Friday 16 October 2020

The Cambridges Reconnect with Organisations They Met in Pakistan

It was a flashback to the Cambridges' tour in Pakistan last year, as William and Kate spoke to two organisations they visited during their trip to see how they are coping amid the pandemic. During a video call last week, they reunited with with children from Islamabad's Model College for Girls and SOS Children's Villages. During a conversation with the girls college, they decided a game of Pictionary was very much in order. Kensington Palace shared the following video.

Hello! reports:

'The Cambridges joined the pupils for a virtual game of Pictionary - a guessing game in which players attempt to identify words from pictures drawn by other players.

As she tried to figure out what the first picture was, Kate asked: "Is it a wedding?"

William quickly suggested "birthday" which was the right answer and Kate said: "Very good. That’s a really hard one."'

 William told the pupils: "I'm really glad you guys are drawing and we're not having to draw. You're much better, you guys." The Duke also praised Kate's drawing, adding she's better than he is. Kate smiled and replied: "You don't practice enough."

The Cambridges visited Model College on the second day of their visit last October. Model College was established over forty years ago. The government run school supports students from the ages of 4 to 18. During the visit, William and Kate learned about the benefits of the 'Teach for Pakistan' programme which recruits young graduates and professionals for a two-year fellowship teaching in schools with a lack of qualified educators. 49% of girls are out of school in Pakistan; it's one of several initiatives in place to tackle the issue. The Duchess selected a traditional royal blue periwinkle silk Kurta with trousers and a scarf by Pakistani designer Maheen Khan with New Look shoes for the visit.

The couple also caught up with SOS Children's Villages.

The organisation was very much the focal point of the trip for me, and the engagements and quotes remain the standout memories from coverage of the tour. During the Cambridges' first visit, Kate praised the "vital role of mothers" and shared a few words in Urdu. "I’m aware that many of you have experienced extremely difficult times in your lives, but it is inspiring to see how you have used your strength and positivity to help transform the lives of so many young children here."

SOS is the largest independent, non-profit development organisation operating all over the world. The villages provide alternative families to children without proper parental care. Typically, children of all ages live together in a house with a 'Mother' who is responsible for meeting the children's physical needs. These women are often single or widows, and able to fully commit themselves to the responsibilities included. The ethos of SOS is all about fostering a sense of belonging and family which is why several children are raised together and brought up as siblings. I first heard about their work some time ago and was really struck, in particular, by the women essentially dedicating their lives to raising children from difficult backgrounds and ensuring they get a childhood filled with love, stability and safety.

When unexpected weather meant William and Kate couldn't travel back to Islamabad toward the end of the trip, it meant a great deal of last minute logistical changes and the cancellation of a long planned trip to Khyber Pass on the Afghanistan border. With an additional morning in Lahore on Friday, the royal couple decided to return to SOS Children's Villages - a telling sign of how moved they were by the charity's incredible work.

In her very first Instagram post, Kate wrote: "The community at the SOS Village is built around family - and the best possible family you could imagine - where everyone comes together to nurture, love and protect the children in their care. These vulnerable children, many who have come through traumatic circumstances, are nurtured in this caring environment and are able to form these quality relationships that they so desperately need to thrive."

It's a wonderful organisation and one I would love to see William and Kate continue to champion across the Commonwealth countries they work in.

Prime Minister Imran Khan described the calls as "incredibly thoughtful".

The Duchess wore a gold kurta for the video call. I suspect it was part of her wardrobe for the tour and she didn't have an opportunity to wear it, possibly due to the last minute scheduling change. It also appears she wore a new ring.

I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Ahhhh the blue Kurta. One of my all time favourite outfits for her. Pakistan was indeed one of her best tours fashion wise. She was seriously glowing. A nod to the hosts but in now way venturing in the over the top theme dressing they feels “costumy” that she often does. Ever since then, I was hoping she would bring out the narrow leg pair of pants/pant suit. Which thankfully finally happened.
    I love how we see so much more of them- or maybe it just feels like it?
    Also, what a treat to see HMTQ in good health. I absolutely love it when she is accompanied by the younger generation. A rare treat.

  2. Very nice of them to reach out to charities from Pakistan. Everyone needs help in one way or another. In this pandemic it is even more needed.

  3. William and Kate are so funny together. I bet they have many happy and fun times with their little family. The most important thing is making time to encourage and help so many people, which they do so often. Thanks for the post Charlotte.

    1. Adore these two together! They are such good sports about everything, can only imagine that they are wonderful parents together. Very nice of them to check back in with these charities, and that William could remember that young man, good on him!!! What a bright spot in the day, thanks Charlotte for making that happen for us!

  4. Wonderful checking back in on areas that continue to need support. It was fun to see William and the Queen.

  5. they are a cute couple and truly at ease with children

  6. So nice to see the children had a really good time when they visited.

  7. They are just so very sincerely affectionate with each other, and so loving. Their well-bred manners never seem forced or awkward. I just adore watching them together.
    Love the flashback to last year. Her outfits on that trip were absolutely gorgeous. She looked like a queen when she stepped off that plane.

    1. I agree, Lori. Kate's outfits were all beautiful for that trip. I too think she looked like a queen when she stepped off that plane at the top of the steps. It took my breath away.

    2. Completely agree that when Kate stepped off that plane at the top of the stairs, it was a defining moment, not just for the tour, but for Kate as well!

  8. Valerie in Arizona17 October 2020 at 03:25

    I remember when the Cambridges’ plane encountered terrible weather and, after the plane had stabilized, William went back to joke with the press pack. Thank goodness they were okay! To revisit the two places By Zoom this week was wonderful on their part. Loved the drawing the little boy did of him and William playing cricket.

  9. Zora from Prague17 October 2020 at 17:06

    I couldn't agree more, Lori P! :)

  10. What a different a year makes. Hopefully better times ahead. Both doing a fantastic job during this current crisis.

  11. Oh I love these zoom meeting because we get tiny picks into their relationship. And you can tell they are a good team and have lots of fun together.
    The Pakistan tour was one of my favorites.
    I love that Kate still puts a lot of thought inTo choosing her clothes even over zoom and they are always respectful to the people involved.

    Eva from G.

  12. Invite you to my blog:
    Reactivated after 2 years :)

  13. Any information on the new ring??

  14. Caroline in Montana19 October 2020 at 20:54

    I have to agree, think that tour was one of my favorites in terms of wardrobe! love the pants that she was wearing, they all came down low enough not to be "high tide" pants and the flowing tops were very flattering IMO. love to see them interact. They are a class act and rightly so the future of the monarchy!! thanks charlotte.

  15. The places they visited and the people they met are kept in their minds. What they do is build relationships with the people. Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

  16. the duke and duchess of cambridge has big part of them theu know and thry value education and i think every royal tour they went they check the the people or the charity they want too and need and i can see they really build relationship


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