Monday 1 May 2017

Adorable New Photo Released to Mark Princess Charlotte's Second Birthday!

As hoped for, Kensington Palace released a beautiful new photo of Princess Charlotte ahead of her 2nd birthday tomorrow. The photo was taken by Kate in April at their Norfolk home, Anmer Hall. It looks like it was taken in the hall's barn with bales of hay in the background. The Palace said "The Duke and Duchess are delighted to share to share the photograph to mark their daughter's special day on Tuesday. Their Royal Highnesses would like to thank everyone for all of the lovely messages they have received, and hope that everyone enjoys this photograph of Princess Charlotte as much as they do."

Kensington Palace /HRH The Duchess of Cambridge

It's a lovely photo - look at how much she's grown and how long her hair is!

How will the big day be marked? Likely with a small family party. More from Rebecca English:

"Expected to be a low key affair, celebrations are anticipated to include a small family party expected to be organised by her parents. Both the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Charlotte's uncle, Prince Harry, have been spared from official engagements tomorrow. It is unlikely that we will see her grandfather Prince Charles at Charlotte's birthday as he is expected to continue his stay in Scotland this week. "

Charlotte's sweet outfit includes a very cute yellow and blue knit sheep cardigan from John Lewis. The Fair Isle style piece is a past season garment and has been sold out for some time (with thanks to What Kate's Kids Wore). It very much looks like Charlotte wore the JoJo Maman Bébé Long Sleeved Tee in Denim Dity Floral and her pretty bow is the Amaia Kids Medium Hair Bow in navy.

John Lewis/JoJo Maman Bébé/Amaia Kids

In many ways it feels like only yesterday Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge was born, weighing 8 lbs 3 oz at 8:34 a.m. on 2 May 2015. We saw our first glimpse of the Princess when William and Kate left the Lindo Wing with their daughter when she was less than twelve hours old.

A few weeks after her arrival, the Palace released photos of Charlotte and big brother George taken at Anmer Hall.

Princess Charlotte was baptised at St Mary Magdalene Church on the Sandringham estate in Norfolk on 5 July.

I have always loved this mother and daughter christening portrait by Mario Testino.

That November, photos of six-month-old Charlotte taken by Kate were released. The Palace said: "The Duke and Duchess hope everyone enjoys these new photos of Princess Charlotte as much as they do." The images gave us our first glimpse into Charlotte's personality.

In December 2015, we had an unexpected festive treat when the Cambridges released a family photo to mark Christmas. The photo showing the Duke and Duchess with their smiling children Prince George and Princess Charlotte was taken among the autumn leaves at Kensington Palace in late October. The Palace said the photograph was commissioned for their own use, but that the couple decided to make it public because they liked it so much. It was taken by Wiltshire-based photographer Chris Jelf.

In March 2016, the Cambridges enjoyed their first holiday as a family of four. The Palace revealed it was the first time George and Charlotte has played in the snow.

Princess Charlotte sitting on "Gan-Gan's" lap for the Queen's 90th birthday portrait.

Kate took a selection of adorable photos at Anmer Hall to mark Charlotte's first birthday. The photo below of Charlotte looking at mum is precious.

I love this photo of a smiling Charlotte pushing her walker across the lawn. It's a delightful 'family album' photo and she looks simply adorable with a pink bow in her hair.

Charlotte made her first Trooping The Colour appearance in 2016.

In September, the Cambridges travelled to Canada - sixteen-month-old Princess Charlotte's first tour and the Cambridges first as a family of four - a special milestone.

Like her big brother, Charlotte was eager to take a peek when they landed :)

The highlight of the tour came when George and Charlotte attended a Children's Party at Government House. Charlotte was eager to take a look around and explore from the moment she arrived.

Charlotte made a beeline for the balloons shouting "Pop".

She was particularly taken with a black and white rabbit.

Princess Charlotte on a miniature pony.

A wave goodbye as the Cambridge departed Canada.

One of the most beautiful images from the tour.

The Cambridges spent Christmas in Bucklebury and brought George and Charlotte to church at St. Mark's in Englefield.

It seems George and Charlotte have been brought to church several times in Bucklebury. Rebecca English shared a recent account:

"She may only just be turning two, but Princess Charlotte already seems strong-minded. During a recent church sermon, she appeared impatient for the vicar of St Mary the Virgin, the parish church close to her grandparents’ home in Bucklebury, Berkshire, to bring the service to an end. ‘She gave the impression that it was going on a little too long,’ said one member of the congregation who observed the chubby-cheeked princess there with her protective big brother, Prince George, sitting good as gold in his pew. ‘Charlotte certainly has got a good voice."

It's wonderful to see George and Charlotte growing up and to witness their developing personalities. From all accounts, Charlotte was a relatively quiet baby. William described her as "a joy of heaven". At a reception last year Kate revealed a more boisterous side to her daughter revealing "she has a feisty side". We can look forward to seeing both George and Charlotte at their Aunt Pippa's wedding in less than three weeks when they will take on the roles of page boy and bridesmaid.

Wishing the Princess a very, very Happy Birthday :)


  1. Thank you Charlotte. It is a lovely photo. I like that she is not picture prfect as a posed shot would be with her collar a little crooked and her jersey not sitting quite straight. I love her square little face and she has a smile that lights up her whole face. Very pretty little jersey as well.

