Tuesday 29 September 2020

The Duchess of Cambridge Becomes Joint Scouts President

It was announced today, the Duchess of Cambridge has become joint president of the Scouts, joining the Duke of Kent to champion the value and importance of Scouting and overseeing the council. To mark the news, Kate said: "For many children and young people, the Scout Association plays a key role as they build relationships and develop the skills they need to succeed in later life. When I volunteered with the Scouts on Anglesey eight years ago, I was struck by the huge impact the organisation has on inspiring young people to support their communities and achieve their goals. I am delighted to be joining the Duke of Kent as Joint President of the Association and look forward to working with Scouts across the country as they strive to make a positive difference to our society."

The Scouts said: "HRH the Duchess of Cambridge, who has helped Scouts in so many ways over the last eight years, has now kindly agreed to take on this historic role and is the first woman to hold the post in the movement's 113-year history."

Kate's association with the Scouts goes all the way back to Anglesey when it was revealed the Duchess, who was a Brownie as a child, would volunteer with a local group near her Wales home where the Cambridges lived whilst William worked as an RAF Search and Rescue pilot. In the years since, we've seen a number of engagements with the scouts. In 2013, the "Kate Effect" was credited with sparking a surge in volunteers across the UK with 2,800 people signing up.

To celebrate the news, Kate stepped out this morning to join the 12th Northolt Scouts in London, to thank them and all Scouts volunteers for supporting young people during lockdown.

She sat with a group of beaver scouts making cards to send to care homes and created whirly bird helicopters with cubs.

The activities are part of initiatives the Great Indoors and Care for Care Homes, which the organisation launched to promote togetherness, courage and kindness throughout the last six months.

Over 80% of groups continued their meetings online, preserving important links and ensuring local clubs could remain active. Over 120,000 young people from 44 countries participated in the Great Indoors weekend by camping at home making it the largest online camp ever.

Below, a selection of lovely drawing sent to Helsby's care homes by young scouts.

There was also plenty of marshmallow toasting.

Hello! reports:

'The Duchess was in her element as she toasted marshmallows on a bonfire with the Scouts.

Kate asked youngsters as she sat with them on socially distanced tree stumps around a fire pit: "Are you having fun? How many marshmallows have you eaten?"

When they replied one, she remarked: "Oh my goodness, that's so controlled of you. Is that because there's only one in your bag?'

Kate was delighted to receive the Silver Wolf Award, the highest honour by the Scout Assocation.

Matt Hyde, CEO of the Scouts said:

‘We’re really pleased that HRH The Duchess of Cambridge is meeting Scout volunteers that have done so much to support young people during the pandemic. Scouting is more important than ever before, giving young people life skills, a sense of connection and belonging, while supporting communities in areas of deprivation disproportionately affected by COVID-19.’

HRH The Duke of Kent was appointed President of the Scouts in 1975. Since then, he’s been a steadfast supporter of our movement, overseeing many major changes including welcoming girls into the movement, updates to our programme and training scheme, as well as our strong membership growth. Scouts membership has risen by 100,000 in the last ten years alone.'

Following today's news, the Duke said: "As The Scout Association’s President since 1975, it has been my privilege to watch as they evolve with the times, while honouring their proud history. The Scouts’ ethos of dedication, inclusivity, and lending a helping hand wherever one is needed resonates across the generations, and as such I am delighted to welcome The Duchess of Cambridge as Joint President, and to work together to continue that legacy."

Kate and the Duke not only share a passion for scouting, but also tennis. The Duke of Kent has served as President of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club for over half a century. Below the pair at Wimbledon last year.

 The Scouts have enjoyed a long association with the Royal family. More from the organisation:

'The Duchess follows in the footsteps of three royal Presidents, including HRH Prince Arthur, The Duke of Connaught (third son of Queen Victoria and President from 1913 to 1942). The Duke attended Scout events including the Scout Exhibition and Rally (1913) and opened the 1929 World Scout Jamboree.

HRH Prince Henry, The Duke of Gloucester took over as President in 1942 and made his address to the Movement in December of that year, acknowledging the crucial role of Scouts in the Home Front during the Second World War. ' 

It's a very fitting appointment for the Duchess and a terrific engagement to coincide with the good news.

A video from the visit.

Now, time for a look at Kate's casual ensemble today which featured familiar pieces.

The Duchess wore pieces by Massimo Dutti today, including the £55 sky blue linen shirt. (with thanks to Janine).

