Thursday 14 December 2017

The Royals Attend Grenfell Tower National Memorial Service

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry joined the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at St Paul's Cathedral for the Grenfell Tower National Memorial Service.

The royals were greeted upon arrival.

Grenfell Tower survivors and families of the bereaved made the request to hold the service. The Cathedral and the Bishop of Kensington worked closely with residents to create an order of service to focus on remembering those who lost their lives, to provide messages of support for the bereaved, and to offer strength and hope for the future for those affected.

The service was designed to remember those who died, to show solidarity with the bereaved and survivors, and to give thanks for everyone who assisted on the ground at the time of the tragedy and since, including emergency services, the recovery team, community response, public support, and volunteers. One of the primary aims, and the reason for televising the service, was to enable the nation to stand together with those directly affected by the Grenfell Tower fire and together express hopes for the future.

An arrival video from the BBC.

William, Kate and Harry before the service began.

Kate met with members of the clergy.

The royals take their seats.

St Paul's Cathedral was chosen to host the service because of its national focus, which will ensure "that we remember what happened and consider why such a tragedy must never happen again".

Ahead of the service, Shahin Sadafi, Chair of Grenfell United, said:

"December 14th will be a special day for our community. We are coming together to remember the loved ones we lost in the fire, to unite as a community and to start to build hope for the future. We hope we can come together as a nation and show our support to the bereaved families, survivors of the tower and the affected community."

The Bishop of Kensington, the Rt Rev Dr Graham Tomlin noted the importance of the Royal family's presence:

"I am sure that the presence of the Royal Family will be a reassurance and support to those at the heart of this service. My hope and prayer is that the occasion will help us remember those who lost their lives, bring comfort and strength to the bereaved, support those who survived, and offer hope for the future."

Six months on from the Grenfell Tower disaster, the horrors the blaze inflicted have cast a shadow on the fractured community as residents and support workers struggle to come to terms with the terrible tragedy. The fire claimed 71 lives with occupants of 23 of the 129 flats losing their lives; a truly shocking statistic. The dreadful events highlighted the social divisions in the area; despite it's proximity to Kensington and Chelsea, the Grenfell Tower is located in not only one of the most deprived areas of London, but of the country. 2017 has been a year filled with tragedies; the image of the Tower burning remains ingrained in my mind; one can only imagine what those on the scene endured that day.

The following morning, the smoke plume was still visible.

This poster released after the fire showing people missing and believed dead remains incredibly emotive.

Volunteers and local organisations rallied around to help in any way possible. Below, we see locals organising public donations.

The blackened shell looms over North Kensington still.

Representatives from support services and mental health organisations attended the service today. They are very much mindful of how painful the Christmas season will be for families who have lost loved ones and those still trying to come to terms with the events of that day. The Central and North West London NHS Trust has seen almost 2,000 people since the blaze for PTSD and other related concerns. 

Robyn Doran, chief operating officer of CNWL, told the Press Association: 

"Anniversaries are always difficult. And also key events such as Christmas and all other festive events in terms of different communities, because they’re a time that families come together, and we all know that from our own experiences of grief.
So actually it will be the first birthdays, the first Christmas, things such as the memorial service. Most of us don’t have to go through a memorial service and it’s really important that we have a memorial service but it will trigger things for people. And not all families have had the funerals yet, so that will also bring up things. So we’re expecting that it will trigger more emotions for people and it’s really important we’re there."

Days after the disaster the Queen and Prince William visited devastated survivors. William described the fire as "one of the most terrible things I have ever seen". The Royal family paid a number of visits, meeting families and organisations who have been there every step of the way. The Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry established Support4Grenfell, an emotional support hub in North Kensington to provide additional mental health resources for the community affected by the fire. The partnership of charities offers a range of support, counselling and advice for children, young people, parents and families. On Tuesday, Kate visited the Rugby Portobello Trust who played a pivotal role in the aftermath, establishing a New Homes Team to support residents in their new accommodation.

The thoughtfully curated service included a specially-commissioned banner incorporating the 'Grenfell Heart' which was displayed during the service.

Music was performed from a variety of traditions including the Ebony Steel Band, the Portobello Road Salvation Army Band, oud player Rihab Azar, an Islamic girls choir from the Al Sadiq and Al Zahra schools, and the St Paul's Cathedral Choir. A pre-recorded sound montage of anonymous, real voices of the Grenfell community reflected the range of different emotions felt.

