Wednesday 19 April 2017

Kate Praises "Brilliant" Harry as Heads Together Efforts Intensify

With the London Marathon just days away, efforts have been intensifying in the run up to the big day. Today, the Duchess of Cambridge hosted Team Heads Together runners at Kensington Palace.

Kensington Palace said "Heads Together is spearheaded by the Duke and Duchess and Prince Harry, in partnership with eight leading mental health charities that are tackling stigma, raising awareness, and providing vital help for people with mental health problems. They are highlighting the power of conversations, how being able to talk openly about mental health challenges, can be life-changing. Through this campaign, Their Royal Highnesses are keen to build on the great work that is already taking place across the country, to ensure that people feel comfortable with their everyday mental wellbeing, feel able to support their friends and families through difficult times, and that stigma no longer prevents people getting the help they need."

Kate met eight-year-old Bella Rodway and asked her "Do you talk about your feelings to anyone? You need to lead the way with your friends. Even if you are not feeling good or worried about stuff."

Talk very quickly turned to Harry's open interview over the weekend (more on that below), with Kate agreeing he is a hero to a lot of people. More from The Telegraph:

'Asked about Prince Harry's candid interview, in which he spoke of having counselling to come to terms with his mother's death, she said: “We all felt there was very much a campaign to get everyone talking and have these conversations. We’ve got to do the same, you know, so he’s been brilliant."
Jamie Moloy, a headteacher, told the Duchess at the event: “What I love is your brother-in-law talking the other day, because that's just ignited it". He added Prince Harry was now a "real hero to a lot of people". “Absolutely," the Duchess replied.'

Kate revealed one of 70 Royal Mail post-boxes that will be wrapped with Heads Together headbands on the London Marathon route.

The Duchess helped runner Alex Stanley put the headband on.

In fact, the headbands are decorating some of London's biggest landmarks ahead of the marathon. The photo below was taken at St. Paul's Cathedral.

Battersea Power Station.

Kate speaks with Royal Mail CEO Moya Greene, who spoke of her company's support of the campaign, "As a large employer, we recognise that we have a big role to play in tackling the stigma surrounding mental health. Although we have made some positive steps, there is still a long way to go. Like Sunday's race, this is a marathon. We need to build on the good work we have done so far, and that means helping to address this issue within the local communities that we serve every single day. I'm proud that we are using our iconic postboxes to support Heads Together and this important campaign."

Heads Together tweeted this photo of the runners at the Palace.

Heads Together want to make this year’s London Marathon the first ever ‘mental health marathon’ and get the country talking about mental health. Whatever cause they are supporting, all the marathon runners will be able to take part in the ‘mental health marathon’ by wearing the Heads Together headband that will be given to them when they collect their race number.

Other topics discussed included the difficulties of motherhood. Back to the Mail Online's story:

'Kate also met DJ Neev Spencer - who suffered post natal depression after the birth of her daughter, Genevieve, now nine months. Kate told her: 'Nothing can prepare you for motherhood - especially the first time round, the mixed emotions.'
Neev said afterwards: 'Kate was just so lovely. She was really genuine. I felt comfortable enough to share my experience with her. She was agreeing with me on all the points about how tough being a mum is at the beginning. She must understand from when she had George.' Describing her depression, she said: 'I felt like everyone was much better with her than me. I couldn't pick her up - I couldn't move. I just went low. That's when the post natal depression started. I didn't think I was up to the job.'

Kate talked with the runners about their reasons for participating in the marathon and wished them luck for Sunday.

Kate's new stripe top is by Luisa Spagnoli (with thanks to Japanese Ginger for the ID).

Of course, we're all familiar with the brand as the designer of Kate's much loved red skirt suit. It's a firm staple in her closet making appearances at events from a pre-wedding engagement at St. Andrews in 2011 to Christchurch in 2014 and most recently the Duchess wore it in February for a Place2Be event encouraging kindness.

Clearly a fan of the brand, Kate has added their Muvi Pullover to her collection of stripe tops and sweaters. The sweater is composed of 100% pure new wool and features a scoop neck and long sleeves. It's available in two colorways for $280. Kate's white, navy and red sweater isn't available on the website.

Luisa Spagnoli

A look at the back of the sweater and the distinctive LS Logo.

Luisa Spagnoli

Kate teamed the look with her Superga Cotu Sneakers. They are are described as: "The textured contrast sole sets off the low-profile design, and the label and logo-embossed eyelets lend branded appeal." They are available in a number of colours at ShopBop and Nordstrom.


Kate accessorised with her Kiki McDonough Citrine drop earrings.

Kiki McDonough

What do you think of Kate's casual look today?

On another note entirely, the Duchess was wearing a mic today, though I'm not aware of why she would have needed it for the engagement. Perhaps footage was recorded for future use? There's an excellent video from the event at ITN Source and thanks to the mic we can hear Kate perfectly. It's great to hear her interacting with runners especially towards the end when she chats with DJ Neeve Spencer about motherhood and feeling very casually dressed. With thanks to Monique for mentioning it in her comment!


There's also been a flurry of activity from William and Harry in recent days in support of Heads Together. This has included sharing their own mental health struggles related to the loss of their mother. Prince Harry very bravely spoke to Bryony Gordon about the 'years of total chaos' he endured while struggling to come to terms with the loss of his mother in his twenties. Harry said he "shut down all emotions" for almost two decades, felt "on the verge of punching someone" and suffered anxiety during engagements. Harry admitted he was "close to a breakdown" on numerous occasions. With encouragement from William, he sought counselling at 28. Harry's in a much better place now and said he "finally feels able to take his private life seriously". He also spoke about how much he would love to have children. It's such an incredibly honest, open and courageous interview. In my opinion, it's a defining moment for Heads Together and could inspire so many others to share their issues.

'Was this really happening? I mean really really? Were we finally living in an era where even a representative of one of the most buttoned-up, traditional institutions on the planet might feel able to talk about the troubles in their head?
To call it a watershed moment might sound dramatic. But not to anyone who has ever had to suffer the complexities of mental illness in stifled, suffocating silence.'

