Monday 8 January 2018

Princess Charlotte's First Day at Nursery School!

They grow up so fast! The two and a half years since Princess Charlotte was born have flown past. Today, the Princess marked an important milestone, attending her first day at Willcocks Nursery School. The Cambridges enjoyed Christmas with the Royal family and reportedly rang in the New Year in Bucklebury with the Middletons, before returning to Anmer for Kate's birthday weekend. Following a church appearance at Sandringham yesterday, it was back to London ahead of Charlotte's very special day.

The adorable images were taken by Kate this morning at Kensington Palace before she and William dropped their daughter off for her first day. They are gorgeous shots and capture Charlotte's personality wonderfully. The Princess looked cute as a button in her burgundy coat and shoes.

It's amazing how much she has grown and changed. I think she looks quite a bit like her big brother now. What do you think? Below, we see Charlotte in her role as flower girl at Pippa's wedding last May.

Charlotte's lovely coat is the Amaia Kids Razorbil Classic Boiled Wool Coat (with thanks to Laura). It's described as: "Light and easy to wear. Looks stunning with matching bonnet". Charlotte's matching bow is also by the brand.

Charlotte's backpack is the Cath Kidston Pony Kids Medium Style and her shoes are by Spanish brand Dona Carmen Bebes (with thanks to Estelle Attire and What Kate's Kids Wore).

Prince George attends Thomas's Battersea; the school has a nursery too, and it was thought Charlotte would go there. Given the distance to Thomas's and the short nursery hours, William and Kate elected to choose Willcocks, which is close to the family's Kensington Palace home. The school was founded in 1964 by Diana Willcocks and has been at its current location in the church hall of Holy Trinity Church, Prince Consort Road, London since 1984. The school is owned and run by the Headmistress, Lavinia Taylor, and her fellow teachers, Louise Ward, Sarah Walker, Rosa Rego Dias and Jennifer Robbins. It is known as a traditional nursery school which strives to maintain its ethos of high standards, excellence and good manners.

A parent shared the following glowing review on the nursery's website:

"The Willcocks Nursery School where only the kindest and most encouraging teachers make every day quite wonderful so that by the time goodbyes are said your children hardly realise they've become almost grown up and the most well behaved, caring, sharing and cheerful children you could ever hope to find."

Royal reporter for The Mirror, Victoria Murphy was told William and Kate thought Willcocks was an ideal first step for their daughter's education and were impressed with the staff there. Victoria added: "Unlike Prince George who started nursery in Norfolk part time, Princess Charlotte will be attending her London nursery full-time." Morning classes run five days per week, with afternoon classes held on three days. As you can see in the graphic below, the day's curriculum is centred around a wide range of activities including art, music and dance. Charlotte loves dancing and will be in her element at the nursery.

William and Kate will have been invited in for a 'stay and play' session. Willcocks offers the following advice to parents on settling their child in:

'You and your child will be invited for a short “stay and play”. Once settled, you will be asked to leave for a short period to see if your child is happy to be left. As your child becomes more able to cope, the session will be gradually extended to the full morning or afternoon. .
Sometimes separation can be upsetting and we ask you to be patient. Each child is an individual; a toy or photograph from home or a picture of their Key Teacher to take home can link home and nursery and be very helpful.
As your child builds a rapport with the teachers, we will ask you to stay in the vicinity for the first few sessions so that you can return if needed.'

Ofsted gave the nursery a glowing report, praising children's behaviour and the teacher/pupil relationships fostered. "Children have good relationships with staff and each other. They show strong bonds with staff and freely approach them during play, including times when they need support. Children feel safe at the setting as staff show high regard to promoting smooth transition into the nursery. Children are exceptionally well behaved. They show a clear understanding of expectations of their behaviour. They are supported well in following the well established daily routines. In addition, they enjoy frequent outside play, outings and musical and movement activities which provide opportunities for them to be active. Children show a positive contribution to their learning environment. For example, they take turns in being a helper."