"Our hope is the name of Grenfell will not just be known as a symbol of sorrow, grief and injustice but a symbol of the time we learnt a new and better way to listen and to love" - The Bishop of Kensington.

Prime Minister Theresa May was in attendance along with well known faces including Adele and Carey Mulligan.

The congregation bowed their heads for a moments silence.

Before the end of the service, the royals walked from the dome to the western end of the Cathedral where they met bereaved families.

The Duchess met survivors.

William with those who lost loved ones.

The Mail Online reports:

Claire Mendy was one of those who met the Duke of Cambridge as the service drew to a close.
She said William had asked to be invited to the service, and that she had asked him if he would consider becoming a patron of her new group, Humanity 4 Grenfell.
She said: 'He's shown a lot of concern - I can see the compassion and the empathy he has. It's his borough and he feels it.' 

Prince Harry also heard devastating stories from the fire.

Kate chose a navy ensemble for the service.

Perth Fashion identified Kate's coat as the Carolina Herrera Double Breasted Double-Faced Wool Coat. The navy coat features distinctive gold buttons, a pleated skirt, raised collar and two flap pockets.

Carolina Herrera

The Duchess wore a new navy hat.

Kate carried her L.K. Bennett Frome Clutch.

L.K. Bennett

And accessorised with her sapphire and diamond earrings.

It very much looks like Kate wore her Jimmy Choo Georgia shoes.

Jimmy Choo

Kate completed the look with a pair of navy bow gloves. I emailed the team at Cornelia James who confirmed they do not appear to be one of their styles. The bow detail is different to previous navy pairs we've seen the Duchess wear.

At the end of the service, families carried photos of loved ones and white roses as they made their way outside. Below, a heartbreaking photo of the family of Mohammad Alhajali, the first Grenfell Tower victim to be identified. Mr Alhajali, described by friends as "amazing, kind, charitable and full of passion for his family,” was studying civil engineering at the University of West London.

It was an incredibly touching service. It is so important for survivors to know they are not forgotten. We will never forget this terrible tragedy.


  1. Just finished watching!
    What a tragedy! And what a beautiful service! I am sooooo glad they did not have it as a soley christian service because it would have been very degrading and tone deaf. I also like that they didn't shy away from pointing out the injustice and anger in all of this even with the politicians there but also had a good balance of not going too over top with the anger. This is a tradgedy that is still ongoing and I must admit that I was a bit sceptical of them having this service and putting money on that while people are still out of homes! But I think it was a good choice. Bringing together people, but also putting it back in the headlines again! Hopefully it being more in the headlines has an actual impact! And what will have an impact on me is the huge strength that love and community has. When we stand together we are so much stronger than when we drive ourselves apart by looking at differences!

    The royals all looked well and appropriate.

    1. Well said, Rebecca. Thank you.

    2. Agree with all your points, Rebecca! May this never happen again.

      On the fashion front, loving the hat but not so much the coat. Just looks shapeless to me. I don't think double breasted styles do pregnant women any favors.

    3. Rebecca, Thank you! So Very Well Said! I couldn't find the words & then I read yours! xo

    4. P.S.I do love Kate's look today. Seems a bit trivial to be discussing wardrobe on such a sad day, but enough to say she looks gorgeous. I love that kind of "Garbo" hat, so very elegant.

    5. Loving the coat, but not the hat - makes Kate look older, and maybe it's the way it sits on her head, but it just doesn't look like it fits well. Not a fan of the hat at all.

  2. Couldn't agree more Rebecca - beautiful and moving service that spoke to many and not just the few.

    Today is not about fashion but Kate looked beautiful today with a softer, informal Fedora hat shape that suited her, and the occasion, so well.

    1. It's not about fashion, but it IS a fashion blog so some small comments about that is no issue with me. I'm personally not very fond of this style of "Garbo hat" but this one has a smaller and stiffer brim than they usually do so it works better in my eyes. Nothing wrong with the hat or the choice for this event. Just my personal taste :)

    2. I'm not usually a fan either Rebecca - but given that it was about the families - I don't think it needed to be an ostentatious (if that's the right word) type hat which might have appeared more formal. It actually looked a bit more sumptious on the TV too.