William and Harry gave an exclusive interview to CALMzine. The royal brothers’ interview is part of CALMzine’s special ‘Marathon Issue’, released ahead of the 2017 Virgin Money London Marathon. CALMzine is published by one of the Heads Together charity partners, the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM), which is dedicated to preventing male suicide. During the interview William said "Catherine, Harry and I are clear that we want both George and Charlotte to grow up feeling able to talk about their feelings". He added "There be a time and a place for the 'stiff upper lip', but not at the expense of your health". Harry reflected on his time in the military "You’ll do anything for each other, scrub each other’s boots, drag each other through the mud, anything. Yet, on the other hand, this support for each other hasn’t included looking after how your buddy is feeling and thinking about things." You can read the full interview here.

The #OktoSay video series continues with people from all walks of life discussing how opening up about their issues was a vital step in their journey. In something a little different, the Palace posted a video of Prince William chatting to Lady Gaga about mental health on FaceTime. Last year the singer revealed she lives with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in an open letter. During their conversation, William told her he was hugely impressed with the openness displayed in the letter and that it is time "to feel normal about mental health - it's the same as physical health". The Prince and Lady Gaga  also made plans to meet in the UK in October to discuss how they can do more to tackle the stigma.

On a slightly off-topic note, it's always a treat to see a peek inside Kensington Palace. Our lovely reader Sara shared screenshots of the photos on the table which included one of the photos of William, Kate and George taken by Michael Middleton. There's also an unreleased wedding photo of William and Kate, a fun picture of William and Harry wearing glasses (which looks to be taken from a shoot some years ago) and a picture of Widgeon, a Labrador William when he was young (with thanks to Cepe).

Prince William attended a screening of BBC documentary 'Mind Over Marathon' yesterday. The two-part documentary follows a group of runners affected by mental health issues as they prepare for the marathon. The royals will also feature in the programme. After viewing, a visibly moved William said "Wow, yeah. I'm speechless actually. I'm quite emotional. So I am just going to take a minute to calm myself down." William told runners "You are all so special. You should be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. Hearing any of you talk badly about yourselves makes me very, very upset because you are so special". William's words to the runners are really very powerful, you can see how moved he is by their stories, it's another very important moment in the campaign.

More from Richard Palmer:

He said, adding that in his charity work so much of the problems affecting people boiled down to similar issues: "I have my own reasons for being involved in mental health - what happened to me with my mother when I was younger. 
Earlier chatting informally to some of the participants about the battles they have all faced with depression, anxiety, grief or other issues, the second in line to the throne made what appeared to be another reference to Harry. "It all comes back down to mental health." In what appeared to be a veiled reference to his brother's admission that he had been close to a complete breakdown on numerous occasions, the Duke of Cambridge said: "The more we have influential and very important people speaking about their issues and their battles, the better. "As we have seen, a lot of it is left from when you are young. It's a crucial area."
In his speech on stage, William told the runners who appear in the two-part documentary starting at 9pm on BBC One on Thursday: "I'm just so proud of what you have all achieved there." They are running in Sunday's marathon for his, Kate and Harry's Heads Together mental health campaign and William told his audience: "I really think this is a pivotal moment in the change in mental health. I really feel we are on the cusp of something big."

The Telegraph reports:

William told Rhian Burke, 39, who suffered the double loss of her one-year-old son and husband within days of each other, that her son and daughter would be well looked after as she would "provide the blanket of stability and understanding that they need." Speaking about the death of his mother Diana, Princess of Wales, he told her: "I still feel, you know, 20 years later about my mother, I still have shock within me - 20 years later."

This morning, Prince Harry, in his role as patron of the London Marathon Charitable Trust, officially opened the London Marathon Expo. Harry handed out race numbers and thanked runners for helping to make a difference. As you can see in the video below, Harry had a little extra help cutting the ribbon (he unexpectedly invited adorable Melissa to join him). Before leaving, he left a message for the runners, "Good luck guys. Smash it".

And Harry spoke to ITV News saying he hopes Princess Diana would be proud of him for speaking out on mental health:

'He told ITV News it may not be "the norm" for royals to openly discuss the issue. "But if our experiences and sharing those experiences can reduce the stigma (of mental health) for the UK then that's where the service bit comes in. It is incredibly important for us." 
Asked whether his mother would be proud of the Heads Together campaign, which him and PrinceWilliam front, Harry said: "I hope so. I think she would be proud of the campaign, proud of everybody involved, proud of us. But specifically proud of the UK for having this conversation." Harry said the appetite had "always been there" for discussions on mental health, but that he was surprised by the amount of positive feedback. "From her [Diana's] perspective, she would be overwhelmed and hugely encouraged by the fact that the UK has sudden got to this point - and it's only taken a year," he said. "And specifically this week has really energised the whole nation."

It's already been a very special week full of memorable moments. If you have time to watch the videos shared above, I would very much encourage you to do so. I now feel, not only do we have a much better understanding of how much this campaign means to the royals, but as we suspected how personal it is. I believe William and Harry's struggles after the loss of their mother are a driving factor in their decision to tackle the stigma. In a way, Heads Together has provided an outlet for them to finally speak about the pain, shock and anger they still feel today.

 There's been amazing press coverage too, with news of a snap election in June, I do hope it continues to garner as many column inches as possible in the days ahead.

The Telegraph/Daily Mail

William, Kate and Harry will officially open The Global Academy tomorrow.


  1. This is all good news, a wonderful development in civilization today. Kudos to the royal trio for their work in this area and their courage in opening up personally. I sort of suspect Kate joining the royal family herself may have been a major catalyst.

    1. I'm sure you are right about Kate's role, Marci.

  2. Thank you thank you Charlotte for putting this blog post together. The videos are fantastic, even the little one of Harry cutting the ribbon with the sweet little girl (and then making sure he gets the scissors!) Wonderful to see the three of them each doing their part to support the team--not only the Marathoners but the Royal Team that will change the face of the monarchy. I am going to go out on a limb and say that much as a I honour Queen Elizabeth, the monarchy needs a new role for a Britain that is facing enormous challenges. A world that is facing enmormous challenges. The future IS scary and we need all the emotional resources we can muster to face it. The fact that these three are addressing this is [choking up] so good. I identified SO MUCH with what Lady GaGa said. And William's friendliness and gentleness.... The interview withCALM was great.... Okay I am running out of adjectives so I will stop. Just thank you again Charlotte for your part in putting this forward with such a great, positive article about it.

