Sunday 22 November 2020

The Cambridges 'Dear Dog' Lupo Passes Away

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared the sad news their family dog Lupo passed away last weekend. On their Instagram page, the couple wrote, "Very sadly last weekend our dear dog, Lupo, passed away. He has been at the heart of our family for the past nine years and we will miss him so much."

I was so incredibly sorry to hear the heartbreaking news. As those who are lucky enough to have pets know, they truly become one of the family. Lupo was certainly an important member of the Cambridge family - in fact we often said on the blog the black cocker spaniel was especially significant for William and Kate. They got him as a pup nine years ago when they were living on Anglesey as newlyweds. I still remember seeing tweets reporting sightings of Kate with the pup in Wales and photos of her walking him on the beach. With William in the RAF, Lupo was a constant companion by Kate's side and made endless trips with her, travelling from Anglesey to London before making his debut at the polo in 2012.

Lupo captured quite a bit of the attention over the weekend.

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Savannah Phillips was smitten.

Embed from Getty Images

'William and Kate first welcomed Lupo into their family back in 2012, about a year before the birth of their first son, Prince George.

Years later, it was revealed that the royal couple got their cocker spaniel to help them at a difficult time, when William was about to head to the Falkland Islands for a six-week-long deployment.

“When Prince William was away in the Falkland Islands, he went for dinner with some good friends of ours in the Air Force, and he was saying how difficult it was for Kate because he was leaving for six weeks. It was when they’d just got the Spaniel to help her with the time apart,” said Natalie Bressani, who was a guest at a 2018 Christmas party at Kensington Palace for Royal Air Force families separated from their loved ones.'

Kate was often spotted walking him in Kensington Gardens.

When Prince George was born, Lupo spent a number of weeks in Bucklebury with the Cambridges and the Middleton family.

Of course, one could say he was going home in a sense. The Middleton family adore cocker spaniels and Lupo's mother Ella was a pet of the family. Below, Kate and Lupo with James Middleton and Ella. 

Lupo was a sibling to James's dogs Zulu, Inka and Luna. Over the summer Luna gave birth to six puppies.

Addressing the news on his Instagram page, James Middleton revealed he lit a candle and took Lupo's mum Ella for a long walk to remember Lupo:

'Nothing can ever prepare you for the loss of a dog. For those who have never had a dog, it might be hard to understand the loss. However for those who have loved a dog know the truth: a dog is not just a pet; it is a member of the family, a best friend, a loyal companion, a teacher and a therapist.

Many people over the years have reached out to me about the pain of loosing a dog and for most, the loss of a dog is, in almost every way comparable to the loss of a Human loved one. The pain I felt from loosing my first dog Tilly back in 2017 still hurts and on hearing the news about Lupo brought a wave of emotions flooding back.

There isn’t much of a rule book on how to grieve for a dog, but I’ve said a prayer, lit a candle and taken Ella (Mum) for a long walk to spend time remembering Lupo.

Rest in peace Lupo. Tilly & Mini will be waiting for you. You will always be remembered and your legacy will live on forever. Good Boy'

The royal pet made many a headline especially back in 2012/2013 when there was a great debate as to his name before it was revealed as Lupo, Latin for Wolf. On countless occasions, children would excitedly ask Kate about him and treats and toys were given in abundance.

When Kate posed for British Vogue in 2016, she was excited to be joined by her dear boy. It has long been said the Duchess was particularly close to him, and was reportedly saddened when he couldn't join her and William for Christmas with the royals at Sandringham in 2013 following a decision by the Queen. He instead spent the festivities with the Middletons. Indeed, during an engagement in 2015 William was asked to list five people he would speak to if bullied or in trouble, saying Kate, Harry, the Queen, Prince Philip and Charles. He also mentioned Lupo!

The show-stealing photo from George's 3rd birthday photos captured the Prince and Lupo sitting on a rug outside -- a lovely moment showing the Prince offering the family pet a taste of his ice-cream.

Playing in the background as Charlotte's first birthday photos were taken in Norfolk.

In years to come, George, Charlotte and Louis will look back on photos with their first pet with fond memories of moments like this.

"The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be." - Konrad Lorenz.

Sleep well, Lupo.


