Sunday 2 October 2022

Chronicling Kate is Live!

Coinciding with the launch of 'Chronicling Kate', we have a new photo of the Prince and Princess of Wales with the King and Queen Consort, taken at Buckingham Palace before a Heads of State reception on the eve of Her late Majesty's funeral. Taken by Chris Jackson, it is the first official photo of the present and future of the monarchy released since Their Majesties and Their Royal Highnesses assumed their new roles.

Work has been ongoing through the week as we made the switch to the new site. There's still quite a bit to be done in the coming days, and I hope the completed result will feel very much like a continuation of 'Duchess Kate'. My husband has been busily making changes, and I'm very thankful for his talents, and equally thankful to all of you for your excellent suggestions, feedback and support as we made the transition. It's very much a relief to be this far into it (though saying goodbye to 'Duchess Kate' was bittersweet).

A few important notes for readers:

  • The old URL automatically redirects here.
  • Commenting will continue in the same way and via the same platforms. I would once again encourage everyone to use a moniker as there remains an excessive amount of trolling via 'anonymous' accounts.
  • The Chronicling Kate Twitter account is here.
  • The Facebook Page is here.

And you can (finally) follow by email again. The new service I'm using is (thanks to everyone for your recommendations). If you sign up below you should receive an email almost immediately. If not, please check your Junk or Spam folders. I've included a sign up option below in this post and in the About/Follow page. If there are any issues feel free to email me anytime at

Above all, 'Chronicling Kate' is for its readers. Please don't hesitate to let me know what you would like to see featured here moving forward, in addition to our usual regular posts covering engagements. Would you like more posts with historical background on the monarchy? Fashion-focused posts? Would you be interested in a weekly or monthly feature catching up on other members of the Royal family? Do let me know and thank you all for following the next steps in my blogging journey.



  1. Hi Charlotte, I went to the new site and blank. You have to click on the website on the page. I hope everything is going as you expected. S. ☺

    1. Sorry, I should of added it offers view Web version. I'm using my mobile. Thanks again for all your do and I hope it hasn't been too stressful for you moving over. S. ☺

  2. Looking forward to the new site - thank you for all you do for us!

  3. Since you asked, :) , I find I am most interested now in historical backgrounds, the natural beauty of places during trips, and jewelry. Thank you for all your work on this and Meghan's blog,

  4. Hi Charlotte! I have followed you from the beginning of Duchess Kate and like you, I too, have followed Will and Kate since the beginning before their engagement while they were at University. This is my happy place! My only suggestion would be to keep doing what you are doing. Nothing to change whatsoever! And can I just even in mourning, the photo taken of The Wales as well as the King and Queen Consort was remarkable. Such a gorgeous photo! The Princess looks immaculate! ❤️

  5. Thank you so much for providing us with the most up-to-date info throughout all this time! It's appreciated.

    As for suggestions, I would love to see that the yearly round-ups of everything Kate has been up to are back. I missed this post in 2021, seems like it's never been posted, and I understand that it's very time-consuming. But you asked for suggestions, sooo 😊 Thanks in advance!

  6. It looks great! I would like a weekly or monthly update on what other members of the family are doing. I also really enjoy the Kate Loves series.

  7. Love the new site. Yes, I'd love to see weekly or monthly updates on other members of the royal family. Thank you so much for doing this blog.

  8. I am a reader from California and love your blog. Your standards are high as they should be and very appreciated. It would be wonderful if on occasion, you featured the Countess of Wessex and the Princess Royal as I am not aware that they have blogs that follow them. Thank you again. Nancy

    1. I second that - I'd love to hear about these two ladies from time to time!

    2. I too would like to hear about Anne and Sophie periodically.

    3. I actually too would like to see The Countess of Wessex and The Princess Royal.

    4. I too would love to hear about Anne and Sophie.

    5. Yes, I would love to be able to follow and get more information on Sophie and family, Anne, William, and the King and Queen Consort. Whether it be here, or on maybe and expaneded Royal Digest.. I have followed you since the beginning and want to thank you for and anything and all you do.

