Friday 21 July 2023

Happy Tenth Birthday to Prince George!

Prince George celebrates his 10th birthday tomorrow. That's ten years since royal watchers all over the world held their breaths as we waited in anticipation to hear if a future king or queen had been born. There was something especially magical about royal watching in those days. That pocket of time from George's birth leading up to the then Cambridges' 2014 Australia/New Zealand tour is etched in my mind with memories of enormous excitement. Since the Wimbledon finals last week, the Wales family have been on summer break. I expect they are spending a good deal of time in Norfolk, with a holiday abroad and possibly a week in Cornwall sprinkled in. One imagines it will all be capped off with a few days in Balmoral before the children return to Lambrook. To mark the occasion, Kensington Palace released a lovely new photo taken by Millie Pilkington at Windsor earlier this month. 

People reports:

"He's a cracking lad," a close family friend tells PEOPLE exclusively of Prince George in this week's cover story.

Adds British children’s wear designer Amaia Arrieta, whose clothes the three children have worn for years: "I think George knows the drill by now. You can see he’s really grown into it and looks more relaxed than ever."

"It's a massive balancing act," one palace insider tells PEOPLE. "William and Kate are doing the right thing, protecting him so he can have as normal a childhood as possible, but he's also dipping into duties as a future monarch. He’s getting firsthand experience of what it’s like to be a royal and a monarch and firsthand experience of being a normal boy."

The past year has been a big one for George. In addition to a move to Windsor and starting anew at Lambrook (there's already an eye on the future with William and Kate recently taking their eldest to William and Harry's old stomping ground, Eton) the future king has been through the very public funeral of Her late Majesty and took a central role in the King's coronation.

To mark George's first birthday in 2014, photos of the Prince with his parents were taken at the Natural History Museum's 'Sensational Butterflies' exhibition. The photo of him staring intently when touching a butterfly on William's hand is one of my favourites.

To mark Prince George's second birthday, Kensington Palace released a new photo from Princess Charlotte's christening, taken earlier that month by Mario Testino. The Prince was captured in his father's arms, smiling and leaning towards the camera.

Several lovely photographs taken by Matt Porteous were released for George's third birthday. The show-stealing photo from the set for me was the image of George and Lupo sitting on a rug outside. It captured a darling moment, showing the Prince offering the family pet a taste of his ice-cream. 

For George's fourth birthday, William and Kate chose a photo taken by Chris Jackson at Kensington Palace.

For his fifth birthday, we saw a photo of the future king taken in the Clarence House garden by Matt Porteous after Louis' christening. The release followed the pattern of 2015 when Charlotte was christened at Sandringham in July and a photo taken with the official portraits was chosen to mark the Prince's birthday.

Photos including one from sun-soaked Mustique, depicting the Prince having a ball, marked his sixth birthday.

For his seventh birthday, we saw a very grown up Prince George captured by mum in Norfolk.

And in Norfolk again, photographed by mum for his eighth birthday.

For the ninth, it was a gorgeous summery beach shot taken by mum during a holiday in the UK.

Finally, a quick update on the latest posts on my other blog The Royal Digest. It's been incredibly interesting thus far to cover a wider variety of royals and current events. The Duchess of Edinburgh carried out two very varied engagements (click here), whilst the King and Queen led a stunning evening in Windsor with a host of stars to mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's First Folio (click here). I also spent time talking to Princess Anne's patronages and found an extremely committed woman whose lifetime of duty is paying dividends with causes she's support throughout her life (click here to read).

Over in Belgium, King Philippe and Queen Mathilde celebrated the Belgian National Day and a major milestone (click here), while Princess Charlene of Monaco debuted three very different evening looks this week (click here).


  1. This is a lovely photo. I have 3 kids, 2 boys and I remember so well that transition between 10 and 12. Lots of those transitions as they grow up. He had looked much more mature over the last year. All 3 kids seem a bit more settled, I wonder if the new school is just a better fit for the kids and their lifestyle, certainly not spending so much time in the car commuting is a big plus for everyone and friends at the school are most likely closer.

    1. I agree Anon 23:14. I think life in the country, especially at Windsor, really agrees with them! :)

  2. Great photo! He looks so darling. I love looking at the birthday photos throughout the years. Thanks Charlotte! Sue from IL

  3. Susan in Florida21 July 2023 at 23:33

    I see more of the Spencer side in him in this year.

