Wednesday 17 February 2016

Kate Edits Huffington Post in Support of Children's Mental Health & A New Patronage

It's been one of Kate's most highly anticipated and talked about engagements - today the Duchess of Cambridge became guest editor for The Huffington Post to bear a spotlight on children's mental health issues, bringing together leading professionals from her patronages and other organisations to share their knowledge.

Those of us who have followed the Duchess and other royals will know this engagement is completely out of the ordinary. In the age of social media, with news so readily available, collaborating with the online news outlet it's an excellent way of spreading the word enabling as many people as possible to learn more about the issues.

Kensington Palace shared a sneak peek from the newroom before arrivals.

Kate looked delighted as she welcomed Huff Post's UK editor-in-chief Stephen Hull and his team to Apartment 8 in Kensington Palace (formerly one of the late Princess Diana's apartments).

Mr. Hull recently shared this startling statistic on children's mental health: "In the UK today there are an estimated 70,000 11-year-olds currently living with a mental health issue - that's enough people to fill Manchester United's football stadium."

Editor Kate at work.

Kate discussed content for articles during a conference.

The Duchess herself contributed an excellent blog to the The Huffington Post - 'Let's Make a Real Difference for an Entire Generation of Young Children - explaining why she is getting behind the cause:

'Like most parents today, William and I would not hesitate to seek help for our children if they needed it. We hope to encourage George and Charlotte to speak about their feelings, and to give them the tools and sensitivity to be supportive peers to their friends as they get older. We know there is no shame in a young child struggling with their emotions or suffering from a mental illness.
 Of course, for some parents and carers seeking help is not so easy. When families are short of time or money it is not always easy to know where to look for help or advice. That is why we need schools and communities to play their full role to help children who are struggling in ways that are not always easy to see.
In the series of articles we have commissioned, you will be introduced to some extraordinary people and organisations. You will hear from a recently bereaved wife, confronting the reality that the depression that led to her husband's suicide was with him as a 10-year old boy. You will hear from people who have fought back from their own serious illness to lead a change in the way we speak to children about their feelings and challenges. You will meet some of the extraordinary researchers who are asking important questions about the mental health of young people, and are getting answers that will be of real benefit to all parents and teachers. '

More from the Palace:

A key theme of today's visit has been launching a new initiative - Young Minds Matter. The initiative is designed to lead the conversation with children about mental and emotional health, so young people feel loved, valued and understood.

The aim is very much focused on removing the stigma surrounding mental health and encouraging people to be open about their experiences. If you're active on social media you can participate in the discussion by using the hashtag #youngmindsmatter.

Kate chatting with a group of children supported by her patronages who shared their experiences with her.

It was wonderful to see one of the contributers is none other than First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama who shared a piece asking people to Change the conversation around mental health. Given the inclusion of the First Lady one imagines this day was months in the planning and it's really heartening to see people like Kate and Michelle coming together to support such an important cause.

The Duchess commissioned a selection of moving and insightful pieces. 'Never Too Young'  was a fascinating read in which reporters spoke to adults with mental health issues about how early intervention could have helped them. One lady, Sarah, discusses how her father left when she was four and she went from being a quiet little girl to throwing tantrums and arguing all the time. Fast-forward to the present day and she suffers from mental health issues she feels could have been hugely helped with early intervention.

Never Too Young

In my opinion, one of the most moving pieces in the series of articles contributed was 'For my husband and the boy he used to be' - a heartbreaking account from a woman who lost her husband, Rob, to suicide:

"By the time you read this, I will be on my way to New Zealand to see my husband Rob. I have waited nearly nine months to see him. To tell him I love him, to press my bare feet into the grass of his family home, to spend as much time with him as possible. This isn't the reunion you're expecting. He won't be there to meet me at the airport.
We won't be walking on the beach laughing at oystercatchers darting around, nor will we be holding hands underneath Auckland's vast blue sky that always seems so much bigger than anywhere else in the world. Like a rainbow in sunlight, he is both here and not here because nine months ago, Rob took his own life after years of suffering from severe depression."

The Duchess commissioned a film report on her patronage The Art Room. It includes the devastating story of a little girl who stopped talking after seeing her father die. Click here to view it.

Kensington Palace Twitter Feed

Another insightful article - What would you tell your younger self? - features four inspirational teenagers telling their stories of surviving mental health challenges. These first hand accounts will no doubt be incredibly helpful to other teenagers struggling with the same issues.

The Huffington Post

Chief executive of Action for Children (an organisation Kate visited last year) Sir Tony Hawkhead contributed an educational piece on the issues facing children and the statistics involved - 'It Takes a Whole Village to Raise a Child':

'Action for Children's own data shows that 49% of all 14 year-olds we worked with
from last April had emotional health needs and that 40% of parents worry about their children's emotional wellbeing. For the children we support not getting the love and care of a family, the opportunity to play, regular routines and being listened to means that they don't build the emotional resilience they need to cope with everyday challenges.
Good mental health starts in childhood. Research shows that 75% of mental illness in adult life starts before a child reaches 18 years-old. Mental health problems in young people can result in lower educational attainment - for example, children with conduct disorder are twice as likely as other children to leave school with no qualifications. Young people can develop risky behaviour such as smoking, drug and alcohol misuse and unsafe sex.'

The Power of the Paintbrush: How Art Therapy is Saving Children with Mental Health Issues discussed the role of organisations such as Kate's patronage The Art Room in enabling children to externalise troubling or confusing emotions through art. One practitioner explains how the art sessions give children an opportunity to open up:

"It’s a really good way to get them to talk about themselves as they’ll paint things on to objects that matter to them," Beattie says. Discussions are led by the children, with practitioners taking a step back to listen to the pupils interacting.
Beattie explains: "A group of boys were painting clocks and one of them said 'I’m going to give this to my dad'. Another boy said: 'But I thought you didn’t like your dad, I thought your dad pushed your mum down the stairs'. And the first boy said: 'No, that’s not this step­-dad, that was my other step-­dad' It gives us an opportunity to listen to their difficulties and it gives them an opportunity to say them but in a very safe environment."

Catherine Roche CEO wrote 'There is no Health Without Mental Health' discussing challenges the charity faced during Children's Mental Health Week.

The Huffington Post

It was an enormously successful day for children's mental health. The Duchess working with The Huffington Post; enlisting experts and well known figures such as Michelle Obama was a stroke of genius. From reading the articles I feel I've learned a lot and the compilation of first-hand accounts and editorials proved a fascinating mix. This is exactly what Kate needs to be doing to help spread the message, and I'm delighted to see how passionate she is in this area and look forward to seeing what's next. Remember to keep the conversation going by using the hashtag #youngmindsmatter on Twitter. :)

The Duchess looked every inch the editor in a chic ensemble by Reiss and Dolce & Gabbana. I've always enjoyed seeing Kate mix designer with high street and this chic, professional look is very much a winner for me.

Kate wore the Reiss Vinnie High Neck Shirt in off white. The 100% polyester piece is cut from a lightweight chiffon with a textured stripe design and a high neck. There's a vintage feel to the piece and it's a garment Kate could wear time and time again with various separates. It's available for $230 at Reiss and £120 at John Lewis.


I suspected we would see Kate wearing more Dolce & Gabbana; today she selected their stylish Boucle Wool Blend Skirt (with thanks to Middleton Maven) The skirt is described as a "modern approach to a classic". It features contrast button fastenings and a yarn fringe detail peeking out from the side. It's currently on sale for £267 (40% discount) at My Theresa in limited sizing.

My Theresa

The Duchess wore black tights and her Stuart Weitzman Power Pumps (with many thanks to Anna).

Kate opted for her favourite Annoushka pearl earrings.

And completed the look with her Cartier Ballon Bleu watch.

You can view videos from the day at ITN Source Royal and YouTube which includes a few words from Kate.

Also today, it has been officially announced Kate has become patron of The Anna Freud Centre. The Duchess carried out a couple of engagements with the organisation in recent months including their Christmas party in December. It's an excellent choice for her and fits in perfectly with her focus on mental health. You can read the official press release here.

