Thursday 18 February 2016

The Cambridges Return to Anglesey for RAF Disbandment Parade

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge returned to their former home of Anglesey, North Wales to attend the Search and Rescue Force Disbandment Parade at RAF Valley. The event marks William and Kate's first joint engagement of the year.

Fresh from yesterday's very successful day editing The Huffington Post to raise awareness for children's mental health, Kate was all smiles and without doubt immensely pleased by the success of the day. The couple travelled to Anglesey via helicopter and received a warm welcome upon arrival.

Of course, Anglesey holds a very special place in William and Kate's hearts. They shared their first home together - a four-bedroom rented farmhouse -  on the Isle for three years before and after they were married. When the couple left William said they would return "again and again". I expect it's important to them to support the people there, who afforded them privacy and respect during the time and perhaps they privately return on occasion. Today's visit also holds additional personal significance for William, who served as Flight Lieutenant Wales in the role of operational search and rescue pilot flying the Sea King helicopter. During that time, William undertook a total of 156 search and rescue operations, resulting in 149 people being rescued.

William and Kate looking through the ceremony programme.

Today formally marks the end of the RAF's provision of search and rescue in the UK. Today's events offered the opportunity to commemorate the RAF SAR Force's exemplary service since its inception, and enable search and rescue members and their families to pay tribute to the force's achievements. The history of the RAF Search and Rescue Force is a fascinating one and their achievements are undeniable. The RAF SAR Force, formerly known as the RAF Directorate of Air/Sea Rescue, was formed in 1941 following the Battle of Britain, and grew to become an integral part of the Allied vanguard for the remainder of World War II. After the war, RAF squadrons were equipped with a newly invented helicopter, specifically modified for search and rescue operations, and saw their remit extended from assisting military personnel in distress to civilians, both on land or at sea. For over thirty years, the RAF SAR Force has responded to more than 34,025 callouts and rescued over 26,853 people.

The service is now privatised and operated by civilian company Bristow Helicopters after it was awarded the contract by the Department of Transport in 2013. At the time, Prince William objected to the privatisation of the service and it was thought to have influenced his decision to leave the RAF.

Following the parade, the Duke and Duchess met current and former search and rescue personnel at a reception held in the officers' mess,

It offered a lovely opportunity for William to meet old colleagues. Wing Commander Sparky Dunlop spoke to the Mirror's Victoria Murphy and described William "as one of the family".

'He was not only up to doing it but he did more than that. When he was serving with us he was a very good pilot. I did his operational captaincy check, when jump from co-pilot to captain, and he was given a very tough check and he more than rose to the occasion. He would come on shift and do all the duties associated with going on shift. He would live and work with his crew, go on rescues with his crew, eat with his crew. He was just another one of the guys. He is one of the family and we wanted as many of the family to come back today and say goodbye.'

Kate mention her fond memories of Anglesey "It was such a special time for us, it was the start of our life together really". The RAF disbandment blade, taken from Sea King Har 3, was signed by all search and rescue staff.

The Duchess brought back her L.K. Bennett 'Ami' coat for today's events. Kate debuted the piece during the couple's visit to Copenhagen in 2011, and wore it again for a Welsh Rugby Union game in Cardiff in 2012.

The 'Ami' is from L.K. Bennett's autumn/winter collection, features a high collar, front slit pockets, and originally came with a belt. The wool/nylon piece is a lovely garment, and obviously a favourite of Kate.

L.K. Bennett

Kate wore her £245 Lock & Co 'Betty Boop' hat. The brown piece is a favourite of Kate and she's worn it numerous times for events including Christmas Day, St Patrick's Day and a friend's wedding in Switzerland.

Another look at Kate wearing the hat today.

With thanks to Victoria Murphy for this shot of Kate's ponytail.

The Duchess accessorised with her Mappin & Webb 'Empress' earrings. The £3,450 earrings are described as "a stylish, elegant pair with 0.88 carats of round-cut brilliant diamonds set in 18 carat white gold".

Mappin &Webb

The Duchess carried her brown suede Emmy Shoes clutch.

Emmy Shoes

Kate completed the look with a pair of  brown gloves and brown suede heels. I will update the post if better photos emerge and we can positively ID them.

It was a lovely engagement for William and Kate and one I expect they very much enjoyed. Unfortunately, there wasn't a stellar selection of photos available from the event as only a very small number of the royal press pack were present, and with no fixed point for royal photographers there was limited variety in angles. You can watch a video from the engagement at ITN Source. :)


  1. I have always loved this coat, but I agree with so many others that the length of a hemline can instantly add or subtract years from your perceived age. I just like Kate better in shorter hemlines. Also, I'm wondering why William did not wear his military uniform. I'm not familiar with proper he not permitted to wear the uniform any longer?

    1. I'm not familiar either, but I assume it's because he's not currently serving in the regiment. But we always see veterans in their former uniform so I don't know.

  2. Charlotte from the picture of her sitting down and her dress showing through the coat with her legs crossed, do you think that is the “Sophie Rae” Burgundy Dress that she has worn before? It looks to be the right color, length and fabric type.

    1. How rare to see Kate cross her legs at a public outing. Perhaps because she's more comfortable with this group, she relaxed into her normal self instead of being so aware of appearing "proper"? Refreshing...

    2. Yes, I had the same idea, Julie!

    3. I think you're spot on Julie :)

    4. I agree about the dress. Kate now has a visible vein in her leg, courtesy of two pregnancies.

    5. Or am I just seeing a shadow rather than a vein??

  3. Sarah Maryland USA18 February 2016 at 14:17

    I'm not sure I like the hat and coat together...but I know I love that coat! Ive never been a fan of the hat

    1. Agreed... unfortunately I have never liked that hat.

    2. I also am not a fan of the hat, but they truly look so relaxed. The coat is great- a good color for HRH

    3. I agree that the combination of the hat and coat is not my favorite. I like both items separately, but together it makes her look kind of like a flight attendant. The coat color is wonderful on her. And I've like the hat on her in the past. The ponytail is great. I just wish it was more on display with a hat.

  4. I think the shoes are the Stuart Weitzman “Power” Pointed Toe Courts, the same ones she wore yesterday, because of their soles which are very worn out.

    1. She wore black yesterday morning. The shoes today are brown.

    2. Might they have been dyed??

    3. Not likely. They would not have dried overnight. She owns dark brown pumps!

    4. Nobody can identify these ones..

    5. I think the shoes are from Gianvito Rossi, they exist in brown as well.

    6. Has anyone identified the gloves?

    7. I agree, Anon 23:13. Good call

  5. What about her gloves? You did not mention them.

    1. Look at the end of the post. :)
      She is doing some research on them and then she will let us know.

    2. The article said she would attempt to identify them later as the photos are limited.

    3. They are the Cornelia James 'Imogen' wool gloves

    4. Wool!!!! That sounds warm!! :)

  6. I love that she looks so vintage-chic. A nice, solid look today :) I like her ponytail, especially how she always hides her hairband with some hair. Very chic.

