Saturday 11 June 2016

The Cambridge Family Appear on the Buckingham Palace Balcony for Trooping the Colour

It was another glorious display of pomp, pageantry and tradition for this year's Trooping the Colour in London.

The Duchess of Cambridge travelled in a horse-drawn carriage with Prince Harry and the Duchess of Cornwall.

The royals waved to well-wishers.

Trooping the Colour is a military parade dating back to the 1700s. Although the Queen's birthday is 21 April, it has long been tradition to celebrate the Sovereign's birthday publicly on a day in June, when good weather is more likely. Her Majesty has attended Trooping the Colour every year since 1947 except in 1955 when a national rail strike cancelled the event. This year, with her 90th celebrations in full swing, it's particularly special.

The Queen on her first Trooping as the Sovereign in 1952.

Her Majesty and The Duke of Edinburgh travelled in an Ascot Landau drawn by horses Sydney and Vienna.

Over 1,400 officers and military personnel are on parade, together with two hundred horses; over four hundred musicians from ten bands and corps of drums march and play as one. Some 113 words of command are given by the Officer in Command of the Parade. The parade route extends from Buckingham Palace along The Mall to Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall and back again.

The Army in London

More on the day's events from the Household Division:

'During the ceremony, the Queen is greeted by a Royal salute and carries out an inspection of the troops. After the massed bands have performed a musical 'troop', the escorted Regimental Colour is carried down the ranks. The Foot Guards and the Household Cavalry then march past Her Majesty, and The King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, rank past.
The Queen rides in a carriage back to Buckingham Palace at the head of her Guards, before taking the salute at the Palace from a dais. The troops then return to barracks.'

A magnificent scene on the Mall. On horseback were Prince Charles, Colonel of the Welsh Guards; Prince William, who is Colonel of the Irish Guards; and the Princess Royal, Colonel of the Blues and Royals.

Following activities at Horse Guards Parade, the Royal family headed to Buckingham Palace where they assembled on the balcony to watch the RAF flypast.

The Cambridge family appeared on the Buckingham Palace balcony together for the first time.

Princess Charlotte made her debut at the event.

As always, it was a real treat to see the adorable pair.

How adorable are they? :)

Yesterday, the Duchess told guests at a reception Charlotte has "a feisty side". We got to see little glimpses of her personality today.

A gorgeous shot of Kate with her daughter.

The Cambridges and Prince Harry.

A royal wave from Charlotte :)

Prince George was eager to get a better look.

There was a large turnout from immediate and extended family members. The flypast was spectacular as always.

George looked particularly impressed.

Charlotte appeared to find it a little noisy and momentarily covered her ears.

The royals enjoyed the display.

A wave from Prince George as the royals made their way inside.

Does Prince George's outfit look familiar to you? It was previously worn by Prince William at Prince Harry's christening in 1984. We regularly see the Duchess giving a nod to previous occasions through sartorial choices. For official events George is often dressed in looks worn by William or very similar to styles he wore as a child.

For George's first Trooping appearance last year, he wore the blue outfit William wore for his first appearance in 1984.

A closer look at the little prince. Those expressions are priceless :)

Princess Charlotte looked darling in a pretty pink dress. What Kate's Kids Wore noted she also wore her pink Amaia Kids bow and her Early Days 'Mary Jane' shoes.

It's the sixth consecutive year Kate has attended the event. In 2011, it was cream McQueen followed, by bespoke Erdem in 2012. In 2013 and 2014, she selected looks from McQueen, and last year a floral-print coatdress by Catherine Walker.

We recently saw Kate repeat the cream McQueen style she wore to Prince George's christening for The Queen's garden party. Today, it was another christening repeat - the bespoke cream, fit-and-flare McQueen coatdress the Duchess wore last July when Princess Charlotte was baptised at St Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate.

This time, the Duchess teamed the coatdress with a striking pink hat by Irish milliner Philip Treacy (with thanks to Ella Sweet Pea). It is described as "a moulded slice hat in sinamay with rosettes from the SS16 Collection". The soft pink colour of the hat works very nicely with cream. Mr. Treacy has long been a favourite of the royals, the Duchess has been wearing his designs since her pre-engagement days.

A closer look at the hat on Kate.

The Duchess accessorised with her Mappin & Webb Empress Pendant.

The Duchess completed the look with new large pearl earrings. It was thought they are a pair by Balenciaga, but upon closer inspection it seems they are not identical. We'll update if they are identified.

You can watch full coverage of the event on YouTube.

We'll see you tomorrow for The Patron's Lunch :)


  1. Love, love, love her outfit! She looks like a princess, no question! Her hair is absolutely gorgeous with that hat! Charlotte and George are soooo adorable! What a beautiful family!

  2. Rebecca - Sweden11 June 2016 at 12:43

    Yaay! The kids were (predictabily) adorable! George didnt seem like he wanted to leave at the end! :P William and Kate really seem to handle these occations with the kids really well, talking them through it all and reassuring them! Very nice to see William hunch beside George!

    On Kate's clothes: She looks stunning. Very, very elegant! A bit surprised to see the coat "so soon". Not negatively surprised, not at all. But surprised none the less! Her look was rather serene and glamorous, and she herself looked genuinely happy and at ease! So nice to see!

    1. Kate, Texas, USA11 June 2016 at 13:41

      Seeing both George and Charlotte wave to the crowd was precious! I think the reassurance by mom and dad is wonderful to see. They are such a beautiful family!

    2. Quick question for British readers: how hot is it in London this time of year? Where I live (north United States) it was incredibly hot today, I would have been sweltering in that long-sleeve coat. (She looked glamorous, I'm not complaining, I'm just curious)

  3. I'm not a fan or this hat with the way he hair looked today; it made her forehead look really big for some odd reason. Other than that I thought Kate looked great and of course it was lovely to see George and Charlotte!

    1. I agree, in the original picture with the model looked better. I am also not feeling these huge earrings.

      Prince Charlotte is so adorable and very lucky, she doesn't have to wear decade old clothes like her brother:-)

    2. Anett - that's funny about Charlotte!

    3. Anett,

      I am still researching that. You may be right. Don't know if any photos exist of Princess Elizabeth's first time on the balcony and what she wore. I will not be surprised to find out though that it was a pink dress very similar to Princess Charlotte's.

    4. First of all, Kate's forehead does not look too big in this head at all. And even if it does, what's so wrong with that ? See my thing is, I get constructive criticism. But this is no way any constructive criticism of Kate !

