Tuesday 16 February 2016

Kate's Day in Edinburgh, Calendar Updates, Jenny Packham AW16 & More

Good evening, dear readers,

We're back sharing calendar updates for Kate, a look at Jenny Packham's autumn/winter 2016 show, Prince William's latest engagement, and additional information regarding Kate's engagement with The Huffington Post!

Kensington Palace has just announced the Duchess of Cambridge - known as the Countess of Strathearn in Scotland - will visit three school-based charity projects in Edinburgh on Wednesday, 24 February. The Palace said: "The focus of the day is on the valuable partnerships that exist locally between charities, communities and schools to deliver a range of integrated programmes and sport."

An interesting aspect of the day - two of the three schools Kate will be visiting have a connection with her patronages. The Duchess' first stop will see her visit St Catherine's Primary School to see some of the charity's work to improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, parents and families in Scotland. Kate will join headteachers to discuss the benefits of having a partnership with Place2Be.

More on Kate's second engagement of the day from the press release:

'The Duchess of Cambridge, Royal Patron of The Art Room, will visit the charity's first studio in Scotland at Wester Hailes Education Centre. The Art Room's presence in Edinburgh represents a new phase in the charity's growth. In addition to providing an Art Room studio offering therapeutic intervention to children and young people, the charity is working closely in partnership with local support agencies in the area to maximise the impact of its work within the community in Wester Hailes.
 Upon arrival, Her Royal Highness will be welcomed to the art studio by students who are working on a Frida Kahlo project. The Duchess will then join practitioners, school representatives, local stakeholders and members of the wider community for a roundtable discussion about the role and impact of the charity's presence in the area.'

The day will conclude with a visit to Craigmount High School to participate in a 'Tennis on the Road' coaching workshop with British number one Andy Murray's mother, Judy Murray. It's a fantastic initiative created to increase coaching in Scotland and grow tennis at a grassroots level. It's tailored to teach the basics of the game to parents, teachers and volunteers to help children develop core skills.

Tennis on the Road

We know Kate is a huge fan of tennis and indeed a keen player (one royal reporter was told "she wipes William around the court") and of course it is believed the Duchess is set to become patron of Wimbledon during the tournament this summer. Kate will join Judy for a demonstration on the day and it promises to be a great engagement; we can look forward to a selection of fantastic photos!

The itinerary of the day is very well planned to encompass children, two of Kate's patronages and rounds up with support for a new tennis initiative. It's also planned to allow the Duchess to gain feedback on the work of her patronages and the impact they are having on the ground.

It's no surprise to see mental health as a theme of the day; last Friday Kensington Palace tweeted: "The Duchess will continue to support Children's Mental Health Care in the months and years ahead." I think it took Kate quite a while to find the right area for her - one she felt she could commit to long term and make a difference in. Like William with conservation and Harry with the military, supporting children's mental health is something Kate is clearly passionate about.

Kensington Palace Twitter Feed


Also in calendar updates: plans for members of the royal families participating in the Somme Centenary Commemoration were announced. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry will attend events in France on 30 June and 1 July. The Battle of the Somme was one of the largest battles of World War One - lasting four months and with more than one million men killed or wounded. There are a number of events going on during the aforementioned dates - including services and a parade - I expect to see the royal trio attending.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will participate in a vigil at Westminster Abbey while the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will also travel to France on 1 July. We'll keep you updated as information on the itinerary becomes available.


Earlier today, Prince William marked the first anniversary of the Foreign Offices Diplomatic Academy, set up as a centre of excellence to school diplomatic staff. During a speech he praised the Queen's role in foreign relations: "As The Queen approaches her 90th birthday, it is worth reflecting on the unparalleled roles she played in foreign relations."

The remainder of William's speech has caused quite the controversy in the press today as the Prince was accused of wading in on the politically sensitive EU reform package. More from the Express: 

'In a speech to British diplomats at the Foreign Office, Prince William spoke out in favour of the political and economic benefits of working with other countries in international institutions.
 He did not mention the European Union by name but his remarks at such a sensitive time drew comparison with a speech that the Queen gave in Germany last year that upset some Eurosceptic MPs.
"In an increasingly turbulent world, our ability to unite in common action with other nations is essential. It is the bedrock of our security and prosperity and is central to your work," he told the diplomats. "Right now, the big questions with which you wrestle - in the UN, NATO, the Middle East and elsewhere - are predicated on your commitment to working in partnership with others.'

