Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Cambridges Holiday in France & Autumn Canada Tour Confirmed

Hello dear readers,

We're back with news of an official announcement confirming the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's tour of Canada later this year. Before we chat about that, William and Kate arrived in Pau, southern France with George and Charlotte yesterday for a family holiday. They landed in a £5m Cessna owned by the Duke of Westminster. The Duke's wife, Natalia, is Prince William's godmother and their son, Hugh, is one of Prince George's godparents. The news was broken by a local French newspaper La République des Pyrénées who shared a photo from the terminal of small airport Pau-Pyrenees.

La Rep de Pyrenees

More from the Express:

'Kate, 34, and others in their entourage were spotted transferring into two waiting blacked-out Range Rovers. Friends have confirmed that William and their children, Prince George, 3, and 14-month-old Princess Charlotte are also with her on the holiday.
A local French newspaper, La Rep des Pyrenees, quoted sources saying the party, which is thought to include the children's nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, were  going to stay with relatives.'

It is not known where the family are staying, although there are several potential areas close to the airport including the coastal resort of Biarritz, which became a popular resort in the 1800s when European royalty began visiting. It's also a major surfing destination. It's a beautiful time of year to visit southern France, and I'm sure the foursome will have a splendid time.

France is a very popular destination for the family. They took their first holiday as a family of four in the French Alps in March, when George and Charlotte had their first opportunity to play in the snow, and keen skiers William and Kate took to the slopes during the break. Hello! reports the family also used the Duke of Westminster's jet for the trip. A selection of photographs were released following their return to the UK.

We saw the Cambridges visit France just weeks ago in their official capacity for events commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.

Back to the Express story:

'The family holiday is confirmation if it was needed that after Prince Charles and Camilla's visit to the Sandringham Flower Show today, the summer season of working in Britain is over for the Royal family. On Tuesday it emerged that Prince Harry is to spend the next few weeks working on conservation projects in southern Africa after a similar trip last year.'

August is traditionally the British royals' summer holiday month. With Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh in Balmoral, the rest of the family disperse from the spotlight to enjoy the time off. Whilst it's possible William and Kate may have an engagement or two lined up for later in the month, I suspect, by and large, it will be a quiet one for the entire Royal family. There was talk of the Cambridges possibly attending the Olympics in Rio; several reliable royal sources confirmed - following much consideration - they have decided not to travel. I imagine medical advice regarding the Zika virus will have been an important factor in their decision.


Who's ready for another royal tour this year? Earlier today, Kensington Palace confirmed the Duke and Duchess will visit Canada this autumn at the invitation of the Canadian government. A Kensington Palace spokesman said: "The Duke and Duchess are delighted to be returning to Canada. They hold very happy memories from their visit in 2011 - their first overseas tour as a married couple. They are really looking forward to seeing other parts of this beautiful country and having the opportunity to meet many more Canadians along the way."

William and Kate's tour to Canada in 2011 was a particularly special one. Not only was it the couple's first overseas tour together since their wedding, the public very much got to know Kate, who was new to her royal role at the time. We saw her interacting with children, meeting crowds and officials, and taking an array of events in her stride, including the unforgettable dragon boat race.

Most memorably, it was fascinating to see the dynamic between William and Kate - on one hand a future king and queen representing the Royal family, and on the other young newlyweds in love. Five year and two children later, it seems most appropriate to return for another tour.

Of course, the question on everyone's lips is, will George and Charlotte be accompanying their parents? The official word is "they will decide closer to the date", however, it is very much expected they will. If so, we'll likely see the adorable pair for airport arrivals/departures and a couple of specially planned engagements similar to George's appearances during the 2014 Australia/New Zealand tour.

Rebecca English Twitter Feed

Kensington Palace revealed the Cambridges will visit British Columbia and Yukon as part of their trip. British Columbia is known as Canada’s westernmost province, stretching along the Pacific coast, with the vibrant city of Vancouver at its southern border. Dominated by mountain ranges, it’s a major skiing destination and home to Whistler, co-host of the 2010 Winter Olympics. Hikers, campers and anglers are drawn to its sprawling parks and reserves. There's a host of potential locations and landmarks the couple would no doubt love to explore. Below, we see the scenic Yoho National Park, located in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Yukon, a territory in northwest Canada, is described as "wild, mountainous and sparsely populated". It’s known for dog-sledding, canoe expeditions, hiking, salmon fishing and other outdoor pursuits, as well as for the colourful northern lights sometimes seen in its nighttime sky. Kluane National Park and Reserve includes Mt Logan, Canada’s highest peak, as well as glaciers, trails and the Alsek River, renowned for rafting. Both ideal destinations for outdoor lovers such as William and Kate.

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement:

“We are delighted by the Governor General’s announcement that Their Royal Highnesses, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, will visit Canada this fall. During their stay, the Duke and Duchess will travel to British Columbia and Yukon on a visit that will showcase some of Canada’s finest natural beauty.
“This Royal Tour, the second undertaken by Their Royal Highnesses to Canada, also presents a unique opportunity for Canadians of all backgrounds to meet with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and learn more about our heritage, traditions, and institutions. Our government looks forward to providing Canadians with further details closer to the beginning of the Royal Tour.”

His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, said:

"Sharon and I will be delighted to welcome Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Canada. Their Royal Tour will take them to the beautiful province of British Columbia and the scenic territory of Yukon. Once again, our true Canadian pride and spirit will shine and be at the very heart of this visit so they can feel at home."

There will be enormous interest in Kate's tour wardrobe, too. In India, we saw the Duchess don an array of pretty prints and long colourful dresses. Should the children go, I imagine the tour will have a slightly more informal feel, as their 2011 visit did, and there will be less evening events scheduled to ensure the couple can put George and Charlotte to bed at night. Kate's strong relationship with Erdem began during the 2011 tour and his elegant designs will likely feature.

Canadian Heritage Flickr

Kate's favoured navy blazer by Canadian brand Smythe could make another appearance during this tour too. The Duchess recently wore it for the RAF International Air Tattoo earlier this month. We'll be taking a closer look at possibilities nearer the tour.

The full itinerary will be released closer to the date. It is not known exactly when the tour will be; The Telegraph reports it will be some time in September. It should be another exciting tour and it will be a real treat if George and Charlotte go. It's interesting to see William and Kate's royal role growing; this year will be the first time they undertake two full-scale tours on behalf of Her Majesty. Are you looking forward to the tour? Do any of our readers in Canada have any suggestions they would love to see on the itinerary?


Finally, there's still time to enter our Azuni London giveaway, featuring a pair of Kate's Athena Earrings with the very pretty Hera Pendant. To enter, all details can be found in our last post.
Azuni London

We'll update the post should additional details emerge.


  1. I'll be very surprised if they don't visit Victoria - given its namesake is William's ancestor, it's the capital of the province, has a significant population of UK expats and is simply one of the most beautiful cities in Canada.

    1. I have been to Victoria and its a little bit of the UK in north america. Absolutely beautiful. They have to visit.

  2. Rebecca - Sweden27 July 2016 at 18:41

    Yaay, I'm glad the Canada visit is confirmed and already this fall! :)

    I think if the kids go it will be great, but if they dont it will be great in another way. Kids and no kids make two very different tours. With two different "goals". With kids, it's more about introducing the kids to the country, build a connection and do some events in between while the no-kids tours are more hectic and have more events. Different things, both good in different ways.

    At first I thought it odd that they would go back to Canada so soon but I think the Canda visit is because next year Canada celebrates 150 years so it's a big deal in the history of their country so I think most of the british royals will pop by during 2 years or so here so it makes sense. Rumor is that C&C will be there for the official celebrations, which also makes sense. If the Queen can't go (which I assume she wont) then they are the 2nd top dogs. (I've also noticed that Canada seem to have a very huge frequency of royal visits. Seems like some royal is always there. Anne, Wessexes, Glochester. Think they have at least 2-3 royal visits per year. )

    Also, Canada is so big and they will visit other parts this time. Also, I think that might be why this is their 2nd and not only tour this year so they still covered new ground. And this area sounds perfect for them with all the outdoor possibilities!

