Friday 1 July 2016

UPDATED: Kate in Lace Dress for Sombre Commemorative Events in France

For their second day in France, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge returned to the Thiepval Memorial to officially open the new Thiepval Museum.

 It's incredibly poignant to see a sea of poppies, filled with messages from the public, organised by the Royal British Legion.

This day 100 years ago, 1 July 1916, became one of the bloodiest in military history with almost 20,000 killed and double that number wounded in the first day of fighting.

William, Kate and Harry toured the centre where they visited the Somme tapestry.

A graphic mural lines the wall of the Thiepval centre, telling the history of the battles in the Somme countryside.

Prince William and President Hollande unveiled a plaque. The Visitor Centre welcomes over 150,000 people to the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing each year. At the Visitor Centre the memorial is put in the context of the battlefield. Display panels in three languages — English, French and German — provide an overview of the course of the Great War from 1914-1918. Display panels focus on events during the Battle of the Somme in 1916 which occurred at the small village of Thiepval and its surroundings.

The new museum offers new galleries themed on the battles of the Somme and to the memory of the lost soldiers. The permanent 400m2 exhibition presents a great collection of artefacts, archaeological finds, multimedia displays and life-sized installations (replica of Charles Guynemer's plane). Like a window opening up onto the battle, Joe Sacco's vast 60 metre-long mural provides a visual account of the 1st July 1916.

The missing.

The gallery dedicated to the Battle of the Somme opens onto a mural by illustrator Joe Sacco, it recounts hour by hour the horror of the tragic day of 1 July 1916. In the centre of the hall, a vast exhibition pit displays artefacts and archaeological finds of the First World War.

Afterwards, the young royals joined Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall and the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester for the National Commemorative Event to mark the Centenary of the Battle of the Somme at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Memorial to the Missing. The royals greeted (soon to be former) Prime Minister David Cameron who has had a tumultuous week. French and British schoolchildren marked each of the graves.

A sombre moment.

The royals joined political leaders including Prime Minister David Cameron, the Irish President Michael D Higgins, and French President François Hollande. Princess Anne's husband, Sir Timothy Laurence, was also there in his capacity as trustee of the Commonwealth Graves Commission.

The Kings Troop Royal Horse Artillery passed as the service of remembrance got underway. Organisers said the event was designed to tell the story of the Battle of the Somme through music, readings and hymns accompanied by the BBC Orchestra. The royals walked past the graves of unknown soldiers killed without known burial sites. Emily Andrews reported Kate giggled as she spoke French saying "It's about GCSE level" but was praised for "very good" language skills by a child she spoke to. After the service, Kate chatted with Poppy Hodgson, from Hermitage Academy in Chester-le-Street. Ms Hodgson said: 'She said it was quite emotional being here and that they were really enjoying their visit. She said it was very moving.' Kensington Palace shared this photo with the appropriate caption: "At the going down of the sun and in the morning; We will remember them."

Kate wore a new lace dress for today's events. The knee-length frock is crafted of beige lace over black underlay and features a peter pan collar, three-quarter length sleeves and peplum detail. At this point the designer is unidentified. Whilst we don't know the identity of the designer yet, we do know the lace was supplied by French lacemaker Sophie Hallette (with thanks to Sarah Beth).

The house of Sophie Hallette began its journey in 1887 and has gained recognition globally for making French lace and tulle. From McQueen to Dolce & Gabbana, their lace is used by high-end designers and favoured by celebrities.

Sophie Hallette

The house first gained international recognition when Marilyn Monroe was seen in a bustier dress made of Hallette lace in 1953.

Sophie Hallette

Kate has worn Sophie Hallette lace on a number of occasions - most notably her wedding day.

Sophie Hallette

Most recently, Kate's white Dolce & Gabbana dress and grey Erdem coat both used Sophie Hallette lace.

As you can see, the popularity of the lace is considerable, meaning an array of designers could have created Kate's dress. Given Kate's close relationship with Sarah Burton and penchant for wearing McQueen on occasions of great importance I would lean towards that possibility. Equally, I wouldn't discount the likes of Dolce & Gabbana and Erdem. You can see the list of designers they supply here.

Kate brought back the black 'Lion Tamer' hat by Sylvia Fletcher for Lock & Co. hat she wore for Trooping the Colour and Sam Waley Cohren's wedding, both in 2011.

Kate accessorised with her Annoushka pearls and Kiki McDonough hoops.


The Duchess wore a poppy and a cornflower on her lapel today, as did the Duchess of Cornwall. The cornflower is the French equivelent of the poppy, and completed the look with her black suede Mulberry clutch and black suede Gianvito Rossi pumps.

Gianvito Rossi

The next engagement in Kate's diary is the Art Fund Museum of the Year Prize on Wednesday. I also think it likely we'll see Kate at Wimbledon at some point over the next week. Until next time, wishing you all a wonderful weekend! :)


  1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 12:36

    Yet another moving day and event! All those stories. So powerful. And the kids at the end. Such a hope for the future and a reminder of the past. I am very happy that the royals went around and talked to the children a bit! And in french none the less!!What an event. And I have to say that the trio has behaved impecibly. Solemn and dignified in every way. Kudos! And yet another clear step in "heavier" events and occations. These two days they have really been prominent senior royals, a sight we will get more and more used to.

    I have to say, I was unaware of Kate's personal connections to WWI. Not that I'm surprised, but very moving.

    I am very happy to see this hat again. I've always liked it :) Yet another great 2011 repeat! Although.. I'm not sure it works as well with an updo as with hair out.. But updo is the right choice for the occation. And the more I see it, the more I like it with the updo.

    The dress works very well. It's still sombre, but like the people around her, not mourning. The dark base made it really work in this "half-mourning" kind of dresscode. If I remember correctly, beige together with white and lilac etc is a half mourning color.

    Her looks these days has been very good versions of "the princess uniform". I think I liked yasterdays look more but that is probably because of my love for pillboxes. But who cares, both looks were proper and suitable and this is an occation that really isn't about style.

    1. What connections does she have to WW I? Could not find a word in the post.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 15:57

      Oh, it wasn't in the post. The BBC coverage said she had 3 (I think it was) great uncles that fought (or died?) in WWI and I seem to remember them saying one of them was in france but I can't remember the specifics.

    3. The BBC commentator mentioned that Kate had great-uncles and(I think) a grandfather that served in WWI. No more details were given.

      In all fairness I imagine it would be fairly difficult to find any British family that did not have at least one relative involved in some way with the first World War.

    4. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:17

      Exactly anon, why it's not surprising but still moving.

    5. It was Camilla that had 3 great uncles (brothers) who died in WW1. THe eldest, Henry, died on the Somme.

    6. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:49

      They talked about it when Kate was in frame and said Duchess of Cambridge. But they also talked about Camillas great uncles (including the one she laid flower at the grave later during the day).

