Thursday 29 September 2022

The Princess of Wales Holds Windsor Castle Audience

The Princess of Wales welcomed the HMS Glasgow crew to Windsor Castle today.

Last year, Kate was announced at the ship's sponsor. Last June, Prince William travelled to BAE Systems Shipyard in Govan to view work on the Royal Navy's HMS Glasgow -- the first City Class Type 26 combat ship. When completed it will play an important role in maritime security and overseas engagements. Speaking about Kate's role as sponsor, William said, " I know that Catherine will be delighted to join you here in Glasgow for the naming ceremony in due course." The Palace said it will mark the beginning of a "longstanding, strong and enduring personal connection to the vessel and her crew, often supporting milestones, events and deployments". The Princess will be called on to "christen" the ship.

I thought it interesting to note the Princess held the audience at Windsor Castle. It's my belief the Waleses' base of operations will ultimately move from Kensington Palace to Windsor Castle, and it is understood the family will move from Adelaide Cottage into a suite of apartments in the Castle in the coming months. I imagine it makes logistical sense to begin conducting more official business from Windsor rather than commuting back and forth to London for a short meeting or audience. Over the course of Her late Majesty's funeral, I was completely struck by how majestic Windsor is -- it's also now incredibly convenient for William and Kate.

It looks very much like the audience was held in the Green Drawing Room. In 1992, the fire at Windsor Castle severely damaged the Semi-State Rooms, including the Green Drawing Room. By good fortune however, the contents of the rooms had been removed at the time. Each room was subsequently restored to its 19th century appearance using the original designs supplied to George IV. This watercolour shows the Green Drawing Room after restoration.

The Green Drawing Room in 1848.

In recent times, the Queen's official 90th birthday portrait with her two youngest grandchildren and five great-grandchildren was shot by Annie Leibovitz in the Green Drawing Room. It's always a treat to see this one :)

The Royal Navy shared more information regarding today's visit: "The Type 26 vessel is currently under construction at BAE Systems’ shipyard in Govan, Glasgow. To date, fifteen sailors have joined the vessel, the first contingent of the eventual complement of 161 Royal Navy personnel. The crew were invited to Windsor where they met with The Princess of Wales for the first time since her appointment as HMS Glasgow’s ship’s sponsor was announced in June last year.

"It was a huge honour to be invited to Windsor Castle and to meet Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales,” said Warrant Officer Darran Sullivan, the ship’s Executive Warrant Officer. The appointment of sponsor signals an enduring connection between the ship’s crew and Her Royal Highness.  It is clear from meeting her that she has a real interest in HMS Glasgow and in the lives of those who will serve onboard.”

Petty Officer Colin Chalmers, who joined as one of HMS Glasgow’s Marine Engineers last month, echoed the sentiment: “It was amazing meeting The Princess of Wales, particularly as there was such a small group of us in attendance.  The moment she walked into the room her enthusiasm and genuine interest in us really shone through and put us immediately at ease.” Commander Phil Burgess, the ship’s Senior Naval Officer, added: "The entire ship’s company is looking forward to the time when we can invite The Princess of Wales onboard the ship and further develop the relationship between HMS Glasgow and her sponsor."

More from the Royal Navy media release:
'The ships’ main roles are anti-submarine warfare and air defence, although their flexible design means that they can also perform other duties such as counter-terrorism missions, disaster relief, and martime security missions.  The vessels will also deliver critical protection for the Continuous At Sea Deterrent (CASD) and the Royal Navy’s Carrier Strike Groups.

Each Type 26 will be equipped with the Sea Ceptor missile defence system, a five-inch medium calibre gun, a flexible mission bay, Artisan 997 Medium Range Radar, and towed array Sonar.

There have been nine ships of the Royal Navy named HMS Glasgow, datingback to the 1700s. 

It is estimated that more than 25,000 Royal Navy, merchant, and passenger ships have been built on the River Clyde since the first yard opened in 1711'.
The Princess was elegant in a navy trouser suit.

It appears to be the same suit worn for a January 2021 video chat with nurses.

Kate Middleton Style suggests it's a past season Alexander McQueen suit. It looks a perfect match.

You'll note similarities between the style and the fabulous pink McQueen suit Kate wore in June for the first anniversary of the Royal Foundation's Centre for Early Years.

Kate most likely also wore her white bodysuit by British brand Holland Cooper. The £119 piece is described as: "Our stunning shirt bodysuit was designed with a day to night concept in mind. Thanks to our nylon elastane thong base, made with our superior knitting technique this ensures our bodies have a flawlessly smooth fit every time. This piece creates the impression of a seamlessly tucked-in blouse. Inverted dart back pleat and signature gold buttons, this well designed shape creates for a flattering silhouette."

Kate accessorised with her £160 Astley Clarke blue lapis necklace. Described as: "A celebration of vibrancy, this demi-fine Stilla gemstone pendant features a captivating table-cut lapis lazuli gem, set in 18 carat yellow gold plated sterling silver, and uses a spectacle setting to display the entire blue gemstone and show its complexities beautifully. This gemstone pendant is finished with a gold nugget detail and our signature Astley Clarke star-set lapis lazuli tag."

As noted by Carly from Kate Middleton Style, the Princess wore her Patrick Mavros Ocean Tide earrings in 'Milky Quartz'.