  3. I am so very proud of William, Catherine, and Harry. They are doing incredible meaningful work that is greatly needed. After listening to William and Harry over the last few days, I felt like putting my thoughts in the form of a letter. I posted it on my blog yesterday. Harry remarked in his interview with Bryony Gordon that he believes it is important for the three of them to do this work while they are young and people are interested in them. I certainly understand the point he is making there, but my hope (personally) is that even when they are older, middle-age, and beyond, that they will continue to do this work. It is too important not to.

    1. Wow! Out of all the Heads Together events, I would say that the activities this week has really brought it home for me. Between the 3 of them, this past week they have really found a way to make people listen and get people talking. A colleague of mine at work actually brought up Harry's interview during one of our little office chats and believe me when I say that the conversation lasted for about 2 hours... I kid you not! It really made me appreciate this campaign more because it got people to open up about such personal things. I have been working with some of my colleagues for 5 years and had no idea they were experiencing some of the things they spoke about so this campaign really is doing a fantastic job.

      I was also impressed with William's video chat with Lady Gaga because I think so often we forget that celebrities are human too so it was good to see support from such a famous face who can also relate to the stigma that surrounds mental health :)

      And on another note, I really think that Kate should wear a mic more often because hearing her speak to those mums was soooo much different than just reading about what she said. It felt so personal to me to actually hear her being able to relate to mums and offer them some encouragement and support. Truly a brilliant touch!!

      Love from Avee in SA

  4. HalfofOne - Vancouver19 April 2017 at 16:18

    Skinny jeans and another striped top! That other KM website is going to have a melt down today...LOL.

    In all seriousness, I love Kate's casual looks. She looks exactly put together, yet casual for an event like this.

    I wish they'd talk a bit more about something other than "talking is helpful, we should all talk!". I get the point and I agree that it's one of the most important first steps for someone who is struggling with mental health issues, but I think they've made that point enough. I would love to see a deeper conversation from William and Kate, much like what Harry said this week. That being said, I also want to be respectful that not everyone should be expected to feel comfortable having *that* conversation on a world stage. It's a tough spot, but I think W&K could add more substance than what they've offered thus far.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden19 April 2017 at 16:36

      I think, at this point, their point is not to educate those who alredy have seen their previous videos and speeches and such. We, who see every one of them, think it's repetetive and "nothing new they say". BUT, I think their intent right now is to say the same thing in different mediums, with different collaborators and get as many people to hear that message. Right now, they are repeating themselves on purpose to make sure that message is really reaching out.

      And I agree, it is great that Harry spoke out, but I will be very dissappointed if people turn this against William and Kate. They are not advocating "telling everyone their issues". They are advocating speaking to SOMEONE, not EVERYONE. What Harry did is great, and will surely help people feel more comfortable to open up. But no-one, not anyone, owes ANYONE to tell them about their mental health. Not even William or Kate or Harry for that matter.

    2. I agree with all you've said here, Rebecca. Thank you.
      I've worked for a mental health professional for over 20 years (as office support staff, I'm not a therapist myself) and have come to understand the importance of talk therapy and how vital it is to our overall well-being. That said, the decision to seek help and/or speak publicly about it is an extremely private one. I applaud PH for opening up to the public in the way that he has. If W&K follow suit, great! But they shouldn't be expected to or criticized for not doing so.
      Moving on to what Kate wore the (intentional?) nod to the British flag with her striped top. I feel like this look has become her unofficial Marathon uniform. ;)

    3. Rebecca - Sweden19 April 2017 at 18:40

      Exactly USA reader. I speak about my issues here at the blog for example. And I know how much it takes of you (and gives you) and I don't expect ANYONE to open up. I want them to open up, to someone close to them. That is hard enough. But expecting someone (even someone that is involved in forming a mental health charity) to open up to "the general public" is way too much. Harry should be applauded, he was moved to talk about it and that is great. But in no way should that be expected!

    4. Well said Rebecca and USA reader! The more the message is repeated, the more chance someone who is struggling to open up may get the message and find the strength to talk to someone. The road to good mental health is not the same for everybody and part of the message is that your own personal path is okay to find, just take the first step. It's an initiative well worth repeating. cc

    5. I think the next thing they could do is encourage people to LISTEN. I agree that they need to get people over the stigma and willing to "talk" (admit they need help) but the next thing is people need to be willing to truly listen when a friend or loved one admits they're struggling. People tend, for various reasons, to brush the comments aside. If someone wants to talk but no one is willing to listen then talking does no good.

    6. I think you've made a very vital point, bristowmom. It is often difficult and draining to listen. It may be more people don't talk because there is no one to listen.

  5. HalfofOne - Vancouver19 April 2017 at 16:26

    Skinny jeans and another striped top-- there's another KM blog that's going to have an absolute meltdown over this today...LOL!

    I have to say, I love Kate's casual looks. You can tell that it's what she most comfortable in and she comes across as more comfortable and at ease when she's at a casual event. She looks put together, yet casual and approachable which is just the right tone for an event like this.

    On the topic of Heads Together, I do wish W&K would talk a bit more about something other than "talking is helpful, we should all talk to each other!". I get the point and I certainly agree that reaching out to someone is a hugely important first step for someone who is struggling with their mental health, but I think they've made that point enough now. I would love to see a deeper and more nuanced conversation from W&K, much like what Harry said this week. That being said< I also think we have to acknowledge that they may not feel comfortable having *that* conversation on a world stage. It's a tough spot, but I think they could add more substance than what we've seen thus far.

    1. Oh I see you made the same point as me HalfOne - I agree with you on the message. I would love to hear a bit more from William and Kate than "let's start the conversation". Like what do you do after you have started ? Or how it affects people around them etc. etc.