    7. The Express has published an article clarifying the matter-Kate had three great-uncles that all died during WWI: The Lupontons-Maurice died in 1915, Lionel at the Somme in 1916, and Francis in 1917. Their surviving sister Olive, Kate's paternal great-grandmother, volunteered as a nurse during the war.

      Here's a link to the article if you're interested:

    8. Thanks for the details 01:59. Her great uncle, Lionel, was friends with Diana's grandfather, Albert Spencer, and they enlisted together. Albert survived and lived until 1976.

    9. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 11:55

      Thank you so much Anon 01.59!

    10. 01:59,

      Those tragedies had something good come from them. The deaths of the three Lupton boys left two sisters, Olive and Anne. Anne never married and had no children. Olive, Kate's great grandmother had sole heir ship then to the Lupton family fortune. She was able to establish educational trust funds for her future generations because of the scope of that family wealth that was solely hers since her brothers passed in their youth and her sister was childless. Frank Lupton did have one daughter. Those educational trust funds allowed Kate to attend Marlbourough and then St. Andrews, where she got to know the aristocracy, and then, even met a guy named William. She now will be Queen of England and the British Commonwealth and her son will be king and every British monarch in the future will be directly related to Kate. I hope her fallen uncles have been watching Kate and her family from the balconies of heaven, rejoicing.

    11. Interesting article, 01:59. Not who the writer isn't.

    12. Sadly, had Kate's uncles not passed away in the war, Kate might never have attended Marlborough or St. Andrews and may never have met William.

  2. Who cares if it's yet another lace dress, she looks fabulous! ;)

  3. im really fan of her lace dress two days event I can see the solemn of the event also quite raining too

  4. What an emotional two days. Again I must comment that it was uplifting to see so many of the Royal Family involved in this sad commemoration. I noticed several pictures of Kate where she had tears in her eyes.
    I thought she looked very elegant and spot on for the occasion. Looking at the pictures of her in the hat in 2011, one realizes that she has beautifully segued from a girl to a classic woman. Ingenue to Leading Lady.
    Wonderful post Charlotte. Hauntingly sad though.

  5. gorgeous and one of my favorite hats!

  6. All day yesterday I kept checking to see if the post was up, what was Kate wearing, etc. Then I read the post and now this one and what a gut check that there are more important things than what Kate is wearing. She looks beautiful and I love the dress and hair but most movingly, I"m reminded to never forget.

  7. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 13:10

    Charlotte, I noticed that in the comments on the last post quite a few people noticed the matching ties and were wondering about the reason and also about why Harry has more medals than William. I know this blog is about Kate mainly, but I think it might be helpful to have a small note about why they wear these things and what they stand for. I answered some of those comments from the other post but I think many would appriciate this knowledge on top of all the other knowledge you compile for us. Just a suggestion. A terrific post as usual, with the focus on the truly important parts!

    1. If I remember correctly on their medals. Both Harry and William wear the Golden and Diamond Jubilee medals. Harry has an extra one from his Afghanistan campaign that he personal served in.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 19:30

      Exactly :)

  8. Kate is usually so very good at dressing for the occasion and the environment, but this dress didn't work today. It was a perfect match for the gravel walkways and, in some pictures, she blended quite nicely with the walls inside the center. She seemed to match the artwork behind her quite well. In my head I started singing the little ditty from Sesame Street, "one of these things is not like the other..." when I saw the elevated shot of them all standing in formation. The other ladies were wearing navy. While I don't think she needed to be just like the others, their outfits seemed to work better with the environment. This was a rare miss in that regard. Yesterday's coat was interesting (though she wore it strangling her again), today's dress is just blah. I like it a lot less than her other nude lace dress which is a touch warmer in hue as well. She used to wear jackets with dresses and it worked. Sometimes I wish she'd try that again. She could have used the older dress with a jacket like her black Ralph Lauren and all the same accessories. Oh well...

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:00

      I liked that she blendded in so well. Both gray (which she is wearing a beige-gray tone of) and navy are half mourning colours which are very suitable to an event like this. And it was so perfect that she sort of melted in to the surroundings!And the darkness under the lace made it suitable solemn in my mind, in a way that her other lace dresses would not accomplish.

    2. She looks elegant and appropriate. Love the retro look of the last two days. The fit of the outfit was superb. Would be surprised if this is not a McQueen.

      A real shame that the US doesn't join in the observance. We all need to remember.

    3. It does seem trivial to comment on fashion, but I noticed the same thing with the color of the dress matching the gravel. I think navy would have been appropriate. I am pleased the Duchess repeated one of my all time favorite hats.

    4. I too liked that she "blended in". When you look at the picture from above where all the dignitaries are in line, the navy dresses of the other women do look very nice. Kate, on the other hand,stands out with these colors but in a very subtle way. Her sartorical nod to France with the lace and the half mourning colors are completely "en pointe" for the occasion and in keeping to her own sense of style. And like Rebecca, I agree that the subtlety of this dress is appropriately solemn, elegant and timeless.

    5. Anon 19:37, The reason the US wasn't involved in these observances was because we didn't enter WWI until April 1917. There was no US presence at the battle of the Somme. I'm sure the U.S. will observe other, later WWI events as their centennials arrive.

  9. Nicole from France1 July 2016 at 13:18

    what a nice gesture towards French people to wear a cornflower together woth the poppy , I do appreciate it ! and Kate looked quite moved, rather often, I remember her hiding tears on Remembrance day , I hope she will always show her emotion even in public . but omg, where did she find that dress ? it looks 40 years older than Kate ! I did like what she wore yesterday, elegant with a touch of fantasy but still serious, but to day .... the hat does not complement the dress,the dress looks like an old dusty piece of clothe, and to me , it is not quite adequate to the situation .....

    1. Pas d'accord! I love this dress that fits Kate so well and think it was perfectly adequate to the circumstances.
      On an other hand, Hollande didn't match the Royal Family's distinction.

  10. Someone mentioned that Kate had family in WWI.
    They didn't mention any details or any links to those articles. What family links to WWI did she have?

  11. Beige lace over a black underlayment. Beauty out of ashes. Another "Kate thing"?

    1. That, with the Victorian colors of mourning, is probably also a "Kate thing".

    2. Is that a palm leaf design in the lace?
      Does that symbolize "honor"?

      I think so. A bespoke piece that speaks volumes.
      So like Kate. So thoughtful. Another "Kate thing".

    3. 14:36, it appears to be! I'm glad you pointed it out. :)

  12. Emotional times for so many. And yet we still wager war. 100 years later, we still focus on what little things make us different, not the so many that make us all human. Terribly sad.

    William, Harry and Kate are trying their best I'd say. I'm impressed with them.