    Haha, this must be a bit of an odd engagement for them. Being in "official mode" in front of people they used to be in "private mode" with. I love the stories of how when William came back to work after the wedding, they had pillows and towels and such with William and Kate's faces on it to tease him with :P Must be a very bittersweet engagement for them.

    1. I really enjoyed seeing a small glimpse of their "private mode". They looked very comfortable with each other and with everyone they talked to, more so than normal.

  7. I believe it must be great for William and Kate to return to Anglesey and I hope they will take their children there one day

  8. I wonder why William did not wear his military dress at this service. Would it be because he is no longer actively serving in the RAF?

    1. I don't know the rules for UK service members, but in the US for this type of ceremony veterans and retirees wouldn't wear their former military uniforms. Instead, you'd typically see them in a suit or jacket with lapel pins identifying their affiliation.

    2. I don't know the rules for UK service members, but in the US for this type of ceremony veterans and retirees wouldn't wear their former military uniforms. Instead, you'd typically see them in a suit or jacket with lapel pins identifying their affiliation.

  9. What a great look on her and I love the red/brown combination. The hat she wore today is one of my favorites as well! Ohio gal

  10. Why don't like the Betty Boop today? Usually, I love this hat. It seems to be blending with her hair too much today, maybe. Not photographing well from a distance and making her look as if she has some odd architectural hair style.

    I do like the ponytail. It is less severe than an updo with the smaller hats..... and the coat is lovely.

    1. I love this hat too, my old time fave. But this ponytail is too up, makes it her look odd in deed.

    2. Yankee from California18 February 2016 at 20:11

      I agree -- I typically love this hat, too, but it is distracting me today. Maybe the red/brown combination isn't working for me. Or maybe it's the ponytail/hat shape combo? I LOVE the coat though and she still look s beautiful, as always!

    3. Erika, this is my favorite hat, but I don't think the ponytail works as well as previous hairstyles she opted for while wearing it. And, ironically, I believe *this* hairstyle is more severe because the sides are pulled back so tight. :)

      Yankee, I too am struggling with the brown and red combination. Beige and red can be striking, but the brown doesn't allow the red to shine, and vice versa. Call me old fashioned, lol, but black accessories would have been a better match. And perhaps boots rather than pumps given the length of the coat...?

    4. This is my all-time favorite hat of hers, but today I didn't like it as much. I thought it was very square-shaped and Kate's face is quite oval-shaped and I thought it looked almost nutcracker-like, if that makes sense. The shapes didn't blend well.

    5. I think it might be the ponytail. I prefer the times she wore her hair half up/half down with this hat. There isn't enough contrast between her hat and her hair when its in an updo or ponytail.

  11. What a nostalgic event for both Catherine and William - a little more poignant perhaps because of the privatization of the rescue service. When I think of their time together on Anglesey I always think of the Queen and her halcyon days in Malta, and am so glad that Catherine and William had the same sort of experience. I really like her outfit today - love the red and brown together and on the closeup of her face, her eye makeup is so well done - it makes her look much younger.

  12. I'm pleased to see Kate veering more toward mixed color schemes. I love the combination of brown and red.

    1. I agree 100%. Love the red-brown combination.

  13. She looks beautiful!!

  14. Kate looks very nice. I lke that coat except for the front of the belt. Good color choice. The hat is my favorite. Hair down would not have been good and it probably was too early in the morning to accomplish a proper bun, but the pony tail looks a bit odd. At least it is neat. Kate could have worn slightly darker tights, but not black. I do like her dark brown accessories.

    William looks older, and it's not just the loss of hair. But they both look very happy to be in Anglesey to honor the RAF search and rescue service as it ends.

    1. I agree about the ponytail. As much as I am a fan of her updos/ponytail/bun, this look with this hat is off.

    2. It seems to me that in the first picture, William looks like Prince Charles more than usually. Perhaps his smile? I'm not sure but when I saw him I instantly saw the likeness. Zora

  15. The Lock & Co hat is one of my all-time favourites on Kate, although I found the effect of the bold, boxy coat and the hat with the hair pulled back to be somewhat less flattering on her. That said, she's still drop-dead gorgeous, flattering ensemble or not!

    1. I agree, I like the hat, but not with her hair pulled back tight in a full pony tail. It makes her head look awkward to me. With hats that cover most of her head, her hair looks nicer down, or half down. I do like the rest though, the brown and red is very nice :)

    2. I think I have to agree Anon 17.24. Or even her regular low buns tend to show on the sides as well which gives a nice shape. I like the ponytail, I like the hat, but I'm not sure about them together. It's still a proper, nice look. Just nitpicking :P

    3. Tedi in California18 February 2016 at 19:40

      I wonder if she had worn boots with this coat, that the look would have been better. The coat length does not flatter. Kate always is lovely, just prefer a shorter hemline. Wonderful visit to their favorite place. Kate mentioned it was the beginning of their life together. Very sweet. I expect they will go back to Anglesey time and again, with their children too. What a spectacular week for the Duchess.

    4. Yikes. Tedi, I just commented about the possibility of boots being a better match given the length of the coat! :)

      You know, when I compare the homes they have lived in (Anglesey, KP, and AH) I would take the Anglesey cottage in a heartbeat! And perhaps they have moments when they would too!! ;)

    5. I think you are right RF. Even with the children, if they could, I think they would be living in Anglesey tomorrow. I wouldn't blame them a bit.

  16. I love the ponytail!! Maybe you could attach a photo of how to do it?

    1. That would be a nice idea. :)

    2. Hahah, Rebecca. I got so confused because I couldn't remember writing that :P Hahah.

    3. Charlotte, just in case you should be busy with the post on possible designers for the next tour:

      Perhaps someone has already looked for a photo (or explanation on how to do the ponytail) before and could post it in the comments section? :)

    4. Sabine/California18 February 2016 at 21:42

      The ponytail had me run to my mirror. I gathered hair in ponytail with matching color ribbon. Then took one thick strand of hair from underneath, wrapped it around the base of the ponytail and secured the ends underneath with three pins. I couldn't get the clean, neat wraparound on the first try - but the look is very similar. Definitely worth playing with.