    2. According to Harry, his coming to grips with his grief was recent. From what William has said, his dealing with his mother's death began quite some time ago. It is fresher with Harry and that may be why it seems more emotional or relatable. Kate has spoken with mothers about her difficulties as a first time mother. The women she spoke to related that she spoke mother to mother and seemed sincere. She has not, fortunately for all of them, had to deal with the death of a parent at a young age. She spoke in terms of her experience. That is all she can do. It is a good thing that at least one of the three had a stable childhood. I wonder if some want her to talk about bullying on a personal level to validate a story that is likely a popular tabloid tale? If true, she simply may not be ready to talk openly on the subject. I agree with Rebecca, CeCe, USA, and others that one should not be expected to talk about a subject until ready.

    3. Just to clarify I don't think that Kate or William should be expected to get personal and share their own stories unless they want to. The point I am making is that there is more to be said beyond "let's talk". But baby steps.

  6. Rebecca - Sweden19 April 2017 at 16:36

    I've written about them speaking out already and they are doing really good stuff! So important. (Don't know what else to write about it, and am a bit busy). It is great the spread it's getting. The more people that hear about heads together or see the blue headband and such,the more people might search about it or talk about it and learn something.

    Her look seems about right. The shirt is very pretty and still a bit different than her other striped shirts. And the shoes are nice.

    Were they filming this? I've seen pictures where it looks like she has one of those "mic-boxes" in her back pocket.

  7. I love how Heads Together is shaping up. I'm especially impressed with how William has comforted others. He chooses the right words and makes it very personal to the people he speaks to. Mentioning grief and suicide, and how there's a time for the stiff upper lip, but not at the expense of one's health. That is precisely what this is about.

  8. Quick pop by to say that I am very very happy that Harry and William are taking the lead into this very important topic. I was so impressed by Harry's podcast earlier - I think it was an incredibly important step to really catalyze this movement. And clearly it got major attention. I was really heartbroken for him in many ways, to know that he spent so many years without any real shoulder to lean on. At least William had the Middletons very early on, and probably some good friends at school as well.
    As for William's involvement - I watched the video with Lady Gaga and I have to say that I was far far more impressed with Lady Gaga's very articulate and succinct and non-repetitive points on how her mental illness was helped by talking. She made a few distinct points that were all important and smart. William on the other hand.. sigh.. I know that I really shouldn't be critical of him in the same post as being so effusive of Harry, but William keeps saying the same thing over and over and over again. He and Kate - the only things they say is how important it is to start the conversation. We have heard that so many times, I wish he would come up with something more original.
    I am beginning to wonder what exactly the problem is - this lack of imagination on his and Kate's part. Is it because they are too guarded or just don't spend the energy or effort that is needed to get a bit more in-depth into it.

    Anyway, to end on a positive note - I think that this whole initiative is worthy and will help change the lives of many.

    1. Rosman, maybe William wants to be a good listener so that others will talk to show us how effective it is to be heard. Lady Gaga seemed to respond because it was her platform, not William's. Maybe he wanted the spotlight on LG to validate her in her honesty and willingness to be vulnerable and tell the world about her pain/conflict. I agree in hoping William will talk more about his experience and be more in-depth. Interesting that the most recent bio of Charles says he spent 14 years in therapy as a result of his failed marriage. (Might not be true, I realize) Maybe, if it did happen, it helped William to begin talking and ask for someone to listen that lead to his encouraging Harry. At this point, the Trio seem to want to take small steps--ask someone to listen; take the lead in talking about our feelings even if we aren't sure. They say silence doesn't work. Try to talk about it. Harry said he didn't speak about it. He said he's now talking about it with a great result. They're taking it slow since they know it took Harry 20 years to address it. I love the initiative and believe it will help change the lives of many. Very proud of the Trio and their work on this! Katherine USA

    2. Caroline in Montana20 April 2017 at 17:12

      I think your mental health is also affected by the things that people say about you, either to your face, behind your back or in the case of a royal, in print or in a "comments" section -

      "I am beginning to wonder what exactly the problem is - this lack of imagination on his and Kate's part" "or just don't spend the energy or effort that is needed" "William on the other hand.. sigh.. "

      I am sorry but, you have NO idea what is going on in his head, its things like this that undermine the whole heads together campaign that is about mental health, i for one would not open up to you after your remarks here. I'm sorry that YOU aren't getting Enough of whatever it is you think you deserve out of William and Kate, but give them a break. it makes me sad to think that they read peoples comments and constant put downs of them, yet people think they should always be "giving more" - so what? they can get some more negative remarks made about them? its just sad.

      I'm very proud of them for this movement, i think it will, Hopefully, affect a change in peoples attitudes and constant belittling of other people, normal or royal. everyone has something, so we should all be kind, as you never know what is affecting and one person and you never really know what is in their heads or hearts.

      "I know that I really shouldn't be critical of him" - then don't, especially if you know better.

      I'm sure that I will be attacked in some form, but i just feel passionate that folks should just mellow out on the negativity, especially in the face of this great campaign.

    3. +1 Caroline

    4. Caroline

      With all due respect, relax please. I think everybody adds to the ongoing conversation whether it is about mental health or any other cause.

      Sending people to DM site, does not move us further but.....

  9. Tammy from California19 April 2017 at 17:06

    My favorite part about this whole post, is the choir boys in front of St. Paul's Cathedral! SO CUTE!

    1. I really enjoyed that photo too, Tammy. ( thanks Charlotte!)

    2. Really cute photo! :)

  10. I think this is the most we could hope for, from all of them, Harry certainly did the most in the last couple of days, he was everywhere. Probably, he could speak freely and bravely, I really adore him for all he has done, he needed a lot of courage to come up with that stuff. The Cambridges do not want to show more from their personal feelings, which is their prerogative, although William also made a speech but for me he is stiff and I can't realte to him as much as I relate to Harry. Kate's weak point point is giving a speech and small talk, but she is improving at least with giving speeches.
    I hope they will keep on pushing this and help as many as they can.

    On fashion front, at this point she can't surprise me, today's outfit was suitable for this engagement, but still boring for me. Stripes of doom!:)

    1. Rebecca - Sweden19 April 2017 at 17:51

      I think in Williams chat with lady gaga he was more the "interviewer". Or rather, it was more about her and her sharing about her experience. To it makes sense that he was more generic.