    On the sartorial side, I am sure I am in the minority, but I don't like this dress on Kate. It's very busy, has so much going that I don't know what to look at first. And even the fit is not quite great. It looks like it's too tight on her shoulders.

    I know, I know... There will be lots of you telling me that I am wrong. But it is not a look I love...

    Still friends, right?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:01

      I wont tell you you're wrong. Liking a garment is 90% subjective! I might argue why I kind of like it (although I'm not head over heals either), but never say you're WRONG! :P

  13. Sarah Maryland USA1 July 2016 at 13:41

    Im not a huge fan of the dress. I don't like the peplum nor the peter pan color. Plus she has so many other lace dresses that would've been better for this event. If she wanted to go for half mourning that purple lace one would've been nice
    I wonder, what determines whether or not she wears a coat to an event?

    1. I agree with you, Sarah. Usually I love Kate's lace dresses. Though, I have some reservations on this one, especially the big lace pattern and the Peter Pan collar.

  14. If she would have worn yesterday's pillbox with today's dress, it would have been perfect!!!

  15. There are no words to describe how ELEGANT Kate looks. It is perfection again today. I love the picture of Prince William and Prince Harry keeping her dry with their umbrellas. The look on her face is priceless!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:02

      I agree. She truly looks elegant! Like the individual pieces or not, I think she cuts a very elegant and timeless figure in a way that is very befitting to a princess at an event like this!

    2. I agree, Rebecca.

    3. I agree Rebecca, she looks like a princess, and totally appropriate for this solemn event.

    4. Vintage perfection and I love every bit of it. She looked elegant and appropriate, as she should.

  16. Beautiful, gorgeous, elegant, and completely appropriate for the occasion. Love the look from head to toe.

  17. Sonja from Bavaria1 July 2016 at 14:14

    In the photo which KP posted in which look down and you see them from the side it almost looks like baby no. 3 is on board ;) it really looks like she has a baby bump, but probably it is just the angle of the photo... in others the dress highlights how slim she is - thoughts??

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:04

      My thought is that I don't feel like focusing on a womans stomach debating if it's a baby, a burrito or just some gas. I'll happily celebrate if they announce another little one, but before that, her uterus, her buissness.

    2. I noticed that also. Wouldn't that be exciting.
      I love her look the past two days,stunning!!

    3. Marci from Utah1 July 2016 at 21:10

      I am with you, Rebecca - Sweden. Nobody's business until it is announced. IF.

    4. ... I noticed it too...

    5. Rebecca,
      It is a matter of variation in tradition. It is a common human curiosity with good will forward into a probable workings of a new life, a part of custom etc. Partly it is a joyous guessing. It is definitely better than talking about some body's death, another fact of life nonetheless.

    6. Rebecca - Sweden3 July 2016 at 19:26

      Fair enough Anon15. But considering how many people struggle with fertility issues or just maybe such a thing as body issues, I think it does more harm than good to speculate on pregnancies like this.

  18. Her single best style achievement over the past month has been her hair!

    Now, if she could only let go of the clutched clutch ...

    1. Caroline in Montana1 July 2016 at 21:01

      I dont think she can get rid of the clutch, kind of like the queen always has that purse. Im sure in addition to being a "clutch" there may be some security involved. Id say she is one of the top royals for security measures.

    2. You mean like a tracking device in their purses? Never thought about that. Would assume some discrete device that could be attached to clothes would be the best bet as a purse is often put down. ali

  19. The dress coordinates with the tapestry in the background of one of the pictures. The dress is lovely.

    One of the profile pictures suggests another little Cambridge might be on the way?

  20. I completely agree Tedi....well said. The Royal Family has certainly been well represented these past two days. We are all tied together in these moments of remembrance. Loved her hat with this dress and she is absolutely appropriate for the occasion. To quote Rebecca, while this "is an occasion that really isn't about style", the Duchess always seem to have just the right look and touches and sets the tone. She is definitely stepping into her own these days. Well done by all three of the Royals.

  21. I really love this dress. It is beautiful and fits impeccably. I much preferred it to yesterday's coat. I'm also glad to see her up again. It looks so polished and formal for the sombre event. This is one of my favourite looks for the Duchess. My only quibble is that sometimes she blended into the gravel path, particularly in the overhead shots. Otherwise, a gorgeous look and I wish that I could wear this dress!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:06

      I think THAT she blended in was a plus. She was neither the focus at this event nor the most senior one there. I think it was very diplomatically savvy.

    2. Caroline in Montana1 July 2016 at 21:02

      I totally agree Rebecca!

    3. But I thought it was nice she was the only one not wearing navy in those group shots that included other royals. =D Mad her stand out without standing out, if you see what I mean.

    4. Her dress was a message to all who mourned.
      The palm leaves, symbolizing victory, triumph, peace and eternal life, over a background of black, sent encouragement. It wasn't just any old random dress. Kate was speaking through via her clothing choices once again. She has done that many times before. The sepia tones made it like a postcard of the era.

  22. yes pretty en emotional in two days we get too see the royal trio again back in action

  23. I love that Kate's been wearing her hair up lately, especially with hats! This one looks so much better with an updo.

    I don't usually like tops that emphasize Kate's shoulders, just because she's so thin through her waist/hips and it can throw the proportions off, but the peplum detail does a good job of balancing out the look.

  24. Elegant, appropriate, and the fit (unlike yesterday) is perfect. Love this hat with the updo. A+ all around.

  25. As a very very interested Person for all the things that happened on de WWI and WWII, i'm always very pleased to see the duchess on such Events. I'm from Switzerland, but me and my boyfriend go (went?) every year one time on a trip for esample to Normandie, Somme, Verdun, Ardennes etc......

    The deep Respect that I feel for all These men who have gived their lives for theese countrys I can't descripe (for theese, my english is not good enough!).

    But now I have to say: The Dress of Catherine is one of the greatest Ive ever seen on her! Completely thrilled!! The 40s Look Looks great on her!

    I wish you all a nice wkend (and sorry for my bad english.......)


    1. Your English was certainly good enough Chispa. Very sweet.

    2. Marci from Utah1 July 2016 at 21:15

      I agree with you, Chispa, that it is hard to express enough appreciation for the men and women who gave their lives in those wars (WWI and WWII). What a wonderful trip you and your boyfriend must have had. It is good to see the Cambridges and Prince Harry as well as Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall and all the other dignitaries, French, English, and German, at this event. I am very disappointed there were no American representatives attending, even if the USA had not yet officially entered the war when the Battle of the Somme was fought. It still was also their war too. But perhaps none were invited.