    5. 15:25,

      And that the Queen Mum was wearing a hat similar to the one Kate wore today.

  4. Jean from Lancs11 June 2016 at 12:59

    Love the hat--how sensible to bring back the Christening coat and wear a new hat; for Trooping we really see only the hat, especially this year when she was carrying Charlotte on the balcony.
    George is a real trooper isn't he? Seems to really like people and anything that flies!
    Charlotte was covering her ears, reminded me of the little bridesmaid.

    1. That's a great point Jean. A new hat & earrings where the focus is from waist up at this engagement. I never looked at it like that before

    2. Kate, Texas, USA11 June 2016 at 13:38

      Jean, I always love to see you post! It was a lovely day and wonderful to see the Cambridge family together on the balcony. I hope you are doing well. :)

    3. I love Kate's look today. She is so elegant and I love the hat and her repeat of the christening coat. I thought about the little bridesmaid, too, when I saw Charlotte covering her ears. George looked absolutely delighted. I wonder if he will be a pilot like William.

    4. "Tabletop dressing" applied to the balcony. Good point Jean. Another "Kate thing".

    5. WOW! This has just become my FAVORITE trooping appearance. Kate looks so elegant and sophisticated! I absolutely love the hat, hair and earring combination. And it's lovely to see this coat recycled for Charlotte's first balcony appearance.

      What a beautiful and happy family unit. Surely, Diana is smiling from above. :)

  5. I would characterize Kate's look today as vintage glamour. It's timeless and beautiful. She's dressed George and Charlotte in the same classic style, which adds to the overall effect.

    Looking at the photos from events over the past several of days, it's even more apparent to me what an asset the Cambridge family is to the monarchy.

    1. They were all vintage Kim. Didn't notice that until you mentioned that.

    2. I so agree. Kate's hat and hairstyle were very 30s/40s glamorous/timeless. The photos of she and her children at these official functions will looks just as good 40 years from now. No trendy "why how on earth could we have thought that was stylish" moments in her future archives! She and William are so warm and "normal" as they can be under these circumstances. They and Harry are indeed an asset.

    3. Kate, Texas, USA11 June 2016 at 13:43

      I love your description of Kate's ensemble as vintage glamour. So classy and pretty!

    4. Tammy from California11 June 2016 at 17:49

      Kim, I completely agree! Timeless, classic. Love it!

    5. I Completely Agree Too! Timeless & Classic for The Whole Cambridge Family! Perfection!:)

    6. I think I have seen smocked dresses for very small girls every decade or so. I would not be surprised to find out somebody has found a picture of QEII in such a dress as a little child. I too love the vintage look of the Duchess and the children. Or maybe "timeless" is a better word.

    7. Absolutely spectacular all around! Agree with the comments here. Good point about the timelessness. I'll bet she picks up pointers from the Queen, too, on that. QE II has always looked timeless and classic. Catherine will look the same 50 years from now, too! Wonderful to see in a world of such fast changing fads. Love the timeless, classic look!! Well done!!

    8. Marci, I agree with you that QEII most likely wore a dress just like this for her 1 year old appearance on the balcony. And I wouldn't be surprised if the Queen Mother was wearing a hat like Kate is wearing. Definitely a "Kate thing". There must be a photo of that somewhere.

    9. Vintage glamour. Excellent description, Kim!

    10. Being from the Southern States, smocking of little girls’ and little boys’ clothing is very traditional. Indeed, there are shops specializing in smocked clothing, so I don’t find Princess Charlotte’s dress outdated at all. I came to the conclusion that the Duchess prefers to wear and dress her children in clothing from the 40’s era...Vintage, elegant, classic. By doing this, photos of the family will not appear dated in years to come, as it is a timeless look. This elegant look is especially lovely on the Duchess. I love traditional wear for children. Both Prince William & his brother wore smocked clothing when they were young even though it was the 1980’s, when most babies were being dressed in more modern looks, i.e., Oshkosh outfits. Again, I really appreciate the beautiful photos, Charlotte! Out all the ladies, my favorite was Her Majesty. I wish her all the best, Marni from Texas.

  6. Kate is really growing in her confidence as a royal. She looks elegant and regal and very feminine. I hate to say this but Princess Beatrice is really in need of help and wow Princess Eugenie is really also looking fabs these days. It was nice to see the family on the balcony but I think they mess it up a bit, taking too much space in the middle so that certain members are never visible in the back. I think the Charles, William and Queen 'groups' should stand closer to each other to allow the others more space. But these three 'groupings' stand quite far stretched out. The organizer in me wants to correct them! All in all a very beautiful day!! I watched the whole thing on Sky News from South Africa haha to the frustration of my three boys who in the end, although they will not acknowledge it, enjoyed the parade just as much!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 June 2016 at 13:18

      I actually think it's by purpose. Like it or not, the people in the middle are the "important ones" and hence they spread more to be visible in pictures while the rest of the family is more there as a family outing and for the queen, and not so much to be seen by the public. I know it sounds harsh but it seems like it's rather planned to have the middle groups stand more alone.

    2. wow. I am so glad they noticed quickly enough that George was climbing over the balcony. That was a close one. What if they had been looking up? Hopefully, they will keep that in mind in the future. Even the Queen and Camilla were concerned on that one. William and Kate remember to not take your eyes off of them on that balcony, not even for a second.

    3. I do agree that it was intentional. I read on a tweet that there was a stool for George to stand on, so I am pretty sure at least for some members, they go to planned positions and the rest just fill in.

    4. When I saw George climbing over the balcony my heart skipped a beat. I am happy the noticed it.

    5. Anon, 14:31 that is exactly what they were doing. Many eyes were in him and all reacted instantly.

    6. Beautiful elegant always looks stunning those two children are so alike nice to see them both wave William always smiling and what a lovely family you do us proud ☺🎂🎂🎉🎉💕💕💗💗💙💙

  7. Kate looked fabulous today. I've noticed a real shift in how refined she looks recently. Very sophisticated. The hat was gorgeous today, and the updo so elegant.

    Charlotte and George are delightful. George did a few waves too, on a video I saw. The Queen was watching him and talking to him, all very sweet.

    I've been hoping to see the Grey McQueen coatdress again. But I'm sure the family coordinates colors around what the queen is wearing. Lots of whites and blues today to match her absolutely neon green! Love it.

    1. Nina, how about the grey McQueen from Easter in Australia for Order of the Garter?
      As popular as that outfit was, she must be saving it for something special.
      Or perhaps too much McQueen all at once?