  3. Well said Rebecca. In all aspects.

  4. Agree it is not about fashion and hopefully the blog about the Grenfell Memorial Service will not head down that path.
    What a tragic disgrace that this occurred, so many innocent lives lost.

  5. Thank you, Charlotte, for the reporting on this tragedy and the efforts to honor the dead while supporting the survivors and bereaved.

  6. Very solemn event. I do love Kate's outfit here, love the navy blue and such a great hat!

  7. Such a sad event. I am glad to see multiple members of the RF there to pay their respects. I have not had time to watch anything, but I was glad to see Rebecca say it was not just a Christian service. My impression of the area wa sit was more diverse so I am happy the service reflected it.

    I think Kate looked great today. Navy is a good color for someone in her position. Somber and subdued but since she personally isn't mourning someone not over the top with grief.

    I wasn't able to comment on her other engagement earlier this week, but I thought she looked great and had a ton of fun.

    1. Katie, I do not think wearing black or elements of black in the Duchess’s wardrobe today for a memorial service for the horrific tragedy that befell so many in London would have been “over the top”. She may have not known any victims or their families personally, but my goodness this is a profound loss to the Country that Kate and other royals have the responsibility of representing!
      I do need to research the Support4/Grenville charity as I do not know how the Kensington charities are involved. And whether William, Kate and Harry offered their personal time to support this effort immediately after the fire. 6 months later, while the smoke may have cleared, is a very long time to wait to show public and/or private support by the Kensington royals. And I do think that support in the wake of this tragedy can be apolitical.

      This fashion blog always- since I’ve read it- addresses fashion as inspiration, education, a style resource and creative debate in the context of a worldly perspective. And as adults know, we don’t live in a vacuum.. Fashion also sets a tone, attitude and relevance to an event. I believe fashion tells a story at that moment in time. I know many commentators have discussed Kate’s satorical fashion in the past. I am rather ambivalent to those concepts as it relates to many prominent European royals, Deference and respect for the hosting country can easily cross a line into patronizing and ridiculously looking satorical wardrobe choices that may not flatter the hosting country and its people.
      At this particular event, I would have preferred to see a recycle- I don’t know if Kate has maternity wear that is appropriate for this service, I opine that her wardrobe selections- a total bluebell color effect, especially with the bowed gloves- makes me believe that she is out of touch with the significance of this event.
      I realize still pictures rarely capture the essence of people compared to live video. I feel at bit at odds with Kate’s expressions in the still photos that Charlotte graciously provided. It seems to me that Kate vacillates between a fixed smile and a sullen expression, which in my humble opinion makes me believe that she is still finding her voice and struggling to embrace the gravity of her role- at least as I have typically seen in the years that Princess Diana assumed these daunting duties and delicate public appearances and behind the scenes work. I am not trying to pit any British royals against one another. There are so many variables involved. I remember as a chIld dressing in an outfit similar to Kate’s to attend church. As I grew into adulthood, I realized that an outfit, no matter how beautiful, does not represent the person: rather a person’s respect and reverence and all other character qualities shine from within and their wardrobe will reflect that. I am not passing any opinion toward Kate in this regard. I am merely expressing a universal concept that I happen to believe. Again Charlotte, you set the tone and tenor for all these diverse royal events with great dignity and grace, and represent the purpose of this blog.

    2. Anglophile in Ohio14 December 2017 at 23:01

      When someone likes or doesn't like someone they see things in photos and expressions that may not exist.
      Catherine was dressed appropriately for a sad and solemn occasion.

    3. HMQ, Prince Charles, William and Catherine and Harry have all visited either survivors or first responders for this tragic event. In fact, the visit Catherine made on 12th was to the Rugby Portobello Trust which supports survivors and others affected

    4. I noticed the Princes were all wearing navy and the Duchess of Cornwall was in gray. None chose to wear or were dressed in black. I believe in formal dress that wearing back for a year indicated mourning, and after the year was marked, then navy is appropriate. I agree with English Rose that a recycle coat would have been more subtle on this occasion.

  8. I only saw a couple of clips from the services, but definitely moving and diverse. Kate looks beautiful, as always. I agree that navy was a great choice, a little softer than black.
    Hope USA

  9. I really don’t like this hat, it looks to casual, it isn’t my style of hat for casual either but I do think it would look better with jeans. Her hair looks messy, I’m not sure if it’s the high collar, and her hair is rubbing on the collar(I have that happen to me as my hair is long too) lol. I’m not crazy about this coat, though I’m not sure why because I love the navy, love the gold and love the pleats lol. Maybe the hat for me is throwing the whole outfit off? I love the head to toe navy though! It also looked like a nice service for the family of the fire victims. Such a sad event.

