Monday 8 May 2023

Marshmallows, Archery, a JCB & 'Lou Bug': It's a Family Affair for the Big Help Out

Fresh from a dazzling star-studded concert at Windsor last night (in case you missed it, and trust me it's more than worth a watch, it's still available on YouTube here), it was a family affair for the Waleses as they took a short drive from Windsor to Slough to participate in the Big Help Out.

Now, an interesting fact for royal watchers: whilst Prince Louis, at just five-year-old, has been the star at some pretty heavy-duty royal events, today marks his first appearance at an "official engagement". For the youngest Wales child, it was going to be pretty special, so when I saw photos of him with William in a JCB, I thought...yes, that's about right :)

The family volunteered at a Scout Hut helping Upton scouts renovate and improve a building.

Kensington Palace said: "The Prince and Princess joined volunteers in renovating the Scout Hut, with works including resetting a path, digging a new soakaway, sanding and revarnishing the front door, adding planters to the front of the building and adding a mural to create a lasting legacy of the Big Help Out’s work."

A spokesperson added: "The 3rd Upton Scouts Hut was built in 1982 and is used by a variety of community groups in the area, including the local mosque, a senior citizens contact group for members of the Asian community and the Scout group themselves. The building is also used by ‘Slough All Nations,’ a group with heritage spanning across St. Kitts & Nevis, and which provides recreation and leisure activities to improve health and wellbeing and promote community cohesion."

A very sweet photo of the Wales children.

Just two heirs to the throne in a JCB...nothing to see here :)

In September 2020, it was announced Kate had become joint president of the Scouts with the Duke of Kent. At the time Kate said: "For many children and young people, the Scout Association plays a key role as they build relationships and develop the skills they need to succeed in later life. When I volunteered with the Scouts on Anglesey eight years ago, I was struck by the huge impact the organisation has on inspiring young people to support their communities and achieve their goals. I am delighted to be joining the Duke of Kent as Joint President of the Association and look forward to working with Scouts across the country as they strive to make a positive difference to our society."

People shared behind-the-scenes info:

'Anne Edwards, an adult Scout helper, was in charge of the plants — and said, "Kate came straight over. She is interested in plants and asked me where they came from."

Edwards adds that the Princess of Wales "was taking interest in what we were doing, but she was keeping an eye on the children, especially Louis. They are a lovely, very natural family, very easy to talk to. You don't feel as they're royal — there's no bowing, we were just chatting to them."

Princess Charlotte proved herself more than adept at archery. Like mother, like daughter.

People reports:

'When it came to the archery, Hyde says Princess Charlotte "hit the bullseye!"

"Both George and Louis were pretty keen shots as well, and the Princess is a pretty experienced archer as well by the look of it," he continues. "It was lovely they had such a great time with people in Scouts as well — it's what we do. We help other people, we have fun and learn skills."

When the time came to roast marshmallows, Louis was very eager to help out.

Louis let Kate know he would like more -- sharpish :)

A seventeen-minute video from Sky News.

Hello! revealed a very sweet nugget from the engagement: "At one point, Princess Kate joined a group of children, including her own, to toast marshmallows over an open flame. As the royal mum-of-three helped Prince Louis with the fun task, handing him a stick to discard, she could be heard saying: 'Pop that in the fire, Lou Bug.'"

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You can hear the nickname in the video below.

The Princess getting to work.

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More from the Mail:

'As the Princess of Wales left she stopped to talk to local resident Donna Robinson who was standing by a barricade with her seven year old daughter Ciara.

The Princess, casually dressed in a blue top and dark coloured trousers, held on to Louis’s hand as she stopped to say hello and asked Donna how old her daughter was.

Donna said:’ She asked what year Ciara was and was lovely.'

Helping out in your local town or village is a very fitting way to mark the extra bank holiday.

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: 'The Big Help Out is not only a chance for everyone to come together to mark His Majesty’s Coronation, it’s also a reminder of how each and every one of us can help make a change for the better. It is this community spirit that binds us and makes us stronger as a country, and I hope that as part of the legacy of this historic moment of national unity, people will be inspired for years to volunteer, to help out and to make a difference to others around them."

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The BBC notes: "Buckingham Palace wants to create 'a lasting volunteering legacy'. Tens of thousands of charities are taking part, with a total of 30,000 organisations putting on 55,000 events across the UK."

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Meanwhile, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh supported one of Sophie's patronages -- Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

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The couple participated in a puppy class at the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association Training Centre at Burghfield Common, Reading.

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The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence attended a County Civic Service recognising local volunteers at Gloucester Cathedral.

For the Berkshire-based engagement, the Princess chose a shirt by a brand based in the area and one she's worn since her pre-engagement days -- Really Wild Clothing.

The Princess wore Really Wild's Liberty Denim Shirt with Frill Neck. The piece was described as: "Crafted from a soft mid-blue pure silk chambray with a feminine frill on the collar, this is a flattering shirt, endlessly amenable to pairing with so many outfits, from jeans and trousers to smart skirts and suits." Click here to find a selection of new and similar style shirts by the brand.

Kate wore her G-Star skinny cargo pants in raven.

The Princess wore her Blundstone ankle boots in 'stout brown'. They are available in limited sizing at Zappos.

Kate completed the look with her Daniella Draper Cupid hoops.

I'm feeling very confident we're going to get those official coronation portraits tonight!


