus, while still doing their best to educate our kids and keep them on track with their studies.

      1. I don’t know about all schools here Pam but my husband teaches at a private school and they are running a full curriculum of online classes and even extra-curricular activities. I think most private and state schools are offering some kind of home schooling programme.

      2. Susan in Florida18 April 2020 at 18:24

        Pam, Some places call it homeschooling even if it’s with online resources.

      3. Thanks, Annie and Susan. Yes, I associate the term homeschooling with parent-taught school at home. I was just wondering because Kate mentioned continuing the homeschooling throughout the school holiday (vacation) and not telling the kids.

    5. They are keeping it real. I like that.
      I hope your bubbles are staying well.

    6. ER Nurse from Texas17 April 2020 at 18:52

      It’s almost as if something deeper is troubling Kate...I hope all is well with her. I just felt her mind was elsewhere and I could see turmoil or concern. Maybe it was just the subject...?. Prayers for all...Stay Safe. Stay healthy. Stay home.

      ~ER Nurse from Texas

      1. Yeah Kate looked sad. Perhaps people she is close to are affected. We don't know.

      2. I guess she’s worried about the whole situation like many of us are and she’s humble enough to show it and not pretend everything is ok when it’s not.

      3. Rhonda -Wisconsin18 April 2020 at 00:34

        Thank you for your work ER Nurse! I pray for our frontline workers. Please know how we all appreciate the work that you do. Stay safe and be well.

      4. Rhonda - Wisconsin18 April 2020 at 00:43

        Thank you Charlotte for this wonderful post. Captain Tom made the nightly news here in America! I have been following his adventure and am totally in awe of him. He is simply amazing!! My Mother-In-Law who will be 98 in May will periodically say that she wonders why God still has her here on earth - she just can’t figure it. I truly believe that we each have a purpose and maybe she is still doing God’s work just like Captain Tom. It is uplifting to see how much this wonderful gentleman is touching so many people and I applaud him loudly from Wisconsin. Our elderly are precious and often under appreciated feeling like they can’t contribute. Captain Tom sure proves that you are never too old to make a difference. It starts with just one - one person, one step at a time!!! Go Captain Tom!!! I made my donation this morning and I hope it continues to grow. Please take care and stay safe Duchess Kate readers!!!!

      5. Rhonda - Wisconsin18 April 2020 at 00:43

        Thank you Charlotte for this wonderful post. Captain Tom made the nightly news here in America! I have been following his adventure and am totally in awe of him. He is simply amazing!! My Mother-In-Law who will be 98 in May will periodically say that she wonders why God still has her here on earth - she just can’t figure it. I truly believe that we each have a purpose and maybe she is still doing God’s work just like Captain Tom. It is uplifting to see how much this wonderful gentleman is touching so many people and I applaud him loudly from Wisconsin. Our elderly are precious and often under appreciated feeling like they can’t contribute. Captain Tom sure proves that you are never too old to make a difference. It starts with just one - one person, one step at a time!!! Go Captain Tom!!! I made my donation this morning and I hope it continues to grow. Please take care and stay safe Duchess Kate readers!!!!

      6. Interestingly enough I also notices Kate pursing her lips several times. I first notice this habit on William and Kate's wedding day prior to exchanging vows with William. I assumed it was a case of natural nerves. Over the years I have noticed it more and more when she is in a serious situation while listening to people at her patronages express their stories to her. I personally think Kate is naturally emotional and truly feels for sad situations and her facial expressions and lip pursing may be an attempt at holding back tears and reman focused on the current situation and often the words she has to express in her role.

      7. I thought that, at one point she looked as though she was holding back tears. She’s certainly very empathetic so hopefully it’s simply her caring nature rather than somebody close to her being affected.

      8. Susan in Flroda18 April 2020 at 18:36

        I can’t tell if she was sad or just making an effort to listen, be serious and smiling all the time. Thaks Charlotte for keeping us up to date. Everyone , keep washing your hands and stay safe!

      9. I agree with Susan, it is difficult to say, I think she has just her serious expression

      10. God bless you, and all our hero health care workers, In this very difficult time. I agree Kate was struggling to perform her duties, and seemed distressed. No matter how wealthy, well-supported, or gushed over one is, at the end we’re all just humans. Kate has the same fears and griefs we all have at this time. She’s a mother and wife just like millions of others.

      11. ER nurse thank you for your service! I hope Kate was not sad, just pensive and maybe deeply touched. Even after many years in the RF we can still see sometimes that she is not a professional public speaker/actress and she is very human and genuine in her reactions. Personally I think she just wanted to look appropriate, not smiling and shining, and this was the outcome. I also have my own theory that Kate probably just as all of us doesn´t meet her cosmetologist/dermatologist these days etc. which maybe makes her look more tired and/or sad.