  2. She's going to have a ton of thick hair just like her mama! I see a lot of George in her facial expression. What a darling.

  3. Adorable!! She has grown so much :)

  4. She is so beautiful! Love this photo ❤ She has grown up since we saw her the last time and somehow changed Think she looks a little bit more like George now. And very much like William. Congratulations from the heart to this little princess 💕

    Allegraflora from Germany

  5. I love her little half-smile. So cute!

  6. She is so sweet. I can't believe she is so big now! Can't wait to see pictures of her at Auntie Pippa's wedding :)

  7. We love these beautiful photos taken by Kate. Hoping for more this evening.
    Thanks a lot, Charlotte, for posting so quickly.

  8. Kate is obviously a very talented photographer! My first thought was that this was a professional photo. The little princess is darling and her crooked half smile puts me so much in mind of the Queen Mum in her portraits as a child. She certainly inherited her great grand mums sunny personality! I see both parents in there too, as well as a bit of Queen Elizabeth's regality and staunch will.

  9. She's got that classic "Windsor" look- more like the Queen and Sarah Chatto..good to see :) .

    1. I have always thought she looked just like Sarah too!!

    2. Completely agree with the two of you, and SG and Anon 15:19, regarding Lady Sarah. I wish we had a toddler picture of Carole Middleton as she may favor her as well. I don't think PC looks anything like Kate and Pippa did at that age though.

      Lovely lovely photograph.

    3. I agree that Charlotte looks so much like Lady Sarah Chatto, Princess Margaret's daughter. Wish we could see a split screen of the two side by side. They both most certainly have the Queen's genes.

    4. Me five!! I see Lady Sarah too. Lovely photo - thanks for posting it Charlotte!

  10. Natalia (Germany)1 May 2017 at 13:32

    I can't imagine how she might look like as an adult... Hope she will take a bit more after her mother rather than her great grandmother :)

  11. She does look quite grown up now and she looks more like her father at this point. Does William notice that do you think? :) William having a daughter. Amazing. William having a daughter who looks so much like him. Even more amazing. I also appreciate that Kate braved the critics yet again and gave us this beautiful photo. That makes those historical updates even more special. Like Alimai, I am glad the photo isn't a very posed photo. The collar turned up and the sweater a little askew is keeping it real. :) I have never heard of a sweater being called a jersey. Is that another British word? :) I love the colors of the sweater, and, the sheep. Love the sheep. It looks like that is probably a hand-knitted sweater. So sweet. :) I do hope we get more photos of Charlotte in the next couple of days. I am so eager to see photos of she and George at Pippa's wedding. That puts Pippa's wedding in the history books for sure. (Not that that was her motivation for including them though.) She's definitely a family girl. Like she and James climbing that mountain for her husband and his family. That was huge. Not an easy climb at all. That spoke volumes. I love the photo of Pippa and her brother jumping, mid-air, in celebration of that successful climb. An amazing photo. :) I will be sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting to hear if George and Charlotte made it down the aisle and through the wedding on their best behavior. I am sure I will not be the only one.

  12. She's so cute! What a blessed little girl she is.

  13. She's so adorable! I don't think she could look more like Kate, I'm stunned how similar they are!

  14. Gosh she's a Middleton girl, so like her mum, aunt and grandma! Such a beauty.

    1. My thoughts exactly. She looks Like a mini Carole Middleton 😲

  15. Gosh isn't she growing up quickly? She's a lovely little girl now rather than a baby. It's great being a royal watcher when the children are this young isn't it? They change so much with each new picture or appearance. Lots of people have been saying they think she looks like the Queen but I can't see past the Middletons. To me she looks more like her mum, Aunt Pippa and Granny Carole every day. I think she may look a bit like Pippa when she grows up. Can't wait to see her at the wedding (and maybe at the children's party at KP?).

    1. Rebecca - Sweden1 May 2017 at 17:39

      It really is "startling" how much of a "little girl" she looks like. So wonderful! Happy birthday to her!

  16. Adorable little girl. What a lovely photo taken by her mother.

  17. She does look a lot like Sarah Chatto.

  18. I think you are right Oliver UK. Here is a pic of Lady Sarah at about the same age.

    1. Thanks so much for the link, Anonymous 15:19 - Proof positive right there that she looks like Lady Sarah!

  19. Zora from Prague1 May 2017 at 14:45

    What a lovely little girl! 🌸 The difference between 1 and 2 years is incredible. Just like it was with her brother and his pictures. I also see the Queen in her. Happy birthday! and thank you, Charlotte!

  20. Martha Cliff, Daily Mail, said today that Charlotte's photo (with the hay in the background) was taken in the barn at Amner Hall. I wasn't aware that there was a barn, per se, at Amner Hall, at least not one that hadn't been converted to house PPO's or Nanny Maria. So, if there is hay in that barn, then perhaps the barn also houses ponies for the children. I was thinking that they would go to the Queen's stable at Sandringham House to ride ponies, but perhaps they have them right there on their own turf. "To the saddle bred" and all that, lol. It would be nice to see Charlotte (and George) in their riding attire and on their ponies. That would also make a very nice birthday photo. (Might make some people a little envious though, perhaps, so, sadly, maybe not.) Although the Queen did release that video, years ago, of her with her grandchildren on ponies. It is even accessible on You Tube, even now. So.....maybe that photo of George and Charlotte on ponies is a possibility. :)

  21. I so hope there are more photos coming. She is beautiful, but I was disappointed that there was only one photo released!