  9. Charlotte - what a remarkable journey it has been to follow your blog! Your blog with unbiased accurate reporting and relevant photos is amazing! I’ve followed your blog since it started … always informative, timely, and pertinent information. I’ve just spent some time looking at each of the tabs … well done! My only suggestion is related to the focus on royal women … in my opinion Princess Anne is another amazing royal woman who may not receive the recognition that she deserves. Perhaps you could periodically include info about her good works. Maybe even under the Royal Digest tab. Just a thought … really just want this post to recognize you and your excellent contributions!! Thank you for all you do!

  10. Susan in Florida2 October 2022 at 21:31

    Thank you Mr Charlotte (apologies for not knowing his real name ) for helping your wife on her passion project. I would love to see a once a month update on some of the other Royals. Charlotte , I think you do a great job balancing the history with fashion.

  11. Well done and thank you to you and your husband for all the hard work, allowing us to share your love of all things Kate.

    I would love to have an occasional update on the other (British) royals especially the working royals. I love following Sophie as well.

    It would also be nice to just know what William is up to apart from their shared appearances. Just a quick mention and a photo perhaps. It helps give us a picture of what working life is for them as princely couple and family.

    Also loved the Kate Loves posts and themes such as her evening looks or casual looks or coats or coat dresses or hair style or make up over the years are also always a special treat every now and then.

  12. My comment is a little more light hearted but I would like a couple of times a year have the bloggers create Catherine dress ideas. I did that once and it was fun. From the USA but love Englands History so I love your posts. Thanks for all your hard work. I know I can depend on the accuracy of what I read.

    1. Yes, I really enjoyed seeing the outfits and ideas others came up with.

  13. Ah come on now.... To all those who have asked for regular updates on the Countess of Wessex and the Princess Royal. This was Duchess kate blog and now Chronicling Kate as in following the new Princess of Wales. While I admire both those hard working Ladies, I really don't think this is the place. I also think Charlotte has done and continues to do great work on her blog without adding to her work load. I would imagine there are other blogs covering the rest of the Family. I know the Court jeweler would cover all of them from time to time. S. ☺

    1. Hi S., as Charlotte specifically asked the question "Would you be interested in a weekly or monthly feature catching up on other members of the Royal family?", I think it's OK to express our wishes. There used to be a blog about Sophie - not any more. As far as I know, there isn't a blog covering Anne. I believe both are very important for Kate. That's why I think it would be great to hear more about them here if Charlotte chooses to write about them. Nobody wants to put extra pressure on her, of course :) Zora

    2. Zora, opps my apologies to you and everyone else who asked. I didn't see that. I couldn't agree more on Sophie and Anne. Both of them have a very important role to play now in supporting their King and Crown. I think with all the coverage that the more high profile members of the Family get, a lot of the hard work being done by both Ladies gets overlooked. If I may add my wish to the list, it would to cover all jewelery worn as Kate, as Duchess and now Princess of Wales. S. ☺

  14. Charlotte, I’ve followed you since day one and I agree with an above comment…..this is my happy place! Thank you for all you do! One technical do I get a moniker?

    1. Yes, please how do I switch from Anonymous to my old moniker? Karen from San Antonio?

  15. Someone on one of the final posts @ hrhduchesskate had an idea I lived. Could you please write a post on the funeral fashions if the royal ladies? Both the usual details but also - how did they pull off all these black looks so quickly? Do they all have ore-made mourning wardrobes available at all times? We’re things quickly made for them?

    Thank you; I really enjoy your writing style!!

    Johanna in DC

    1. While it would be interesting to get this information I wouldn't want to load you up even more than you have been already. How much time are you having to devote to this lately Charlotte? You must be exhausted!
      However as you have asked for some suggestions from us I have to confess I especially enjoy the background details you come up with that you don't find on other blogs. And sometimes your readers are able to provide the answers anyway. Here is one suggestion to start with. Do you have any information about the new titles they have been given?
      By the way for some reason I am automatically classed as "anonymous lately but I will add my previous blog name in future. Annette New Zealand

    2. Johanna, i read that as well. I meant to comment. Most of the working members of the Royal Family have been attending events for years where black is expected to be worn. They would all have a very good selection. They never travel without a black outfit and suit in case there is a death in the Family while they are away from home. Also some senior members bring their own blood just in case its needed. I wasn't taking much notice of fashion, I saw black and I love the colour. It was reported that Meghan got a last minute Stella dress, she was away from home. Also if you Google the Countess of Wessex dress for the funeral, the needle work is beautiful. Lilly of the valley in a nod to the late Queen. I don't know but I don't think you could make that dress In a week. S. ☺