    1. I've always thought he favored the Spencer side, but it is certainly coming more evident as he gets older. Very handsome lad.

  4. What a fabulous photo of Prince George. Happy Birthday!

    1. Agreed Tedi, fab photo of a happy, handsome young lad.

  5. He is a real sweetheart, a credit to his parents.

  6. I can't believe how quickly the last ten years have gone. The next ten years will go just as fast! This is a great photo and George seems like a lovely kid. It's the first time a direct heir has had a stable childhood in a loving family since QEII and I'm sure it will stand him in good stead in the future.

    1. I've been thinking the same thing, ABCD. I think Will & Kate's planning & execution of their family vision, will pay many fold in dividends, for their children's lives & their descendants. Heck, for The BRF & The Monarchy as a whole! :)

    2. Les prochains 10 ans seront études, camaraderie, détachement des siens et de trouver, qui sait, la future reine

  7. A gorgeous photo of a very handsome young man! 😊 It's been such a joy watching the first 10 years of the future king... Thank you so much, dear Charlotte, for all the sensitive, respectful and balanced posts about the Cambridges/Waleses' family and about their kids! Your coverage is highly appreciated in a world chasing sensation and gossip. Brava! Zora from Prague

    1. I agree whole heartedly Zora! Charlotte, I can't imagine not having had you & your amazing coverage over all these years!! :) xoxo

  8. Love seeing George look so grown up & relaxed. The intentional way he is being raised will be a solid foundation for him going forward in this ever changing world. Wishing him all the best!!

    1. I like your phrase the 'intentional way' he is being raised, so fitting!

  9. The photo of Prince George is lovely. He looks happy and confident. I think the monarchy is in safe hands.

    At the beginning of your post Charlotte you say that the family are on their summer break now the children have finished their terms at school. You wrote a post back in October 2022 under the 'Kate Loves' seties saying what next for W&K. I would say that about 95% of the people that commented all agreed that now they have become PPoW they no longer had the luxury of taking the entire school holidays off. I totally agree with this consensus. But so far this year they disappeared for the whole of the Easter holidays. You say they will be spending a great deal of time at Anmer Hall, maybe a holiday to Cornwall or even going abroad. But where are the engagements, the meetings and the greetings? They cannot take the entire school holidays off anymore. They have been elevated within the family and with that comes increased responsibility and visibility. Please don't shout and jump up and down at me. This is my personal opinion from a monarchy loving Brit.

    1. Susan in Florida22 July 2023 at 22:48

      I’d rather see them spending family time to produce healthy adults in the future, than shaking hands. They live a surreal life. It would be nice to see them spending time in Wales and Cornwall and popping out for a day or two for engagements there.

  10. I thought this was a fashion blog.That’s what I come here for.I’m also an American,with a great interest in British history,and the monarchy in particular.Perhaps I’m mistaken,didn’t the late Queen and her family spend August and September at Balmoral? I don’t understand the objection to the Prince and Princess of Wales spending school vacations with their children,still just 5 to 10 years of age.That seems to me to be crucial to the future of the monarchy.This is my personal opinion,as an admirer of the British monarchy.

    1. Joanne, I feel like all I can say is.... "Duh"!!! You're so right! The Queen did take a lengthy time (I don't know the dates) off each late summer - early fall, to be up in Scotland. Silly me! Though she did often have government officials up for business visits & was constantly kept abreast with the "Red Boxes"... it really is no different than what Will & Kate are currently doing. Point well made! :) (that sound is me eating my hat) lol !! :)

    2. I couldn't agree more. This is time as a Family that you never get back. Life long memories for all of them. It's about 8 weeks. I don't think what anyone says and I included the King in that says they will spend the summer with their young children. They have made it very clear that the children come first for now. I hope they have a fantastic summer. Hopefully they will get to Scotland and Cornwall again this year. I'm sure if something happened in the UK or for the King they would be back at work straight away. Having said that this is their first summer as The Prince and Princess of Wales so who knows. I would expect a lot more work goes on behind the scenes, William also runs a billion+ pound estate. S.🙂.