    5. Yeah, I do that look sometimes Sabine. Very nice way to make an ordinary ponytail look finished and clean :)

  17. Nice that they made the effort to attend and catch up with old friends. Is Anglesey far from where they live?

  18. I love the hat, the ponytail and the coat, but they don't work together! Somehow the high, straignt collar and the tall, straight sides of the hat look very odd together. I do like the red/brown colour combo, though!

  19. I think she is wearing the same Whistles red burgundy dress that she wore to a museum. She looks very lovely and I liked her hair pulled up.

    1. I think you are right about the dress, which has a sort of double hem. It was one of my favorites when she wore it for her portrait unveiling. (The portrait was not.) And I believe she wore it with this coat in Denmark.

  20. I love the hat, the ponytail, and the coat, but not together! Somehow the high, straight sides of the collar bring out the tall, straight sides of the hat too much. I think it would have been better with hair down or a different hat. I do love the red and brown colour combo, though!

  21. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The Duchess looks AMAZING in brighter colours. Love the coat especially paired with brown accessories. She is also wearing one of my favorite pair of earring. Wish I could afford a pair. Sigh.

  22. A lovely engagement for William and Kate today. I'm an "overall look" person, not big on the details, but I have to say that I find this ensemble on Kate too severe. The length of the coat, the primness of the hat and the sleek backed hair, just don't look as attractive as usual for Kate. So, its not a winner for me, but that's a minor thing. Kate is generally on a winning streak in my book and today doesn't detract from that.

    As for the reporters and photographers, I see that Palmer is bitching about that today and stirring up trouble. I understand he's not happy and I get that he's finding it difficult to adapt to the changing times, but this event was in an airplane hanger on an air base. And it wasn't about William and Kate, but about the RAF and honouring the "family" who served for so many years. There was only so much space and I'm sure KP didn't think making the press happy was their first priority. The "press pool" needs to get over themselves.

    1. common sense was in order there today. I agree Marny complaining about stuff like that is unprofessional and detracts from credibility.

    2. he had a point. when the queen visited the base they all were allowed to come. they have every reason to be upset because KP is increasingly try to keep the media out and its scary you think its unprofessional when they get upset when they can't do their job
      its scary that so many of you are blind to what KP is doing. they are purposefully making an effort to keep the media at a distance which is a mistake

    3. I also agree that the military could not be expected to host a massive press influx. And since it was indeed a military event in a hangar, I think Kate's attire was very appropriate.

    4. Yankee from California18 February 2016 at 20:15

      Marny, thanks for the laugh! Your comment about Richard Palmer is just what I needed this morning!

    5. Maggie - Minneapolis18 February 2016 at 20:22

      As others have mentioned, including Claudia in a great post below, the RAF has been known to be quite accommodating in the past about allowing a large media presence, and has a reason to do so given that it is publicity for them.
      Also is it necessary to say that it is "bitching"? Aside from it being an incredibly sexist term, it's also a very ignorant thing to say. Maybe if this was the first time a KP-related event excluded media, Palmer's complaints wouldn't be fair. But given that at this point, SO many of William, Kate, and Harry's engagements are becoming more and more closed off from most of the press, I'm not sure why you think it's "bitching" to think that this is a trend at this point, even if you don't agree.

    6. Maggie - Minneapolis18 February 2016 at 20:26

      Also think about it this way - Kate and William went on the taxpayer's dime, including the helicopter ride, to mark the end of the RAF the way it was. Why should the public pay for this trip, unless it is truly a public appearance? And how is it a public appearance unless the media can report on it to the people?
      Look, it's one thing for meetings, etc., to be private. But this was a CEREMONY. The whole point of it was to publicly and grandly mark the end of the RAF as unprivatized. So having very limited media doesn't make sense.
      And to predict people's responses - no, I don't think limited media is sufficient to provide the public with information. The media is a check to make sure taxpayers' money isn't abused. Limited media cannot do that, because it isn't free press and often implies things like agreements about what pictures to publish, etc.

    7. Maggie - Minneapolis18 February 2016 at 20:33

      In fact, if it wasn't about William and Kate and WAS about the RAF, then why did William and Kate make the call about how much media would be allowed in?!
      What is a greater HONOR than having a ton of newspapers publish front page stories with great pictures about the RAF "family" because Kate and William were there. If Kate and William wanted to privately honor the RAF family, then they should have gone privately, not on the taxpayers' dime.

    8. Yankee from California18 February 2016 at 20:45

      The term "bitching" is super offensive, but calling another poster's comment "ignorant" is okay? Think about that.

    9. You really are a treat Maggie. And I mean that sincerely.

    10. Maggie - Minneapolis18 February 2016 at 22:16

      Please explain to me how "ignorant" is sexist. That was my criticism. Not just a generic "you can't be mean to people" statement. Think about that?

    11. Yankee from California18 February 2016 at 23:26

      I was pretty specific and the term "sexist" wasn't a part of my very short comment. Your response has nothing to do with my words. I'm not interested in debating with you what sexism is or isn't as it doesn't have anything to do with the day's events. If you want to think it a word was sexist, that's your right whether I agree or not. However, you told another poster that her use of a word was "a very ignorant thing to say." I thought you were one of those who champions the idea of expressing an opinion without tearing down the original poster. I thought pointing out that you called another's comment "ignorant" would be more positively received by someone who calls others out. I didn't realize it didn't apply to you.

    12. Can I ask where exactly this was confirmed that they went on the "tax payer's dime". Just curious

    13. Maggie, in reading Richard Palmers recent articles what else would you like to call it if not "bitching". If not bitching then I would call it a temper tantrum. Either way his articles were immature and degrading to my intelligence. I am more than capable in seeing behind his verbal assaults on William and Kate.

    14. Maggie, chill.

    15. Do the words diatribe or vitriol ring a bell here?

    16. Maggie, when the Obamas fly to Hawaii to spend Christmas with family, or anywhere else, do they pay for the trip or their security? Of course not. WE pay.

      W&K are members of the RF and, as such, they are unlikely to travel in a family minivan, and they will have the security the situation warrants.

      I agree that today was not about W&K and they did strike the correct balance. The event was covered, but they didn't allow it to be the W&K show. When the Queen visited William, it was different because her visit did not overshadow another event.

    17. I also think it is unprofessional and detracts from credibility plain and simple.

    18. Count me in as someone who now laughs as Mr. Palmer as a sad joke of a journalist. Someone who calls his own newspaper boss a fat cat and the greediest man in Britain out in the open. It just tells you his method of venting frustration is to lash out in public rather than do something about it in a professional manner. He has said time and again that Kate needs to find her voice and now that she does, he does not write a single word about it and instead throws around links to discredit Stephen Hull and his American company. Very unprofessional. I have sympathy for people are fearful for their livelihood but if he is unhappy with his job, maybe he should find another place to work in. It is disingenuous to the public to only report on salacious gossip and not cover the royal family's good work because you are only after your paper's personal interest.

