Thursday 11 January 2018

Duchess Kate Makes Surprise Appearance at Mental Health Conference

The Duchess of Cambridge carried out an unannounced engagement today; making a surprise visit to the Amnesty International UK office for a conference on young people's mental health. Kate's attendance was in support of patronage the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.

Kensington Palace said Kate's attendance reflected her "interest in early intervention in children's mental health to help young people get support at an early age to prevent problems later on." They added "During the conference HRH heard key note speakers from the field of resilience research and met with young people and staff leading the ground-breaking HeadStart programme which focuses on building mental health and resilience in children and young people across the country."

The Anna Freud Centre said they were "delighted" to welcome their Patron to the Conference. The organisation added "HRH is a committed champion of children's mental health and wellbeing and it is fantastic to have her here". The conference was co-hosted by the charity.

An overview before the conference got underway.

The Duchess met attendees.

More on the conference: Improving young people’s mental resilience and wellbeing: Learning from HeadStart:

'This conference is the first in a series of biennial events presented by the Big Lottery Fund in collaboration with the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families.
HeadStart is a five-year National Lottery funded programme set up by the Big Lottery Fund to give young people aged 10- to 16-years-old the tools they need to overcome life’s challenges and prevent serious mental-health issues from developing. Six local authority led HeadStart partnerships based in Blackpool, Cornwall, Hull, Kent, Newham and Wolverhampton are designing new approaches to providing support when and where it is needed, focusing on developing young people’s emotional resilience from an early age.
The Evidence Based Practice Unit (Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families and UCL) is working with Big Lottery Fund and the HeadStart partnerships to collect and evaluate evidence about what does and doesn’t work locally to benefit young people now and in the future.
The conference warmly invites professionals from research and delivery/commissioning backgrounds to come together at a crucial time in children’s mental health support and research to collaborate. It is an opportunity to hear emerging learning from the six HeadStart partnerships based around England alongside international learning from pre-eminent key note speakers from the field of resilience research; Professor Ann Masten, Professor Michael Ungar and Professor Sir Michael Rutter.'

Young people from all over the country were invited to join a panel discussion.

An attendee @magsnoodle said she was "very impressed that she stayed for most of the day; not just a fleeting visit."

The Duchess wore her Tory Burch Bettina Coat which she debuted in New York in 2014.

The metallic tweed garment offers a tailored fit and long sleeves. It originally retailed for £515.

Tory Burch

More from the product description:

'Our Bettina Coat is a textured take on a tailored outerwear style. The material — a cotton blend, woven with bouclé, slubbed and metallic yarns — updates the look of classic tweed with a horizontal-stripe effect and a hint of shine. It has an easy, streamlined cut that is universally flattering and features slit pockets and a row of hidden snaps for a clean finish.'

In 2014, the Duchess styled the coat with black jeans and a black turtleneck once again. She chose the same pieces again today.

In this photo, we can see Kate's black boots. Middleton Maven and several of you pointed out they appeared to by Aquatalia.

Kate accessorised with her Mappin & Webb Empress earrings.

Mappin & Webb

It was great to see Kate attending the conference today. It enabled her to expand her knowledge on mental health; hearing from experts, those working in organisations in the field and young people sharing their stories. William, Kate and Harry hope to grow and expand their campaign, Heads Together, over the next several years. It's important to be as informed as possible in order to do so effectively. She was also supporting her patronage the Anna Freud Centre and her presence meant the conference received widespread coverage.

Speaking of Kate's patronages, it was announced today two of her charities plan to merge.

'The Art Room has merged with Place2Be to extend and diversify the type of support offered in schools to improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, families, teachers and school staff. The Art Room provides a group work intervention in schools using creativity and art to improve the wellbeing of pupils experiencing emotional or behavioural difficulties.
Under the merger The Art Room will continue to run its provision from eight sites in Oxfordshire, London and Edinburgh. In the coming months, the two organisations plan to pilot ways of integrating The Art Room provision with Place2Be provision, evaluating the impact to inform future developments.
Catherine Roche, Chief Executive of Place2Be said: “At a time when the profile of school-based mental health support has never been greater, we are pleased to be able to extend our offering for schools as part of a whole school approach to mental health. There is an obvious and natural link between the work of our two organisations, and we are looking forward to exploring opportunities to integrate more closely in order to support more children and young people.” 
 Lisa Harker, Chief Executive of The Art Room added: “We are very excited by the potential for our two organisations to work effectively together, harnessing the strengths and potential of both organisations to support more children, schools and families in more effective ways.”