    Hope from US

  22. Such a lovely snapshot of a lovely childhood moment, not too posed. Hope her parents can give her as normal a childhood as possible, for as long as possible.

  23. She is so darling! She is such a combination of William and Catherine, I can't believe she is 2! I still remember reading the announcement in the airport on a layover and being so excited after we had waited so long! Absolutely lovely photo by Kate too.

  24. Thank you for the additional photos, Charlotte. I particularly love the one of Kate introducing Princess Charlotte to the smell of roses. What a very beautiful and iconic photo. The joys of motherhood, the innocence and newness of childhood and the beauty of nature in one moment's snapshot. Awesome. 💐

  25. I love the photo of Charlotte. So sweet. She looks so much like Kate, Carole and Pippa to me. I wonder if she has Diana's skin and coloring. That will be a lovely combo when she grows up.

  26. Just one more cute the photo was taken in the barn and Charlotte seems to be holding something, I wonder if she was taking part in an Easter egg hunt at the time?

    1. Tammy from California1 May 2017 at 18:25

      It looks like a book.

      Speaking of which, I went out on a limb and sent Princess Charlotte a book that I have been saving for her since she was born. I bought it for .25 cents at a library sale for my son when I he was potty training. We laughed and laughed through it and when I heard Kate had a girl, I saved it to send at the right time. I know it sounds silly, but I didn't buy a new one for her (which seems poor behavior) because I appreciated all the hand-me-downs other moms gave me as a mother. Their tried-and-true advice on everything from diapers, doctors and colds to bicycles and books helped me feel supported as a new mom. I passed the book on, read and loved: a piece of my little mom world to Kate, from my heart. Knowing how many things they must receive from people, I doubt she will ever see it but it was from the heart and I tell myself that's all that matters. Anyway, here is a little clip of the book, isn't it just perfect for a strong willed little Charlotte?

    2. That is so sweet Tammy. How very, very thoughtful of you. If she reads DKG or any of her team members do, they will know, if they don't already. 📚

    3. What a nice little book, and the video is super-cute!

    4. How cute! I have a feeling that little book will reach Kate and will become a favorite in the royal nursery!

    5. Tammy from California2 May 2017 at 14:43

      Thank you for your kind words Surfer Girl, Paola and Patricia! Kiss kiss!

  27. Looks just like Aunt Pippa! I wish she would've had a professional take some photos. This one is disappointing in many ways. Also, does it look like she's outgrown that sweater already? Growing girl!

    1. Pam from Boston1 May 2017 at 19:46

      I think Princess Charlotte looks far cuter in her mom's photos of her than she does in the professional photo by Annie Liebovitz of the Queen & the children. I am not disappointed in this picture in any way!

    2. Pam I completely agree with you, am not disappointed in this picture at all. While I like the Annie Liebovitz photo, Charlotte looks far more natural in the photo by Kate. Also, don't think Charlotte has outgrown the sweater, if you notice the sleeves are rolled back a little, like there is still space for her to grow into it. cc

  28. She is so precious. I do think she looks like her aunt Pippa in this photo. Happy Birthday Princess Charlotte!

  29. Is "jersey" for sweater a British term? :)

    1. Surfer Girl, "jersey" is one word we Brits sometimes use, but it tends to be used for a thinner, more lightweight sweater. For a thicker, more winter-weight sweater we usually use the word "jumper".

      Just to muddy the waters further (!), it looks like Charlotte is wearing a cardigan in the new piccie, so I wouldn't use jersey or jumper in this case! :)

    2. Thanks, Helen. lol. Who knew sweaters could be so complicated. I love learning new "British" words. :)

    3. Zora from Prague1 May 2017 at 19:25

      Love this! :) The differences between British and American English (or should I say Englishes?) are so interesting!

    4. That they are, Zora. :) It is so fun to learn how "proper English" differs from American English.
      (And the British shiver when I say that, lol).

    5. OMG I am completely confused, cannot understand "Un Accidente" (translate yourself LOL)

    6. It's slightly more complicated in American English, too, where the jumper becomes a pullover. Anything that is knitted and buttons all the way down the front is a cardigan, regardless of weight. But they are all sweaters.

  30. It might be a book that Charlotte is leafing through?

  31. What a lovely picture and so glad that they shared it before her birthday. I think Princess Charlotte looks a lot like William with her mother's coloring, while I think George looks like Kate with his father (and grandmother Diana's) coloring. Charlotte definitely is going to have her mother's luscious hair!! I really love the way Kate dresses Charlotte!! Another beautiful photo by Kate! cc

  32. I see Carole Middleton's eye shape and eyebrows. The bottom half of her face looks like George. Catherine's thick hair. Can't see much of Elizabeth, but she may have character traits that match the Queen. It's a work in progress. As she grows, loses the baby fat she will come more into her face and we can argue about family resemblance then. Doesn't really matter, she's a spirited beauty. HB Princess!