Two years ago, Prince George started at Westactre Montessori nursery, a twenty-minute drive from their country home Anmer Hall. It was reported George attended two or three days weekly.

It's been an important few months for both George and Charlotte. The Prince started at Thomas's Battersea in September, and they will be welcoming a new brother or sister in just a few months. George returns to Thomas's tomorrow morning following Christmas break.

I hope Charlotte's first day went swimmingly! :)


In other news, Kensington Palace announced two engagements for the Duchess on Wednesday, 17th January. The Duchess will visit Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) to officially open the Mittal Children's Medical Centre, home to the new Premier Inn Clinical Building. On the day, the Duchess will visit two separate wards. Kate will join some of the hospital's patients in the children's play room and meet patients and their families to hear about their experience of the brand new facilities. She will also meet staff caring for these children and talk to clinicians carrying out cutting edge research to help the most seriously ill children.

Later that afternoon, Kate will visit will visit Bond Primary School in Mitcham to see the work of the Wimbledon Junior Tennis Initiative (WJTI). The Duchess will join groups of children from Bond Primary School in the school hall as they take part in a range of tennis-related sessions, including activities to improve hand-eye coordination and footwork.

Finally, The Duchess sent a letter to her patronage East Anglia's Children's Hospices praising their “dedication, generosity and achievements” to mark the start of building work of the nook.

The full letter.

Fundraising efforts for the Nook have been underway for several years now; it's simply wonderful to see the project getting firmly underway. Once built it will transform care delivery to meet the changing needs of children and help meet the increasing demand for services. More from EACH on their vision: "The size and design of the building will also mean a reduction in the short-break care we have to cancel to deliver vital end of life care. The nook will enable us to do both, better, and at the same time. It will be a central hub, serving families across the county with specialist care both in the hospice and the community. We are recognised as leaders in our field, with a reputation for excellence and commitment to development and innovation. The scale and competitive cost of the project reflects the size and nature of delivering and developing such a wide range of specialist services – Norfolk and North Suffolk families need a 21st century building for 21st century care." If you would like to support the project and 'Buy a Brick' please click here. Wishing EACH the very best of luck as the build progresses!

We'll see you on Wednesday when Kate visits Reach Academy Feltham, a school working in partnership with Place2Be and other organisations to support children.


  1. Oh my heart! ❤❤❤❤ My second favorite royal (next to HM) has made my morning bright! She looks so very grown up and look at that little scarf! Thank you, William and Catherine for sharing a glimpse of her with us.

    1. She does look like a little lady. Bless her! I bet she can't wait to be a big sister. Her big smile brightened my day, too!

  2. Oh my god...look at her in that red coat 💕 my heart is melting 💕 Hope she had a great first day at nursery!

    You can already imagine how beautiful she will be when she will be a young lady!

  3. Well, it looks like she was in her element:) She looks super cute! But to be honest I could hardly recognise her she grew so much!

    Her parents should publish more pictures!!

    1. I agree. I wouldn't have known who she is if not captioned.

  4. She is adorable!! Cheeky and cute as a button! She's looking less baby and more little girl.

    1. Intrigued By Royals8 January 2018 at 21:50

      My thoughts exactly, Katie C.H.! She has turned into a little girl since July! We could tell in December when we saw her in the car going to the Christmas Luncheon that she had changed a lot and now we see the whole change. She is adorable and seems quite confident!

  5. How. Adorably. Precious. Love love love the photos.

  6. Oh my goodness how adorable is she!? What a confident little girl looking so excited for her first day. Kudos to Mummy for capturing such wonderful photos that show her character. Red for luck! And P.S. she looks like HM the Queen so much here!

  7. What lovely photographs from the Duchess of Cambridge! Charlotte sure has grown. She looks quite tall and very beautiful. I love the red and pink outfit.

  8. Lovely, she's such a cheeky-looking little one - brimming with confidence and so stylish. I have a terrible eye for such things but she looks like mum to me here.

