Tuesday 20 December 2022

Kate Plants Tree in Memory of Queen Elizabeth II & The King Hosts Pre-Christmas Luncheon

Hello dear readers,

Are your festive preparations in full swing? As the countdown to Christmas is firmly underway, the Royal family are readying to decamp to Sandringham to continue Queen Elizabeth II's tradition of hosting a large family gathering on the estate. George, Charlotte and Louis have been on term break since Friday and it's understood the family will be ensconced at Anmer Hall for the next fortnight or so. In the meantime, the day before Kate's carol concert, the Princess spent time at Westminster Abbey to add finishing touches. Whilst there, she planted a tree for the Queen's Green Canopy in honour of Her late Majesty.

The Queen's Green Canopy spokesperson tweeted: "Alongside the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle, and members of the Abbey’s gardening team, Her Royal Highness planted a wild cherry tree in the Dean’s Yard, which joins over a million trees planted across the UK."

The project encouraged people to plant trees all over the world to celebrate the Jubilee year. It's understood the late Queen was enormously pleased with it.

A plaque by the tree reads: "This wild cherry tree, a gift from the Duchy of Cornwall, was dedicated in memory of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales on 14th December 2022."

The Princess was festively attired in shades of green and navy.

Kate repeated a stylish look which she debuted for a Royal British Legion engagement last November.

The Blackwatch Double-Breasted Coat by Holland Cooper is described: "This longline sophisticated wool coat has a more-relaxed silhouette than some of our super-fitted tailoring. Perfect to layer with a classic tee or styled with our super-chunky knitwear. Made from the finest UK woven wools, this coat has been hand cut and proudly made in England."

Once again, Kate teamed it with the Iris & Ink Éloise ribbed merino wool-blend turtleneck sweater and matching skirt.

The intrepid Carly from Kate Middleton Style correctly noted similarities between Kate's navy boots and a custom brown Gianvito Rossi style she owns. It's very likely these are also custom Rossi.


Meanwhile, as I was writing this post, the King held the first pre-Christmas luncheon of his reign at Windsor Castle. Again, it's heartwarming to see traditions so cherished by the late Queen upheld and opportunities for large gatherings taking place. It's understood over fifty members attended. With the Waleses living so close by at Adelaide Cottage, we didn't see the usual arrival/departure images. Below, the King and Queen Consort arriving.

A glittering tree inside Windsor Castle's Crimson Drawing Room.

The 20-foot Nordmann Fir in St George's Hall at Windsor Castle. It's adorned with over 3,000 lights and decorations. It certainly is the perfect location for a pre-Christmas lunch.

If you're inspired to add a royal seasonal touch, take a look at the steps for creating this gingerbread house by the Buckingham Palace chefs.

I have pondered the possibility we might see a portrait or two released in the next few days given it's Charles' first Christmas as king. We'll put that on our royal 'wish list'. If not, we'll see the Wales family joining the King and Queen Consort on Christmas morning at Sandringham. There are rumours Louis will make his first appearance. On Christmas Eve, Kate's carol concert will air on ITV. I'll share a YouTube link as soon as one becomes available.

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones the happiest wishes for a safe and peaceful Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas to you Charlotte!! It will be nice to be able to watch the Christmas concert for us not in the UK on You Tube. I will be on the lookout for the link.

  2. Thank you, Charlotte! Merry Christmas!

  3. I thought Kate's hair looked really lovely during the tree planting. I'm not having warm feelings in general, though; very disappointed in some people's behavior. On a more positive side, I wonder if any RF members have participated in any "giving back" events, like providing toys or meals for a specific group? Maybe they can't give to specific groups but I wish tabloids would focus on any positive events like that.

    1. Allison, I think members of the RF do give a lot to others as well as doing for others. They don't seek out publicity for their personal endeavors, but do it as a sincere cause. You are correct in that we never hear the positive side from the media...except on this blog! Thank you Charlotte for fair coverage.

  4. If anyone is looking for the HC blackwatch coat, I noticed it for $574 in limited sizes with $19 shipping to USA from northern Ireland. I love this coat, but don't need another dressy coat. G.A.