    2. I think Kate has taken control of her wardrobe again and is not being influenced by whoever she was being influenced by in her sartorial dark ages the past couple of years.

  8. How perfectly lovely! And so appropriate to wear the christening outfit for Charlotte's first balcony appearance. The christening hat worn yesterday becomes a preview of today, and I love the new hat. Kate's sleek but traditional approach makes Camilla's Edwardian hat look fussy. The new earrings appear to be mother of pearl set in all silver surrounds with a modern design. Kate's planning for this flurry of events has been impeccable. I wonder what else she has in store for us!

    I also wonder about the origin of Charlotte's pretty pink dress. She appeared to want to get down beside George who stood on the balcony for the first time.

    The Queen's green was rather blinding, but she had a deep pink posy on her hat in honor of Charlotte's debut! :-)

  9. Nice treat to see the entire family of 4 on the balcony. Wow, my eye was immediately drawn to those huge earrings. Ver pretty. Hope the do get an ID. May be we will be surprised and find out that they are another less expensive pair.

    Kate and family looked wonderful together. Love William in uniform. Like the hat.

  10. One additional comment, seeing the last 5 years of Trooping photos together was very interesting. To me, her best looks are when she has chosen McQueen. And I'm still completely in love with the cream coat from the first year.

    1. I'm with you, Julie. It's hard to beat that first appearance.
      I'm simply in awe that a mother of two little ones is brave enough to wear white.

    2. I agree! Can't go wrong with McQueen.

  11. Love this tradition. May her Majesty and Prince Philip appear on the balcony for many years to come!

  12. Kate, Texas, USA11 June 2016 at 13:37

    Such an amazing day, so where to begin? The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh look wonderful! I think the Queen's smile says it all. A glorious day for a glorious monarch! Congratulations and happy birthday Your Majesty!

    Kate looked stunning! Regal and glamorous, she looked every inch the future Queen Consort. Her complete ensemble from head to toe was simply beautiful. I loved the hat with the rosette. A lovely and bright summer look for the occasion. Timeless and classic, Kate did not disappoint!

    The Cambridge family is absolutely beautiful! Seeing Prince George and Princess Charlotte with their great grandmother was perfection. They were both so well behaved and looked precious. I love that George was wearing another one of William's outfits. Both children were dressed beautifully. I hope they had someone take a family picture for their enjoyment in years to come. Again, they are such a lovely family!

    Thank you Charlotte for the wonderful post and pictures of the day. I am very sad not to be there in person this year, but reading your blog is definitely the next best thing. It was such a wonderful day and celebration for HM! I am looking forward to the Patron's Lunch tomorrow as the weekend celebrations continue! Have a wonderful Saturday!

    1. Where to begin indeed. I'm still smiling, despite Claudia's contribution above. :))

      Kate, it also occurred to me that Kate wore blue for George's first balcony appearance and the pink hat (and christening coat) is a similar nod for Charlotte's first appearance. (I apologize if someone already said this and I missed it.)

    2. Another "Kate thing", RF. Now, if the Queen had just worn two little "Princess Charlotte" green and pink crysanthemums on her hat rather than the ones she wore and that would have been perfect.

    3. Yes, it WOULD have been perfect. :)

  13. What a beautiful pink flowered hat the Duchess is wearing! This outfit was a good repurposing of the McQueen coatdress. The Duchess looks so elegant. And Charlotte's pink dress fits right in! Wonderful pictures of the entire family.

  14. These are amazing photos of the royal family. I especially like the one where George looks as though he's about to top the rail - each family member has a look of alarm on their faces. Adorable. I love what Kate is wearing - she looks very elegant and lovely, except for that thing on her head. It looks as though she's wearing a cabbage on her head and attempting to cover it with a hat. Extraordinarily odd. Her hair is gorgeous. Thanks Charlotte for these wonderful photos of the family. It looked like a beautiful day for this event.

  15. These look like a pear that Diana once wore. I saw someone shared the picture.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 June 2016 at 14:16

      Diana wore quite a few similar pairs if I'm not mistaken. With regular gold around. A rather common look in the 80s from what I've seen. I love them on Kate!!

    2. They do look like the mabe' pearl earrings that Diana wore occasionally.

    3. I found a photo of her in a very similar pair, similar size but those were surrounded by diamonds. But I am almost positive that I have seen photos of Diana wearing a pair just like Kate's.

    4. Anon 16:34--was it this?

    5. It's hard to tell but these might be same ones as in the other link I shared: It might be that Kate got inspiration from Diana but chose to go with silver or white gold instead.

  16. Thanks Charlotte! Always great to wake up to one of your fabulous posts. Kate looked great today. Love that she did some experimenting(I feel anyways). The bigger hat with embellishments, the big earrings! I adore the earrings and think they would be a terrific pairing with one of her solid color dresses, like the green one she wore to the Royal Flower Show or some of her solid sheath dresses. Just an extra pizazz, while still in her comfort zone.

    And those kids! So adorable! I love that George tried to climb onto the balcony. Very much like stuff my brothers used to do. When you're short, you have to improvise to see what you want to see!

    1. That was not adorable IMO. That was so close to bad that it is a miracle they noticed him and stopped him in time. HALLELUYAH

    2. I think that they are all somewhat back from the edge. It seems to me that there is something between them and the balcony railing. He pulled up on that, whatever it was. Notice no hands were on top of the fabric on the railing? I'm sure they would take into account that there would be small children on the balcony.

  17. The hat and earrings are fabulous! She looks so chic. I love seeing her in something different, like the oversized earrings. She's usually so conservative with her jewelry.

  18. What a beautiful family! William and Kate are blessed with such adorable children!

    Monica, France

  19. I liked Kate's outfit today. Glad she wore a different kind of hat today. Not so sure about the hairdo (Amanda Tucker, again.) Kate looked lovely though even at that. The photo with George almost making it over the balcony gives me butterflies so much that I pass quickly over that photo now. That was, indeed, a close one.

    It looks like Eugenie might actually have worn an outfit that looked good. Haven't found Beatrice yet but have read elsewhere that she was in usual ridiculous attire.
    The Queen seemed to be genuinely enjoying the day. I like that color on her. Who was the boy in the sailor shirt?

