Sunday 15 July 2018

UPDATED: Prince Louis' Christening Portraits Released

Almost a week after Prince Louis' christening, the eagerly awaited official portraits have been released. We saw several darling mother-son shots at the christening; it was a treat to see one from the photo session too.

Kensington Palace Twitter Feed

The portraits were taken at Clarence House's Morning Room following the christening at the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace, by renowned photographer Matt Holyoak. The photographer said "I was truly honoured at being asked to take the official photographs at the christening of Prince Louis, and to witness at first hand such a happy event. Everyone was so relaxed and in such good spirits, it was an absolute pleasure. I only hope I have captured some of that joy in my photographs."

Kensington Palace Twitter Feed

The photo of Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Cambridges and the Sussexes offers a very powerful visual image - the future of the British Royal family. Note, very adorably Charlotte is holding Louis' hand, and look at George's smile :)

Kensington Palace Twitter Feed

The family of five.

Kensington Palace Twitter Feed

The Palace released an additional photograph of Kate and Louis with the message "Their Royal Highnesses hope that everyone enjoys this lovely photograph of Prince Louis as much as they do." The photo was taken by Matt Porteous, the photographer took George's third birthday portraits. I imagine this is one from their personal album from the day. It offers by far the best look at the adorable prince. He really does look like his mother.

Kensington Palace

Matt Holyoak is one of the world's leading celebrity portrait photographers. His love of portraiture started at Art College, where he studied to be a fine artist, specialising in contemporary portrait painting and drawing.  He then discovered his passion for photography and perfected his craft working in still life, fashion and portraiture - assisting some of the most revered photographers of our times.

His photographs have been published internationally in magazines such as Harper’s Bazaar, GQ, Another, Vogue, Dazed and Confused, Elle, Empire, Rolling Stone, Interview, L’Uomo Vogue and Vanity Fair. He has shot campaigns for Adidas, Gilette and Qatar Airways. A number of his pieces have been acquired by the National Portrait Gallery for their permanent collection.

Holyoak took the hugely popular 70th wedding anniversary images of the Queen and Prince Philip.

Prince Louis was baptised by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. The Lily Font and water from the River Jordan were used during the baptism. Louis wore a hand-made replica of the royal christening robe, made by Angela Kelly, dressmaker to the Queen. William and Kate chose six godparents for their eleven-week-old son. Kate's cousin Lucy Middleton and close friends Nicholas van Cutsem, Guy Pelly, Harry Aubrey-Fletcher, Laura Meade and Hannah Gillingham Carter.

The christening provided the first official photos of the Cambridges as a family of five.

The Duchess chose a bespoke cream Alexander McQueen dress with a neck and puff sleeves for the christening. Kate teamed it with a headband-style Jane Taylor hat, Jimmy Choo Romy Pumps and Cassandra Goad Cavolfiore Pearl Studs.

Prince George's christening portraits were taken by Jason Bell at Clarence House following his christening at the Chapel Royal. They included a portrait of the Queen with three heirs to the throne.

Princess Charlotte's portraits were taken at Sandringham House after the christening at St Mary Magdalene Church by royal favourite Mario Testino. They had a more relaxed, informal feel than George's.

If you're just joining us, William and Kate were in the Royal Box for the Wimbledon Men's Final this afternoon. Click here to view the post.

With George and Charlotte on summer holidays from Thomas's Battersea and Willcocks Nursery School, I expect the Cambridges will divide their time over the next couple of months between London and Anmer Hall. The Duchess isn't expected to resume official duties until the autumn, although it's possible she'll make an appearance or two before then. The release of the portraits seems the perfect way to close a very interesting week which included the christening, the RAF centenary and Wimbledon. Matt Holyoak did a splendid job with the photos, which one is your favourite?


  1. Rebecca - Sweden15 July 2018 at 21:52

    WOW! I really love the christening photos! Love how they feel crisp and modern but still kind of timeless and historic. I like the colouring very much! And the kids are adorable! I love how the pictures are professional and proper but also have the children showing personality! Really like this choice of photographer! Very much within my taste of photograhy! And wonderful seeing Kate so in love with her little baby boy! She always looks her most beautiful when smiling at one of her children. There is something so compelling about a face showing pure joy!

    1. Rebecca you hit all the nails on their heads!!! I couldn't have said it better myself!! Best Ever!!!! :) Exquisite!! :)

    2. Well said, Catherine's loving gaze to baby Louis is everything

  2. Kate looks like a fairy-tale princess in the shot with just her and baby Louis! That headband hat is fantastic. I think these official christening portraits are my favorite of the three Cambridge christenings.

    1. She really does look like a fairytale princess in that shot! Very beautiful. This is my favorite picture in the bunch.

    2. Best Family Portraits!! Exquisite!! :)

  3. Courtney from NC15 July 2018 at 22:04

    Love! Charlotte is obviously enamored with her baby brother. I think out of the photos of the three christenings I like these most. It may be the huge smiles on the face of wee George or how cute Charlotte is but these are adorable photos!

  4. Courtney, Maryland15 July 2018 at 22:06

    First, thank you Charlotte for your many excellent posts this week!

    I LOVE the outdoor portrait of Kate and Louis, adorable. It’s so sweet that I’m many of the photos, and in her natural care of him the day of, she can’t stop gazing and smiling at him!

    It’s also so cute to see Charlotte holding her baby brother’s hand in the smaller portrait of the royal family.

  5. Charlotte is holding her baby brother’s hand in the one photo! Oh my goodness.....😍😍

  6. Gorgeous pictures! Love the one with Kate and Louis in the garden. I like the mix of outdoors, indoors and posed, and the classic portrait with the backdrop. Do miss The Queen and Prince Philip though.

    1. HM is in the Clarence House photos, in the portrait behind them, lol. I wonder if that was deliberate.....

  7. I like best the photo with everyone; they all look so happy! I miss the Queen and PP, though. And MM's "green" dress looks medium brown and fits in well, so all is good! Boy, this is definitely the family that MM never had. Wish they would adopt me.