    And I hope they will meet with the absolutley charming prime minister!!

    And I have to say, for once KP PR did a nice job. Releasing the news of the Canada tour when W+K are on vacation and Harry is travelling to Africa was very clever to give pepole other things to talk about because in quiet times people can get way too nitpicky because it's nothing to talk about. So good on them!

    Seems nice with a little vacation to France :) Hope they dont get too hounded. And as odd as it sounds, I'm glad they went. I see people say that "is that smart considering what's been happening in France?" and I think it's great that the Cambridges went anyways. It's good to continue life, it will only hurt the country if they lose tourism etc.

    For the Canada tour, satorically, I assume at least one piece of Erdem! Maybe a repeat of the grey coat she wore earlier this year?

    1. I think with their kind of security it's not too big of a problem anyhow.
      I'll be going to France soon as well and I have to admit I do feel a tiny bit uneasy about it but I think you've got to try to not let these things get to you because a) France is a beautiful country b) if you don't go to countries where there've been terrorist attacks, you sadly wouldn't be able to go to a lot of places anymore and c) it's what these terrorists want, for us to live in fear and panic, that's reason enough not to

    2. Rebecca - Sweden28 July 2016 at 21:30

      Yes, ofc they are in a different situation, but these public kind of people going to these places still impacts people going. That was all I meant :)

    3. Julia from Leominster29 July 2016 at 15:41

      I thought the tour would be more likely next year for the anniversary - I'm surprised it's so soon. I generally avoid baby speculation but it does make me wonder....

      I'm do think it's likely they will visit Fort McMurray - so sad that there has to be a second devastating fire area for them to visit after Slave Lake the previous time - and of course Christchurch in New Zealand. Always so many sad things - there was a fire in India at a temple just before they visited too.

      But in general it should be a most happy tour with fabulous scenery and hopefully at least one formal event.

    4. It is highly likely that Charles and Camilla will be here for our anniversary in July. It should be remembered that although Harry, Anne , Sophie and Edward have all visited Canada this year, their visits have not been at the request of the government. The visits have been for Invictus, Somme and DofE awards.

    5. Rebecca - Sweden29 July 2016 at 20:22

      Yeah, but appearantly they are supposed to "start of" the celebrations or something. And I assume C&C will be the ones choosen for the actual Canada day. (Or maybe even the Queen!) So it makes sense. It's probably a case of alot of planning. Who knows, they might have a tour pencilled in for next year that is less flexible etc. Or, maybe they are planning kids. Or it worked the best for the people planning in Canada. Or they will visit a non-flexible occation in Canada. Alot of possibilities. Also, the bigger the number celebrater, the wider it usually is celebrated. Think St Andrews celebrating 600 years for 3-4 years or so :P

      Yeah, it's horrible what happens in the world... (I think the fire in India was actually the day they landed or something there about.)

  3. SOOOOO excited for the royal tour! Imagine if they brought George and Charlotte! That will be one for the books. Canada is an incredible country and the best organised in royal tours. I wonder when we'll get more details.

    I hope the little family enjoy and quiet and private holiday. They deserve it. It is so important to create happy memories and lasting bonds with young children.

  4. Sarah Maryland USA27 July 2016 at 19:03

    Very interesting timing on the news release of the royal tour it coming a day after news breaks that the duke and duchess are in France
    I am excited though! I would die from cuteness overload if George and Charlotte go
    Also, I'm totally fine that Prince Charles and the queen take August off because they work so hard the rest of the year
    However William and Kate do a very select number of engagements so I think it wouldn't be too much to ask for them to do a few in August
    That leaves plenty of time to visit balmoral and France
    I'm curious as to why they didn't go to France during the two weeks they had off before the sailing engagement
    I need to stop trying to understand the logic behind their decisions lol

    1. He wasn't off. He was flying for East Anglica Air Ambulance. I suspect you know that. Once again, it is an important service.

      There might also have been meetings that they attended.The public is not privy to everything,
      thank God.

    2. Perhaps she felt the need to pack up her skinnies and enjoy a laugh or two over some fine French wine. A thought.

    3. As a Canadian very excited about the tour. Timing of release has to do with royal staff having vacation and Canadians enjoying vacation time during our summer. Why they did not go on vacation prior to the sailing engagement is that William was working at the air ambulance. That is why the Cambridges did not attend the Queens final birthday event for family and friends. This was mentioned by royal reporters.

    4. Perfectly said Anon 00:18. Also I read somewhere that the royal staff also take time off in the summer, which is why the royals retreat at this time of year. I hope the Cambridges have a very enjoyable time with the children. My family is off to Mexico in two weeks and we are so excited.

    5. Thank-you for bringing that to our attention, 00:18. I had forgotten that.
      It is so intetesting and fun to hear from so many Canadian readers. Your
      excitement is contagious!

    6. I doubt very much that they'll work in August, Sarah. I think it's one of those times that no one in the royal family works that much.

      I am, however, very envious that they got to go to France in a private jet. I would love to go to France in a private jet; I'd even settle for flying commercial and coach! I've flown private and it is tough to go back into coach, but I'd do it for France. :)

    7. haha royalfan, nicely said! i fully agree. talking about skinnies, this pic from the canada tour when she and will are next to the bbq, she is wearing black skinnies where you can see a bit of the zip, just like on the pics of the sailing event of this week! could it be the same? that would be quite striking, after two kids! excited about the tour, canada looks so beautiful from all the pics!

    8. @Caren, hmmm i figure it's the other way around...

    9. Rebecca - Sweden28 July 2016 at 10:17

      Exactly 00.18. The August time of is not only for the royals. Their staff and also royal photographers and reporters take that time of. Also, it was not "curious timing" to talk about the tour now. Not only were there other reasons for it, but it's also smart PR.

    10. Just ask to use your godmother's Jet, Bluhare. lol
      No problem.

    11. I wish, 2252. It was for a site visit with a client and the corporation sent their jet for us. It was great; wish I could do it again. I will need to win the lottery for that to happen, but if I do I will charter a jet and host a party at the Goring Hotel for blog readers. I've actually thought about that once or twice. (And yes, I'd swing by Sweden and pick you up, Becks!)

    12. Bluhare

      What an excellent idea!!! 😀

    13. Rebecca - Sweden29 July 2016 at 09:35

      Yaaay Bluuu!

    14. Bluhare,

      Wow. I actually had thought of something like that also, and with the Goring Hotel. wow. So, happy that someone else loves the blog community likewise and had that same sentiment. If the idea is occurring among at least two of us (maybe more?, hopefully) then it has a good chance of actually happening in my opinion. What amazing fun that will be. :)

    15. 1106, so you know everyone well enough to think about that and post as anonymous? Why haven't you chosen a name?

    16. I have been here since the git go Bluhare. I post as anonymous as I have in-laws who read this and comment upon occasion and it keeps peace in the family better this way. lol

    17. Blu, I'm so glad you mentioned about a "London Blog Gathering"! I've actually thought of throwing out the idea of planning one sometime, but wasn't sure what anyone would think about it? I'd love to find out how many would think it'd be fun? It'd probably take a yr to organize & give everyone time to plan for it. What do you all think? Crazy? Or Would You Be Interested? ( I'm throwing this out there without even knowing how we would even communicate in a private way in order to make plans & make choices?) Thoughts anybody?

  5. So, so excited to hear about the tour!! September could be great - Strictly is back AND a Cambridge Royal tour!! George and Charlotte would be the icing on the cake!!