Kensington Palace denied the speech was in any sense an intervention noting the word "Europe" wasn't mentioned.


It's that time of year again... As 2016 gets firmly underway, designers are showcasing their autumn/winter 2016 Ready-To-Wear collections. One of Kate's favourite designers, Jenny Packham, has been hitting the headlines for her latest runway offering with Vogue noting: "Each dress she sent out seemed destined for a night on the town."

Jenny Packham

There's no denying there's very much a disco vibe to the collection. It was influenced by Ross Whitaker's party photos from Paris during the 1980s. Packham was inspired to "infuse her clothes with a newfound energy".

Jenny Packham

The embellishment and sparkle we have all come to love from the British designer was there in abundance but unlike previous collections there isn't a dozen looks jumping off the page (web page?) and screaming Kate. I'm thinking the Duchess may opt for more bespoke pieces rather than ready-to-wear with this collection.

Jenny Packham

Of course, there were sweeping gowns included too...

Jenny Packham
 Three more looks.

Jenny Packham

It's always interesting to see designers offering a fresh take and bringing something new. In terms of Jenny Packham's collection one aspect I am missing is the usual abundance of jewel tones, this time around she favoured shades such as lemon, poppy and blush.

Jenny Packham

What do you think of the collection? Do you see anything you'd like to see Kate wear?


As you know Kate's engagement with The Huffington Post is tomorrow! The Sunday Times revealed a little more info than previously reported including the following titbits:

  • A newsroom has been assembled in Apartment 8 at KP. 
  • As guest editor she has written a blog in which she will call for an end to the tabboos and stigma attached to children's mental health.
  • She is expected to refer to her role as a mother. 
  • Kate has commissioned articles, blogs and videos from leading figures in the mental health sector. 
  • A royal aide said: "It is entirely the case that the Duke and Duchess' role as parents is influencing all of their thinking at present."

We'll see you tomorrow!


  1. Excited to hear about the engagements in Edinburgh! As someone who loves tennis, seeing Kate with Judy Murray will be extra special.

    As for William today, he said nothing to suggest anything. At all. Just another attempt by the media to create a story out of nothing.

    Looking to articles on children's mental health tomorrow! It will be something very worthy to read I'm sure.

    1. As someone who also loves tennis, it will be a real treat seeing Kate collaborate with Judy Murray.

    2. Julia from Leominster17 February 2016 at 07:24

      Unfortunately, it wasn't the media - it was the pro-Euro group that claimed him, linking his remarks to the "think carefully" remark of the queen on Scotland. Here, it doesn't sound like like William was taking a stance on the referendum, more that he was speaking about security - he mentioned neither the EU or the Commonwealth as far as I can tell - but it is a hugely sensitve subject - and why royals have to be extremely careful.

      I don't like to play Cassandra, but this is why I'm not jumping with happiness about Kate's guest editing on the very political Huffington Post - so I'll pass on comments on the next post - will just say the cause is extremely worthy and a fine one for her to take on, and I'm delighted to hear there are more engagements. I will read the articles and hope they make a huge difference, but hope she will choose a different forum in the future.

      I don't like the Packham gowns at all which is rare, usually I love her clothes. Kate wears many things well and the purple might be an interesting colour on her but the style is close to what she wore to the Bond film. One of the black ones might look nice on her but most of them seem to be the sort of flashy things stars wear to the awards show which I don't find even pretty.

    3. Thank you Charlotte. Well said, Julia

  2. Thanks for the quick update!

    I do not know ewhere to begin with these gowns. I would probably rule out the gowns in the 2nd pic but the rest wowwwww. Great pick from you Charlotte!

  3. Very excited about tomorrow!

    As to the dresses I love the long brown one .second picture ...middle..or is a goldish brown? That is gorgeous. Also love the long blue one....second to last picture...last shot.