Anna Freud Centre Twitter Feed

We'll see you tomorrow when William and Kate return to Anglesey for the RAF disbandment parade.


  1. Wonderful serene one look fantastic The futur Queen

  2. Hey, do you know anything about the paintings behind Kate, where she is welcoming Stephen Hull?

  3. Great Fast Post!! What a great thing Kate is doing today! I just hope there is a video of her talking. She looks great and I can't wait for the updates!

  4. A win, win, win, for me. The cause, the look, her hair. Everything was spot on IMO.

    1. Agree! Her hair looks radiant and refreshed! Love the look.

    2. Tammy from California17 February 2016 at 21:31

      Couldn't agree more with you Laura!

  5. Bravo Kate! This is the culmination of all her previous forays into the world of mental health. She quietly started out by listening and learning as she visited various mental health programs. She became well versed on the subject and is obviously is deeply invested in this cause. Now she took the next step to bring about real change. Just looked at huffington post website and it is extremely impressive, reaching millions of people. Kate has put her star power to work in a most impressive way.
    Coincidentally, my local newspaper has been doing a series about the lack of access to mental health in my state. There is finally recognition that this is a vast problem, and now some things are being done about it, albeit still not enough. The biggest problem is lack of psychiatrists availabe where and when you need them, and the ever maddening issue of insurance coverage. But, finally there is progress and recognition!
    And......Kates outfit today is a knockout. Businesslike but with a little pizzazz. The conservative blouse is complimented by the stylish skirt that has just enough detailing to avoid being school girlish.

    1. I agree the publicity Kate is bringing to the important issue of children's mental health is incredibly important. I see it making a real difference, and by bringing this awareness, I feel the funding will come.

  6. Really great look into their interior decorating.

    1. This is not their house :P It's in another part of the palace.

    2. These were part of Diana's former turf, yes?

  7. This is absolutely brilliant! It really got people talking and is getting so much attention already. And Kate announced a new patronage involving children's mental health too.

    1. I agree. Nice to see how much traction it's getting, with some heavy weight people putting their weight behind it as well. I even shared a short little bit from my perspective on twitter. Makes me feel proud and happy. And listened to.

      I am also VERY happy about the new patronage. Seems like a great fit and I look forward to seeing her visit them again!

    2. Rebecca, I am so glad you shared your story.
      Girl, you are a perfect example of how people can come through. You are so refreshing Rebecca and such a blessing. xo

    3. THat is very sweet of your to say 18.16. Although, I'm far fom through yet. THe reason I can hang so much on here is because I can barely leave my house :P Leaves alot of time to fill during a day. But I'm taking every day as it comes and while I have dips here and there, I can see if I "zoom out" a bit that it's a gradually (and way to slow for my liking) growing curve for the better!

    4. My prayers are with you also Rebecca. xo

  8. Wow! Such a quick post, Charlotte!

    I LOVE this outfit on Kate. She looks so professional, and this is an instance where she's done separates really well. Her hair is looking gorgeous, too. All around a win for me!

    1. I agree. Professional and chic. Pretty but not distracting. Very nicely styled.

  9. Thank you Charlotte--I woke up at 6:00 am Arizona time and immediately looked for info about the Duchess' guest editing. Can always count on you!
    Such an important subject! I am a lifelong sufferer of depression--in the 1950s though it was just called "moody." If there had been an understanding back then, and when my mother became ill and died in my early teens, life would have been so much easier. I am a substitute teacher now and I see that schools are doing better at identifying and helping but there is still a long way to go. Bravo to Kate for taking this on!

    1. I'm sorry you have to go through that! It's heartning to see how much things are changing but there is still so much that needs to be done. Even when the resources exists (which is not always the case) there are so many other things that hinder people from getting help.

    2. Valerie, thank you for sharing. I am so sorry you have had such trouble. I also believe as others have said here that prayer definitely changes things. I will be praying for you Valerie. I also believe in miracles. Have hope.

    3. Thank you for sharing your story, Valerie. Kudos to you for being a survivor and setting the example that it can be done, no matter how hard it is (speaking as a fellow sufferer of life long depression).

  10. One of my favorite outfits from Kate in a while! I like Kate's style as a whole, but I usually don't have the same sartorial needs as a royal. As a 26 year old doctoral student, this is the sort of outfit I'd be able to imitate and wear--professional and stylish!

  11. Totally agree Charlotte this is a great look - very chic. Love her hair too. But the really awesome aspect is how engaged & energised she is by the whole event. You can see that she's thrilled to be part of it. I read her blog post & the whole editorial & it's impressive. The material is substantial, thought provoking, heartfelt & moving & looks at the issue from different angles. What we see in the photos at KP is just the tip of the iceberg - there's a huge amount of work involved in pulling this off. Kudos to her for using her profile & resources to bring attention to this issue & for having the guts to try a different media approach.
    The photo with the 4 children is a classic.

    1. Indeed. Now we have an inkling of what she was up to when she wasn't visible. Anyone with any imagination and experience knows how much went into this single day. The writing alone is a huge undertaking; the logistics to pull this together something else again. I look forward to a thorough reading of all the contributors as well as Catherine's work.

      As William pointed out in an interview way back, that in their lives there's a lot of paddling under the water to achieve what looks like a duck smoothly gliding across the water. Bravo!

    2. Today is not an isolated event. She has been connecting the dots with her charities for quite a while even on the surface. And today is not the end of the story. I certainly do not believe for one second that she is going to "stop" there.

  12. Good for her. It is an excellent cause and one that could take many different directions. I hope she finds something that gives her life and continues with it.

    1. I agree. And I hope and think this might actually become "her issue". She just seem filled with energy when doing the engagements involving these kids and issues.

    2. I agree. Very worthy and nice cause. I read many articles, some were heartbreaking but inspiring at the same time. Hope for more from her.
      I hope there will be some videos about the discussion with the journos.

      She looked pretty, for a change not another dress. Maybe her skirt could have been a bit longer. But that's me.

    3. Yes, I agree with you as regards her skirt length. From a sartorial point of view, also wish she'd didn't have rather worn suede shoes on her feet.

    4. The skirt is a perfect length in my opinion. Black tights help to make it not so short appearing. She looks fab

    5. Everyone knows what I think of the length of her skirt :-) :-)

    6. I agree that the tights make the skirt an okay length while if she had nude tights it would have been too short. But too short skirt or not, meh. She was there, she did a great job, and it was a success! I'm proud today!

    7. The tights totally make the length okay. When she leaned over to look at the computer screen, no problem. I love her in that silhouette of skirt and blouse. So flattering, fun and youthful, Just right.

    8. I also think Kate's "cause" could go "many different directions". AND, I think Kate and her team have factored all of that into a dynamic long term plan of action. It is an integral part of the life's work she has embraced and has been diligently applying herself to for years. As it is, I think Kate will sooner than later be a very viable candidate to be gifted with a Nobel Peace award, among other awards also. Not that that is her goal, just a recognition of her groundbreaking WORK.

    9. I agree 18:10, 110%.

    10. 1810: You mean like children's hospice care?

    11. 18:59, nice stated. Glad someone notices Kate's accomplishments.

    12. 1859, I think you might be stretching with the Nobel Peace Prize, but I too hope she's successful in this. We can agree to disagree on whether she's been diligently applying herself. That being said, she is the figurehead for the day, and figureheads usually don't do all the work.

      0510: you made me laugh. Yep, no one here noticed her accomplishment yesterday. Certainly not me.

  13. All I can say is well done Kate! She looks young, professional and obviously enjoyed her time with the kids. I love that first picture of her with the kids outside Kensington Palace! I think this will be very well received and we'll see her do more of this in the future. The Anna Freud Centre is lucky to have such a knowledgeable and committed patron.

  14. Charlotte thank you for today's post. Following Catherine makes everyday a little brighter a lighter. Thank you.Catherine has hit her stride.