  9. Just adorable. How grown up she looks now and you can start seeing a cheeky and beautiful personality there!

  10. Adorable! Love the outfit too. Your mom knows how to pick your clothes! XOXOXOXOX

  11. How adorable! Charlotte's personality comes through so well in these photos. I love the red coat, shoes and pink scarf too.

  12. She is so freaking cute. Wishing her well on her new adventure in nursery school! She does look like Prince George, now! I'm sure Kate was happy to be there to see her off, especially since she had to miss George's first day at Battersea. I find myself wishing I could've gone to a less traditional school that encouraged dancing and music more haha!

  13. Oh my goodness! How adorable is this little girl?! You can tell she has a much less cautious temperment than her brother. She will love nursery. For all those who think she resembles the Queen Mother at the same age, I see it now, for sure. Looking forward to seeing her grow up. I think she'll be an interesting person.

    1. yep, Erika. I still think she looks like the Queen Mum. :)

    2. Doesn't she? I see it now with the longer hair and bow.

    3. My comment has become lost.... but, she does, doesn't she, surfer girl. I think its the longer hair with the bow plus the chubby cheeks.

    4. Erika.😊 yep. they could be clones. :)

    5. Maggie - Minneapolis8 January 2018 at 20:41

      Queen mum and also Eugenie! Which makes sense since ppl have often said that those two share a strong resemblance. For me as soon as I saw these pictures I thought immediately that Charlotte looks a lottt like a mini eugenie aside from coloring.

    6. Yes, I thought of Eugenie when I saw the Christmas lunch photo, Maggie. Makes sense. Eugenie does look like the QM.

    7. Lol! The DM has been spying on us. Now theres an article about how Charlotte looks like the QM.

    8. Yes! I can definitely see Eugenie, who I think is a cutie anyways(in the way any adult can be a cutie).

    9. Really, surfer girl. Not the first time and won't be the last.

  14. What a little beauty! She looks just like her mum :)

  15. What a beautiful little girl. Thanks Charlotte for posting so fast. Kate certainly takes wonderful pictures of her darling children. I love her coat and scarf. Just too precious for words.

  16. Omg....too much cuteness. Her little outfit is adorable. These are great photos!

    1. Hey, Kat. Nice to see you!

    2. Hi blu, thank you. It's good to be seen😉

  17. American Army Wife8 January 2018 at 16:49

    What a lovely smile she has! I hope she has great day and makes new friends.
    The pictures are great! It is so nice her mom can take them for both of them to enjoy through the years.

  18. Rebecca - Sweden8 January 2018 at 16:51

    Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!

  19. ❤️ What beautiful photos of a beautiful little girl on a most special moment in her life.🎀 Her little burgundy coat, shoes and bow. Her pink, cute, oh so cute, little pink scarf. And, her pink polka-dotted backpack. 🎀
    These photos could not have been any more perfect.
    Thank you Kate for the real photos and for sharing them. That just helped make my day even brighter as I'm sure it did for many. 🌷

  20. Charlotte is so cute and beautiful. She seems to be excited and confident.
    I love photos of children which took Catherine.They are so natural, adorable and shows characters of George and Charlotte.

    1. ❤️ I love her photos too. They must have an exquisite family photo album. Kate's photos and probably also some from James Whatling, etc., of
      photos like Charlotte smelling the flowers,
      receiving her first bouquet, doing her first curtsy. George seeing his first bubble at the picnic, being elated at being in the cockpit of a helicopter, meeting the POTUS, etc.
      What a beautiful family album it must be.

  21. So cute. Like what most of us parents do on the first day of school for our kids. Pictures! =) Kate does a fabulous job photographing!

  22. I've always thought she was Her Majesty's doppelgänger, but I now see a strong resemblance to Kate. What I adore is her confidence--she looks so happy and proud to be headed to school! Thank you to the Cambridges for sharing such a special milestone with us!

  23. Oh my goodness, she is adorable. She has definitely lost her baby look since we last saw her. What an exciting day for the Cambridges! I think quarterly pictures should be a must!!!