    19. I read Maggie's comment as saying that it was ignorant of the poster to use the word "bitching" to describe Palmer's complaining. Not that the poster *herself* was ignorant, but that it was an ignorant thing to say - and I happen to agree that it was - given the backstory, which maybe Marny wasn't aware of: that this is becoming a more common practice by KP, and considering W&K went in an "official capacity" with the trip paid for by British taxpayers, the royal press corps should have been allowed access to cover it. I took it to mean that she was just adding context to the reporters' comments.

    20. It's scary that you all think that KP restricting media from Doug their jobs is fine and you call out Palmer for not liking the idea of the freedom of the press being violated
      In America that crap wouldn't be tolerated but maybe u guys would like to go to north Korea?

    21. anon 17.57 I think freedom of the press is one thing, (hence, why the pictures are available for all papers to use through the PA) and planning an event and how much media can be on the spot is a whole different thing. Choosing 2 PA (rotating) reporters and 1 local reporter instead of cramming in a presspack of 15 (taking spots from families and servicemen who there occation was about) just so each photographer can take their own (often very similar to eachothers) picture doesn't make sense. It's called eventplanning, not restricting freedom of the press.

    22. Think you are confused 17.57. KP is not stopping them doing their jobs. All the papers reported on the event. They limited the number of the pool attending. Most royal reporting and photography is done from a rota pool anyway. When the queen and Charles were in Malta for the big commonwealth gathering in November, which is a bigger event than Anglesey, Palmer did not go because his paper said there were no funds. Instead he took a holiday. It boils down to frustration because media is changing and some are not keeping up.

  23. "156 search and rescue operations resulting in 149 people being rescued". wow William. Kudos.

    Couple that with the fact that it is no walk in the park to fly a helicopter and one of that size AND in the blustery Wales climate and even more Kudos are due to William and the team.

  24. Julia from Leominster18 February 2016 at 18:27

    I love the coat and always have and I love the length - I'm a bit of an outsider here because I prefer longer lengths on Kate- I liked the outfit yesterday except for the length - dark tights and a short skirt are so school girlish. There sometimes is a Peter Pan quality to me about Kate's choices, yet I know others see her style as too old!

    I like the hat and I like Kate's hair in a pony tail but somehow the two didn't quite work together for me - but overall, I thought the red coat added cheer on a bittersweet day and I thought she looked extemely nice.

    A wonderful engagement today - I think William didn't wear a uniform because he left the RAF in part in protest over the standing down and privitising of the rescue services - I agree.

    Still have concerned about yesterday's engagment and having the president's wife make political remarks where a royal is a guest editor - very dodgy in a week where William has already found himself embroiled - I hope Kate keeps a safe distance from politics everywhere in the future - don't like to see royals used for any politicians agenda whether I agree or not - can't be helped at times but could here.

    But otherwise it was a brilliant tour de force for her and a massively important one - and I was deeply touched by all the remarks it generated on this blog - so alls well that ends well.

    Not sure why people said it wasn't in the Daily Mail, I saw it there as well as in the Telegraph - they didn't feature it - nor would I expect them to - but they did cover it.

    1. I think it wasn't in the UK publications during the day, but later in the day (possibly when they saw how big of a thing it actually became) they published stuff. Or so I've been told.

    2. Michelle's and Kate's statements were separate. They never conversed directly about how to fund health care. I don't think there is a conflict.

    3. The DM article was in the evening, Julia. It wasn't during the day. I didn't see it until evening my time, which would be after midnight UK time.

    4. Yes after midnight which I believe was done purposely. So not Kate's fault if they decide to write a lengthy article on her eyebrows and brush over stuff that really matters. Shows where their priorities lay

  25. I just love it how she takes pieces she's had for a while and changes them up. Love the ponytail too!

  26. Just curious, this is totally off of topic, but does Kate only know one language or many? If so, what languages? Or does anyone know? I can't find any info on the web about it.

    1. She appearantly took french in school. (A levels or something I think it was called :P ) but we don't know if she speaks it well still. She has been seen conversing with the French Prime Minister and he is known to be bad at english but I don't know to what extent.

    2. Kate was seen conversing with President Hollande in France. He apparently only speaks French. She also did parts of her gap year in Italy and South America. Probably she speaks some Italian and Spanish.

    3. I also remember reading closer to the wedding that she was learning to speak Welsh.

    4. Thank you!!!!!

    5. Kate studied Art, Biology and Chemistry at A Level, if I remember rightly.

    6. I thought that I read a report once that Kate surprised a dignitary from the Middle East with some Arabic that she remembered from her childhood? MAV

    7. Anon 18.06 yeah, appearaantly she learnt the Happy Birthday song on arabic before she knew it in english :P A very good language to have some knowledge in as a diplomatic figure today :)

  27. Given Kate's new collection of Gianvito Rossi shoes, could these be a brown pair (maybe bespoke) in their 85mm?

    She looked really relaxed today! I too love the red and brown combo - didn't realise that coat had such a high, stiff collar though! I adore that hat, too!

    Erin (NZ)

  28. William look like George in some of the pictures today. I was actually surprised at the resemblance. I.e apart from being his Dad

  29. I think the photo of her sitting with her legs crossed is a lovely photo of them both. I like the brighter color of her coat today. It added a lot to the venue. I am in agreement with William about them privatizing the rescue services. A shout out to Becca who seems so faithful to W/K. A dream Job yes, a demanding one yes. She is by virtue of her Job an integral part of history. How cool is that.

  30. So let's clear up the press issue. Photographers asked for access to the event as is typical for official royal events, and were told there would be no fixed point for them. They were a bit stunned as the hangar as held many members of the press at previous events, and the RAF is usually hugely accommodating and helpful to the press. (as are most military depts, they want good coverage and attention)

    When the press pushed them as to why the change they were told "it's been imposed upon us by KP". Why? Who knows. Probably punishment for some perceived slight on William's end. I'm boring myself now at how many times I need to say I'm bewildered by their communications strategy.

    And if you wonder why the press is so on edge, it's because as I've said it's an ongoing issue. Love them or hate them the press have a job to do in covering publicly funding officials.

    Think of it if you can from the perspective of the press. Accredited royal photographers have been banned from royal events in the past, because they've broken one of William's rule - like photographing him at a society wedding. Ridiculous, as society events and weddings have literally been covered for ages.