  5. I Absolutely Love This Look on Kate & her Hair....... She looks wonderful & this is exactly the type of festive seasonal look that I am so fond of! Thank you Charlotte for sharing it.

    I'm also glad to hear that traditional Royal Family celebrations, like the extended family Pre-Christmas Lunch, is still taking place. What a wonderful time to all be together & touch base, before the various parts of the larger family decamp to their own locations & traditions. It must have been bittersweet with HM not being there. What a year of extremes for this family. The highs of the Jubilee & the lows of losing HM & going through the funeral & mourning process.

    I look forward to checking in on Christmas Day to see if Louis in fact does make his debut! :)

    Over on this side of the pond, my extended family will be celebrating via zoom... as many are traveling away (some as far off as Australia) & those of us still here are hunkered down sick with Covid or the like..... However, everyone was together last year for 3 Days of events (including my Neice's Debutante Ball) so as in life, "it all comes out in the wash"!

    Thank you Charlotte for all that you have done & navigated to bring us both blogs. It certainly has been a big year for Royal Reporting & You are the "Gold Standard"!!

    I wish Everyone a very Safe, Healthy & Happy Holiday Season & a Wonderful 2023!

  6. Charlotte, I hope you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy all the special sights and sounds! You so deserve it. :)

  7. Dear Charlotte, Merry Christmas! Thank you for all the wonderful work you do on this blog sharing so much information about the family and most importantly, their work. This certainly has not been an easy season of Royal watching (or reporting on your end), but I really enjoy watching this sweet family. They certainly are doing their best to raise their kids and manage lofty expectations from others. I’m a huge Holland Cooper fan and love this outfit! Sue :)

  8. Thank you Charlotte for all your hard work in giving us such detailed and unbiased information. I hope you will allow yourself some Christmas 'downtime' now!

  9. Nice to see Kate planting a tree in QEII's honor. Nice that it was from the Duchy of Cornwall. I love that blackwatch plaid on Kate. She looks so good in forest green and navy blue! Bummers we don't get arrival pictures of the Christmas luncheon because of their new living quarters, but I am glad to see the traditions remaining. I wonder if the dress code has changed. Pictures would be much appreciated!!!

  10. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to Charlotte and the CKB reader community!

    As others are noting, it’s an unsettling time for those of us who enjoy reading up on the Royal family. My new year’s wish for all of us to all of us to appreciate that real people are involved in these lurid stories, and to understand that none of us really know the whole story behind the headlines. For me, I hope to extend that perspective to real people in my orbit, whose lives may be messy and complicated but who continue to try to do the best they can with the hands they’ve been dealt.

    1. Well said Zip, Judge not least you be Judged. Try walking in someone else's shoes ect. Especially at this time of year and war in Europe. S.😀

    2. Yes Zip, a very well stated comment. Continuing to do our best is all any of us can do, that and being kind!

  11. Lovely to see the Princess!! Thank you Charlotte for all the wonderful posts regarding our beloved Princess, with sprinkles of the rest of the family. Wishing you a peaceful and blessed Christmas to you and your family!

  12. hey everyone happy merry Christmas to all

  13. I LOVE this look, and the boots, wow! Kate looks fantastic and what a lovely way to honor the Queen and her 'green canopy' initiative. It is still a little surreal, Christmas without the Queen, and can only imagine how the family may still be reeling with everything that has taken place in the last three months. I am glad that King Charles is following through with so many of the traditions, like the luncheon and the get together at Sandringham. Looking forward to see if Louis does get to join in, we'll see! Sometimes I wonder what they tell him when they leave with George and Charlotte for events??? While so much is changing, the one constant is your wonderful coverage Charlotte, for which I am extremely thankful. Through all the highs and low's you are a very welcomed haven for all of us royal fans to enjoy. Thank you very much!

  14. The Princess of Wales is so genuine & humble; she shines a light on the charity, whilst maintaining her dignity and refinement.

  15. Thank you Charlotte for this blog -stellar work. My best wishes to you and your family for Christmas and the New Year.

  16. Thank you, Charlotte . May we all have peace , time to rest, and get to enjoy our holiday traditions in the next few weeks !