  6. Exciting news! I would so love it if they visited montreal - less than a 2 hour drive from where I live. My job is very busy in sept, but if it were on the weekend I might try and see if I could catch them. Diana visited the United States just weeks before her death and I will never forget dashing out of my job early to catch a glimpse as she entered a function on behalf of the British and US Red Cross in DC where I was then living. I ended up within feet of her. She was stunning.

    1. That's an amazing story, ariagurl.You must be very glad you made the effort.

    2. What a sweet memory, Ariagurl. Thanks for sharing.

    3. As it says in the article, they are visiting BC and the Yukon. I'm not surprised they are visiting new places after seeing Ontario in 2011.

  7. I live in the Yukon and am very excited about the visit! I hope they have a chance to experience all the rich arts and culture here ( and not just the amazing landscape!). A visit to Dawson City would be fantastic! Oooo and maybe a trip to the Yukon Wildlife Preserve with the kids

  8. I am a Canadian reader and I would not be surprised if the Cambridge Family make a visit to Fort McMurray, Alberta. There was an devastating wildfire there this past May, wherein more than 100,000 people were evacuated and almost half the town was destroyed.

    Given the recent nature of this event, and the fact that Will & Kate made a point of visiting Slave Lake, Alberta when they came in 2011 shortly after the fire that occurred there, it is a definite possibility to me that they will stop in to see it for themselves.

    1. Good point regarding Fort Mc. Countries around the world offered us help; it was definitely news on a global scale.

    2. I think there's a good chance they will, Pamela. Great catch! remember reading and hearing
      about it. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. At first I thought it was in
      California. Apparently this trip has been on the books for a year and likely
      most stops were penciled in by May but they will make time for this.

    3. I don't think they will do Fort McMurray I'm afraid since Sophie,Countess of Wessex visited there after the fire. And they've already been to Alberta. I'm one of those hoping for Prince George in Prince George, BC.

    4. A follow-up royal visit? Initially to console with follow up to monitor recovery
      If the children go, probably not. Their itinerary will be limited.

  9. Glad they are having a family vacation in the south of France. Ger is near there and it is beautiful from the photos I have seen. It is on my travel list for sure. Would love to know what relatives they could possibly be visiting.

    Also glad they got to use the Duke's Jet. To be honest, if I were them I would travel by private Jet whenever I traveled. That they get to use the Duke's Jet is even better. They might chip in for fuel and flight salaries, if the Duke would let them, and I very much doubt that he would let them do that. And, in using his Jet, no one can complain as much since it isn't theirs.

    1. That really is convenient for them. From what I have read, the two range rovers with the blacked out windows belonged to the Duke of Westminster also.
      Perhaps he has a place near there that he is letting them use. The fact that they are staying with family was just speculation as I recall reading. It was posed with other speculations as to where they might actually be staying. Wherever they are staying, I hope they have an enjoyable, safe and private family vacation.

      Didn't realize we have so many Canadians on the blog. Nice.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden28 July 2016 at 21:32

      Yeah, it's very convinient having one of the countries richest people loan to you. And the son of the Duke is Georges godparent, so George will also have that connection :)

    3. Rebecca,

      It is a win win situation for the Duke of Westminster also. It is nice to stay close to and in favor to the throne.

    4. Well he also may just be a close friend who is happy to help. Suspect William and Catherine pay for the use of the jet, they could rent a private jet, but this way they know no leaks. I am more interested in where they are staying, but...I agree that the less known the better with all the issues.

  10. With the heightened security risks in Europe it was irresponsible of the newspaper to break this story. No doubt there will be photos released and that is enough for public interest.

    1. I agree, alimai. I think DM had it an hour after the plane landed.

    2. I share your thoughts on this risk. The recent murder of a French priest by ISIS extremists is disturbing. The elderlt man was killed in the middle of giving mass. More than tragic. I do hope every member of the Royal Party has top notch security. Better yet, I hope they are in Spain.

    3. Agree. Also why Canada is a spot to visit...

    4. totally agree with you ! in France security is high because of terrorism and terrorist could read this news and the fact that they are in France. I'm a little surprised they have taken holidays in France because there isn't good atmosphere in my country ! it is a definite reality !

    5. No one knows exactly where they are holidaying. Relax!

    6. As the horryfing events in my country (bataclan, jewish shop, church, Nice, cafés) proven, Will and kate are not at greater risk than regular citizens. I am actually not worried about them at all. They have toi notch,protection contrary to me, my friends, my parents and any person living in France riht now

    7. I share the concern and compassion that has been expressed here and cannot relate to the dismissal of it, but oh well.

      The bottom line is that all the security in the world cannot make up for being a high profile individual with a potential target on your back.

    8. Anon 13:27 I hear you:(:( it is horrible. But a high profile hit is a plus for many terrorists. i.e. the Twin Towers in NYC. So It is very random but I do think high profile folks and venues get a bit more attention. I am just so sad for all the world...ali

  11. I wish they would bring George and Charlotte and come and visit my Kindergarten class! That would be a lot of fun - and there are several of us on staff who dearly love our Royal Family!

  12. I've been reading this blog for the longest time and have never commented but the recent announcement of them coming to BC has me really excited! I live in downtown Vancouver and so I really hope they have an engagement nearby. I can think of so many great ideas of things they could do such as:
    - Sailing in English Bay
    - Hiking Grouse Mountain
    - Visiting the Vancouver Art Gallery
    - Touring Stanley Park and the aquarium
    I actually hope that they don't go to Whistler as I find it to be like a manufacturered version of small BC town. It's nice but not very authentic.

    Either way, I'm looking forward to their tour and I'm sure they'll really enjoy all that BC and the Yukon have to offer. :)

    1. Yea Efree!! I Hope You Get To See Them!:) Sounds like You'd have some great suggestions for me for things to see in BC? Can you look for my post below saying when I'm going & asking for top pics of things to do in Vancouver or places to go on a side trip etc if we stay extra days?
      Becca USA

  13. I am so very excited by this!! Finally they are coming close enough to me so I can hopefully go see them!! I live just south of BC (in the US) and Vancouver is only about an hour’s drive. I listen to Canadian radio in my car to & from work, so that’s where I heard the news and I practically screeched in delight this morning! There are so many wonderful places in the area that I wouldn’t know what to recommend for a presumably short trip. I do hope they get to see much of the beautiful scenery we have around here – the ocean, mountains, and evergreen trees.

    1. Yea Megan! I Hope You Get To See Them!:) Hey check out my request below? Sounds like you'd have some great BC Trip Tips for me?
      Becca USA

  14. Thank you for the post Charlotte! I wonder if the getaway is a family engagement party for Pippa. When was the last Pippa sighting? Canada! Wow!! Let's see Prince Edward and Sophie were there last November, both Harry and Charles & Camilla were there in May and Anne was there in June. Mind you, Harry, C & C and Anne were in the East and W & K are going to the West and Northwest. I see Rebecca English says they MAY take George and Charlotte. Personally speaking, I could see them taking them if they were going to the East but the West is quite a journey and Vancouver is the only big city in B.C. Will be interesting to see though.

    1. No more of a journey than Australia. I imagine the kids wouldn't go to the Yukon but stay in Vancouver with the nanny. BC is so beautiful. They may see the whales migrating. George would love that.

    2. Our Canadian Prime Minister has 3 young children. I'm envisioning a play date between the two families.

    3. Yes!! I can see Will and Kate getting along very well with Justin and Sophie - Sophie is often thought of as the Canadian Kate. :)

    4. That would be perfect. The children would have so much fun. What are their children's ages?

    5. 9, 7, 2 1/2

    6. Anon. 00:26, yes, you are right, lots to do in Vancouver. I lived there for three years (one of the many places I have lived.) And I forgot Victoria--how could I?? But not the Yukon--not really kid friendly up there for official visiting. (Hope I don't offend anyone on that.)

  15. Please tell me that Prince George, BC, is on their itinerary. It's too cute to pass up.

    1. Good point! It's also gorgeous there!

    2. That's what I was going to say!

  16. I love Duchess Kate her outfit she always looks so beautiful I posted this on Facebook is well

  17. Sooooooo excited to hear confirmation of the Canadian tour, and I do hope that the paps leave them be while they spend a family holiday together in France.