    1. As soon as I saw her dress, I knew it would be ok because it was a form of sage & in the green family & that usually works as it can serve as a base color to balance out the pastels, as in a garden. However, the coloring of these portraits is Exquisite!!! Perfection!! :)

    2. I remember you said that and I was watching for it. The colors are beautiful---like the wedding colors were so beautiful and I didn't see all that green coming together.

  8. Wow these are stunning pictures. Perfect way to end the royal season, looking forward to the fall.

  9. Stunning photos of a beautiful group. I love the picture of Kate and Louis outside, but I think all of the pictures are wonderful. I like that both sides of the family are represented well in the large group shot, and I really like the “future of the British Royal family” picture. They look like a tight family unit.

    1. Agreed!! I don't think I could choose! :)

  10. Did they take a photo with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, as they did with George and Charlotte's christening?

    1. Rebecca - Sweden15 July 2018 at 22:41

      They were not present at the christening.

  11. Joanne in California15 July 2018 at 22:33

    Oh, these are gorgeous! Great job by the photographer. So hard to choose....they are all great. If I had to pick a favorite, I would choose the one of Kate outside with Prince Louis :) Such a beautiful family!

  12. Stunning! I think my favorite is the photo is of William’s side of the family - Charlotte holding Louis’s hand stole it for me. I wish there was at least one photo of Louis facing forward like we had for George & Charlotte.

    I was hoping the Queen and Prince Phillip would have surprised us and been in one of the photos but regardless - all of the photos are just beautiful.

    1. I love the picture of Charlotte holding his hand. I do wish Kate had sat Louis up so we could really see his face. I was secretly hoping that the Queen and/or Prince Philip would be at the tea.

      Hope from USA

    2. There is a photo of the baby looking at the camera, beautiful baby boy!

    3. Milena, your comment reminds me of the lyrics of the lullaby/song "Beautiful Boy"! cc

  13. I can see the JOY of the family, good capture by the photographer. I enjoyed all the pictures. I also miss that the Queen and Prince Phillip were not in the pictures. On one photo, Prince George’s smile is on real display and Princess Charlotte, holding her little brother’s finger, is sooo sweet. Thank you, Charlotte. Great job all weekend. Wonderful posts.

  14. I love the photo of Kate with Louis outside. It's my favorite of all the Cambridge Christening portraits, to be honest, from any of the three kids. I love the love Kate has for Louis, and the green of outside was a great background with so much life. Just gorgeous.

    1. I agree! The natural backdrop and how the photograph captures the love of Kate for baby Louis makes it my favorite of the Louis christening photos. It's a tight race for my favorite Cambridge Christening portrait ever - I love the personality we saw in Prince George's portrait with his arms outstretched as well as the historic value of the four generations of monarchs photograph.

  15. What a beautiful family. My favorite portrait is the one of Kate and baby outside. It's hard to choose which comes next. I like them all. Lovely to see all the smiles.

  16. The photos are just wonderful. So intimate and warm. I love them all, but my favorite is of the family of five. Just lovely.

    1. Also, the one of Kate and Louis outside is gorgeous.

  17. Carole Middleton looks stunning in the large family photo!

  18. Hi:

    I am like most here: it is really very difficult to chose as all the photos are great. It goes without saying that the one with Prince Louis and Kate outside is definitely, in todays vernacular "the money shot". I also really love the photo with Princess Charlotte holding her brothers hand and Prince George with his million dollar smile, as always.

    Such a beautiful family and I can not leave without mentioning that in my opinion, Prince Louis, is indeed quite handsome--I know, it is too soon to tell, but why not? Last but not least, ever since the birth of Louis, Kate's love for her newest baby is just bubbling over and it shows: it is a beautiful thing.

    Best regards:


    1. From what little you can see of Louis in the pictures, he seems to look much more like Kate and her family than The Royals. Maybe he will look like James when he gets older.

  19. Beautiful photographs! I wish they would release pictures with the godparents as well. My favorite is the one of Kate and PL outside. My least favorite, the immediate family photo with the monochrome backdrop. I know they were going for the same look as HM and the DoE's anniversary portrait but it doesn't quite make the mark. The lighting looks different. There is more depth and warmth to the photo of the Queen and Philip. This one just looks stark and barren. Everyone in the photograph looks wonderful, though.

    1. Maggie - Minneapolis16 July 2018 at 00:14

      I also think with the family photo with the monochrome backdrop itbm didnt quite work out bc with everyone standing they're all such different sizes it's really hard to get a good picture with the right proportions, lighting/shadows, etc. I think sitting would have worked much better (or William carrying george and Charlotte on each arm :P).

    2. Agree! A blue background or one with more color would have made it pop!

      Hope from USA

    3. Yes, Maggie, I can see how the different perspective, perhaps, caused the different outcome. The photo of HM and the DoE is closer and more intimate feeling. With the family of five, one's focus is all over the place.

      Anon 2:07, I thought light blue as well. It really would have brought out the people much better. Here, I feel as if everyone is fading into the blah background.

  20. Exquisite!!! Absolutely Exquisite!!! Best Family Portraits To Date!!! Love the color composition! Absolute Perfection!!!! :)

  21. The photos are lovely! It is fun to see the personalities of the kids. It is sad to not see HM and PP with the family.

    So do you think the next christening will be Baby Cambridge #4 or Baby Sussex #1?

    1. I think the Cambridges are done with three. I had read that Kate wanted three just like her own family. Now, at 36, I think she's probably done. Meghan, at 36, is probably in a hurry to get started, so I'm going with Baby Sussex #1.

    2. I think Baby Cambridge 4 would be pushing the public goodwill a little far, honestly, but that doesn’t mean they won’t go for it. They might. And I think Baby Sussex will be on board as soon as they can make that happen. Of course, according to the tabloids Meghan is pregnant with twins, and has been for about two years. :-)

    3. Baby Mike and Zara? Baby York?

    4. I could see the Cambridges going for a fourth like the Queen and Prince Phillip, but I predict the next christening we will see will be a Baby Sussex. As for the tabloids, I saw one last week that Kate was already pregnant with baby #4 (of course “confirmed”).