  20. Love that hat, so exquisite. And the whole powder pink/white ensemble was lovely. Co-sign on everyone mention's of HRHs greater confidence a a Royal. That said, I really did not like the pearl earrings or the way they looked on her. Admittedly, I have a bias against big, round studs (it's too 80s) but I also truly believe they were not becoming on or to the Duchess. Danglers, hoops or small studs, please! Also, while impressive and beautiful, it must be quite stressing for the Duke and Duchess to be out on that LOW balcony minding a well behaved but curious toddler whiled holding a 1 year old the whole time. How stressful to mind a toddler on a terrace that is so high up and has such a low railing. NIGHTMARE. Thanks for another great post! Silvid

    1. Silvid,

      That was a close one with George. I mean it isn't like he would have just gently tumbled over into the neighbor's yard. They received a special blessing today. As someone said, the adults could just as easily been looking up or elsewhere.

  21. Sarah Maryland usa11 June 2016 at 14:08

    After seeing all these new pieces of jewelry and new outfits is anyone else dying to know what Kate's closet looks like? I imagine it being like princess Mia's from the princess diaries but on a much larger scale lol

    1. Or like Alicia Silverstone's closet in "Clueless".

    2. Me too! She likely has multiple rooms at KP devoted only to clothing/hats/shoes storage :)

    3. Tammy from California11 June 2016 at 17:47

      Anon 15:30, I was JUST going to post your comment! I am a TERRIBLE dresser so I NEED that closet!

    4. I have too. One huge room I'm sure (a converted sitting room off the bedroom perhaps?). I bet she must have photos attached to every garment of how she wore it previously (accessories), when, and where.

    5. I'm always Dieing to know Who takes care of her Shoes, & in how many cases does she have multiple pairs? The bottoms Always look Brand New!?:)

    6. Tammy,

      I think every girl should have one, don't you. They are really space saving. Yeh, space saving.
      That works. :)

      P.S. Build confidence. Start saying to yourself often, "I could be the world's best stylist. I am a GREAT dresser. I am a GREAT dresser." It helps, really.

  22. Trifecta!
    I like the earrings .
    Kate looks like a relaxed Mother.
    So enjoy the posts.

  23. Kate is complementing Charlotte in her daughter’s first official “engagement”. From the Christening dress to the pale rose flower, it made a statement. She looks beautiful.

  24. There's an incredibly interesting and important article by Richard Palmer that some of you may have missed this week, regarding significant steps the Queen has taken to mark her 90th.

    For those of you who like to argue that William and Kate are not senior royals ;) the Queen elevated William to the Privy Council "in a move that enhances his status as one of the most senior members of the Royal Family."

    And in news royalfan will love, Camilla was also elevated :) According to Palmer, both Camilla and William "went to a special meeting of the council at BP on Thursday evening to be admitted into the body."

    For those who don't know, the Privy Council is the formal advisory body to the Sovereign (some of you may remember the fuss generated by Corbyn's inclusion and how he would behave.)

    Palmer said the Queen was tidying up plans for her death and focused on the Camilla angle in his article, here are some excerpts.

    "It is unprecedented in modern times for a royal wife not in direct line to the throne to be a member of the Privy Council, showing the esteem in which Her Majesty holds Camilla. It also reflects the Royal Household's efforts to prepare the public for succession."

    "The Council acts as a cornerstone of the constitutional monarchy, enacting Acts of Parliament and advising the Sovereign on the use of powers which do not formally go through Parliament. Sources say the main reason the Queen wanted Camilla and William included was so they can be part of the Accession Council which handles the succession to the throne after her death."

    Palmer quoted sources as saying "The Queen wanted Camilla to be beside Charles when he formally succeeds her as monarch in the ceremony normally held at St. James Palace within 24 hours of the death of a sovereign."

    A royal aide said "The Duchess is honoured to be admitted to the Privy Council."

    It was an excellent and quite significant article by Palmer I thought. His take was that it was another sign that there will be a Queen Camilla next to King Charles, we shall see. I also think it shows there are real and important matters for William to start attending to, and I hope his Air Ambulance job ends sooner rather than later.

    But an important article for Royal watchers to read, in my opinion.

    1. Tammy from California11 June 2016 at 17:45

      Claudia, THANK YOU for your post. So very interesting! I'm going to look for the article now :)

    2. Claudia,
      You contributed a very significant news of a turning point in current affairs of BRF. I hope you keep up whenever possible.

    3. Very interesting. Glad to see William added as a senior royal. I'm sure that will impact his activities too. Thanks for sharing Claudia.

    4. Rebecca - Sweden11 June 2016 at 18:55

      Thank you :) I've already seen it and it's a big step. Makes very much sense since that is the group who "appoints" the new King within 24h of the Queens passing. Makes very much sense to have Camilla and William at the heart of that!

    5. Thank you Claudia, for this piece of news. I for one would never have seen it but for your mention here. And as you say, it is Very important.

    6. wow. Thanks for the reference Claudia.

      RF, maybe you had better lay down for a few moments.

    7. Wow! Thank you Claudia, I did not know that! You are right, It Doesn't get much Bigger than That! Of course when I hear Privy Council I can't help thinking of QE I & The Tudors!:) Wow..... it's Bittersweet, but they must be prepared & I personally believe that William is Fully On Board at This Time, regardless of what We know of him to be doing!

    8. I didn't see the article, but I agree that lately there has been a lot more visibility for William. Doing more official duties and that some of his 'private/unannounced' meetings are being 'leaked' for lack of a better word. All, I assume, to show that William is doing work and taking his role seriously.

    9. Glad you are privy to all the matters to which William attends-in order to declare he is not attending to important matters, rather flying around doing an honest day's work. I doubt even RP is privy to all the meetings and
      consultations William attends to that are not released for publication. He does
      plenty of duties that are public knowledge. It constantly amazes me that some refuse to acknowledge any possibility of activity not published by the tabloids and their writers.
      Why wouldn't Charles's wife be next to him when he accepts his position? Where else would she be? Recognising her as his spouse in no way assures that she will become an anointed
      monarch next to her husband at the coronation. To do so, with her previous
      husband still living, would require an Act of Parliament.
      I see this Privy Council angle, if it is indeed true, rather as a consolation prize to keep peace in the family.
      It is no big deal. I think Some are inflating the story, for whatever reason.It is simply a bit of housekeeping-ticking off the boxes. Routine that's been spun into an "important" article.
      You left us to read between the lines, so I'll say it. Catherine apparently was not included.
      I see signs of a mighty tugging back and forth of the various factions of the
      royal family, ably assisted by the press.

      Was this article written as an exclusive? I watch BBC News-there was nothing about this-a most significant story.