    Hope USA

  24. So sweet and adorable!Any ideia where the school bag is from?

  25. She and George look so very similar. She is adorable and the "baby/toddler" features are fading. She is her mother's daughter for sure and what a beaut8ful smile. She seems very relaxed and confident. I suspect she will do very well at nursery.

  26. Jessica in Los Angeles8 January 2018 at 17:09

    WOW! She looks like such a big girl now! Honestly these pictures actually made me smile. She looks adorable and happy. I’m so glad they chose to release these and hope she settles into school quickly. Does anyone know how long it has been since we’ve last seen her or a photo of her (not the Christmas pic, as that wasn’t current)? I’m amazed at how much she has grown up!

    I hope Kate is holding up well today. I cried like a baby when my kids started preschool.

    1. We saw a few pictures of her in the car when the Cambridges went to the Queen's Christmas luncheon. I remember thinking she had grown so much then since we last saw her, which I think was the Germany/Poland tour.

    2. I did too when my son started a twice a week, three hour a day, Mom's Day Out program. I would sit in my car crying like a baby and wait there for at least twenty minutes to make sure everything was okay. Not just for a day but that went on for about a week, lol.
      Relieved to know I wasn't the only one, Jessica. :)

  27. Jessica in Los Angeles8 January 2018 at 17:09

    I forgot to ask, is this a school uniform? Or just a super cute outfit? I just love it. And the backpack!!

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis8 January 2018 at 20:55

      No uniforms for them so just super adorable outfit :) was just thinking today while dress shopping for a college friend's newborn girl that honestly if I ever have kids and I have a girl, I think I'd be so sad if at Charlotte's age-ish my daughter had to wear a uniform :P Little girls clothes are just so cute and imo of all things the most fun to shop for, esp once at an age to not be growing out of clothes every month lol. Although the outgrowing thing didn't stop me from buying a ton of adorable little girl outfits in the smallest size today haha.

  28. What wonderful, natural photos! She is a darling and looks so happy to be going off to “big girl” school. I can envisage Kate with her camera with maybe William in the background. She definitely reminds me of photos I have seen of the Queen Mum as a child.

  29. ❤️ On the website for the coat, there is the very cutest little red dress to go with the coat. It is in the style she always wears. I wonder if Princess Charlotte got the matching dress. It is so cute.

    1. Surfer girl, I wondered the same thing because the little red dress is absolutely adorable. But if you look at the material in the second picture, the material doesn't match; it has a pattern that looks a little like another pinafore/top from the Dona Carmen website where the shoes come from. It looks like the light tan tights would match the top! IDK, just sleuthing on an adorable little girls clothing website. cc

    2. 😊 I think your right, CeCe. Good job. :)

  30. She looks absolutely precious and confident in her red coat. Looks like her brother? Maybe a bit, but I always see the Queen in her. Today a bit more Middleton although my first thought was more Pippa than Kate. Shape of the eye. I still think she will grow up looking very much like her Great-Granny.

  31. She is totally adorable...looks like her mum and Carol Middleton. You can tell she is going to be very tall.

  32. What a sweetheart!! I don't think she looks like George (who I think looks quite a bit like Kate and the Middletons), I think Charlotte is all Windsor. What a little darling.

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis8 January 2018 at 21:03

      Totally agree! George is a mini Michael Middleton and so yep also favors his mom who also looks like her dad. Right now I definitely think Charlotte looks a lot like Eugenie although certainly the similarities with the Queen are there too (imo just less so than Eugenie right now). It's funny bc I prolly change my mind every time we see her/pics abt who she looks most like, but no matter what/who I may thin she resembles, it's always been a Windsor haha. I like that it seems like she has middleton coloring and george has the Windsor coloring..
      Fun little switchups :P

  33. Oh my god, the cuteness is killing me! Her smile, the beautiful coat, adorable scarf…

    I bet she couldn’t wait to go to ‘’school’’ like big brother George. As a younger sister I totally remember those days, albeit I was a couple of years older when I started.