  22. Maggie - Minneapolis15 July 2018 at 23:19

    Lovely, lovely pictures. Definitely prefer them over the batch from Charlotte's christening. The picture of just Kate and baby is tied with the picture of the family + brf for my fav (the latter bc of Charlotte holding her brothers hand!! And Georges adorbs smile).

    Only disappointing thing for me is while I thought in past they did a good job of picking pictures that showed the baby's face and how they look (as opposed to prioritizing how the older ppl look), this time there isnt really any picture that gives us a good look at Louis, and he's the star of the show!! Sad bc we didn't get a good look at him during the walk to/from the service either, and his post birth pics were taken sooo soon after his birth that I feel like he still had the typical newborn look that babies completely shed in the first months/by now to start really developing some of their facial attributes and such. Not criticizing the Cambridges like how dare they or complaining...just noticed I feel like I haven't gotten a good look at him yet bc of happenstance.

    1. I agree. I wish we could have seen more of little Louis' face/personality. The best shot of him seems to be the one alone with Kate, but it's still not a full face shot. Not a criticism or complaint like you say but a bit disappointing.

    2. Good point!

    3. Well Maggie they just released one of him laughing that I think will please you 😄

    4. I don't understand the comment as there are several photographs that show Prince Louis' face, one with a wide smile on his face!

      Border Terrier lover :-)

    5. Maggie - Minneapolis16 July 2018 at 19:18

      The new picture absolutely did dod the trick for me, Jo in Arizona! :)

    6. LOVE the new photo! Such a wonderful shot. What a cutie!

  23. Maggie - Minneapolis15 July 2018 at 23:21

    One broader thing that they didnt do for Charlotte either-wouldn't it be lovely if we got pictures each time for each baby of both parents & just the newborn without siblings? like george got in his christening (and also for his post birth pics & his bday pics before Charlotte was born-all just him and parents). We've never really gotten same for Charlotte, and I assume Louis pics will follow same path based on these. Don't get me wrong...the older siblings are adorbs too but at least for baby's CHRISTENING I just have a sentimental desire to see picture of just baby&both parents.
    Also (tho I don't care at all) it has always seemed strange that despite these being *christening* pics, we've never gotten pics w the godparents in them haha. But like I said, don't actually really care abt that-just think it's a bit ironic or something.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden15 July 2018 at 23:43

      I'm sure they take pics with the godparents but keep them in the "personal sphere" since the godparents are not in the public eye.

    2. Anonymous in Colorado16 July 2018 at 00:05

      I wonder if the photographer did take those photo groupings (with godparents, without the siblings etc.) but the Cambridges keep those shots private? Beautiful photos! My favorite is the one of the pared down royal family.

    3. Maggie, there most likely are photos of just Louis and his parents. William and Kate chose four photos for publication and these are the ones that we see. That doesn't mean that there aren't many others with all kinds of combinations of people. I am sure there are a few of the baby and his Godparents. The ones that the public are seeing are a small representation of a much larger photo shoot.

    4. Here it is!

    5. Maggie - Minneapolis16 July 2018 at 19:17

      Oh yeah, sorry, I should've been clear - I absolutely agree and have always thought they surely do take pictures with the godparents and just the baby and parents, etc.... I meant to say that I wish we could see those lol.

  24. I loved the official photographs of Prince Louis’ christening. I would have preferred to see the family of 5 sitting down rather than standing up. Kate couldn’t keep her eyes off of Prince Louis and her smile!!!

  25. I was struck, by how much William reminded me of Prince Albert!! (in the posed photo of their Family of 5) Sometimes I can get that vibe from him with the shape of his face, nose, hair & demeanor, but this was striking to me. Then each of the older children reminded me of 2 of V&A's children. It's amazing how family traits, both physical & personality can stay in a family for generations!! Oddly, James Middleton has always reminded my of a young George V & his cousin The Tsar!!! Anyone else think that?

    1. Yes, Becca, I’ve often though that with his beard James resembles George V! In the family photo above I’m also getting a Jude Law vibe with him, not sure why.

    2. Royal 👑 Watcher16 July 2018 at 00:23

      HI Becca,
      James Middleton definitely looks like The Tsar! Must be the beard.. It is really interesting when family traits repeat themselves in younger generations. I must have a look and compare myself. Louis looks very sweet. I love the photos with the 5 of them in it. Kate is besotted by Louis. I would have loved a photo with The Queen and Prince Phillip in it though..

    3. That is so funny---I was roaming around the Internet instead of working and found a portrait of those two as men---James Middleton could have joined them in a barbershop quartet minus one.

    4. Becca, Yes, I see the George V vibe with James Middleton. But I do wonder if it is because James has duplicated the beard. Since the beard takes up a good part of his face, the rest of the face does not have to match.

      Likewise, I think it is William's balding head that make him resemble Prince Albert. With a full head of hair, I don't think William looked like Albert. Besides, the Monaco Royals are from the House of Grimaldi, which originated in the Republic of Genoa, Italy and later crossed into French aristocracy. The House of Grimaldi, of the many royal households has the weakest links with other European royal families. Albert's father, Prince Rainer and William's grandmother Elizabeth, are seventh cousins, so William and Albert are very distantly related.

    5. Absolutely Becca. Especially after he grew his beard. The resemblance was amazing.

    6. Yes, to the James Middleton resemblance to George V and the Tsar. I think so, too.

    7. I agree about James Middleton!

    8. Yes Becca!! - I don’t think it’s just the Beard but James looks like Greorge V and the Tsar - just as Prince Michael of Kent does.

    9. Becca, when you said Prince Albert, thought you meant Queen Victoria's husband, lol. Yes he does resemble Prince Albert of Monaco. I've always thought he looks like his Uncle Edward as he lost his hair.

