Sunday 1 May 2022

Darling Photos by Kate Mark Charlotte's Seventh Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Princess Charlotte! The Cambridges' daughter, known affectionately as Lottie, celebrates her seventh birthday tomorrow. Lovely new photos of a smiling Charlotte, taken by Kate in Norfolk this weekend, were released to mark the occasion. 

I've always thought Charlotte most resembles the Windsor side of the family among the three Cambridge children. As a young child there were similarities to the Queen and Princess Margaret's daughter, Lady Sarah Chatto. As she grows up, I think the princess definitely favours her father's side of the family whilst her brothers (to me) are very much Mini-Mike (George) and Kate (Louis).

My favourite photo? This gorgeous shot with the Cambridges' pet dog. As you know their beloved Lupo passed away and months later they got a pup from Kate's brother James. The Mail revealed the pup is called Orla, meaning 'golden princess'. The backdrop of the bluebells is another striking element of the pictures. Charlotte wore a Polo Ralph Lauren jumper and a Next polo top (with thanks to Middleton Maven). 

Charlotte is said to be loving her time at Thomas's Battersea, and, with her brother, is set to play a public role during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations next month. Last week, Kate brought George, Charlotte and Louis to Windsor to join a number of their cousins, Princess Eugenie (I believe), Princess Beatrice's husband Edo, and possibly the Tindall and Philipps children where they all gathered in a carriage. Whether it's a rehearsal for Trooping the Colour or formal photographs were taken we don't know yet. Nanny Maria Teresa was certainly taking photos, likely for private use.

On 2 May, 2015, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge was born. The Duchess was admitted to St Mary's Hospital in the early stages of labour at 6 am. A baby girl weighing 8lbs 3oz  was born at 8.34 am.

There was a burst of excitement when it was announced Kate had given birth to a girl. I remember when the Our Queen at Ninety documentary aired in 2016, Kate said Her Majesty was "thrilled" Charlotte was a girl. Of course, Charlotte's middle names are very fittingly Elizabeth after the Queen and Diana after her grandmother.

The excitement was only matched when these very sweet photos of George holding his little sister were released.

For Charlotte's first birthday, a darling new set of photos was released, taken by the Duchess at Anmer Hall. We were seeing a pattern of Kate increasingly taking photos of the children around that time, which meant we saw much more informal and natural shots, as the Cambridge kiddies are very much at ease with mum behind the lens.

An adorable new photo taken by the Duchess of Cambridge at Anmer Hall was released to mark Princess Charlotte's 2nd birthday. Charlotte was looking increasingly grown up and very much resembling her great-grandmother, Her Majesty.

I never realized how much the first photo of Charlotte with little Louis echoed a very similar one of her as a baby with George (shown above) until I looked through the photos some time later. This image marked both Charlotte's third birthday and our first look at the baby of the Cambridge family.

For her fourth birthday, we saw several lovely shots taken by the Duchess of Charlotte enjoying the outdoors.

Amidst the pandemic, Charlotte was photographed by Kate on the Sandringham estate delivering parcels of homemade pasta.

Last year, a very sweet photo taken by Kate in Norfolk was shared.

Wishing the Princess a wonderful birthday!


  1. Lovely pictures! As she gets older I think she and George increasingly look alike. Same smile, eyes and eyebrows.

  2. Gorgeous photos of a beautiful Princess .Such a joy watching Charlotte growing up x

    1. I agree. It really warms my heart to feel like we're a part of their family. πŸ₯°

  3. She looks so lovely and adorable!

  4. Tammy from California1 May 2022 at 23:17

    What a fun post looking back through the years at the kids. Could you just EAT George's cheeks?! Charlotte's hair is definitely Kate's: thick and full! Lucky girl! Happy Birthday little princess!

  5. Always a treat to see the new birthday photos. I love the flowers surrounding Charlotte :) Sue

  6. Looking so grown up.

  7. She's the spitting image of her father as a child; he's even confused old, close-up pictures of his own face for pictures of Charlotte. Her coloring isn't as fair as his; she and Louis share that. But Charlotte really doesn't look like either of her brothers, though George's Windsor heritage appears clearly now and then, especially when he's looking solemn or stressed.

    Beautiful blue shade in the sweater. The color composition in these photos is attractive.

    1. Agree, I really think that Charlotte favours her father, particularly in the shape of her face and jawline. Her colouring is a blend of her parents.

    2. Beautiful

  8. She looks so cute. Looks like she is blessed with her Mom’s great hair. Thank you for posting all the photos! - Susan in Florida

  9. Such a beautiful Princess! Happy Birthday Charlotte!

  10. Look at that smile! Simply gorgeous.

  11. ILoveElephants2 May 2022 at 02:56

    Beautiful little girl, she looks like Hermonie Granger( Emma watson) from the first two Harry Potter movies. I wonder when she’ll get her ears pierced. Here in the states a lot of girls get their ears pierced as babies.

    1. Not for a long time. The posher the family, the later the ear piercing (in the UK).

    2. Caroline in Montana3 May 2022 at 05:36

      Cath, I agree. Really dislike when people pierce their babies ears, think it’s actually kinda trashy.

    3. Please remember that ear-piercing for young babies is a cultural tradition more than a decision. Where we live in the USA, it is not widely practiced. Many more children above age 7-8 are getting 1st piercings rather than as babies.