    1. Kate has been in her stride all along. blending seamlessly into the royal family, fame, Royal life, marriage, childbirth, parenting, keeping her family interactive, longitudinally strategizing and spearheading a worldwide comprehensive children's mental health campaign, presenting herself stylishly at almost every turn, and lighting up the room wherever she goes. That light comes from a loving and giving heart that has kept her in her stride since the day she was born. And as if that wasn't enough, we are going to see even greater things from Kate as the years unfold. To say that she is an asset to the RF is quite an understatement.

    2. HalleluYah, 18:07. my heart sang for Joy when I read your words.

    3. What a great comment! I always think that Kate is impressive but what you write is so true. She really has done so much and has taken everything in her stride. I can't wait to see what she continues to do. She is such an inspiration.

    4. Tammy from California17 February 2016 at 21:34

      Anonymous- I COMPLETELY agree with you! She has done the royal family very proud! She has been prefect in every way with still being human.

    5. Well said, Delores and Anon 18:07. I totally agree.

    6. Delores and Anon, I also agree and was so glad to hear such nice and true things about Kate.

  15. Absolutely Gorgeous I love the entire outfit.

  16. One word!


    Wonderful cause and she is so engaged in each picture. She is so genuine and loving towards the children.

    To the naysayers that rant on aboUT how she doesn't work enough I say tosh! The very fact that Michelle Obama is involved shows as the post states a lot of behind the scenes planning. I totally believe that Catherine does much behind the scenes.

    Love love love her outfit! Gorgeous vintage look. I myself have two skirts that have this same look. However mine are vintage. One belong to my Mother and she wore it in the early 60's. One to my Mother in Law who also wore it in the 60's. Both the black and white but slightly different pattern. Classic and timeless pieces. I am sure Catherine will get much use out of these pieces.

    And another patronage! She is definitely stepping up her game. I suspect as the children get older this will be more common.

    Finally can we put to rest the pregnancy question? Never thought she was to begin with as the have a full calendar for quite some time to come.

    Well done Kate! Well done!

    She is more beautiful each time we see her I think.


    1. I do not understand why you feel necessary to mention any naysayers here. Or how today justifies anything? It was a successful day why can't we all be happy about that? How many times I read this here I can't count.

    2. Because someone always makes a comment. And Anon 14.53 is correct in her point. No one is happier than all of us who are here alot. But there are many who have repeatedly commented in past. You don't know all the back stories Anett-Austria. So perhaps it is best if you just let it slide.

    3. Other comments also stated that this shows she works more behind the scenes too Anett.

    4. Caroline in Montana17 February 2016 at 17:35

      Anett-Austria, i think it is waranted that Anon 14:53 mentioned naysayers as that has been a tussle before. and it is obvious that a lot of work went into this event behind the scenes, not so much justifying as truth. and yes we can all be happy about a successful day, i dont believe Anon 14:53 ever said they werent. I agree Anon, well done Kate! and i never thought she was pregnant either!

    5. Today justifies much. Not that Kate needs to be justified. Today just didn't happen out of the blue. Kate has been busy behind the scenes like many have said and that in addition to her many appearances publicly, that some so readily minimize.

      And today is a landmark day. The culmination of much work and brainstorming, and brilliant strategizing I might add, and the beginning of a groundswell that will change the world of children's mental health. In this, Kate is a true pioneer. And a successful one.

      Kate is not just another pretty face nor is she some idle princess. William chose perfectly.
      I still maintain that Kate was born for the roles she now fulfills.

    6. DB, I am having definite skirt envy. :)
      I am so glad your family kept those skirts. I love heritage pieces and I love 60's styles. Have you searched their closets for any other gems?

    7. Anon 17.59

      I do have other pieces! They both took extra care in tending to their clothes. I have some sweater sets that are just so beautiful. Some maybe find them old fashioned. But I love to wear them with jeans and a blazer and lots of long chains or even a simple pearl necklace. So classic. My Mother was quite tall and I have 3 of her little black dresses. They had to be tailored but they are perfect fit. They are my go to dresses very often. I have lots of jewelry of course. I also have many brooches that belonged to my Grandmother. Very art deco pieces which I adore. Go ahead and call me Granny LOL. I also have one party dress that belonged to my Grandmother from the 20s that is beaded and shiney and has fringe all over it! Those dresses were heavy! I have worn it on several occassigns. My own daughter loves clothes as well and already wants to wear these items. Of course she has been raiding my closet for many yrs now. LOL I guess some of our clothes will be considered classic pieces someday.


    8. Great cause and amazing day for Kate. She should be very proud of herself. (William too!) I agree with so many of the kind words expressed here. She looked confident, engaged, and genuinely happy to be involved. And, as always, her rapport with children is a testament to her being the real deal.

      And the outfit was a perfect choice. I really love the shorter skirts with dark tights.

    9. yay, DB. I am so glad your daughter loves the clothing and accessories also. sweet

      Your clothes sound so beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Love it. :)

    10. I hope her team reads the blog today and conveys the kudos.

  17. Natasha South Africa17 February 2016 at 15:11

    Absolutely loved this look. She looks healthy and happy to be a part of a great cause! All round, what a stunning idea, look and atmosphere! :)

  18. Well done Kate! There is a video on ITN Source with Stephen Hull of the Huffington Post who states that this has been planned since last summer and there have been countless private meetings with the Duchess who has provided input from areas they would not have thought of.
    Also a great article from Max Foster of CNN on why Duchess of Cambridge is editing Huffington Post.

    1. Makes sense. Especially since it was around that time they started to visibly focus on childrens mental health charities.

    2. Well done, indeed, Anon.

      Two ITN videos from today ...

  19. Kate is looking great & doing a very important thing. Hopefully, it'll help a lot of kids, parents and teachers. Zora

  20. It's wonderful DoC commitement with mental health, special on young people. Being someone with some mental issues, I often feel the taboo it is to talk about it... I love that someone so important is bringing up this subject!

    Regarding her clothes, it's so good to see DoC trying a different style on clothing. I don't recall any other outfit like this on her oficial duties. It is so her! I really enjoyed it. It suits her perfectly.

    Such a huge day!


    She's fantastic and simply, genuine made for this role.
    Thank you Charlotte. As always lovely to pop in here.

    1. Sarah from Calif.18 February 2016 at 01:37

      Woo hoo!!!!! , Anon. 15:49
      Children's Princess!!!!!!!

    2. I think she would feel honored having the title of Children's Princess. You can tell where her heart and passion lies. I agree that she was definitely made for this role and I think William knows he has a precious jewel. :)

  22. Just to add that the hashtag #youngmindsmatter was trending Worldwide all day.

    1. #youngmindsmatter is still trending worldwide today (massively in the US).

  23. Fantastic Kate!!!! Beautiful, professional outfit. What she did today for children's mental health was so very important and has and will continue to make a positive change to the state of young minds and families, not just in the UK but around the world. Bravo Kate for going with Huff post and social media...modern moves for a modern time.

  24. I agree with everyone! This initiative looks extremely well thought out and executed. I'm pleasantly surprised at how large and encompassing a project her guest editorship has turned out to be. It took a lot of time and effort to make this work. She seems to have found her passion. Her enthusiasm can be felt in each and every photograph. I look forward to reading it all.

    The clothes!! She looks amazing. I love the skirt with the opaque tights. A black top would have kicked it up to the ultimate notch for me but I can't complain about anything. The Reiss top would look incredible with jeans and a blazer.

  25. I love the work that the Duchess of Cambridge is bringing light to the issue of mental health. Most of the time, children don't know how to explain what's going on with them and can only lash out with behavior issues such as tantrums, talking back to their elders, bullying, or several other ways to get attention. Putting the stigma of mental health to rest and helping these young minds to understand it's ok to talk about things that are bothering them through art, song and positive actions is great movement. #YoungMindsMatter is definitely an excellent way to reach out to the world and shed a light on mental health issues. The more people know about mental health, the more educated we are about the subject and hopefully, help in the fight against mental health and stop it sooner than later. I also am proud of Ms. Obama(FLOTUS) giving a statement about mental health. She works tirelessly to get issues about children such as healthy eating, Get Moving, education.... Etc. I'm so proud of both of these ladies for putting Energy behind topics that will create healthy hearts and minds. Thank you Charlotte, for keeping those of us 'across the pond' abreast of everything the Duke and Duchess are apart of. I feel like you are one of my friends and we are having a lovely conversation about today's events😊❤️

  26. I absolutely love her outfit :-) Very businesswoman ! Specially her skirt but it solds out :/

  27. Looking at the other comments, it seems I'm the only one who thinks the blouse is too thin and see-through. Being able to see her bra outline doesn't strike me as professional.