  34. Bless her little heart ! She really is as cute as a button ! What a difference since we last saw her. She seems to favour her Mum, but across the eyes, I see a look of William. Let's hope it was a joyous first day for her. It was good of William and Kate to share such beautiful photos with us.

  35. She is super cute! Girly girl knows how to play to the camera. Is there a uniform? Seems odd to have tights and not anklets or knee-hi's.

  36. Well this certainly brightened my Monday work day!! She is such a pretty little girl and Kate seems to know how to capture her personality, which shows in her smile and her eyes. I like the British expression "cheeky" that many here are using to describe Charlotte!! Just love how she is dressed, she is adorable!! I wonder if she helped picked out her backpack :). So happy that William and Kate shared this moment with us!! cc

  37. Oh My! Such a Little Lady! :) Oh She's Growing Up So Fast & looks far older than 2 1/2! :0 One can almost see the beautiful young woman she will grow to be! :) xoxo

  38. wow. 🐎 I imagine that the Queen would be tickled pink to know that Charlotte chose a pony themed backpack. The Queen still rides often apparently. Wanna bet that Charlotte isn't often by her side on pony with groom walking along? :)
    I wonder if the Queen has a family member chosen and trained to take over her horse racing/breeding stables. Her stables are among the best and most exclusive in the world, not to mention extensive.
    I am sure that she has decades of "Thoroughbred Times" magazine knowledge accumulated plus much more. Talk about geneologies. :) I hope her stables continue and thrive, albeit more humanely as, thank God, that more humane trend is emerging. I wonder who she has chosen to succeed her in that role.

    1. Good question. You have the horses and all those employed. I wonder if she would pass most of it on to Zara and Zara might move the operations to her home? The Queen might gift a few individual horses and ponies to various family members but give the "business" side of it, and the majority of the horses, to Zara or Zara and Anne? Very interesting question.

    2. Ali.😊 It is good for thought. There is a vast amount of wealth involved in that in all aspects. She has personal use horses that she might gift to family. Thoroughbreds are another matter entirely. I don't think they would move the stables. I am sure there has been a buzz about it in Lexington and other thoroughbred meccas with some having certain of her assets in their stable's scope, lol. I have been out of that loop for awhile so I don't know. :)

    3. Intrigued By Royals8 January 2018 at 21:55

      Yes, Zara and Anne would be the perfect choice. Sophie and Louise might be interested in helping out in that area, also.

  39. Sarah Maryland USA8 January 2018 at 18:43

    Is she so dressed up because they have a uniform at her school? But oh my god I died of cuteness overload! I hope one day my kids are that cute!
    I’m glad to see kate has a lot of engagments for the month of January so far!

    1. Susan in Florida9 January 2018 at 23:15

      Sarah, I noticed when I lived and travelled abroad that little British girls , and little girls in Europe , wear dresses more often than US girls. While Americans might send a girl to school in leggings or pants, little girls from other nations comfortably remain in dresses and tights.

  40. What absolutely beautiful portraits, natural, relaxed, and full of character. I think Kate did a fantastic job. How lucky we are to be able to see these photographs! Charlotte looks just precious--sweet, lively, with maybe a little mischief, but most of all a secure, happy, well-adjusted child. My hat goes off to Kate and William for the wonderful job they are doing raising their children.

    And thank you Charlotte, for so much wonderful reporting over the past several months. You must be so busy, and your posts are just as detailed and just as full of interesting historical and other facts as they ever were. A great pleasure to read, and to be part of the DKB community.

    1. Zora from Prague8 January 2018 at 20:28

      I share your sentiments, Christen! Lovely pictures. And I see a lot of the Queen in Charlotte.

    2. I agree, Christen.

      I just have this feeling that Charlotte is somewhat of an "old soul" and her young body is holding her back!

    3. royalfan, Charlotte does seem like an old soul :) I can’t believe she is two & a half in these pics...she looks all grown up & rearing to go!