  18. I hope they enjoy a SAFE and happy visit in France, and I very much look forward to the tour!

    1. Sarah Maryland USA28 July 2016 at 00:43

      For once I agree with you Royal fan! I got a little nervous when I heard they were going. Especially with two little ones and the world being what it is today. It sucks we have to even worry about stuff like that

    2. Rebecca - Sweden28 July 2016 at 21:35

      I doubt they are any more at risk in France than they are in the UK. They are not the kind of people that are targeted in the big "kill whoever happens to be there" terror attacks, they are the kinds that get specifically targeted and those are usually more planned and less of opportunity attacks.

    3. It's all so Sad & Surreal that these discussions are relevant & now a part of the way we have to think & must factor (to some degree) into the world around us!:(

    4. Becca, I just commented a few comments earlier, but I agree 100%. It is so sad but I do think it factors into all of our choices about how to live our lives. Hope it gets controlled for my children's sake. ali

    5. Thx Anon 7:25. I think it's helpful that we can be honest about our adapting or concerns. It helps to know we are not alone navigating this strange new world, while still trying to live our lives....

  19. I too live in Southern BC, about an hour east of Vancouver. I hope that Prince George in central BC will not be missed! I would also suggest Haida Gwaii, formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands off the north coast of BC.

    1. Hey I Have A Request! I'm Set To Go To BC in Early Dec for a Business (Film) Thing & I'm Trying to get Hubby to go with me & for us to stay extra days or a week & explore the area or just a specific neat Spot/Island as a side trip! Can All You Canada Pals Maybe Post Your Top Picks for Places To Go or Things To See in BC in the General Vancouver Area?
      Becca USA

    2. Becca, there's sooo much to do in BC but among my top things to do would be: whale watching, driving along the Sea to Sky highway, walking along the Capilano bridge (if you don't mind heights), visiting Tofino and Victoria. If you have more time, I would add Yoho and the Queen Charlotte Islands...I hope you enjoy your trip! It's such a beautiful place :) --Christine in Canad

    3. Thx Christine!:) I'm taking lots & lots of notes & if I don't see things this time I want to go back! Hubby's wanted to go for yrs & so now I'm All In!:)

  20. Canada is the best country in the world. There are so many salmon fishing lakes, it's a vast country. As big as the US but with a third of the population. Lots of space, fresh air... I see why the royal family like Canada so much. They visit regularly. Canada is a prominent commonwealth realm together with Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica etc.

    1. I love that we were reminded of how much Will & Kate share a love of Nature & The Outdoors! We always think of them sharing their love of sport & their sense of humor, as well as their passion about Bringing Mental Health Awareness Out Into The Open More & More! It will be such a nice trip for them, The Country of Canada & it's People & for W&K to introduce G&C to It's Incredible Natural Beauty.....seeing things they would not see at home in The UK!:)

  21. I live in Victoria, BC - the capital of the Province - and there's a VERY good change they'll visit here. I work for the government and there's lots of buzz/secrecy about the whole thing. I would love to meet/see the family as I'm a big follower :)

    1. How Exciting Anon 00:11! I Hope You Get To See Them:)

  22. After reading the ugly and hateful remarks directed at Prince George, I wish that the public didn't know about their trip to France at all. What a terrible thing to have to deal with as parents. Hope they are safely tucked away.

    1. What remarks, 00:16? Not disagreeing with your overall statement...just wondering.

    2. Hateful remarks on This Blog? I'm reading from the bottom up, so I really hope it's not here..... but how awful for there to be hateful remarks directed to Prince George Anyway!? Also, as soon as I heard they were at The French Shore? I was a bit shocked so soon after Niece & the latest Terror Attack!? I almost wish they were somewhere else!:( But how do we know "where is safe these days for sure?" So Sad:(

    3. Rebecca - Sweden28 July 2016 at 21:36

      No, not here. There was an official that called George extremely vile things.

    4. What official?

    5. Oh No Rebecca! An Official?? How Could An Adult Say Vile Things About A Little 3yr old Boy? What is this world coming to?:(

    6. Rebecca - Sweden29 July 2016 at 09:37

      I cant remember the exact facts, but the rest of the organization is clearly distancing themselves from her. Someone else might remember the specifics. But it was gross and has only backfired at her.

    7. Couldn't believe that anybody could say anything vile about a little 3 year old boy....but it was true. Not sure what repercussions there may be, but find it ironic that the commenter receives an income from tax payer monies. With that kind of vitrolic diatribe directed at his son, no wonder William is so protective of his family...makes me admire his position and stance as a father that much more. Regardless of their public responsibilities as royals, all are entitled to some privacy and peace in life. They are a lovely family and seem to be trying hard to do the right things. I too hope that they are safe and far from the madding crowd!!

      I had thought to post the link to the article....but it is not worthy.

    8. Now I'm concered somewhat that the Cambridge family is threatened specifically and being protected by seclusion. Those SUVs could have driven to another
      hand-off point-another airport?
      OK. I enjoy a spy novel from time to time. John Le Carré being a favorite.
      Who wrote Russia House? Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy? Smiley's People?

    9. Anon 19:43, You raise some Great Points! I was naive & shocked when I read it all & other comments too! Just Shocked! William I feel Truly Made The Right Call to protect the kids as much as possible, while they are little during these 24/7 Social Media Days, especially with the vitriol & no sense of boundaries out in the cyber world. Who wants their 3yr old child to be the Target of Cyber Bullying? I think Will was a definite Forward Thinker on This Issue of Child Privacy! They will be grown & out in the public eventually, but hopefully W&K can have them as well adjusted & prepared as possible!

  23. It is interesting that people are talking as if George and Charlotte are definitely going. Is that the case? It will be an unprecedented royal tour if so with two kiddos! The Yukon is absolutely beautiful this time of year and I just know William and Kate will love it there. So excited!

  24. I'm excited for people in Canada about the fall royal tour. I guess I'm wishing that they would vacation in the UK; beautiful and remote places in Scotland and Northumberland to be at during late summer and a way to relate to the British people who can't afford to vacation abroad.

  25. I'm on the east coast of Canada, but still excited about them coming here again! I do hope they bring the children - there would be lots for them to see and do on our beautiful and interesting west coast and the Yukon. Here's hoping!

  26. looking forward on these royal tour hmm I quite and peaceful vacation for them

  27. I'm So Excited For Canada, The Cambridges & For All of Us!:) Fun that they are on Holiday! It's Neat To See Them Starting Their Own Traditions, by going to new places that they didn't have a previous history with their own families or with each other during their dating years. I'll be very excited to see all the parts of BC & Yukon that they see? I'm going to The Vancouver Area in early December, so I'll be taking notes for sure:)

  28. BC is fantastic. Vancouver a very sophisticated city and Victoria a wonderful fun city. Yucon, incredible! I think with the issues around the world, if I was to travel with family, Canada would be a good choice this year.

  29. They should hopefully make it to Victoria bc where I live. It's the capital where the Queens representative for the province lives.

  30. So thrilled they are coming to my country, though I don't live anywhere near BC or the Yukon so I won't get to see them. I'm a bit surprised they are visiting so soon - 2017 is a huge anniversary celebration for Canada so I figured we would have a royal tour in 2017 to acknowledge our 150th.

    1. At the very least, Charles and Camilla will appear for official events with
      President Trudeau in July, I think. They will probably not make it out to
      Western Canada. Maybe the Cambridge tour compensates for that in some way.
      Anne and Edward may make their way to other areas.