And her Massimo Dutti Skinny Fit High-Rise Satin style in chocolate.

It very much appears Kate wore her Really Wild clothing Nubuck vest.

Kate wore her See by Chloe leather-trimmed suede ankle boots. Described as: "See By ChloĆ©'s combat-style ankle boots are perfect for balancing the prettiness of floral dresses and floaty skirts. Made from dark-brown suede, they have tonal leather trims and logo-embossed heel tabs, and are set on a chunky tread sole."

Kate accessorised with her Double Strand Beaded Satellite Necklace by Welsh brand Spells of Love.

And her Gold Disc Circle Earrings by Irish brand All the Falling Stars. It turns out both the earrings and the G, C and L necklace Kate has been wearing recently were gifted to the Duchess by the owner during the couple's visit to Galway earlier this year.

Kate's face mask appears to be the £15 Amaia Kids cotton mask in blue pepper (with many thanks to an anonymous reader). 

Just a quick note before signing off: this isn't the proper forum for discussion about face masks. The Palace has noted several times they are worn in required settings and social-distancing rules are followed by all members of the Royal family on engagements. Thank you for your understanding on this. It's been a fraught time for all of us, and it's my hope the blog will offer a spot of enjoyable royal watching in the months ahead as we approach winter.


  1. No no no I don't like what I see. The jeans are not doing it for me. Nothing in this outfit is doing it for me. But I love the new role and that the younger senior royals are taking over from the older royals.

  2. Great organization and definitely one that Catherine will love. She looks great.

  3. Wonderful post Charlotte! Has the blue face mask been ID’d yet?

    1. I'm going out on a limb here and venture its from Amaia, they have a line of really nice adult masks.


    2. Well done and thank you :)

    3. Hi Carly, I ordered this mask plus the pink one that we have seen Kate wear, from Amaia Kids. They are wonderfully comfortable and have filters that can be changed. Very pretty too!
      Royal šŸ‘‘ Watcher

  4. I'm thrilled to see Kate take on this patronage. As the mother of a son who is working toward Eagle, and a daughter who is taking advantage of the inclusion of girls into the larger Scout program, this is a terrific day for all!

  5. The Scouts has always been a good match for Kate, but even more so since she seem to raise her children very much with an outdoor education.

    Having said that I can’t make up my mind about the doubling up of royal patronages they are doing.
    On the one hand the patronages probably prefer the link to the younger royals, it is unlikely that the Duke of Kent volentering would lead to 2800 more volenteers. And it is great that the Duke of Kent is not just made to step aside for the younger generation. Win-win all around.
    On the other hand with so many organizations that could benefit from royal patrons, having HM as patron and both the Duke of Kent and Kate as presidents of one organization seems like overkill. I felt the same way about Wimbledon. A great match for Kate but with so many other sporting organizations that could benefit from a royal patron a bit of a waste.

    1. That's interesting. I didn't perceive it as "doubling up of royal patronages" based on more youthful members of the firm at all." Rather, it seems to be highly sensible succession planning.

    2. I hear what you are saying and it does seem weird but I think it’s part of long term plans. The Queen and her cousins have such longevity and are not stepping down any time soon but William and Kate can’t keep just having a lower number of patronages. I feel like this is just starting to move the ‘handing down of patronages’ train forward.

    3. I think the doubling is a thoughtful kind way of transitioning leadership. We are talking about an 84 and a 38 year old. At his age, the Duke is not able to participate in civic life due to the pandemic. This is a national children's education program that Kate's children will no doubt take part in. Why not have a mix of generations on the logo? Same with Wimbledon.

    4. Just as a follow up -- OUTDOOR education programs are exactly what the youth need right now to build skills for the future - it directly ties in with climate change. It's actually a very lovely follow up to the Attenborough visit.

    5. Agree. They should start reducing the patronages of the older generation slowly. I am still surprised they didn't start this process earlier.
      As long as the older ones feel up to it, it's great if they pull in their weight. But for a smooth transition, they definitely need to scale back and only keep the ones very close to their heart. They need to asses how many can really be suported by a scaled back monarchy and then start the transistion process.

    6. Well said, Florida Moxie!

    7. I love this type of succession planning. It’s respectful to the older generations, they can pass on the knowledge whilst maybe not being able to attend as many events. Although the British royals seem to have incredibly good genetic heritage, they live until ripe old age!
      Royal šŸ‘‘ Watcher

  6. Catherine is once again in her element. Events with children and the great outdoors are clearly favorites for her.
    I LOVE her ensemble. These are all pieces I would wear. She looks beautiful, happy and engaged. How exciting for her to be the first women president of the Scouts.

