Saturday 3 October 2020

The Cambridge Children Interview Sir David Attenborough & Latest News Updates

Can anyone think of a more delightful surprise than national treasure Sir David Attenborough answering questions about animals from the Cambridge children? George, Charlotte and Louis very adorably each had a question for the broadcaster and natural historian.

It was a joy to hear all three of them speaking. George in his school rugby shirt, Charlotte in school uniform, and little Louis in a striped John Lewis jumper (with thanks to UFO No More). It's obviously so important for children to learn about our natural world and have values instilled which they will carry with them for life. This is such a fun and insightful way to do it.

Prince George was first up, confidently asking: "Hello, David Attenborough. What animal do you think will become extinct next?" Sir David revealed he hopes "there won't be any" next "because there are lots of things we can do" to stop it happening.

Next up, it was Princess Charlotte's turn. The Princess sweetly asked: "Hello, David Attenborough. I like spiders. Do you like spiders too?" To which Sir David replied: "I love spiders, I'm so glad you like them. I think they're wonderful things."

In a darling moment, Louis asked: "What animal do you like?" Sir David tells Louis: "I think I like monkeys best - because they're such fun!"

The video follows David's visit to Kensington Palace last week where he spent time meeting the children before viewing his new Netflix documentary, A Life On Our Planet, with Prince William. 


We also saw William and Kate participating in a special Zoom call with local business owners and first responders from Kangaroo Island, a small community off the south of Australia, who were impacted by devastating bushfires earlier this year. Kensington Palace said: "Not only have they had to rebuild their lives from the wildfires, but they also had to manage the spread of COVID-19, which has hugely impacted their desire get back to a normal life. The bushfires caused significant damage to residents’ homes, livelihoods, along with thousands of animals and their habitats."

They were delighted to see Grace the koala. Kate smiled and said to wildlife park owner Dana Mitchell: "Oh look, so sweet. She's so cute!" William added: "She looks very well looked after. Grace looks like she has a very nice life there."

People reports:

'Mitchell, who provided vital care to hundreds of animals harmed during the fires, spoke to the Duke and Duchess about how the area’s wildlife was affected, including the devastating impact on its koala population, and the work that is being done to reintroduce rescued animals back into the wild and restore their natural habitats. 

Approximately 48% of Kangaroo Island was affected by bushfires over the course of several weeks, leading to the loss of two lives and significant damage to residents’ homes and livelihoods.

“It's fantastic to hear about the community spirit in Australia as always, which is what Catherine and I see when we come down there. Aussies are very good at looking out for each other and it's fantastic to see that you're all pulling together,” William said during the call.'

The Duchess wore her sunny yellow Dolce & Gabbana dress from Wimbledon 2018.

The £805 dress is described as "Crafted from smoothing crepe, this knee-length style is perfect for warm-weather events - think the races, weddings and garden parties. It's subtly darted through the bodice for a figure-hugging fit and finished with ruffled sleeves."


In fashion updates, Kate's J Crew pearl and crystal earrings are reduced by 40% with discount code OCTOBER.

Kate's L.K. Bennett Parker wide-leg navy trousers are in stock on the website.

And Kate's green L.K. Bennett Mortimer dress is back in stock.

As you may have heard, Buckingham Palace announced the cancellation of all receptions and investitures for the remainder of the year. They concluded they could not accommodate social-distancing requirements. This will include the annual white-tie Diplomatic Reception. There have also been reports we'll see changes to Remembrance Sunday, with the annual Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall to be pre-recorded without an audience in attendance. It's a time of great flux and for the foreseeable future the traditional schedule will need to be heavily amended. I hope you're all having a great weekend and staying safe!


  1. I don’t think that is the Roksanda dress. Looks more like the Dolce and Gabbana one she wore at Wimbledon

  2. Hi there

    Hope you're doing well! I think Kate's wearing her Yellow D&G dress she wore to Wimbledon back in 2018. I noticed that the sleeves were shorter :)

    Thank you :)

  3. The children are absolutely precious and so needed right now. Louis saying ‘amimal’ had me laughing out loud. 😆🥰

  4. The sleeves of Kate's dress seem much shorter and i can't see the white detail... could it be that she had them changed?

  5. Thank you so much for the comments on Kate's dress. It is her D&G dress from Wimbledon :)

  6. Oh how fun to see the kids. They all sounded and looked so cute.

  7. Did you comment on Eugenie’s pregnancy somewhere? I’m just so happy for her and Jack!

  8. I understand why they are cancelling everything. But it is so sad. Looking forward to this year being over. Here's to another year being better.
    It was so neat to hear the Cambridge children's voices. Kate and William must be so proud of them and how they are coping with life right now.

  9. Oh the children are precious! I think I'm in love times three. Lol. What wonderful parents Kate and William are to bring their children up learning about nature and animals. Thanks Charlotte.