      But his (seemingly off the cuff) remarks on stage at BBC were VERY well done. Him saying that he gets upset when these people talk badly about themselves and how proud he is of them really resonated with me. I really needed to hear that in my struggles, how people like William see how hard the fight is!

    2. On the contrary, I think William is BRILLIANT in how he talks to other people and how he gives advice. He may not say it in interviews, but he says it to people he meets who are going through the same experience. He already said once that he was very, very angry after Diana's death, but has learned to cope with support. He has reassured both children and parents that they will be alright. And as Harry said himself, it is not about them, it is about helping others.

    3. Rebecca

      I am very happy for you that William resonated with you, it proves the whole campaign is worth it then, and matters and gets on personal level.

    4. Anett, I agree with you, Harry is definitely the one who goes the extra mile for the causes he supports. He has much more of his mother in him than William in that respect I think; he's not afraid to get stuck in and do the 'barrier-breaking' stuff like taking the HIV test. But they do say that you only truly understand suffering when you've suffered. Diana was certainly an example of that and I think that might be the difference between William and Harry. William seems to have found a way to handle the grief and shock of his mother's death a little better and so has emerged more settled. Harry seems to have taken it very badly and suffered for a long time as a result. Maybe that's had a big impact on his empathy with others and his desire to help them get out of bad situations. I think he's an incredible asset to the royal family and I really hope he manages to find peace and happiness in his private life at last.

      By the way, this is not meant to be a dig at William (or Kate for that matter). Just because they are not quite so hands-on and open in their style, I don't think that makes their style 'wrong' in any way. It's just different - and variety is the spice of life!

      Also, your 'stripes of doom' had me laughing out loud! :)

    5. Helen

      I slightly disagree with one thing regarding William, he might have coped better but if we look at how he handles and manages his royal affair, he comes down one angry, spoilt, stiff person. Many times he seems he is unable to handle expectations, himself, engagements.Probably having a lot of yes men instead of real advisors don't help the matter further.

      People often say William inherited all the bad traits from both sides of his family. I see their point.

  11. Eve from Germany19 April 2017 at 17:51

    This week is getting better and better - if only regarding to the "HeadsTogether" movement.... I was very impressed by Lady Gaga and the way she talked about her problems. She spoke as a very mature adult, and I mean "mature" in the best possible way. I like how William and Harry try to reach people in numerous ways: talking to someone like Lady Gaga, the podcast, the meetings with the runners, the signs in the City of London, interviews with reporters.... all reach different groups of people. There was some real thought going into this, I´m sure a lot of work had to be done, and it´s done in a clever way, from a marketing point of view. Which is great, because, the more people hear about this, the more it´s likely to be talked about.
    I agree that talking is "only" a start, but above all, they try to take away the stigma from mental health issues, and talking about it, sharing your own experience, above all talking about it as if it is the most "normal" thing (which it should be), it´s the crucial thing to start with. Without being able to talk about what you feel (so many in all of those interviews/podcasts/videos, etc have been talking about feeling "weird", "strange", "different", "something´s WRONG with me", etc), you bottle it up and it will end up causing HAVOC in your life (and that of your spouse, children, partner, friends, family...). If and when you feel "I feel weird, but it´s OK to talk about it so let´s do it", very often a huge burden is lifted off your shoulder. Plus, if this stigma disappears, people will much more often show compassion and understanding because it´s no longer "Oh dear, what am I going to do about THAT?". Through this talking about mental health, people will be getting interested in the NEXT step: what to do next? What can I as a friend/partner/colleague/parent/teacher, etc, do to help this person? When is it better to seek professional help? Where do I find this help? etc etc etc.
    Whether Diana would be proud? I have ZERO doubt about it, ZERO! I bet she would be thinking what I am thinking so many times when I listen to my daughter and watch her growing up and see how she is expressing the values I taught her: Well, I made a lot of mistakes in my life, but at least I got this one thing right!! ;-))))
    Bravo to both William and Harry in particular, they are really "stepping up their game" here, so Kudos to them!! They both seem to have found the cause they are passionate about which is great. Please more of this!!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden19 April 2017 at 18:42

      I agree. I have no doubt there has been quite a few "schmoozing calls" from the royals to get the post and big companies and such on board wwith this. They are using their positions to make sure this has a big reach, and it is very clever!

    2. Not only calls, Rebecca, it's clear that there have been so many hours of conversation about what could be done, and how, so many calls not only to celebs but also to experts. We are witnessing a superb work and I really hope that "work shy" will no more appear in this comment section. It's something too personal, it cannot be made only by their staff.

  12. Excellent to see these three young people spreading such an important message. Mental health spans the whole of our society including the immensely privileged. I see it each and every day in school.

    We need to encourage all to share their woes and stop telling little boys to 'man up' and stop telling them that when they cry they are 'acting like girls'.

    Tears and talk are a wonderful way to release pressures of the mind. We need to support families to stay together, children to be pleasant to one another and keep friendships. It would be great to see more adults who model good communication skills to our all our children. �� Rant over ��

  13. Three cheers to the 3 RHs!

    I loved the Lady Gaga and Princess William talk and I am not normally a fan of hers, but I do admire her for speaking out.

    Haven't listened to Harry yet although I did read a version of it and I admire him for doing this. It is out of the royal norm, but seems to making a big difference.

    All of the UK seems to tying to do the right thing.

  14. Striped top and dark skinny jeans... it was predictable.
    Although I think it is appropriate, it is getting boring this look for almost every casual engagement. I wish she ia more adventurous on her dressing. With that body she can dress whatever she can.
    Anyone think she is wearing a new lipstick colour? Nice one!


    1. Rebecca - Sweden19 April 2017 at 18:42

      I did also notice the slightly darker tint on her lips. I like it :)

    2. It's a casual event and I thought she looked appropriate. I love the sweater and if I was thin enough to wear those style of jeans, I would (but I'm not). She is clearly not someone who likes a bunch of frills and there is nothing wrong with that. She looks healthy and happy.


  15. Deanne from Canada19 April 2017 at 18:52

    Wedding photo: looks like William is wearing the black Irish Guards uniform (that he originally wanted to wear). Glad he got a commemorative photo.