    But the HuffPostUK which regularly prints titillating and sensational articles on the royals, notorious for click bait and an artice just last summer on Kate's royal orgasm faces, gets invited to KP for a partnership.

    The press are just frankly gobsmacked at this point. They have no idea what the rules are or how to make sense of the Cambridges likes and dislikes.

    1. That's one viewpoint. Another is that the royal press are unhappy with things no longer been handed to them on a platter. Charles and Camilla were also out today. How many of the press rushed there? There are other royals to cover but the press hound the Cambridges. It's probably time for royal reporters to diversify. Some already have and do both royal reporting and other stuff as well and you don't get Twitter whining from them. Personally I don't think it's necessary for a whole press pack to go to one engagement to report the same thing. Palmer still managed to write an article today without been there. Press complain about money and this is one way to save money.

    2. I know, it really makes no sense Claudia! Who was invited to takes these photos may I ask? Or could they still see the event even without a fixed point?

      Maybe Will and Kate think they can just use Twitter to publicise their interests and have no need to collaborate with the press anymore?

    3. Anon 20.24

      I think hound is a bit strong word here. But if they try to ban the press or limit them, do you think it will be helpful regarding the future. They need to make peace with them, somehow, some kind.


      Wise words!!

    4. No press should even complain. Yesterdays event was barely mentioned by some of them only because of competition in spite of being one of the highlights of Kate's work. The press always seems to complain when things do not go their way. Also I would take most of this rumours with a pinch of salt. As has been said numerous times we do not know what goes on behind the scenes

    5. They are always going to go to the event which will generate more interest, or revenue, or both. The question to ask is whether Charles specifically restricted press presence as William's office did. We all know who the big draws are, as does the media.

      And The Sun . . . oh my. They laid it out there today!

    6. Well they're not writing for their own amusement Anon, they go where readers are interested, and the fact is the younger royals have always brought the most interest from the public and thus kept the interest in the monarchy.

      How many Twitter accounts "love all things Duke and Duchess of Cornwall"?? Social media is about Kate and the Cambridges, not to mention the blogs, because that's where the public interest is.

      I hugely admire Anna and her Countess of Wessex blog and would love to see Sophie get more positive press, but I'm not naive, I recognize the public pays attention to the younger set in the main line of succession. Always have.

    7. Amen, Michael.

    8. Isn't trying to "make peace" with the media kind of like trying to tame a rattlesnake?

    9. "clear up the press issue", good luck with that.
      singlehandedly? lol

    10. Bluhare you should also read the commentary on the article by Roy Greenslade at The Guardian, if you haven't already.

    11. Wow Caludia, how did you find out all that information. Who do you know to get such information? Why do they need 100 or more photographers at one hanger to cover this one event? In all your information gathering how did they decide on how many and what photographers would be there and where those obviously chosen would be stationed?

    12. Anett, I would like to suggest that perhaps it is the media that need to try to make peace with William. William and Kate have other means to get there messages out without them just as they did yesterday.

    13. Can we read it also?

    14. It would be wiser for the press to give Kate the credit she deserves for yesterday, and all the work that went into it. I stated this elsewhere, but instead of complaining, what about being proactive and suggesting another partnership like yesterday? Honey vs. vinegar. :)

    15. First of all, there was press there. Rota and local. But everyone wants to be invited. Second, it hasn't been established for certain that it was KP's decision to limit the number. That is presumption. Instead of grumble, I suggest these so called journalists cover other Royal events like a more important visit by Charles and Camilla to the flooding. Who went? Zero. If the young royals are the only ones who sell, does that mean it is their responsibility to give these hacks jobs? No. The British press who once held all the power are throwing tantrums and diminished their credibility by lifting stories from social media and resorting to tabloid gossip. They boycott HuffPost in defiance when there's real value. Who's petulant? To me it's not William. Media relations can be improved but what these so called journalists are doing are further creating their own demise. No wonder their readers aren't taking them seriously anymore.

    16. I just went and read it, Claudia. A little more reasoned than The Sun, but throne idle? I laughed at that recalling my mother calling me bone idle when I was a child. Ha!

      I guess I don't have issues particularly with the royals having political opinions (thinking of Charles' memos and even the Queen appearing to take a stand on Scottish independence), but his office certainly should have realized how his speech would sound with Brexit being such a hot topic right now.

      I do think William should be careful and not poke the bear too much, though. There will be a day that he needs them on his side, and he's not looking at the big picture if he thinks he won't.

    17. Did Charles and Camilla restrict the press on their flood visit? If so how come there are no complaints? Could it be that the whole RF decides on how much media to invite so everyone can get publicity? Blaming William, Kate and Harry for lack of access so you can keep your job is just petty when there are other royals to cover. More senior ones too.

    18. Anon 20:36 There were some media in the event. But everyone wanted to be there and we know that is not always possible. I would have more sympathy if journalists made an effort to cover other royal events to keep themselves relevant but many don't. They just sit in their desks and whine.

    19. It's all well and good to parrot the royal line and abuse "the press."
      But if you follow the royal reporters on social media, like Twitter, what you'd realize is the veteran reporters - Victoria Arbiter, Arthur Edwards, Katie Nicholl, Richard Palmer - are not just royal reporters they are royalists and devoted to and supportive of the monarchy and the Windsors. They always have been. Arbiter's father was the queen's press secretary, she grew up in Kensington Palace, where they had an apartment. Arthur Edwards took some of the first photos of William as a baby. Their reward for all that loyalty, for providing years of good PR for QEII and her sometimes-dysfunctional clan is to now be lumped in with paparazzi by Will and Kate and Charles and Camilla and their apparently-inept communications staffs, and essentially banished or banned from doing their jobs.
      By any stretch of the imagination, the Windsor public relations and media communications office is in complete chaos and has been for some time.
      As funds get tighter, as generations get younger, the pressure on the monarchy to foot more of its own upkeep and security bill (or the entire thing) is going to get louder. As generations get younger, interest in the monarchy, especially the UK monarchy, which is seen as one of the most stodgy and antiquated in Europe, also drops. That doesn't mean people want a republic but it does mean that the public may want their elected representatives to insist the uber-wealthy queen and Prince Charles pay more of their own way - and that of their offspring.
      This reclusive, hyper-paranoid hatred from Charles and his sons toward the media is not doing them any favors at all.
      And let's drop the pretense of "it's because of what happened to Diana." Diana's been dead going on close to 20 years. Her sons apparently rarely, if ever, visit her gravesite. Most accounts say that William wasn't even speaking to his mother, that they were fighting, when she died. They'd spent more time with the Windsors than with their mother. So they need to stop using Diana as an excuse and hire some PR staff who can hopefully bail the sinking Windsor public relations boat out.