    1. Laura T, I think so too!

      I see Carole's eyes, brows, and ears....with William's nose and cheeks.

      And I am amazed at how long and thick Charlotte's hair is. What an adorable little girl. Two going on 35 me thinks. ;-)

  33. Charlotte definitely has Pippa's expressions. Otherwise she is very Windsor. I think she looks different from George but there is still something in the expression there too.

    She certainly looks feisty in the images we see of her. Sometimes I do wish there were more videos of the royals on their birthday; it is something seen a lot in the Swedish royal family and hasn't caused them any privacy issues, and makes them seem more relatable.

  34. Tammy from California1 May 2017 at 17:56

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH She's JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! SO BIG! She is all Queen Elizabeth to me. The happiest of birthdays to little Charlotte!

    1. Nicole from France1 May 2017 at 18:00

      Tammy, I do think the same, I cannot really say how she is like the Queen, probably a way to look at people, and ... well I do not know, but I do agree with you ! well, she could do worse ...LOL the Queen has always been beautifull ! Charlotte is really lovely, and she seems so lively, and not shy ! I have already noticed she is good at waving to people !

    2. I agree with you, Nicole, that Charlotte has the same way of looking at people as the Queen. But also her eyes, her mouth and that earnest facial expression. The similarities between the two can perhaps best be seen in the picture in which she's sitting on the Queen's lap ;-)
      In the new picture I also see a bit of William in her and Kate's thick hair.
      It'll be interesting to see who she resembles most as she grows up, as children change so much but I think she resembles the Queen strongly enough for that to remain.
      This is such a lovely picture and I always love Kate's photographs of her children :)

    3. Caroline, she does seem to have that "regalness" of the Queen. :) Remember at the lawn party, she did "automatically" use her balloon as a scepter to knight the ballon maker, as if to say, " 'We' (royal use of the word "We" here, lol) are very pleased. Receive your Knighthood noble ballon shape maker." :)

    4. LOL Surfer Girl!

    5. Caroline 1 May 20.32 since she was a baby I thought she looked like the Queen, may be it is more visible when she moves, and in her face expressions . when I was a child everybody would say I looked like my miother, but mum kept saying - it is all of her father ! just because I had his expressions !

  35. She is just a darling, sweet little girl. Happy 2nd Birthday to Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. 🎂

  36. Charlotte, I have followed and enjoyed your blog from day one but this may be the first time I've actually commented. I loved how you included photos of Princess Charlotte from her earliest days. She is an adorable little girl.

    1. Thank you for reading and welcome to the comments section! :)

      I noticed Richard Palmer tweeted there are no additional photos. Sometimes, one is released and then several more are held for the papers. On this occasion, that's not the case.

      Interesting to see opinions on who Charlotte resembles. I think most see the Queen, Lady Sarah Chatto, or Carole and Pippa Middleton. It will be great to see both George and Charlotte at Pippa's wedding. :)

    2. No additional photos. Disappointing, but perhaps because she realizes that many photos may be released at the wedding soon.

  37. I was looking forward to these photos when I realized the approaching date! Wow, she has changed so much in the last 6 months! I think she looks a lot like William with Kate's coloring, as someone said above. It's always interesting watching children grow and how they resemble different family members. I can't wait to see the photos from Pippa's wedding.

  38. Beautiful. Am going to go against the flow of comments here and say for the first time I see Diana in her - the shape of the eyes - and the half smile,.... I think I saw that a time or too, particularly in her earlier years when she was being coy and charming.... Anyway, Happy Bday sweat pea!

    1. ariagurl, you just took me back to when my nephews were small and the dowager was a newly besotted grandma. She used to call them sweet pea, and would spell it sweat pea just like you did. I would always ask her why the kids were always so hot and she'd give me The Look. You just brought back a great memory!

  39. Pam from Boston1 May 2017 at 20:00

    She's absolutely adorable. My first impression upon seeing the photo was that she reminds me of Pippa, just as a general impression. But of course there's so much of William in her, the eyes especially.

    I love how the yellow sweater is reminiscent of the yellow dress Kate wore when leaving the hospital.

    1. I noted the yellow dress connection too :) Happy Birthday to the little Princess!!XOXO

  40. She is a beautiful child!!! That hair looks just like Kate's. It is gorgeous!

  41. Happy 2nd birthday to a darling little girl, Princess Charlotte. She has certainly changed. Bravo to Duchess Kate for this lovely birthday picture.
    Thanks Charlotte for your quick post.

  42. If this IS the only photo to be released as you were told Charlotte, then I am imagining that maybe they picked the one which best shows her personality - the one that "looks the most like her" to William and Catherine.  There were probably several snapped that day but they picked this one to represent her on her 2nd birthday. 

    William and Catherine have given us little clues that Princess Charlotte may be a fiesty one who "rules the roost" and if so, this picture captures it wonderfully.