  4. Sarah Maryland USA16 February 2016 at 21:11

    Yaaa! It has been awhile since she has done anything relating to the art room! I hope this year she does something with EACH and the natural history museum since she didn't do anything with them last year!
    I also was wondering why William continues to ignore bafta? Isn't he the president? It's the second year in a row he didn't attend the awards ceremony nor the reception that actually takes place at KP...even if he had to work he shouldve sent Kate has his representative at least

    1. Kate did have a engagement with Each last year. She visited the Emma Bridgewater factory in Stoke on Trent where they were making Mugs for Nook Appeal.

      Also William's role as President is not to attend the BAFTA Awards and mingle with Celebrities, it is to promote and support their charitable endeavor and projects like the Youth Game Designers, which he has done a lot with.

      Royal Don't always attend the annual events of their charities, The Queen does not attend Wimbledon each year, Kate only attended the Sport Aid Award the year she became patron, Philip doesn't attend the BHF Roll out the Red Ball....

    2. Royal often go long periods between visiting their patronages, William, Kate and Harry keep their patron list fairly short, but other royals have patronages in the hundreds, the Queen 600+.... they only visit them once every few years, if that.

    3. Thank you Gert. That is what I tried to explain some time ago. Is anyone even paying attention? I hope so. The subject has come up more than once and it is almost like no one is listening to the answers for some reason.

    4. the difference is the queen has 800 patronages and kate has only 10 or 12..so it shouldn't be hard to do something with them once a year
      and it doesn't have to be an annual event...even a visit is something

    5. it doesn't depend on the royal, it depends on the Charity. The royals are requested to attend, they cannot request as it depends on funds, specific campaigns etc.

      I don't think that everyone really understands how events/sponsors/patronages work.

    6. They Queen wants them to have a family life, which HM herself didn't have, before they do a number of royal duties, state duties, charities and patronages.

  5. Thank You very much Charlotte for the interesting news. Children's mental heath is such an important issue!
    Evening gowns are superb especially the sparkling white, simple one :)
    As always lovely to pop in here.

  6. Thank you for the post!!
    I am so excited for the post tomorrow! Can't wait!!!!!

  7. SOOOOO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Tomorrow will be the day! We may be able to tell if she's pregnant! So exciting!!

    1. Just because they went out for dinner at the pub and she drank water doesn't mean she's pregnant. Just because they did that when they were expecting Charlotte doesn't exactly make it a precedent or hard evidence. Couples do go out for dinner for the sake of going out for dinner, doesn't mean they are always celebrating something. It is more likely that they were just having a night to themselves without the children. As others have pointed out it would be unlikely that she would get pregnant with such a busy year ahead. I honestly don't think we should speculate or jump to conclusions, if/when she is pregnant its up to her to let others know.

    2. I even considered an early, and unexpected, Valentine's Day dinner for the couple.

    3. I doubt she is pregnant. They have too many upcoming obligations an she is as we all know always bothered with the HG. I suspect another baby will be here 2017. I expect a late summer or early fall announcement after most of the 9th birthday celebrations. She is only 34 and having a baby at 35 is entirely safe.

      I too dislike how many jump on her drinking water. .. Catherine is not a big drinker. She may also still be breastfeeding Charlotte.

    4. You are correct in saying all of that, but, it is not only the sparking water that got me. Go back a few posts, look at her wearing the blue coat at her first engagement of 2016. It looks like you can see a little baby bump in those photos. :)

  9. Thanks for the updates Charlotte. I am glad to see some additional engagements being added to Kate's calendar. I am very much looking forward to the Huff Post engagement tomorrow as I think it is very interesting and a very much 'out of the box' approach to supporting children's mental health. I hope the US takes notice and additional support is provided here too. I am so happy that it indicates the Duchess wrote a blog.

    I quite agree with you about the Jenny Packham's collection this time around. I don't see a lot of Kate in the designs and think that she would definitely surprise us with a few if she chose to wear them. I especially like the red sequence gown and think it would be absolutely stunning on the Duchess.

    It's nice to see additional engagements being added in support of WWI as well. I like how you included a picture of the back of the McQueen coat she wore recently. There were comments previously about the pleats but I didn't have time to go back and look so this was very nice to see.

    1. Over a million men in four days. I had to try really hard to hold back sobbing on that one lest I not be able to stop. It is hard to get your head around that. So very sad. So very tragic. Thank God we never take freedom for granted.