    20. Oh, I wouldn't agree at all Johanna that they are grouped together. Katie Nicholl coined the Waity Kaity term and wrote ALOT of mean or backhanded articles when William and Kate were dating but the moment he proposed her articles have been over sweet and supportive of Kate and it shows how much she is changing her narrative for what sells. Richard Palmer has himself said that his job is to stir mischeif and that Harry need to date someone becasue they have nothing to write about (people told him that maybe he should try writing about the engagements) and also regularly threatens to change the narrative when he's grumpy. Arthur and Victoria on the other hand are on good terms with the royals. Arthur especially. When William and Kate showed George to the public for the first time William said "Oh look, there's Arthur, give him a wave" so Arthur get pictures. William is also reported to have said that Arthur "is not allowed to quit" and they will roll him to the front so he get the best pictures. He is very much loved by the royal family and not bunched together with paparazzi. Some reporters probably get squished but I do think that while the royals have made some of their trouble themselvees, so have the reporters.

      And the last part, I don't think you or me are in any position to judge their relation to their mother.. My grandfather was one of my most favourite people in the world. I've not visited his grave once or were there at the funeral. I don't think his spirit is in that stone and can mourn him better from my own home. And the "fighting" part, if even true, can leave a person with alot of added guilt after a death. So I will not comment at all on the validity of their relation or grief for their mother. Just that "oh it's 20 years ago" might work when you're talking to a fan, but they were her sons. Ofc her death in their teenage years have shaped them for good and for bad.

    21. With all due respect Johanna, "the press" abuse their subjects too, and the UK press is known for that. And Katie Nicholl may be a veteran, but she's not a credible source. The only persons who you would truly say are royalists in that bunch are Victoria and Dickie Arbiter. They are level headed but do not sensationalize. They also do not have personal agenda.

    22. Good questions, 23:38.

      and the answers are??????

    23. Cynthia, BRAVO, finally more common sense.
      Thank you.

  31. Robbie from Hampton VA, USA18 February 2016 at 19:30

    She looked amazing,and I love how her look meshed so perfectly in the military environment. Also think how she can wear such different styles, hem lengths, etc., is another reason why it is such fun getting to see how she is dressed for various occasions. She is a great role model.

  32. I'm really not a fan of this hat with her hair up. It makes her head look huge and pointy.

    1. I personally like it up. Although, it loooks good down too. :)

  33. The Duchess looked elegant without looking to regal for this down to earth group of people, they lived and worked with, for several years! In my opinion, she nailed it!

  34. Gorgeous, elegant, mature, on-point. HRH has been knocking them all out of the ballpark with her appearances these past few days. THIS HRH is what we've all been hoping for....even the speaking component has improved so much (and am looking forward for that to increase).

    Today's event makes me a bit sad, though (as I'm sure it was bittersweet for the royal couple). Privatization is never (or let's temper that with "rarely") a good thing in my book for anything having to do with government/security related services. Anyhow, I'll leave it at that, this is not really the place to get into politics.

    Again, loved the outfits, both yesterday and today. Perfection in every day. Very classy and classic. Today's outfit, in particular, has a truly timeless quality. Thanks, Charlotte. Silvia.

  35. Maggie - Minneapolis18 February 2016 at 20:56

    Sorry if someone else has already posted it, but a very interesting article about William from Emily Andrews has come out:

    They are not the first media outlet to report that William got 3-4 weeks off during Christmas, which is true, seems quite silly and without any good reason other than a royal perk.

    1. This article seems to me to be a hash of everything that has bee said before. Nothing new just written to incite. Royal reporting seems to involve very little investigative journalism. Probably because non of the royals are providing scandals at the moment so go after the popular ones. Surprised no mention of Harry. When did we last see him and he does not have a job.

    2. That was a blunt article. I am not surprised that William got 4 weeks off at Christmas. It would be unreasonable to expect otherwise. What did surprise me that the EAAA person says that he is already bored of his piloting job. If that is true that would be unfortunate.

    3. Yeah.. because Emilys sources are always very reliable....... I saw this on another forum so it's not my words:

      "...If it came from a different writer I might raise an eyebrow, but Emily Andrews has a long history of fabricating sources and/or trusting unreliable ones.

      Recently, she proclaimed in big letters that Arthur Landon was engaged. And her “exclusive” was believed by many royal watchers. Why even on this site people were congratulating Arthur. Then Arthur Landon took to Twitter, he said he wasn’t engaged, and that The Sun had fabricated the story. Emily Andrews and The Sun had to issue a humiliating retraction. According, to Ms. Andrews a troll on social media sent her the claim and she believed it, so she published it, it’s not her fault she published something without independently verifying, or looking for a legitimate source.

      Then there was Emily Andrews' “exclusive” on Juliette Labelle. She claimed that Harry has being having a secret liaison with the American woman. Of course, Ms. Labelle came forward and said she never met Harry and that she was in Mexico during NYE when Ms. Andrews claimed she was in LA. It was another embarrassment for Ms. Andrews, so she kept her head down on the subject for awhile. But apparently she got a lot of clicks out of her original article - enough to warrant ignoring the denial, because today she published pictures of Harry’s ‘LA girlfriend’ topless. She said she had 'exclusive' access to the pictures, when actually they were posted on IG, and Ms. Andrews merely copied and pasted.

      And these examples are just in the last month. I’d like to believe that her editor is bullying her for exclusives, and because she doesn’t have any, she resorts to fabrication. The other alternative is that she has no journalistic integrity and enjoys the attention she gets from yarns, the Katie Nicholl blueprint. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and say she’s her editors puppet, and right now she’s over her head."

      Also, this comes the day after William is accused of saying something pro-EU while the Sun is appearantly lobbying for Brexit. So I think a bit of source awareness is needed on this one. I'm not saying it's false, I have no evidence of that. Just has there is no evidence the article is true.

    4. Anon 22.37: Harry is out and about every single week. He is doing many things for flood victims and his other charities. He has had multiple appearances this week itself. He is actually much more visible than William and Kate.

    5. Given it was someone "ratting" (and the tone was such) on William about the four weeks, I certainly wouldn't believe his assumption of William's feelings.

    6. Ok, just went and read this article. Even the commentors on the site take Emily Andrews to task for such a trashing article. It really reads like a made up story with a lot of made up quotes by unnamed people. Certainly doesn't read like a reputable report. Anyone who read the articles about his speech at the Foreign Office can make up there own mind and don't need to be told what Emily Andrews want them to think. She now has gone in the same negative column as Palmer. Ugh!!!