    No naive little toddler smile for her!  That's a face of one who knows what she wants and it's determined! :)

    1. Agreed, florida girl. Her impish grin is absolutely adorable ;)

  43. Pictures of George and Charlotte are a little like potato aren't satisfied with just one!! Not complaining, very glad to have one, but wanting more!! :) Happy Birthday to the little princess. cc

  44. Happy Birthday, Princess Charlotte! I really love how thick her hair is, just like Kate's! :) She's definitely a Windsor, with a bit of the Middleton women mixed in...she has a determined look on her face, reminds me of the Queen & a bit of William.
    Her sweater is too cute! Maybe the sheep is paying homage to the adorable 'black sheep' sweater Diana wore to polo.
    Cannot wait for Pippa's wedding...not long to go now!

  45. Some of you mentioned the resemblance of little Charlotte to Lady Chatto. I looked her up to see for myself and was amazed at the likeness! It will be interesting to see the changes over the next few years. At any rate, a very beautiful little princess.

  46. Happy Day to Princess Charlotte! I think she's all the Queen when you look back at pictures of her in her youth.

  47. Sandrine (France)1 May 2017 at 21:42

    She is so beautiful 😍😍😍 !!! Which adorable photo !!! I can't believe how much she is grown up !!! Happy 2nd birthday, wonderful small Princess !!! 🎂

  48. OMGoodness! She is just Too Cute For Words! She is a Middleton Windsor That's for Sure! To me She looks like Grown up Kate, Toddler William, Granny Carole & Definitely HM The Queen as a little Girl! Amazingly to me, between both of the children, I don't see anything of Diana? My how Diana would just be gobbling those 2 up if She was here..... :( Happy 2nd Birthday Princess Charlotte Cambridge Wales Windsor (don't know which last name she would use, were she to use one?)

    1. So true! Diana would've been in total heaven having grandkids! ❤:(

  49. Happy birthday to HRH Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. She is lovely as she closes in on age 2. I am glad that Duchess Kate continues to take these early pictures. There will be plenty of opportunity for professionally posed photos.

  50. True cc. Gee, did you have to mention potato chips????? :)

  51. When I look at photos of Charlotte, I see the Queen. I'm liking that her hair is longer, she's really coming into her own now. It's a very nice photo of her. Thanks for posting.

  52. What a beautiful picture. Princess Charlotte will be a lovely bridesmaid, and probably a well behaved one! I agree that she looks like Lady Sarah Chatto, and I think even more like Princess Eugenie. She has the color of her mother's eyes and hair. But her face is certainly very much Windsor, except for the exotic eye shape of Carole Middleton. Kate is a marvelous photographer, and I am so glad she shares her pictures of her children.

  53. She is gorgeous and looks just like her great grandmother the Queen!

  54. She really is adorable. That thick dark hair! I am sure many women will be jealous in the years to come.

    Like many, I like to imagine the photo shoot and in my mind it goes something like this: Kate: "Charlotte, just a few more photos. Look at me. Look up." Charlotte: looks up and then thinks - 'Seriously Mom. I am done with these photos. Let me go back to my book!' And then gives a half smile hoping mom will just be done.

    I realize she is only 2, but all my friends tell me 2 is basically the new 13 in terms of attitude.

    1. Tammy from California2 May 2017 at 06:15

      Your friends are right.

    2. Anonymous in Colorado2 May 2017 at 16:41

      They're so right, Katie C.H.! My friends and I would say "two going on too much" and "threenager" for these ages 😀

      Happy Birthday, Princess Charlotte of Cambridge!!! You look just like Auntie Pippa here!

  55. Natalia (Germany)1 May 2017 at 22:57

    Totally see the resemblance to the Queen, Lady Chatto and Carole Middleton, but where do you see Pippa in her? I just can't find it...

  56. Sarah from Calif.1 May 2017 at 23:13

    Love, love !!!!....what a beautiful little girl/princess !
    Sweater is adorable too!

  57. Hmm i love princess Charlotte is all grown up she looks more than her great grandmother more than the duchess maybe there one. Because there. Autie pippa wedding well then happy birthday

  58. To me, she looks like a Windsor through and through. Her mouth especially is Queen Elizabeth, all over. She has her mother's coloring, though and thick hair. She has an air of "I'm in charge", in a nice way, like the Queen! It will be interesting to see how she develops. I think she is going to be a very responsible, in control person. Someone who will not be messed with! A great role model. Like the Queen.

  59. She looks very sweet. I do find the clothes she is dressed in all seem very old fashioned to me. Everything knitted. Is it the same reason that George is dressed in shorts and long socks? Upperclass English dressing? Or is that normal dressing for children in England?

  60. A Very Happy 2nd Birthday Adorable Princess

  61. Nicole from France2 May 2017 at 11:14

    Charlotte, I do admire the way you make a long and interesting publication just with one photo released ! it really is a very good job ! bravo !!!! and thank you .

  62. First, I want to say how wonderful it is to be a part of this blog community, where for the most part, the commenting is positive and supportive. Since this picture was released yesterday, there have been so many negative and cruel comments made about it (on Twitter and other blogs)...anything from "Charlotte looks constipated" to discussions about "physical defects of her eyes." I have been appalled and if I were William and Kate, the sheer volume of negative reaction would make me stop releasing any pictures of my children. This kind of cruel commentary is one of the reasons the Cambridges are reticent of relations with the press and public and that is completely understandable. Instead of being appreciative that a picture of this beautiful little girl has been released, there are so many pouncing like tigers to criticize everything about the picture (including the little girl and her mother, the photographer). This constant need to demean and critique by those who find fault with everything is cruel. It should stop.
    Thanks to all of you who have been kind, encouraging, and appreciative in your comments about this beautiful picture.

