Wednesday 1 June 2022

Watch Trooping the Colour

UPDATE: The Duchess of Cambridge travelling in carriage procession with the Duchess of Cornwall and for the first time Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis. Kate's wearing McQueen with an elegant Philip Treacy hat. The Court Jeweller notes Kate's wearing a pair of Diana's sapphire earrings. There's two Live Streams linked below, the Sky News one has commentary from Alistair Bruce.

I have been busily researching and preparing posts for the Queen's Jubilee weekend (there is so much I want to share with you all), and it's going to be such an incredibly special weekend. We keep hearing the word historic. It sumps up the next few days perfectly. I often forget how many of you are across the pond, and when a reader asked about a Live Stream for Trooping the Colour, I thought it a good idea to share it here.

Sky News Live is another one to keep an eye on. Trooping kicks off at 10 am.

It comes as a beautiful new portrait of the Queen was released tonight. Taken by Ranald MacKechnie, it was accompanied by a message from the monarch: “Thank you to everyone who has been involved in convening communities, families, neighbours and friends to mark my Platinum Jubilee, in the United Kingdom and across the Commonwealth. I know that many happy memories will be created at these festive occasions. I continue to be inspired by the goodwill shown to me, and hope that the coming days will provide an opportunity to reflect on all that has been achieved during the last seventy years, as we look to the future with confidence and enthusiasm.” Photographed at Windsor Castle, HM wore a dove blue ensemble by Angela Kelly. 

A reminder of the schedule for the weekend:

Thursday, 2 June, 10 am - Trooping the Colour.

9.25 pm - Royals will gather on the Parade Ground from Buckingham Palace to watch the lighting of the principal beacon at the palace -- a 21-metre tall Tree of Trees sculpture. It promises to be an amazing sight with 3,000 beacons lighting up across the UK and Commonwealth.

Friday, 3 June, 11 am - A Service of Thanksgiving for the Queen’s reign will be held at St Paul’s Cathedral at 11.30 am. Great Paul, the largest church bell in the country, will be rung for the service. Afterwards members of the Royal family will attend a Guildhall reception hosted by the Lord Mayor.

Saturday, 4 June, - William and Kate will visit Cardiff Castle, Wales.

5.30 pm - Members of the Royal family will attend the Derby at Epsom Downs. 

7.40 pm - The Royal family will be out in force for a glittering evening of entertainment -- Platinum Party at the Palace. The celebration will see famous faces from the world of entertainment brought together to perform for a night of musical tributes to celebrate the Jubilee. 22,000 people will attend the event including 10,000 allocated in a public ballot and 5,000 tickets for key workers. It will be televised live on the BBC.

Sunday, 5 June - The Jubilee Big Lunches will take place all over the UK and further afield. Over ten million people across the UK are expected to join celebrations to share friendship, food and fun at Big Jubilee Lunches as part of a nationwide act of community friendship.

2.30 - 5 pm - Events will culminate with the Platinum Jubilee Pageant. Buckingham Palace said: ​"The Gold State Carriage, led by the Sovereign’s Escort, will lead the Platinum Jubilee Pageant, embracing the latest in digital technology to evoke the excitement and majesty of the Queen's journey to be crowned 70 years ago. The Pageant will bring to life iconic moments from the Queen’s reign, as well as showcasing our changing society over the past 70 years. 10,000 people are involved, including the military, over 6,000 volunteers, performers, key workers and 2,500 members of the general public."

There may be a large family appearance or additional balcony appearance afterwards.

The Cambridges were spotted returning to KP following several days in Norfolk today. I'll update with a 'First Look' photo in the morning at the top of this post.  I'm looking forward to following the Jubilee celebrations with all of you. It's truly going to be quite something.


  1. It’s been confirmed TQ and William will light up the first one at Windsor and then William will represent her at BP.

  2. Zora from Prague1 June 2022 at 21:35

    Yay- tomorrow!!!😀 Thank you so much for the tips where to watch online!!😍"Happy Platinum Jubilee" to all fellow royal fans here!!! 😉👑 🌷

  3. This is going to be so memorable.💝

  4. Her portrait is simply lovely! I understand the history involved in her reign, but I feel like she is making this more about her family than usual (perhaps all families). We've seen more of Zara and Beatrice than usual, and I like that.