    3. Concerning their black attire - QEII was in Africa when her father passed & did not have a black mourning outfit. Once she arrived back in England, a suitable outfit was taken on board the airplane for her to change into. Ever since then, all members of the royal family have traveled with a black mourning outfit. So, to answer your question, they have outfits set aside, plus all the black coats from the November Remembrance Day at the Cenotaph. Missouri Girl

    4. I ditto your comments Missouri Girl about the black attire, especially that worn by Catharine. Many of her looks were worn previously at Remembrance Day, with the exception of a few; the look she wore to the walkabout at Wales (?) with William was an Alexander McQueen that I don't recall ever seeing. As well orchestrated as the funeral was and all the events leading up to it, I would venture that there was advanced planning and readiness for the Queen's funeral, including with Catharine's, Sophie's and even Princess Charlotte's attire. I also tend to agree with S, that it might have been possible Sophie's beautiful dress with the Lilly of Valley needlework, was done in a week, but with all the careful thought and attention to detail, probably not. All the ladies were beautifully and elegantly attired.

    5. I also read Megan got a last minute dress from Stella. S. ☺

  16. Charlotte - thank you so much for continuing this journey with Kate and with all of us. I have been following for awhile and commenting here and there (Alaina from NJ - I’m dropping the “from NJ”) - the time and effort is very much appreciated.

    I’m looking toward to seeing how the monarchy changes and develops under King Charles and the roles the new Prince & Princess of Wales carve for themselves.

  17. Hello, thank you for continuing the blog, and I like the new name! A suggestion would be a every other weekly ‘repli-Kate’ post.

  18. I would love to know more about the Countess of Wessex and her engagements and fashion. She is the royal that first got me back into watching royals after Diana died. Once a week or once a month would be great! Whatever you can manage timewise.

  19. My thanks to you, Charlotte, your work is truly appreciated and enjoyed. I would love monthly updates on other women in the family, Ann, Sophie, Zara.

  20. I would also love to see an occasional post featuring the work of Camilla, Sophie or Anne, they often seem overlooked but all are very hardworking women.
    Camilla started her own book club during the pandemic which I’ve heard brought great comfort to many.
    On another note I’d also love to see posts about the various royal homes; their histories and famous inhabitants. Many of the palaces have outstanding and priceless art collections or beautiful gardens. In addition an occasional post on the work of the Duchy of Cornwall or other royal foundations would be very interesting especially now that W is taking on that role as will Prince George when the time comes.

    Thank you for everything you do, - celticgirl

  21. I would love to hear about Ladies in Waiting and if Camilla and Catherine will have any and what roles they would play

    1. Somewhere I read that Camilla was doing away with the ladies in waiting.

  22. Love the new site. Yes, I'd love to see weekly or monthly updates on other members royal family members well love the new fab four

  23. Congratulations on your updated blog! I’ve followed your blog since the beginning and love it. In the future, I’d suggest a feature that you’ve done in the past: suggestions from readers for new outfits for Kate for upcoming occasions. You have many talented stylists among your readers!

  24. I would be interested in an occasional update on other Royals such as Sophie, Anne and even lady Louise. I love your blog.

  25. Have loved your posts since you started, thank you for the high standards and quality you maintain.
    I think this blog will become very busy with the new duties Kate has now, and I would like the focus to stay only on her, with fashion at the top of the list of importance.
    All the history and background you provide is wonderful, but seems like a ton of extra work for you. I mainly just want to look at the pretty Princess in her beautiful outfits!
    I am so happy that she and William found each other, she really seems like his perfect mate, and is doing such an amazing job of these daunting duties. So proud of her!
    Thank you again Charlotte, so well done!!

  26. I like the focus on fashion and I’ll be interested on how this evolves with Kate now being PoW maybe she will have new stylist and new designers to dress her? Looking forward to seeing what she wears from now on. I don’t think I want to see what other royals wear on this blog but I did look at royal digest blog for updates on other Royals but I understand it would be very hard and time consuming to produce 3 blogs. Sue fromWA

  27. My favorite Kate blog! I've been happy to follow along all these years. Since stepping into their new roles, does this mean we will see both Kate and Will much more than before? What is expected now? I’m curious on where they’re living or going to live as well, and what is or will be happening with Wales. The background on things, the history, can be helpful in context. I don’t think I’d want to see other family members on here - the Royal Digest would be for that, I think. Either way, I’m glad to continue supporting, and thank you for all that you do!