    7. Blunt doesn't begin to cover it. Someone's knickers are beyond starched. What a nasty bit of "journalism".

    8. The same writer also said that Juliette Labelle will hook up with Harry when she comes to London, quoting a 'friend.' She has great sources alright!

    9. Wow, this is much of what many have been saying about William for years. It's just interesting having everything summarised like that. Obviously it's quite biased, but all the small things count. It's interesting to me, for example, that he would miss the baftas, especially when he didn't have another engagement on. I'm actually more than annoyed about all the time he took off at Christmas. He made a point of taking the required "paternity leave" as other "normal" people do, but then had a month off over Christmas. I wouldn't mind if he took a week or two, but four??

      I also take issue to William hunting yet speaking out for animal conservation - almost seems like it should be on an American sitcom. Ridiculous.

    10. Oh please rebecca Emily Andrews has been a respected journalist for years and just because she's pointing out something negative about William doesn't automatically mean it's made up

    11. Royal involvement in the BAFTAs is not about the awards ceremony though. When Princess Anne was president, how many times did she go? What about the Duke of Edinburgh? Less than five total in a span of decades! I think people just want William to go in the hopes that Kate will go too.

    12. Very nicely said, Rebecca. For a "youngster", :)
      your wisdom and maturity astound me. I mean that in the best way, btw.

    13. Charlotte posted the link to Roy Greenslade's piece on her twitter account: …

    14. Anon 17.53 you didn't read the examples I gave? They have nothing to do with William. For all I know William might be a mean, reluctant duchebag, but since I have no evidence of that I choose to belive he's not.

      Anon 19,14 Oh thank you very much :)

    15. Sorry, 17:53, Emily Andrew's reputation proceeds her and has for years as a consensus of many in her field and out. Unfortunately, her reputation is askew as many here have commented. Certainly no one, least of all Rebecca, is making that up.

    16. Agree with Rebecca. Emily Andrews not always so reliable.

  36. I like to coat, but I don't like this hat in combination with the hair and the coat.
    Also her makeup. It is not a bit strange to put pink circles on your cheeks?
    And I am sorry, but her eyebrows are way to straight and flat. Where are the curvy ones?

    1. oh my. I thought she looked beautiful.

  37. I think we should have a contest here where THE ONLY TOPIC can be about the clothes! Or the patronage or a little history about any of that. Just ONE POST where we move from the even to discussing the politics....the press behavior or anger ....why KP is damaging themselves....Williams perceived attitude.... who paid for what... cost of helo rides.....negative comments... why can't we do a strictly sartorial critique on clothes? Why do we have to drift into all the muck?

    It is becoming a difficult blog to read these days.

    Have a contest! The winner gets some peace of mind rather than a headache from scrolling down...then up trying to find the actual threads regarding the post over the ' I told you this or that...I keep saying this or that....'

    All worthy topics of course but are they necessary every single time?

    1. That was the old blog. I kindda agree with you a little bit. Just tired that no matter, I repeat no matter what is done people still complain. At a point that it becomes funny and really frustrating

    2. Trying to contribute to the fashion discussion: I quite liked this article in the Daily Mail - and the similarities with Kate's blouse for #youngminds matter. :)

  38. I'm really torn on the media issue. On one hand I understand the media. They had gotten used to being handfed stories and have big, crazy things happening around the royals. I cannot have sympathy for Richard anymore (well, I do, but I don't take him seriously anymore) since he ranted about how Harry need to marry so they can have a story or they would have to "change the narrative". But he's not the only one who have shown displesure. And I do see their point. It is effecting their livelyhood so I think it's fair for them to feel shunned. But also, since all pictures are shared through PA, it's not like the photographers are getting exclusives. Instead of having bunches of photographers takeing basically the same picture disrupting events, taking space etc, they now share pictures AND usually choose a local reporter who get's a chance instead. So in this case, they had more space for families and servicemen to attend the event. The other times that press were allowed in there was only personel etc and not a family event so it can't be compared, space wise. So while I understand how it might be annoying for an individual photographer to get less work, I truly do, I think that for the public it's not needed to have more than 2 or 3 taking pictures at events like these. And especially on visits with charitys. The writing reporters I can get though, that they want to interview the people present. But isn't that possible to do beforehand? They must know which people will be "relevant" to the story (except if something random happens) so why can't they get a comment on the phone before or after the events? And it seems like it's only the reporters on the written press that are complaining. Maybe because their medium is already in trouble and this just adds another headache for them. I honestly don't know.

    Also, the comment that alot of media is needed to see where the tax money goes to. I mean... shouldn't that be a reason for them to cover all the royals? Sophie, Edward, Anne etc get very little coverage. Aren't they using tax payer money as well? Same with Camilla and Charles, that don't get the same coverage. I don't buy that argument. Or well, I do on the big scale. But not on an event-to-event basis. This is purely because William, Kate and Harry are young and popular and sell.

    I do agree, that even if I see KPs points and kind of agree with alot of them, that for their own sake, they should do a bit of sucking up to the media. I don't know how, but something. Just some rambling thoughts since I have no set opinion on this, yet.

    1. Can any one please confirm if KP actually had anything to do with it. We do know these reports like to stir controversy (extremely often)

    2. And this is why you are one of my favorite posters, Rebecca. You appreciate my being able to see both sides of the coin, and I want you to know I appreciate you for doing that too.

    3. No has confirmed anything, Michael. Reporters grumble that they were invited before. Well in previous occasions it's just William and the Queen or William alone. There was no parade and there were no other families. If you think about it that makes quite a difference in the decision making not just for the palace but for the RAF.

    4. I found interesting information about the British Royal Family's relation to the media (UK and overseas engagements, Filming & Interview policy, Foreign media etc.)

  39. I know that this is off topic, but, is Kate learning to ride horses?

    1. The media have reported that she is allergic to horses, but not sure if that is true.

    2. I think it was confirmed that she's not Anon 00.27, but don't quote me on that.

  40. Thank you for your lovely post!

  41. Interesting to note on twitter that a royal photographer says that all royal events are on a rota system but at the moment there is a lack of rotation. This infers that there is a problem with all the Royals and not only KP. So maybe the blame should not only fall on William but rather somewhere higher up.

    1. I also wonder, how much is the rotation on the other royals and what is the presidence in these cases. I recently saw a documentary about the queens cameraman. Appearantly he has more access than other media at all events the queen does and has been the cameraman for her for over 20 (or was it 25?) years as the main source of video for all news sources. So is it normal to have full press pack or is it more normal to go through PA?