    10. I think William looks like Victoria.

    11. I always thought James Middleton looks much like his great-great-great grandfather, Francis Lupton. Check out his photo here (you have to scroll down a little bit to get to it):,_Duchess_of_Cambridge

      It's funny how looks can skip generations. We could never figure out who my third daughter looks like. She's nothing like me or her dad. A little alien. Then when visiting my in-laws, I happened upon a photograph of my husband's grandmother taken when she was young and instantly saw where my daughter got her looks. She is an exact replication of her great grandmother! Only I didn't recognize it before because I only knew her briefly as a 90+ year old woman, and my mother-in-law, her daughter, doesn't look anything like her.

    12. Thanks for that link, Pam.

      I was always wondering who James takes after because I see no resemblance of Michael or Carol at all. Now, I know.:)

    13. The eyes are different but it's the same face structure and mouth, I think.

    14. Funny, I was referring to Prince Albert as in Queen Victoria's Husband (& William's 4x Great Grandfather) I hadn't even thought of Prince Albert of Monaco! lol lol lol :) But I see that too! :)

    15. I love that so many of you see the resemblance between James Middleton & George V/Tsar Nicholas! I see it in his eyes as well as his face with the beard. I have always found it fascinating the way people can look alike when they have no biological connection!!! Fascinating!! :)

  26. Lovely family photos. Missing HM & Co.

  27. What a great way to end this royal week.
    These photos are spectacular.
    Like most, I adore the one with the duchess and her little prince outside. It is such a sweet photo, and she is absolutely smitten with the little fellow. You can see it on her face.

    The Cambridge family photo is nice, but I think the background is blah. I love the look of George with one hand in his pocket, looking very grown up.
    Charlotte looks like she is reaching for Louis up and under the christening gown, and her smile is positively impish. She is a living doll.

    The extended family photos are very nice. Mrs. Middleton looks fabulous.
    Meghan's dress looks browner than it did on original photos, and the effect is lovely. I wonder if the photographer toned it down for the photographs?

    Again, Charlotte interacting with Louis is priceless, and George's grin is too.

    Lovely, lovely photos!

  28. Nice pictures but holy photoshop fail -- in the third picture with the Cambridges, Harry/Meghan and Charles/Camilla they chopped one of William's fingers out of the picture! Looks like he has a stub for an index finger. It's one of those "once you see it you can't unsee it" things ...

    1. I don’t see that, and now I really want to! Lol I love a good photoshop fail.

  29. WOW! They are stunning. It's unbelievable how perfect everyone's attire works with the setting of that room. I'd be surprised if they planned it all to that detail. It's absolute perfection.

    Honestly, I can't pick a favorite, they are all wonderful. What a shame that HM and PP aren't there.

    And I agree with what someone else commented on - I wish we could have seen a little bit of Prince Louis' face, still dying to know who he looks like at this stage. And jeeze.....we didn't get to see any of Kate's dress. I'm sure we'll see it eventually at a garden party or maybe on her next royal tour (we have seen the both of the other christening outfits worn at another event).

    Lastly, how exciting for Meghan! What an amazing 6 or 8 months she's had. Right?

  30. Lovely photos as everyone else mentioned! I love seeing all three shots from each christening- my, how the family has grown! The shot with Charles, Camilla, and Harry, Will and their families (that sounds great doesn't it!) will probably be Charles' Xmas card this year. The Cambridge group shot will probably be replicated for diplomatic gifts too. I love seeing the nuances between the three photographers' styles. Kate is proud and lovely as always! Yay Kate! We've been spoiled this week, haven't we?

  31. Beautiful photographs! My favorite is of Kate and Louis outside! He seems like a handsome fella! And her headband is everything!

  32. What beautiful christening photos! And it looks like everyone wore clothes that toned beautifully with the colors in the room at Clarence House.
    I still wish the Queen and Prince Philip could have been there though :(

    1. I know Jo, the only sad spot in an otherwise perfect day! cc

  33. I love these pictures. They capture such real family moments. I do believe that Princess Charlotte is turning into Duchess Kate's mini me and that Prince Louis will look like her too. Maybe.

  34. What a treat! Lovely photos of a beautiful family.

  35. It was startling to see Harry and Meghan and Pippa and James Matthews in the same official photograph to be honest. That one, to me, is the most compelling.

  36. Absolutely love these christening photos! Kate is a beautiful woman naturally, but the 'madonna' like quality she exudes in the photo with her and Louis alone, is timeless. It really captures that look of love that every mother feels for their child. The color palette of the photos is perfect! Lovely, lovely family and it seems that George and Charlotte (George in particular) really are very relaxed and comfortable in a smaller setting. The photographer really captured them in natural ways, love the photo of Charlotte holding Louis's hand, adorable. The close-up of Louis makes him look like the perfect baby!! All of their personalities are shining through...wonderful historic pictures but warm family memories. cc

    1. Zora from Prague18 July 2018 at 11:29

      CeCe, I so agree with you!You said it all so well! Lovely pictures of a lovely family. What a treat! :-)

  37. hmm i love the duchess Cambridge she looks beautiful when she cuddles prince louie i love the photos it so sweet seeing those new photos last year they're four now they are five hmm i love the newest addition of the Middleton clan i love James Matthews made the cut im so happy that hwm sweet and lovely they are in the scene with the lovely duchess of sussex

  38. The Queen and Prince Phillip were definitely missed this time around. I hope we get to see a photograph of the Queen, Prince Phillip, and Louis at some point soon.

  39. As far as my favorite photos, I adore each and every one of them ♥ (Well...I can slip in that Princess Charlotte holding her baby brother's hand is very endearing.) Thank you so much @Admin for this fabulous update! I so appreciate how you compile the most detailed and intimate blog. I look forward to your next post! LH

  40. I was wondering - why is there no photograph with the godparents...?

  41. I appreciate very much the outdoor pic. But there is something in the others that I don't like. There is something... dusty. It worked for the picture of the Queen and Prince Philip, but not for a christening

  42. Beautiful photos. The family of 5 photo particularly, is just gorgeous.

    I love the silhouette of Louis' robes on Kate. She looks like she is "with child" again. And of course she is in a different sense. Now he is born!