  1. Thank you for such a great and informative post. (: Your blog is a joy to follow.

  2. This was all absolutely lovely. It's great to see the kids in normal clothes.

    1. I read that Charlottes jumper costs £299 not what I would call ordinary. Very extravagant to be painting in and helping out outdoors

    2. That pink cashmere jumper (or sweater, as we say in the US) appears to cost about that much in dollars, not pounds, unless there are import taxes that jack up the price in the UK. That's still quite pricy for a child's sweater, I will agree. I wonder whether it might have been a gift. The Prince and Princess don't habitually spend that much on their children's clothing.

  3. Allison in US8 May 2023 at 15:00

    I really love this blouse on Kate! I like it open at the neck, and love the pants, too. :)

  4. Excellent volunteer opportunity! Love this post!! In one video, did anyone else notice young Charlotte picked up a bit of cookie from the ground & popped in her mouth? 5 second rule is universally accepted everywhere 🤣. Missouri Girl

  5. I have never seen a more miserable-looking kid in a tractor than Louis, LOL. Maybe someone has had enough Coronation weekend nonsense.

    1. I can't with Louis🤣🤣. He lept for his mum's share when he gobbled up his marshmallows.

  6. Once again, there are too many interesting things on which to comment! I'll try to comment on the previous post here instead of splitting my remarks between posts.

    My husband and I watched the BBC feed of last night's concert on PBS (the same way we watched the coronation) and enjoyed it, though we thought the choice of music was geared to an even older generation than ours! Given the King's age, that makes sense. I had predicted that Katy Perry would perform "Firework," which was perfect for the occasion, and I loved her spectacular golden gown. I was also happy to see the Princess's elegant red McQueen trouser suit again, though I didn't feel that the necklace quite worked with it. That's not one of my favorite pieces from her jewelry collection. I also thought that the dress code could have been relaxed a bit for the children. At a concert, Prince George really didn't need to be in a jacket and tie.

    What really impressed us were the lighted drone images, especially as performed to Zak Abel and Alexis Ffrench's extremely effective and unusual interpretation of "Don't You Forget About Me". I thought that was the best musical and visual moment of the evening and I'd love to know more about the technology involved.

    Today's pictures, with Prince Louis mucking in so enthusiastically, are a lot of fun, though I have to say that I don't think I'd choose to wear a silk blouse to renovate a Scout hut. But then, I am not a princess on display for the cameras, and it's a quite pretty blouse.

    I don't think I've eaten toasted marshmallows since I was a counselor at a summer camp back in the Dark Ages. I'm feeling inspired to find an excuse to do it again!

  7. Becca in Colorado8 May 2023 at 16:48

    These are my favorite kind of engagements, ones that are all about getting in and helping out in the community. I'm glad they brought the kids. George, especially, from what little we see, of course, seems quite mature for his age. It's nice to see them joining in events like these!

  8. This was too cute! The kids are adorable. Kate looks effortlessly chic. One official portrait of the king is now released

  9. Heartwarming to see the Wales family in this down-to-earth relaxed way. After all the bespoke fashions of the weekend, their clothes today are relatable in a good way.They are setting an excellent example of family togetherness, of joining in, and of supporting good clean values. The parents are fully engaged and not distracted by their cell phones, as so many parents are. This sort of outing, well-documented by the media, is an example of how the royal family can exert soft influence in a positive way on many people.

    1. Anon 17:00, you remind me of something I said to my Mom this weekend. I told her that my brothers & I often comment on how we learned so much about life & the values/priotities of how to live it, not by what our parents said, but by what they did. They showed us so much about what values to have & how to interact & prioritize others. Such a blessing.

      Will & Kate are teaching their children so much, by modeling it. It's not a forced thing, it's genuinely who they are. Lessons for a lifetime! xoxo

  10. all official portraits now out

  11. Finallly Edward has a fitting single breasted coat!

  12. This is splendid, lovely to see the children on this occasion, supporting the Scout's. Love the photos of Princes William and the young princess on the tractor. They are such a lovely family.

  13. Great seeing the family serving together! Great example! I remember having young ones and them being unable to serve in many places so we started a family serving ministry specifically geared for all ages to serve. Kids are so eager to serve so glad to see this opportunity!

  14. Sarah in California8 May 2023 at 19:23

    I love this! So wonderful to see the family out together. Charlotte you have done a fantastic job giving us all the news before the Coronation, during and after! I can feel the energy and excitement all the way over here in California! Thank you!

  15. Tammy from California8 May 2023 at 20:28

    LOVED this so much. Everything about it.

  16. This day & event with the whole Wales Family is just Everything!!! :) xoxo

    "Lou Bugs" just made my heart melt & Charlotte picking up her fallen cookie piece from the grass & popping it in her mouth, just cracked me up!! lol :) xoxo

  17. I hate to bring this up, but I've been noticing lately that Prince Edward just keeps getting thinner.... Charlotte, have you heard anything about his health? Color me concerned! :(

    1. I know he's been keeping a very busy schedule and travelling. I haven't heard anything suggesting he's unwell, so hopefully all is well Becca.

  18. Did anyone else notice Charlotte’s leg was bleeding in the group portrait? It goes to show she is just like any other kid playing around!

    1. I noticed too! Although I assume, it is a bite mark or something like that?


  19. Heartwarming to see the Wales family in this down-to-earth relaxed way. after long tiring week before and after coronation is the queen look unwell

  20. Lovely to see the whole family out at this event and what a great organisation the Scouts is. Good seem them muck in and have a go at everything and nothing better than conversations while around a fire toasting marshmallows. Kate again in something I wear all the time except my choice of work boots are the Australian made Rossi boots and not the Blundstones which are no longer made in Australia sadly. Little Louis such a character very typical of the youngest sibling who doesn't mind a bit of attention haha! Sue in WA


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