    1. You're absolutely right! I thought the VERY same thing. It clearly was a personal photo, but I'd LOVE to see it ❤

  16. Regarding the mic - I have just watched the ITNSource News video from the engagement and you can hear her so clearly throughout, even when she is at a distance and you normally wouldn't be able to hear her. Could she have been hooked up for their benefit?


  17. I'm a little puzzled by the notion that William and Catherine should be more open because Harry was. What if they don't have the kind of struggles that Harry endured? William met Kate when he was in his very early 20s, just 5 years after his mother's death. I think she has been his support and comfort and sounding board all these years. Perhaps he's more or less "healed" and has no need to open up. And Kate. She appears to have had loving support and guidance from two very down to earth parents all along. Should she invent some mental health issue to come clean about to the public? She would be torn apart if she tried to do that. So she and William are doing what they can do - encourage everyone to talk about their feelings and promise to see that George and Charlotte grow up knowing they can always talk about how they feel and what bothers them.

    What really has me a little ticked off in this whole endeavour is the loud silence from Charles about what his sons are doing. I did see yesterday some comment from Clarence House that Charles supports Harry and William for the interviews they have given, but I would expect more from him. Talk about a conversation needing to happen - Charles has a lot to answer for in the William and Harry department. And his mother, The Queen, has a lot to answer for in the Charles department given his upbringing. Don't see any support coming from any other branch of the BRF in this matter.

    Same old, same old. But the future looks bright.

    Thank you, William, Harry and Kate.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden19 April 2017 at 19:58

      At least Buckingham Palace retweeted Williams & Gaga's video. But yeah, it's very silent from the rest of them.

    2. I think for the Royal family it is baby steps to catch up with the modern world. William, Harry and Kate have greatly helped the cause in their approach to not always hold "the stiff upper lip." Yes, Charles did have a childhood devoid of affection and warm family togetherness. But at that time, it was the way for the aristocracy. Many young boys in upper class England were sent off to boarding schools at about age eight, coming home holidays but living that life otherwise.

      Maya Angelou said "We do what we know. When we know better, we do better." I do think Charles and the Queen are on the path to easing up on traditions and protocol. William was allowed to court Kate and marry her, with no attempts to arrange a marriage with a princess from another royal family. It has been said that Meghan has been welcomed, as Harry's girlfriend. In decades past, the Queen's own sister, Princess Margaret was more or less forbidden to marry a divorced man, Group Captain Peter Townsend. And King Edward the 8th, gave up the throne to marry a divorced woman.

      So baby steps give it time...but yes, it would be a wonderful support and awareness if Charles and the Queen added their voices to the good work the younger royals are doing.

    3. Precisely, Marny. I think Kate has been very blessed with a stable family and a firm emotional mould since childhood. William has coped much better than Harry, which is why his teenage and early adult years were not as volatile. As for Charles, I think he has done his bit even if it has not been acknowledged. Remember he was the one who brought Harry to rehab when he did drugs.

    4. The point of Heads Together is that people initiate conversations about their mental health, not that they all do it in the media or on social media. Both William and Catherine have spoken about their emotions, the importance of sharing feelings and that they are raising their children to be comfortable doing so. They don't need to go out and make a Harry-style interview too. Fortunately it's a different age. The timing is right for the WC&H. They can take these steps and have these conversations publicly now. Even ten years ago it would have been more difficult.

      As for Buck and Clarence House, who knows how much they can get on board at this stage. Their post-Victorian and post WWII worlds taught them to uphold different values. Some of those were laudable and others less so.

      Charles was in many senses an abandoned as well as emotionally abused child. Can BP and CH own up to that? When you look at what Phillip went with his mother and the political situation at the time, it's no wonder that he thought packing a sensitive child off to the toughest school in the UK would do the trick. Think how beautifully he might have thrived given an emotionally secure up-bringing and recognition of his artistic sensibilities as gifts not liabilities. I think he's made an amazing thing of a very challenging life--the mistakes not withstanding.

    5. Interesting comment, Marny .At least the generations of royal children who were not allowed to display or even talk about feelings stops with William and Catherine in that family. I have yet to hear any of the other of the Queen's children or grandchildren speak so openly of personal problems, although I may have missed it. I do know that Sophie has spoken, but I don't think Edward has. It seems a little bit to me that at least the Queen's children chose mates who spoke more openly. It has gone on for at least 100 years, culminating in the near collapse of the BRF in the 1990's. I truly think Diana was the turning point. No matter her personal difficulties, she started the conversation. It may have been one-way for awhile.
      Also pertinent is the social movement toward more open discussion of once
      taboo subjects. The silence was also a generational product. I grew up in the days that cancer was only spoken in whispers, there were no double beds on tv or in film, and no one talked about child abuse.

    6. I would not expect Charles to join in at all. It's not his work, and if he did I can only imagine the reactions as a lot of his sons' conversations have been about losing their mother.

      Suzie, everyone deals with things in their own way anyway so to say that William somehow did it better than Harry I don't think is fair.

    7. Ryan from Texas20 April 2017 at 04:55

      Conversely, how many times have William and Kate spoken out publicly in support of Charles's causes? Never, as far as I can recall. They are all passionate about different causes and I don't take silence on Charles's part as meaning anything more than he is passionate about different things than William/Kate/Harry. I imagine he supports and applauds their efforts, albeit privately, just like I imagine William and Kate support his causes privately.

    8. I know William has appeared with his father at projects and events that were initially Charles's domain. The greening project-it involved public areas and playing fields, I believe, comes to mind. As a rule, one expects fathers to be the helpful, supportive one in a parent-child relationship. This carries over into adulthood. It also reverses it self with an elderly, retired parent. The son and father sometimes change roles.
      With the intermittent tabloid campaigns directed against William, one would have expected at least a public word of encouragement and support.
      That said, I can imagine Charles saying to Camilla, " Let's let the lads shine and show their mettle." (I am not very good at Briticisms-)

  18. I really identify with the comment that" I teared up about this post." Bravo Bravo bravo to these three for using their "celebrity " (Like Lady GaGa) to open up such an important's long overdue.
    I think the synergy of the three is amazing. They are totally helping the monarchy stay relevant.
    And Kate's perfectly dressed for this casual occasion.