  1. Such sad news. I lost the family dog I grew up with earlier this year (my first loss of a dog!) and it's so heartbreaking! I hope they have found great comfort in each other in the family! Learning about this news hit me harder than I expected but he's so synonymous with the Cambridge family, it almost felt like we knew him! Thank you for this sweet retrospective.

    1. I'm so sorry for your loss Rebecca. It is very true to say a much loved pet is another member of the family.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear this. :( It's always so very difficult when they go over the rainbow bridge, especially in these extremely sad and heartwrecking times. :(

  3. So very sorry to hear of Lupo' passing. The children must be having a hard time dealing with their loss. But, there is the litter, their Uncle James has with the birth of new puppies; hopefully, the Cambridges' would have already chosen a new pet for their family.


  4. Sarah from California22 November 2020 at 22:36

    Sooo hard and painful. We too just lost our beloved Luc of 12 years. Dogs are the best of friends and wonderful companions!

  5. Sarah, so sorry to hear about Luc.

    1. Sarah from California23 November 2020 at 22:27

      Thank you dear Charlotte!

  6. Oh no! This is awful news! I’m a dog person, it never gets easier.

  7. So sorry.. he passed over the rainbow bridge. RIP Lupo. Hope they take a little time before they get a new puppy.

  8. Valerie in Arizona22 November 2020 at 23:19

    So sad to hear this. I have a rescue dog, an Australian cattle dog who is probably around 11. She is my first, and probably last (given that I am almost 70) dog and I love her to bits. I tell her things I don't tell anyone else and she is intensely loyal. God bless Lupo on the other side of the rainbow bridge :(

    1. A bold decision to choose ACD as a first breed. I'm a member of an association, where we rescue among others ACDs and they are definitely not for absolute beginners, so hat tip for you, I'm sure you are a natural with dogs. :) I wish you many more happy years with her.

    2. Valerie in Arizona24 November 2020 at 01:52

      Gaby, I knew nothing about dogs when I went to the shelter. Had never had one before but my daughter knew I had been missing my cat who had just died at 18 and my dh had asked that we get a dog this time. So for my 58th birthday we went to the shelter. Dogs were barking and jumping and I was a little overwhelmed. So the volunteer said that there was a dog that had been trapped in the canyons, had been at the shelter for 6 weeks, was very shy and hiding. She said that was normally not a good sign for adoption but she said the dog was so sweet maybe I'd like to see her. So she brought her out and the dog looked at me and I looked at her and that was it. She is a red heeler ACD, I have heard the blues are feistier? Mitzi can be very stubborn but she usually gives in and lets me win ;) My husband and s-i-l on the other hand--she will not go anywhere with them. Only the females in our family.

  9. I'm sad for them on the occasion of Lupo's passing. It is hard to deal with the death of a dearly loved pet. My condolences to the family, and also to Sarah in California on the passing of your dog Luc, and to Rebecca-Sweden on the passing of your dog. And to all who need it, I'm sending a cyber hug.

  10. It is heartbreaking to lose our fur kids. They give us such unconditional love, and become such a cherished member of the family. I am sure that Lupo knew how much he was loved. The Cambridge family are in my heart.

  11. Oh how terribly sad. There is nothing that prepares you for the heartbreak of losing a dog. So sorry to the Cambridges for their loss. I’m sure Lupo had the very best life and was so loved.

  12. my goodness is a terrible to lose someone whose passing i remember last year i lost my beloved fur pup perry cannot bear sarah and rebbecca my heart goes to you sending all the love on their pass'ing

  13. I am so very sorry for your devastating loss. I have six dogs. I cannot imagine my life without them. My thoughts and prayers for your family and Lupo.

  14. It was a sad news.I know he's on the right place now.Knowing that the family of Lupo was so attached with his presence,they may be full of memories that would never be forgotten.

  15. Oh, this sad news brought tears to my eyes! 😢 He looked like a sweetheart & a very much loved dog. R.I.P. dear Lupo x

  16. I'm very sorry, they must be so sad... I remember how sad I was when our first dog died, the only remedy was another puppy several months later! 🐾
    I wonder if we'll hear from Julia this time, I'm sure she's thinking of them!

  17. So terribly sorry to hear about Lupo - it was easy to tell from the photos and the comments we heard about him what a wonderful pet he was and how much he will be missed. His mum is older too so one would have hoped he'd have many more years but that doesn't always happen. It seems like yesterday he was a puppy on the beach with William and Kate - the years fly too fast.