  17. Merry Christmas all Royal family

  18. Merry Christmas to all! Thank you Charlotte for another year of following Kate. Hugs to everyone.

  19. Merry Christmas, Charlotte! Thank you for a wonderful year of Royal Family posts. I wish you all the very best in the New Year.

  20. A lovely look, I love the black watch paid, I had a great wool long scarf in that plaid years ago and a fun pleated wool skirt. The wool sweater and skirt set is beautiful. Ali

  21. I'm glad we got photos of this event. I love the outfit and was glad to see a repeat. Her hair and make up were perfect.

  22. The Princess looks lovely. I like the coat, very good fit and cut. I'm looking forward to watching the carol service Christmas eve. It will be a different Christmas for the family this year. When someone so central to the family isn't there anymore it's a great comfort to have all the family together. I understand the Queen's children and grandchildren will be joining them this year. One of many changes. I'd like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and the best of luck for 2023. S.😀

  23. Merry Christmas Charlotte! Thank you for all your posts and here’s to 2023!

  24. Kate looks lovely. I love the coast and dress ensemble. Thank you Charlotte for your continued hard work on this blog. I wish you and all the readers here a very Happy Christmas, love, peace and good health in 2023. I also extend a special wish of comfort to those who lost someone and for who Christmas is not easy I very much know how you feel and send you strength.

  25. I love this coat. Really fits her perfectly! And can we talk about how gorgeous her hair is? Wow.
    Merry Christmas and happy 2023 to everyone!

  26. A good look for the occasion. I've always liked that tartan, while the sweater/skirt combination with boots is a classic I appreciate. The Princess wears those looks well, though I do often wish -- not in this case -- that she would switch things up a bit more. I know her tastes run to the traditional, and that's the basis on which she's developed her various necessary "uniforms," but I'd love to see her experiment a bit more in the new year and her new role.

    Best wishes to all for the holiday weekend.


  27. Very nice to see Kate, and her coat and boots are gorgeous.
    Lovely that all the Christmas traditions are back again after 3 long years.
    Happy Christmas!

  28. Charlotte, I have searched high & low on PBS (here in the USA/including my local listing) & I can't find the "Together at Christmas" Concert anywhere!? I see Mary Berry's programming, but nothing about the concert?

    Perhaps someone else, on this side of the pond has better intel. I am a donor & I have looked everywhere I can access..... ?

    1. Hi Becca. I found this article that says it will be available on Britbox. I’m hoping that actually works! I don’t remember being able to see last year’s that way, but it’s worth a try.


      Merry Christmas to everyone.

    2. Becca , it might air as surprise on PBS Christmas Eve like last year

    3. I watch PBS all the time, and I've never seen anything about the concert being broadcast on it. I actually wouldn't have expected it to be. We get some British television series broadcast on PBS but not remotely all of them, and despite the occasional royal funeral/wedding being presented, we don't get events like the monarch's annual Christmas speech.

      I meant to note: the choirboys in their cloaks are just charming. I wish I had a cloak like those!

    4. In New Zealand the concert is being broadcast on the evening of Christmas Day on our main TV channel. The King's Christmas address will be on that Christmas evening as well. Of course we are a day ahead of Britain so always have to take that into account. I do hope that things will now calm down and people who have got caught up in the drama will pull back. Everyone needs to play it cool if the situation is to improve. I am sorry you have been caught in the middle of this Charlotte as I know you have done your best to be fair to both sides. I wish you a quiet and peaceful time over the holiday break and hope very much that the New Year will bring more positive news.
      Annette NZ

  29. Just wanted to add -- I'm seeing the latest from Kate in which she is wearing a sparkly black sweater with gold trim. I really like it and it looks great on her. :)

    1. You mean, in a video released before the carol service? I think that's a Self-Portrait item. I've been eying it. Most Self-Portrait clothing looks too ingenue-ish for anyone over the age of 40, but that's a nice little festive cardigan. Too expensive for a cardigan, though! SP dresses don't cost much more!

    2. Vittoria, yes, that's the cardigan. I didn't check the price because I work at home and we have tons of dogs and cats, so I never wear anything really nice! But it just struck me as very pretty.


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