    4. I sadly, was one of those mothers who pierced her daughters ears early! I wasn't allowed until I was 18 and it wasn't anything I would have considered but having moved to the US Southwest when I had my baby girl, its something that was commonly done and I had several coworkers who convinced me to do it. I remember telling the doctor that I wanted to have it done and I will never forget the look on his face as he said to me "Really, you are going to do are sure"....then he asked me to leave the room as I heard my baby wail when the nurse pierced her ears. I still have guilt to this day, and now after reading this even! I believe that piercing ears is something of a rite of passage that should be the decision of the young lady, as my beautiful fifteen year daughter pointed out to me years later...another 'oops' parenting moment! Kate does a very good job of dressing her daughter very appropriately and am enjoying seeing Charlotte be a little girl!

    5. Caroline in Montana
      Piercing a babies ears is not trashy, it is a tradition in many cultures. In my culture which is Indian, we pierce a babies ears 1-3 days after birth. Babies that young don’t feel a thing and it’s been practiced for thousands of years.

    6. I’m sorry Caroline but this is a horribly biased opinion. Ear piercing babies it not trashy and you’ve just (perhaps unintentionally) insulted the traditional practices of many cultures including various hispanic, south Asian, and Native American populations. I’d encourage you to think about the entirety of the impact of the phrasing of your opinions. It’s absolutely fine if you don’t want to pierce your infants ears. It is not ok to call others who do trashy, particularly when it is a cultural observance for so many.

  12. Beautiful Princess Charlotte. Love all the pictures, especially with Orla.
    This is Tedi Godard, I have been commenting for years, and suddenly I have to be Anonymous??

  13. What a darling little girl she is. So much like Prince William, beautiful photos.

  14. Happy Birthday Primcess Charlotte ♥️♥️

  15. Wow what a lovely photos😍 happy birthday little princessπŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰

  16. Birthday photos are a favourite for me! I adore bluebells and dogs so these are a hit. Charlotte looks lovely. It's a clichΓ© but I can't believe how grown up she and George are.

  17. God Bless You On Your Seventh Birthday, Sweet Princess Charlotte.

  18. Love these birthday portraits, Kate is such a good photographer. Charlotte looks so much like the Queen at a young age.

  19. Zora from Prague2 May 2022 at 13:33

    Such a beautiful little girl! What's not to love? "Lottie" with the bluebells and the family's darling pet... !!! ❤️❤️❤️ Her hair is much longer than in the previous years and she looks so happy. I can see both her parents in her. Out of the other pictures, my favourite one is the one with the bag of pasta. And I love the way William looks at Kate with baby Charlotte in her arms. Thank you for this threat with your royal namesake, Charlotte!

    1. Zora from Prague2 May 2022 at 16:17

      *treat, not threat!!!πŸ€¨πŸ™ƒ

    2. I agree with you Zora on everything, especially the photo of her holding the pasta, its my favorite as well. I love all the looks between William and Kate but the one with her holding Charlotte is especially loving! Charlotte favors William, but in all the children you see bits of both parents, which is as it should be, they are a beautiful family! PS- I am going to steal the name Orla for my new little teacup yorkie....was looking for an Irish or Scottish name and this one is perfect....because she is a little 'golden princess'!

    3. Zora from Prague5 May 2022 at 14:49

      I think the name Orla will suit your teacup yorker perfectly, Anon! πŸ˜ƒπŸΎ and it will be so nice to have a pet with a royal connection!!

  20. Allison in US2 May 2022 at 15:15

    I had not seen this before but she now looks SO much like William! Rather amazing. I don't see any of the Queen in her; just Spencer. :)

    1. Yes. There was recently a sugar photo image on a cake presented to William of a 'young William' and William initially thought it was his daughter Charlotte.

    2. Interesting—I very much see William in her now, as well as the previous resemblance to the Queen and Lady Sarah. I see no Spencer, William resembles his Uncle Edward, and cousins Peter Phillips and Lord Frederick Windsor more than the Spencers.

  21. Lovely photos - I'm even more excited about the kids "practicing" for Trooping the Colour". At least it might look that way. I'm don't remember (know) how many family members typically ride in the parade. Great grandchildren are definitely a nice addition.

  22. So πŸ₯° cutie. Happy birthday princess Charlotte !

  23. Love these photos compared to her Easter appearance. She is now looking very age approperate in my opinion. Kate's photos make such a statement, always.

  24. What a lovely picture! IMO she looks a lot like Queen Elizabeth. Her mouth and eyes especially.

  25. Happy birthday princess Charlotte πŸŽ‚

  26. Happy 8th Birthday Pss. Charlotte of Cambridge. The pictures are very nice.. She looks like both of her parents I think more after Kate's family then William's. She will be a very pretty young women. I like the pic with the dog. Lovely outfit, not overdone.

  27. She looks very cute. She does look like William in these photos. I Can not tell how she will look in another 10-13 years as she matures, will be fun to see. She may end up a real mix of her parents.

  28. happy birthday my dear princess charlotte my wish for you is happiness goo health She's the spitting image of her father as a child;

  29. So adorable
    Happy birthday beautiful princess
    Judy from South Africa

  30. Happy birthday beautiful Charlotte

  31. Darling little girl. Lovely, happy photo!

  32. Darling little girl. Lovely happy photo!

  33. I actually think that George is looking more and more like his father and starts to favour the Spencer’s.


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