    That's the worst part of owning dogs - they give so much love but their lives are so short compared to our - we lost Puck last year, older than Lupo but still too young, and our two remaining spaniels are aging, one is older than Lupo already and has health issues - I can't bear the thought of losing them. Every one leaves scars on the heart. I'm sorry for all here, Sarah and Rebecca and any other who have lost pets.

    Lupo photos were always amongst my favourites. Such sad news in such a sad year.

    1. I so agree, Julia. The pain is so bad you think of never going through it again. Inevitably, I've lost 4 dogs. Yet I adopted another.

    2. Julia, sorry to hear about Puck, from what you used to write he seemed such a nice dog...

  18. It is never easy to lose a pet. With our first dog, I thought when the time came, I would be ready, but our dog Amanda was the brave one in our family and we were a mess.

    I wish all dogs had a life where they are safe and loved in a happy home. I like that the Cambridge family included Lupo in so many memorable photos.

  19. Tammy from California23 November 2020 at 15:50

    Godspeed little Lupo, may you watch over your little family from paradise, as you chase butterflies and bathe in the sun.

  20. Bye Lupo. You will be missed.

  21. Ugh, I'm crying. It's one of the worst things we experience during our lives.

  22. Aww little Lupo, I always loved to see him with his family. Is 9 young for the breed to pass away? I wonder if he was unwell. Sad times, I think he was a great companion to Kate.

  23. I'm crying too. I lost my husband and my dog this very year and think of Kate who must be so so sad.
    Getting a new puppy helps though we never forget our late friends.

    1. Valerie in Arizona24 November 2020 at 01:46

      Claude, I am so very sorry for the loss of your husband and your dog. Hugs to you!

  24. That's sad. The poor kids. Unfortunately loosing a pet when you're young teaches us about life and death. Hopefully uncle James will give them one of his beautiful puppies. Can't replace their beloved pet but would be a comfort to have a new companion for them.

  25. 9 years seems so short! When our dog died, we cried for days. I'm so glad they have wonderful photos of Lupo with the children and Kate (in Vogue!) that will be iconic.

  26. Sad for the children. I hope they get a nother puppy soon.

  27. A sad time indeed...We lost two rescue dogs this year, both 17 years old...Skipper, a Beagle and Buster a mixed breed. I don't think I'll get another dog because at my age, it would probably outlive me. I miss them! So sorry for all who have lost pets.

  28. This is the first time Royal news has brought me to tears! My own cocker spaniel is currently sat in 'my' seat which he claimed before I had a chance to sit down. Nine is far too young and must have come as a terrible shock to the Cambridges. My thoughts are with all of them.

  29. Agree with all the sentiments expressed here. And special to see so many of you being animal lovers too. Hope they get another doggie soon. Not to replace Lupo, but to add to wonderful moments and memories.

  30. My eyes filled with tears reading this!
    Beth in SF

  31. Oh no! I am so very sad to hear about Lupo's passing. 9 years old is young for a medium size dog! As someone who has had Border Terriers since 1999, I have had my share of losing my canine companions and it is never ever easy. Gut wrenching whether it is unexpected or like right now as I watch my Halo (who turned 15 in August) slow down more and more as the days go by.

    Run fast and free, Lupo. My Reggie, Cocoa, and Chili Bean will keep you company until your beloved humans join you.

    Border Terrier lover :-(

  32. very sad it is a loss you never get over. i am guessing this dog died of cancer because 9 is very young for a cocker spaniel. i have lost a few dogs and it is like losing your child they are family and i still miss them every day
    thoughts with wills and kate

  33. Every time I see a photo of James and his fiancee I smile, partly because he always is wearing a big smile that lights up his face. Add in a passle of adorable pups and I feel a sort of joy. James is the poster child for encouraging seeking help for depression. And the healing power of love.

    I am going to miss seeing and hearing about Lupo. So many if us can relate to the depth of grief the loss of a pet can bring. For nine years he was a daily part of their lives. Seeing photos of Lupo with family members, especially with William, leaves no doubt that there was a whole lot of love and commitment in that relationship of dog and family.
    Thank you Cambridge family for sharing Lupo with us. Sheila


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