An added benefit of a royal patron is working with other organisations under the same umbrella. William, Kate and Harry's Charities Forum aims to bring together their charities offering them the platform to update and collaborate. I expect Place2Be and The Art Room discussed and explored the opportunity to work together, though the Forum initiated the bilateral partnership. You can read the full press release here.


  1. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2018 at 14:35

    Wonderful! Wonderful! Great to see her taking such an interest in this topic and takeing a page out of the continental royals with attending symposiums and such! Hope she and the others listening got alot of new thoughts to ponder and dwell on! Amazing cause all around that hits very closely to myself but also touches all of us in one way or another!

    Nice to see this jacket again! Very pretty and professional!

    Looking forward to the next time we see her (announced or unannounced!)

    1. I agree entirely with Rebecca's comment - I've been hoping that more conferences would be attended - and this gives Kate a chance to really learn about the subject other than just reading or being briefed on it. If it was a surprise to attendees that was good, so remarks weren't modified and behaviour not adjusted for a royal.

      Very nice to see her there, and she was dressed very appropriately for the occasion - although I prefer trousers to jeans.

  2. So glad to see Kate out again this week :)

  3. Bravo Kate!! First for a surprise visit and two for recycling a maternity look!! Great way to support your patronages....and looking good while doing it!! 2018 may prove to be a very busy year for Kate! cc

    1. Busy taking care of a newborn and two other kids I guess.

  4. Oh what a pleasant surprise! It's good to see Kate just going on with work under the radar. So far I have seen one more photo tweeted by Anna Freud with her in a table during a discussion that you may want to add later. Maybe there's more. She looks wonderful. I have always loved that coat.

  5. Surprise post :)

    The coat is really nice with the metallic yarn that sparkles. Like especially her boots as they are different than the classic shoes she usually wears ok her engagements. Her hair seems to be styled differently, no waves? Hope too that there will be more fotos to see better.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2018 at 18:56

      This look seems to be somewhere nearer her "off duty" looks while still being within her "on duty" style. Makes sense!

  6. A surprise appearance! I always enjoy when this happens. The Centre must feel so special that Kate chose to show up. Can't wait to see more photos of her outfit.

  7. What a fun, unexpected appearance! While scheduled appearances make for fantastic photos, I also love the idea of engagements under the radar. To me, it shows her commitment to understand mental health issues from a variety of vantage points. A conference allows for multiple research items and developments in the field to be presented. Way to go Kate!

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2018 at 18:57

      Same! I think it was probably better both for Kate and the conference not to draw too much press and public. It's not the occasion for shining a light to hard, but rather an intellectual occasion that could be disturbed with too big of a commotion.

    2. That's a great point, Rebecca. I wondered as I read the updated post if a smaller conference like this could be another place where Kate would want to deliver an address in the future.

    3. I agree that this is an excellent balance - once it is announced that a royal will attend an event, it changes the focus from how people dress to what they say to the attention they pay - so the surprise is good - and yet there were photos of her attending which brings attention to the conference as well as showing royal interest.

    4. Rebecca - Sweden12 January 2018 at 17:09

      Exactly Julia. She was there to listen and learn and not to be the focus. Ofc she will always be a focus and she is still a royal in her interactions, but she's not a "main attraction":

  8. American Army Wife11 January 2018 at 16:45

    What a great surprise for those like-minded people! I like the coat, which from the product description is styled to be worn indoors. ;) The jeans are simply not going to go away during the pregnancy unless it is for something out of the ordinary, maybe the tour, but I would be surprised. I am glad she is feeling well. She seemed well received and involved. Also, noting the 2014 pic. Her hair is parted in the same place it was yesterday, aligning with her right eye, not the center of her face. She IS aging surfer girl, her face is fuller than during other pregnancies and she looks older because she is older. She of course is still a beautiful woman in her prime and younger than her future sister in law.;)

    1. 5 month younger than Meghan - what a big age gap. ;-)

    2. American Army Wife11 January 2018 at 21:57

      I know, but in families, it is always a joke in play! My daughter and her husband, my brother and his wife, the joke never gets old to the younger one! :-)

    3. She is older. But a center part, on her, just adds to it. :)

  9. SierrafromMontana11 January 2018 at 17:52

    Yes booties!!!!! Finally. I enjoyed this coat on it's first outing and still feel the same.