  28. What a wonderful photo! Thank you Charlotte for all of your (& Hubby's) hard work, making the transition to this new & beautiful website/home for us all! I look so forward to this next chapter!

    Since you asked, I too would love to hear more about how things are run behind closed doors.... the Ladies in Waiting, the great mystery about how they store/organize all of the outfits & yes, a weekly update about the whole of the activity of the Working Royals would be fascinating.

    God Save The King & Queen Consort! God Bless The Prince & Princess of Wales!

    1. Becca - thank you for suggesting discussion of the ladies in waiting. Did Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth have them? Did they have any role in the funeral? I did not note any discussion of them during the funeral or mourning period. But the entire topic would be fascinating to learn more.

  29. Thanks for all your hard work Charlotte! I am excited for the new chapter for your blog. I would love to see some updates as well on the Royal Digest blog if you are still running it. I love hearing about all the royals even those not in the british royal family too. Regarding this blog I love hearing about Kate's private life with the kids and her dogs if possible. Thanks for all you do!

  30. Charlotte I throughly enjoy reading your blog. I've followed the duchess kate blog since it's inception.
    Your writing is always accurate, unbiased and informative making it a joy to read. I especially value the well researched way the posts are put together.
    I don't have any suggestions for the blog but just want to say thank you and that I look forward to reading your future posts about the princess and all that she gets up too.

  31. Please keep the blog focused on Kate.

  32. I have so enjoyed your blog since Kate and William's wedding. Thank you for your thorough and picture-filled posts!

    Post Suggestion: How Kate's wardrobe (clothes, accessories, jewelry) is selected for engagements, how her wardrobe is stored/organized, and who assists her with this. Does an assistant keep an inventory and a record of when items are worn and when? As you have included in your posts, careful thought seems to go into what Kate wears for her royal duties. A little peak into this part of Kate's life would be fun.

  33. Love this new name of the blog. Charlotte, you have done a marvelous job of keeping up with Kate thru the years. I am personally interested in her closet - she has so many coats, coat dresses, shoes, hats…how are they organized? How does one catalog all the items? See if you can get an interview with an insider for a sneak peak into the rainbow of wardrobe. Missouri Girl

  34. So glad to see the new site! But the URL doesn’t automatically redirect for me (I’m on mobile).

  35. Charlotte, your blog is like Mary Poppins in that it is "practically perfect in every way" :-). I love the history and background that you include for events and locations and look forward to seeing Catherine continue to grow into her role as Princess of Wales. Those of us who have followed your blog for a long time can see the evolution and growth of her passions. She could teach a master class on how to achieve goals as her step by step progress is a perfect example of how to break down steps which ultimately achieve the master plan goal.

    Border Terrier lover

  36. Thank you all so much for your suggestions and for alerting me to a redirect issue with several mobile devices.

    1. Re the mobile problem, I was still able to find you when I pressed on the link provided. All looks good so far and I look forward to seeing what you decide to add to your blog. I hope you didn't have to work too hard over the weekend on the change over. Thanks again. S. ☺

  37. It is a lovely photo of the King and Queen consort and the Prince and Princess of wales. It just made me sad that the late Queen wasn't there with them. I'm sure she got great comfort knowing her life long work would be in safe hands when the time came. I understand the first state visit to the UK will take place at the end of November. Something to look forward to. Jewel wise it will be interesting to see if anything new or new to the wearer is seen. I would love to see Kate in the girls of Great Britain tiara but without the base. Maybe too soon but I live in hope. S. ☺

  38. Thanks for continuing the good work! I look forward to following going forward. As others have said, some posts highlighting the other royal ladies at work would be nice, as long as the main focus is still Catherine.
    I always like the way you have featured her outings by commenting on previous occasions of a similar nature, outlining the work of the various charities, and then talking about her clothes.
    Continuing the same way is all good!

