Saturday 28 August 2021

How the Cambridges Spent the Summer

A very warm hello to you all! I hope you're all enjoying a lovely summer. Other commitments and unexpected time constraints meant a lengthier absence from blogging than intended (the best laid plans... :)). A heartfelt thank you to those who so kindly left comments and messages. I've said it before, but it bears repeating, it's been truly wonderful to see the safe and gradual return to normality unfold. We've seen this reflected most recently in the royal diary with engagements announced in advance for members of the Royal family, similar to pre-pandemic times. Whilst all has been quiet on the Cambridge front, we were treated to a delightful photo of Princess Charlotte in support of the UK's Big Butterfly Count initiative.

How have the Cambridges been spending summer? We last saw the Duchess seven weeks ago, for a sporting day, beginning with the Wimbledon men's championships, to which she was accompanied by dad Mike. The day concluded with a bittersweet night at Wembley alongside William and George when England's hopes of a Euros win were dashed.

From there, the family celebrated Prince George's birthday privately, and are thought to have spent a good deal of the summer at their Norfolk country home, Anmer Hall. 

In 2020, they decided a family holiday to the Isles of Scilly off the Cornish coast was in order -- a getaway they enjoyed so much they repeated it this year. Hello! reported the family of five opted for the staycation in July. Last year, they stayed on the idyllic Tresco island which is accessible by boat or air only. The picturesque island, home to under two-hundred residents, is known for its white sandy beaches, historic sites, warm local welcome, and family-friendly activities.

It's quite possible they stayed at Dolphin House once again. It is owned by the Duke of Cornwall (Prince Charles) and indeed Tresco is part of the Duchy of Cornwall. William will inherit when his father becomes king. Dolphin House is actually available to rent year-round, with prices for a week ranging from £2,000 to £5,000 for the house which boasts "spectacular views towards Round Island Lighthouse, set in a large private, walled garden".

Traditionally at this time of year, the Cambridges make their annual sojourn to visit the Queen at Balmoral. I don't believe Her Majesty has made her visit to Crathie Kirk for Sunday service due to the pandemic this year. Crathie Kirk is the primary photo opportunity when the royals are in Scotland over the summer, but it's unlikely we'll see images of the Cambridges there this summer.

Embed from Getty Images

I know 'Back to School' is very much at the forefront of many of your minds with September almost upon us. George and Charlotte will return to Thomas's Battersea when Michaelmas term commences on Thursday, 9 September. Louis will be continuing at Willcocks Nursery for another year before joining his brother and sister at Thomas's in September 2022. One imagines we'll see the resumption of engagements coinciding with a return to London shortly. In terms of the easing of restrictions in England, there's a good deal more scope for aides planning royal agendas at the moment, though I suspect ensuring crowds are kept to a minimum will continue to be a factor.


In fashion updates, Kate's & Other Stories Favourite Cut jeans are available in limited sizes. The Orelia London Huggie Hoop earrings the Duchess wore with them remain in stock.

Speaking of hoop earrings favoured by Kate, the gold-plated twist earrings by Asos are available again.

Kate's DeMellier London Nano Montreal bag in "deep toffee smooth" is available in that hue and a number of other colours.

There's also been a new development from Kate favourite L.K. Bennett. The brand launched LK Borrowed earlier in the summer, which allowed customers to "rent" two items at a time for £79 per month before returning them and choosing another two. The fee includes free exchanges, delivery and dry cleaning. It's an interesting move for the company and should prove particularly useful for those interested in rotating their professional wardrobe or in need of quite a few occasion pieces. CEO Darren Top expressed his enthusiasm for the more sustainable offering: "We believe this exciting rental offering will attract a new customer base to LKB as it will allow customers to have an endless stream of beautiful quality products to wear, whilst limiting the environmental impact of fashion, through a rotating wardrobe. Further, by offering rental to our customers, we are providing the option to wear fantastic premium clothing at a more affordable price."

As noted above, we should hear news regarding engagements soon. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of weekend and chat soon.



  1. Thanks Charlotte for the update. Glad that you are doing well also. I am looking forward to the upcoming months of royal coverage and hearing comments from readers here.

  2. Great to hear an update! I've been checking in regularly and was going to message the page yesterday hoping everything was all ok. Has made my morning to see an update!

  3. An enormous sigh of relief to know you are well, Charlotte and almost simultaneously a resounding cheer to see a DKB posting!! Cheers!! Thank you!

  4. Zora from Prague28 August 2021 at 21:19

    So happy to read a new post again, dear Charlotte! Thank you for the update about the Cambridges' summer. Tresco island looks so beautiful! And Princess Charlotte's picture is absolutely precious 🦋❣️

  5. Thank god you are back, Charlotte! Missed this blog so much!
    Beth in SF

  6. Thanks for the update. Have been missing seeing Kate and Will on engagements but glad they are enjoying family time and away from the spotlight. Looking forward to the fall engagements and things getting back to more normal.