  10. I agree Rebecca, this is a fashion blog. She still looks nice even if this isn’t our personal taste. And to the couple commenters who are saying this isn’t about the fashion for this event, we know, it is a sad event, but it doesn’t make the event any less sad to mention her outfit. If someone said how beautiful she looked, no one would mention how it isn’t about fashion, then. Just personal tastes is all :)

    1. Exactly! And also, talking about fashion is an enjoyable hobby for many. Something to make them smile or interest them. And I'm a firm believer in smiling among tradgedy! Yes, a bit more balanced commenting on events like these makes sense as one has to take into consideration the event the clothes are worn to. But commenting on fashion and doing things that make you happy is needed, extra so when it comes to tragedies. I think there can be a balance. And talking fashion or laughing doesn't diminish anything. Humans have space in their mind for more than one thing. That said, ofc if someone just jumps in to trash her fashion, that's distasteful. Extra so on an event like this. But some calm "I like this/I don't like this" is totally ok with me!

    2. Yes to both you and Rebecca.

    3. The fashion is highly relevant as it's part of how the royals are showing respect. The survivors need to see the dignitaries dressed as appropriately as they are. This is sartorial diplomacy at its best and worthy of mention for the thoughtfulness shown as ever by Kate as well as the rest of the royal family

  11. It's so horrifying that the building is still standing. What a traumatic trigger for the people that live near it.

    1. I didn't know it was still standing! Is it for the inquest? I hope it's because of that and not just that it's taking time! Horrible!

    2. See my reply below. Investigations into this sort of thing take a lot of time and have to be done meticulously.

  12. Appropiate and moving ceremony. Duchess choose the best option of colour which is isn 't sad but appropiate for occasion.Also she looks fresh,lovely and smart.I am glad that royal family shows her support.

  13. Nicole from Françe14 December 2017 at 15:35

    Living in France, sorry to ask but is the tower still standing ? Do people have this terribly dreadful sight in front of them all the time ? Saying that, I am not sure that falling the tower down too soon after the tragedy would be good, wouldn't people think the politics want to forget ...... this multi religion service must have been quite moving .... I noticed that BBC itself still calls the Dichezz "Kate" .... that's good enough for us, in this blog, but it sounds like a lack of respect in such a situation, well that's my feeling .... anyway, Catherine was perfect, to me, navy being still a mourning colour , and I do love that coat, it suits her so well !

    1. The tower has to stand whilst the police, building experts and others examine it. There may be prosecutions; there are certainly lessons to be learnt.

    2. Following any inspections for any inquest necessary, the tower might also stand until the people living in that neighborhood make the decision about it. After the Great Japan Earthquake and disaster of 2011, various communities made different decisions: to let something stand as a memorial or to remove it in order to allow local residents to heal. Sweeping something away quickly isn't always the best answer. SMH

    3. I see their point; but that is not the way that British property law and planning law usually operates.

  14. The Grenfell Tower fire was horrendous and so very tragic. I hope that today's memorial service provided (at least in small measure) some comfort and support to those who have lost loved ones and who have been deeply affected by the disaster. Here in the US, today is the 5th anniversary of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 little girls and boys and 6 teachers were horrifically gunned down. When those places in our lives where we should feel and know we are safe (such as school or our home or apartment) become places of destruction and tragic loss, it is hard to process and work through the torrent of grief, emotions, and memories that surround us. Time, patience, and support helps, but it truly is a lifelong process.

    1. Thank you. Well said. Remembrance of Sandy Hook is always in my heart every December 14. Both horrendous tragedies with elements of human failure, so terribly sad. I hope the families were comforted by the multi-faith service and the presence of senior Royals.

  15. I was unable to watch the service, but it looked to be well balanced and meaningful for those mourning loved ones and the survivors.

    Navy was a good choice. I really don’t like the hat at all. Perhaps it would be fine on its own, but with the coat, it’s just too heavy. The military styling and even the cute bows on her gloves are statement pieces enough. If Kate felt the need to wear a hat, it would’ve worked better without a high-collared coat.

