Monday 19 September 2022

Watch: The Queen's Funeral

I'm sharing several Live Streams for Her late Majesty's funeral. The Order of Service for Westminster Abbey is here while Windsor here.


  1. Sarah from California19 September 2022 at 06:43

    Thank you!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing the links. What a beautiful service for a remarkable woman and Queen. May she now rest in peace.

  3. Thank you so much for these links and your coverage Charlotte. The service and ceremonies are outstanding. I have been glued watching for hours.

    1. I have been watching the whole day. It truly was History.

  4. The Prince & Princess of Wales and their children are a shining example of the future of the monarchy - royal, loyal, and humble,

  5. Thank you for your coverage over the last week and a half. You have put so much time and effort into this. When the family was walking into Westminster, it hit me how much it looked like William was barely holding it together. Also, when the grandchildren were holding their vigil, you could see Prince William swallow hard a few times. I just wanted to cry watching all of the children and grandchildren holding their vigils. My heart breaks for all of them.

    1. William’s jaw has been clenched for days, you can feel his pain from a distance. Kate had her weak moment the day the coffin arrived to WH, she did her best to stop tears. And poor Charlotte cried today. She was a pro though the same as George.

  6. Thank you very much

  7. Coverage of Her Majesty’s funeral has just ended here in the U.S. So many emotions today ranging from grief, honor, respect, but also so much hope as we saw the small Prince George and Princess Charlotte very much taking their place in the Royal Family. God save the King.

  8. what a beautiful and sad day, HM Queens animals got me the most. I hope the family gets some much need rest and time to mourn privately and to adjust to there new roles, while figuring out how to move forward.

    Thank you for all the coverage your blog is more insight and is better then most of the "news" and I cant imagine the time you put into it.

    also a shoot out to all the volunteers who helped made the day the moment of history it was and to the The Bearer Party carrying that lead lines coffin.

  9. Your coverage of this solemn week has been thorough and a buffet for those of us who are not familiar with British/Royal customs. What a week it has been - beginning with the devastating news of Her Majesty's passing and the reassurance that her legacy will carry on into the future.

    There are numerous scenes from the week that are memorable. So very many in fact. I'm comforted by knowing that Her Majesty passed at Balmoral. It was poetry.

    The coffin wreaths were breathtaking beautiful. No words.

    The public display of respect and grief in the flowers that were left at each location.

    The ceremony, pageantry, tradition that was there for the world to witness.

    There are no words to describe this past week of mourning and respect for ElizabethII. She was always there, even for this American. I watched every moment of Her Majesty's journey from Balmoral to Windsor. I am grateful for BBC for the coverage offered here in the states.

    For myself there was no more heart wrenching expression of grief than what was etched on the faces of the Princess Royal Anne, Sophie, Duchess of Wessex, and Catherine, Princess of Wales. (I hope I'm correct in the titles, no disrespect intended if not).
    These posts have been not only comforting but delightfully in formative. Thank you for respectful posts. Hope you're able to get a bit of rest now.

  10. Thank you for your insightful coverage. What a week of Royal watching at such a sad time. It seemed to happen so suddenly. There were so many touching moments involving the entire family. When her children and then grandchildren stood vigil, to the “fab four” coming together to meet the crowd, to George and Charlotte (with her hat and broach) at the funeral. Not that it should be about the fashion, but both Catherine and Meghan were stunning at the funeral
    Again, thank you for all your hard work. I hope you have a couple of down days.

    Hope from USA

  11. Thank you for all you do. It is greatly appreciated.


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