  10. Good to see Kate out and about visiting a patronage dressed casually but smart. Nice support for Meghan who unfortunately did receive some unfavorable comments concerning her appearance. Both ladies are perfection!

  11. I am pretty sure these are the marvin K ankle boots!

  12. Love this surprise visit. That's a great outfit. Looking forward to seeing more photos.

  13. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2018 at 19:02

    I like that we can see Kate carrying a bag with a handle in the picture of her standing up! Reminds me of that time it was reported that she told Rebecca to take notes during a roundtable! I hope Kate and all involved have alot of ideas and thoughts going around their mind (after it slows down after the probable headache that comes with these places filled with people, talk and ideas!) that lands in some good projects and such in the future! There is always so much to be learned when you collect people that are interested/knowledgeable in an area but might look at it from different angles. People that work with it everyday and it becomes "white noise" often get a fresh view when talking to someone outside of an issue or a beginner or someone working with the issue from a totally different angle so I hope and expect that many thoughts and ideas have taken root after an event like today!

  14. It is perfect beginning of year.I appreciate that Duchess focuses on mental health and her patronage.This event made me a big surprise.I love her engagement.

  15. Looks like she’s wearing her Mappin and Webb earrings and carrying a gray tote bag!

  16. Interesting to see protection officer Emma Probart in the background. Is Catherine Quinn still with Kate? Maybe she is on a winter vacation? Kate appears to carry a bag rather than a clutch, so maybe she has no aide other than Emma. Excellent that she stayed most of the day; with both children in school, she has time to spend.

  17. She carries a bag (no clutch) in one picture. I would so much love to know which one.

  18. So glad to see the Duchess of Cambridge busy supporting her charities. She went to a seminar because she was interested not to get her picture in the paper, YES!! It was also good to see her dressed “professionally casual” with pants and boots; a similar attire worn by Ms Markle this week. The ‘young Royals’ appear to be genuine in their efforts to help others, especially in the mental health area. I hope they can continue to work as a TEAM to accomplish their goals. Thanks, Charlotte.

  19. Agree with all of you ladies, this is a perfect ensemble for Kate and this visit. I was looking forward to seeing this Tory Burch piece again. And thanks 'someone' for adding the note about the ankle boots (was wondering).

    A surprise visit is always a good thing - glad she was immersed in the visit.

    Also, really like the Hobbs coat from yesterday. I know - how many blue coats does she need? - but for some reason I like this one the most. I was shopping for a coat on NordstromRack a few weeks ago - didn't see this one but it's one I would have bought. Love the pleat in the back and the tailored look.

  20. What a fantastic thing for her to do! I prefer the surprise visits even though I'd guess they'd be a nightmare for security.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden11 January 2018 at 20:46

      Oh, I doubt it was a surprise to security, planners, staff etc. Just to the general public, media and such. It's not like Kate woke up in the morning and decided to go :P

    2. Like Rebecca said, i'm sure the charity knew she was coming. But that it was wasn't announced prior to the media will probably mean less of a security risk! And definitely also less fuss for the organisers.

  21. Pwincess Bwuttercup11 January 2018 at 20:15

    She also looks to be carrying a double handled handbag (yay, no clutch) in the 4th photo...Maybe her gray Tod's D bag?

  22. How nice! Royal Central says that Kate arrived 10.30 in the morning and stayed well into the afternoon. It's a wonderful tribute to the charity workers who organised the event and do the research. Well done, Kate, for the quiet support.

  23. The Art Room and Place2Be merger is very very interesting to me. It means the Royal Foundation is highly influential in connecting charities. What a wonderful thing!

    1. Sometimes when you see mergers like this - you wonder about finances and organizational structure. Will there be layoffs at the administrative level as one absorbs the other. There might be redundancies. In the long run, it might mean less administration and more "boots on the ground" in the form of actual therapists and practitioners.

  24. I work for a charitable organization and I have to go to conferences like these all the time - I would die if royalty showed up. That must have been fun for the attendees.

