Tuesday 11 October 2022

William & Kate Take Over Newsbeat & A Coronation Date

The Prince and Princess of Wales' special episode of Newsbeat to mark World Mental Health Day is now available to listen to on the BBC Sounds Player.

The BBC reports:

'Their guests were 24-year-old mental health advocate António Ferreria, Emma Hardwell from charity The Mix, music therapist Ben Cowley and Dr Abigail Miranda from the Anna Freud Centre for Children and Families.

During the discussion, they spoke about stigmas around mental health, the pressures of social media and the importance of opening up.

Panel guest António told the prince and princess he was a "model student" and high achiever growing up but the pressure and expectation became a "boulder on my back".

He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and emotionally unstable personality disorder as a teenager after a teacher noticed a change in his behaviour.

He was treated on a psychiatric unit over a two-year period and "came out of there a different man", he told Prince William, saying it was during this time and through talking to fellow patients that the importance of looking after his mental health hit home.'

Whilst speaking to people involved with and supported by several charities they worked with, the Prince and Princess heard several fascinating and deeply honest stories. The Princess said: "There's no right or wrong. Different things will work for different people, and it's just sometimes trying different methods, different opportunities that arise to help best support you. Everyone has mental health, in the same way as their physical health we have to look after it, in the same way we go to the gym, we need to look after and nurture our minds as well."

People reports:

'The Prince and Princess of Wales, both 40, marked World Mental Health Day by interviewing a panel of mental health advocates on the youth-focused radio show BBC Newsbeat.

Toward the end, Prince William joked, "I'm conscious we've run out of time — and [host] Pria [Rai] might say this is the worst Newsbeat production by two interviewers she's ever seen."

"You know what? You can come back," Rai replied. "This seat, I've kept it warm. I think you've done a very good job!"'

The Princess wore a ZARA blazer and a Laura Lombardi necklace. Click here to read more details in yesterday's post.


As I was writing this, Buckingham Palace shared a very important date we've all been waiting to hear...

The Coronation of King Charles III and the Queen Consort will take place on Saturday, 6 May 2023 at Westminster Abbey. The service will be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Palace said the Coronation "will reflect the monarch's role today and look towards the future, while being rooted in longstanding traditions and pageantry".

ITV News reports:

'The coronation is to be staged just a few weeks before the 70th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's coronation, which took place on 2 June 1953.

Coronations have taken place at Westminster Abbey for the last 900 years and since 1066, the service has almost always been conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

And for over a thousand years, the ceremony has followed a similar structure.

King Charles III's coronation however, will be "shorter, smaller and less expensive" amid the cost-of-living crisis, the Daily Mirror reported in September.

The paper also reported that the King plans a "slimmed down" monarchy, with the number of working royals cut to seven.'

I would expect the announcement of events in addition to a packed week of engagements and appearances for the Royal family. We can also expect to see a number of spring and summer tours to mark the historic occasion. We'll hear more in due course and it is more than safe to assume there's an enormous amount of planning taking place.

We'll see the Prince and Princess of Wales on Thursday for a Coach Core engagement.


  1. I had a feeling the coronation would happen before Trooping the Colour in order to celebrate the new monarch’s birthday. I’m very excited to see news of upcoming tours. I hope Kate and William will come back to Canada!

  2. Goodness! Do we know who the Working Seven will be?
    Charles and Camilla
    William and Kate
    Edward and Sophie?

    1. I’m sure that’s the list. Basically leaves off the Queen’s Kent and Gloucester cousins, who are part of the current line up. I can’t remember if Princess Alexandra is considered to be a working Royal.

      I wonder if Charles will strip all of the non working Royals of their HRH designations, or simply apply the H&M compromise and allow them to keep the HRHs but not permit them to use them?