  19. Yesterday Andrea Mitchell a major and esteemed NBC journalist showed the Lady Gaga video with William and said it was a new Day for the British Royal family. That someone of Mitchell's stature would take note of this is quite remarkable.

  20. I know I am in the minority, but I for one, don't mind Kate's "casual event" uniform. It is completely appropriate, she fits in and its her style. Personally I prefer the darker sweater but think the colors of the one she chose are a nice nod to Britain!! A minor quibble, but I do sometimes question her choices in earrings with some clothes....citrine?? Not seeing the connection, and it wouldn't be my choice, but she must see them as a neutral color IDK. cc

    1. Rebecca - Sweden19 April 2017 at 23:05

      I think she does see them as neutral. Since the gold is yellow and the citrine has the same colour I think she see's them as the same kind of neutral thing as if they were just gold. And I quite think they work as versitile go-to earrings. And I also don't think jewels always have to match. But it's personal taste :)

    2. That makes sense Rebecca. In that context, they would be a great go-to earring and I can see it better now. Thanks. cc

  21. Cara, Australia19 April 2017 at 20:52

    I loved hearing Catherine speak with her guests over the mic. It was a really interesting way of getting the true vibe and purpose of an engagement; hearing the intonation and emotional of her voice rather than seeing photos and reading quotes. It was refreshing listening to the conversations first hand.

    Cara, Australia

  22. They are doing a great job with sharing this important message.

    On a side note I know its a blog for Catherine but it was great to come and get all the goings on from all them in one spot today.

  23. It's just my imagination, of course, but I see the citrine earrings donned on this Britain-flag-reminder like a nod to the British monarchy, a golden-yellow bright spot.

    1. That's a nice thought Paola. There's definitely a reason she chose them and that would be a Kate thing for sure....and a nice one at that! cc

  24. I have yet to watch the videos, but I read through this post and all the commentary and wanted to post my thoughts before I forget.

    All in all, what a great week and very moving, too. It really feels that the energy for this campaign has spiked quite a bit, and I think we have Harry to thank for a big part of that. We all knew the royals had to feel a deep personal connection to this initiative because of Diana, so now that Harry has voiced that, it's added even more emotion and drive to the entire effort. Not that it wasn't important before, I just think his honesty--especially considering how unprecedented it is for a royal to speak out--helped people realize how important Heads Together is, how real it is, and how mental health can effect everyone across the board. Bravo to him for opening up.

    On that same note, I don't think William and Kate should be chastised for not gushing forth with their stories. On a surface level, it could make some people scoff at the sincerity of the campaign, if suddenly all three royals were sharing so openly. On a deeper level, they should never be expected to share such personal experiences on a world stage. The work they're already doing to remove the stigma around mental health is appreciated, and it is each person's right to speak or not speak as they feel comfortable.

    I couldn't help but wonder, too, about what Charles is thinking and feeling this week. The Queen, too. I know tradition and the "stiff upper lip" bit is how the BRF has operated for centuries, but thank God for the younger royals embracing the times and trying to change with it. I hope it continues. It's a refreshing new outlook and I hope it continues as George and Charlotte get older.

    As for the fashion bit, this seems to be a tried-and-true sort of casual working look that Kate is comfortable with. It's nothing groundbreaking, but we all have our go-to outfits that we feel best in. I'm glad to see a different striped shirt than the ones she's pulled out for William's polo matches. I'd love to see her in some fun solids and textiles at some point.

    1. I think Charles is proud of his boys, but I do also think there might me a shade of annoyance that it's all about Diana again, which indirectly discredits his abilities as a father in helping them cope. I do still very much admire the Queen and Charles for their discretion and how closely they guard their personal feelings. For many people, it is an effective way of coping. William said it perfectly - there is a place for the stiff upper lip, but not at the expense of your health.

  25. Zora from Prague19 April 2017 at 21:57

    I'm really impressed by Harry's interview and deeply grateful to Harry, William and Kate for what they're doing. Excellent job! Thank you for the new post, Charlotte, you significantly help to highlight this cause too.
    I love the idea of putting the headband on a pillar box! :)

  26. I think Kate with the "mic" on was a good idea. The campaign is all about conversation. Also is good insight into the challenges of making meaningful small talk and listening to and responding in a sincere and caring way to strangers who seem comfortable pouring their hearts out to you. Not the easiest of jobs.
    She has a beautiful melodic voice and snippets of her personality did peek through like when she was describing motherhood to the woman with the long brunette hair.

    1. I loved that bit with her chatting to Neev Spencer about motherhood, Kate seems so engaging and really sweet! It's great to see (& hear!) her in a less formal environment, I found her quite relatable and totally different to when she is giving speeches. It's really lovely to see.

  27. Maybe yellow for The Lion, symbol of Great Britain also.

  28. My guess about the earrings is that they are her favorites, and showing how close this cause is to her heart by wearing them. She may have gold flecks in her hazel eyes and some one gave her the earrings long ago. Perhaps William.

  29. Oh i love the royal trio hmm i love the head together putting some shape. For these issue i love lady gaga share her problem in mental health im definitely love the dule ans prince harry meaningful speech about mental hsath. How they comfort people

  30. The choirboy photo is classic. So cute. But honestly I was truly hoping to see a band of blue around the dome of St. Paul's (many more landmarks). Thank heaven they got the Royal mail to put them on those ever-so-cute mailboxes though. And, I hope all the marathon runners "team up" and wear their headbands.

  31. Watched the ITN Source video again. Thanks for the link to that, Charlotte. The thing I noticed this time was that Kate looks beautiful even in the sunlight, :).
    I like that darker lipstick on her a lot. Hope she continues to wear that. Also, was so happy to see Rebecca Deacon again. Cute how she walked back and forth in the background looking at the camera. She seemed to tell Kate at the beginning to go directly and quickly to the lady in the green coat.

    1. So glad Rebecca had a nice long break. Not much time left for her in the royal household now.

  32. Hugely emotional hugely powerful and historic week for the campaign against mental health stigma -- from Australia I am in awe of what they have all achieved using such clever mediums this week - go UK! Go team Harry Kate William & Heads Together! Wow. Great post thank you.
    Theresa QLD Australia

  33. Sarah from Calif.20 April 2017 at 00:38

    Excellent and well done !!!!!