    1. One of these days it will be George and Charlotte who will also be reading those comments. God help Kate and William in raising the most famous, high profile children on earth in this internet age. :(

    2. I just searched on the other blog on what you are talking about. I cannot believe someone would say anything critical of a two year old, nonetheless a child in general. Also, how dare the owner of the blog publish such garbage.

      This is why William and Kate keep the children out of the public eye (I wish it weren't so, though) because of adult bullies. Some people can never be happy! You have a child and see how "easy" it is to take such a picture, then you can make your comment.

      Some people will never change!

      Lovely photo. Can't wait until we see them May 20.

    3. My daughter's eyes (she's 29) look similar in photographs to Charlotte's. One eye appears to be closed slightly more than the other one. It's a slightly droopy eyelid but we never pursued it. It's something that shows up in photographs to this day, but not so much in person.
      I wouldn't have brought this subject up, but only to reply to the reference made above.
      But this is an absolutely adorable picture of a beautiful little girl!!!

    4. Tammy from California2 May 2017 at 14:41

      Sarah: Amen.

    5. Sarah, you are so right in your remarks. I call these people "Vultures", who troll sites just to make hateful comments about people. It somehow makes them feel better about themselves, as they are apparently unhappy and lacking something in their own lives. To attack a child verbally takes a sorry person . It is very sad. Thanks to everyone on this blog for the kind comments, and the fun conversation.

    6. I actually have a similar thing--in photos one eye looking droopy--the eyelid is lower on the eye than on the other one, but in regular life it's not noticeable. And go figure, I live a particularly normal and happy life, with my husband and five children :) I think the photo--and Charlotte--is adorable.

    7. Some people can't separate their dislike of the parents from their children, which is unfortunate. However, I suspect that people have always made comments like this only before the internet age they weren't published all over the world. The other side of that coin is sometimes other people take their admiration of a person and project that onto the rest of their friends and family too. I suppose it's nicer to read, but it's no more real than the negative. It's different sides of the same coin.

      Personally I didn't even notice her eyes until now. I think that photo shows her as a cute little tot who really doesn't much look like a tot! She looks older than 2 in that photo I think. It does capture something of her, which I imagine is because the photographer is her mother.

    8. Well said, bluhare; I agree with you!

    9. Sarah, AMEN. It does speak to one's heart and soul............

    10. Happy Birthday Charlotte!

      She is growing fast. This is a little girl with a distinct personality who smiles a lot in the candid photos.

      She will have the last laugh on the critics in a matter of time. Basic photo analysis is one thing, but if people are picking meanly on a two years old, as Sarah noted, it might be a way to get back at the parents. The whole world can not be positive about one person, or a child. Because the whole world is not all good at the same time.

    11. The idea that the nasty comments about Charlotte have to do with William and Kate is quite sad, to say the least. And it does not excuse it in any way.

      The *more persistent and cruel* comments directed at the Cambridge's are nothing more than bullying at it's lowest...and delivered in the easiest format.

  63. The photographers, et all, who participated in the publishing of that photograph of Kate are in the news the morning. Kate's honor and dignity are being defended.

  64. ILoveElephants2 May 2017 at 14:20

    She's Beautiful, Happy Birthday Charlotte!

  65. Julia from Leominster2 May 2017 at 16:08

    I've hesitated to comment because of what Sarah from the US said - I don't like being negative about such a thing, especially when I looked forward to this release. I'm grateful for it. But I do like to speak honestly too.

    I've just say Charlotte is an adorable personable-looking child who bids fair to become a very pretty girl, but looking at this photo compared to others of her, I don't think it flatters her eyes and I'm surprised it was chosen for that reason. Her expression otherwise is very cute and I think this is an artifact of the photograph - not nature. If not, of course, there is nothing to be said.

    Being photographed is part of being royal - there is no getting out of it. All photographs are taken for historical reasons. The photographs of European royal children have in many instances been superior to those of the Cambridge children, no matter who took them. I wish the Cambridges would build a relationship with a photographer who can capture the family.

    I'm sorry to be the least bit negative and am pleased to see Charlotte and what a beautiful child with lovely hair she is developing into. For now, my favourite royal photos of Charlotte are the candid ones.

    1. I apologize to anyone if I came on a tad too strong in my comment above, but this has really hit home for me. I have always struggled in pictures myself, because my eyes are extremely sensitive to light (I'm a redhead with blue eyes and pale skin) and in pictures one or both eyes either close or squint because of glare from natural light or from the sun. I've always been teased and picked on about it, and when I saw what was being said about Charlotte's eyes, the protector in me came pouring out. Plus, I really am sick and tired of the relentless criticism aimed at William and Kate, by those who find fault with anything. (And Julia, that statement is not directed at you in any way. Please know that.)

    2. I don't think you did at all, Sarah. Personally I think people who get their jollies out of finding fault with a 2 year old's photo should go find something more constructive to do with their time.