  26. Thank you Charlotte. My granddaughter and I were at the House of Parliament yesterday in Ottawa. It has many statues and plaques to WW1 as it was the first war where Canada participated as its own "country" while still part of the Empire. Percentage wise we and Australis and New Zealand suffered huge losses. I grew up with it as vividly in my mind as WW2.
    This is grace, elegance and respect personified in these moving ceremonies. Bit by bit the WW1 vets have gone on--now we who remain remember them, their altruistic sacrifice for what they believed was the right thing to do for their country. My great uncle died in a field hospital one month before Armistice.

  27. Another very moving day of events. I am not a big lace fan but I like this dress. Will be interested to see who the designer is. The hat is great and works well with the dress. Was Timothy Lawrence with them last evening also? ali

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:09

      Timothy has a newly appointed role with the Commonwealth War Graves Commision (The Duke of Kent is the president) and was there in his role with that! He spoke at the event today and was prominently present both these days.

    2. Would love for someone to share where to watch some of these occasions. Am in the states and can never find (except for when Charlotte shares some links) where to watch some of these events. Would have loved to hear William's speech in full. Is there some universal place to go to on the Internet?

    3. Hello,

      I will update the post as soon as I find a good video :)

    4. Thank you so much!

  28. I love reading the posts, especially when I learn something about topics people share. Like the half-mourning "dresscode" (thanks Rebecca). While I am clear on mourning guidelines, did not know about half-mourning.....her dress certainly fits the category. Have to believe that there is a good deal of research done prior to any engagement to be sure that the dress, the tone and social cues are all appropriate. Don't know if it is coinicidence or not, but if you look at the picture of Kate standing in front of the graphic mural, the top portion of it has a very similar pattern to that of her dress. Whether it was thought out or not, Kate always seems to hit the right satorical looks. She stands out but in a very water colored way, muted and quite timeless.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:14

      Yeah, I was not aware of half-mourning before either, but appearantly there were very strict british mourning customs during victorian times that included the time you were supposed to be in full, half etc mourning with accompanying dresscode, colours and even width of black borders on correspondance and envelopes. A whole science of it's own and very fascinating to look into!

    2. Half mourning was after about a year(?) I think, and instead of black women could wear white, lavender/mauve and grey.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 11:57

      It was depending on your closeness to the deceased. And the change in colours were gradual. So an uncle would go into half mourning long before a wife for example. As I said, a whole science.

  29. Kate looks lovely, and I like the two flowers worn together. The streak of mascara on her face in some of the pictures testifies to the tragedy of the accounts she heard. On a lighter note, I always wonder what satellite signals that hat receives!

    1. I'm sorry, where do you see any streaks of mascara? I don't see any. In one photo I see a shadow on her face cast by one of the things on her hat but I don't see any mascarra. Which photos are you referring to? Thank you.

    2. In the fifth picture, the feather stem and its shadow are over Kate's ear. The broad streak that starts at the outer corner of her eye and runs down her cheek appears to be makeup. It is visible two pictures down, taken at a slightly different angle. And remnants of it are visible around Kate's eye in other pictures after the smear has been wiped away.

      Kate's glance toward David Cameron in the thirteenth picture is also very interesting. It seems to combine various thoughts.

  30. The umbrella photos and Kate's expressions are very endearing. They did have that beautiful hat to contend with during their efforts to keep their dear Kate dry.

  31. Thankfully, the leaders of Germany and Austria were present with other world leaders, including William and Kate at the memorial services in Belgium last year. Apparently the Belgium city of Leige, the first target of that war, experienced children being bayoneted and civilians being used as human shields as the Germans advanced toward France. Were the leaders of Germany, Austria and the other German allies there in France today for the memorial as they were in Belgium?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 July 2016 at 16:19

      THere was a german soldier speaking in German (I think, I might be wrong) and a former German president there. It's so important that they as well are recognized!

    2. Annette New Zealand2 July 2016 at 05:29

      I'm not sure about the children being bayoneted. There was a lot of propaganda on both sides as in all wars and I thought that story had been discredited long ago.

    3. Annette,

      The propaganda turns out not to have been propaganda at all, sadly, but mostly fact. There are many studies that have been done and interviews with eyewitnesses present at the time.
      Just google Liege WWI and there are many articles to help clarify fact from fiction.

  32. I don't like myself for saying this - especially given the gravity of this occasion, but I only have a few minutes right now to comment so I'm going to use the time to say..........could Kate be pregnant? I spy a little pooch there.

    Already wish I hadn't said it - tapping "publish" anyway. ;)

    1. I thought that too! But maybe it's just her way to stand, her pose, that gives the impressione that she's pregnant. I would love to have a Baby Cambridge#3.

    2. Florida Girl, I have looked at least 4 versions of that photo through this site and others and I've concluded that The Duchess does look in the early stage of a third pregnancy. Her face even looks fuller. But maybe she ate too much French food or she is at that time of the month? Time will certainly tell!

    3. I thought that too! And she didn't touch her wine the other day at the EACH reception. But, yes, it could be her pose, or just the moment she was breathing in. Or some French croissants for breakfast? ;-) Can morning sickness be overcome? Karin

    4. Tammmy from California1 July 2016 at 17:14

      Don't be surprised if she is, I typed that when she was pregnant with Charlotte and she WAS!

    5. I spied the pooch too! But Id give her the benefit of doubt, at this point. I observe Kate's style vey similar to CP Mary's ..she has outdone herself in terms of her sartorial choices,, was heart wrenching to read yesterday's post.....

    6. Agree with Anon 17:19, it's likely just her stance. Wearing sky-high heels often causes a forward-shifted pelvis and a belly 'pooch.' Would love to be wrong though!

    7. Perhaps she didn't drink that particular glass of wine at that time because she was working, busy doing the meet and greet and wanting to stay sober while making sure she spoke to every contributor. She may have had wine with dinner.

    8. It looks like it, but given her track record of severe morning sickness, I think we can rule it out. There's no way she'd be as busy as she's been having to hover over the toilet all day long. I think it's likely the dress and her posture in the photo.

    9. Optical illusion with the extra material at the waist.

    10. An 18:05: why would she carry a wine glass if not to drink it (EACH reception)? And how do you know she did not drink it? Just because there is no pix?

    11. There is no need to make an "I'm not drinking" statement at a social gathering.
      Carrying a glass and not drinking allows one to appear sociable without

  33. I thought she looked lovely yesterday, but this lace ensemble knocks it out of the park. She looks elegant, classy, and appropriate for the occasion. Her hair up is perfect here, as well.

  34. This has been a remarkable two days. Charlotte, thank you for the historical background you've provided. The black and white photo of the soldiers from yesterday was particularly haunting. I couldn't help but take a close look at those smiling faces and wonder what became of them. It's good that these remembrances are given the importance they're due, less the world forget the terrible sacrifices made on our behalf.

    The royal trio looked very appropriate and conducted themselves beautifully. They are a credit to their families and their country.