  7. Susan in Florida29 August 2021 at 01:32

    it’s good to hear you are okay , Charlotte. I was thinking the Cambridge family might have went away. Tresco looks beautiful.

  8. I am so glad this blog is still active! I would be so sad if you decided to stop blogging, Charlotte. Thank you for this post. I am hoping for state visits and tiara events!!!!

  9. Ah welcome back we missed you and your posts! Im also missing your creative and entetaining quiet time posts such as what Kate loves etc. Lovely tohave you back and yes that you are well!

  10. The family looks lovely surrounded by such beauty. The children are growing up so quickly.

    I don’t know why, but I’ve seemed to have lost my enthusiasm for the royals lately. I love, love Charlotte’s coverage of them in both blogs and have been an avid reader for quite a few years. The realities of work and current events intrude more and more and I feel guilty. Sometimes I feel like a voyeur. Then there is this feeling that when the chips are down, these people aren’t relevant to my everyday life. Like how the ever changing pandemic policies will affect our kids returning back to school while undergoing a daily health experiment with real life consequences. The life of the royals are so far beyond me. I’ve been told they are a symbol, but of what exactly? Their privileges, their trials and tribulations, contrived or not, self inflicted or earned, are theirs to sort out. It’s too much media saturation I think. Too much contrivance. Too much jockeying for a high likability YouGov poll result. That’s a lot of resources and money used to be popular.

    It’s a weird realization because this family has fascinated me since I was a young teenager. Maybe I’ve outgrown the fascination. I think it’s due to watching the next generation growing up in front of me. They are so little and their lives are not their own. And for what? A crown? A thousand years of tradition in a world where we will be lucky as humans to get another 100 years of quality life on this earth? I think the royals, just like the rest of us, are running out of time.

    1. Anon 08:56 I can completely relate to your thoughts about the royalty. What I don't like is how the family "business" takes precedence over the family. What I do enjoy so much is Charlotte's coverage, because in addition to learning about clothes and jewelry I learn something historical or see something beautiful or otherwise explore all aspects of an event.

      Being American, I grew up thinking of the RF as more of a show than as real people. I remember that PP once remarked that they were after all a family, and it was a little shocking. I think of the Queen as a symbol of solidarity during the war. The family remained in London and Elizabeth worked. To me, the rest of the RF represents a history that belongs to the people, including the palaces, castles, jewels, etc. Rather than thinking of the RF as "rulers," I feel their contribution can be to help, whether it is to bring attention or donations to worthy causes. The age of the Internet has brought endless focus that is often pointless. In the early 1900s, there was little real access. Now they are treated like celebrities with constant reporting.

      I sometimes feel sorry for some members who must abide by the pageantry while knowing they are just lite everyone else. I don't think the tradition is sustainable and I hope the next generation will go to university and get professions for their personal happiness.

    2. I can also relate, but I have not lost the enthusiasm as this blog has provided a great resource into not just the paegentry of the royal family, but it has changed my focus to the why's of the traditions and it has been historically enlightening and eye opening. The age of the internet has certainly skewed perspective on many things, and it shows little respect for the past, history and tradition. It has uncovered the human flaws and frailty of the royal family and is unforgiving and while I no longer the royal family as just 'photo ops' for a magazine, I recognize and understand their role and place in society. The internet has 'commonized' the royal family and made them into celebrities which they are not. They have a role and a place in history and are not just changing stars at the whim of the social media public. As long as HM is alive, the monarchy will remain as it is, but I do also believe that we are entering into an age of a new pared down monarchy and I would believe that William and Kate would strongly encourage their children to have professions outside of the monarchy and continue their role in public service.

    3. Wow. What a beautiful and rare comment that lets us into your inner world, Anon! I understand what you mean. I too have drifted from my enthusiasm. Rifts in the family, grappling with the history of British rule, and the priority shift that the pandemic offered have all contributed to this change in me.

      I echo the sentiments about Charlotte's approach to this blog. It keeps me coming back. Her work is thorough, clear, insightful, and in my opinion exceedingly respectful. Sometimes I check in here simply to see and appreciate someone taking such care to treat a flashy, glamorous "subject" such as the royals with dignity. Charlotte, you're the real queen here. ;)

  11. Missing the Cambridges. Thanks for the update!

  12. Thank you for the post! A beautiful picture of a precious little princess.
    Hope everyone is having a lovely summer.

  13. Oh my word, so so glad you are back and all is well! I don't follow many, but this is my favorite and I have so missed it! Thank you for keeping us in the loop!

  14. What a beautiful photo of Charlotte. It is very telling that this child is being taught how to respect and be kind. Lovely!

  15. Nice that work resumes again. So we see the family again more often. BTW very nice blog and lots of info and photos, Thank you.

  16. So I’m thinking the first engagement this fall for Kate will be next week since George and Charlotte don’t start back at school until Thursday and Kate doesn’t seem to do engagements on Friday. Feels like it has been forever since we had Cambridge news or engagements can’t wait.


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