Sunday 18 September 2022

World Leaders & Global Royals Gather for 'Reception of the Century' at Buckingham Palace

King Charles hosted an official State reception on the eve of Her late Majesty's funeral at Buckingham Palace this evening. It is believed the unprecedented gathering of world leaders and dignitaries will be remembered as the reception of the century. The event came as Buckingham Palace released a beautiful, previously unseen photograph of the late Queen, taken earlier this year before the Platinum Jubilee. Her Majesty wore the aquamarine clip brooches her parents gifted her on her 18th birthday.

I think everyone present will be pleased to see Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska is in London to attend tonight's reception and tomorrow's funeral. I very much hope Olena will feel the support and goodwill for the people of Ukraine. It was lovely seeing a private meeting between the First Lady and the Princess of Wales at Buckingham Palace.

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The First Lady paid tribute at Westminster Hall earlier today.

Whilst this isn't a week for a focus on fashion, I thought it noteworthy to mention the Princess of Wales wore the Catherine Walker bow-tie coat she wore for Prince Philip's funeral. A very fitting choice on the eve of the Queen's funeral. Once again, the Princess accessorised with Diana's triple-strand pearl bracelet. Below, Kate pictured wearing the piece in 2017.

European royals, presidents, prime ministers and ambassadors have gathered in London to bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth II. We tend to see spouses or deputies seconded for such events -- rarely (if ever) have we seen such a coordinated effort to rearrange schedules in order to pay respects in person. This is a testament to the incredible legacy Her late Majesty left after seventy years of tireless service and dedication.

(I was expecting photos to be released, but as of midnight we've only seen arrival footage).

It has been a test in diplomacy as the guest list was curated and finalized. Every country Britain has diplomatic relations with was represented. Notable exceptions include Russia, Belarus and Myanmar. It was reported by the Telegraph earlier today there was a protest outside Buckingham Palace against Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attending the Queen's funeral. Reports now suggest he will not be present.

Guests were asked to wear lounge suits and morning dress in recognition of the solemnity of the event.

Guests gathered in the Picture Gallery and State Apartments just before 6pm. They were served drinks and canapes.

The Royal family's website notes: "The Picture Gallery is one of the principal State Rooms at Buckingham Palace and provides the backdrop for State Visits, receptions and official events hosted by The Queen and other Members of the Royal Family. It is home to some of the best-known paintings in the Royal Collection, with works by Canaletto, Vermeer and Rembrandt on display. The Picture Gallery also forms part of the visitor route for the Summer Opening of the State Rooms in the Palace’s West Wing, which attracts more than 500,000 visitors every year."

The Picture Gallery has been undergoing an extensive reservicing which saw the replacement of its almost 200-year-old roof, as well as the removal of ageing pipes, wires and other essential infrastructure -- some of which has not been updated since the Second World War. It's part of a decade of renovations which will ensure the Palace is fit for the future as the official London residence of the sovereign.

The Queen photographed at a reception in the Picture Gallery in 2018.

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Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shared many fond memories of time spent with the late Queen: "The first time I met her was in 1977 when I was just a little boy. When I would meet with her as Prime Minister almost four decades later in 2015, I joked that the last time that we had met she had been taller than me – she responded with a quip about my making her feel old. Her sense of humour was one of her many great qualities and one of the many reasons why she was one of my favourite people in the world." Below, Her late Majesty and PM Trudeau in the Picture Gallery in 2018.

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President Joe Biden and First Lady Dr Jill Biden arrived on Air Force One earlier today. Following Her late Majesty's passing, the President released a statement reading: "Queen Elizabeth II was a stateswoman of unmatched dignity and constancy who deepened the bedrock Alliance between the United Kingdom and the United States. She helped make our relationship special. We first met the Queen in 1982, traveling to the UK as part of a Senate delegation. And we were honored that she extended her hospitality to us in June 2021 during our first overseas trip as President and First Lady, where she charmed us with her wit, moved us with her kindness, and generously shared with us her wisdom. All told, she met 14 American presidents. She helped Americans commemorate both the anniversary of the founding of Jamestown and the bicentennial of our independence. And she stood in solidarity with the United States during our darkest days after 9/11, when she poignantly reminded us that 'grief is the price we pay for love'."

Speaking today, the President said: "To all the people of England and all the people of the UK, our hearts go out to you and you were fortunate to have had her for 70 years, we all were. The world is better for her. Thank you." He said Her Majesty reminded him of his mother and praised her for "treating people with dignity", adding: "The Queen will be with The King every step of the way."

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President and First Lady Biden were among many leaders and royals who paid their respects at Westminster Hall.

New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern travelled over 24 hours to attend and pay her respects at Westminster Hall. Speaking to the BBC, PM Ardern said the King "shares many passions and interests that New Zealanders do". Recalling a meeting with Her late Majesty she said: "One of the things on my mind alongside being a new prime minister was being a prime minister and a mum. And when you think about leaders who have been in that position..., there were so few to look to. So I said to her, 'How did you manage?', and I remember she just said, 'Well, you just get on with it'. And that was actually probably the best and most factual advice I could have." Below, pictured at the 2018 CHOGM dinner.