    2. I really hope that the King doesn't retire some of the older family members. After years of service to the Crown that would not look very good. There is a lot of credit due to them for their hard work and support of the late Queen. S. ☺

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems this very good emphasis on mental health was born out of the experiences of William and Harry (related to the death of their mother) and Kate (related to her brother's experiences). Both William (with Kate) and Harry (with Meghan) are obviously continuing their conversations and that is of course a good thing.

    1. Kate has also referenced difficulties she felt following the birth of Prince George. It’s quite possible she never received a diagnosis but still needed to access support. I think their steadfast dedication to the topic is perhaps revealing in itself of what lies behind the curtain. William has certainly used therapeutic language at times.

    2. Anon 19:29 I had forgotten about what looked to be issues after George's birth. I think everything would have been fine Kate wasn't on display, with everyone wondering when will she become pregnant, then when will she have the baby, then having to look perfect afterward, etc. Harry mentioned at the time that she needed to be treated better (by the world). What a good thing that they went to her parents. They had support, love, wisdom, and privacy. It wasn't done that way for royal wives and that was a very healthy change. If Diana had the same family support, her life would have been so different.

    3. She seems to have had a hard time. Understandable, if she went back to Anglesey with a 2 weeks old baby and no help, and William away working most of the time. She experienced what most new mothers experience, it is hard.

  4. Hello! You always do a lovely job, but I think you meant the princess wore a Zara blazer and necklace. If I read this wrong, please forgive me.

    Is the coronation a tiara event? I would love to see some of the royal ladies wearing a beautiful tiara's.

    1. G.A. thank you :) My brain still associates the Wales title with Charles. I'm still beginning each post with 'The Duchess of Cambridge'.

      I understand the Coronation will be greatly slimmed down compared to previous occasions, however I hope a good deal of pageantry remains. It's a historic occasion.

    2. I've only know one Prince of Wales my whole life, Charles. Still feels very strange thinking Kate is now Princess of Wales. S. ☺

  5. I like their commitment and focus on mental health! It is still a taboo and as Catherine said there are still lots of negative connotations about it. We need to talk more about it, to talk more about the causes and solutions. I think emotional awareness along with emotional coping mechanisms are really important... Unfortunately it's something we are not taught, and often it is dismissed. I'm glad they keep their focus on this topic. Yes, we all need some good living-tools, especially with a pandemic, a war, divisiveness and economic crisis... Thank you C&W! and to you, Charlotte, of course!

    1. I agree this is an important topic for William and Kate. I don't think many people are given the support they need in a timely manner.

      I like that Kate emphasizes family, early childhood intervention, outdoor activities, gardening and mental health. I wish she would start something about nutrition for children and families. Feeding our brains properly is probably a small part of the whole picture.

  6. What I like is that while they have their own interest, for instance Kate's early years and William's conservation, and each suports the other in turn, Heads together is very much a joint venture. They are a team working...together.

  7. Hmmm . . . I am of two minds about the coronation date (not that anyone asked my opinion, hahaha.) We are supposed to be in England over that period, albeit out of London on that week. For which I am very glad as I am sure hotels will be pushing up their prices! I also wonder if we will have to be mindful of booking our flight back to the US, avoiding the days just following.... Still, it would be terribly exciting for me to see the pageant in person. Not my husband as he hates crowds and not my cousins who are UK republicans. But perhaps I could somehow creep back in....

    1. My parents-in-law had grandstand seats along the procession way for Elizabeth's coronation in 1953. Just recently, I was looking at a picture of them in their seats that day. It rained, so their finery was covered by plastic ponchos, but they said that as Elizabeth appeared in the state coach, the sun came out. They were staunch American republicans themselves, but they were always glad to have had the once-in-a-lifetime experience of seeing the procession and the general excitement in London.

      I've always wondered, by the way, how they managed to fit 8000 people in the Abbey. It's not a very large or commodious space as these structures go. Didn't they place the King's wedding to Diana in St Paul's partly because the Abbey couldn't comfortably seat 3500 guests?