    2. War = loss of lives. Terrible thing.

  10. I am so glad Kate is bringing much needed attention to mental health. I can't wait to read the articles and blogs she is promoting tomorrow and watch the videos. My son has mental health issues, so I have a personal stake in this area. It is close to my heart. The Edinburgh day sounds fantastic! I want to go to that tennis workshop, too! :-) Now for the dresses!! I agree none of them scream "Kate", but since she has been experimenting lately . . Who knows? I love that pink one with diagonal stripes. It came in earth tones, too which would look great with Kate's hair! She can have the earth tones and I'll take the pink one and we'll go out together! :-)

    1. I think you two would make a dynamic duo as Moms on the charity scene in those sparkly gowns. My prayers to you and your family Darla. I believe in miracles. :)

  11. Thank you for these exciting updates. Looking forward to the huff post update. Have to say I only can see kate wearing just a few from Jenny's collection.

  12. Yay for a great new Post!!! I Can Not wait for tomorrow when she is a guest editor! I hope we get some new videos of her talking and taking charge! I knew she is going to get busy in the Spring and Summer months but I feel its been a very long time with a study schedule from Kate. I know this is part of her and Williams plan, but sometimes I miss seeing her smiling face interacting with the people!
    I would love to see more of Kate with the scouts, I sure do love those kinda of events!
    Thank you SO much Charolotte for everything that you do for this blog! It really is a favorite of mine!

    1. I have a feeling that once George and Charlotte start cub scouts and brownies Kate will be there even more.

  13. Very happy to see the new post! The Duchess's interest in children's mental health has made me seek out similar organizations to support here in the States. As for the gowns, I could see the Duchess in a variation of the white gown shown in the 5th panel (ideally with a tiara and her Jimmy Choo sandals, of course!).

  14. Yea! I love the upcoming engagements that were announced. I think it's fantastic that Kate is bringing the much needed attention to children's mental health. She has found her niche and wonderful organizations like The Art Room and Place2Be are blessed to have her patronage. I love that she is teaming with Andy Murray's mom for a coaching workshop. An engagement involving tennis and children should be fun and one she will enjoy! I had to giggle at the comment made by the royal reporter that Kate "wipes William around the court". That's brilliant!

    On to fashion... I have to agree with Charlotte than none of the gowns scream Kate. I do like the design of the gold sweeping gown, but not the color. I think we'll definitely see Kate in a Packham gown, but a bespoke piece as Charlotte mentioned.

    I am really looking forward to the Huffington Post engagement tomorrow. I think many of us are eager to hear Kate and read her blog post. Obviously children's mental health is near and dear to Kate's heart and it must have made it more appealing to give her time and energy after becoming a mother herself.

    Thanks for the post Charlotte! See you tomorrow! :)

    1. I agree. None of these gowns seem like Kate although that white gown would look beautiful on her. I would like her to wear the black fringe one as long as it has a lining and isn't see through, not very regal if it is see through, but so sexy, yet regal if it is lined.

  15. The only gowns I like are the black fringe gown (how fun) and the white gown. The lemon-lime with the embellished top is cute but sort of prom like.

    William did say in an interview that Kate is better than him at skiing and tennis but that he is better than her at everything else. Yes, he really did say that. men, hmmph. :)

    I am so happy that Kate seems to be creating a network of services by getting all the various children's mental health initiatives to communicate and partner with each other. Very powerful thing to do. I think William and Harry are creating similarly for their charities/patronages.

    In case her critics who say she never does ANYTHING are listening. If you watch very carefully you will see her physically attending these charitable events like she has many others over the years. Unless she has had a double all these years. And, she seems to have an amazing game plan, creating an umbrella over all the charities/patronages she PHYSICALLY, ACTUALLY, FREQUENTLY attends. I know you won't find that too very discouraging though will you.

  16. Happy to hear that the Queen and Phillip won't be venturing forth to France but will be paying their respects in London. They are delegating more and more, as it should be.

  17. I look forward to the coverage of the engagements and I do agree that Kate has found her niche. And I'm sorry but I don't see the controversy in William's remarks.

    Regarding the gowns, well, they may not scream Kate, but I do see a whisper or two of possibilities! :)

    The first top/middle (golden yellow) gown in royal blue with coordinated sequins?