  5. Thank you so much Charlotte for the live stream! I have been reading your blog for years, but have never commented. I love your blog. It is very well written!

  6. What a lovely portrait of the Queen, full of warmth and sunshine !!. Congratulations to Her Majesty for reaching her 70th year reign and wishing her good health and happiness.

  7. it is indeed exciting Charlotte! thanks for all your hard work. i am staying up late here in canada to watch it live. cant wait to see the whole family reunited too and hopefully Lilibet

  8. Thank you Charlotte! So excited. It'll be interesting to compare the number of 'viewers' over the weekend to those that watched the wedding of PC & Diana and PW & Kate. HM's photo is lovely. Let's hope that she is able to attend as many events as possible and that Covid doesn't interfere with anyone attending.

  9. The kids saluting the colors. So well taught and behaved.

  10. Thank you so much for the live links. The Sky coverage has been so informative for those of us across the pond.

  11. Thank you for the link I tuned In time to watch the fly past Buckingham Palace was happening so wonderful to watch Louis reaction and his interactions with The Queen so sweet. HM looks wonderful and I’m sure she is enjoying every minute of the day.

  12. Thank you so much for all you do and for the info in this post. Watching from "across the pond" and trying to see as much as possible. Your info helps a lot. The Royal Family looked wonderful today!!

  13. Nicole from France2 June 2022 at 13:31

    this portrait of the Queen is really beautiful ,a sweet touch of light on her, Windsor tower in the background , and lovely clothes .
    The whole Trooping has been live streamed in France by one of the public channels, with very good comments by well informed journalists , including some short reports from different places in London by franco english journalists , it is a bit sad we haven’t seen much of all the royals’ on the balcony , of course it was important to focus on the Queen , I just wished tribute had been paid to the Kent’s and the Gloucester’s , Anne , and husband who works on the task of maintaining the commonwealth war graves all around the world , and the Wessexes ...

  14. I so enjoyed watching the kids in the balcony! Poor Kate looked a bit tense the whole time as she was trying to make sure Louis was in his best behaviour. Especially during the anthem at the end - I could see her eyeing Louis, haha. But all the kids did really well! Thanks for all your updates during this exciting weekend, Charlotte.

    1. Ha! I saw that too. He did pretty well. Obviously the older two know what to do now. Louis is still a wild card. - Katie C.H.

  15. Tammy from California2 June 2022 at 13:48

    I AM CHOMPING AT THE BIT!! Such an exciting weekend in store! The new picture of the Queen is beautiful. I love the dress and hat together. Kate looks stunning! Camilla also looks beautiful.

  16. (Not sure if my name is sticking but this is Katie C.H.) Louis and HM!! I wonder what they were chit chatting about during the flyovers! I wish we had seen a little more of George during the balcony but I understand the frames were pretty close on HM. I sometimes wonder what goes through George’s head watching these things. It would be easy to compartmentalize it as ‘Gan Gan’s’ thing but some day, it will be him as the center! Did anyone else catch Charlotte being big sister in the carriage? At one point she decided Louis was waving too much and she just pushed his hand down. I laughed a bit at that!

    1. I had the same thought about George. One day (we presume) he will be inspecting his own troops! I wonder how much he’s aware of. A lot to handle for a little boy.

  17. I absolutely loved todays event and everyone look splendid! Looking forward to the rest of the festivities! May God continue to bless the Queen 💜.

    Charlotte, as a side note, for some reason, I have been having difficulties signing on as my usual name, FloridaGirl. Each time I try to change from anonymous to FloridaGirl the whole comment just disappears and doesn’t allow me to publish. Not sure if anyone else has the experience but wanted to let you know. 🙂

    1. Yes me too!

    2. That’s definitely an ongoing issue for me. So I just leave it on Anonymous

  18. Hi! Not able to change from anonymous without being kicked out. My name is Samantha and I live in Canada. Thank you for the lovely post, I look forward to following along all weekend long.

  19. Thanks Charlotte for today’s news- I didn’t realise it was all starting today so delighted with your update- really looking forward to the weekend and all the fab details of the clothes and jewelry


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