  34. I think today was an all around success. Kate's sartorial choices were dead on. New but not crazy different. The discussion wasn't 'ugh that navy and white striped shirt AGAIN!' or 'wow she's wearing patterned pants'. The focus was really where it should be-on the marathon and mental health.

    I also think W/K are in a tough spot. As fans of Kate, I think we would all enjoy a good heart to heart chat with her, to get to know and understand her better. But, as Marny said, if she doesn't have a story to share, she shouldn't need to make one up just to have a story to contribute. Plus, as things are standing now, one day she and William will be king/ queen. While they are not political figures, they will still be meeting with powerful people, who may not play nice. It's safe to say 'I had a hard time when my mom died and it helps to talk to someone about it' but to get into the dirtier details might end up being used against them. Or maybe I watch too much tv....

    1. Very valid points, in my opinion, Katie.

    2. Do you happen to watch "The Royals," Katie, me girl? No weakness goes unexploited.

  35. I fantasize about the Queen writing them each a letter saying how proud she is of them and what a great cause this is. If anyone hears she's not overjoyed and bursting with pride, please don't tell me and burst my bubble. :)

  36. Alejandra Ramirez20 April 2017 at 04:45

    Excellent coverage and post Charlotte!
    God bless! :D

  37. So Kate talked to 10 people prepping for a marathon in a courtyard where she lives and put a headband on a mailbox? Did I get that right?

    1. What did you want her to do?

    2. Yes may be so, ten people spread the word and it multiplies. They promote the cause as a team. The brothers spoke from experience; and her part seems to be as a citizen as well a member of the team in high lighting on sending the message. She has kept up through engagements and speeches on the cause. She is evolving and doing what meets her comfort level. Harry’s interview was a good dose of genuine and honest message which reached thousands. The way the trio coordinated their role on this cause seems to have a good balance. It is better to look at the whole picture especially at this early stage of their effort on a stigmatized subject. For the sake of people who are becoming optimistic on this effort, looking at the whole picture is better in my humble opinion.

    3. Caroline in Montana20 April 2017 at 17:20

      im sorry, but you should go on over to the daily mail and make some comments there. some of us come here to have positive moments in their lives. and in the face of a national "metal health" campaign, your answer is to belittle people????

    4. The whole picture. Good thought, Anon 15. I have missed your comments. We also need to include any interviews that went on inside KP after she left the ITN interview. Maybe George and Charlotte can fit into that whole picture somewhere, too.

    5. You slay me, Moxie! When you come right down to it, you've got it.

      Headband on a mailbox is still cracking me up.

    6. Moxie, don't know but perhaps it was just a question posed to agitate (and not the first time?) That's my feeling about it anyway. Sad, since the ten people probably thought of it as a lot more than nothing and so did Kate would be my guess. All the simple parts combined of their initiative so far, like this one, seem to be having a definite, good impact. I think the conversations we've had on this blog alone would confirm that. So do I think meeting ten people in her front yard and putting a headband around a mailbox was worthwhile and significant. Definitely. It gave the CEO and her company the recognition they deserve for supporting what many feel is a worthy cause. And, with the ten representing the runners, she acknowledged those who have taken the time to train and participate in the run, a marathon run. Was being able to hear her conversations about mental health and empathy toward others worthwhile. Definitely. That highlighted actual conversations about mental health with people sharing their stories. Not insignificant at all. Their stories matter. At the end of the day, no act of kindness however small (or perceived as small) is ever wasted, in my opinion. It has a ripple effect that can grow and keep on growing. And that is just what is happening.

    7. If you read Moxie's post she didn't say anything about the cause. At all. She just clarified what Kate actually did. And I found it very humorous to be laid out in such a wry way. If that's meant to agitate, she certainly agitated my funny bone. And, as much as you may rail about it, it's actually a factual sentence.

      Perhaps what you should think about is look at how little Kate has to do to bring attention to something! That is saying the same thing, and I would be proud to have that much clout.

    8. To speak for myself, my understanding of the comment directly from 05:54 remains the same especially having been familiar with the perspective of the commenter.

    9. 0544 has a name Anon15. And you have no idea of the perspective of Moxie on this issue. Interestingly she made a factual statement; she shouldn't have to feel badly if some don't like reading it.

      What we did not know when Moxie posted that comment was that they'd just done that interview on the picnic bench. That brings a new perspective that was not available originally.

    10. bluhare,

      As far as ID by time while a name is associated with the comment, it was the state of my outlook. There was a neutral moment when it became beyond Florida Moxie and Kate. This is when familiarity with perspective played a role. There are people on this blog who complain when Kate’s engagements are lagging, and the very same people who acknowledge positive changes, and share their delight when Kate’s engagements pick up in frequency. This can apply to any work or family setting in a healthy way. If a critic is exclusively and consistently cynical about a person no matter what, it can be questionable or ignored.

      Beyond this, we agree to disagree and I refrain to discuss a third party any further. When you post your own comments w/o defending Moxie who can speak for herself, I have kept up reading your quick wit, remarks, and continue to find it interesting. Peace!

    11. Anonymous,

      Thank you very much for your kind thoughts.

    12. You're very welcome, anon 15

  38. Could you post the link to the ITN Source feed of the KP event? I can't find it but will keep looking.

    1. It is right above the photo of the close-up of Kate's microphone.

    2. Oh thank you surfer girl!

  39. Am I the only one who thought the little girl (Melissa) who Harry chose to help him cut the ribbon bore a striking resemblance to Meghan Markle? If I were to cheekily imagine what a five-year-old daughter of Harry and Meghan might look like, I think Melissa would be my perfect mental image!

  40. This blog includes every link of their activities from yesterday and more.

    Thank you Charlotte,

    As usual, you excel at what you do.

  41. I, too, liked the slightly darker hue of lipstick. I noticed that she did her eyeliner differently too---very light, similar I think to her Vogue photos. I enjoyed hearing her chat with folks as we normally don't get to hear it--but I've always wondered what she's saying to people, so that was nice. =)


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