    3. Thank you, well said!

    4. I don’t think as this a pure fashion blog it’s also about her engagements , patronages and their family life.
      I appreciate the other members of the royal family retreat to Scotland for August and September but they undertake 100s more engagement than Kates 90 odd . They undertake engagements in the evenings too which W & K do rarely.
      I’m addition no one is saying for them to work 5 days a week which they don’t even do during term time .They could under a couple of engagements every couple of weeks during the summer holidays which last from early July to mid September. The other parent could look after the children or Kates parents .
      In addition the last few engagements made many would consider jolly social engagements- Wimbledon, Ascot and Polo. I just feel they should be up the number of their engagements and patronages all year

    5. This is what I was trying to explain! Apparently Lambrook School has 20 weeks of holidays. You cannot justify that amount of holiday when you are PPOW. They have a nanny and her parents close by so why can't they carry out a couple of engagements during the school holidays?

    6. This has been an ongoing discussion -- how much work W*K should do. On the one hand, many couples have an income that allows only one parent to work and the other to be a full-time mother. Kate's siblings have very fortunate situations. One could say that William (who realistically cannot refuse his destiny) is lucky to find someone willing to join him; why should Kate have to do any engagements at all? On the other hand, I read that they have 30 staff members. With all the assistant and benefits, why can't she do five engagements or more during the weekday? And take short vacations. Many engagements appear to be a lot of fun, so it's not hard work. And surely she should be working more because of her great privilege. People have opinions all along the spectrum; I guess it depends what you value in a future queen. I don't have a strong opinion being in the US.

    7. I want to clarify my above comment -- I meant five or more engagements during the weekdays, not during just one weekday! :)

    8. Indeed reading the most recent sovereign grant report advises they have 50 staff . That should allow them to undertake far more engagements.
      In addition many of Kates engagements seem to be very local and short in duration .
      The number of patronages is also woefully low.
      Kate would have been well aware of what was required of her when she married William.

    9. GT, it's a continuing argument. Remember how many women did not want to date Harry or William because they did not want the royal life? It's a life of great privilege but no freedom. Kate does a supremely perfect job as the queen in waiting. She and her family provide William with a family he has never had. I'm not his fan but he did not deserve his childhood. Each generation of kings/queens has made changes, of course, and I would not expect Kate to have the schedule of Queen Elizabeth that put children into nanny care. I agree that she could go to an engagement everyday during school hours, and I personally would like to see more engagements that are not entertainment events. But would it really make a difference? I really have no opinion; it's just a topic that has so many opinions.

    10. I would like to see more engagements so more charities and good causes get the support they desperately need . Their patronages are few and not very varied . As I have said before they don’t visit vast swathes of the uk . It would only be of benefit to the children to spend say a day a week of the school holidays with Kates parents or William could look after them when Kate does a day of engagements and vice versa. They could do this for 4 weeks of the summer school holidays . GT

    11. GT, you make an excellent point. I think a lot of visits to food banks and maybe more work with companies to avoid throwing out usable food would be very welcome now. Food prices are crazy in the US.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. He looks so much like William, with a touch of Earl Spencer thrown in. They've done such a great job of chronicling the years. They have captured him in all his phases, thus far, while also having his charming & happy personality show. :)

    Wishing Prince George a Wonderful 10th Birthday! :)

  13. George indeed looks very grown up and favors his father right now. I wish the children could have a truly normal life, albeit still extremely privileged so never actually "normal," because I don't believe in elevating children just because of their birth. However, Kate is very wise in sharing so many images to avoid the pursuit that W and H had to endure.

  14. Charlotte, lovely choice of some beautiful photos. He's growing into a very handsome young man. I would expect they had a family party for him today. The video of them greeting people at the tennis he really reminds me of his Father. He's very nervous and twisting his finger while holding back. Charlotte seems to be a lot more comfortable. It was nice to see because you can see his Mother slowly guide him and encouraging him. S.🙂.

  15. He's going to be quite handsome, I think. Tall and leggy like his parents. It's a joy to see the children growing up so lovely. They're such a good looking family.

  16. A gorgeous photo of a very handsome young man! 😊 It's been such a joy watching the first 10 years of the journey of young prince happy birthday

  17. happy bday to the cute little prince.


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