  25. I think we'll see a flurry of engagements before she leaves on maternity for the spring and summer. Won't see much of her after March except at family events until the Fall. It makes sense that this engagement wasn't announced - from both a security standpoint - and an attendance stand point. She didn't give a welcome speech or anything like that which is what you might expect someone to do at a conference they are attending - of which they are patron. She wasn't there in a leadership capacity. This wasn't done under the radar either. It was intended for her to be a part of the conference/organization, without actually having to contribute. She also has a personal interest in the topic in that her children will need emotional resilience as public figures. She can check Anna Freud off the list for 2018.

    1. Wow, what a way to place a negative spin on it. I'd rather Kate do a low key visit, rather than make a speech and leave in an hour as royals usually do!

    2. Florida moxie.😊 So "without having to contribute" and being able to "check Anna Freud off the list for 2018" makes it sound like she tried to just slide by on that one. Just perfunctorily and nothing else. Is that what you meant? And you don't think that that charity will be on her list again for a whole year?

    3. Yes, surfer girl, that is correct.
      Kate does something public once a year with each charity that she is patron. She doesn't get to them all every year. There is an index of this on a blog called KateMiddletonReview by charity if you ever want to know her public support of a charity. You can find her visits by year on DuchessKateTracker. Sometimes Charlotte covers the history of Kate's support of an organization too when she has enough notice to pull an essay together. Time will tell if we'll see Kate's name with this charity again in 2018.

      Whether you see something as positive or negative is in the eye of the beholder, Sandy. The statement is true.

    4. Amen, Sandy. You echo my thoughts exactly.

  26. Glad Kate made a surprise visit. However, she was there for most of the day, and in every picture she seemed to leave on her coat? I don’t understand this. Is there an actual reason as to why she always wears her coat on engagements/meetings?

    1. I think at this point it's a weird personal idiosyncrasy that might be based on several things:

      1) Kate really favors the silhouette of a longish coat. Thus her endless array of coat-dresses.
      2) Kate for whatever reason is very reluctant to be seen too often in a top and pants. I suspect it has to do with proportions in which she gets most of her height from a rather long torso and long thighs and she also has largish feet.
      3) I think she might be in that awkward phase of pregnancy where her baby bump sort of droops in tight pants and a turtleneck.

      So in other words I think Kate is like a lot of women with bodies that most women would kill for in that she's insecure about slight imperfections. I've noticed that some of her official portraits (like the Christmas card the Cambridges sent out) seem altered in that her legs seem elongated. It's sort of a shame because a lot of her fashion choices can seem staid and predictable because she's only comfortable with a few silhouettes.

      But: no fall today, and you can see the difference.

    2. This was a long jacket, intended to be worn indoors. She wore it to a basketball game in New York. It's a very nice dressy casual look.

    3. Maybe she was cold

    4. Maybe she was cold? Many people keep their coat on. In fact I've never seen the Queen or Camilla take off a coat to reveal something underneath.

    5. I read somewhere (maybe on this blog or maybe on another), that this particular "coat" is really more blazer weight just styled longer. So it makes since that she kept it on. No idea if it is true . . . .

      Hope USA

    6. I don’t think she tends to view a dress coat as a coat—she plans it as her outfit. On days she wears a true over coat like the navy one this week or the checked one at the Sesame Street workshop, she does take it off, but it seems to me that most of the time, the coat is her plan for her look that day. I have coats I deal with the same way, and taking the coat off makes the outfit feel unfinished. Maybe it seems too casual/unprofessional to her. She is defintiely comfortable and engaged both today and at all of her engagements, and that is what matters since that is what puts people around her at ease. Her style is hers, and she seems to really view a coat as an integral part of her ensemble 😊

      So nice to see her engaged in learning more about a challenging subject such as mental health in schools. A day like today shows that she does have a desire to be more than a face that draws attention to a subject, but she truly wants to become knowledgeable about the causes she works with. Good for her! I hope it was an educational day.

    7. I don't think she is self conscious about her figure. I just don't think she is a fan of pants for whatever reason. She has perfect legs so she looks wonderful in dresses.

    8. 20:24, I agree. I don't think she is reluctant to wear pants nor do I think it's a question of hiding her figure. Goodness knows that her skinny jeans and tops reveal her figure quite well. I do think it's a matter of personal choice. Not Everyone likes to wear pants.