    10. I do think it is significant and a sign of the Queen's confidence in William that he is admitted to the Privy Council. He has been preparing for his destiny behind the scenes and I don't think we should pooh-pooh him for it. He does take his royal role seriously no matter what people think or how the press unfairly portray him. But I don't think that should stop him from doing other things too such as his air ambulance role. He gets the people's respect for doing a regular job.

    11. Claudia, could you pl share the link? Imke

    12. My comment hasn't appeared yet...Hope this won't be a repeat.Perhaps the article was missed by most because it is an RP exclusive. Interested to know his source. I watch BBC and not a word of it there.
      Thank-you, Katie. My thoughts exactly. I'm not sure I understand how one can
      make a judgement that William is NOT ALREADY attending to "real and important matters."
      Camilla's previous husband still lives, as far as I know. Last I heard,
      that disqualifies her from becoming an anointed queen. Perhaps a position on the Privy Council is offered in lieu of that, not in proof of that being the plan.
      William's place is assumed and understandable.

      I realise this is all just a matter of ticking off the boxes in preparation
      for that very sad day, but it saddens and somewhat alarms me.

    13. Claudia, I'm sitting here wondering whether to respond with an "UGH" or an "ugh". Undecided so I will leave it as is. ;)

      Here is the link. I admit to enjoying the comments. Apparently, others share my "admiration."

      My serious response is that this is a good, if obvious, PR move.

      "It is unprecedented in modern times for a royal wife not in direct line to the throne to be a member of the Privy Council, showing the esteem in which Her Majesty holds Camilla."

      Well, yes. But it is also unprecedented in modern times for a mistress to end up being a future Queen. This isn't about Camilla; the Queen is well aware of the fine kettle of fish Charles served up by making this woman non-negotiable. She has no choice but to put her stamp of approval on the situation to secure the monarchy for future generations.

      I find it much more telling that she wants William to be involved, and AWARE.

      And of course, Mr Palmer repeats the amusing suggestion that "Publicly Clarence House has insisted she had no desire for the role and wanted to be known as “Princess Consort”. Oh, yes. Her choice of hats and tiaras speaks volumes about what she really wants on her head. :))

      Still undecided on the UGH vs. ugh.......

    14. Not sure at this point that you should expect Catherine to be admitted to the Privy Council I can see William being admitted as he is in direct line. Camilla not sure what the point is except possibly to be able to support Charles. Since it was a Richard Palmer piece, I take the total facts with a grain of salt, especially since he is the only source reporting this and taking Camilla inclusion as a so called significant

    15. It was recorded in the Court Circular as well, said William and Camilla had been introduced as members on 6/9. It is a hugely significant step for both of them.

    16. Here is the article that I read regarding Camilla. I hope that, in deference to Prince William & Prince Harry, Camilla will not be given the title of Queen, as she is still not regarded as popular in England. However, her title could change from Duchess of Cornwall to something else, perhaps princess, but not queen.

    17. It is strange why Camilla still keeps her husband's name as her last name.

    18. anon 00:57- I have now read your link. It would appear that some quotes from the"excellent and significant article" first appeared in the DM.Or vice versa.
      No matter if there is a crumb of truth at the bottom of all this, when a story
      is being promoted and elaborated in the tabloids, but not the reliable standard
      press, one wonders what/who truly prompted it. I have a hunch. Someone who was
      known to make a phone call or two for self-promotion in the past when threatened
      by an attractive young royal woman.Someone who could, admittedly, be called a highly placed royal source.

    19. There are 600 past and present politicians members of the Privy council. The royal members are The Queen, Prince Phillip, Prince Charles and now Prince William and Camilla. Diana was never a member but the Queen Mother was. It probably is important with the Queen's age that the next generation is included. Should something happen there should be more royals than Prince Charles especially if there is need of a regency. The article is Richard Palmer's opinion and I stress opinion, based on one fact of Privy Council membership. The twitter world has been full of other royal commentator's opinions. It is and it is not significant given that the spouses of the last two monarchs were/are members.
      Perhaps in these times of equality between the sexes the practice of calling the female spouse of a monarch Queen will be seen as inappropriate and all spouses be known generically as consorts. Time will tell. Richard Palmer said in a tweet a few days ago that he loves to cause mischief even though he quite likes the people he writes about. So perhaps the article is just that. I also noticed that when Arthur Edwards (photographer) tweeted his balcony shot he did not include Camilla in the group.Telling?

    20. When she and Charles married, it was announced that Camilla will become Princess Consort rather than Queen Consort, which would mean she would not be crowned. But Charles has waffled on that plan in interviews. As King, I suppose it will be up to him to decide.

    21. royalfan-my response to your delightful 23:49 comment has not appeared.
      As I have said quite enough on this subject, I will not repeat.
      Just so you know-I'd go with the UGH! I had noted other stories appearing or promoted on the same page as the Express article to support my use of the
      word tabloid-perhaps why my post did not pass muster.
      anon 20:49, 23:34,06:23

  25. Nice:-) Royalfan, this should make you feel much better about last year's balcony appearance :-)

    Lovely photographs of a lovely family.... and brave family. I would have been sweating it out the whole tine with a wiggly two year old that close to the edge.

    She looks beautiful. I love the new hat. Yay, wider brim! Also. I really like the new larger pearl earrings. They photograph so much nicer than her smaller ones in instances like this. Imo, unlike yesterday's outfit, this one is more youthful and modern, and doesn't age her. I think it has to do with cleaner lines and less fussiness all around.

    Two minor quibbles: due to the momentousness of this week's events, she could have worn new outfits each day. Also, the necklace really does not compliment the new earrings, so she could have lost it. Otherwise, perfection all the way around. Such a pleasure to see both children today!

    1. I know Erika. The minute I saw the photo of William putting George down because George was squirming to get down, I thought "uh oh".

    2. The necklace is part of Kate's christening outfit for Charlotte. I was so glad Kate wore it and the beautiful dress again for Charlotte's first balcony appearance. The four part necklace seems so symbolic of the family.

    3. :)) Yes, Erika, it certainly did! Made my day. Very nice, indeed. Somewhere here, I just commented that this is my favorite Trooping appearance. Truly love this look, and with both children and her handsome husband, can it get any better for us fans?

      But I have no objection to today's recycle. As a matter of fact, I think it's sweet that Kate wore this coat for Charlotte's first balcony appearance. That's my take on it, anyway.