    3. What I like most about this blog (aside from the wonderful information) is the dialogue between everyone that helps us to see through each other's eyes! From all the different comments its obvious everybody sees Charlotte differently, as do her parents. They choose this picture for a reason and I think the comment from the Daily Mail may hit on the reason..."One of the most distinctive things about Charlotte in the new photograph is her thoughtful half-smile." The thoughtful half-smile that makes her smile a little askew and her right eye squint just a tad bit more than the other one....a look William and Kate have probably seen many times and just happened to capture it in a photo and thought maybe it showed a bit of Charlotte through their eyes. I think it would have been a good idea to release one or two more like they did when she was six months old...different aspects of her were captured in those moments and you could envision the photos being taken. That "thoughtful little half smile" makes you want to see more and makes you wonder what the little girl is thinking.

      At any rate, given that Kate's photos receive so much scrutiny, to Julia's point I don't think its a bad idea for the Cambridge's to build a relationship with another photographer. Maybe official photographs should be used for the Cambridge children and Kate and William should save theirs for their own pleasure and not share them. While I would not really want that to happen, I don't know how many times I would put myself out there to be picked apart, especially if it involved my children.

      BTW Sarah, I too am sensitive about pictures and my eyes. I have a crooked little smile that makes my laugh line more distinctive on my right side and makes my right eye squint more, but it no longer is a joke so much as it is a distinctive characteristic that my family now knows is a real smile, not a forced one. cc

    4. Julia from Leominster2 May 2017 at 23:00

      I know Sarah. I do feel bad it caught my eye first thing - which is why I considered before even commenting. What upsets me is that I think it is an artifact of the photograph, quite possibly from the lighting as you mention, and the harsher comments could have been avoided by not using a photograph that would raise such issues or including more photos that made that clear. If it is the way her eyes are right now, so be it.

      We often joked when I was young about photographs we thought horribly unflattering but which our parents loved and showed to everyone. So it does hit home for me too.

      I do favour professional photography if done well. Mr Leo has considerable talent and has taken some fine photos of our spaniels. But when we had some professional ones taken - I was amazed at the wonderful results, even though the studio wasn't particularly exciting. It came from the speed the photographer snapped which captured moments that are hard for someone outside the profession - since we're speaking of history - I'd like to see a mix of the two.

      But she is adorable and turning into a proper little girl.

    5. Florida Moxie2 May 2017 at 23:25

      I think the rarity of photos make them targets for discussion/criticism. More photos, more often, and people wouldn't hyper focus when one is released. It's a nice picture of a beautiful girl. Hopefully we'll get to see her as an attendant at her aunt's wedding - and then on the balcony of Trooping the Color.

    6. I agree with Julia, here and there they should hire/find a professional whom they are comfortable with. Kate can capture moments, but I am not sure it is always enough for taking a central stage.

      Also, professionals can snap a lifetime moment, for example the one that was taken in Australia, Kate holding George who leaned on her shoulders. I remember reading somewhere that was Kate's favourite too. No wonder. That was a truly lovely picture.

      And although I was not a fan of Testino's work at the christening, but those Testino photos that he took about Diana, are my old time favourite.

      They will be photographed for the rest of their life, why not make the most of it?:)

    7. CeCe USA

      That is one very sweet explanation of yours, why they picked this photo.

    8. Nothing is as special as an image captured by MOM. IMO, that factor far outweighs superficial elements such as lighting or background.

    9. Moxie, that's a great point. Very good point.

    10. Julia from Leominster3 May 2017 at 18:17

      I do feel mums have the best chance of catching candids - however having looked at a lot of mum photos sent to me - along with professional ones of both royals and non-royals - I don't think that is true of posed photos. My favourite photos of royals have all been by professionals.

  66. There is an article today in the Daily Mail that speculates that Kate could become the official Royal photographer like other Royal family members before her. I think she would truly enjoy that and be very good at that.

    1. And why not? 👍

    2. Julia from Leominster3 May 2017 at 18:25

      Please no!!!! Respectfully, outside of the arguable mums know their little ones best aspect, the talent and training simply isn't there. It would be an insult to Snowdon and Litchfield both remarkable professional photographers. Objectively, Andrew has more talent than Kate but I wouldn't want him doing it either. (Beaton dealt with Prince Philip quite forcefully in his Beatonesque way on this issue - lucky for Kate his acerbic tongue is no longer with us.)

      Family candids might be fun but that's it. For what's its worth, I feel the same about Charles's efforts at watercolours. Royals will seldom hear discerning criticism.

    3. Kate's photo of Charlotte climbing into the wicker chair is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen of a small child. This one, against the hay in the barn, comes close. I don't think a professional photographer could equal the effect of these individual pictures - certainly those who have tried have not been able to. The picture of the family in ski clothes is the only one that I think merited using a professional.

  67. What a lovely photo of Princess Charlotte and how much she has grown . It is lovely that she has inherited Kate's beautiful hair and one sees both the Middleton features & Windsor features in her face it will be interesting to see how she develops but I hope she is more like Kate than William. She looks quite mature for her age and looks as if she knows what she wants!! Kate is a talented amateur and I have much preferred her photos of the children to the one or two professional ones that have been taken.
    Regrettably I am saddened as Sarah from USA is by some of the rather nasty comments that have taken place over this Photo especially the referral by quite a number of people on a blog which supposedly supports Kate about their view of Charlotte's eyes
    Personally if William or Kate see or hear of all the many negative remarks I wouldn't blame them if photos of the children are no longer published for their birthdays. It is sad that people have nothing better to do than tare people apart. I would hasten to say that in this instance none of this has taken place on this blog.