    2. hummm. Thanks 22:12

  42. Pitch perfect. Thank you Charlotte

  43. What are the rules and guidelines for "when to wear a hat?" Is it this frequent for ordinary people in the UK?

    1. I don't know. But since this is an official military event, hats seem to be rather usual. The majority of the women in the benches seemed to have at least a facinator.

    2. In UK, people are born in a hat...I´m kidding..., sorry!!

    3. Wish so much that hats would make a big comeback for everyone. A very neglected fashion item.

  44. Thank you for the post, Charlotte! As always a pleasure to read.

    The Duchess looked lovely in red and brown - a color combination I personally prefer over red and black (not that the Duchess doesn't look stunning in red and black as well). I just don't much care about the hat. Wished she would return - every once in a while - to hats with a brim. She's worn hats like that in the past and they suited her well, I thought.

  45. I like the photo where the man is rolling his eyes sideways to look at Kate.

  46. Thank You for the post, Charlotte! Love the red color, however she could've made a bun instead of a ponytail,IMO. I have a question, why was Rebecca Deacon at this event? This was not Kate's solo event. Im noticing she's being phased out this year.,,

  47. We've seen that hat quite a few times! Oh well, it's thrifty. It looks a bit large on her head here, I don't know if it's because she has her hair tied back.

  48. Thank you Charlotte for a great post she looks gorgeous I love the colour on her poor William is losing his hair but looks great still

  49. Sarah from Calif.19 February 2016 at 01:47

    Well done William and Kate !!!
    Hey Charlotte, taking a minute to say Hello to you. Hope you are well :)

  50. I know that I always focus on her jewelry choices, but I would have liked to have seen a gold pair of earrings with this outfit.

    1. I'm 99% of the time a gold person so I might be biased, but I agree. Gold would have looked lovely with these colours!

  51. It must have been very poignant for William to return to an area where he was so happy, where he was happy in his job, and know that everything has changed. Not only for him, but for the men and women he worked with. Watching the ITV video, I felt that Kate was supporting him--he looked so sombre and a couple of times she gently leaned in to ask him a question, almost calling him back from wherever he was mentally. And she was much more animated talking to the people at the reception than he was. I think (well, heck, it shouldn't be a surprise) there is a lot more to this marriage than people give it credit for. I think that Kate truly is William's rock. She seems quite comfortable standing back when he takes the lead and moving forward when he doesn't.
    I think it petty that the Daily Mail used really unflattering photographs of Kate in their news story. Maybe this is the "revenge" that some of our bloggers are concerned about. One thing that Royal photographers should realize is that ALL "professional" photographers are feeling the bite of the digital/selfie/amateur photography era. And I really liked what Max French said about how Kate has every right to take her own photos of her children and share the ones that SHE likes instead of seeing random photos splashed in every tabloid.

  52. From a fashion perspective, I'm kind of curious how long they stayed at the reception after (maybe I missed that in the post). If it was just a brief walk in and walk out, I get leaving the coat on, but most people would take off a coat inside. It's not really a "coat dress" which transitions better to indoors as well - to me it's clearly outerwear! I just think it looks a little rushed when one keeps one's coat on the whole time! But again, if it was for just a few minutes then it probably didn't come off as strange.

    1. The media was not there the whole time. They were there for the reception but it was a lunch after. The other women also wore their coats in the pictures so maybe it came of when they sat down for lunch?

  53. Kate is always lovely, but I don't prefer the red and brown together at all. Good catch on the leg-crossing---very rare to see her do. I bet this was a poignant time for them and am glad they could make the engagement.

  54. Is anyone still wondering if she is pregnant after all the speculation about it recently? The belt seems to be sitting up quite high on the coat.

    1. You know I find this pregnancy talk incredibly offensive. As a woman can you not understand or appreciate why it can be so? Would you like your family or your colleagues to be constantly staring at your body to discern whether or when you will reproduce? I think that we owe this basic respect to one another. It is one thing to dissect her clothing choices but pregnancy is an incredibly private decision.

  55. I love the coat the duchess looked today she looks good and it seems they use the helicopter ride the limit the press people media people are not allowed to complained they because they are covering these the duke and duchess official duties

  56. Can anyone shed some light on why Rebecca Deacon was given a front-row seat as opposed to a serviceman or his family? Unless there is some sort of imminent security threat to Kate, isn't that rather bizarre that her personal secretary would be given priority seating over those who the event was actually honoring?

  57. Beautiful lady, beautiful clothes, but so predictable and so boring. Yawn.

    1. Predictive and boring (although I don't quite agree) is probably the way to go for a commemorative militray engagement where the focus is not on you.

    2. Amen, Rebecca. :)

  58. I like the coat but I think the hat is it wrong with the hair tight. Love your blog.

  59. I really like her look. Love dark brown and red together. I actually think the hair looks great and for me works with the hat:) If I had to change anything I would shorten the coat an inch or two and the belt buckle looks a bit dated and inexpensive. Thought she and William both looked relaxed and God.

  60. lol, "trying to make peace with the media" IS "like trying to tame a rattlesnake". That was a good one. Peace is not the nature of the beast.

  61. I follow all the comments on the media angst with interest.I think part of the problem for the press is that their exclusivity is well and truly challenged now.I am interested in the royals and enjoy watching how each generation manages to represent and in a way mirror their people of that generation. However now I do not need the press to paint the picture for me and that is their problem. I follow three blogs on the subject and that is it. So although the royals may well need the press, the press also very much need them and unless they change their type of reporting to attract readers why bother when one has interesting and informative blogs like Charlottes. I think this is one of the reasons for their continual complaints. Richard Palmer could have had a massive blog following had he moved with the times but there he is stuck in the same old same old rut. Now to the important things. Really like Catherine's coat, beautiful colour on her and I loved the length, but not so taken with the hat though perhaps the photos don't do it justice.I am so pleased the mental health day went so well. It is so important we all see mental health as a disease just the same as any other without a stigma. No one minds discussing their blood pressure and it should be the same for mental health. I hope in my life time I will see this important change. Well done Catherine for being part of changing our attitudes and doing it so well.

  62. On the hat thing, Fug girls pointed out that the hat looked wierd at the reception but worked at the parade. And they travelled by car between the places. Maybe she took of the hat/it got moved somehow when they travelled? Just a thought :P

  63. Anonymous in Colorado19 February 2016 at 22:06

    With all due respect, I always wonder..........why do those who wish to critique the Cambridges air their grievances on a blog that is devoted to chronicling Kate's life & style in a positive light? I'm all for healthy discussion & am honestly not trying to "police the comments" but is this really the place to nitpick & complain? Unless it's about Kate's sartorial choices of course ;-)


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