    The expressions on the other children are lovely and the postures just typical for their ages!

    Kate and Louis eye contact feast is wonderful. Thank you for your lovely post Charlotte.

  43. Love the photos. I am not a huge fan of that muted photo style, but they may look a bit different in person. But they are lovely photos. And as everyone has noted the love in Catherine's face when she is looking at her child is truly radiant. The photographer must have had to work very hard to not just keeping snap after snap of Kate and Louis.:):).

  44. Love these so much! Wish the Queen could have been there. You are right to point out the powerful photo of just Charles' family- the future. :) As a side note, at 5'0", if I had to carry a baby wearing that christening gown it would be draggng behind us... :)

  45. These are my favourite family pictures ever! Loved it!

  46. That last photo is super cute. Happy bub. 😃

  47. Silvia from Tuscany16 July 2018 at 10:53

    I think the additional photo released is my favourite one. Kate looks so happy and so in love with her son and Prince Louis is visible and we can see how adorable he is. I like family photos as well, the one they are all together and the one where Prince George is smiling and Princess Charlotte holds her little brother's hand. So sweet!

  48. Absolutely love the photo of Louis smiling! He really does look like Kate when she was a baby & seems to have the same happy disposition. My mother reckons he looks like James Middleton but I’m not so sure. Great to see such a lovely family, bless them x

  49. Royal 👑 Watcher16 July 2018 at 11:08

    Oh yes, yes yes! That last photo with Kate and Louis are just priceless. What a little rascal! I love it, this is my favourite photo of the little Prince so far.

  50. I dream about that picture.They are absolutely perfect,regal but so warm and family.

  51. Love the outdoor picture of Kate looking at Louis! 💕 You can feel the mother/son love through the photo. And so kind they released an additional photo of prince Louis...I see also a resemblance of Michael Middleton in his cute little face. So great to see finally the family of five toghether!

  52. What lovely photos and such fine choices for the outdoor and interior setting (except against the plain backdrop, as many of you commented).

    My one negative comment on these photos has to do with the positioning of Kate's magnificent headpiece against her mother's dress (when Carole is standing behind Kate in the big group shot). Kate's headpiece vanishes into the dress, which is a shame, as it is such a work of art. A male member of the family should really have stood behind Kate in that shot (as with the royal family photo with Harry behind Kate).

    I am struck by how George looks somewhat like his great-great grandfather George VI (Albert) in the family-of-five photo. The slightly dark circles under his eyes and something about the shape of his chin and his smile led me to make that comparison. I always thought he only resembled his Middleton grandfather and a bit of young William, but now a different ancestor pops in. As for Charlotte, she is HM at every turn! I find Louis still too young to have a distinct look but there is a bit of young (brother) George there.

    Does anyone have any thoughts about who the distinguished, bearded white-haired gentlemen might be in the portrait on the wall behind the large group shot (to the left of the portrait of HM)? Prince Michael (of Kent), perhaps? I wonder if Charles ever paints/painted portraits, and these are his (seeing as this is his home)?

    I do hope a new photo of HM with her great-grandbabies is taken soon (and perhaps PP could be included, too?). Then we could see wee Lena as well. There's no time like the present :)

    The photo of Kate at Wimbledon yesterday that is included in this posting is divine. I hope William considers it for framing and placing on his desk this year! She looks so very happy and healthy.

    1. According to an article in the Daily Mail (, the bearded gentleman is George Bernard Shaw.

    2. Yes, I found that info in the Guardian after I posted--thanks! I wonder what the story is behind that portrait being in Clarence House... the answer is likely online somewhere if I look around :)

    3. I think the artist was collected by the QM. The subject may have been secondary to her. Just a guess.

  53. Lovely photos - I like the ones with backgrounds more than the photographer's scrim or whatever that's called - but that's true for me in all photographs these days. (Even in my own family LOL) Some wonderful expressions were captured - that's the best part. Kate looks radiantly happy. The one of Louis smiling is delightful and all the little ones looks so sweet. In one of them, George's expression is just like William at that age. Miss the queen and Philip of course, a shame they had to be absent.

  54. What beautiful photos, Charlotte! Such a happy gathering for Prince Louis’ christening, although I did miss The Queen and Prince Philip. The children’s looks change so much as they grow, but in the fourth photo down, I thought that George had a look of the Queen’s father, King George VI. I’m on a hunt now to see if I can find a photo of King George around the same age! :) I agree with you, Becca, about James Middleton and George V/the Tsar!

  55. That additional photo released is an absolutely stunning - brilliant photos all round. I much prefer these to George’s and Charlotte’s - they seem to capture much more life and joy and are beautifully posed without being too formal

  56. Oh my goodness, they saved the best for last. That precious picture of Louis, laughing in his mother’s arms, is priceless. And, he really does look like Kate.

  57. The additional photo is a joy. Such a happy baby with a gummy, toothless smile. :-)

  58. Okay, now my favorite is by far the picture of Kate with a smiling Louis....precious!! cc

  59. Tammy from California16 July 2018 at 14:56

    I love that we got to see one of him sitting up and laughing! He is beautiful and Charlotte you’re right, he does favor his mother, I think.

  60. Running out of positive words to use, to describe William and Kate's lovely family. They exude happiness and love. And portray a grounded future BRF. HM and Prince Philip must be so happy to see this next generation coming forward and carrying on their legacy.

  61. Amazing photos - everyone looks great and Kate looks over the moon! I suspect that there were many other photos of the Cambridge family which they chose to keep private - like ones with just Louis and his parents. Maybe we will get lucky and see one on a side table in the Queen's drawing room/office! Maria

  62. Nice pictures. I wish the one of the five of them Kate was looking at the camera though. Would have been a nicer family picture. Not that it isn’t nice... I know what I’m trying to say lol. I love the one of Charlotte holding his hand :)

    1. I agree, I was thinking the same thing (about Kate not looking at the camera)

    2. Rebecca - Sweden16 July 2018 at 16:58

      Oh, I love that Kate is looking at Louis in that one! Her expression is wonderful and it's so great to see their connection with all that's happening around!