    The black gown (on the model with purple sandals) in a baby blue color?

    Or the baby yellow gown with the top redesigned as a boatneck and sleeveless top?


  18. Some of the gowns are beautiful, although if Kate wears any of them it will definitely be a departure from her usual style! She will definitely be kept very busy in the next few months, thank you Charlotte for keeping us posted!

  19. Prince William said during his speech today that he and Kate are going to India in April!!!! I'm very excited!!!!!!!!!

  20. Sarah from Calif.17 February 2016 at 01:20

    Well done Charlotte!
    Well done Kate and William!!!
    As for the dresses, not a lot to get excited about, except the last choice that looks blue on the computer.

  21. Oh my, I could really see Kate in the electric plum dress. What a gorgeous color, I can't recall that we've seen her in anything similar? Would be fantastic against her hair and her hazel/green eyes.

  22. Yay! Finally some Kate sightings on the horizon! We should get a lot of bang for our buck on the Edinburgh outing.

    I am most interested in Kate's blog tomorrow. It can't be all bad that we, as her fans, will read all of the columns and pieces tomorrow.

    On the fashion front, I actually think most of those gowns would suit the duchess. Except for the really garish or short multicolored ones, most of the sequined gowns have a restrained neckline from most haute couture. Just a bit of tweaking for an official function. The bright purple one would be fabulous on the Duchess with her coloring. It also reminds me of the one Ms. Packham designed in ice blue that she altered for Duchess' appearance at the "Spectre" premiere. We'll see won't we...

    As for William's remarks, it seemed totally appropriate to be making those remarks in front of diplomats. That's what diplomats do- work with other nations for a common goal. I don't know how he could have been any more vague or p.c. about it.
    A lot of moaning from a bunch of politicians.... Let's note that William as been very visible of late doing the "royal" job too- can't complain about that either!

  23. I do not like thigh high slits, and I hope Kate stops wearing them. The gold and blue gowns with fringe are intriguing, though I can't quite see one of those on Kate, unless perhaps for a film premier. I like the lemon yellow gown very much, but I don't think that is Kate's best color. Better on a blond lady. Most of these gowns seem more like costumes than formal attire.

  24. First glance, icky, I didn't like any of the dresses or see Kate in them. Second glance, I wonder if the red violet gown with out tops of sleeves is similar to the pale blue she wore to Bafta this past year? Would have to see the back...
    Thank you for reporting on all the good things Kate is doing. I think it would take some guts to be a guest editor in a world that doesn't always take you seriously.

    1. Certainly would Jessica. Kudos to Kate.

  25. Happy to hear about the new engagements. I am not a fan of any of the gowns above.

  26. I like quite a few of the gowns, and with some tweaking of necklines some would be highly suitable for Catherine. Especially the set of three gowns with jeweled tops in different colours in the last set. Any of them would be great on her, but the necklines wouldn't suit her position.

    I also like the startling boldness of the brown and orange tones in the right hand gown in the first set. The lines are very much in keeping with Catherine's taste, but the colours not like any seen on her yet. The vibrant colours in this collection would be particularly suitable for India, though we've yet to learn whether there are any gown (or tiara--pant!pant! pant!) events planned.

  27. hmm I love seeing the post today I love the duchess bringing awareness children mental health issue and I love she teaming with andy murray mom I know they both keen in the sport a good collaboration would be good idea as for the duke speech I have no issue in that

  28. Great to see Kate further supporting the areas she has chosen. Edinburgh is a good choice, too, as it shows that it´s not only the "Greater London Area" that has facilities, but also areas that are further away from the capital.
    As far as William´s speech is concerned, well, you have to be VERY sensitive in order to be upset by his speech and see it as a statement against Euro-criticism, in my humble opinion at least... The Queen´s speech was much more a "hint" as she spoke about Europe more directly and this in Germany of all places... Still, I think both the Queen and Prince William have an opinion and know how to make this opinion known, if only very, very subtly (haha!)... If Eurocritics get upset about this, well, tough! It´s a sign of democracy that EVERYONE can voice their opinion, right? I understand their role - that´s why they should do this very carefully, but still I think a Head of State who never dares to make a statement is merely a puppet - and who would want that?....

  29. #youngmindsmatter is trending all over the world



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