      12. Annette New Zealand21 April 2020 at 04:27

        And it is the first time we've seen her with absolutely no makeup on so she will be looking a bit more tired than usual. I liked it as it shows she is willing to show that she is not dressed up at home. She mentions doing things with the children and also cooking and baking. From memory I don't think they have butlers and maids and footmen like the older generation of the Royal Family - just the nanny and a housekeeper and maybe some help with cleaning. No doubt she misses her own family as they are very close. William has come out of his shell a lot since they married. He used to be very reserved and shy and not good at chatting. I think they will make a good King and Queen if we still have a Royal Family when the time comes.

    7. these 2 are doing such a great job

      stay safe all

    8. She definitely looks troubled. Great work for their country, as always. Arise Sir Tom... Extra homework. Lol

    9. They are doing a amazing job. Hopefully all is well with their Familys and friends. The best of British.

    10. I agree with you ER Nurse from Texas and Ivy Lin that Kate looked very sombre at the start of the interview. Maybe she had heard some sad news, or maybe a lot of sad news, and at the beginning of the interview she was thinking "how am I going to get through this without spilling over?" And William looked extremely sombre as well. But they relaxed by the end of it; William was looking more at Kate, perhaps thinking "good on her, she pulled herself together, wish I could have helped her more...." and I think they did well. I am so proud of the attitude in the UK and Ireland, really Europe in general, focusing on healthcare workers and the heavy burden they are carrying. And mental health, so very important. Our little corner of Arizona hasn't been hard hit but I still feel so weighed down by the news every day and wishing I could hug my friends, my daughter, my grandkids. But I am going to commit the mental health tips to memory and really buckle down and try to do more of them.

    11. Yes Catherine did look sad while not speaking but who knows what’s going on... tip for William... look at the camera!!! Overall Great conversation! Keep it up! Erininnyc

    12. hmm i aplaud them for being thankful for nurses and doctors and the frontliners around the world she keeping prayers from everyonr its nice too see all their effort

    13. Doing a amazing job. A credit to The United Kingdom.

    14. Well done William and Catherine, as an ER Nurse in Ontario Canada, sometime its really daunting how hard it is to keep our emotions in check when we see sick patients who sometime we give Gid thanks that it is not our family. Knowing that other families are not that lucky. Thank you Charlotte that I can come here and decompress my mind in your generous post. Stay safe everyone wherever you are in this World.

    15. Even though I was horrified at the virus situation in China and I knew it was nothing to be ignored, I never imagined what would happen worldwide, not being an epidemiologist. I work with one who did know, but many people I work with who are in the military said it would never affect the US. I suspect Kate and William are feeling the sadness and horror at the losses that have occurred and wish they had known more earlier.

    16. Really nice post, Charlotte. Thank you.
      I think William and Catherine are doing a great job connecting with people via online resources.
      I also agree that Catherine looked strained at times. The thought went through my head that she looks like I do when I have a migraine and am trying to plough through something. Has anyone ever heard if she suffers from headaches?

    17. I also empathized when she talked about the children’s “stamina” and putting up tents, then taking them down, etc. I remember all that with one child, then with four grandchildren and the difference between having one and having four.... This week I have been laughing over the Facebook posts from the moms in my community. One, who is still working out of the home at the school
      Board from a neighbor saying “I hate to tell you but your (7 year old) daughter is outside in her nightgown playing in the dirt.” Turned out her older brother had locked her out of the house. Luckily they live in a safe, caring neighborhood but as I laugh I also realize more serious things are going on for children....

      1. Thanks Valerie, made me smile! cc

    18. Thank you. ER doctor in NJ. Respect Captain Moore’s efforts, he deserves that knighthood. Thank you for posting things that let me take my mind off the virus, I read and hear about it virtually every minute I’m not working it’s nice to be able to decompress.

    19. It seems that there is a big increase in family violence and women and children are having to escape to refuges because of the lockdown pressures. Addiction will add to this and this is a really serious problem in UK as elsewhere. It would not be appropriate for Kate to be always smiling during these encounters. I applaud their continuing involvement in such issues.

    20. I just think she looked quite concerned and a bit worried, as we all are these days. Both of them are lovely, well spoken and poised.

    21. Great work ethic and commitment from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Wonderful! Thank you, Charlotte. Everyone stay safe.

    22. Zora from Prague21 April 2020 at 16:13

      I'm sure they called HM today to wish her a Happy Birthday. I can easily imagine George, Charlotte and Louis saying "hello" and "Happy Birthday Grandmama", perhaps even singing "Happy Birthday" to her! Surely that would make the Queen smile, even though her birthday celebrations this year are going to be very different. She probably never thought - like none of us - that she would experience this kind of pandemic in her lifetime. The British are so lucky to have her! Happy Birthday and God bless you, Ma'am! 💐


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