  31. Hey Did Anyone Catch The "Skinny Jeans" Kate was wearing for The Dragon Boat Races? I forgot that Tour was when we first started seeing her affinity for that look! She also was Dressed Appropriately for the "On The Water Races" & it seems (by the logo) that they may have been given the pullovers by their Hosts? I only bring this up because I Think (it's late here sorry) that someone mentioned ( I Think on This Post?) that they thought Kate started wearing The Skinny Jeans after she had George! Was that said on This Canada Trip/France Vaca Post? Well anyway, The Photo Jumped Out at Me so I thought I'd mention it. I do think we saw her in Skinny Jeans Pre-George.... Definitely The Wedges.... Maybe it hadn't become "The Uniform" Yet... but I believe they were already a staple! In fact I'm having a Flashback of her in Skinny Jeans when they were wearing those White Stetson Hats Too! Also when they were wearing those Big Red Hoodies Too! Not sure if that was at the same Dragon Boat Event or at another Event!

  32. As an avid reader, and from Vancouver BC I am very much looking forward to this tour! I suspect there will be a focus on outdoor activities, let's just hope it won't be raining while they are here as we are known for our fair share of rain. I am assuming there might be an engagement involving search and rescue, either North Shore Rescue in Vancouver or other teams throughout the province. They are a vital resource in BC for adventurers all season round and for natural disasters such as fires, this would also align with Williams interests. It would be great to see them go to a Canuck's game, our NHL hockey team. Another possibility depending on length of the tour is to visit the Okanagan region known as a top wine growing destination worldwide. If the kids were to come, the Vancouver Aquarium would be the place for them to visit. It has wonderful interactive displays of our local ecosystem but the aquarium also works as a first responder to marine animals along the BC coastline.

  33. Happy about the fall tour to Canada. Should be terrific. I just wish folks wouldn't complain about a summer holiday. The whole family has taken off, and why shouldn't they. I hope they enjoy their time in France.

  34. These is amazing article with stunning images.

  35. The article said they are visiting relatives in France. Does Kate have any relatives who live in France year-round, or does this mean that the Middletons are also vacationing in France?

    1. VERY GOOD QUESTION 11:14,

      Of course, William could have any number of French relatives given all his European heritages.
      Although, I think the media was just guessing when they even mentioned the possibility of visiting relatives. It isn't fact. There other guess was a resort.

    2. Viscount Lindley's estate? William's cousin, his Aunt Margaret's son.

    3. 0437,

      Wasn't that where those photos were taken prior to their Malaysian tour? The ones of Kate sunbathing on the patio?

    4. 0437,

      Viscount Linley lives in Provence, or he did in 2012. Provence is about 7 hours east of Pau.

    5. I just read somewhere (can't remember where) that Lindley has sold that house.

    6. Hmmm. Then they might be at Linley's new French villa.

    7. Hopefully more private than his previous one.

    8. Seven hours? That would take one to the middle of Russia, considering those jets cruise at 300-500 mph. One hour tops.They are traveling by jet, not go-cart.

    9. I think they meant by car.

  36. I live in Vancouver BC , Canada and I so hope I get an opportunity to glimpse the Duke or Duchess while they are here in BC. The city of Vancouver is beautiful , as Efree mentioned, there is much to do here. It is a very informal city and province. I do hope they enjoy themselves here.

  37. Beautiful British Columbia! One of my favorite places to visit. This will be a different experience from eastern Canada, and they will love it.

  38. I think we will see some repeats on this tour, but I would be surprised if Kate wears what she wore in 2011 for the first tour. I think she will pull out some new outfits for the landing on Canadian soil, at least.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden28 July 2016 at 21:38

      I also think we will see repeats, but not from the tour.. She has worn quite a few Erdem pieces since the tour that would be perfect for repeats :)

  39. Julia from Leominster28 July 2016 at 14:24

    Nice to hear about the Canadian tour - I believe it is at the invitation of Mr Trudeau which explains why William and Kate are returning there - they should enjoy some of the most marvellous scenery. I wonder if they will visit those beautiful Butchart Gardens near Victoria. The two couples together should make for a striking sight.

    One intriguing thing is the subject of jewellery - we were not fortunate to see any major jewels in India which was perhaps to be expected - but there are some interesting and slightly mysterious possibilities for British Columbia. On the Royal Forums site, I believe, there was a discussion of jewellery the queen was given in Victoria that has never been worn since. There was debate whether the items in question were gifts for the queen's wedding or dated to her visit there in 1952 (I believe) or again in 1971. It consisted of a jade necklace - not necessarily the queen's style as she wears little semi-precious -if you can call beautiful jade that - but also a possible emerald necklace of some kind. I saw very poor photos only. With Kate's green eyes, these might be hugely becoming on her and appropriate to wear.

    Charlotte, this might be something to look into.

    I think that the Wales' are starting to presume too much on the Duke of Westminster friendship - it starts to look like the heir was chosen as a godfather simply for use of his father's plane. I'm certain the Westminsters don't care, but the public will take note - we know other royals do take advantage of such things (Charles and Edward have been criticised for doing so) but it is something to be used carefully as the public loathes this sort of toff privilege by royals, and there isn't a lot of royal work on the Wales' part to balance it. Methinks it isn't just George who is a bit spoilt.

    Find it disappointing that William and Kate didn't attend the queen's birthday but perhaps their invite was lost in the post. (Charles and Camilla missed it too but they were on a royal visit to the West Country.)

    But great news about the tour - a tour of Britain would be nice as well - in many places where William and Kate are so seldom seen except in Norfolk, Berkshire and London.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden28 July 2016 at 21:41

      Harry, W+K, C+C, Andrew, Beatrice & The wessexes were not at the birthday thing. William and Kate was said because of his flying. But I think this celebration seemed to be more for staff, friends and the royals that have not been present at the other umptenth celebrations, so it makes sense to me.

      I agree that a local tour would be very nice. I think that when William moves on from his flying role, a tour like that might be possible.

    2. Julia,

      That would be nice to have more information on the Jewelry the Queen received in Canada. Hopefully, Kate will shake the dust off of those pieces and show them to Canada.

    3. They missed the birthday because of Williams air ambulance commitments. Reporters tweeted this information.

    4. Julia, PLEASE don't tell me that the use of a friend's private plane is a reason for anyone to criticize W&K. People have issues with many things, but this is a private, friendship arrangement and it is their business. I find it incredibly ironic that even in this case where there is no "who paid for it" debate, we STILL have a problem...

    5. Julia, no offense, but

      I think that the Duke of Westminster finds loaning his Jet to William very pleasurable. I very seriously doubt that he would ever find it imposing. William is related to the Duke's wife through the Royal Russian houses and so it is a lot like family in those circles I think. She's a lady-in-waiting to the Queen. They are all a very closely knit group. The Duke of Edinborough is related to just about every European and Scandinavian Royal there is, even more so than the Queen.

      I do not blame them one bit for flying private. If I were them, I wouldn't want to fly any other way, and for many reasons.

      If Oprah, Snoop Dog, Kanye West, and the kardashians can, for heaven sake William and Kate can fly George and Charlotte private. The Duke's Jet is a modest Jet, very conservative, as private Jets go. Oprah and Ralph Lauren and others are on the waiting list for a newest $60,000,000 Gulfstream Jet. (There current ones apparently aren't fast enough for them.)

      William and Kate had Scotland Yard on the Jet with them and also waiting on the ground for them. This was in addition to their PPO's. There must have been a higher security alert. Thus no commercial flight. Plus the disembarking and loading into the suv's seemed to be be a very
      quick and tight transfer.

    6. Julia, your comment on Will and Kate "presum(ing) on the Duke of Westminster" - only if you chose to spin it that way. If the plane is owned by him and is just sitting there, then what is wrong with this? It is not like they ask to use it everyday/week/month. Please!!!!

    7. Isn't it possible that Prince Charles has a financial arrangement with the Duke of Westminster where the plane is concerned? That would make sense for both side, giving the Wales family access to private air travel and the Duke an income to help offset expenses. I realize he is extremely wealthy, but after all a jet plane is a jet plane, and he may welcome its use by a family who can afford its charter and whose official protection makes it a rather safe proposition.