    9. I have always assumed that she has decided that for most of her work functions her clothing of choice is dresses not pants. She either just prefers dresses or that is how she likes to present herself in most of her work engagements. She also uses jackets/coat dresses as part of her outfit and often leaves them on. She may like the look she may like having an extra layer so she is not dealing with a heavier coat, I tend to view her "coats" more like part of a suit.

    10. Rebecca - Sweden13 January 2018 at 19:32

      Exactly royalfan. I wonder what people might speculate over my look because I don't wear pants. Not because I don't look good in them (I do!), nor any religious or modesty reasons or anything of the sort. I just genuinely feel skirts and dresses are more comfortable and feel more "Me" and I like them more. Sometimes things are not as big or as deep as we on the internet interpret it to be :P

    11. I agree with what was said above, Kate just really likes dresses. I cannot relate because they look terrible on me and I hate them. I do think it's odd, generally, how she leaves coats on, but more and more, I think she just makes the coats her outfit. This particular coat does not apply since it's designed to be appropriate for indoor wear.

      I do think Sandy has a point. The Queen rarely(ever?) takes off her coat at engagements and no one thinks that is weird. But Kate models herself after the Queen( I assume) and does the same thing and when Kate does it, it's super weird. Is it a generational thing? Why, as a 37 year old, do I think it's normal for the Queen to always wear her coat at an engagement, but not Kate?

  27. In addition to being a supportive patron/attendee at the conference, I suspect that it was also a wonderful opportunity to receive up-to-the minute overviews of the latest research and development in the mental health field. It's a fast track to continously educating herself in an arena that she (along with William and Harry) has initiated and championed by creating the Heads Together campaign.

    And yes, as Florida Moxie points out, she certainly does have a vested interest in the subject. Like any family, the Royal Family has a history of mental health challenges. Of course Catherine will want to protect and nurture her children in order that they may lead healthy and fulfilled lives.


  28. We all have a personal interest in children's emotional health. As I mentioned yesterday, a 14 yo boy suicided in the restroom of one of our schools today. He shot himself. It is a K-8 school so there were children aged 5 to 14 in that school. I ache for that boy but as a teacher, I also wondered what would have happened if he had decided to pull the gun out in a classroom. I wish we had more training and discussions in our school district on suicide prevention. The district patted itself on the back on how quickly law enforcement arrived and how quickly the school locked down. We have all had training about what to do in the event of violence. The assumption has always been that the attack would come from "outside." But if that young man had already been in a classroom, no lock down, no law enforcement, however quick, would have prevented a far greater tragedy. The key would be to get to troubled children before they decide to do harm to themselves or others. Kudos to the United Kingdom which is addressing this huge issue head on. And kudos to the young Royals for being involved in the conversation.

    1. I heard about that suicide on the radio. Very sad for everyone involved and even worse that kids that age think there is nothing to live for or that it won't get better.

    2. Oh, Jo, I'm sending you a hug. I cannot even begin to imagine... My thoughts and prayers go out to the boy's family.

    3. It must be so frustrating and scary. As you say, so many things could have happened, and you wish there had been some way to have prevented the suicide. I wonder how much negative social media plays a role in damaging young people. I agree that it is wonderful that the young Royals are addressing such issues---to save even one person would be worth it, but I imagine they will save many more.

    4. Oh my goodness Jo, that a horrifying and mind wrenching moment for you. How kids can do these things at such a young age just shakes the parent in me. Hope you and the other kids and families all together find peace and closure.

    5. Zora from Prague13 January 2018 at 09:43

      Dear Jo, I wish you strength and peace of mind. Such a tragedy.

    6. Julia from Leominster13 January 2018 at 15:53

      My thoughts to all especially the family of the boy and all families who are faced with a suicide.

      Suicide is exceptionally hard on those left behind, and particularly when it's a young person. The pressures of social media and the amount of news/information we all are bombarded with now has made everything so much more difficult.

  29. Ita lovely too see the duchess doing a surpise visit its. Nice too see her recycling previous outdit in teo conscetive days i love seeing those things a surpise its better be unplanned

  30. I know it is being referred to as a coat, but in NY we would call it a blazer or jacket because it is lightweight like a suit jacket. It is designed to wear indoors. Anyway, I love this outfit.

    1. Rebecca - Sweden12 January 2018 at 17:12

      I agree that it's more of a blazer/jacket. A lighter piece for indoors or outdoors use depending on weather!