  35. Wow, wow and a bit more wow! I think Kate has truly surpassed herself sartorially these last couple of days. I loved last night's Missoni coat and that stunning pillbox with her hair up, but this is just magnificent. There is not one single thing I would change about today's outfit. I love the combination of colours - black for mourning and stone to tie in with the colour of the graves and the memorial. I think that hat complements this dress perfectly, with the curves of the hat echoing the curves of the scalloping and the collar - I much prefer the hat with this outfit than with either of the 2011 ones. What a triumph - way to go Kate!

    If I was a betting woman (which I'm not!), I would hazard a guess that the designer is one of three: McQueen (because of the exquisite tailoring, because that's a go-to label for Kate on big occasions and because it's another lace overlay sheath like the nude pink one for the Diamond Jubilee celebrations); Catherine Walker (because the Peter Pan collar and puff sleeves remind me of the blue flowery coatdress from Trooping the Colour 2015, she's wearing a lot more Catherine Walker lately and because Catherine Walker was French - a nice touch); or Erdem (just because, you know, lace sheaths and all that!).

    If this is a sign of the Kate to come, then I can't wait. I'm really reminded, for the umpteenth time, of Princess Diana, whose knockout fashion looks didn't really get going properly until after the birth of her second child. Looks like Kate may be following suit.

    1. Like your symbolism of the colors and completely agree. She is dressed in sepia tones which are also symbolic of times gone by! She did hit the mark for sure!

  36. Tammmy from California1 July 2016 at 17:14

    Hymns sung, how refreshing! NEVER happens here in the U.S. because of church and state separation. Very. very refreshing.
    Love Kate's whole look today!

    1. Tammy- it depends on what you call a hymn."The Baatle Hymn of the Republic" and "Amazing Grace" come to mind.

  37. Maybe my post was lost in the net, so I will write it again: it seems to me that the lace's motif is palm. It is a traditional symbol of martyrdom, and it seems a very appropriate and sensitive choice for this commemoration, another of those kind of "talking fabrics" she often employs for her outfits.

    1. Just another example of Kate's mark on her choices! Also the recent news that the lace is by a French lacemaker makes it even more meaningful. Well done Kate!!

    2. French lace, perhaps a French designer, beige palms leaves in the lace connotating honor, beige over black connotating hope, beige lace as a color of a certain level of mourning as in Victorian times. These all could be "Kate things". She does wear motifs in her fabrics, colors that are connotative of the event that she wears them to.
      She does speak pictorially, as we have noted before.

    3. Paola-did you see the "Load more" comments to you from readers as well as the permanent adm. note at the end of each
      post now?
      I was so glad to see your comment today. Thought we had lost you.

    4. Paola, thanks.

      I googled palm branches and have more details that added to your observation in a text here.

      I truly believe she wore that motif over black for
      a reason to honor the fallen and to encourage people.

    5. Paola, you may have to tap the "load more" more than once after it "loads" each new page, depending on how many pages there are. When it doesn't indicate "load more" anymore you know you are then current on the full number of comments and you will find your comment also.

  38. Amen Tammy. (Except the whole separation of church and state is a total misinterpretation of Thomas Jefferson's letter.)

  39. Charlotte - just a quick word of thanks for running a terrific blog that sets the perfect tone (fun but never gushing) & a fantastic comment section that encourages lively & courteous debate (Particularly one where people aren't vilified when they say that they're not fond of a look etc). Some of the other blogs have scarily militant commenters & any hint of dissension is rapidly quashed. I love your blog because it's fun to discuss Kate & fashion but you never let that over-shadow the more important occasions. The tone is just perfect!! Thanks again!

    1. anon 19:03-dissension is one thing; contention quite another.

  40. As always, Kate was impeccably turned out from head to toe. I do like the dress because I think she had a major hand in the design and fabric selection. Tjerefore, I think she must like it very much and after all, Kate dresses firstly to please her own self!

  41. What a lovely outfit on Kate. I'm really liking her looks the last 2 days. As far as who her dress is by, Tom and Lorenzo are reporting it's Sophie Hallett (

    Thank you also for all of the history. Being in the US, its been a nice read. :)

    1. Thank you very much Sarah Beth :)

      Great spot! Sophie Hallette is a French lacemaker, perhaps it was supplied to McQueen or another designer?

    2. Thanks so much, I had no idea. I thought she was a designer. :) I'll be interested to know who the designer is.

      And you're very welcome! I've been lurking on your blog for awhile, and I find it not only fun to see what Kate wears but also I really appreciate the history and background of the events she attends. This has quickly turned into one of my favorite blogs to check in to!

  42. Lovely styles both days. Hair lovely etc etc. Do you think she's a smoker? Her skin seems dull, not glowing. Or is it tiredness?

  43. WOW! I really like this dress. My two favorite looks by the DOC is the McQueen navy blue military outfit she wore on the Canadian tour and the red McQueen she wore to the diamond jubilee. Both items she has repeated this year to my joy and both were pieces I wasn't able to buy. But, this dress is stunning and may be my all time fave!

  44. As I already commented, I thought that the Duchess looked perfect for this solemn occasion. I am positive that if you see Kate in person she must be breathtaking. Pictures are fine of course, but nothing can compare to seeing her up close and personal.

  45. Why is she wearing a beige dress when everyone else is wearing blue?
    I think she looks beautiful. Good to see Charles and Camilla too.

    I think William's tender touch on her back is the most likely indicator that she could
    be expecting. But who knows.

    1. Just Kate's choice is my guess. In one of the photos, I see a woman in navy and white. And Camilla wore a predominantly white hat with navy trim. Personally, I thought the antique and black was very appropriate.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 11:59

      She's wearing a neutral, half mourning colour. Navy, white, gray/beige all fall within acceptable colours at this event.

    3. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 11:59

      Also, he does the hand thing all the time.

  46. Alejandra Ramírez1 July 2016 at 22:45

    Super mega excellent post! Love the extra information, thanks for sharing!
    My first thougth on the dress was Erdem, but it's very similar if not almost identical to the McQueen worn on 2012.
    What if she asked her private dressmaker to make it and add the lace?
    But I think McQueen is the most likely choice

    Great job dear Charlotte! You make many Royal Watchers very happy! :D

  47. I like this dress. Kate seems to really favor lace garments and she always looks great in them.

  48. Sarah from Calif.1 July 2016 at 23:21

    So much Pain and Beauty combined in one post.......sigh.

    Love the dress and the 3 Musketeers together!

  49. Wait a minute.

    I thought Kate's wedding gown was made there in London by some British Historical lace-making group or something like that. The only French lace I remember them mentioning was the lace on the veil. Remember, Kate even went to that British Historical lace-making place a couple of weeks after the wedding to thank the British lace-makers personally for making all those beautiful lace flowers that were on her wedding gown.