  63. I get the impression that Charlotte believes she is in Charge of All Things. She’s a character. Hopefully she’ll come to be a great support to George, who always seems a little diffident around crowds and cameras. Which is fine; they’re just two different kids with different emerging personalities. I love the additional portrait of Kate with an awake, engaged Louis - a little look at _his_ personality.

  64. To me Prince George has a striking resemblance to Edward VIII, especially in the family of five portrait. Catherine looks totally radiant & happy, her joy shines for all to see. The photo just released of Prince Louis laughing is just glorious!

    1. My mother thought that, too! Definitely a resemblance to Edward VIII in little George there.

    2. Hmm, I don't see that at all. I see a lot of Michael Middleton and a little of William in George. And I sure hope he does not share any characteristics with his late great, great, great uncle.

    3. I think any resemblance is only because - in the photo of George, shadows emphasize the little bags under his eyes - a trait that Kate and Michael Middleton have also. King Edward VIII had them as well. So who knows, but my guess is that for George they're inherited from the Middletons rather than the former King.

      You can really see the "bags" I'm referring to in the photo of Kate laughing at Wimbledon.

    4. Susan in Florida17 July 2018 at 18:44

      Eye bags in small children can also indicate allergies.

    5. I don't know why it is so difficult to accept that the children can have traits from William's (royal) side of the family. I also don't understand how both Charlotte and Louis, whose infant photos are nearly opposite in facial features--how can they both resemble Kate? I also see a resemblance to Prince Edward, the Earl of Wessex. The smaller, more refined nose, the head shape, and smaller eyes-also features of Edward VIII. Also, Kate has a slight underbite that does not seem evident in Louis-although, I'm not sure a toothless person can be said to have a "bite." Funny story-one of my children during the early creeping stage used to bite my ankles to get my attention. Toothless or not, that bite smarted!

    6. Anon 22:31 - I don't believe that people here are having difficulty accepting that the children have traits from the royal side- (after all, most people here seem to think that Charlotte looks very much like the Queen). We're just saying what we see - we don't have any bias against the Royal side. I personally don't think that Charlotte resembles Kate - I do think Louis very much does. And that George is very much a replica of his grandfather Michael, except for his nose, which is William's completely. It's just what I see. I had really hoped one of the children would look like Diana, but they don't, at least to me. One thing I've learned after having four children is that people see certain traits of certain relatives in people that other people don't see, and vice versa.

  65. Great photos but I'm wondering why Kate is holding Louis is every single one. It would be refreshing to see a less traditional pose such as William holding the baby or Kate's attention on one of the other children (I'm thinking of the photo of William & George taken at Charlotte's christening. A shot of Kate & Charlotte together without anyone else would be cute).

    Also, I was hoping see Kate's dress without the christening gown blocking it :)

    1. If you see their other family portraits you;ll see the Cambridges are all about extremely traditional gender roles. For instance in previous portraits Kate is always walking/holding Charlotte and William with George. I think for whatever reason presenting themselves as an almost Victorian-era family unit is very important to them. I don;t really agree with it but they all seem happy so more power to them.

    2. I read somewhere that George almost always being with William has to do with William preparing him for his future role. This way, George can virtually walk in his father's footsteps learning by osmosis, essentially, how to handle himself publically in all types of situations with all kinds of people. I don't know if its true but it is certainly plausible.

    3. It may also be about whom the children respond to the best in public settings or for formal photos, having nothing to do with presenting a specific image.

    4. Victorian era parents (mother or father) were not hands on. I think we have enough evidence that is not the case with W & K. If you are thinking gender roles, then those roles existed far past Victorians. They are still widespread today but I don’t think W & K project themselves as such with the frequent references to the children that William makes.

    5. I am not sure we have to travel back to the Victorian era to see examples of the (now so-called) traditional family. And perhaps it was traditional for a reason.

    6. I would think it might be more about birth order and their ages. Or maybe personalities. If you look at pictures from when George was a baby, he was almost always held by Kate, until Charlotte came along. Walking into the Christening, William had them both by the hand, because Kate had Louis. If their oldest child had been a girl, I think she would have gravitated more towards William, once she was older. They both grew up in very traditional families, as well.

    7. I'm not saying everything about them is Victorian. I don't think Kate needs her smelling salts. I'm saying for official portraits and events where the entire family is there, they project a very Victorian image. I mean these christening photos have a sepia-toned shade that harkens back to the Victorian daguerrotypes. And George is always seated/walking with William, Charlotte seated/walking with Kate.

      As for W&K growing up in a very traditional family ... eh, not really. William had parents who were estranged/divorced for much of his time growing up, when royal divorces had a huge stigma. Diana also really changed the pre-conceptions of what royal consorts' work would be. Less ribbon cutting, more gritty charity work. As for Kate, Carole Middleton was a self-starting businesswoman who always worked and her sharp business sense made the Middletons wealthy.

      If anything William and Kate both seem like people who want to recreate the uber-traditional family that they didn't have growing up.

    8. Well, she did curate an exhibition of Victorian photographs, so maybe she gravitates towards that style as an artform for her own family.

    9. Ivy Lin, I actually agree with what you are saying. I think they have a very traditional (when it comes to gender roles) relationship. I can’t remember the last time I saw Kate holding George (even by hand) at an event or in an picture. It seems like she defers to William a lot. I like Kate but I do find this aspect a bit odd. oh well, I guess it works for them.

    10. Zora from Prague18 July 2018 at 11:25

      Nice observation, Erika!

    11. I think we're looking at very traditional Royal christening photos and I'm sure there are several others that we will never be privy to. Understandably.

      I also suspect that at home both William and Kate are equally hands on with all of their children. However, when they are in the public eye, I see a practical approach being applied. And by that I mean that Kate takes charge of the youngest child whom is more likely to be fussy. I don't see that as being Victorian, simply common sense practicality.