    I do like the overall look she was going for. Is her hair darker and less red?

    It's great to see resilience and coping strategies being talked about.

    1. I enlarged the pictures on my screen and I think we are seeing the outline of a camisole over her bra which is completely ok.

    2. Mary, I also noticed what to me looks like a shiny top visible underneath the partly see-through blouse. I feel no urge to defend this choice, just two thoughts:

      1 I kind of like the idea that while a number of persons opened up on very personal experiences to a global audience today one could interpret Catherine's outfit as "symbolic sartorial solidarity". I don't mean to say at all that this is what was intended on Catherine's part, it's just the idea that I personally like!
      2 The blouse could not photograph well (as has been the case before) and it may have looked less see-through in the flesh. Maybe. Maybe not. No offense.

    3. Looks like a camisole outline to me. Or you would have seen different colour on her stomach. And a camisole outline is not bad at all I think.

    4. I think she definitely wore a cami.

    5. I agree. Definitely a camisole. (Unless she is in the habit of wearing frumpy bras which I highly doubt. :)

    6. I happened to be near a Reiss store today. The sales person proudly told me that the top I picked out had been worn by Catherine today-- but of course that's the reason I picked it!!

      The top is very sheer in person. She is definitely wearing a camisole, otherwise you'd be able to see everything.

      A cute top, but I didn't end up buying it. Maybe another Kate item one of these days :)

  28. I may be in the minority here, but I don't like this outfit at all. I love the pieces, and would like them for myself, but not together. I really don't like the textures together either. I think the top would have looked better with a black, grey or even chocolate brown solid skirt,I think the skirt would look better with a black or grey blouse, it would have pulled the darker colors of the skirts together. I assume she went with the cream to "lighten the outfit" but to me it just doesn't make sense, not the color, the top itself. To me this outfit looks "messy and thrown together" with such a high necked top, if she wanted to wear black tights, I think sheer would have been nicer. It wouldn't look so "head to toe covered" this outfit reminds me of the sheer arms polka dot top, and the pretty blue/teal jewel toned skirt, nice pieces, but not together.

    1. I like this outfit very much but would have preferred a black top. On the website selling the skirt, it is styled with all black, so I'm assuming she didn't want to copy the look but wanted to make it her own.

    2. This look like a basic wintertime look. Opaque black tights is the only option people choose here in sweden (unless you freeze your behind off on new years or something in thin tights) so to me it's a very neutral look. The tights fit very nicely with the skirt I think, allowing her to wear a shorter and cheekier skritlength while still being appropriate. The shirt to me in this context looks like a nice twist of the basic dress shirt. I love the look.

    3. Anonymous 17 February 2016 at 16:48, to me the high necked top vaguely evokes the early Diana with the her frilly necklines and delicate blouses. If I am not mistaken there is a little revival of this style going on at the moment. The skirt brought to my mind the style Diana favoured towards the end of her life.

      I don't mean to say that Catherine intended to allude to her late mother-in-law but I think that it would have been more than appropriate to do so given that the engagement was taking place in the apartment where Diana once lived or worked.

      For the news conference, I found the cream colour a welcome departure from the dark tones (almost) all other participants wore. I quite like that, as well as the contrast to the green? colour of the backdrop.

      I find it very interesting that you mention a "messy and thrown together" look because I realized some time ago that I started to more and more appreciate it (as opposed to previously being sometimes rather put off) when Catherine looks less than perfect, somewhat "normal", a little worn, etc. In comparison to the aesthetics of certain magazines, advertisements or films I have to say I find her more natural look to be quite refreshing and relatable.

    4. Tammy from California17 February 2016 at 21:41

      Anon, I liked each piece separately but like you, not together. I don't the type of materials go together-although, I have posted before, I am a TERRIBLE dresser, so I really know not what I am talking about. I would have done a sweater, with the wool skirt in place of a blouse, or turtleneck (which most people are not fond of but I am), or a long sleeved, boat necked black, grey or white-that-matched-the-white-in-the-skirt-top.

    5. I agree, Rebecca, except that I would like the skirt to be a few inches longer, even with black tights. I love the blouse. And Kate's hair has grown to a nice length.

    6. You took the words right out of my mouth. I like the pieces but they don't look good together. And I WISH she'd wear those skirts longer. Mini-skirts are fine for when you're in college in your 20s. They're not professional at all. Kate's skirt appears to hit at about mid-thigh, which looks either like the skirt is tailored badly or she's trying for a teenybopper look.
      A nice boatneck black sweater would have gone well or something similar.
      If she wants to be taken seriously with this, then recycle something, so all the talk and eyes of her worshippers will be on the subject matter, not her sartorial choices.

    7. I took her very seriously and I do not worship anyone. I respect her as I do most people who show me respect.

      Worship? No...but I think she was spot on today in being taken seriously amd also in her attire! I loved the look!

  29. Very powerful stuff.

    I don't necessarily agree though that (as written in an article here):

    'While adult mental health is worryingly under-funded, there is little point pledging billions of pounds for a long-term fix. It is help sorely needed but it's also fire-fighting'.

    We HAVE to continue to pledge more money/care/treatment in the UK for adult mental health as well as children's. It can be very harder for adults to seek mental help and receive the help they require. Lack of funding/long waiting lists/stigma. It can destroy lives in the most devastating way as everyone knows. Not everyone who has mental health issues in adulthood needed support as a child. Mental health issues can develop gradually and can come to an appalling 'head' or crisis level in adulthood.

  30. In spite of the overwhelming political situations in the US, and the Pope's visit to Mexico, HuffPost US is carrying some of the articles on its main page. I am so glad Michelle Obama has become involved. Perhaps mental health will remain an issue for her after she leaves the White House.

    Kate looks lovely, and so energized. I like this effort immensely; she has found a very modern way to bring attention to such an important issue.

    Among all the positive comments, I am so glad to see yours, bluhare.

    1. Bluhare is one of my faavourite "critical posters" for that reason. She's not afraid to give credit when credit is due. Makes the critique she gives have more meaning in my book, when I know it's not just bickering for bickerings sake :)

    2. Yes Rebecca and anon 16:54, Bluhare is Bluhare. I am a fan of her, and as you see I am right!

    3. Thank you, Becks! I thought of you a bit upthread when I was tempted to become one of the Nattering Nabobs of Negativity (which should be the opening act to Rebecca and the Hectic Whirl). But I thought "what would Rebecca want me to do?" In that case, I decided Rebecca would want me to scroll by, so I did. :D Do NOT expect it every time, though!

      Thanks to you as well, 1654. I try to be what I consider fair. How can I complain about her not doing enough and then complain when she tries something new? I hope this is a huge success so it buoys her confidence and she keeps it up.

    4. Can I just add myself to your fan list, bluhare? I admit to being mostly a Kate Fan, but my earlier life as an anti-royalist still insists on my looking at Issues, and you are my favorite source of interesting thoughts in a different direction than usual on this blog. Thank you.

    5. Hahah, wow! My work is done ;) And ofc you can't do it evey time, nor should you :)

    6. Thank you, Marci. I appreciate that very much. Next time I'm getting yelled at I'll think of you. :)

  31. Sarah from Winston-Salem, NC17 February 2016 at 17:01

    As a 34-year old adult who has battled severe depression and PTSD since I was a little girl (30 years of depression and PTSD), words cannot adequately describe how truly grateful I am to Kate, to William, and to Harry - who have all decided that mental health and mental illness are very important to them. Just as in the UK, here in the United States, we too struggle mightily with breaking down the stigma and barriers to mental health. Reading Kate's blog this morning brought many tears to my eyes, especially because her cause is also my cause. I live with depression and PTSD every day and every night. It is a war with many dark trenches and they can be terrible to navigate. Kate has truly found her niche and I know that there are many children, adults, and families who will benefit from her compassionate support. I'm grateful to her for choosing to jump into the mental health trench.