  41. Charlotte looks so much like Kate in the second picture (I'm thinking of the photo of Kate taken when she was about 3, wearing a colorful striped sweater and climbing up a rock).

    1. Pam, I was thinking the exact same thing!

    2. I still see Carole's eyes. :-)

  42. What beautiful pictures! I love the outfit, the colors, the setting, and the smiles! Charlotte does not show a bit of George's diffidence. She appears to be very happy to go to school. I think Charlotte looks more like Kate now than she has. So pretty. Kate is a marvelous photographer, and her children light up when they face her camera.

  43. So excited to see the photos of Charlotte, that I didn't notice at first the new engagements on Kate's calendar. I wonder if it would be feasible to try to go to the Great Ormond Street Hospital next Wednesday to try to get a glimpse of Kate....I will be in London next week. Does anyone know? I'm sure there is a lot of security but do they generally try to keep the general public away from her arrival and departures at these types of engagements?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's a few years since I happened to be near a member if the Royal Family (Dundee Sheriff Court; the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh) but I have never seen people being discouraged from standing and looking, except in the exact place where the people in question are getting out of their cars.

    3. Zora from Prague9 January 2018 at 21:09

      Pam, I think there is a good chance you could get there and see Kate. You might want to be there earlier and ask one of the policemen. I did that in London when I was looking for the best spot to watch the Trooping and the policemen were very helpful and friendly. I know this is a different occasion but still, that's what I'd try to do.

  44. Absolutely adorable. Couldn’t be cuter! Exactly how a little princess should look on her first day at school.

  45. Does anyone else think Charlotte is looking more and more like Kate? She is simply adorable!

  46. Regarding the resemblance...I see Williams eyes, and think she resembles the queen when she was a young lady.

    She looks so confident and proud that she will go finally to nursery. I'm quite sure she couldn't wait to start! And she seems so tall and from her facial expression much older than two and a half.

  47. Def favors the Windsors and I think she favors Lady Sarah Chatto

    1. Thank you, teacher8sc! :) I have thought so too, from the time she was quite small - it will be interesting to see if the resemblance becomes stronger as she continues to mature!

  48. Tammy from California8 January 2018 at 22:53

    Oh, I just can't even...

  49. As I posted earlier, Charlotte is just a precious little girl. Both of their children are adorable, and appear to be extremely intelligent and secure. I think that Kate and William must be terrific, hands on parents, and in my book that counts 1000%. William has certainly stepped up his game with regards to the Firm, but if Kate chooses to continue being right there for her children, I say bravo. In twenty years or so, when they are all grown, they will remember how wonderful their mother was, and that she was there for them. They will be better adjusted adults for what its worth, and that will speak volumes in terms of how they face the world, and their destinies. Just my opinion of course.

    1. Tedi - agree with everything you said. This is what it is all about right now. Raising the children to be secure and loved and confident.

    2. Well said. Being with the children as much as possible while they are young is so important. Kate has many years ahead of her to have a more public role.

    3. Susan in Florida9 January 2018 at 23:10

      Yes Tedi ! I couldn’t agree more.

    4. Tedi, for what it's worth, I agree with you! Amen.

    5. Zora from Prague11 January 2018 at 19:49

      +1, Tedi.

  50. I canna believe how much she has changed and grown! wow! She is a natural for the camera and seems to love it. Very different personality from George for sure. George looks like he would rather be anywhere than in front of a camera. Charlotte is a natural hamm! I do think she does look a bit like Kate here. And love her little coat and red shoes. Red is my favorite color. Blueskygal Tucson AZ

  51. I kove princess charlotte hmm is looks like duchess or mom the more she grows the more that she looks like her parents but the resemblance the queen these just to mark princess charlotte start nursey princess charlotte even cuter ans pinch her cheeks

  52. This is so exciting. She looks a lot older and taller. People are always saying who they think she resembles the most. I've never been able to pinpoint one particular person until now. In the picture of her in the car, I thought she looked a little like Eugenie, but now in these pictures, she reminds me of a young picture of Kate I saw today. I also think she looks more like George than she has in the past.