    1. That very slightly closed right eye is part of the half smile, which raises her lips on the right side. No such 'droop' is visible in Charlotte's other photos. It is possible, of course, that like her father she is left handed, which might make her left eye dominant. But too soon to tell; she is two years old! And she is beautiful, and very mature looking for her age.

    2. Patricia,
      I second you 100% of every thought and word, all four sentences. That was exactly what I thought. She is a cute little girl who looks matured for a kid who just begun age two.

  68. Cute snap by a Mom of her darling daughter. Charlotte looks cute and it looks like what it is a photograph by a Mom celebrating her daughter turning 2. Happy Birthday Charlotte.

  69. swiftie swift2 May 2017 at 21:05

    Awww my godness Charlotte is such a little taste of heaven. How beautiful she has grown up.... a little cuteeeee... she got her dad's looks no doubt but her nose and eye color is just like kate's even though kates eyes are green... alsoooo her hairs how beautifully they've grown up, they are brown too. Amazinggg
    Also Charlotte amazing post as usual. I've been a adicted to this blog since 2013... yeah thats when I came to know about our beautiful duchess... like when i got addicted to Kate simultaneously i got addicted to this blog too.. I'll prefer to call it OUR BLOG instead of YOURS.

  70. There are more words in the English language for the negative than the positive and people like being negative ?perhaps gives a sense of superiority. It wouldn't have mattered if it were a professional photographer there still would have been endless negative comments. I still remember the weeks of discussion of people being photoshopped in for the garden photograph. It interests me that people who don't like something such as the royals bother to expend so much energy on venom generation. One would think they would have something else they would enjoy doing.

  71. What with the comments about little Charlotte's eyes? Look at the photo of the queen with Charlotte in her lap. The queen's eyes are different and it is common: could be the light, the expression or anything. It is a candid shot of a normal 2 year old.

    1. You're right, Annette, it is very common. No one has a perfectly symmetrical face; one eye may be slightly smaller than the other or the nose/mouth is a bit off center. It's what gives our faces character. If you look at pics of a smiling Kate it's clear that her eyes appear the same way as little Charlotte's. The internet trolls seriously need to get a life.

  72. Hmm These off the topic. Meghan will attend pippa wedding .. I love seeing the duchess would would. Be roysl protographer according to an article. Hmm. These would be brimg a lot of pain

  73. I think she looks so like the queen. I've always thought that but now the resemblance is really striking to me - even the way she sets her mouth!

  74. Simply beautiful photo of an adorable little girl. Love the angle and the capture of Charlotte's aquickly little smile . I see a likeness to Kate - and William (both Windsors & Spencers). Thank you Charlotte for ensuring your site is kept free of the hateful comments that proliferate blogs sites that are supposed to admire Kate and her family.

  75. Fiona in Australia3 May 2017 at 11:17

    What a gorgeous, sweet little girl is Charlotte who no doubt brings much joy to her family. She does have a unique look about her, older than her (two) years somehow. And a very determined look too... As others have posted here, it will be so interesting to see how she matures as we don't see many photos of her.

    A bit thank you to Patricia in the last post on letting me know how to comment with my name and not Anonymous. I'm trying it again now.

    1. Congratulations, Fiona, nice to see your moniker up there! :-)

  76. Jo in Ireland3 May 2017 at 13:44

    That is a really sweet photo. I don't know what I think about professionals re Kate's photographs. I actually didn't care for the Annie Leibovitz photos last year but I figure that's personal taste. We have had professional photographs done over the years, some have been good, some not so. Sometimes it was to do with the photographer and sometimes it was just to do with the family not being cooperative. I don't think there are very many photographers that can compensate for someone not being cooperative ;) But I take the point that official photographs are for history. I can wait a few years for "historical" photographs though and just enjoy the candid ones.

    Re her eyes (which I didn't notice and still think look fine), I can't help remembering Lady Louise's eye issues and how everyone was very careful about how they commented (at least in all the publications I read.) It was so difficult on the Wessexes, especially as with something like that you can't operate too early or else you can be facing multiple operations. I developed lazy eye (not the same as Louise's condition) and my family never noticed; it was a teacher who commented to my mother that my eye was crossing. My mother thought I was doing it on purpose (ah the 1950s.) The Countess said last year that it is finally fixed and Louise's vision is fine. She is certainly becoming a lovely young lady.

    It doesn't look like Charlotte has anything like that so why are we even noticing it? I guess we gobble up every photo [smiling].

  77. Nicole from France4 May 2017 at 11:52

    as I commentend previously, I have always felted that Charlotte does have a lot from the Queen , her great-grand-mother . and to days, following the announcement o the DoE's future retirement from public life (may he enjoy his free time for years to come ! he deserves it !) I found this photo ..... don't you think there are similarities with Charlotte's photo ? Kate's photos of her childeren are always a lot better than "official" photos, the children are relaxed and trust her !


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