  8. I really enjoyed listening to the interviews and I think it’s great to continue raising awareness and figuring out our own toolboxes! Thank you for sharing! Sue

  9. Such an important topic. Their answers seem a bit canned but I know their interest is sincere and determined. They will go on as they begin and the kingdom will be the better for it.

  10. I love the focus the Royal couple have on Mental health, wonderful work.

  11. hmm i would love to say that princess and prince wales that have their own interest, for instance Kate's early years and William's conservation, and each heads together mental health was very important tackle around the globe I'm glad there are many facility that giving
    mental health issue talking and commination are very important to me as well

  12. Will William have a coronation ceremony of some kind to officiate his new title as well? I recall Charles having a ceremony when he became Prince of Wales.

    1. I wonder whether William and Catherine will also have a ceremony to mark their new status as the Prince and Princess of Wales. Will it be on May 16th, 2023?

    2. Why May the 16th?

  13. I will try to repost seem my first post didn't go through. I am not surprised that he is slimming down his monarchy because he said he would do this when he was Prince of Wales. It will be interesting to see if he strips the HRH from those like the Duke of Gloucester and his wife or if he lets them keep it until they pass away. The Queen of Denmark did a similar thing and stripped the titles from non working royal grandchildren

  14. Isn't May 6th Archie (4th) birthday? Also, will the new Prince and Princess of Wales be "inaugurated"/crowned/invested on May 16th, 2023?

    1. You are the second one to mention the Prince of Wales investiture, is there some significance to that date, or has it already been suggested? Just curious.

    2. I noticed the coronation date as the King's grandson's birthday as well.

  15. Hello, there's no word yet regarding an investiture ceremony for the Prince of Wales.

  16. A number of sources have already reported 2 weeks ago that there will be no investiture ceremony for Prince William as Prince of Wales. Just Google it.

    1. Is it official?

    2. From the reports that I have read Prince William has said he does not want the ceremony. Multiple royal reporters have stated this and these reporters have been accurate in reporting of other items so I have no reason to doubt them. But has a statement been issued from BP, KP, or CH on the matter? No.

    3. I read that as well. Think it's newspaper talk. In response to the few protesters in Wales when the King first visited and then the Prince. I think it should go ahead out of respect for the title and history of it. I also think that it would be great for Wales, the eyes of the world would be watching. A very good chance to show off a beautiful country. S. ☺

    4. The investiture ceremony for Charles was much derided, not least by Charles himself in private, and recent reports indicate that when a Welsh politician told Charles that he hoped there would be no repeat, Charles replied, "Do you think I want William to go through what I went through?"

      The eyes of the world WERE watching Charles's investiture, and they were not impressed. Many Welsh don't want such a ceremony for good historical reasons, and the King grasps why. An investiture isn't required, after all, merely conferral of the title by the monarch.

    5. The eyes of the world would not be watching. There was interest in the Queen due to her longevity but I’m sorry to say I don’t believe it holds to the next generations. Charles is not all that likeable and William and Kate really don’t have much gravitas. I think a televised investiture would be briefly covered on the evening news and would likely only prompt more controversy over the meaning of the title within Wales and the UK. But it wouldn’t be an eyes of the world event. I think it wouldn’t be the best idea to proceed with one.

  17. I heard the Prince and Princess of Wales are going to Bangladesh, India and Pakistan in place of the King and the Queen Consort.

    1. Where did you hear that from?

    2. There will definitely be tours to various countries by senior members of the Family. Don't think where has been announced just yet. S. ☺

  18. The Coronation will be a sight to behold, even if is shorter and scaled back. I agree with less guests especially with the price of the security and the current financial crisis unfolding in the UK. I have read there might be a issue with the Queens Crown and the main diamond in it. I think it should be worn 100%. It has been worn by previous Queens and is now part of UK history. A lot more than Indian has claimed ownership of that diamond. S. ☺


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