    4. One question regarding the Privy Council thing: was ERII a member when her father was king? As Charles is now.
      I'm also imagining the sad gathering the day after George VI died and how
      devastating for a surviving spouse-as it must have been for HM's mother and will be for Phillip, if that situation
      arises. It would appear the Queen Mother and Phillip were members due to their
      spouse status, no doubt the motive behind Camilla's choice. Not really any
      personal endorsement by HM.
      We must remember this-she did not choose to make her own husband an annointed
      monarch, although her own father did so with her mother.
      Will Charles have the moral support to take on Parliament, the C of E, and
      British and Commonwealth opinion?

    5. I have changed my opinion on the rewear royalfan. A dress from one historic occasion reworn for another. Nice cincept:-)

  26. Thank you Charlotte for the wonderful post! As soon as I woke up I typed in "hrhduchesskate" and there it was! I LOVE that hat. I don't like the severe fascinators and am always glad when Kate wears a hat with more substance. And it was beautiful with that big rose. Loved the earrings too--did someone say that they may have been Diana's? Wherever the provenance I thought they looked wonderful with her hairstyle and the hat. Softened the line of both.
    And George and Charlotte were adorable. I watched the video with the Queen talking to George and William hunkering down to remind him that Great Granny was talking to him. But they all looked so loving and happy. Charlotte didn't seem to like the noise but George was raring to go.
    Again, thank you so much for the photos--I will be returning to them a few times today for the color and beauty!

    1. Valerie, You captured my own excitement exactly!:)

  27. love the duchess recycle her outfit that she wore in princess charlotte christening all in all the outfit is perfect princess charlotte is sooo cute I love the fact she teething prince George doesn't want leave the balcony plus prince harry is perfect too its been stressful to princess charlotte up high wondering what going on in many people and many cheering the crowd love the queen outfit Beatrice are the worst outfit eugeine outfit looked good too love the royal photos

  28. Thank you Charlotte for another excellent page in this "Bentley of Blogs". :)

    Any word on Charlotte's outfit? Do you know if there is any connection to what the Queen first wore on the balcony?

    1. Yes! This is "The Bentley of Blogs"! Thx Anon 15:44 for that great name!:) Thx Charlotte for making it such!:)

  29. Sarah Maryland -- I was wondering about her closets too. I assume she has most items stored at Kensington Palace and not Amner Hall. Also, who does all of the dry cleaning for the Royals? Does one of the palaces have an entire professional set up? They obviously don't drop it at the corner shop.

    I laughed at the photo where everyone is reaching toward George as he tries to climb on the railing. Such a realistic parenting/grandparenting moment. Camilla, especially

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 June 2016 at 17:37

      Camilla was really sweet with the kids (she's great with kids in general). She kept looking and smiling at the kids. Even watched them instead of the flypast at one point. I think she is a great grandmother figure for the kids to have :)

    2. I agree about Camilla the Grandmother

    3. I wonder whether the boy in the sailor shirt in front of her is a Camilla grandson.

    4. That would be my guess. Why the sailor shirt though?

    5. Rebecca - Sweden12 June 2016 at 10:13

      It's not. It's Albert Windsor, one of the Kent grandkids.

  30. Absolutely love this dress and v happy to see it again. Not so sure about the hat, but her hair suits it perfectly. Gorgeous, gorgeous children!

  31. I am looking for a vintage photo of the Queen Mum on the balcony holding a one year old Princess Elizabeth, wearing the same style hat that Kate is wearing with Elizabeth in a pink dress like Princess Charlotte.

    1. I only found one here:

  32. Kate looks pretty! This is the first year that she's worn a repeat to Trooping. Given the number of events this week, that might be the reason behind her decision. The hat is very stylish - and goes nicely with Charlotte's dress.

    I like her earrings - perhaps because I have pair that is similar. Does anyone think that the earrings might go with the broach that Kate wore at Trooping in 2014? It looks similar to me.

    I love seeing Kate with her children. She just seems to enjoy herself a little more and appears more confident.

  33. Tedi in California11 June 2016 at 16:58

    Another hit in my book. It was wonderful to see the family on the balcony, especially the four Cambridges. A bit of a nerve wracking moment with Prince George though. The Queen and Prince Philip looked wonderful. Once again I have to say they are an amazing couple. I thought Kate looked elegant, and very much the princess. I agree with the posters who called this look vintage and classic. I have really enjoyed the last three days of posts. Thank you Charlotte.

  34. I think Kate's earrings may be the Balenciaga Magnetic Faux Pearl Earrings:

  35. Love the photo of Kate calming Princess Charlotte with a kiss on the forehead while George is looking a teensy bit fussy himself. Any moms out there relate to that? :)

    1. Dear anon, I sure can! I have two children aged five and three and a half. And this image truly captivated me. The duchess looks such a hands on mom. So elegant and poised, yet so warm and affectionate to her children. She is amazing. Shira from Israel

  36. Your photos are amazing Charlotte. Thank you.

  37. This hat reminds me of the Hat she wore to Zara's wedding, which I also really loved. I think it was a Gina Foster. The style really suits her, and was beautifully balanced by the elegant updo. So nice to see an updo! I love the boldness of the earrings, and think she looks truly stunning today.

  38. Tammy from California11 June 2016 at 17:42

    OH.MY.GOSH. Lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove
    I can not say that enough! LOVE the pink and cream. LOVE THAT HAT! LOVE the nod to Princess Di with those big button earrings. Love the timeless loo of the whole outfit. I think that suit is one of my favorites: timeless class.
    Love the Princess Charlotte was in pink too. Love the Queen's bright, cheerful ensemble (I LOVE her stylist, she always looks so wonderful. Love George's smile at seeing the jets fly over. Love that he wanted a closer look and the whole family was going for him. Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely. LOVED IT ALL!

    1. Ok Tammy, I just have 1 Question... But did you "Love" Kate's look? lol:) Me Too!:)

    2. Tammy, I love, love, love your post! Feel the same. :)

    3. Tammy from California12 June 2016 at 16:13

      You all gave me a giggle this morning :)

  39. Tammy from California11 June 2016 at 17:53

    I have to add one more thing: Charlotte sure is a combo of both of her grandmothers for me. I see Carole Middleton and Queen Elizabeth in her.

    1. Agreed! I love her hair color & can't believe how much Charlotte & George are starting to look alike:)

    2. I see a bit of Pippa as well! DWLee333

  40. My all time favourite look for Kate...I love it!!!! Apart from a few outfits she wore soon after the Royal Wedding, this look of hers is my favourite favourite!!!!!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 June 2016 at 18:57

      She has really been on point these last 3 days!! :D

  41. This is by far one of my all time favourite looks on Kate! She absolutely nailed it! What an incredibly gorgeous family. So very royal. They completely looked the part today. You have to wonder what Carole and Michael are thinking as they watch their daughter on days like these. It must be completely surreal.