    1. Sarah, thank you for sharing. My prayers go out for you Sarah. I believe in miracles, that God hears and helps. You have been suffering for a long time. I am believing for healing and wholeness for you. I believe in miracles with your name on them dear Sarah. (I used to live in Holly Springs. The research triangle is a friendly and beautiful area.)

    2. I'm so sorry to hear that you have these struggles. I cannot imagine what you've been going through. I too, am battling some of my own deamons and share in your gratefulness and pride in having her take on this cause!

    3. A big hug to you Sarah. And thank you for sharing your story. I am so glad to see people talking, you not least of them.

    4. Sarah from Calif.18 February 2016 at 01:41

      Hugs wishes for you health and happiness!

    5. My support and condolences to you, Sarah. May you have many more days of peace than of war in your future! Keep enduring, dear lady, and kudos to Kate for helping people like you!

  32. This is a fabulous undertaking; one which took weeks of preparation. Anyone who has ever worked in corporate communications or public relations knows the labor put into such a comprehensive approach. When the press lists the end-of-the-year visit counts, today's event far exceeds the simple count of 1.

    Catherine is growing into a formidable force -- one that extends well beyond what she wore!

  33. Applause, applause!
    Simply fantastic! Verry well done, Kate!

  34. I'm so glad to see her putting so much emphasis on this topic - early intervention for mental health is one of the most important matters facing the world today! She also looked lovely and very appropriate - I don't know if it's today or if it's only the first time I've noticed, but she seems to have moved away from the harsh eyeliner and she looks much younger!

  35. YEP. Kate has just been staying home, playing tennis and shopping. NOT.

    Brilliant strategies and campaigns bringing all her children's charities and patronages into international INTERACTION. For bringing it to a wider audience via the Huffington Post. AND, I think the ripple effect is turning into a tidal wave of effect for children being helped. The testimonials were key also. Brilliantly planned and administrated and put into action. WAY TO GO KATE.

    1. Except it didn't reach as many as it could. No large UK media outlet (other than the BBC and a small article in The Telegraph) was publicising it from what I understand and have seen. I suspect it's not wanting to give a competing for-profit media outlet clicks. If Kate does it again, maybe an independent site could be set up that the media could publicise and direct people to it through their websites and Twitter. As the experiment today seems to be quite successful, that might reach more people than just using one outlet and gets away from some of the criticisms of Huffington Post as well.

    2. Stephen Hull, the editor-in-chief for the Huffington Post London, said that the Huffington Post is in 15 countries and what Kate and the team did today is automatically translated into the languages of those various countries, bringing her passion into the International forefront. The works she has done heretofore and those involved with the huge success today leave her critics with NOTHING left to criticize.

    3. I think BBC and Telegraph got the word out, plus itv, CNN and Sky News are all have London bases. There was nothing to criticise HP for today. No political overtones, just providing a means to get out Kate's message. IT WAS A SUCCESS! AND IT DID GET THE MESSAGE OUT!!

    4. The Daily Mail has something up now. However, Kate is British, and it should have been seen by more Brits on the actual day although I understand the BBC was reporting on it. Perhaps next time a separate site can be launched that media outlets can link to, thereby directing traffic from their sites. A good cause deserves all the publicity it can get, no?

      As to HuffPo, of course they had it on all their sites translated. That goes without saying. Don't worry; I'm not criticising today. No sense ruining a job fairly well done.

    5. One more thing numerous news outlets and magazines around the world carried the topic with most of the even participating online

    6. Bluhare, what I have seen Daily Express, Daily Mail and Standard all ran it as well as Sky News had quite a big segment. Rebecca English was at KP. Maybe the original intention was not to report on it, but when they saw the success it was getting they decided to do so.

    7. I saw news coverage all over the place. Don't know what some were talking about with small coverage. Even people in stores I went into we're talking about it and I live in California.
      The Today show gave that nice coverage.

    8. 15 countries. Not bad Duchess, not bad.

    9. I agree with bluhare, you are absolutely right. I read on Twitter, for instance the Daily Express(Richard Palmer) who is always there was on other duty yesterday. Even the Daily Mail published an article in the evening at 9 during the day there was no headline, though Rebecca English tweeted about it all morning. I find it sad, but on the other hand I understand this is all about business. Maybe next time it would be better to choose different way. But that doesn't mitigate her success, of course.

    10. The news coverage increased and Kate's efforts were a success.

      The Huffington Post alone is in 15 countries and the articles would there also.

      The Today show gave it coverage and other TV news outlets also.

    11. please refer to 01:45. British (and world coverage) extensive.

    12. "Fairly well done" ??????

    13. I found it to be quite enlightening to go to the Huffington Post frontpage today and then click through the different editions, including 4 very different Canadian ones :), to see whether #youngmindsmatter is still covered (cf. Brazil, Maghreb, Alberta) and how:

      What information (“only” the translated original articles or local blogs), placement (top, left, center, right, bottom), which photos (if any), etc. I also saw with interest which other subjects are (not) covered, the visual “policies”, signs mixed with alphabet ...

      Perhaps a fun(?) idea for me time this evening in case you don’t feel like doing your crosswords, soduko, online harvesting, nor like working through our growing reading list. :)

    14. First, editorial correction. Should have read "very well done" not fairly well done.

      Second, if you read what I was talking about I was talking about coverage in BRITAIN. Not internationally. None of the British sites (except Telegraph and BBC) were covering it. In the country it's most meant to help, that seemed a bit off to me. And, thank you Anett. I think it was successful -- they had a nice selection of articles written by some pretty interesting choices too.

  36. What a truly wonderful day for mental health and for the Duchess. Kudos to Huffington Post for floating the idea last summer and to the Duchess for giving it a go. It sounds like many hours of time and effort by the Duchess went into making this such a great success and it sure does show. The quality of the articles and stories is wonderful. So sorry that the Daily Mail has chosen to boycott online coverage of the event (although Rebecca English was at the event and was certainly tweeting all day long). That only serves to show them up as the tabloid trash they are. Maybe someday they will come up with a worthwhile idea and run with it. And before someone says that you can hardly blame them for reporting on a rival media source, many other media giants have covered the event online - CNN, Hello Magazine, People - just to name a few. And my local news outlets have been running coverage of it online all day as well.

    I'm so proud of Kate. It looks to me like she isn't going to be satisfied with being the traditional royal but wants to forge her own way and develop her own style. And I'm very sure that she is being encouraged every step of the way by the Queen, Charles and her husband.

    I read Max Foster's article for CNN about why she chose to do this and I think he's 100% right.

    Go Kate!

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis17 February 2016 at 19:26

      CNN, Hello, and People are not similar enough to the Huffington Post to truly be a competitor like the Daily Mail is. CNN is much better in terms of quality, and Hello and People are trashy magazines. I'm not trying to say the Daily Mail is some sort of paragon in terms of media quality, but really, its much more similar to the Huffington Post than the 3 you have named that did choose to write about it. Also Express, Times, and one other media source also boycotted online coverage it seems like.

    2. Daily Express, Rebecca English Daily Mail, Robert Jobson London Evening Standard. These papers all ran articles about the event. Big front page spread in Standard. Hull seemed to tweet his surprise so it seems Huffpost and KP were probably expecting the daily papers not to report. With the huge online trend that the story received editors probably decided otherwise.Anyway it should be about the exceptional cause and not media politics.

    3. Sorry Maggie but I have to strongly disagree with your labelling Hello and People Magazines as "trashy magazines". The DM is far more "trashy". I. can not at all agree that the HP and DM are in the same in "terms of media quality". While the HP can be a left leaning political magazine I found NO political innuendoes in any thing from today posts. Kate put a lot of effort into this and it shows. It transversed all political parties/issues. I agree with Marny, the DM and Express just showed themselves to be the trash they are and I can just see Mr. Plamer having his next temper tantrum.

    4. I would hardly consider the Daily Mail to be less trashy than People. The Daily Mail is good for photos and nothing else it is a piece of trash.