    I really like her red coat and her backpack is adorable. I agree with the other poster who said the Queen would probably appreciate it also.

  53. Maggie - Minneapolis9 January 2018 at 03:38

    Man that is one really, really cute toddler! Love how easygoing and happy she has always seemed whenever we've seen pictures or her in public. She looks ready in these pics not just for school, but also to be a big sister!

    But seriously, she looks so adorable here. Just makes me even more confused about why william and kate are so skimpy in sharing their private lives and the kids a little more. (to be clear, Im not complaining now. Am grateful for these pics. Just makes me. Think..)
    One photocall a yr a home isn't awful imo (I'd prefer that to seeing the kids cranky, jetlagged, and in uncomfortable surroundings facing cameras just getting on and off planes on tour. I bet the kids might be prefer it too :P). Or releasing some of their own home videos. I was actually looking at the pics from some of the photocalls charles and Diana did at KP (popped up while trying to decide who Charlotte looks like :P) and the videos and pictures are just incredible lovely and cute. Esp bc they allowed us to see not just one kid at time, but also their interactions with parents and sibling. Really don't think one photocall a yr would have to over burden the kids unless they presented it as something to be nervous abt. Or they could do more kid-friendly uk engagements with the children so they aren't so self conscious. But reaction to these pics and really all family pics they have ever released makes it obvious they get ton of love and attention every time. And right now they're just wasting that incredibly easy source of huge potential goodwill for the sake of privacy which isn't really threatened by a little more sharing.

    This is all superchargex by fact that I realized if someone had shown me these pics without giving context, in pretty sure I wouldn't have recognized her bc of how much she has changed.

    1. Maggie, I agree. I wouldn’t have recognised her, either! I loved the photo calls that Charles & Diana did when William & Harry were young :) It made you feel a connection with are nice, but I would love to see more of the Cambridge children’s personalities, rather than a static image. I get the warm fuzzies when I think of W&H playing with their parents at KP & watching the helicopter. It does feel like we’re missing out on a lot.

    2. That would be fantastic! Something like crown princess Victoria of Sweden did...interview and little video with kids and husband. It would be so great to hear G&C voices and see them interact together.

      I like the way that CP Victoria does handle the public. And look how natural little princess estelle is in front of the cameras. And don't think that it takes away anything from their privacy.

    3. Anglophile (in Ohio)9 January 2018 at 17:30

      The problem with those photocalls though are the dozens and dozens of reporters and photographers that are there. If there could be one or two if would be fine, but the media doesn't like to share and they all want there own people there.

    4. Maggie - Minneapolis9 January 2018 at 20:43

      Charles and Diana didnt need to invite dozens and dozens. They really just need to allow one representative for each of the major British papers and that's it. No one expects them to inviteppl from smaller papers and such. Only certain media even has dedicated writer(s) for royals and so I feel like just limiting it to them would work and fairly reward those papers who remain committed to covering the BRF and thus being key to getting the word out in their causes. Or treat it like a regular public event with the PA rota covering..all better options and more fair to media than never giving them chance to photograph the Cambridges in private/relaxed settings unless married to Kate's PA.

    5. Susan in Florida9 January 2018 at 23:07

      I think the little royals are too young to be subject to a photo call. I believe that W & K are doing a great job exposing the children little by little to the scrutiny they will have to deal with all their lives. I see a head tilt in the first photo that reminds me of the Queen.

    6. I think we should remember that part of the reason for C&D allowing access into their private lives was due to the speculation surrounding their marriage. The true purpose was positive PR intended to drown out any unwanted question marks. The coverage was nice and we enjoyed it, but back then it was a program we watched (perhaps even recorded, or we purchased VHS tapes :-) and that was it. Today, a similar program would take on a life of it's own with speculation about everything including the furniture, the relationship between W&K and with their children, their comments and actions, who loves who more, etc., etc. It may appear to be a simple request, but 30 years later, I could see the pitfalls.