    1. I agree. I also sometimes think about the duchess' parents, especially her mom... I wonder how they feel seeing their daughter growing into her role and carving her special path. Motherhood, finding your place and personal contribution. All great things for every woman, but in this case everything is so... larger than life and in the public eye. Must be really special for them. Shira, Israel

    2. I think they no doubt keep Kate and her husband and children in their prayers. It probably will always seem a little surreal to them. William says there is a lot of that that seems surreal to home and he has been in that his whole life.

    3. without a doubt, Shira, without a doubt.

  42. Hello!

    Thank you all so much for your comments and for sharing ideas on the earrings. They are so very similar to several Balenciaga pairs and a couple of pairs Diana owned. According to expert Anna (who is a genius when it comes to jewellery) none of them are quite spot on. I'll update as soon as there is any new information.

    Charlotte's very pretty pink dress is also a mystery for the moment. I wondered if it might be a family piece.

    1. The Spanish brand, Mayoral, does dresses quite like this pink smocked on Charlotte wears. I had one for my daughter at the same age. So vintage 1950s and super cute.

    2. Wouldn't that be Great if they were Both Family Pieces!? I Love how Kate pulls the Family History Through Her Sartorial Choices for Herself & Her Family:)

    3. Since the style of Charlotte's dress does look so vintage, I am more convinced than ever now that that truly might be a replica of one that the Queen wore as a toddler on the balcony. They preserve things so accurately in their archives, I wouldn't even be surprised if that was Queen Elizabeth's childhood dress. And, as someone has said, that might be a replica of the hat that the Queen Mum wore when Elizabeth wore that dress.

    4. A distinct possibility since she had George in William's outfit.

    5. 22:17, I think you are right. I have been searching for those early, early balcony photos.

  43. Gosh I am So Choked Up!:) They are So Adorable & The Children are So Sweet:) What a Darling Sweet Family:) I found myself having a Flashback to all the Waitie Katie Days & how some were so sure that William & Kate would never wind up together... & Here They Are!:) A Darling, Loving, Sweet Family!:) I love the pic where George has his right hand up on his forehead, almost like it's a little Salute:) Little Sweet Charlotte is Soooo Darling! They are Such a Sweet Sweet Family:) Thank you Charlotte for the Wonderful Coverage & for Bringing so much Accurate & Timely Information into out homes, all around The World:) HM looked Magnificent herself!:) How striking was her Vibrant Green Ensemble with the Bright Pink Accents!:) Such a Magnificent Celebration for Such an Important Occasion!:) Loved Kate's Pink Hat that matched Charlotte's sweet little pink dress & bow so perfectly!:) Wonderful All Around!:)

  44. Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine is so elegant! Do you think she will wear a summery, flowery, cotton dress, like Cath Kidston's dresses tomorrow at the Patron's Lunch?

  45. She is a new England Rose, so beautiful. Love this hat (and I am not a fan of hats).

  46. I LOVE the picture of little George trying to climb up on the balcony for a better look. The facial expressions of everyone else are priceless!!! Also, the picture of the whole family is just stunning. I really love the Queen's outfit today. So bright. Great post!!! Xo-Doran

  47. Does anyone remember when Prince William took off after the going-away coach at Andrew and Sarah's wedding? And the Queen running after him? Like father, like son in antics....

    1. I remember that.

    2. Oh I Do I Do! Classic Boys!:)

    3. oh your right i forgot about that

    4. Tammy from California12 June 2016 at 16:12

      Valerie, I have been trying to find that video forever! I remember exactly! The Queen ran after him so fast!

    5. That was Andrew and Fergie's wedding.

  48. I'm in love with Kate's look today! So sophisticated.

  49. I would loved to have had the Queen wear two little
    "Princess Charlotte" chrysanthemums on her hat today rather than the ones she did wear. Wouldn't that have been sweet.

    1. That would have been so very special. Something for Charlotte to have cherished for years.

    2. 20:42,

      That would have been sublime. One for the history books.

  50. I believe Diana wore that pair of earrings with a beautiful floral day dress. I was reviewing photos of her recently and I remember thinking how perfect those earrings were with her dress and was surprised she had worn such big earrings. Don't know if they are Diana's earrings, but I think they might be. For some reason, even though I like these earrings, I can't see Kate buying these earrings.

    1. Hi Anon 20:46,
      Do you mean the earrings Diana wears in this picture?
      They look very similar, indeed ...
      What a beautiful family and the outfits Duchess Catherine has been wearing this week: one hit after another - as one poster said earlier: lovelovelovelovelove :)
      What a wonderful post and blog! Thank you Charlotte!

  51. Give George salt and pepper hair. Put a shirt and tweed sports Jacket on him and voila', a mini Michael Middleton.

  52. So lovely that Kate and Charlotte's outfits complimented each other's so nicely. Good choices Kate. And George's light blue fits in also.

    1. Portrait quality photos. Really.

    2. Portrait worthy, for sure. Kate planned that so that they would all compliment each other.

  53. Amy, Detroit Michigan11 June 2016 at 20:13

    So glad to see what she was actually wearing. We were on the parade route but they ride by so fast you can'talk tell, lol.
    What a lovely day, stayed for the whole thing and we weren't close enough to be able to see Charlotte, so boo!
    Man, you Britain sure do have the pageantry down to a science. I LOVED it!!

    1. How wonderful! You can catch up on all the pics, but you experienced it! Nice!

    2. Amy, so happy that you and yours got to be there.

    3. Amy, Detroit Michigan12 June 2016 at 08:46

      Oh my gosh, reading this the next day and I can see the 30 hours of no sleep shows in that post. I swear, my typing is not usually full of so many errors. Lol.

      Royalfan, it was so cool to be able to see!

  54. what a truely beautifull family princess charlotte is just adorable. i think she looks like the queen she has her nose for sure. prince george is so so cute that face with his eyes shut is just to much but when he tried to climb over the balconey was very scary but everyone acted fast thank god. i love kates hat really pretty but the one side of her hair that is covering her ear i don't like at all the other side is very nice. i think she should have worn something new for such a special occashin ( bad spelling ) i love the earings but the neckless does not go with them. i thought the queen looked stunning in that beautifull in the bright green and the pink flower she really stood out as it was her day. thank you charlotte for a wonderfull post.