    1. I LOVE her outfit too!!! Would definitely wear this, and you are right the distinction of being the first women to be president of the Scouts is noteworthy!!

  7. Thank you Charlotte for setting those boundaries!!! This whole pandemic has taken a toll on everyone. We dont even discuss it in our home anymore because it's just too draining. We are all trying to do our best w this situation. It's going to be ok everyone. We are going to get through this.(feel free to cut the 'thank you part' out of my comment as well!)
    It's wonderful to see Catherine
    out and about. She is so good w the kids. I really admire her ability to talk and connect w these children. What a gift. I love Kate's earrings and necklace. Her outfit is similar to others she has worn to the scouts in the past. She still looks great of course.

  8. Love this!! Also it shows that royals can make an impact without having to be involved with money projects. 2800 people deciding to volunteer thanks to seeing Kate is terrific.

    Thank you for the mask comment. It was becoming tiresome.

  9. Scouts are a perfect match for the Duchess and her interest in outdoor activity for young people. And let’s give a nod to her making history as the first woman to be their president ! I like her outfit today, big fan of chocolate and blue if the shades are right. The boots look great.

  10. Perfect outfit for scouting. Great job of working with the children to encourage their involvement in this program. Thanks Charlotte for this post, looking forward to the next.

    1. I agree Sheila, it's a perfect look, that's got a very "British Ralph Lauren' vibe to it that just says 'outdoors'!! It's a good fit for Catherine and a very diplomatic way to transition in some of the younger royals in established roles.

    2. It's very sweet that you think it is a British Ralph Lauren look. When Lauren first started, we in Britain thought he was copying a very British style, and I am pretty sure I remember reading articles about the phenomenon.

    3. Actually Cecilia, Anon 21:40 here, hadn't heard or read that, but I've always thought Ralph Lauren's looks were a take on Britain's aristocratic country styles!!! Guess it's true!! :)

    4. I suppose I am showing my extreme age.

  11. Can I just say I love her hair. Those few inches lopped off look fantastic!

  12. Ready to go. This is a nice look on her,I don't care much for the jeans,but I am not the one wearing them. The important thing is she and the children enjoyed themselfs.

  13. Kate is looking gorgeous!!!! I keep being struck with this thought and I'm starting to think it's because we saw her for so long, over zoom calls etc. And now it's real deal engagements with decent photography going on.
    Of course shes gorgeous regardless but.....

  14. Love the cause, hate that vest!! Every time I see it! But she's gorgeous and happy to have her out and about.

  15. Is it me or has she changed her eyebrows? They seem darker at the top.

    1. Yes, something re the eyebrows--darker and shape more stark.. . .

    2. Yes wowzer on the eyebrows, is this a new trend ? I really wondering , anyone?

    3. You’re right! I thought something looked different about her...

    4. Thanks for noticing that. I looked again, and I love her eyebrows like this. Darn, I wish I could make mine look this good.

  16. Tammy from California29 September 2020 at 19:13

    Ahhhh to be wearing long sleeves and pants... drool... It's 100 degrees here in Cali. I love this engagement, I think this is such a worthwhile cause. I was in Girl Scouts and what I did there made some of the best memories of my whole life. Times I could look back on during hard times and they would help me remember that things can be good too. Memories like these kept me going, to get through to the other side of darkness. I feel very strongly about these types of work being as important as feeding the hungry, even though it may not be seen as important in the public eye. Love it.

    1. I agree, Tammy, this is a very important sphere and the memories the kids make are a treasure later in life!
      Love Kate, love her look + what she does. My favourite picture is the one where Kate is looking at the paper helicopter above her head - it's so beautiful!!! šŸ˜

    2. +1 Tammy and Zora!!! Scouting and other programs like this are important especially now when our youth are so isolated and missing those critical social interactions that they build on through school. Zora, you are right, that picture captures a very beautiful, wistful Kate. cc

  17. As much as I love seeing Kate and her high fashions I really do enjoy seeing her more casual, relaxed side.

    AND I’m a big fan of Scouting!

  18. Something about that first picture had me convinced it was an old photo. I can't quite out my finger on it... Did anyone else think something similar? Maybe it was a combination of the repeat clothes and the darker eyebrows?