  16. Orange County Grandma14 December 2017 at 16:24

    This is not just a fashion blog. It is one of Kate’s engagements and doings along with her fashion. But can’t people just forget for one day about what she is wearing and focus on the engagement.
    This was to honor the lives lost and injured in this terrible fire. And to try and comfort to the families who lost so much in the fire.

  17. There is a rather sweet video on the BBC News website showing the members of the royal family kissing each other. People like us who have no television might like to see it.

    1. Thank you for sharing this piece of info, Cecilia! The service must have been deeply moving. Mourning is a long and difficult process and it is so important to have opportunities to say goodbye, to express one's feelings, to allow oneself to cry, to feel the support of others. Symbols are an important part of that, and walking out of the cathedral with the white roses was a very powerful symbol. I do hope the mourners, survivors and all the participants feel a bit more hope and peace after the service. I also hope they have been or will be offered long-term support, both material and psychological. Thank you so much, Charlotte, for splendid coverage.

    2. Does anyone have a link to this video? I couldn't find it on the BBC site.

    3. I am afraid I can't find it now by searching the website. But if you are in Britain and have a licence, it would seem that you can see 100 minutes of the service on iPlayer. I am afraid I can't give you the link, as I am not a television programme user. Alternatively, you, or perhaps even Charlotte, could request sight of it. The BBC are often very helpful about this sort of thing. What it showed was the Cambridges and Prince Harry meeting the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at the west door of the cathedral. Prince William and the Duchess both kissed the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall on both cheeks. Prince Harry kissed the Duchess of Cornwall twice, but seemed only to have had time to kiss his father once. I thought it was charming that both of the young men kissed their father with such apparent affection. It was behind the backs of the congregation, but in the presence of various clergy and vergers, and the television cameras, of course

    4. Here is the link, Penny:
      It is just a 1-minute video but you can go to other videos from it.

    5. Oh, well done, Zora. You are obviously very good at searches. I see I remembered wrongly who got only one kiss from Prince Harry.

  18. Gorgeous coat! The hat is a bit Carmen Sandiego...

    1. That's what it reminded me of, as well...I like it.

    2. Susan from Florida15 December 2017 at 16:30

      A wide brim can do two things : cast a shadow on your face and make your face look slimmer. So if the Duchess looked down to blot a tear, it wouldn’t be noticed. As her face is going to look a bit full with pregnancy, a wide brim can distract from it.

  19. Catherine always looks so beautiful.

  20. The title of this blog is "Duchess Kate - Following the Life and Style of the Duchess of Cambridge." It is not called "Duchess Kate - Following the Fashion of the Duchess of Cambridge." So thus, not a fashion blog. Kate's "style" encompasses so much more than what she wears - at least, that is how I interpret it. I come to this blog to see what Kate is doing and I do enjoy seeing what she is wearing, but I don't come here to critique what she is wearing.

    1. I interpret it as Kate's life, style, family, choices, fashion. It all has a place here :) Under "style" I think that encompasses pure fashion talk :)

    2. I agree Rebecca.

    3. The definition of style is "a manner of doing something." Kate's fashion is only one aspect of her style.

    4. The definition of style is "a manner of doing something." Kate's fashion is only one aspect of her style.

  21. This was a hard post for me to read (not because of your wonderful writing, Charlotte) but for the very tragic subject matter. Those poor many lives lost :( I hope some hard lessons come out of this awful event & that it NEVER happens again. I'm still shocked at the images of the burning building...I will never forget it.

    It looked like a moving service & it was good to see the royals & others like Adele offering their support.

    Kate looked appropriate today wearing her navy coat & accessories. I'm not a fan of her Carolina Herrera coats due to the placement of the buttons, but I do like the pleats & her hat.

    I hope the families & the community (& also the nation) felt some comfort & hope for the future after this service.

    1. The image of the building *is* horrible. I believe lessons will be learned, but it doesn't always happen over night.

  22. I like her in navy and I appreciate her somber tone here. But something about it all doesn’t work for me.

    The rounded petal bottom of the coat seems to jar with the military buttons look at the top. I think I don’t like the coat in general and this don’t like it on her.

    That said the lady is gorgeous and can pull it off. But the bows on the gloves seem fussy today and it just doesn’t work for me. It’s fine. Maybe like others have said before it’s a way to make this not about her and about the service and the tragedy. And in that I certainly cannot fault her.