    5. Daily Mail has now posted an article about it.

    6. PLUS, the thought did cross my mind as to what an embassador Kate was to the press today by hosting them on her turf and being absolutely gracious about it, not to mention the months of working personally with them for all the preparation. Hopefully, the next time they would ordinarily rant on the Duchess and her husband they will have a personal perspective that will nullify any previous bias and they will be much more balanced in their perspectives.

      I think what Kate did will hopefully go along way in giving the royal family more support with the press in general. It is a good start. Kate accomplished many things with her caring, bold moves recently. Kudos to Kate. Love never fails.

    7. 01:45, thanks. Kate did get great coverage after all.

    8. Maggie, I also don't agree with your putting the Huffington Post and the Daily Mail in the same category. While the Huffington Post has some trashy celebrity articles, they also report on a variety of social issues (not all of which are political). Meanwhile, I've never seen anything that's not trashy on the Daily Mail site.

    9. People magazine is not a trashy magazine at all ~ have to disagree

    10. Maggie - Minneapolis18 February 2016 at 16:27

      Sorry I didnt mean that trashiness is what made Hello and People not competitors - I meant the magazine part. Huffington Post is not be magazine and also covers very different things. The 'trashy' description was just because, yes, as "news sources", they are trashy imo. But yes DM is not any better, however it is a large online website like HP and writes about. Wider variety of things, like HP, than Hello or People. So that's why I think it "competes" more than the other two.

  37. I know my question might be off topic for today, but it's something I've always wondered? When Kate wears gloves, does she take off her engagement ring and just leave her band on, or does she keep both on? I know I have chuncky rings that snag or get caught in my gloves. I wonder does she take the ring off and just puts it in her cluctch, and when she takes the gloves off, she puts it on? I hope I not getting to confusing? Plus I love that Kate is working with Michelle Obama, those two women are role models.Go to bus

    1. Hmm, no clue actually. I know (if the gloves are not too tight) that it can help turning the ring so the biggest part is on the inside instead of outside of the hand. Don't know if it works with such a big ring as hers and such tight gloves as she usually wear though.

    2. I have wondered that too, I think she leaves it on. In a couple of pictures, at Christmas and rememberence day are what's coming to me most recent, I noticed you can see a lump inside her glove where her ring would be. So I think she leaves it on.

    3. I'm so sorry i dont know where that go to bus came from sorry again

    4. re: go to bus

      Perhaps a belated contribution on our discussion about certain other means of transport your subconcious wanted to make? :) :) :)

  38. Anonymous in Colorado17 February 2016 at 18:02

    Echoing what most everyone is saying here, BRAVA Duchess! She is a force & a beacon of light for mental health awareness. Being a former event planner myself, I have an inkling of how much went into this logistically & behind the scenes for her & small feat!!!

    I love this outfit for its vintage-edgey-editor vibe. After seeing her in so many knee grazing skirts, this length is refreshing (harkens back to her Kate Middleton days). The darker tights complement the shorter skirt length appropriately! The blouse is such a fun piece (I think she wore a camisole underneath for more coverage?).

    So loved seeing this, Charlotte!

    1. Anonymous in Colorado17 February 2016 at 19:47

      PS. This isn't meant to be a critique at all but this would have been a fine opportunity for the Duchess to rock some sleek, chic "power editor" pants! ;-)

  39. Cheers to the Duchess for taking such a bold step and championing this cause. She looks wonderful, appears engaged with everyone and her wardrobe choice is spot on. I think she's really coming into her own. I've read a couple of comments about the skirt - she's young with great legs and we can't expect her to wear what the older women in the family wear, can we, royal or not. Plus the tights make the skirt work even better. Well done, Kate!

    1. I loved the videos, especially the part where the editor of the Huffington Post was showing Kate the computer screen and said to her after she pushed the send button, that she had just done an amazing thing as their message was just then going out to millions around the world. wow.

  40. Oh my gosh! i love what she's wearing <3 <3
    I was hoping she would be attired in a chic skirt blouse and my prayers are answered!!!
    Thank You Charlotte for this awesome post!!XOXO

  41. Well done to her.. she looks relaxed and confident which takes the focus away from what she wears, today is the nicest I have seen her in a while..

  42. I also loved it in the You Tube video above when Kate was thanking the editor and the team for their valuable help and the editor said well, you've been a good boss. sweet.

  43. Maggie - Minneapolis17 February 2016 at 19:54

    Great cause, and awesome that they got Michelle Obama to contribute as well! While I have issues I've discussed before about picking the Huffington Post - the event/project itself is excellent and hopefully will get people's attention. It's wonderful to see Kate doing something much more substantive than the usual royal event of showing up to an event, accepting flowers, hugging a child, and then leaving in an hour. That's honestly not meant as a dig at her - it's what many royal events are not just for her but all royals, and while they certainly do their job in terms of raising awareness, I've been wanting to see more from Kate for a while and I am very pleased by this initiative. And the Anna Freud patronage is perhaps the least shocking announcement KP has ever made, and is a great fit for obvious reasons :)

    Interestingly, Huffington Post UK also gave the Anna Freud center free ad space all day today on the #youngmindsmatter page as part of this whole thing. I really like that, but I also would like it more if other mental health charities that aren't Kate's patronage and run by her son's godmother's husband also got some free ad space. But I suppose that that is the benefit of having a royal patron - they get you special perks. And of course this kind of perk is certainly not negative or unfair - the Anna Freud center is definitely a good thing. And excluding some charities would have been inevitable, so perhaps the most fair and easy way to decide it was by picking Kate's patronage. Although I wonder why Place2Be didn't get free ad space as well.

    Now I don't mean to be negative, and this is very very minor and very irrelevant to the actual cause, but am I the only one who didn't think Kate's outfit was appropriate? Don't get me wrong - I love it! Haha. I just don't like it for today. Look at everyone around her - completely business-like in classic suits, etc. She looks almost out of place to me - more like the receptionist at a law firm (or a college intern) rather than one of the lawyers themselves. I know that sounds harsh, but I guess I just wish she had worn a classic, professional suit, rather than a short, "girl-y" skirt. I get that she is a Duchess, but isn't the whole point of her recent work that she doesn't want to be known for her clothes, but rather, like any other businesswoman? I just don't know many professional working women in management positions who would wear an outfit like this to a meeting, both in terms of length, and also skirt style. I guess I just find it odd that she chooses such plain, boring clothing on many occasions when her appearance does matter (because usually the way she brings attention is by lending her face at an appearance), but in this case, when she did behind-the-scenes work and helped organize a whole thing with a major media organization, she randomly decides to change it up. Her bangs are also getting in her face and that doesn't lend itself to a very professional look either imo. But in general it is a very chic outfit and she looks great, and really how she looks is very irrelevant to the cause in this case.

    I'm also intrigued by FLOTUS's article. The royal family is not supposed to lend their name to politics, but Obama's article champions quite a few politically polarizing things in the US, like her husband's healthcare bill. While I have no issue with that, it is interesting that Kate/KP was okay with lending her name to a bunch of stuff that the next POTUS could easily spend a lot of time trying to get rid of.

    1. Maggie, not everyone was wearing a business suit. Not at the conference table and likewise for the adults that were present when she met with the children. I think she struck the right note without appearing too grand. A detail perhaps, but an important one.

    2. Maggie...While I understand your comments with respect to Kate's outfit I think I have to disagree. I am a professional in a very conservative field (finance/accounting) and so I understand your comment about wearing a classic suit. When I first started in the field I always wore a matching jacket and skirt. Even when I could only afford 2 and had to rotate every second day.

      However, I am now in a senior position in my field and have to say that our "new" female professionals do not live by the same rules. I have to admit that even I do not wear "suits" as much as I used to. Usually only on days when I have Board room type meetings. I will often wear a solid color (in darker wild prints...!!) with classic pumps and conservative simple jewelry. I think the work environment has become a lot more casual. I blame it , in part, on "casual Fridays' which is very common place with most companies in Canada now a days. The outfit Kate is wearing is something that I certainly would see our new "young" up and coming professionals wearing. Also in a creative field such as journalism I would expect this type of outfit to be even more common place.