    8. Julia from Leominster29 July 2016 at 05:57

      First of all, a vital distinction respectfully to Anonymous 1_00 - Oprah, West and company are Celebrities who can do what they wish. William and Kate have nothing in common with them. William and Kate are public servants who exist in their present role at the will of the nation. Their position is more akin to politicians - but unlike politicians, they expect deference and are supposed to lead by example and maintain a connection with the lives of their future subjects. The queen's ability to do this successfully is why she has remained so loved. She didn't do it by taking obvious perks from her friends.
      But to royalfan and the others, perhaps I should refer you to Airmiles Andy - aka the Duke of York, who has received heavy criticism for taking the exact kind of freebies from his friends that we are discussing with William and Kate. or Princess Margaret and her connection with Lord Glenconner - *whose wife was a lady-in-waiting to the queen at her coronation. And I will mention yet again, these royals were once as popular and as loved and admired as William and Kate are at this hour. Once.

      We know all royals take perks from friends and have been criticised for it - this includes Charles and Edward as I mentioned. I'm sure the Westminsters have no objection but this isn't the point. An occasional use of the jet is one thing but this is at least the third time William and Kate have used it to go on holiday - a holiday that by itself is expensive to taxpayers as it raises security costs.
      As to security - again the royals are supposed to stand as examples - today, sadly, any of us runs the risk of attack - those targeted have been average and random civilians - so, yes, I expect William and Kate to have security but no extreme measures while the rest of us carry on with our lives hoping for the best.

    9. Anon 01:00 Agree with what you have said. There does seem to be a bit of dam..d if you do dam..d if you don't approach to the comments.

    10. Thank you for the reply Julia, and I understand your points. But I personally would fly private if I were them. I would actually surreptitiously purchase a private Jet for my dear Duke of Westminster so I could have a private Jet for my use but not be ostracized for actually owning a private Jet. That is how much I would want to fly my family private. As they increase international relations this makes even more sense to me, although they would need to perhaps upgrade to a jet with intercontinental capabilities.

    11. I think you make some valid points, Julia especially that they are public servants and not celebrities. They might have celebrity, but they are not celebrities themselves. Sometimes I think that distinction gets lost.

      I want to say that there has been a change to the helicopter trip accounting? It looks as if all trips on those leased helicopters are charged to the public purse now, including house to house trips when they aren't on business. And I'm talking about the entire royal family, not WK. There's a few residence to residence trips shown on the list for HM and Charles.

    12. I think that the quid pro quo relationship of modern royals with the rich is a slippery slope that can quickly sour the public to them. As Julia points out Andrew took his "friendship" with rich Kazakhs and Russians to an extreme. William is probably genuinely close with the Westminsters and does not seem to have other rich friends whom he calls upon for favors. So I would not be too worried with his usage of the private plane right now. But I understand where Julia's concern is coming from. The public is rightfully vigilant about these kinds of favors being exchanged. If the Royals get use of the private plane what do the Westminsters get out of the relationship? Only friendship? Perhaps. But always a good idea to keep tabs on it. It is definitely something William and other Royals need to be sensitive to and careful of not overdoing.

    13. Are we certain that they don't have some sort of financial arrangement for the use of the plane? Seems like it is plausible to think that it could be something like that.

      How do we know that there isn't a benefit to doing so by some sort of tax break or business arrangement?

    14. Rebecca - Sweden29 July 2016 at 20:32

      I see Julias points, and agree that they CAN lead to something. As it stands now, it's no issue, but if not careful, it can become in the future.

      Something that balances this out a bit is that they usually don't fly private planes except for when they have the kids with. (Might have been exceptions but generally). That balances it out a bit and alot of people can "accept" it when it is for the kids. It's probably for themselves mostly, because I think everyone who has flewn with a kid (and even I who havn't) would jump at the chance for free room of a judgement free space for flying with the kids. Add to that, that they would be reported or photographed with the kids for the duration of the travel unless they hire the whole first class, and borrowing a jet kind of makes sense. So as long William keeps flying in buissness or first class (as he did to france, kenya etc) and they mostly take the jet with the kids, I think the backlash will be minimal. If they start doing it when just the adults, I can see it backfireing a bit. It also depends alot on how the future turns out. If the Queen lives for long and the Cambridges keep the Status Quo, I can see more backlash than if they start working more soon. We'll have to wait and see. It's neither time to predict the armageddon, nor is it something to totally brush of as "negative nellies".

    15. If there is a tax break or business arrangement that would be a serious travesty. I doubt it.

    16. Julia, I truly do not understand your concern here. W&K's fifth wedding anniversary has passed and we are to be concerned with them using a private plane three times?? And it's precisely because people gripe about holidays in general that this should be pleasing to the critics.

      I also do not believe that Anon was actually comparing the above "celebrities" to W&K; my take on it was that these people use private jets like some of us get behind the steering wheel of a car. In comparison, this is not even a drop in the bucket.

      And I know you like to refer to Airmiles Andy, but really, his reputation is based on so much more than the time he spends flying. Heck, it's worthy of a cheesecake-chat! :)

  40. Anyone know if they'll be visiting Quebec? Last time they were in the province it was an extremely short visit (I'm assuming because of the anti-monarchists protesting during their visit. I'm sure you know all about the French/English history in the province). Also, does the Duchess speak French? If not, is she planning on learning the language? Canada is a Commonwealth country; as the future Queen it would seem odd if she didn't know even a little bit of French. Speaking French would be a great way to endear herself to the French-Canadians.

    1. I think there have been several reports of the Duchess speaking French, rather well.

    2. She spoke french with the French president.

    3. I understand she speaks at least some French. But in she will not need it in BC and the Yukon.

    4. President DeGaulle of France was very impressed that Jacqueline Kennedy spoke French (and loved all things French due to her heritage). It is a sweet courtesy and a very diplomatic thing to do. Hopefully she is honing her French language skills via further French lessons. Ne ce pas?

  41. I have a passport and am 30 minutes away from the border! I can't wait for the itinerary - maybe I can try to go to an event! meep!

  42. Thrilled to hear the tour of Canada confirmed, although it seemed pretty much a certainty when reporter Emily Andrews (I think it was her) tweeted that it was more advanced than just an invite.

    I really hope I'm wrong, but personally I wouldn't be surprised if George and Charlotte don't go this time. George is becoming a real little trooper on engagements now, but if Charlotte has a bit of a temperamental streak, as her mother suggests, she could get really overwhelmed by a big crowd and loads of photographers. She certainly seemed a bit bewildered by Trooping the Colour this year. Maybe a family photocall in the grounds of wherever they stay (a bit like Charles and Diana did with William in Aus/NZ when he was a baby) might work though.

    If it's the right time of year, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a whale-watching trip scheduled. They seem to do something wildlife related on most tours and that would also give Kate a chance to get out on the water - which she seems to enjoy. I wonder whether they might sail up the coast from BC to Yukon?

    Sartorially, I just hope it's a bit more colourful than the last tour of Canada. There seemed to be a lot of dark blue and cream outfits last time around (which I found a bit odd on a tour of Canada), and they appeared in blocks - lots of blue at the start, lots of cream in the middle. I hope that with a bit more touring experience under her belt, she varies it a bit more this time around. My just-for-fun, best-guess Canada tour outfit repeat bingo card so far includes the red pillbox hat from New Zealand, the lace dress from the Somme but this time with nude accessories, the Erdem outfit from Trooping the Colour a couple of years ago and the coral Goat dress (only because I love it!) I know she hardly ever wears any repeats on tours, but I always try to guess which ones might appear - I'm usually wrong!

    My other excited thought on hearing that the tour is this autumn (not 2017) and that they're not going to Rio (zika virus?) was that maybe they're going to try for a third child next year. Certainly sounds plausible to me. That might mean that Kate's pregnant for Pippa's wedding!