      As for Kate's childhood, I think it was more traditional than she is given credit for here. When Carol started the business, she was working from home and I do believe that she prioritized her family life.

    12. Caroline in Montana18 July 2018 at 16:00

      Thank you Royalfan, took the words out of my mouth, I agree that kate is usually in charge of the younger child, we have already seen the shift and now its both George and charlotte with William and kate has louis. I in no way see kate deferring to William a lot. but in reality he is the future king and grew up in the BRF so in some ways it makes sense, she is a wife and mother first and I actually respect her more for that.

    13. Caroline - maybe you didn’t intend for your comment to come across like this but it sounds like you are saying that Kate is a wife and mother first so she should defer to her husband? It’s thinking like this that puts off a lot of women my age (working women in their late 20s/early 30s) from the royal family. Whether they intend to or not, this kind of image is very retro and old fashioned. Not saying that Will and Kate are retro per se, but sometimes they give off that vibe. - anon 4:30

    14. Exactly, Caroline. :-)

      4:30, I'm not sure it's "old fashioned" to put your children first. It's a choice that Kate has made and I suspect she would have the same priorities if her husband was not a future king. And before people talk about their wealth and privilege, may I add that I know women for whom it hasn't been an easy choice (financially), but they have made it work.

    15. Anon:19:38 I agree. Whether he's the future king of England or not I would think any marriage should be a partnership and not an arrangement where the woman is a "wife and mother first." That just sounds way too ... Phyllis Schlafly or Anita Bryant. I would hope that William and Kate respect each other's opinions and are a good role model for George, Charlotte and Louis. Like it or not the royal children will have a ton of extremely strong-willed women in their lives, from HM the Queen to Camila to Meghan to Carole Middleton. And I would hope they grow up respecting the role women play not just in the BRF but in society?

      Not saying that William and Kate won't give them the right values. Just that sometimes their insistence on extremely traditional family arrangements in public can be baffling.

    16. If it is women's rights and equality you are concerned about, no need to worry about Catherine. If she defers to William in his role as an heir it is because she chooses to do so. Everything they say and do indicates they are a team when it comes to the children. The problem with deference arises from circumstances in which a person has no choice. I think most will agree that Kate has choices and options.
      It is not a matter of being "retro and old-fashioned." That is a rather simplistic approach to the core issues of the place of women in society. Perhaps you did not intend for your comment to come across as somewhat immature. Women were dying from childbirth because male physicians felt they had no need to wash their hands before delivery. A woman had no right to own property in her own name or choose the leaders who made decisions about her live. England was one of the first countries to give women the vote and at least one BRF member supported this. I agree that the BRF follows tradition. A big reason for that is that, according to polls, most of the British love their royal family and the customs and pomp and look to them as a stable talisman when Prime Ministers and Presidents come and go around the world.

      The reason for my strong reaction to your 19:38 remark is I thought of atrocities still being practiced against women in some societies and all the female babies who died, simply because they weren't males. And then to have a wife and mother's deference to her husband and father of her children be considered evidence of what? the suppression of women and a reason for disliking the royal family?

      I agree with the well thought out and expressed remarks of royalfan and Caroline.

    17. I for one love the old fashioned family image they seems to portray, I don't think at all a mother a woman is diminished by those so called gender roles, if anything they are called to shine through those role if they chooses to do so tbh I think everyone has a role since his birth regardless of their gender. In this case their first child will be head of state and it just happened to be George, a male child.


    18. Royalfan, always the voice of reason.

      19:38, Caroline said that she "in no way" sees Kate as deferring to William. I do agree with a poster above that it is on William to train George about his future role. Walking ahead and greeting people with a handshake as he will do for the rest of his life. Especially since George doesn't seem to naturally take to this type of role it's important for him to learn from his father. It's generally acknowledged that Charles didn't do this with William (he was caught up with his own issues) but it was HM who trained him for his future. I think William's non-standard upbringing (especially for a royal) make he and Kate embrace a more traditional family support system for their children. They appear to be a team and solid family unit more like the Middleton's and not a royal house divided like the Wales'.

    19. Everyone has their own opinions and I’m not sure I understand how 2:51’s comments about atrocities against women relate to what I said about Kate. Perhaps you didn’t mean for your comment to come across as nonsensical. Why do you take offense to the fact that I and some others find Kate’s public image as old fashioned? I still like other aspects of her. Just not this public one she has with William. It’s especially surprising considering her mother comes across as very smart and ambitious. I actually admire Carole a lot. Not everyone who follows and likes Kate has to worship her. anon 19:38

    20. A thumbs up from me to 2:51 and Robin. Thank you ladies. :-)

      I do not understand how formal family portraits of W&K always lead to an analysis of their roles as husband and wife. I'm not sure what people expect if you consider that the "boss" is 92 years old, and her direct heir is 69 (and a rather Edwardian figure). Naturally, the photos that are **released** will be traditional in nature.

      It also saddens me to know that traditional family values could be considered extreme, as if they are threatening in some way! I must be getting old!

      As far as Kate is concerned, let us not underestimate the concept of quiet strength; I do believe that Kate has it in spades.

  66. These photographs are a delight to see. The extra photo with Louis laughing I like the best. Everybody looked their best.

  67. Oh my goodness he is the spitting image of Kate’s baby picture!! Looks like a miniature Kate, love him, can’t wait to see his personality!!! Every since the day he was born we have lovingly called him Wild Child Louis and I hope he lives up to the name, I picture him being laid back and as carefree as the wind-at least I can hope...

  68. When I saw the photos of the extended family, all I could think is that Diana should be there. She'd have been a proud and doting grandmother. I see the children and think about what she (and they) are missing.

  69. What blessings, so happy for William and Harry, they have someone to love and someone to love them, Gods handiwork at its best!!!