  39. Congratulations Charlotte on the evolution of this wonderful blog. I have followed it since 2014 but rarely comment. I am delighted that we can receive emails on updates. I would be delighted to see articles on other members of the Royal Family (but please don't burn yourself out, you already do so much). I would love to see the occasional article on the King and Queen Consort if possible. 😊

  40. I’ve been reading for probably 5 years now and I’m excited to follow as Kate’s journey continues! The picture that was just released is classic and perfect. Thank you for all your hard work and research on this blog, Charlotte… you do a fabulous job and I enjoy reading the history and everything you write about each engagement!

  41. It's great to have a seamless transition to the new name, even though I keep forgetting Kate is the Princess of Wales! My only suggestion would be a plea to be firm about the need for a username - there are too many anonymous people, and it makes it very hard to follow who is saying what in the comments.

  42. I'm thrilled to report that the RSS feed is solid and I've been able to transition to the new URL.
    Thank you!

  43. I echo everyone else's comments in that your blog has been my go-to since 2011. Your hard work is greatly appreciated. I love the Kate's calendar feature. I refer to it often. One question - I previously had received email notifications, but even though there have been a few posts under the new blog, I haven't received any emails. I tried subscribing again through your link above. When I get to 3. (Select Output Channels) and hit "Save," the green icon changes to "Wait" and just stays there. I've tried this at least three times with the same result. Any suggestions? Thank you!

  44. I'll try this again. It doesn't look like my comment when through. This happens every time I try to post. Anyway, thank you for all your hard work. I thoroughly enjoy your blog every time something is posted. I do love the Kate's Calendar feature and refer to it often. I'm having problems signing up for emails with the link above. When I get to step 3, and hit save, it just says "wait," and stays there. I've tried at least three times with the same result. Any suggestions? Thank you!

    1. Hello Carol, could you please email me at and I'll get this sorted.

  45. Orange County Grandma3 October 2022 at 20:30

    Charlotte thank you so much for all your hard work. I have followed you since Catherine and William were dating. This blog is wonderful and bring us fans all the great work that Catherine our new Princess of Wales is doing and continue to do. I just had to laugh when the other day while they were in Wales when Catherine say they were married 11 yrs but together for double that. Wow together for 20 yrs. just shows how their love has grown. And continues to grow. Thank you again for all your hard work

  46. Oh I think it would be cool to follow the reign of King Charles III. I'd read a weekly list of what everyone was doing and where. And then if I wanted more info on any particular event/place I'd look it up if you hadn't provided a link. What might make that particular post more substantial would be picking one place from that list and providing detail on that location particularly a building and it's history... sort of like an architectural tour through Great Britain.

  47. I still think of Charles whenever I hear/read ‘Prince of Wales’ - it’s going to take a while, though I am super-proud to have Kate & William as the new Prince & Princess of my beautiful Wales. Annie, Wales

    1. The same happens to me too, Annie! I love your patriotism and no wonder you are super-proud! 😃
      I decided to take up Welsh on Duolingo as a "tribute" to the Waleses' new role but it's SO difficult I'm not sure I'll be able to get on with it! Zora

  48. I have followed this blog since Prince George was born. I am not certain how I stumbled upon it. But sure glad I did. The pictures are fun to look at, but more than that. The articles themselves are so interesting and informative. I like that there is more than just the pictures.
    I would of course be interested in more info on Princess Anne and the Countess of Wessex. But I completely understand if Charlotte does not have time for this. Please do what works for you, Charlotte.

  49. I’m so happy to have stumbled across your blog several years ago. It’s been my go-to blog ever since. There is nothing I would change. Thank you for the passion you bring to this blog and the amount of time you invest in it.

  50. Thank you for all your hard work on this blog! I’ve been a long time reader but have never commented. I’d love to see occasional coverage of other British royals.

  51. This blog is great and I appreciate all your hard work. I really enjoy reading it. I'd love to hear more about the Countess of Wessex. She has such beautiful style and she seems to be doing more in terms of serving the monarchy. I can't find any blogs on her and there is nothing official about her on Instagram either.

  52. love to be on your new site and to see the archive because I was firstly anxious they re will be erased.