    Anyway, let's hope it's a fabulous tour, whether the children go or not. I'm sure we'll all be gripped either way. Roll on September/October!

  43. I live in Kelowna, BC and would LOVE if the Okanagan Valley is a stop - it is a beautiful place with many lakes, orchards and vineyards! The cities of Victoria and Vancouver are a must see and expect they will take a trip to neighbouring Alberta to tour the fire ravaged Fort MacMurray. Can't wait and crossing fingers that Kelowna is chosen!

  44. Dear Charlotte I am soooooooooooooo happy about this news of the Royal Family coming to Canada. I live in BC and they are coming to my home province. I hope to meet them and at least see them in person have waited so long to see the duchess. I have met Prince William and Harry and Prince Charles when they came here last time so really cannot wait for their visit! Thanks for another great post.

    1. How nice that you have met those three Mellie.
      Here's hoping you will meet the Cambridges also.

    2. Thanks dear ! I so hope that they bring their children with them as well. I forgot to add my suggestions for places to visit on their trip. I hope they visit vancouver and Victoria, whistler and Tofino and Creston. In the Yukon I hope they get to see the northern lights and go to Dawson city and to emerald lake!

    3. Are the Northern Lights at all times or in this season?

  45. While everyone else is on vacation, hopefully Charlotte will take a mini blog vacation.

    And then, maybe a "Kate Loves Lace". :)

    1. That post is definitely coming up.

      Thank you all for your comments. It should be another great tour! It has been so interesting to see suggestions from our readers in Canada. Thank you so much for your input, I hope to see more of your comments :)

    2. Charlotte,

      Not to rush you. Truly. :)

    3. Dear Charlotte, Thank you for Everything You Do to Bring Us This Blog & For Your Dedication To Keeping It A Place For Respectable Discussions & Opinions! It's All Very Much Appreciated!:)

  46. As a Canadian, so glad to welcome W&K back. To those unfamiliar with with Canada's geography, a word of caution regarding George and Charlottes participation: you really can't get much farther away from London than these two destinations. If there is no intermediary stop, of say, two days, given the ages of the kids, I would be very surprised if the kids came along. Even if the trip only involves William and Kate, without a stopover which involves a lot more than a necessary plane refuel, they are going to be in pretty poor shape upon arrival.

    I think it best to wait until the full itinerary is announced before drawing any conclusions, and it must be said that the kids, if they come, would be better off left in Vancouver or Victoria while their parents carry on to the Yukon. The kids are just too young to cover the distances and flight time involved, and definitely too young to go canoeing in the Arctic. All in all, it would be difficult to conjure up a Canadian tour less little-kid friendly.


    1. IF, any of you in Canada do get to see William and Kate during their visit, please takes photos if you can, and share?

    2. The Yukon isn't that far really.... Whitehorse (capital of the Yukon) is only 2.5 hours by plane from Vancouver. But that's quite possible- W&K do an overnight trip to the Yukon and the kids stay in Vancouver. I hope they have more time than that up North

    3. In the Yukon they will most likely go to Whitehorse, which is the capital city. Technically it is not in the Arctic. The Arctic Circle is more than 400 miles away. Also, you are incorrect about the flight time. From Vancouver to Whitehorse is only 2.5 hours by plane.

      I've taken my children to The Yukon and there was plenty for them to do and see. George would be fascinated visiting sled dog facilities. There are also sanctuaries with animals, native to the area.

    4. Surely the flight to New Zealand is much longer than the flight to Vancouver. George seems to have survived flying halfway around the globe OK, as did young William, though we don't know how much trouble he was on the plane. But the family were given a section of the first class area to themselves, with staff to help them. It is not as though they were roughing it in tourist class.

      Whether the children go will no doubt depend on how the itinerary is planned. Canadians could rightly complain about Prince George going to Australia, but the children not accompanying their parents to Canada. I believe Princes William and Harry were school age when they first made a trip to Canada, old enough to enjoy Niagara Falls. Prince George would probably remember the Pacific Ocean and the wonderful museum in Victoria, for instance; Charlotte would not, any more than George remembers meeting the wallaby or hunting eggs down under.

      Previous generations of royals left tiny children for weeks on end while they visited far flung parts of the Empire. Modern travel has made parental neglect while attending to the Commonwealth unnecessary. Kate and William can either make a fairly brief trip to Canada, or plan a more leisurely, child friendly itinerary and take their little ones along. It will be interesting to see how they work it out.

    5. It is a long trek however you can fly over the arctic pretty quickly from either Seattle or Vancouver to London non stop. It is really quite easy. For us in Seattle it is the trips farther away than Paris that get more complicated. ali

    6. Truly, as 01:05 requested, those Canadians here who do get to see them, please share photos with us all. You are our own DKB roving reporters. lol Try to get to talk to them okay?
      pleeeease? :)

  47. Trudeau's children are Xavier (9), Ella-grace (7) and
    Hadrian (2 1/2).

  48. I'm so excited that William and Kate are coming back to Canada :) I really hope they bring George and Charlotte, especially since the PM specifically extended the invitation to the "family". What an amazing photo call THAT would be: the Cambridges and the Trudeaus. There's so many opportunities for family-friendly, outdoor activities on the West Coast.

    Becca, I replied to your question above.

    --Christine in Canada

  49. But where does the PM live and work out of? Would they fly to Vancouver to meet Catherine and William? So dear Canadian friends, I have always assumed that Canada had no actual connection to the UK, they are part of the commonwealth but what I am unclear about is if the Uk has any real power in the Canada. Sorry to be so lame but who is the head of Canada and does he/she have any obligation to the UK or the Royal Family?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden29 July 2016 at 15:00

      The Queen is the Head of State in Canada.

    2. The Prime Minister is The Crowns representative in Canada. Canada is part of the British Commonwealth. The Queen is said to personally own vast amounts of real estate in Canada, perhaps business interests also. (In the world she is the owner of the largest amount of privately owned real estate in the world.)

    3. Anon. 8:04 - The PM lives and works in Ottawa Ontario which is a 5-hour flight from Vancouver BC. The Queen is considered to be the non-political leader of Canada. Her representative, the Governor General of Canada (who also lives in Ottawa, the capital of Canada) opens Parliament and does other non-political type state things. Much as the Queen does in the UK. But Canada repatriated the Constitution from England years ago and is in every "real" way its own country. Its obligation to the Royal Family is historical and polite but for many Canadians very dear to our hearts. We have fought side by side for and with the U.K. and N.I. in two world wars and a large percentage of us have ancestors from there :) Oh and the Queen is still on most of our currency ;) Hope that helps.

    4. Love this blog for many reasons! First, the information is excellent and nicely laid out but also learn so very much from all the wonderful people who comment. It's a great cyber connection

    5. Anonymous 29 July at 16.04: The Prime Minister is NOT the Queen's or the Crown's representative in Canada. The Governor General is her federal rep and the Lieutenant Governors represent her in the various provinces. The Prime Minister is the elected official, invited by the Queen, through the Governor General, to form a government.

    6. Anon 22:12 Spot On! It's Great.:)

  50. I know she has LOTS of help, but getting all of the outfits ready for herself and the kids in less than two months sounds crazy! But I'm looking forward to seeing it all. :-)

    1. Mary,

      With all the help Kate has that all is a piece of cake and probably quite fun. I hope she brings out the bling Canada gifted to the Queen back in the day.
      Julia mentioned Jade and some other fun stuff. It deserves the light of day.

    2. We really do not know how much help Kate has, but this tour has been in the works for a long time. As a matter of fact a report on Canadian television noted that the aim is for William and Kate to visit all areas of Canada in the next few years. Some don't really realize how vast our beautiful country is.

    3. I'm sure they've known about this tour longer than 2 months but I agree that getting any of their tours together must be a stressful yet fabulous job!