    1. I agree - I thought her wedding dress was made entirely in England.

    2. Maybe the dress lace is from France and the veil from Britain? ali

    3. Anony 2 July 2016 at 00:48 – It says at that “Three companies are known to have produced lace for the dress: Sophie Hallette and Solstiice in France, and the Cluny Lace Company in Ilkeston, Derbyshire.” Apparently the lace motifs on the bodice were appliquéd on to silk net (tulle) by workers from the Royal School of Needlework, based at Hampton Court Palace....The skirt, underskirt trim and bridal train (which measured 270 cm — 110in) also incorporated lace appliquéd in a similar ....The lace was not specially commissioned for the dress, but chosen from stock patterns (what was formerly known only as Sophie Hallette’s "950264" is now known as "Kate’s lace"] and hence the floral motifs available were those present in the patterns.” Got this from Wikipedia so hope it’s accurate! Another neat article on the lace can be found here:

    4. Thanks leahmaria.

    5. leahmaria, thank you for the links. The second link was fascinating. ali

  50. Now this is the look fitting of a future consort! Just lovely and perfect for the solemn occasion.

  51. I must say, I could scroll down the blog and hit reply to each individual poster with, Agreed! I really like this look when I first saw it. I have always wanted to see that hat closer up and I think the "airiness" of it is a nice fit with the dress.

    She just looks lovely. I can see a "Kate Loves Lace" post down the road. She certainly does have quite a selection of lace in her dresses, gowns, coats and blouses.

  52. In a 2/12 article in the Telegraph, Tim Wolf shared how The Royal School of Needlework at Hampton Court Palace had made the lace for Kate's wedding gown using the CarrickMacross technique of lace making.
    I think the lace on Kate's veil was French, but the lace on her wedding gown was not.

  53. Not a fan of this look on Kate - it's bordering on costumy looking - reminds me too much of the 40s for a temporary look. I do like the lace however and the work of it over a black underlay is nice - just wish she would be more careful and not get too into a 'costume' type feel - she needs to feel her own fashion 100% of the time.

    1. Well, many items in Kate's wardrobe fall into the vintage category. I don't see it as costume-like; I think she is simply wearing clothes she is drawn to, and that are appropriate for her position.

      It's sort of ironic, but when I see women wearing the latest and greatest trend, whether it is flattering on them or not, I see a degree of costume dressing in that. Generally speaking, I think we gals need to have the confidence and independence to embrace, or refuse, what the designers are trying to sell.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 12:01

      Hmm, I don't agree at all. THe hat is contemporary, and 40s silouettes are rather modern at the moment.

    3. I agree, RF. People wearing trends that don't suit them is very costumey

  54. She looks absolutely elegant and lovely. I love her look from head to toe

    Thanks for all your hard work charlotte

  55. That is because William likes Kate in lace. Just a guess.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 12:01

      Or.. you know... Kate likes Kate in lace? Don't see why the hubby has to be used as an excuse when "I like it" is a good enough excuse.

    2. It isn't an "excuse". It is called love. And thoughtful consideration.

    3. My two cents... I believe Kate likes lace or she wouldn't wear it. But if William also likes it, I see nothing wrong with her wearing it with that additional detail in mind. Generally speaking ladies, the spark potential should not be underestimated!! ;)

    4. amen, 00:40. I doubt that there is a married woman here that hasn't, at least once, dressed to please her husband. From my own personal experience, I know that used to make my husband smile from ear to ear. (and take me out to dinner more often, lol)

      How often does a new bride choose her wedding gown thinking specifically about what kind of expression that will create on her groom's face when she first enters the sanctuary? Tears are usually the goal, btw. And I have seen that happen more than once.

    5. Rebecca - Sweden3 July 2016 at 19:34

      Ofc you dress to please a partner. But how come this is always the reason given when people want to "excuse" or "explain" something (long hair, lace, whatever it is) that it's always the male that is used to "validate" the choice. Why can't people just accept that she probably wears lace because she likes lace without having to put a male voice behind it to validate the choice. I know people mean well and ofc you should dress from time to time for your loved one and ofc it's nice to have him look at you that way. But I'm very tired of this "maybe her boyfriend wanted it" attitude that is a wierd remnant of old views. It's just uneccessary. And I know people mean well and we've had this discussion before. Maybe because I'm from Sweden where equality is a big focus, but it just is a huge pet peeve of mine. (Sorry, I don't mean to start anything. I just.. ugh... can't keep quiet on stuff like this!)

  56. I think it's interesting that Kate also wore a Peter Pan collar and puffed sleeves when they were in Belgium for WWI commemorations. I wonder if it's just a coincidence or if there's some kind of sartorial nod I'm missing.

    1. good question, 04:32. Maybe to her the Peter Pan collar and poufy sleeves seem retro. Just a guess.
      If her repeat of style is a "Kate thing" that probably has more to it than that though.

  57. Historical note,

    Kate's great great uncle Lionel Lupton and Diana's grandfather, Albert Spencer attended Trinity College, Cambridge together, studied the same courses. In 1910 they enlisted together. Lionel died at Sommes at the age of 24. Albert survived and lived until 1976.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 12:02

      What a small world.

    2. So William's great grandfather and Kate's great great uncle, from her father's side, were BFF's?

    3. As a matter of fact,

      Albert Spencer's wife, Lady Cynthia Spencer, was the Queen Mum's lady in waiting for years and years. She and the Queen Mother were the ones that decided that Charle's should give Diana a try. If Albert had not returned from Sommes this blog most likely would not exist.

  58. Kate, Texas, USA2 July 2016 at 04:13

    A fitting tribute by many leaders to those who lost their lives on such a tragic day 100 years ago. William, Kate, and Harry, along with others represented HM and Britain well. Reading more on the battle, it is just so sad and horrific to think about the number of men who lost their lives throughout the fight.

    Kate dressed appropriately for the occasion and I liked the dress. The lace overlay was pretty over the black. A nice look for the occasion.

    I mentioned in my comment last night, but today would have been Princess Diana's 55th birthday. I would think William and Harry would have thought of her today and reminisced about wonderful memories of her. Quite an emotional day between their engagement and their mom's birthday. I think she would be incredibly proud of the men they have become and absolutely adored Kate.

  59. I just love the duchess lace dress I guest I found the link about they said that the duchess heroic great uncle in wwi
    here link

  60. Addendum notes,

    Noting also that Kate's great grandmother, Olive Lupton, hosted Princess Mary, Queen Victoria's daughter, upon occasion in Leeds. And, Kate's paternal grandfather, Peter Middleton, flew as co-pilot with Prince Phillip for a two month tour of Asia. Prince Phillip wrote Peter a personal thank you note for that assistance and gave him a gift of cuff links. Peter trained pilots during WWII. Kate's paternal grandmother, Peter's wife, and her twin sister, Kate's great aunt, worked in the military during WWII, to decipher secret code messages. Michael Middleton and his family have many links to royalty. Not going to list them all now. They are readily available if you google Michael Middleton, wiki.