    1. Hello Robin, yes it does look familiar, but think she wore it with a different linen blouse that was a lighter shade of blue and had different sleeves, if my memory serves me.

  19. The Duchess looks great, I love the blue shirt combined with her Nubuck vest. The choice of double strand necklace is subtle, delicate but the perfect choice. Earrings are lovely.

  20. Yay, Charlotte! Thank you for setting boundaries on the discussions here. This is a much needed oasis! A refreshing and comforting stop in my day. I really appreciate you providing this for us, especially now—when so much balm is needed for our wounds.
    Beth in SF

  21. thr duchess really love kids and she natural with kids and i love her in casual attire the duchess seems doing more normal things and relaxed

  22. What a great engagement. I love how Kate supports outdoor acticities.
    I do love her casual outdoor outfits. Never been too sure about that vest, but she clearly loves it. At those events she looks the most relatable to me. Stylewise as well as from how she expresses herself. Obviously I do love the glitz and glam of a tiara or her coatdresses but this is when she truly looks like one of us. Skinny jeans and a casual top- you cannot get more ordinary.

  23. Valerie in Arizona30 September 2020 at 13:23

    Oh Tammy I thought the same. Roll on cooler weather and end the wildfires! We didn’t get any monsoons this summer and we are now in drought. I am so happy to see Kate championing the combined Scouting movement. Here in the US there are enormous issues with the Scouts but without a movement that arguably taught so many about the outdoors and service, there is a huge hole at a time when we so desperately need support for our young people to do more than watch video games or feel frustrated and angry. I understand what someone said about “doubling up” with the Duke of Kent on Wimbledon and Scouts but personally I see it as twofold: a respectful passing to the younger, more energetic generation and the inclusion of women in positions of influence and patronage in traditionally male roles. And let’s remember, the throne will pass next to a man for the next three generations, not a bad thing but that picture of partnership will be a powerful one.

    1. How nicely stated Valerie..."the picture of partnership will be a powerful one." The act of succession in anything is significant, and should be approached from a collective, respectful perspective. This is a very transitional time all over the world, and the royals are no different. They need to be taking these steps to transition roles and take advantage of the wisdom and experience of the older generation and combine it with the fresh and energetic perspective of the younger. The passing of the baton, so to speak needs to be smooth. The fact that Kate is the first woman president of this organization is huge and don't believe she is getting the credit she deserves in that regard. It's important and significant and the co-leadership role of Kate and the Duke of Kent is a good one!!

    2. I wonder if "doubling up" is a gentle way of initiating succession planning for the eventual retirement or death of the 84-year old Duke of Kent. By having Kate job-share with him for Scouting and Tennis, the Duke is not unseated or pushed aside, however there is now a smooth and seamless way to shift responsibilities as circumstances evolve. Seems like a smart and kind approach.

  24. She is an outdoor girl at heart and fits right in with the BRF, doesn't she. Lovely young woman. A real asset.

  25. she shines with children and i love the scout program because it gets children out in nature nice to see and kate looks great

  26. I always think Catherine is at her most natural and relatable in casual clothing, outdoors, and especially enjoying time with children. This is a great patronage for her to undertake. Just what children need now. Brava.

  27. Kate looking gorgeous and in her element with the children. I really like her look and is something I wear often wish I could afford the lovely boots ;)

  28. She looks wonderful. Really like the shirt, pants and boots. So so on the vest but it works. Love love her earrings. Gorgeous and I would wear. Happy to see her becoming a joint president. A great way to start these transitions.

  29. Catherine looks wonderful. Really like her shirt, pants and boots. The vest is so so but works for this event. Love love the earrings, will be ordering those. Wonderful that they are transitioning these causes, allows those who have been involved for years to continue with a bit less stress.

  30. Congratulations to lovely HRH Duchess of Cambridge!

  31. I'm thrilled by this news. Scouts is a wonderful organisation and such a good fit for Kate's interest in children and their need to be actively engaged in the outdoors.

    As an aside, her outfit was perfect for the event. She looks healthy, youthful, engaged and happy. What's not to love?!

  32. Caroline in Montana12 October 2020 at 20:52

    I really like 90% of this outfit:) love the vest unbuttoned, haven't been a big fan of when she wears it buttoned up. As always though, these skinny jeans do not do her justice at all. I am glad that they have started the transition of the patronages to the younger generation, especially this one, i mean really a 84 year old is going to get out there with the scouts?just as glad that she/they did not get hit with all the patronages all at once right away. the big picture is moving right along and in the right way IMO.


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