  70. i absolutely love the last picture of Louis laughing and Kate smiling, he looks exactly like her in that picture. Love seeing the family of five,, God Bless them!!XOXO

  71. What lovely photographs of an important family occasion. Everyone seemed relaxed and happy and overall I thought the photos of this christening were far better than either George or Charlotte's.
    George's christening was understandably a more formal affair and the photos were O.K
    but I was very disappointed with the photos from Charlottes christening which like this one was a relaxed family occasion but not reflected in the photos.
    When in the future the family look at the photos from Louis christening it will bring back just what a lovely occasion it was the deep love that Catherine has for her new son shines through and the love of the whole Cambridge family for one another is also clear to see. The unexpected additional photo of Louis smiling completed the picture and Charlotte holding Louis hand in one photo was lovely. Just little touches make such a difference. It would have been nice if there had been a photo of just William and Catherine with Louis maybe there will be one in their family album I hope so.
    A brief word on the tennis.
    I was so glad that Kate had two days at Wimbledon enjoying a couple of days watching a sport she really enjoys. On the Saturday she and Meghan had some wonderful tennis to watch and it was clear from their facial expressions that they both really enjoyed the final two sets of the men's singles semi finals. Meghan will have been very disappointed with the ladies singles result and I thought Kate's gentle sympathetic hand on Meghan's back at the end was typical Kate. they both seemed to enjoy each other's company. On the Sunday the tennis was disappointing but I have no doubt she enjoyed having an afternoon with William who seemed in a very happy frame of mind no doubt having enjoyed the previous few days playing polo and I expect partying after the games in Cambridge and Norfolk. It was good that he found the time to spend a few hours with his wife. I thought Kate looked lovely in the yellow dress which fitted so well.
    I wonder whether they will now go to Norfolk to celebrate George's fifth birthday next Sunday or stay in London for the event

    1. With school out for the summer holidays, I'm certain they will be celebrating George's birthday at Anmer. I wouldn't think they would stay in London when they can have a big party with lots of kids running around outside up in Norfolk.

    2. They are in mustique...

  72. Can anyone explain how Meghan's dress was green at the chapel and brown in the official pictures? And yes, the family photos are wonderful--wouldn't it be great to see the rest of the unofficial ones? I wonder if there will be any more released for George's birthday.

    1. Of course I don't know but some people think a camera filter was used to change the color. I don't agree. I think in daylight against the red and brown stones of the church, the green tones came out. Indoors, against the colors in the room (light bluish green of the curtains and rug for example) and the indoor lights and flash, the green tones were tamped down. I have a sweater that looks mossy green in some lights and distinctly medium grey without any green under other lights. I also have a dress that appears medium brown under certain lights and most definitely maroon under other lights. And it's not my eyesight! I've asked others and they agree with the color change of these garments due to the light.

    2. Susan in Florida18 July 2018 at 23:55

      The only photo I really liked was the candid one of Prince Louis laughing. I have been trying for days to figure out why this group of photos looks a bit off to me, maybe too much filter was used ?

  73. Ok... so do we think Louis is their final child? I really hope they have one more. Just one more, they just seem like they should have a bunch of children. One more girl ; )

    1. I was really hoping for a girl! A girl that looked like Diana. I do hope they have one more and that it's a girl. Also, I really would love to know what they would have named her.

    2. Yes, another daughter for the Cambridges would be awesome! :)

    3. I would be surprised if they have anymore children. It would be nice to have another girl but I'm not hopeful.

  74. I feel like I recognize Carole's hat...does anyone know if she's worn it before?

    1. I don't remember all of Carole's spring/summer hats and the ones I do remember are wider saucer type hats. But the style of this one is very similar to a white/cream hat Kate wore to the Ascot one year.

  75. There is some more "baby news" close to Kensington Palace. Photographer Chris Jackson shared that his wife (and Kate's personal assistant) Natasha, is pregnant. He shared a beautiful photo of Natasha on his Instagram page, and it is possible she may already be in the beginning of her third trimester.

    1. How nice! Congratulations to Chris and Natasha.

    2. That was an absolutely gorgeous photo of Natasha!

  76. I don't care for any of the photos by Matt Holyoak. The best one is of Prince Louis laughing taken by Matt Porteous who, IMO, is a much better photographer. Children are hard to photograph and it takes a particular talent. I also don't like Holyoak's style. Fine for Vogue, not for family photos.

  77. Kate and family are on vacation, and it's being said that Meghan will go to the US/Canada to see family (ie, Doria) and friends. I guess it's vacation time for the Queen. From such a busy period to such quiet.

  78. Kate's hair and hat look exquisite. Her hairdresser is really good.

  79. Hi Charlotte,

    I've just spotted a photo of Prince George which I don't think has been in the public domain before. It's a photo of Prince Charles holding him when he was a baby: see the first photo in this article:

    1. Thank you so much ABCD :)

      For those asking about Mustique, royal correspondent Rebecca English said the Cambridges and Middletons travelled there on Monday and they will be marking George's birthday on the island.

    2. Were they actually ID'd on Mustique or is this still about the St. Lucia airport sighting? Doesn't Rebecca write for the DM? I could not find a story about this in the DM--I may have missed it. The turnover of stories is so rapid. Or did she get a press release from KP, perhaps?

    3. Wonderful news! I hope they enjoy every bit of it. :-)

  80. Allison I saw those reports about the family vacationing on Mustique, I wonder if they are true. That is a very long flight to take with a 3 month old. So we will see if any UK sightings of the family pop up over the next week.

  81. I'm with you, ali. Plus, Mustique in JULY? If they go to the Caribbean I think it might be the Matthews venue. I think security and privacy could be assured there. We have photos of the family at Mustique on various occasions but I have yet to see photos from the Matthews family compound. I do think at least the Middleton/Matthews family have vacationed there.
    Time will certainly tell. Hello magazine is saying they were seen boarding a private plane on another island and it was assumed the destination was Mustique. I believe that is all that is really known for sure at this point.
    Wherever they are (Balmoral?) I hope W&C and family, as well as H&M are left to relax in peace.


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