  55. So enjoyed reading this and the photos. Does George have what we in the US call a cowlick? He is adorable and his little sister is sweet. What a lovely family.

  56. Apparently, after George's attempt to start climbing over the balcony wall, William knelt down beside him as he and the Queen explained to George what was on the other side of the balcony. They let George look over the balcony to the pavement below so he wouldn't try to climb up on the balancing wall again.
    There are slides of that on you tube.

  57. I really thought that Kate and her daughter and son and husband looked very lovely. Pink suits Kate.

  58. Theresa, from Paris11 June 2016 at 21:39

    Gorgeous Duchess ! In blue yesterday at the church and today ...
    Lovely hair up - at last !!

  59. Kate looks just amazing!The dress is just perfect but not a fan of the hat or the old looking earrings. Vintage is good but those earrings are just bad never mind with that hat.

  60. I thought Kate looked luminous! Was it the outfit? Makeup? Or simply being with her husband and children...she looks so happy and relaxed as a mom and wife. Beautiful photos~

    1. It is Kate's natural grace showing through.

  61. I noticed something while looking at several pictures today...George sometimes makes a face that looks exactly like Diana. It is striking. Charlotte and George are very similar can definitely tell they are siblings. I'm the oldest of 3 children, and we look nothing like each other. I have red curly hair and blue eyes, my sister has jet black hair and green eyes, and my brother has blond hair and brown eyes. There are no facial similarities between us, and people have always been stunned that we are related to each other. That is why I'm always taken by surprise when siblings look alike.

  62. Annette New Zealand12 June 2016 at 02:42

    It is curious that Prince Harry who is an officer in the Blues and Royals doesn't have a more active military role in the Trooping of the Colour. He seems out of place just riding in a carriage, especially as both the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duke of Kent are obviously not able to actively participate any longer. I know that the Princess Royal is Colonel in chief of his regiment, but the BBC commentary did say that the regiments can and do move the officers around.

    1. I think a male accompanies any woman in a carriage.

  63. Can someone name all the members of the Royal family that appeared on the balcony today?

  64. Can anyone name all the members of the Royal family that appeared on the balcony today?

  65. im enjoying everything so fab the kate looked relaxed mother looking forward at the lunch

  66. What a beautiful, beautiful family! The children are lovely, and their mother..... just exquisite today. I love the neckline on the dress-coat (very flattering) and the hat, hairdo and jewellery were perfect in my book. Do we know what she wore for shoes?

  67. I love it all except the earrings.

  68. I have so enjoyed the last several posts Charlotte- thank you! the event was a spectacular one and I so enjoyed seeing a good number of the Royals and it was a treat to see George and Charlotte. They are both so cute and he is a real entertainer! I loved her selection of clothing and accessories today- she looked beautiful and relaxed. I like the hat selection (light pink) with her cream colored dress. While looking at the photos and reading the post, my thought was at how much Princess Diana would be proud of her son and his beautiful family. She is looking down on them and smiling her beautiful smile.

  69. Thanks Charlotte for all you hard work in posting this blog. I am truly grateful for all your hard work. Words fail me in trying to express my thoughts today. I am simply very happy to see the Cambridge family out on the balcony. Princess Charlotte and Prince George are simply delightful, The pink flower the Duchess is wearing compliments Princess Charlotte's dress which in my humble opinion is more important that worrying about her critics. The Queen also sported pink flower for her great granddaughter. I completely agree that the Duchess is probably thinking about how these will look 30 years from now in archives. Her look is classic. The Royal family have pictures in archives of when the Queen was young Duchess Kate's choices might not please us but will certainly archive well.
    I am on overload from all the engagements and choices and seeing those two beautiful young children. Love love love everything.
    Once again thanks so very much Charlotte. You are by far the best.

  70. Charlotte was assiduously working to cut a tooth. Sometimes she took her hand out of her mouth to play with Kate's sparkly necklace or to cover her ears from the jets' noise. But mostly she was holding those sore gums.

    Although her eyes and coloring are like Kate's, the structure of Charlotte's face is more like William's. She is an interesting blend.

  71. Alaina from NJ12 June 2016 at 13:39

    We all know Kate is the queen of wardrobe recycling and yesterday was no exception. She was absolutely stunning, the only miss for me were the earrings. It was so wonderful to see the family together. The kids are growing so fast and it's always lovely to see them.

    As for the wardrobe choices, I really think that Kate knows how closely they are examined and does her best to not waste money on new clothes constantly. I think she does a wonderful job dressing the kids as well. My own personal thought is that she is dressing Prince George in Prince William's outfits as a nod to Princess Diana. Obviously, Diana isn't here to participate and I think by choosing something that Diana had a hand in choosing for William, she's including Diana with the children. I would think that her and Carole probably shop together and Carole gets to share in those moments (perhaps they picked out Charlotte's outfit together?). I know a lot of people say Princess Charlotte favors Kate's family, but I do have to say, with no offense to the Middleton's but I see 100% Queen Elizabeth in little Charlotte.

    I do have one question, is there a reason that Kate never wears nail polish or a manicure? I'm not talking crazy colors but even just a light pink or a French manicure. It bothers me when we see closeups of the kids and her nails aren't done.

    1. In higher corporate positions women rarely wear nail polish. The Queen doesn't wear nail polish. I do think Kate wore a neutral gold polish on her toenails for sports aid though when she wore that beautiful Roland dress. William may not like polished nails or a lot of make-up.

    2. Her nails are manicured here. She's wearing a very pale pink slightly translucent shade.

  72. Charlotte looks just like William!!What a lovely family, and George and Charlotte are so adorable!Can't stop drooling ;-)XOXO

  73. Kate looked stunning! I think the earrings might be practical, as dangly earrings attract the attention and pulling from a little one. I wonder if dressing George and Charlotte vintage mitigates the "Kate effect" of everyone buying the brand. Sweet Charlotte is a bit fussy because of teething! I have noticed an uptick in William's engagements and inclusion in the past 6 months. I think Kate would be added to the Privy Council after Charles is King and they are preparing for William's rise to the throne. DWLee333

  74. Charlotte did seem to be teething. I think Kate will no doubt be added to the Privy Council and I think they are certainly preparing William for his role as King.
    Obviously, Charles is nearing 70 and the Queen is 90.
    To not prepare William for succession now would be
    very irresponsible. And they are not irresponsible.


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