  53. Love to be on your new site and to see that archives are not erased ☺️

  54. Charlotte, I have followed for years, but don't really know much about you and not sure what your day job is, but from all the comments and suggestions you could make an entire career just being a royal blogger for all of the senior royals! They certainly would be blogs filled with well researched and well written information about the royals and done in a very fair and impartial manner, as it seems you have already set the tone and standard for such in this 'formerly known as DKB' community! I have loved following your Royal digest! I think I read somebody suggested you even write a book, and I would be down for that as well, you are very talented and truly a class act. Whatever you decide to do I am a fan, and happy to continue to support and follow this next chapter of 'Chronicling Kate'.

  55. I would love an article written about Kate’s extensive wardrobe and where the clothes go to be stored. Certainly all the clothes she wears (sometimes new, sometimes repeats) can’t be stored at Adelaide Cottage. Where and who tends this collection.

  56. I think what we are seeing across the board is a renewed interest in the monarchy and an excitement and curiosity with the new Carolean era and the work of the slimmed down working royal family. The events since the death of the Queen has put an emphases on the role of Anne and the Wessexes in the royal fold. I think Charlotte might also have picked up on this development hence her question regarding coverage of other royals and certainly from everyone's answers this interest is quite evident.

  57. Stunning photo of the King and Queen consort and the Prince and Princess of Wales. This new site is wonderful Charlotte, thank you for all your hard work. I would definitely like to see some news about the Countess of Wessex and The Princess Royal who both also do amazing work.

  58. I had a suggestion but it seems to have grown while I was thinking about it. I saw William was involved in a wildlife charity today and thought it would be interesting sometime when there's no news to take a charity (animals/environment/wildlife) and write about the involvement of all the RF, from Harry to Prince Phillip and the Queen to Eugenie and Zara and Anne and Charles/Camilla. I've recently seen some of Eugenie's interests, for example, and they're very interesting. I admire her for her work while being a nonworking royal.

  59. Tammy from California5 October 2022 at 03:24

    I love the history, the charities and everything else. I would like to see more fashion come back, like the old days of the other Kate blog. I loved dressing Kate and seeing what others chose to dress her in. I will say, that I notice that some readers tend to get upset about comments on the fashion because they feel it takes away from the work. I humbly request that we be allowed, without shaming, to discuss it all. Getting excited or being disappointed about an outfit or haircut is only one aspect for me personally. I always feel that the charity and the work is number one and I ALSO like to talk about number two: the fashion. I'd love to see readers dress Kate again. It would make my day. It was the most connected I felt to readers when I could see their personalities through how they dressed Kate. I loved being able to compliment their choices and get excited about us readers collaborating as a group on something fun and non-political.

  60. For anyone whose name (or nickname) previously auto populated in their comments, it appears that the default setting may have reverted to “anonymous” on the new site. I’ll see if I need to adjust each time.

  61. I would also love to see posts on the Countess of Wessex and the Princess Royale. Thank you for all you do, Charlotte. You are THE source I can trust!

  62. I also love the idea of Sophie posts occasionally! Charlotte, I’ve (quietly) followed from the very beginning and this is such a joy to read every post. Thank you for all you do!

  63. Dougie’s girls6 October 2022 at 02:20

    I’ve followed you since day one, Charlotte, and you continue to have the most thorough, thoughtful, kind, and informative blog about our favorite Catherine/Kate on the interwebs. I haven’t posted for a while, but I wanted to thank you so much! You’ve gotten me through some dark times (medical ca-ca), and it was marvelous to celebrate via your blog

  64. Dougie’s girls6 October 2022 at 02:26

    Charlotte, you are, quite simply, the best!! I’ve followed you since day one, and you have the most thoughtful, thorough, kind, informative blog re: our favorite Catherine/Kate!
    Thanks for getting me through some dark times, and giving me a place to celebrate so many milestones in Catherine’s life!
    I can’t wait to see what the Princess of Wales does next!

  65. I would love a post on Royal geography. We have heard about so many homes: Windsor Hall, Kensington, palace, Amner hall, Buckingham palace, Adelaide, Frogmoor, aingelsey, etc. It is hard to know how all of these places relate to each other geographically. I would love to know how long it takes to get from one place to the other, where they are in relation to both Kate’s parents and William’s dad, and how their lives are affected by living in one spot versus another. Is it country or rural? Do they drive or fly to get back to London? How often do they even go to London? It seems like a lot of their events are spread out. Thanks!


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