      Not sure I agree with the trend or not...but my observation is that the outfit Kate wore would fit in fine with our corporate environment!

    3. Actually, Maggie, I think a dark suit would have been a mistake for Kate. She was inviting the HuffPost team into the palace, and therefore she was both hostess and guest, as in guest editor. The latter did put her in something like the position of a knowledgeable intern. I don't think she should have tried to dress like the professionals in the room. I do think her skirt was too short, and she knew it, as she pulled at it and covered the hem with her hands when she was seated. Otherwise, I thought her choice of attire was excellent.

      Your take on the political side of this is interesting. I think there is enough separation between British and American health systems that the comments about mental health and how to approach it on each side are appropriate. But I see your point.

    4. I still don't get why people are upset about her picking the Huffington Post. I'm not British (so maybe that's why I don't get it?) and I only read the Huffington Post occasionally but it seems more respectable than say the Daily Mail to me.

    5. Maggie I just do not agree with your opinion regarding the outfit. Catherine was a breath of fresh air mattress. She is NOT a journalist and I see no reason for her to be a carbon copy of anyone else in the room. As for business suits? This is just not done much anymore unless you are in court. She was more than appropriately dressed. I found it to be edgy and fun!

      I also think you are a teeny tiny week bit negative girl.. two posts and each begins happily but then dives into some 'negativity'.

    6. I think HRH did a great job bringing attention to such an important cause, but I have to agree with Maggie that the outfit was a miss. I don't think she needed to wear a suit (as a young professional myself I agree that separates are much more acceptable in formal environments than they were 10-15 years ago), but the skirt was far too short to wear with heels that high in a professional setting. It made her look girlish and unprofessional--like the receptionist or PA mentioned above. In terms of Kate's style, I think we are starting to see the results of her never having had a real career of her own; she is dressing the way a girl with her first job out of uni would dress for her first "professional" job. Had she had a chance to make these mistakes in her own career, I suspect that at this point she would be much more comfortable and appropriate dressing herself for professional settings.

  44. Well, today by far exceeded my expectations! Many have wanted Kate to break free from her physical image and transition into a meatier role, and today this was exactly what happened! She really got people talking. From Michelle Obama to David Cameron to Jeremy Corbyn. I can't tell you how thrilled I am for the charities. And the articles are outstanding. Charlotte I suggest you feature one article for every subsequent blog post because each one has so many talking points.

  45. Francis,

    In answer to your question about the beautiful fabric that the Queen wore to the Gold Service Scholarship event, that does look like heritage silk brocade, yes?
    The fabric glowed. Gold silk brocade for the Gold Service Scholarship. The Queen having fun with fashion.

    1. Tammy from California18 February 2016 at 03:01

      I have to say that the Queen's stylist is just amazing with her. Every outfit I have seen on he Queen is so flattering and cheerful. I really think she is something.

    2. Anonymous 17 February 2016 at 20:15,

      the beautiful fabric looks like heritage silk brocade: yes! :)

      Gold for Gold. :) :)

      The Queen having fun with fashion. :) :) :)

      Tammy, so flattering and cheerful: yes! :)

  46. i love hat quote by michelle obama hear hear!

    duchess looks lovely but i dont love her haircut

  47. I have so many emotions over today's engagment: WOW, FANTASTIC, GREAT JOB! And a bit teary eyed with joy over the success of this engagement. What a great way to bring global attention to an issue.

    I was so happy to see Michelle Obama contributing because I truly hope the US takes notice and comes up with a similar approach. I can see this also setting a standard for how to address areas like this for future causes using today's technology. It demonstrates how to address similar concerns in a global fashion. This is a great example of using the media to actually report news not just fluff reporting.

    She absolutely glowed today and this is definitely her niche. It is so nice to see the fruits of her labor that she has been putting in over the last year. See the whole picture provides context to the different pieces and parts we have seen over that same time period and it all makes sense.

    This is phenomenal. I just can't say enough. THANK YOU KATE!

    That picture of her at the top of the blog is classic and should be used again and again. This would be fantastic if it is a yearly event to highlight children's mental health. Let's hope all take notice and make this a tradition.

    Lastly, focusing on her fashion, I love this outfit. The skirt is fun and youthful. The blouse isn't my personal taste but she looks stunning. Slight changes for a future engagement suggestion, wear a pair of her flat black suede boots. But I am being picky and needlessly so.

    I have my after dinner plans for tonight, reading all the great articles!

  48. Oh dear. I love the blouse and the skirt, but not together. My first thought was why did she put a ruffled, antique looking blouse with a bold, modern skirt. Love everything else: hair, tights, shoes, jewelry.

  49. Great look, great cause, great modern approach 10/10 :)

  50. Tedi in California17 February 2016 at 21:10

    Wonderful event, bravo. I love that First Lady Michelle Obama was involved. Brilliant planning. Kate looked sensational, very professional. A great choice for today. I just loved this post Charlotte.

  51. Tedi in California17 February 2016 at 21:13

    Wonderful event, bravo. I love that First Lady Michelle Obama was involved. Brilliant planning. Kate looked sensational, very professional. A great choice for today. I just loved this post Charlotte.

  52. Tammy from California17 February 2016 at 21:30

    Loving Kate's longer bangs. Here's to hoping she never cuts them again! She looks great today.
    Of all the charities and ideas out there (and I mean by anyone, not just royal charities), this one is closest to my heart and one I think very important, especially here in the US. We have SO MANY shootings by young people, one wonders if they had early intervention, if it could have changed even one. I think we ALL grow older with experiences that change our life, some of us bounce back and others of us have difficulty. We all only get one go-around on this Earth, having tools to deal with life and it's ups and downs could help make it a journey rather than a life of sadness and struggle.
    BIG fan right now of this whole post on so many levels.

  53. CHILDREN'S PRINCESS she is, 15:49.

  54. what a great day for kate she looks like she is having so much fun today with the kids and they seem to be enjoying kate i love her skirt it is more her age i like the shirt also but i don't think i would have paired them together the top seems more of a spring, summer item maybe a white turtle neck would have been more suited for winter her hair i really don't like it did she trim her bangs again? i also think it is a litter darker thanks for the fast post charlotte everyone have a wonderful eveing

  55. Fantastic engagement today - Kate looked and acted appropriately for the first time in a very long time. And I'm glad she's finally reaching out to do something a little more high profile. THIS IS THE ENGAGEMENT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR FOR 5 YEARS.

    Phew. Just had to get that out.

    Yes, still a bit controversial because of the Huffington Post thing. But at least she finally looks like she's taking something seriously. And she's getting the message out there in an effective way. Every engagement should be like this one.

    1. I am not sure I agree with your comment that 'Kate looked and acted appropriately for the first time in a long time'.

      What does that mean? Catherine so always appropriate. In her manner and her dress. Seems a little ...meanot and also uncalled for here. Tell me when she has been inappropriate EVER?

      I am in the dark and clueless. She is always, always on her game.

    2. I am sure that Kate didn't do to gain personal approval. I hope she did get an enormous amount of satisfaction from this endeavor. She deserves it.

    3. My thoughts also 02:19. Kate has always been appropriate. Made her sound like a retrobate,
      which absolutely is not.

  56. REply to powernpolitics 12:17

    The large painting (with the glass ceiling) over the sideboard with 2 lamps is definitely of the Great Exhibition which opened on 1 May 1851. Looks like one by David Roberts.

    I haven't seen clear enough pix of the rest to identify.

  57. i am so very greatful that kate is helping chirldrens mental health i thought about this a long time and i would like to share, i have suffered with mental health issues for 40 years and i know if i was helped as a child or my parents had known what had been happening to me i might have not suffered as long as i have i suffer from bipolar and panic desotor sometimes i can't leave my house for days at a time and somedays i just cry alot i am in treatment and have been for ten years and am so much better than i was because of kate and people like her these wonderful chirldren won't have to suffer as long as i and so many other adults have i'm saying a prayer for kate and aslo thank her from the bottom of my heart

    1. I'm sorry you've suffered for so many years. I agree that removing the stigma of mental illness and encouraging parents to seek help for their children is a very worthy cause for Kate and one that will have a real impact. It reminds me of the good Diana did with her personal attention to AIDS sufferers. I wish you the very best as you continue treatment and hope you find peace and happiness.