    4. Since none of us (that I know of?) have conducted a Royal Tour & since we've seen what priority she gives to her Sartorial Choices, as well as intertwining fabrics or designs, accessories & Jewels into her ensembles..... We really have no idea how hard she works on it, but my hunch is that it's a lot & that she's very very hands on! Imagine the process of her designing a bespoke outfit with a Designer, incorporating aspects of several of their ready to wear collections...but using specific details & even fabrics (that may have to be specially made) incorporating symbols & colors. I personally think there is a lot of behind the scene prep work in which she chooses to be hands on.

  51. Julia from Leominster29 July 2016 at 15:27

    Some possible topics for you here, Charlotte, if you don't mind...

    Not sure how many Canadian designers we might get - that usually gets overestimated - but some possibilities are Lucian Matis, worn by the prime minister's wife to the White House, Mikael D - they do very glamourous gowns but some could be adapted for Kate; Pink Tartan is another who can do Kate-like clothes, and Wayne Clark is a classic - and there are many others - with Britain looking for new trade agreements outside the EU, it seems a good time to promote Commonwealth fashions. (Not sure if that logic works from an economic point of view but I like the idea - and even if Kate doesn't wear any of these - it's fun to look.)

    And I do hope the mystery of those British Columbia gift of jewels to the queen may finally be solved.

    Charlotte hasn't done a pick fashion for Kate as late but I will include a link from Mikael D that picks up so many ideas Kate loves - although admittedly from his 2015 resort collection. It's sexy, yet subtle and has lace - which we all know is a Kate favourite - mine too.

    So hoping still for a Kate Loves Lace feature.

  52. There is a video of Trudeau toasting the Queen. He goes on about her many years of service and long tenure. To me, his rhetoric was kind of weird and patronizing. But the Queen picked up on it and called him on it in her own inimitable way. She said, "Thank you for making me feel so old." People laughed, of course, but I don't think she was joking. She's Queen. She wasn't putting up with left-handed compliments. Good for you, Your Majesty.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden29 July 2016 at 20:38

      I've not seen his speach in full but the impression I have of him is far from wierd and patronizing. And him and the Queen seem to get along famously. I think it was before that dinner, visiting her in the UK he said "Last time we met you felt much taller". (or something of the sort) Which might seem rude until you remember that his father was an earlier PM and Trudeau met her when he was still a kid, and she much taller than him. And I think she has way too much humor to think badly of his speech. She's known for her dry wit, so I think her comment was humor.

    2. Was Margaret Trudeau his mother or grandmother?

  53. As an American I am surprised at the remarks about William and Kate using the Duke's plane. Godparents are extended family in my opinion.That is how I am treated by my Godparents and its how I treat my Godchild. Using a plane is comparable to me using my Godparents vacation home or their car. No big deal. They are family.

    It seems that some of you think that they should be locked in the palace and fed twice a day. Diana certainly did her share of vacationing with William and Harry. Why the double standard now?

    1. lol, 2144,

      hooray, hooray. Absolutely godparents are like family. And the sharing part is right on.

    2. I totally agree with you. Stick around. It gets better. If they drove, they'd be taking up too much space on already congested roads. If they walked, their sneakers wouldn't match the outfits....ETC.

    3. Great Points & I agree about Godparents & Friends as Extended Family.

  54. Sharon - Washington state29 July 2016 at 20:51

    I live in the San Juan Islands in Washington state. We're only 9 miles from Victoria, B.C. This is such a beautiful part of the world and there is so much to see and enjoy. I'm sure W&K and family will have a wonderful time.

    1. I'm going to start a file filled with all these wonderful recommendations of what to see & where to go & what to do, in their Beautiful Country of Canada.:)

  55. Am loving all the comments from Canadians about where to travel in their beautiful country! As mentioned before, the excitement for this tour is contagious. Love the suggestions from Julia on possible designers, had not heard of them, but it is definitely fun to look and learn. Quite sure that between the beautiful scenery, the lovely Kate and the possibility of her adorable children going on this tour, we will all be on eye candy overload!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden29 July 2016 at 22:58

      I agree. And even if Kate and William don't travel to the places mention, or she doesn't wear the designers suggested etc, blogs etc like this becomes part of their tour and promotion. Their high profile makes even a possible visit a good PR point for the countries they visit. The other royals with lower profile don't have that sway. (For bad and for good). Here, blogs like these are an extension of the "Country show-of" that these kind of tours are... Now that I think about it.... I wonder i that is why the more high profile royal couples seem to do more touristy stuff... Because the countries they visit see them as the perfect tourism PR... No clue if that might be true... but a thought that just hit me..

    2. Agreed! :) Sweetness with No Calories.:)

  56. Richard Kay wrote an article on why the Princes have been silent about Diana. The theory he puts forth is not inconceivable. I thought this was so deeply sad for the two boys that they had to walk on eggshells around Charles and Camilla. I hope they get the peace and closure they need. What a burden to bear through your childhood. It sounds as though they lost all light in their lives for years after their mother passed.

    1. Thank you for posting the link! :)

      To be honest, I think this is a no-brainer. Just consider the way the RF treated Diana and the way they responded to her death. The boys needed more than the fresh air that Balmoral had to offer. I doubt very much that they were encouraged to speak about their mother, or that they ever had any professional help in dealing with their loss. The Firm didn't want to be reminded, and Charles had other priorities. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the connection with some of the causes supported by W/K/H.

    2. Rebecca - Sweden29 July 2016 at 23:02

      I would not recomend taking Richard Kays word for anything when it comes to Diana, Charles or Camilla. Or at least not soley his word. He can have some scoops at times, but because he was a close confidant of Dianas, his articles at all involving Charles or Camilla is usually written through very tinted glasses and should be viewed very carefully. He never misses a chance to get a hit in on C&C, so this could very likely be his way of backhandedly blaming Camilla for possible mental harm in the boys. Not saying it is, and you should of course make up your own mind about it. But thought you'd (or someone else) might like some context.

    3. Thx Anon 22:46! What a wonderful article. It makes a lot of sense with all the work W/K/H are doing working with Mental Health issues, including helping or encouraging Grief to be handled properly especially for children! I expect we will see a new evolution of Harry, as he delves deeper into causes his Mother felt close to, but also those that make him feel he is continuing in the spirit of her work. I have a hunch that during this new phase of his life that he will meet someone who will share his passion to make a difference & with him growing into his authentic self, he may find himself finally ready to marry this partner to share his work & his passion for life.:)

  57. Hello, I just wanted to say that I feel grateful for Charlotte creating this blog & I feel grateful for each & everyone of you for sharing your thoughts. I always Learn a lot & am so thankful that Charlotte filters the comments the way that she does. Ensuring this is a Safe Place to Share Our Individual opinions & have proactive discussions when we hold differing opinions.
    Rebecca, I want to thank you for explaining the neg reference about Prince George! I usually don't go surfing around for info on Will & Kate & Family. This time I did & found out what happened, what was said & I found sights that were Horiffic in the Awful things posters were saying about W,K,PG&PC! Not The Sharing of Productive Opinions (even if one was critical of something) but The Most "Gloves Off" Nasty, Mean Slurs & Attacks!
    With all The Tragedy Happening Globally, I Couldn't Belive These People used their time to Throw More Cruelty into Their Day & Out into The Universe..? I just don't get it & it leaves me feeling sad. So I wanted to make sure you all know I appreciate being here to read & to converse & learn from varying opinions.:)

  58. Love you also, Becca. :)

  59. Thirty-five years ago today (7/29) I fell in love with the fairytale as a 10 year old girl as I watched Lady Di marry Prince Charming. Over the next years I watched and learned that fairytales aren't real but that relationships are messy - being a human is messy. Beauty turns to tragedy and back to beauty again. And so it goes.....

    Very thankful that, right now, there is peace and lovliness in the royal family.

    Where were you 35 years ago today and what were you thinking?


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