  54. Wait! As I was scrolling down, suddenly a tiny bit of Diana flew by in the second picture! I don't know if anyone else can see it and I don't know if I really saw it at all. But just for a second . . .

    Mostly I think Charlotte is a mix of Kate and Great Granny the Queen. But how tantalizing. Now I need pictures of Diana when she was very young to look at.

    1. I think I see a bit of Diana (when she was young) in Charlotte, too! But just a flicker, as you said :) I agree, that she mostly looks like Kate & HM (with a bit of William & Carole thrown in!). She’s an adorable little girl & I can’t wait to see her grow up :)

  55. Happy Birthday, Kate! Hope you have a fantastic one x

  56. I know that many people think Charlotte resembles the Queen, but I must admit I don't agree. There was a brief period of time when Charlotte was an infant that she had some resemblance to Queen Elizabeth, but I do think she is a strong combination of George, Kate, and William. Queen Elizabeth has always strongly resembled a combination of her mother and especially her grandmother, Queen Mary. When I saw the picture of Charlotte in the car on the way to Christmas lunch at BP, I was struck by how much she resembles George. In fact, if not for her hair, I would have thought she was George sitting behind her mother. While she and her brother have different personalities, they do have the same fuller face and many of the same expressions. They are both so adorable.

    1. Here I don't agree. Just yesterday I looked at fotos of young Elizabeth and to me see looks a lot like her father, king George. Especially the eye part. I can also see a resemblance between the queens father and William.

    2. I agree with you on the non-existent resemblance to the Queen. Comparing Queen's pictures at the same age with this, I find no similarities whatsoever. She looks nothing like Charlotte. Completely different features.
      To me she is the splitting image of Kate when Kate was 3. I think she will grow up to look very much like Kate. Her smile reminded me of Harry - somewhere I see Harry in that smile.

    3. 12;10, I'm with you. I do not see the Queen or the QM. In Lady Louise, however, absolutely yes!

    4. I think the Queen resembles her father and Queen Mary the most. Now that you mention it, Lady Louise does look like the Queen. I hadn't thought of that before.

  57. Princess Charlotte is most lovely. Her mother has her dressed sooo stylist. From observing the pictures, Princess Charlotte is NOT camera shy. For a nursery age child, she takes a great picture. Thanks to the parents for sharing a picture of their daughter. Happy birthday to the Duchess of Cambridge. Thank you, Charlotte for such detailed reporting.

  58. Yes.

    🌸🎂 Happy Birthday Kate🎂🌸

  59. Tammy from California9 January 2018 at 16:25


  60. SO refreshing to see a sweet face in the headlines.
    Princess Charlotte. Thanks, Kate.

  61. Adorable little girl! And tall too, If I didn’t know her age I would probably think 3 or 4

  62. So refreshing to see her as younger lady princess charlotte really looks stunning just like mothef the duchess happy birthday to the duchess

  63. She is just so precious! She sure has changed a lot since we last saw her - always cute as a button. I can’t decide who she looks like - she has a little bit of a few different family members throughout her features.

    I do love her outfit - how stylish at such a young age! I wonder who picks out her clothes, Kate? Nanny Maria? Maybe Charlotte herself? 😉Whoever it is needs to keep doing it b/c she is adorable.

    I do have to say, I see a little bit of a glint in her eyes like she can be a troublemaker at home and rule the house. George seems more quiet and reserved when we see him - shyness perhaps? I have a feeling Charlotte is developing quite the personality.

  64. Where I am it's not too late greet Kate a very happy 36th birthday! UK is so lucky to have her as their future Queen. More happiness and love for her and her family in the future.

  65. Oh my gosh she looks like a little cherub!! I wish her the best! So darling. thanks for posting Charlotte.

  66. To me, I see nothing of the Queen in Charlotte's looks. Mostly I see William's face, especially the eyes and cheeks. Because of this, Diana is there also as William favors his mother.


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