    2. Dear Anonymous, thank you for sharing your story. I too suffered from depression from before I was 10 years old and would have benefited from early intervention. However, I finally got the help I needed after an intense suicidal stage in my late twenties. Now, decades later, I rarely suffer an episode anymore. There is hope and light at the end of the tunnel! Hang in there and know that you are valued. May Kate's initiative today and ongoing result in many children being healed much, much earlier in their lives.

    3. So thankful you made it through Marci. xo

    4. I concur with 04:03. My prayers are going up for you to be made whole. Hope will not disappoint you.

  58. This event has been the success I for one certainly hoped for. We have now seen more of the real Kate who is so genuinely passionate about Children's mental health. I have read some of the articles many of which were thought provoking and informative. The research and work in putting all this together will have been considerable. Well done Kate William should be very proud of you.

    1. William must be so proud of Kate! She did a fantastic job! :)

  59. great photo of Kate and the four children. She looks so vivacious in that photo.

    She said in some of her published conversations that parenting is hard. It is one of the most high stakes Jobs in the world as every parent knows. It was nice to hear her be real about it. A necessary foundation for her outreaches. I am sure George, being the very active boy that he seems to be, has given both she and William a run for their money. I think they are doing a great Job with him and no doubt with Charlotte also.

  60. Sarah from Calif.18 February 2016 at 01:42

    Fabulous, Awesome and Brilliant!

  61. Kate's statement that she would not hesitate to send George or Charlotte to therapy is HUGE in combatting the "taboo" aspect of this cause.

    This is not unlike Diana's handshake with an AIDS patient, or her comments on eating disorders.

    1. That is HUGE RF. Also, remember, William and Harry received counseling and therapy when their mother died. William has referred to that before.
      I think it helped them immensely.

  62. hmm love the duchess outfit she pulled off these whole thing I love these engagement she enjoying talking to kids an d duchess has passionate about children mental health issue we are proud and yes she should be a great model for a younger mother sure prince George will be active in all kinds of activities and he knows how good role model just like mom and dad princess charlotte also looking forward tommorow

  63. I am very proud of Kate today. You can tell this editorial stint took a LOT of planning and it was delivered wonderfully by such a dedicated team. A round of applause. I don't know if you've noticed, but Huffington Post's international sites such as Canada and Australia have also been publishing mental health articles, including one from Aussie swimmer Ian Thorpe and Canada's PM's wife. Not everyone is a big fan of Huffington Post but today they really did it right and deserve an applause too. Most of all I love how many of Kate's charities came together.

    I can't even comment on what Kate wore because today I think it was completely overshadowed by what she did!

  64. Today Kate wore an outstanding outfit and jewelry. I have purchased the annoushka pearl drops and they are absolutely beautiful and a perfect choice for this event.

  65. I'm not normally a fan of her short skirts but this one is wonderful. I like the blouse with it. The frilly blouses are quite a trend in the US among our young news presenters, and I am liking the retro-ness of it.
    And what an important issue to be her focus. Such a loss of human potential when we do not help all we can to save people suffering from all forms of mental illness. Very proud our First Lady is involved too.

  66. Absolutely BRILLIANT job! The collaboration on this engagement was fantastic! Kate is bringing the much needed attention to children's mental health and is truly showing her passion for those who suffer to find proper care. As I read through the blog posts and articles, it was truly heartbreaking to hear the stories and children speak. Kudos to Kate for taking on this cause and realizing the importance of helping, guiding, and counseling from a young age. As I said in yesterday's blog post, Kate has found her niche and I feel will touch and help many lives through her work.

    I LOVE the first picture posted above with Kate and the children in the courtyard! This will be a "favorite" pic for me. Kate is absolutely beautiful! Especially after today, we can all see Kate's inner beauty matches her outer beauty. Those precious children will remember this day for a very long time.

    Kate's fashion for the day....10 out of 10 from me! She looked sophisticated and chic. Her hair is growing and the longer, lush curls were perfect. So pretty!

    Charlotte, thank you for having a great write up on the day! I'm looking forward to William and Kate's day in Anglesey tomorrow!

  67. B R A V O !!!! That´s what my "inner voice" was shouting from the first word I read right to the end! Bravo to Charlotte for her wonderful coverage of this event and, of course, a huge one to the Duchess!!!
    Nice to learn that Michelle Obama shares my view of comparing a mental illness with any other physical illness. You wouldn´t consider yourself to be "crazy" if you went to see a doctor because you think you might have broken your arm but you fear you are LABELLED "crazy" because you seek help from a doctor because you have a "broken heart" (Depression, anxiety, etc)?.... Very strange...but sadly this is what still happens so many times even today....
    This cause the Duchess has obviously taken to her heart is one of the most valuable I can think of. So much suffering has been passed on from one generation to the next and it would make such a difference if children knew they have a place somewhere they can go to in times of anxiety, confusion and conflict, especially if their parents are either the source of those feelings and/or are unable to deal with them because of their own struggles.
    I was highly anorexic at the age of 17 and my parents sadly refused family therapy which was strongly recommended by a doctor they had sent me to. According to them it was all my fault! At that time I was still at school and it would have made such a difference if I had had a place like "Place2B" to go to to talk about the unbearable pressure I was in at that time. Instead I had a long, long time of suffering ahead of me and even though the anorexia "disappeared" after a while, I continued to be depressed and deeply, deeply unhappy for a long, long time afterwards. If anyone had given me the opportunity to learn some basic coping strategies at a young age, I assure you my life would have been VERY different!!! So cudos to the Duchess for highlighting this cause with her presence and support!

    1. Thank you for sharing Eve. I am happy that you have come around the corner with the anorexia. But as someone who works now the mental health field I know how treatment is much more than just beginning to eat again. The roots are deep and therapy is a must. I hope you have found help in this journey.


  68. Just to add to everyone's comments here - what a fantastic job she's done of pulling this together. This would have taken some considerable planning behind the scenes and much time spent. As one poster put it, it seems she's listened and learned and now is ready and confident to take on this battle. I just hope this is the start of new phase in her career.
    Fashion wise - a little edgy, professional and really glowing - love the look of today. This is how I expect a princess to be and very proud of her, in every sense

  69. I believe that the office they set up at Kennsington Palace was in Apartment 8, Diana's former apartment.
    I think Kate did that as a memorial to Diana more than just a random choice of convenience. Just like she dressed George in "William" outfits, used Charle's buggy for the christening, used similar poses for the photos, etc. I definitely think this was one of those "Kate things". Diana's apartment and charity work.
    Diana and charity work. The legacy continues. Nice memorial tribute Kate.

  70. William and Kate have arrived in Anglesey. She looks beautiful. Becca looks nice also. William looks cold. He needs an overcoat. :)

  71. The best line of that day was from the man (journalist from Huff Post?) showing Kate some details on the monitor screen. He said, it will now be viewed all over the world. The same 2 million people and more who watched her wedding that April day will be reached hopefully.

    Her entire presence was beautiful, approachable, professionally elegant. She came through as a light spirit especially being children's cause, that was a great plus. Her outfit blended well with her. The smile, the photo with the kids (what if she has four of her own) her entire out fit beautiful (I love that shirt) She looks like she was having fun too; may be should continue getting into good media blog which will also bring out her interest in photography.

    The children, oh these children! in the last one and this one too. It seems they are well coached in communication and more to share their grasp of what is going on. What good examples. When they grow up, they may or may not approve of their publicity. The parents made that choice and it is some intelligently dedicated sacrifice. I hope the children were asked how they will feel about being seen around the world about feelings etc. In other words, NO BODY should turn them into POSTER CHILDREN OF mental illness.

    The ultimate reality and selfless sacrifice in such causes is to share one's story. Kate did it by stating she will seek support for her own children if and when necessary.


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