    2. In Britain, many of us use the word 'coat' when others would say 'jacket'. It is a slightly old fashioned Jermyn Street and gentry usage.

    3. The description says the fabric is a cotton blend, which is never warm. Kate needed the turtleneck.

  31. Rebecca, as always, thank you! I love and appreciate your blog. Patricia, Minneapolis, MN USA

  32. Zora from Prague12 January 2018 at 08:26

    It's so good that Kate attended the conference. It shows her interest and support. I love the fact that both professionals and young people were participating. Thank you for all the information, Charlotte!

  33. One word: Fantastic!
    Royal Watcher

  34. Thank you Charlotte for an interesting post. Glad the Kate had the opportunity to attend the conference. One can learn so much from the speakers and round table interactions. There is so much tragedy and saddness in this area. And so much that could be done to help. Every generation has issues that define the generation and I think mental health will be a defining issue for this generation. Very good that the young Royals have chosen to highlight this.
    On fashion and the big coat debate. It is only since the advent of Meghan in Britain that I have come to realise how much our views and comments are coloured by our own position in time and space. Across the Atlantic severe winters dictate the bundled up look and reasonably reliable heating the removal of outdoor garments inside. Two very separate looks. Not quite the same in Britain, less severe winters and unpredictable heating give rise to a far more blended look between the outside and inside. Hence coat look can be intended to be worn inside too.
    The second issue for coats off is from a security point of view what does one do with the coat. Need to have somone to carry the coat because it cannot be left where there is a possibility of tampering. I imagine the protection officers are in the coats on camp. I like the bags rather than clutches but can see that what to do with the bag presents problems, which is probably the genesis of the Queen's signature look.
    A good day for Kate. She was very appropriately dressed as a conference attendee.

    1. To follow the reasoning that coats can be left on in England due to milder winters and poor heating, then why don’t we see all the other people with their coats on indoors also? The answer to that problem is “wear warmer clothes under your coat so you don’t freeze when you take it off”.
      And are all the other people worried about getting their coats stolen too? If so, don’t they have a secure cloakroom to hang their coats? Or lock Kate’s coat in somebody’s office, or put it somewhere in plain sight of the bodyguard

    2. An interesting perspective! However the US is a big place so surely there are many places where your theory would not apply? There is a huge variety of winter weather on this side of the Atlantic also. A dictator of how heated interiors are would be the fact that oil based fuel is about twice as expensive here as in the US. Most of the buildings expecting a royal visit would be well heated these days.

    3. Julia from Leominster13 January 2018 at 15:56

      There is a difference between a light coat that is meant to be worn inside such as Kate is wearing here and a heavy coat that makes it look as if you are to rush off quickly if you don't remove it.

      I believe Kate often wears light clothes under her coats to make the line better - bulky things underneath can make a coat fit less smoothly.

    4. Tara, Ha you are right about different winter climates in the U.S. unfortunately I’m at the bad end of the spectrum, currently 7 degrees Fahrenheit,

    5. So am I, Barbara. It's 4 degrees F. here tonight, with snow expected after the weekend. Brrrr. . .

  35. How good to see Kate attending a major conference to quite evidently learn more about mental health. It is evident that W, K& H want to highlight as many aspects of the problems involved with mental health and the drastic effect it can have on peoples lives. Living in today's world there are so many pressures on people of all ages and especially children. The Place2be conferences as Patron she has made the opening speech and then stayed on for the conference are organised by Place2be for the schools they provide help although the Anna Freud centre hosted it there appeared to be other organisations involved on a much wider area so I would not have expected her to make a speech however her presence has certainly helped to highlight another area of research.
    I think W & K have ensured there has been one of them around for both G & C this week with George returning to school after Christmas and Charlotte starting nursery as I noticed no engagements Monday or Tuesday Wed. Kate a morning one W an afternoon and early evening one and yesterday Kate a morning and part afternoon one W no engagements.
    I thought Kate was very appropriately dressed for the event.
    I look forward to their joint engagement in Coventry on Tuesday although the events are not very interesting.
    Hopefully we will have news of the itinery for Sweden and Norway soon.

    1. I think William and Kate are very present in their children's lives. They certainly are very lucky kids with a loving family and a very close knit extended family.

      I too am looking forward to Tuesday's engagements. I think they are interesting actually. More and more we will see William and Kate have formal visits like these - they come standard with all royals and are the backbone of royal work.