  10. The Cambridge kids are so cute, and what a great way to showcase them! Charlotte likes spiders! Wonder if she’s a fan of the book “Charlotte’s Web”?

  11. So nice to hear the children's voices.They must have lots of fun on that day.

  12. What a cute way to involve the kids. The Cambridges are doing a great job of involving the kids in an age appropriate and none stressful way. I think William is very aware of how traumatizing he found the media interested at engagements as a child. Last year it was playing in Kate’s garden, this year it is William’s environmental project. Both events allowed the children to show a bit of their personality without the stress of lots of photographers.

    And it is so interesting to see their little personalities. Where George normally comes across as the shy one and Charlotte the sassy one, this time around George asked his question with lots of confidence and we got to see a shy Charlotte who couldn’t wait to get her question over and done with.
    And little Louis, is he not the cutest?

    1. I totally agree. I loved the visit to Kate’s garden and seeing them interact with each other and their parents. Probably why I always look forward to them going to a polo match. This was a wonderful surprise on a Daturdsy morning!

      Hope from USA

    2. I think it is very interesting and telling how the Royal families involve their youngest members. It says a lot about their own experiences with media and public intrusion, how they view their role and also a bit about the character of the young ones.
      Williams personal experience with the media isn’t the best to put it nicely. He and Kate have fought for years to build an amicable and well working relationship with them that leaves everyone comfortable. It definitely wasn’t easy. When the limited the exposure of George and later Charlotte, the relationship with the media was still on very shaky grounds. Many wondered if George, who seemed rather shy and serious, would benefit from more but highly controlled outings. It was discussed if Wiliams own experience affected him in a way that negatively impacted this part of their parenting. I am not sure what happened, but it seems the Cambridge’s have either loosened up a lot (found a good agreement with the media? Wiliam talked about therapy- do maybe he can asses the situation from a more neutral standpoint?) or they always wanted to see how their children would deal with it and found out they are all doing very well and therefore slowly increase the accessibility.
      The British media is definitely a tad more into royal coverage and drama than in other countries. And the BRF has very openly spoken about the “burden” of the “job”. All this, adding Williams childhood experiences, are probably the reason why it was so hard in the beginning. It’s fantastic to see how he and Kate have been able to create their own path and overcome the trauma in so far, that it is not holding him back anymore. He seems freer and more comfortable than ever.
      And those children are just adorable little darlings.

    3. Zora from Prague4 October 2020 at 19:24

      So well put, RachelZA! I agree with everything you say. The kids are precious!!

    4. Annette New Zealand5 October 2020 at 04:56

      The difference seems to be that there are not dozens of news media there so it will not be as overwhelming as the exposure William experienced in his own childhood.

    5. Susan in Florida5 October 2020 at 23:49

      Children speak at the same rate as their heartbeat or breath. I learned this doing theatre with kids and teens. So if Charlotte was nervous, she would speak faster. Getting kids to calm down and speak slower without sounding too unnatural is quite the challenge.

  13. Oh My Goodness!! What an amazing treat! To watch & hear the Cambridge children ask their questions, hearing their sweet questions, adorable voices & getting a snippet of their personalities.... I can't think of anything more delightful! I can't peg George, but to me Charlotte is just such a mini-me of The Queen & little Louis reminds me more of William than I ever would have thought... Maybe a touch of Diana coming through!? What a lovely thing for W&K to do & once again.... such a wise little step in the direction of slowly introducing them to the public! Absolutely made my day! :) xoxo

    Becca USA

    1. I actually think Prince George is very like Diana's brother Charles Spencer in this photo

  14. As many of you may have found in your own lives, whilst all the changes we are encountering to what were our normal lives & traditions, there sometimes are nice side effects to these changes that pop up. I know I've found that to be true. When I read Charlotte's comments, about the changes announced by BP, I couldn't help thinking that it is a rather nice side effect that HM & PP have been able to have all this time together up at their much loved Windsor Castle... They've worked hard for so many years & whilst we all know that HM would never have slowed down or "retired", what a nice thing to have the benefits of retiring, without having done it! Just a thought I had. I hope you all are staying safe & that your families are well! :) xoxo

    Becca USA

  15. After rewatching the video with the children..... I was struck that whilst George doesn't look like him, something about the way he carries himself & the cadence of his voice reminds me of Charles!? Charlotte has so much of the Queen & the Windsors about her & with Louis it finally dawned on me that he has a bit of his Great Uncle Spencer about him! So we may finally be seeing some Spencer coming through! Those are my 2 cents! :) xoxo

    Becca USA

  16. Valerie in Arizona3 October 2020 at 22:05

    I loved Louis’ amminal question!! The others were so cute but I can just imagine Louis pestering William that he wanted to ask a question too. And David Attenborough was so lovely with them. I think Charlotte would be fascinated with our tarantulas here. They are actually quite gentle.

  17. The children were precious, and David Attenborough delightful.
    Also loved Grace the koala.

  18. Stop my beating heart. Listening to the Cambridge children is an absolute delight. Thanks to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for this amazing initiative.