    I would have bawled like a baby in there. She handles herself with more poise than I could.

  23. I love Kate in navy, and I really like this outfit on her. I love her hat, it just looks too casual to me for her outfit. A dressier hat perhaps?

  24. To me Kate looked lovely from head to toe. Navy was a perfect choice! I too also wish News Commentators, etc would refer to her as "Duchess" or at least "Catherine". I think she is doing a wonderful job in all aspects of her life. I believe the criticism of her would be kinder & have more perspective, if we remembered Diana when she was 6yrs into her marriage & raising toddlers. Whether it's remembering Diana as she was still struggling to find her style or define her role or become comfortable with public speaking. I feel The Duchess of Cambridge has & is doing a wonderful job of being an accessible, kind, elegant Royal, while making her husband & children a huge priority. She appears to have the priority of helping them to have as well rounded a life as possible, while also still enhancing preparations for their Little Family to step into whatever roles, duties & engagements that are needed of them. I believe she hits the right tone & balance, especially on a reverent & sensitive day like today!

    1. Becca, your commentary truly focuses on the positive as it relates to Catherine’s multiple roles as wife, Mother and the all encompassing role as a significant member of the Royal family. I do wish I knew more about your objective sources that you offer up in forming your conclusions and insights. The glimpses into the life of the Cambridge’s seem to me very controlled and orchestrated. So for me, I am not comfortable making broad brush statements about the Cambridge’s public or personal life. That is not a criticism of you or the Cambridge’s; nor is it for me to dictate or demand a certain self-fulllfilling, idealized narrative of this royal family. I truly hope your opinions come to fruition! I like your positive approach in your commentary during this sadly tragic memorial service.

    2. Amen, Becca. She is doing way, way, way better than I could ever do. No contest. She's born into her role for such a time as this in my opinion. 👑

  25. Sadly, I don't know if lessons HAVE been learned from the Grenfell tragedy. I live very close to two 16 storey Council blocks in London that are cladded.

    1. That's sad to hear & scary for those living there. These things should be rectified after a tragic incident like Grenfell Tower. I've never seen anything like it.

    2. Yes, it's appalling. I have contacted the Council & even the Government about it but nothing has been done. They were cladded a few years ago; I didn't think at the time it could be a huge fire risk. The work took a long time. The residents are my neighbours and some are very worried.

    3. I hope something is done about it, Mary. The cladding should be removed ASAP .


  26. "Our hope is the name of Grenfell will not just be known as a symbol of sorrow, grief and injustice but a symbol of the time we learnt a new and better way to listen and to love" - The Bishop of Kensington.

    Nicely said.
    Good thrives against grief. Yes, there is a new discovery of experiencing peoples love after grief. At the same time, what remains is the cold reality of the survivors dealing with the memory the next day, sometimes alone, and even worse through the holidays. This is when volunteers, grief therapists and some funds make a difference in support of healing.

    I hope this very memorial also stays in the minds of the survivors for as long as the sorrows will last, and even longer. May those departed from this world rest in peace.

  27. A sad event, but it sounds like it was beneficial for the survivors/family/friends. On a fashion note, I have to say that the head to toe Navy was over done in my view. It reminded me of how Diana used to do that (one time she wore a red suit, red stockings & red shoes!)---way to matchy-matchy. Had the stockings at least been neutral, I think it would've been perfect. That said, she's always so pretty; I just thought a bit too much of one color, that's all.

    1. I actually really love a monochromatic look sometimes, if the color is a neutral, which navy is to me. The red that Diana wore was a little too much because of the bold color.

    2. For once, I like what Camella wore for this occasion.

  28. The solemn the church and the duchess always love to console other the duchess really stunning from head to toe

  29. Very sad. I will remember the families in my prayers. I’m glad that the young Royals and Prince Charles (with Camilla) attended. Thanks, Charlotte.

  30. Maria Cecília Maia15 December 2017 at 20:40

    This blog is a breath of fresh air for me even when the theme is somber as in this case.

  31. What a moving service. God bless all who lost their lives how very sad. I wonder why meghan wasn't at this service? Protocol? Regardless Catherine looks sophisticated and regal I adore her hat and I love her baby bump. Thank you Charlotte for your continued hard work! We all appreciate you very much. Happy Christmas.



    could this be Kate's hat ?


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