    And then there is the fact that the paneling and mantle in the study of Samantha Cameron's childhood estate came from the morning room of Potternewton Hall, the estate of Kate's great grandmother, Olive Lupton.

    1. The cuff links were gold cuff links. I think the tour was of South America.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 12:04

      The Luptons were quite affluent and had a rather high standing in their society from what I've gathered. They were still "working class" but the one that had made money from what they did.

  61. Historical note, (my last one for today, I promise.)

    This is amazing,

    The list of Kate's ancestors, from her father's side, are so numerous and illustrious the London's National Portrait Gallery, that Kate is a patron of, contains over 20 portraits of her ancestors via Michael.

    1. It goes back to Edward III. A history one could take pride in, although not
      quite as, well colorful, as that of the BRF. And certainly not promoted by the
      Middleton family. Michael Middleton seems quite modest and humble.

    2. Kate is modest and humble also.

    3. 15:10,

      It may not be promoted by the Middleton family, they have, however, as closely knit families do, kept very personal and accurate records of their generations throughout the centuries.

      There history can be as colorful as the BRF, as it is one and the same in certain generations and then entertained with them in others.

  62. What is a GCSE level? Would that high school level in America?

    1. Good question. What is a GCSE level?

    2. Annette New Zealand3 July 2016 at 16:48

      Yes it does equate with High school graduation in USA.

    3. Thanks, Annette.

  63. War is ugly affecting generations of families, a country, and the fabric of society. Whatever country sends its ranking and commanding soldiers owes gratitude to them. As war is bad, opposing sides don't necessarily honor the difficult and dangerous duty of the soldier. History is written by the conquerors. In recent blog/ Britain's exit from EU, Paola Maggie's post was interesting. Those who stand against tyranny, fascism and Nazism are favored over evil. The world has a different war now, so treacherous and a different form of evil. To commemorate the past is good, global unity is a MUST at the very least to get a grip on the strangest kind of millennium's evil. The attack strikes any where, any one, any country and it continues.

  64. Kate looks absolutely complete in her elegant suit and accessories. I have a feeling she is pregnant and may be struggling with some of its effect.

  65. A very beautiful and elegant look today. Most appropriate.
    I would guess that this is a bespoke McQueen creation. It features so many elements that Kate loves: lace, Peter Pan collar, puffy shoulders, peplum, 3/4 length sleeves. Maybe there are some more elements that I missed. Also the fit is very good.
    I LOVE the hat. A real hat, positioned respectably on one's head does look so elegant. D.

  66. This is a beautiful dress and Kate looks lovely. I don't think she is pregnant though. With her history of hyperemesis gravidarum in both pregnancies, she would not venture far from home if she were pregnant. It would be too risky and uncomfortable.

    1. Sarah Maryland USA3 July 2016 at 03:55

      I don't think she will get pregnant again period. I understand putting herself through that a second time to give George a sibling but a third? No way would I do that to myself

  67. What an interesting and for so many people emotional weekend. I thought Kate conducted herself impeccably over the whole weekend and was clearly very affected by it.
    The Daily Express article referred to now clears up Kate's family member on her Fathers side who was killed at the Somme in fact it was due to all three sons of her paternal great, great, Grandfather being killed that her Paternal Great Grandmother who married Michael Middleton's grandfather inherited the family money.
    This was written about around the time of Kate's marriage.
    During the services which were fully covered by British TV on both day's camera's frequently brought up pictures of W,K & H throughout the services and not once did Kate have anything but a very sad and feeling expression on her face she not only looked impeccable and appropriately dress for bot occasions but conducted herself as a senior member of the Royal family showing just how well she has grown into the role. Yes she does at times wear clothes that make her look older than her years but I cannot help but feel that if only she would put on a little more weight and be nearer the weight she was in 2008 she would look younger irrespective of clothes it is such a pity she has this obsession of being stick thin although there is no doubt she is fit and healthy. I think after this emotional weekend both W & K deserve a day at Wimbledon I hope they do go together this week and that they have a rain free day!!

  68. That Kate is the (x20) great granddaughter of King Edward III

    has been confirmed by Royal genealogist, Anthony Adolph, and others, as reported in interviews with him by Sky News and ITN. Mr. Adolph's very thorough website is It lists the generations to that link very thoroughly and clearly and with indisputable historical sources. It is confirmed also by the Lupton families, heretofore, privately held family records/histories.

    Kate's, great, great, great uncle, Sir Thomas Lupton, founded what is today the world's largest legal firm, DPL.

    And there is so much more on Michael's side of the family. It could truly fill a book, and probably will. The ones that have been published to date only share a small percentage of the stories and accomplished people Kate is directly related to through her father's side of the family. New information has come through access of the detailed Lupton family histories that have been accumulated for generations by the Luptons and are now being shared by the Luptons to certain genealogists and by information being found by amateur genealogists in Australia, etc.

    Kate's grandfather, Peter Middleton, was also very keen on researching and keeping current the Lupton family tree and family histories. Kate very likely knew about her accomplished ancestors from her grandfather, maybe. Perhaps that gave her extra confidence through the years as she mingled at Marlborough with descendants who had been her families' contemporaries in generations past. Or maybe she just has that confidence through the natural grace that emanates through her everywhere she goes.

    The Percy's of Northumberland are very much in Kate's (and Phillips's) lineage. Are Pippa and George Percy even aware of that? Probably.

    One of Kate's ancestors was a chaplain to King Henry the VIII, and a provost of Eton. His crest had three wolves on it. I think maybe Lupo's name came as a momento of the Luptons and maybe as a momento of Sir George Lupton's family crest. Perhaps Michael, when he was researching and developing the current families crest had found Sir George's and shared that with the family. And now we have Lupo, named Lupo, thusly. Some speculation there, for sure. Fun food for thought. Some of the current Luptons attended the Royal wedding so Kate is very much aware of that side of the family so maybe she named Lupo for them.

  69. An excellent source of reference is,

    "Family of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge" wiki.
    Just google Michael Frances Middleton and that will be on that screen.

  70. I have loved her choices of late. This dress is exquisite. Like her, I love lace too. In fact, my formal graduation dress was created from heavy cotton lace over a soft sky-blue and styled similarly to Catherine's look today (but with a chin-high Victorian collar and sheer sleeves with an 8-button cuff).

    Because I couldn't find the type of lace pattern I wanted in the dress section of the fabric department, I looked in the drapery section and--voila! I felt a little like Scarlet O'Hara swanning across the stage in "curtains."