  19. That was delightful and so kind to involve the children in this way.

  20. I loved seeing the children interviewing David Attenborough - and isn't he a natural and engaging with them at their level!

    Lovely to see that yellow dress again - a sunny choice for a sunny country. Their body language in the video - Prince William leaning in, and the tilt of Duchess Kate's head - shows such genuine interest and compassion. I'm sure they will have provided much appreciated encouragement to yet another group of people for whom 2020 has taken such a toll.

    1. There is also a lovely monent near the end of the video where the guy is saying how much his wife’s support has helped and William gave Kate a look that speaks a thousand words.

  21. The kids are so cute, my favorite was prince Louis saying Amimal! Prince George sounds just like William and princess Charlotte sounds so sweet and elegant.

  22. Louis is going to break many hearts when he gets older. I love how the children all look like siblings especially in looking at their eyes, yet at the same time have individual looks. I must say, for me I still see a lot of HM in Charlotte and Kate's Dad in Louis.

  23. Gorgeous kids, and as always, Catherine looks beautiful. Lovely to see them and hear their voices.
    I hope Charlotte is a huge fan of the book Charlotte's Web. I suspect she is! It was a favorite of mine as a child, and my son's, also. I hope his future children will love it.

  24. seeing the royal children with sir david attenborough was so cute it really brought a smile to my day! you can see how shy charlotte is.

    also kate looks lovely in yellow

  25. Charlotte's mannerisms remind me of Princess Diana! What a treat to see a video of the children.

    1. I couldn't quite place it, but I agree with you, there is a hint of Diana in Charlotte's mannerisms. Maybe wishful thinking, but it's another side of Charlotte that we see, and its endearing.

  26. what a fantastic way to involve kids the duke and duchess of cambrige made their kids be aware in their nature and in animals those kids are really growing fast

  27. This is a very well planned campaign. Just like with Kate’s garden. This week we will see William’s environmental documentary, I’m looking forward to it. It’s been two years in the making and a lot of organizations have been sharing on social media how proud they are to have received William’s visit and to be featured on the movie. It will also be the week of the official launching of Earthshot prizes. So it’s absolutely fantastic that they have also involved the children and DA on this. What a better way to link them to important causes that affect all ages and also to introduce them to the public in a controlled way.

    1. Very well planned!! Slowly there has been a lead in this week to the documentary and the launching of Earthshot prizes. Also quite well done on the Cambridges part to show that this endeavor is indeed a family affair.

    2. The documentary was just perfect! I was so happy to see that it was trending number one on the UK! Non royal watchers were so impressed with William and what a nice guy he is. it was so nice to see it. I hope Charlotte shares some clips from it here!

  28. Louis and "amimal" is just the cutest! He is such an engaging little boy! Just imagine him wanting to everything big brother and sister do.

  29. Tammy from California5 October 2020 at 02:57

    UH, I could EAT that little Louis he is so cute! The Cambridge kids are so darn cute.

  30. Thank you Charlotte for a lovely post. The children were delightful and as many have said an excellent way to continue to introduce them to their future public lives. I think both William and Harry were somewhat scarred by the massive media presence in their young lives. Just imagine how scary it would be to a very SMALL child to be greeted by a barrage of camera flashes etc. What William and Kate are doing with the more intimate events is far better. This is a very important project for William and how fitting it is that the launch is kick started by his children. Both William and Kate seem so comfortable in their own skins and at peace with their roles. Though William was severely criticised at the time my view is that his time piloting helped very much to settle in his mind the direction of his role as a person as well as a Royal.

    And if Charlotte will allow this last night I watched My Octopus Teacher which is very much in sync with William's project. Well worth watching.

  31. What a great lead into William's environmental documentary and the Earthshot project!!! Fatherhood has definitely been good for William! There is a great video of William talking to some children as they show him their bug version "Bugingham Palace". They ask him some questions about the children, like "is Charlotte cheekier than George", to which he responds, "they are both pretty cheeky"!! It's really pretty cute and William is very natural. Really love that they are drawing all children into becoming a part of the effort!! Well done.

  32. This was lovely in every way! David Attenborough was so good with the children & they were each darling. Good to see George being confident & each of the children speaking. Wonderful!!

  33. OMG ♥️♥️♥️ I must have seen this over 10 times. The children are absolutely precious!! Those cheeks!!! Mum and Dad are doing wonderfully raising them!!

  34. how i live these children the duke and duchess cambridge really taught princes gdorge louir and together sister princess charlotte to care for the nature in young ages how by rmth3 way i was unable to watch Itv Documentry prince william a plwnet for all us i hope availble in any free platform

  35. Caroline in Montana12 October 2020 at 20:47

    Finally back and catching up with all your posts! i finally watched the video and i LOVED it! so neat to hear the children speaking:) sad that most things are cancelled. hopefully we get more unexpected treats!


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