  36. There are continuing comments about Kate wearing a coat indoors. The day before this engagement, she did remove a wool coat that was a warm outdoor garment. She kept a lighter tunic on for this visit, and it appeared quite appropriate. She also appeared to carry a bag. This all reminded me that there was a picture of Catherine Quinn at one of her early engagements with Kate. She was carrying a heavy bag that appeared packed with papers with one hand, and had Kate's heavy coat over her other arm. It is certainly easier for her aides if Kate wears something that can be kept on indoors, and in this case she also carried her own bag. There are practicalities to consider, and as pointed out, the frequent similarity between indoor and outdoor temperatures in Britain. As I did in New York, I especially like the outfit for this engagement; it is very sleek and attractive.

    1. I adore this outfit too. It's low key but also has a unique glow. I personally am not at all bothered with whether or not Kate takes off her coat. Most royals keep their coat on. I think some fans just want to see more of the wardrobe do there's more to replicate.


  37. Commenting on the merger of two charities that Kate is patron of the Place2be website has considerable detail on the merger and specifically says that all staff will retain their jobs including both the CEO of Place2be and the Art Room. The Art Room are hoping to expand their role by the merger.

    Regrettably I notice that the last visit Kate made to the Art Room was in Feb. 2016 when she visited the new Edinburgh one clearly another of her charities which she ignored during 2017 maybe now they have merged with Place2be they will see something of their far from supportive Royal Patron. I also notice that since she took on patronage of Action for Children she has only made one visit in early 2017 this is a large charity with many outlets she should be visiting them more as she should be visiting the grass roots organisations for Action on Addiction as she did when she first took on the charity in 2012.
    It is good to see Emma Probert back she and Kate have a good report I believe she was the protection officer with Kate when she became engaged travelling in the car that Kate was driving on the way to her parents for Xmas a good choice it has been reported that they are looking for another female officer to support Meghan.

    1. She may not visit them regularly as is the case with most Royals. But she often brings them together as for instance at their Charity Forums where a host of their charities are invited to one event. This has happened a number of times.

    2. I think it can be helpful to point out that Kate is not the CEO of these charitable organizations and responsible for their success. She has no qualifications for that. Nor is she on any of the boards. As a wife to a prince, she's expected to attend to other areas of UK life (and she usually does it with William) - including for profit businesses in the UK, military events, cultural arts/sporting organizations, other charities and traveling overseas for the Foreign Office.

      In so far as Kate doesn't bring expertise to these enterprises, what she offers is CELEBRITY, that is, she is a publicly known figure who the press follow around. The UK has many of them that can be used in the same way. Kate attending this conference is equivalent to Carrie Mulligan attending this conference. Or Carrie Mulligan being listed as a Patron. The only difference is Carrie Mulligan is known from her acting profession. Kate is known for her marrying William.

      So I disagree that Kate has much else to offer these patronages with MORE of the same. These patronages need differing patrons to diversify their public interest in them. A good example of this is EACH's work with Ed Sheeran.

      You might be able to make a better argument about her charity support that she should maybe have more then 15 patronages - which is a little over two weeks worth of visits - IF she gets to them all. And these are usually for only an hour or so. So about three - 8 hour days worth of work? Except for those that are sporting events. She'll get credit for working during maternity when she goes to the Wimbledon matches.

    3. Louise, London, UK14 January 2018 at 10:55

      I think the expectation of royal patronage is demonstrated by the queen's many, many patronages, most of which haven't been visited for years. For most organisations having a royal patron on the letterhead is the most important factor. The idea that Kate should visit each patronage every year or more frequently is a strange one. She may be supported via the public purse but she is not an employee with performance targets.

    4. Well, going to Wimbledon matches is work for her, so it is natural she gets credit for working during maternity. Work she enjoys, or appears to enjoy,and great for Wimbledon she gives the impression of enjoying it, work nevertheless.

    5. Julia from Leominster14 January 2018 at 16:16

      I respectfully disagree that Kate is a celebrity although I will agree that the line between royal and celebrity is becoming blurred in an alarming way. Once that line is forever breached, there is no point in having a royal family and they will become and easy target for the growing republican movement. There must be an enormous difference between royal and red carpet.