Admin Note: there will be ongoing work taking place on the site over the weekend. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


  1. I love her look and her hair is looking gorgeous! The engagement made me think so quickly of the late HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. It’s nice to see connections are still being made and kept that brings such fond memories of HM The Queen and her beloved husband. I think it would be quite fitting if the Wales’ do move their operations to Windsor and also take up residence there. ❤️


  2. I just love the views of the Green Room! (It's easy to pretend the Queen is still here.) I thought Kate looked great -- love what she wore, including the blouse, and her hair looks good, too! :)

  3. What a Wonderful Event & I Can Not Say It Enough........ But what we are seeing is the Great Wisdom & Planning that was taken by Will & Kate to gradually grow into their roles & allow time for them to have as normal/private a family life as possible, knowing what was ahead. This was Clearly done with the support of Her (late) Majesty & King Charles III.

    I can't imagine the years of planning that went into every aspect, so at the given time, there could be as seamless as possible of a transition! I look at how Confident & Competent Catherine is in her new role & remember how much flack they took for going so slow in the early years! How wise they were to do what was best for them & to stay the course, no matter what grumbles came. I always felt like Her Majesty was very sympathetic to their situation, remembering how important those years for her & Prince Phillip were on Malta & how hard it was to cut those short.

    Having Windsor as Will & Kate's base makes all the sense in the world. It allows them to give the children as much of a family life as possible, with Will & Kate having basically no commute for all of their work done at Windsor. I still wish they had had more time...... but they are Clearly Ready & are already making a Wonderful Prince & Princess of Wales!

    God Bless you Charlotte, as you go through all the twists & turns to make the needed transitions to this blog! We owe you so much, in the way of gratitude & respect.... inconvenience us as much as you need..... we'll still be here cheering you on!


    1. Well said Becca and I could not agree more....they took small steps to prepare for this big role and it served them well as they built the foundation of their family!

    2. Becca, you said it so well!
      I too wish they had had a few years adelaide cottage, living as a family of 5, while bonding with the Queen. It feels like their time is up, I hope they manage to balance their new duties and their personal lifes.

    3. Eloquently said, Becca! I couldn’t agree more.
      Michelle in the USA

    4. Ditto Becca! Well said! Zora

    5. Yes, you nailed it.

  4. Lovely outfit and such a gorgeous room. Seems to make sense to work more out of Windsor! Thanks
    For the informative post- sue

  5. Nice to see them back at work. I like this suit it fit her well. css

  6. Sarah from California30 September 2022 at 02:41

    Oh how Kate shines! Love the pantsuit! Best wishes to Kate and William in this new chapter of their lives.

  7. I read that Kate’s comments on the need for food banks (during the earlier event in Wales) is being perceived as political. I completely disagree as Kate is simply stating an economical fact and drawing attention to the needs of so many people in tough times especially as the UK government has chosen to give tax breaks to more well off individuals vs helping those in dire need.

    While the monarchy should be apolitical in terms of supporting one party over another they should absolutely speak out on societal issues that affect the country. It’s no different than drawing attention to the mental heath issues so many people have experienced during Covid or the support for people in Ukraine both of which K&W have shown support for and received praise for doing so.

    K has repeatedly shown that she’s aware of and cares deeply about societal issues. - celticgirl

  8. This suit fits her perfectly and the colors are very appropriate for the Royal Navy visit. Windsor is a beautiful place to live! It just seems a shame that all that work was done to renovate Kensington Palace, apt. 1a and now it is not being used. Anyway, that is not my worry and maybe there is a plan in place for its use that I am not aware of now. I hope all moves forward without a hitch for the monarchy.

    1. Remember they did use it for a good decade & I'm sure it will still go to good use in some way. The thought of Windsor being empty is a strange thought. The Wales Family will breath some wonderful life into it!


  9. I don't tend to comment but I love your blog and it's my go to for all things Kate! I look forward to seeing the Princess of Wales update. Thank you so much for all your hard work over the years.
    Laura in California

  10. This is a lovely Navy suit, the fit is perfect. The necklace is the perfect finishing touch, nice.

  11. Charlotte, I enjoyed every word you wrote and every photo shared. What a great way to start my day here in Tennessee, USA. Keep up the good work. It is so very appreciated. ❤️❤️❤️

  12. Thank you for all your hard and precise work of research, editing, writing and commitment through the years. I do hope you will continue the blog for many, many years to come.

  13. I wonder if the navy belt is the same one Catherine wore for the school run. She wore a floral print dress for the first day of school for Prince George and Princess Charlotte. She accessorized with a navy belt. It was only a simple item, but somehow I remember she looked perfect head to toe.

    Love the new look of the blog. Beautiful graphics and text. Well done!

  14. Well, there isn't a lot to say about this suit, except that it's appropriate for the engagement. I love the necklace.

    I have to admire the Princess and also Meghan Sussex for their ability to wear bodysuits -- especially thong bodysuits. I find them so uncomfortable! I also like just a little looseness in a blouse at the waist, in any case; it just looks better to me, since a blouse pulled very tight strikes me as rather straightlaced in appearance. I wear thongs out of necessity with some clothes, but the very idea of a thong bodysuit makes me shudder!

  15. Attractive and flattering suit for Catherine l. Glad to see they are doing exactly what the late Queen and the new King would want: do the job humbly and enthusiastically.
    They will be happy at Windsor. Their children will grow up in a quieter environment among family, and it’s an easy trip to London when they need to be there.
    -Karen in Virginia

  16. This is a lovely new name Charlotte and glad you used my suggestion of looking forward to seeing the new site! Kate looks lovely in this outfit. I sure hope she rewears that pink outfit it looks great on her.


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