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Historic diplomacy between England and the Republic of Ireland will form an important part of the Queen's legacy. Taoiseach Micheál Martin said: "The Queen’s passing is indeed the end of an era. Her State Visit to Ireland in 2011 marked a crucial step in the normalisation of relations with our nearest neighbour. That visit was a great success, largely because of the many gracious gestures and warm remarks made by the Queen during her time in Ireland. Her popularity with the Irish people was also very evident and clearly made a very positive impact on the Queen. In particular, I recall the warmth of the welcome she received from the public in Cork during her walkabout at the English Market. To her grieving family and people, the Irish Government join with you in mourning the loss of an exceptional woman who led by quiet and dignified example and who touched so many lives over her exceptionally long reign. Our world is a poorer place for her passing but a far richer and better place as a result of her long life and enduring contribution."

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The Taoiseach and President Michael D. Higgins paying their respects earlier today.

Royals from across the globe arriving.

Queen Rania of Jordan told ITV it is the "end of an era" and there is nowhere else she would rather be during this "monumental" event. Rania praised Her late Majesty: "To me she is the Queen of the world. She may be the Queen of England but I think symbolically she is the Queen to all of us."

Below, a selection of royals and leaders visiting Westminster Hall throughout the day.

Speaking of the unprecedented gathering, the Archbishop of Canterbury said: "She's going to unite more global leaders possibly more than any point in history."

The King and Queen Consort leave Buckingham Palace.

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A beautiful sunset at BP as leaders emerge.

It comes as the Queen Consort paid tribute to her late mother-in-law. In a pre-recorded interview, Camilla said she will always remember her "wonderful blue eyes" and "her smile". The Queen Consort added: "She's been part of our lives forever. I'm 75 now, and I can't remember anyone except the Queen being there. It must have been so difficult for her, being a solitary woman. There weren't women prime ministers or presidents. She was the only one, so I think she carved her own role."

As Big Ben struck 8 pm, the nation observed a minute's silence.

Tomorrow, the nation will say a final farewell to the Queen.

Below, the timings:

  • At 1044hrs the Coffin will be borne in Procession on the State Gun Carriage of the Royal Navy from the Palace of Westminster to Westminster Abbey for the State Funeral. Immediately following the Coffin will be The King, Members of the Royal Family and members of The King’s Household.
  • The State Funeral of Her Majesty The Queen will take place at Westminster Abbey on Monday, 19th September at 1100hrs BST. 
  •  Towards the end of the Service, at approximately 1155hrs, Last Post will sound followed by Two Minute’s Silence to be observed in the Abbey, and throughout the United Kingdom. The National Anthem will bring the State Funeral Service to a close at approximately 12 noon.
  • A Committal Service at St George’s Chapel, Windsor, will take place later the same day at 1600hrs.
  • A Private Burial will take place in The King George VI Memorial Chapel later that evening, conducted by the Dean of Windsor.

This 3D map shows the route Her late Majesty's coffin will take.

The Order of Service for the funeral has just been released. Click here to view it. Prince George and Princess Charlotte will accompany their parents.

I'll be with you in the morning with links to several Live Streams.


  1. Truly, this is an exceptional post for an exceptional time. Thank you so much for your wonderful work on this blog. AnneHH

  2. It's 7:30pm over here in the Midwest & I just made one last check in, to see if a post was up about tonight.. before I head to bed = in order to be up at 3-4am, to be able to watch the coverage live!

    Charlotte, you have taken my breath away with all of your amazing coverage! I know I shouldn't be surprised, after following your blog for over a decade, but you still manage to top even yourself!

    It's already Monday for you & I hope you have been able to get some rest, as today promises to be full of history make moments & memories & very emotional for us all! I absolutely loved that there was another Rainbow over Buckingham Palace, during the Sunday Reception. Amazing!! :0

    God Bless You Charlotte, God Bless The Queen & God Save The King!!

    Becca xoxo

  3. Tammy from California19 September 2022 at 01:39

    I have so many things to say:

    The unseen picture of Queen Elizabeth is JUST wonderful. That beautiful, wonderful woman. Gosh I will miss her so much.

    Queen Rania's interview was so good. For me, she might be the most beautiful woman in the world. She speaks and carries herself so eloquently, she has done so many things for people in her country, especially women. She reminds me a lot of Queen Elizabeth in her dedication to her work.

    Finally, Queen Camilla's speech. The last part made me cry. She was spot on when she said the Queen's smile was what she would remember the most. The Queen's smile is something that looks like it lights up a room. It definitely lights up her whole face, Her blue eyes were also beautiful.

    Most of all, to a Queen who was never mine in country, but has been mine in heart: for me, there will never be another you. You were part of the Greatest Generation that believed in hard work and had a down-to-Earth-ness that can't be matched. I heard someone say "She had a moral compass and she taught us how to behave" and it's true. We have one less light as an example of that. No one will ever fill the special spot in my heart that you hold, thank you for the years that I had to look up to you. Godspeed my Queenie.

    1. Tammy, Queen Rania is a very good looking woman. That kind of beauty comes from the inside. She has done some fantastic work for various charities. I loved when she referred to the late Queen as Queen of the World. S. ☺

  4. Thank you dear Charlotte for this beautiful post. I love that new photo of HM. It was nice of Kate to visit with the First Lady of Ukraine. I really was touched by Biden's tribute. Nice to see Justin Trudeau's tribute too. I loved what the Queen of Jordan said about HM. Nice to see the royals arriving to pay tribute from other countries too. I am very sad for tomorrow we will all share sadness around the world and the whole world is mourning her. I am lucky here in Canada to have the day off on our federal holiday to mourn our Queen. She was a beautiful woman and amazing monarch who defied gender norms. May she rest in eternal peace.


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