      Royals are not meant to be celebrities, they are there to represent the best of the nation, honour those who work for the nation and others, serve a diplomatic purpose and bring attention to important and worthy causes. As celebrities have become more and more involved in politics (something royals must stay far away from) and have taken on charitable roles once left to local dignitaries, it has become harder to make the distinction but because the royal family is supported by the state and represents the state - their dress, conduct and lifestyle should at all times be distinct from celebrities who are ephemeral - in and out of relationships and public favour and glorying in lifestyles that are fun to read about but not respected. The royal family by definition requires deference.

      As the young royals have taken on much less work, and as more charities do take on celebrity patrons for that reason, the 'need' and 'purpose' of a royal family is becoming diluted. It is something that concerns me greatly and something both in their lack of action and their actions, I've felt William and Harry aren't attuned to, judging from what they've said in interviews and from some of their conduct.

      As for Kate, it's lovely she's patron of Wimbledon but no, I don't see that as work for her. She does need to step up on patronages and work because yes, she is known for marrying William, but marrying William meant marrying a job, not just being a wife and mum. I'm hoping this current uptick of engagements continues. Obviously, there will be a maternity break but I'm hoping she will appear for the traditional engagements in June and be back in the autumn.

    6. "Work" isn't drudgery for all of us. I used to manage a college bookstore. LOVED that job! Going to work every day was such a treat--although as a bibliophile, it was akin to an alcoholic working in a liquor store. I spent SO much money on books, sweatshirts..... And, yeah, there were some of the staff who thought that managers never "worked": "You're always at meetings," "Of course YOU don't have to juggle a job and a family [actually, yes I did, I was a single parent]" "Nice for some, you get to travel...." And so it went. So I tend to take comments about people not working with a grain of salt. And what on earth is wrong with becoming famous by marrying someone--unless you then a few years (sometimes less) divorce them and go on the talk show circuit. Can't we nonentities love someone who also happens to be famous?

    7. Good points, Louise.😊 The Queen has been doing something right all these years. So is Kate, in my opinion. Just a few tweaks on the wardrobe (i.e., a new stylist), no center part, and taking her coat off during visits and voila', perfection. :)
      Her speech giving will get more natural I think as time goes by. It has been improving nicely.
      Kate is one in a million in my opinion and was born to be where she is now.

    8. Moxie.😊 I disagree in that I think that Kate certainly does contribute to the various patronages with more than just her appearance and endorsement. I truly believe that she is an intelligent, thinking, creative, caring person and as more of an outsider has unique perspectives on ways to iniate change within the patronages.
      And, I think she does that and will more so in the future. And she is a lot more than just William's "wife". She is a functioning Senior Royal. She will be Princess of Wales and Queen Consort and will also function fully in those capacities. Just like Prince Phillip is a lot more than just Queen Elizabeth's husband.

    9. "Kate is one in a million in my opinion and was born to be where she is now."

      SG, I honestly believe she is...and was. :-)

  38. This was my favorite maternity outfit from previous pregnancies! So nice to see it again. It's a style I like to wear- not pregnant😉

  39. It's always an interesting dilemma with Kate. Anonymous is right, many organizations do not get annual visits from their patrons. when Kate took over Wimbledon, Charlotte noted that the Queen had only visited as patron a handful of times, despite being patron for something like 40+ years. So no, logically, not all of Kate's patronages will get a visit each year.

    HOWEVER, Kate only has 12-15 patronages so she very easily could visit each one annually. But, one could argue that in the long run that sets up some bad expectations. Theoretically, in the future, when Kate does have hundreds of patronages, each one will expect an annual visit and practically that can't happen. I can get behind that to a certain extent, though not all patronages will expect, need, or want an annual visit.

    (Preface, my timing of 'year' might be more like 18 months) I don't pay super close attention, but I do think Kate 'rotates' her focus. I remember several years ago when people complained Kate was ignoring EACH. Then, this year, she's 'done' several events(letters of support, visits). There's a fine balance between being a supportive patron/having that 'celebrity/royal draw' and becoming so supportive you become commonplace and lose the special appeal. I think the balance will be easier once she has more patronages.

    All that to say, Kate's focus will shift back to the Art Room at some point, especially as its goal lines up more and more with the mental health agenda.

  40. For anyone interested, Masterpiece Theatre's 2nd. season presentation of "Victoria" starts this evening on PBS.


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