    I'm delighted that the Duchess is bringing focus back to this type of handmade fabric and other lace.

    1. funny Lynda. That is certainly a famous scene from that movie.

  71. Victory, triumph, peace and eternal life...........,

    Palm branches/leaves symbolize those things.(Wikipedia).

    Kate's French lace (custom lace? bespoke piece? Kate requested or helped design?) has palm branches/leaves as the lace motif with those palm branches covering/overcoming an all black background. Now tell me that is not a definite "Kate thing". What a poignant "Kate thing" at that. Brilliant.

    What a thoughtful tribute.

    (remember how she did the lotus motif for the Chinese President's visit, even to the lotus designs in the lace?)
    (and the peace signs in the fabric of the green silk dress she wore when the senior royals hosted a media cocktail party at Buckingham Palace?)

    1. Diana found her voice and Kate has found hers.

    2. I agree, 14:53 & 00:47. :)

      And may I just add that a soft voice should not be confused with the lack of one.

    3. Amen, Royalfan. Too often the gentle nature of the soft voice, because it doesn't hammer its point home, is mistaken for weakness or, as you said, non-existence. It is neither. There is tremendous power to be found in the confidence of quiet strength.

    4. royalfan- Agree about the soft voice. Reminds me of a favorite Proverb:"...a soft voice turneth away wrath." Sometimes I forget that. I had a teacher who would begin to whisper when the class got unruly. Instant silence. ha!

      I was thinking of what Diana felt she had to resort to in order to get
      her desperate situation heard, as well as later becoming a voice for AIDS victims and landmine removal.
      I am glad Catherine has found this mode of communication early. It is similar
      to what the Queen does in tipping her hat to a host country, but more subtle
      and poetic, I think.

    5. Laura, thank you. Exactly... :)

      True, 15:20. But it has been easier for Kate given that her husband is in her corner. What a concept.

  72. According to Heaven LM (twitter) it is neither D&G nor Mc Queen . She got in touch with both.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden2 July 2016 at 23:36

      She also pointed out that she's not been in contact with them much before and don't know how reliable. (Companies misidentify their own stuff/claim the stuff is not theirs etc way more often than you'd think!)

  73. King Edward III, Kate's (x20) great grandfather, is buried in Westminster Abbey, where William and Kate were married. Did Kate know that her (x20) great grandfather was there at her wedding venue?

    King Edward fought the French on a battlefield near Sommes centuries ago. (he lived in the 1300's).

  74. Virginia Burton2 July 2016 at 19:23

    Shoot me if you must, but the hat and the lacy dress are too frivolous for the occasion. However, the black and gray outfit with the black pillbox were perfect in every way.

    1. Virginia,

      I think the beige lace with the palm leaves in the lace, signifying victory, peace, eternal life over the blackness of the dress is a statement of honor from Kate. It is not so frivolous after all. She has a great great uncle buried there and another great great uncle who was killed there but buried nearby. She had yet another great great uncle killed in that war also. Those uncles were all brothers. So perhaps that was even extra incentive to give honor through
      her clothing, knowing the photos would go all over the world to the families of others buried there also.

      Kate has often used her clothing that way. Just like when she visited Bletchley Park to commemorate war efforts that had occurred there from her grandmother, Valerie and her great aunt, Valerie's twin sister, Mary and others. They were using Morse code to send phony decoy messages and deciphering incoming messages to break enemy codes. Kate wore her navy and white Alexander McQueen outfit, military like, and the straps and buttons on the outfit were noticeably paying homage to the dots and dashes of morse code, as even the media noted. That is just one of many times Kate has used her clothing to amplify the nature of the event. The lotus design in her lace dress when the President of Chins visited (the lotus tiara also), the green silk dress with peace signs in the fabric when hosting the media, the flowers in the red gown in Bhutan, the cloud print to match the movie logo, etc.

    2. What a beautifully detailed and reasoned response. Couldn't agree more

    3. Thank you Linda. :)

      I didn't want Kate's thoughtful efforts to go unnoticed.

  75. Hi Charlotte! Love your blog. After Kate's engagement on the 6th and possible Wimbledon appearance(s), we might get into a slow summer period. Maybe that would be a good time for a retrospective of all the lace dresses Kate's worn since her marriage? Off the top of my head, I've counted 9, but I am sure I am missing some because it's such a staple in her wardrobe.

  76. Love all the history I am learning about WWI and the Middleton family. A few comments. Someone mentioned Kate being overly thin, obsessed with being thin, I do not think she is obsessed:):) I think she leans towards a thin build and now that she is in her thirties it shows up a bit more on her frame. I suspect when she enters her forties she will add a few pounds and look a bit more like her Mother. Second all the Royals have picked up on what they are doing this past year, I think Phillip and Elizabeth have probably shown some health issues that the rest of the family has taken action on. Finally, I found Kate's dress and hat to be very lovely for the occasion and I DO not like lace dresses, peter pan collars or peplum, but she looked gorgeous and appropriate and tied in historical and artistic motifs in her clothing choices. Finally, I think Kate dresses for Kate with consideration, like all of us, to our job and our loved ones. But really, I do not know a loved one who actually cares what their loved one wears:):), we always find the love of our life to be gorgeous. ali

  77. Vasiliki Nousiou Greece3 July 2016 at 08:44

    Why has no one mentioned the fact that the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester were also there???

  78. As I recall, not everyone was a fan of the grey coat with lace and the grey hat that is shown above in the narrative on lace. I LOVE the coat and especially the hat. I think she looks beautiful in that coat and hat and hopeful that she will wear it many times in the future.

  79. This is a nice dress, but I can't help wondering what it would look like in navy, perhaps.

    1. Terri,

      The symbolic Palm branch commemorative motif in the lace would be harder to discern perhaps and then the message of the motif would be pointless. Plus a color to go with the victory, triumph, peace and eternal life Palm motif is better beige as the beige motif overcomes the blackness (death/mourning) of the dress underneath the lace.

  80. Thank you for your lovely and meaningful posts, Charlotte. HRH has looked very well this trip.

  81. Feelings are difficult to put into words so I will not even try to describe what I feel after learning more about this battle and after seeing what a consistently wonderful job the UK does at remembering the sacrifices made for them. The best I've ever seen at honoring its military (not that we do a shabby job).

    Others have pointed this out but I can't help but repeat what an asset the royal family is to the UK! Only because of my interest in them, and Charlotte's thorough blogs, do I know so so so much more about British history than I ever thought I would.

    At about $1.50 (US) per British subject (hope I used the correct term), what a bargain! :)

    I've so enjoyed getting to know more about your country and thank you, Charlotte, for keeping this blog not only about fashion but about the substance of Kate's work.


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